Infestation (2005)

Attention all personnel.
Air processing plant online
in ten seconds.
One at a time, one at a time,
yes, yes, you!
Commander Freeman,
isn't it true that the fight against
terrorism is being lost?
That is an untrue statement, Colin -
'Bomb blast kills 30',
The Mayors wife hurt in the blast,
these statistics are not false.
Now you're just scare mongering
and if I may interject:
Yes, Subtropolis is in a small state
of emergency
and I must stress that Colin:
A small state of emergency.
There is no way this minority group who
are seeking their own ends are going
to be allowed to win.
They cannot not win, they must not win.
Commander Freeman.
What about demands, what do they want?
Chaos and Anarchy.
It's that simple?
It's that simple!
Let me tell you something about
the mentality of these kind of people,
they're rats.
And we know how to deal with rats.
What about the security forces?
Some people feel they're
not doing enough...
Let me tell you this.
The security forces of Subtropolis are
the best defence we have.
I'm sure you'll find that
they will make this situation something
of a picnic -
You're probably getting this
in the morning, which means that
right now you look and feel like shit
having partied hard without me.
But you probably didn't even notice
I was missing.
Anyway you've got the ladies
to yourself for now mate
'cos FREEMAN's sending me on a mission.
He hasn't given me much details
so it means its pretty big.
So take care of yourself.
See you later mate.
Incoming call.
Good party last night, LOKI?
Oh yeah, but not nearly long enough.
And what was her name?
Meet me on deck.
We should have been at the
air processing plant ten minutes ago.
You should've been there SASH.
You missed a good one.
And feel like you look, no thanks.
I've better things to do with my nights
You still not sleeping?
That's why you should've come! -
Plus there were loads of single guys.
It was a party in the mechanics sector!
What's wrong with mechanics?
Come on!
You've got five minutes
to plant the explosives.
Well go on!
You can't remember this girl at all?
Oh I remember her fine,
she had the best legs I've ever seen
in the mechanics sector.
It's just her name escapes me,
her name...
So its love then?
Maybe, Sash maybe.
Drink your coffee
It's still hot.
Are we really going to go through
with this?
We just want FREEMAN to come clean.
Susie, Janie, Jenny, Penny,
Terri, Kelly.
SASH 342, LOKI 3116.
Yes that's her.
Commander FREEMAN's daughter?
Access approve
Lex. I've got trouble here.
What is it Carter?
I've got two Security snooping around.
Where is everybody?
What should I do?
What should I do Lex?
Can you get a clear shot?
Clear as a baby's conscience.
Take them out!
Son of a bitch.
Sash, look out.
Cover me!
Go Go GO!
Check the service section. Watch out!
Get him!
SASH where are you?
Halt! Stay where you are!
Freeze bitch!
Stay down dickhead
Dark tunnel,
yeah she'd go into a dark tunnel.
We have a pursuit in progress sir.
Sector fourteen.
On screen.
Go to Red Alert
Who have we got up there?
Runner 21... Sir, it's LOKI.
Get him on the radio now.
Yes sir.
Runner 21 respond.
Move it!
LOKI are you there?
You're losing the suspect LOKI
Yeah thanks for the update!
The suspect heading for the tunnel
he can't follow them in there.
You're losing them.
Do not let suspect enter
the tunnel systems LOKI.
Repeat suspect must
not escape sector A14.
Where did she go?
Ah there she is!
Hey! Remember me?
The way I figure, you owe me a coffee.
And a bagel!
LOKI what are you doing up there?
Having a bad day!
I've got a major headache,
I've lost my coffee and to top
it all off I was at a great party
and I was just about to have sex
with the commander's daughter.
Say that again LOKI, say that again.
I was just asking what's next with
the commander's orders.
Enough is enough, order him to shoot.
- Sir?
- DO IT!
Take the suspect down LOKI.
Are you mental control?
This is an order from command.
At what cost?
This is FREEMAN giving you
a direct order pilot.
Come on I can take her
in the service tunnels
Fire on the suspect
This is a bad call control
Bring her down
Sir? We're getting reports of a crash.
Several civilian craft involved.
Body count thirteen and rising.
Incoming Calling.
From Commander T.K. FREEMAN.
Major SASH? ...Rebecca, are you awake?
Would you be calling this early
if I wasn't?
Probably not.
So what's the assignment?
What? No inane chatter,
no "how have you been"?
You've already said this isn't social,
so just cut the pleasantries.
I'm glad to see you haven't lost
your charm at this early hour.
Since you're so keen to find out
I'll cut to the chase.
We've recently lost
a reconnaissance team
who have been doing some
very important work.
Search and Rescue? Isn't that
a little below my station?
What is it, a hostage situation?
Unlikely. Thing is SASH,
they weren't lost in the tunnels.
I only wish they were.
They disappeared Topside.
I know it may be difficult
for you to understand, SASH.
But we've been scouting
the outside for a little while now...
I'm not even suppose
to talk about this,
but you need to know...
We've been collecting samples,
looking for clues;
trying to see if we can get close
to finding out what went wrong.
Maybe make our world liveable again.
But, the nature
of the environment means
these visits are dangerously short.
Our scientist have developed a serum
that can hold the virus at bay for
a while, but it's no cure.
It allows the human body
to be exposed
in the current conditions
for no more than 48hrs.
And it's been more than 48hrs
and the team hasn't returned!
Plus, their additional life support
packs will have been drained by now.
So you want to send me
on some crackpot mission
to the virus-infected surface to look
for some dead people, what for?
Because we're still getting activity
readings on their personal locators.
SASH, they're still moving!
They're moving! You're saying
they're still alive?!
That's what we need to find out.
Let me just get my head round this -
this team could they have adapted
to the atmosphere up there?
Not a chance.
It's too severe, and without the serum
the air will kill you in seconds...
we're not predicting a good resolution
on this one.
That's a comforting thought.
Do I have a choice in any of this?
Since you ask. Not really.
But I did hope you would
have wanted this job.
I of all people know
how much you've wanted to see
the Earth from the outside again -
and by the look of you,
you could use a little sun.
Why is it the higher up the chain of
command you go the worse the jokes get!
It's an earned privilege.
SASH, we have no time on this one.
I know how difficult it's been
for you since LOKI quit,
we were sorry to lose him too.
He was a gifted pilot -
He still is.
But life moves on SASH.
Take this assignment,
at the risk of sounding fatherly;
it'd be good for you.
You'll get another partner
when you report to ascension chamber.
Okay. I'm in... but on one condition.
Sewage workers!
Huh! Feel like I'm in
the friggin presence of Royalty here.
This guy? More like a washed up loser
if you ask me.
Oh yeah, my mistake.
It's just some pussy who
lets terrorists kill innocent people.
Ain't that right pal?
Wrong guy fella's.
You shoulda gone down for that -
just like a pussy!
Got off easy if you ask me.
Smells like you got yourself
a new job though.
A shitty one!
Did you want to buy me a drink?
Did. You. Want. To. Buy. Me. A. Drink?
Nah, can't say we did pal.
Then kindly... leave!
We had something' else in mind.
We'd like you to suffer!
And I thought this was a straight bar!
When I'm suffering...
you be sure to let me know. Okay?
Come on guys,
put a little effort into your work.
Smart bastard
Wait, wait, wait girls...
I'll just put myself on the floor,
you... carry on
Find that funny!
Yeah use a stool, you've got the idea.
This guy's not all here.
Hit him Trem!
Trem? Trem with the stool.
You're a thinker I can see that Trem.
Use the stool Trem.
Do you wanna do it?
I'm guessing
you haven't enough brain matter
to decorate your friends face there -
you wanna find out?
You boys need references,
you let me know.
What the hell do you think
you're doing LOKI?
Just having a quiet drink with friends-
You were lucky.
Those morons could have killed you.
You want one?
It's been a while LOKI.
I hear you're a real high flyer now.
I hear you work in the sewage sector!
Yeah, but the pay's crap...
You sure?
I didn't come here to drink.
Well between you
and me I wouldn't recommend the food.
This isn't you, you're a pilot.
Pilot, great pilot. Fly LOKl-Air: Die!
What d'you think;
is that a good slogan!
Well now you're just being pathetic.
One little mishap
and you're Downsides favourite drunk.
It's over, deal with it!
Not in here it's not.
It wasn't your fault.
Look, the reason I'm here is that
because FREEMAN has given me
a new assignment.
And I need a pilot.
Wrong floor Major.
I stack shit remember.
I need someone I can trust.
I want my partner back.
But I quit. I'm a liability down here.
That's fine 'cause
we're going to the surface.
- Topside?!
- That's what I said.
I also told FREEMAN that
I wouldn't take the assignment
unless we had you on board and
you came along as part of the mission.
I can't do it SASH.
My flying days are over.
Well, there's a chance we might
not survive anyhow!
Could be dangerous,
nobody really knows what's going
on up there.
But if we can pull it off we could
do something to help the colony,
perhaps even restore the planet -
speculation? Could be?
But I'm not doing it without you.
What about FREEMAN's orders?
You quit. So can I!
We go up?
Might not come back?
Sounds like a suicide mission!
You got something else planned?
That's where you come in my boy!
The air ducts are open automatically
at timed intervals.
We have no control over them
That's why you have to leave now.
How do we find the ship?
There's a C7Z in a hanger near
to the location we lost the first team.
It was their ride back its yours now.
We've no idea where the hatch down to
it is but there's a tracking beacon.
You don't have to find it leave it
to one of the members of the team.
Team? What team?
We Figured
you might need some help up there
these guys are fully equipped
in all the areas you need.
Commander, I never asked you.
Have any of them been Topside before?
Move out.
I'll leave you to get acquainted.
Oh and LOKI?
Stay away from my daughter.
Glad you could make it.
Should be a fun trip!
Verify launch status please.
One minute remaining sir.
Report system status lieutenant.
Vent control on line and looking good.
All right listen up everybody I'll make
this quick.
This is Major SASH she'll be our report
and analysis expert.
Hey she out ranks you Sarge!
That's right private,
but for the purpose
of this expedition...
I've offered
to let Sergeant SVELDER call the shots,
due to the fact that you are his team
and he has more knowledge
of the requirements Topside than I.
Major SASH's concern is that
this little expedition goes to schedule.
And this is Pilot LOKI - you might want
to be nice to him.
He's our lift home.
Sir we're getting a very odd reading
on thruster four
What's the diagnostic showing?
Diagnostic inconclusive sir.
It could just be
the fuel cells heating,
though it would be safer to abort now
and run a thorough check.
Continue with countdown.
Okay buckle up folks -
this isn't going to be smooth.
Word is you've been Topside?
I was born there.
Yeah? Yeah, you've got that look,
weather beaten!
Careful or you might just have
a new look: Beaten.
Ha ha! Good one.
She got you there GIBSON!
Shut it COLE.
Keep playing with your equipment.
Why don't you play
with my equipment sometime?
Hey pilot, what do you fly?
Nothing lately.
You're kidding me?
No, to be honest I've kind of lost
the taste for the whole flying thing!
You better find the taste.
What's that on your helmet?
Heh. Signifies my gentle nature!
Don't worry abut him,
he's just a big pussy cat really.
Checks complete. We're ready
Okay everybody save your breath.
You'll need it topside.
And remember on the ascent keep
your mouths tightly shut
or you're liable
to bite your tongue off.
Think you can keep your mouth shut
for three minutes GIBSON?
COLE! You on-line?
Navimap online Sarge.
Launch on my command
Good luck guys.
Fire all thrusters
Hawk 2 is away safely.
Approaching vent 1. Time is correct.
Vent one opening now.
3... 2... 1
Vent one is cleared
Sir we have a warning light
on number four!
What's the problem?
Complete failure.
What's the situation with vent two?
They're slowing down considerably sir.
Should I abort sir?
No. Keep them on course.
But sir, if they slow down too much...
I'm fully aware
of the problem thank you.
Vent two opening now.
How long do they have?
15 seconds...
Engine four not responding.
Come on...
Engine four off line.
We're past the point of no return now.
Vent two closing.
Number four is back on line.
What the hell was that?!
Hawk two has cleared our scopes.
We've done all we can.
They're on their own now.
Yeah. Wow.
I've never been topside before...
I remember some stuff,
but it wasn't like this...
Didn't anyone ever tell you
it's rude to whisper?
Ah, how touching.
Makes you wanna vomit!
All right team we're
on a clock move it out.
All right Cole,
keep your eyes sharp on that scope.
I don't wanna get caught
in an acid rain storm.
Nothing so far.
COLE, start getting that serum ready.
Okay Sarge.
Do you really think
that stuffs going to work? Eh?
Between you and me
I haven't got a clue.
But sometimes you've just got run
with things.
Jesus! You alright?
Yeah. Wow! This is good stuff.
Wanna go next?
Yeah sure why not?
Never let it be said
that I don't try things.
Good man.
That really hurts.
I know! I'm going to go
and do the others.
If you fancy another shot
give me a shout.
I'm good thanks.
Okay who wants to do a round of shots?
Come on GIBSON,
just take it like a man.
Get off me you pervert!
Not there COLE, in the arm.
have you seen MADDOX anywhere.
When you're finished over there
I've got another little prick for you.
He's coming.
Hey that needle better
be clean before you stick it in me COLE
I don't want to catch something
from GIBSON.
Good God! What's that?
COLE! You Bastard.
Come here! Don't run away!
Mine still itches.
Is it suppose to itch?
Perhaps COLE didn't give you
a big enough dose!
How can he sleep?
It's called Morphine.
What was that?
Probably just the wind!
Should we check it out, Sarge?
Yeah, we wouldn't want our pilot
to have any bad dreams would we?
Nah forget it,
it's probably just some animal.
Wait a minute,
am I missing something here,
an animal?
I thought nothing
was supposed to be alive up here?
That's what you're suppose to think!
What do you mean 'suppose to think'?
Come on, you've heard of 'The Project'?
Of course. The attempt
to return people back to the surface
by cleaning the air
and re-terraforming the planet!
'EH-ERR' Wrong answer!
And you're a Major!
That's just a government cover story.
Cover story to what?
Yeah Sarge, tell them what you know.
Just bits and pieces really.
Come on tell them.
I've heard this too many times.
I'm gonna get more fire wood.
The Project was an attempt to return
to the surface.
Not by cleaning the air
or eradicating the virus,
but by the creation of a vaccine.
A vaccine to completely defend
the body against the virus.
Yeah, none of this 48hr serum crap!
But surely that's was a theory?
No SASH, they did it.
The government created that vaccine.
They even tested it,
on animals at first.
And it went well. A little too well.
Meaning what?
The vaccine did its job.
The central nervous systems survived
the onslaught from the virus.
The animals didn't die.
No side effects, well,
at least not at first.
So the government
discovered some problem?
Only once they'd started
to inject a few humans.
Almost humans, prisoners, terrorists.
So what happened with the animals?
They out lived their natural life-span.
The virus couldn't kill them,
age couldn't kill them.
Even starvation couldn't kill them.
Eternal youth?
Not quite.
I love this bit.
They may have been alive
but they were in constant turmoil,
the body's cells
didn't replace naturally,
they became worn out, decayed -
rotting from the inside.
Even in death they didn't die.
And they gave this stuff to humans?
The government may be shitty
but they wouldn't stoop so low.
That's a breach of basic human rights.
Even terrorists have rights.
So come on, next page,
what happened to the people?
From what I gather, the government left
them to live an excruciating existence,
no food, no water, just pain.
Eternal pain.
They're out there, rotting!
That story gets worse.
COLE tells it better anyway.
All right everybody let's rest up.
Tomorrow we find our team.
What the hell was this place?
Some sort of resort.
Yeah, the last resort.
Look alert everyone.
This is the last recorded position
of the missing team,
keep your eyes peeled.
Remember safeties on, MADDOX,
these are our own people
we're looking for. Let's go.
Got anything yet?
Scope's clean.
Well those signals came from some where
so find them Brainiac.
D'you wanna try?
Knock it off guys.
Hold on Stop!
I getting a signal.
Let's have a look
It's weak I can't get a fix on it.
Boost it!
Thanks Marconi, its that way.
What do you think?
These monkeys couldn't find their butts
in the dark, with two hands and a torch.
Its one of the
other teams weapons chargers.
COLE, I want video playback
on that now!
A squad were keeping a visual record
of the mission.
Whatever happened
to them might be on that tape.
Anything on video playback COLE?
Man, what's wrong with this geek?
You want it in stereo don't you?
Just play the damn tape.
Right, Got it.
Look at them! A Squad,
bunch of pussys.
Get that thing out
of my face you wanker.
It ain't a daytrip to the seaside.
They never change do they?
Focus on the job
I don't know here shouldn't
be anything up here!
What are you...
You're reading it wrong what is it?
Pike will you get him sorted please
he doesn't know how to use it...
Can you pick up on that?
What is that?
More to the point what did that?
This is... this is fresh.
What's on the box man?
Something just flashed past there!
Okay, guys, I'm going to check in here.
Covering fire!
Let's go!
Ah, this is my unlucky day.
Screw this man, what was that?
Does anyone really wanna stick around
to find out?
The other team are wasted.
Mission aborted.
We don't know they're dead,
we haven't seen any bodies.
Weren't you just watching that?
What we waiting for? Pack it up.
The signals they received
at base were moving.
How could that be if their dead?
Instrument screw up, I don't care,
I'm not putting my team
in jeopardy any longer,
we go now, move it.
We're supposed to be in jeopardy this
is a rescue mission.
We have another 24 hours before
the serum wears off.
Can't we at least try?
Are you blind? The other team are dead.
Yeah, but the question no one
is asking is how.
Who gives a shit? Let's go.
Shut up! It's an acid rain storm...
I don't like the sound of that.
NOW, we move out!
Find shelter quick,
in coming acid rain.
Move it, move it, move it.
Come on get in here,
move it, get in here. Come on...
OK, We'll hole up her for the night.
Get some sleep.
LOKI You take first watch.
I'll come for you at two.
Beautiful isn't it?
In a funny way, yeah.
Ok Pilot get some sleep,
it's your big day tomorrow.
Don't I know it.
Hey...'ll be ok.
Beautiful aren't they?
Never really thought about them before.
Yeah, they're beautiful but
at this minute they don't mean a thing.
What are you thinking LOKI?
What's on your mind?
Now, right now I'm thinking...
I'm thinking there's something
about this mission
that stinks worse than my sewer job.
And it isn't just MADDOX.
Over here!
So where is he?
Well whatever got the others must
have got SVELDER.
You mean he's dead!
He's not dead!
Maybe he found the others.
Well yeah that would make sense
but what are we going to do?
We find SVELDER,
we find the descent tube to the C7 z
and we get out of here.
Hey sweetie I'm the rank
when SVELDERS away.
Hold the orders, right?
Oh and things were looking so good.
You got a problem with me 'pilot'?
A problem with you,
how could I have a problem with you?
One more step and you'll be
in a world of pain, shit-head!
Pick a foot!
Come on then.
Come on this isn't helping.
Listen bitch, if it wasn't
for you we'd be long gone now.
Hang on I've got a reading
on a locator tag, moving east.
Show me!
Right. Get your kit,
we're going after him.
There are four, no,
five signals at least.
Straight ahead,
some kind of circular formation.
SASH you take point.
I'm not going in there.
Yes you are.
There's more then one signal,
it's not right.
He's probably found the others,
it's the only reason he'd leave us.
SASHS right. Don't go in.
I'm going in and so are you.
Why am I going in?
To protect me.
We can't protect you in there.
COLE GIBSON you're with me, yeah?
Leave these pussies here.
Come on.
What if it's not the team?
We cover each other,
be ready for anything.
There's at least six signals,
SVELDER must've found the whole team.
Come on.
I can't see anybody.
Are you sure you're reading
that thing right?
They should be right about here.
Thought you might need some help.
You prick! Come on.
you bastard I thought you'd bought it!
Don't try and talk buddy,
we'll get you out of here.
Their eye's, I've seen their eyes,
they're human...
Who, who is it?
Leave him, Come on mate,
lets get you up. Come on.
We need to find out
what happened to him.
No we don't.
We need to get out of here.
COLE you've got point,
SASH and LOKI flank,
GIBSON take bring up the rear.
I'm getting reading on the scope again.
- Where?
- I can't get a fix.
The signal is too weak.
Boost it.
I'm boosting, I'm boosting.
Come on, boost it faster.
Six signals, I'm not sure.
Be sure. Where?
They're right behind us!
COLE what's the reading.
5 yards and closing.
Still can't get a visual.
Come on you bastards!
Stay central.
I don't like this,
lets get out of here! Come on.
Come on.
Come and have a piece of me!
Come on you mother fuckers!
Who's firing?
Gibson. Gibson!
Bite me you bastards!
Keep going! I'll go back for her.
Move it.
What happened?
She's dead, she's gone.
Come on lets get out of here!
Come on go, move it!
Should be over here.
What the hell happened back there?
I don't know, I don't need to know.
All I need to know
is can you fly that ship.
Don't tell me you're bottling it?
Don't touch me.
Now what?
What are you talking about?
The hatch isn't here,
the aerials broken off!
We're screwed, we are dead!
No. Mate. Its okay, no...
SASH! COLE! Get over here!
Snap out of it soldier, man down.
Get your shit together! Come on!
Hold on... It's okay...
MADDOX he's dead. He's dead MADDOX.
We're going to find this hatch.
We're going to get out of here.
We'll going to all split up
and find this hatch.
No way. You're crazy.
Not with those things running around.
Listen to me MADDOX. Listen!
If we don't keep moving,
I don't think we'll see tomorrow.
Yeah. You're right,
but someone stays with SVELDERS body.
I'm not having those things coming back
for him. We find him some shelter.
I'll stay.
I can watch you guys through
the NaviMap,
make sure you don't cover
the same areas.
Okay. Put his body in there.
If we don't find this hatch
in the next four hours
we'll be dead from the virus anyway.
I'm worried about the other two.
They're scared.
They're scared.
Only I knew what we were up against.
Have you any thoughts?
Sobriety's a bitch? Look,
whatever's out there SASH is the least
of our worries
if we don't get back soon we're going
to die anyway
Yeah, right.
You see anything move
at all you shoot right?
Except MADDOX.
Your zone's still clear, LOKI.
Found anything yet?
Nothing doing here mate,
how are the others?
It's quiet. Over.
SASH, how are things?
No sign of it. Over.
COLE, what's this thing supposed
to look like again?
Two big silver doors,
oh and it's missing an antenna.
Very funny, COLE.
Yes, yes!
COLE! I've found the hatch.
I've found it
COLE, Come in.
What's going on, over?
You're making a big mistake pal.
I don't know. I'd say shooting one
of the guys you came to rescue
was a pretty big mistake,
I never thought I'd be able to say this
but its good to see you mate.
Well TRAVIS I never thought I'd be able
to say it back.
And I was right I really don't need
you slowing me down right now...
Yeah right!
This stuff shouldn't be here man.
That had occurred to me.
How many in your team?
Was six, now I'm not so sure.
Anyone else from Alpha team survive?
No they're all dead and we will be too
if we don't get out of here.
What happened?
Come on lets go now!
TRAVIS there's a question
I've been wanting to ask all day.
What the fuck is going on?
It was a black book mission,
a day out they said.
Go up t the surface, collect a few
samples oh and while you're up there
mind blowing up a few buildings
we don't need anymore?
So what was the problem?
Slater! Always was a nosy bastard.
He looked too closely
at the explosives.
They were thinly disguised C Beams.
They would've blow up everything
within a two hundred mile radius.
Then the freak show came to town.
We got split up It was bad,
there was hundreds of them!
We didn't stand a chance.
Then we had to hit this RV point
if anything went wrong.
I got here first and waited.
About midnight the rest
of them turned up.
'Cept it wasn't them.
What do you mean it wasn't them?
I don't know I can't explain it
any better.
Their eyes were dead.
But what I do know is I had to shoot
a lot of my mates that night.
Straight through the head.
At least we know what we're dealing with
and my guess is its something
to do with this installation.
The broad detail and some of the stuff
I don't understand is on this computer.
The really juicy bits I can't get to.
Access granted.
How did you...?
Lts a long story. We're here.
Right in the center
of this makeshift lab.
They must have been carrying out
some sort of experiments
Hi! I'm Mr engineered antivirus.
One injection and I'm in your blood.
I was created as a cure for the virus
but what the medics don't tell you
is that I'll cook your blood
and fry your brains.
I can be transmitted in a number
of different ways
including bites cuts and scratches.
Is it running?
This is journal entry 234 day 48.
Today we have evidence that
we have finally made the breakthrough
we've been waiting for for so so long.
It seems we've been successful
in rendering the atmosphere borne
virus ineffectual.
In layman's terms
as you can clearly see from this video
the atmosphere is now safe to breathe.
Is that hatch secure?
It seems the virus has mutated.
The irony is not lost on me.
In creating a cure we have created
an even worse disease.
Whoever's behind this cock-up needed
it covered up fast.
That's why they sent you.
So why send a rescue team?
PR. We were never meant
to make it back.
Look who they sent as a pilot.
I'm afraid to report some
have already escaped.
We must not let
this thing get underground.
It would be an apocalypse.
Someone must really want
this mission burying.
Same person that sent us up here.
Do not pull the plug
on us Commander FREEMAN.
Hence the level six access.
Hang on a second where did you get
this code from?
You didn't get it from
his daughter did you?
You did! Didn't you? You did!
I was drunk. It was late.
I don't recall.
You're about to get ripped to shreds
for shagging some bird
and you can't remember it?
What else did you get from her?
That's not important.
This data could put FREEMAN away
for a long time.
Do you have a problem with that?
No problemo.
That bastard sent me up here to die.
Then lets take him down.
Sounds like schools out.
I've got to get some stuff.
Make it quick.
You stupid bitch! You killed SVELDER!
Think MADDOX! Lts not SVELDER,
that's not SVELDER!
It looks like SVELDER to me!
Listen, something
was keeping those things alive.
Nothing should be alive up here. Right?
I know it sounds crazy,
but what if the same
thing infected SVELDER
You're right... It does sound crazy!
Sorry guys.
TRAVIS, what are you doing?
Whatever you do. Don't make a sound.
Go go! Move it! Move it, LOKI. Go...
Come on this way.
There's only one way out now.
Lets go.
This way!
There's too many of 'em,
we can't get through here!
This is my unlucky day.
Looks like you're going home alone.
The door can't be locked
from that side.
Go. Save yourself, save the others
and make sure FREEMAN pays.
See you later mate.
Which one of you wankers wants it first?
Hey, I think the safty's on.
Nice story. What happens next?
COLE comes back to life
and we all go for a beer.
Now do you believe me?
I've found the hatch. Let's go home.
What are we gonna do now,
what are we going to do?
We get to the hatch and get what's left
of us back home... SASH? SASH!
We can't do that.
If these things find a way Downside,
it could spread the virus.
Kill everyone.
No way! I say we run -
what else is there, what can we do?
We blow this place up.
This is where the infestation is
and we wipe them out.
What with?
We haven't got any explosives.
We've got the weapon chargers.
If you set them to overload
you can create a pretty big bang.
But we'll have to use them all,
one won't be enough.
Right MADDOX, we'll gather up
the weapons and packs,
charge the guns up to full,
we set the packs off to blow.
One in each corner and a fifth
in the centre under the tower. Okay?
What the hell.
Pack one in position charged and ready.
Okay chargers four and five ready
to rock and roll.
Okay everybody, back to the tower.
It's time.
After the first pack blows the tower
we'll have window of ten seconds.
That's a small window.
Before the rest explodes destroying all
those bastards.
Us too if I don't find that ship.
Yeah yeah. I get it.
You press the button and boom!
Once you find the ship call us
and we'll meet you there.
Lets do this. Good luck LOKI.
Luck is not factor.
Coast's clear.
What if he doesn't make it?
He will. He has to.
You must trust this guy a lot.
It's more than trust.
I got slight problem here!
What's happening LOKI?
I've run into our friends.
They're between me and the hatch.
Can you go around?
That's it he's gone. We're screwed,
There's nothing we can do.
We have to abort.
We see this through MADDOX!
You understand me? All the way!
Now let's set some charges.
We've got company.
Guess whose coming to dinner!
Shit, we're surrounded.
So what's the plan?
Try not to die.
Nice plan.
What are they waiting for?
Maybe they're saying grace.
You want some?!
Okay! Who wants take out?
Fall back! Fall back to the tower!
Try this one!
It was good, it was good! I like it.
Charge it up.
You go on ahead.
Go on get up the tower!
- Come on, guy.
- You go. I'll stop them.
Get to your feet! Now!
You OK?
Do any good if I said no?
Give me your flare gun
We're going to have to jump.
Hang on guys. Hang on.
Jesus Christ! Hang on!
I knew it. I knew you could do it!
Now get us out of here!
Strap yourself in.
Incoming call
from commander TJ FREEMAN.
SASH, LOKI are you there?
You've just reappeared on our scopes.
Boost the signal.
We lost two teams
and everything was destroyed.
So the mission was a failure.
Do you think that was successful?
So everything was destroyed?
Yeah everything was destroyed.
Well, almost.
Good God!