Infidus (2015)

I don't mind telling you, I'm excited to finally meet you
personally. See you tomorrow. The Hunter
Come on, fuckers!!! Bring it on!!!
Beat the shit out of him!
Kill him, Barabba, kill I'll pay you double. Bash his head
in, he's an asshole!
I'm sorry, man... While they're busy arresting you, I'll be long gone. I'm
sorry, but I don't want to go to jail... it's nothing personal, Barabba.
Chapter 2 - HATRED
You fucking bitch, I'll kill you...
I swear, I didn't tell them anything... they only took me to the
police station for a check... I didn't say anything about the videos.
Bitch! !
I got out yesterday, after seven years spent in a cell. A fucking
sewer, four metres long.
Seven years thinking about this day, thinking how to start
over... where to start over...with my brother
But I found this. This is what my brother is now.
I've done nothing.
Now I get it. It's impossible to start over when you are like
me.I'm fucked up, again.
I wanna know where they are, how many there are, where the
fuck they meet each other...
No... I'm not involved... you saw that... they were about to kill
And what do you think I'm going to do now, eh?
I just know that... they kill people, they record it... and they sell
the clips to that person.
Who the fuck are they? I Wanna know every fucking name of
these pieces of shit And I wanna know where the fuck is he?
There is Manolo... they call him Rodolfo Valentino.
There is Catenza but he doesn't do many videos.
Then Bove, the one that owns the junkyard and keeps their
weapons... he makes the dead bodies disappear.
Then Pariolino, that fucking creep that kills little kids...
Pariolino meets him here... Spaccio, right in this building.
In the end there is Cane, the one that follows the victims... he
tails them... sees if they have relatives...
Chapter 3 THE HUNTER
I don't mind telling you... I'm a little surprised.
Yeah? By what?
I thought you'd be... different.
Please come in.
Did you also think that I would be different?
No, just exactly as you are.
I apologize for the clutter... you know, I don't get many visitors
Do you prefer if we continue using our nicknames?
Yes, dear Mungus60, I do prefer that.
What have you brought me?
That's it? Are you fucking kidding me?
Relax man, I've got two kids this time.
Yeah, the fucking client pays double for kids...
With this nice face, people always think I'm a good guy,
Yeah, but you don't fucking fool me, and you must respect me.
If I ask for four clips, you bring me four clips, you fucking
Or next time it'll be you on that cassette... now get the fuck out
of here.
Don't even think about running away. You can't go fucking far,
I'll find you and kill you.
And where the fuck am I supposed to go? if they find me in the
street they'll kill me. I'm already dead.
You know, it's the first time I've shared this with someone.
I can't even explain why I agreed to meet you personally.
Many times I thought you were an investigator, you know?
But then I understood you were not a fake, and that you really
have something in common with me.
Even if I still don't understand why I decided to risk revealing
myself to you you are still a stranger, and I could be wrong.
Do you know how I knew you were not a fake? From the answer
you gave me.When I showed you my first clip, my first p prey.
The clip I showed before revealing my entire collection.
You were disgusted sick... but you asked me for more clips.
A violent vision like that can't generate a positive reaction.
If you would have said that the clip was exciting, or some other
bullshit like that... I'd have seen that you were a fake.
This is that little point that we have in common.
That pain in the stomach, that strange feeling in the throat that
doesn't go up or down, but just stays there, with that strange taste.
The need for that uncomfortable feeling, the adrenaline that flows when
you watch those clips, that's what makes you and me both... unique.
Of course you're still not evolved like me, but I started
exactly like you, three years ago. Please wait for me here.
Every cassette contains the end of a life. Printed on those digital tapes is all of the
suffering, the desolation, the loneliness of their pain in the instant before they died.
Knowing these clips could drive their relatives crazy, seeing the miserable death of their beloved, between
piss, pain and suffering... well, that gives me a feeling that nothing else in this World can give me.
It's amazing, don't you think?
From which cassette do you want to start? From which life do
you want to start?
The first one, the one you showed me three years ago.
Best decision. I think this meeting will change both of our lives.
What the fuck have you done? Fuck you... fuck you... let me
go! Free me, bitch... come here... free me... fuck you!
What the fuck are you screaming at? What the fuck are you
screaming at you piece of shit?
Did you think I forgot about you?
I was just killing another asshole, but now it's your turn, you
piece of shit.
When I was in jail, I decided not to get revenge... not to waste it
on a piece of shit like you.
But after I saw the my brother left here, everything is
worse than before.
Wait, Barabba, please... I didn't want to do that... I know I am a
I'll make you pay. All of you. ALL OF YOU!!!
Do you wanna kill your brother? Jail has got you crazy, man!
You are fucking crazy.
You killed me, fucking bastards.
I just wanted to keep the promises made with my father, to
kick up this shitty life, but you put me back in the shit.
I get out of jail and I find you're all doing this shit. And my
brother managing all you fucking bastards.
Relax, Barabba, please... we're doing big money man, you can work with us if
you Want? Work with us man... We'll move on... from what I've done to you.
You don't fucking get it... I'm going to kill you for what you are
doing NOW.
Please... calm down... I'm telling you we are doing big money...
What did you tel] me when we were doing that video? "Bash
his head in Barabba, I'll pay you double" Eh?
Barabba, please... calm down... we are doing big money... I
swear... we are doing big money...
Bash his head in Barabba... Bash his head in... Bash his head in
Barabba, I'll pay you double... Bash his head
What are you thinking about?
No one arrived. Someone heard the screams, I mean people in
the building... but nobody called the police.
The world doesn't even know of our existence. They act like
nothing happened... because we are nothing.
I fainted and didn't tell you everything... there are many of
them. Spaccio, your brother, also works with the Braga brothers.
Those pieces of shit are dangerous they don't even fear the
Because the others fear the police? What's fucking new?
They walk down the streets, with those masks, fearing nothing.
They are all dangerous.
'--Those guys are really dangerous.
I don't give a fuck
---I wanna help you.
Ok... let's go... Let's go!!!
Someone burned Pariolino alive.
What the fuck are you talking about?!
What I just said... they burned him alive.
When did it happen?
Don't know. Maybe a couple of hours ago. We already made
the body disappear.
Bove's junkyard
Cal] Cane right now. Start investigating. Tel] him to call me.
Do you know which detail I prefer in these clips? The audio.
When you work, when you kiss your children before they sleep... those sounds, those
screams, still continue echoing in your hear, indelible like ink on white paper.
Have you ever killed someone?
Why? Do you think these people are still alive?
I mean you, personally.
It doesn't matter if I paid someone to kill those people, they
are still my prey... my trophies.
The killers are no different than hunting dogs. They kill for the money, for a
living. I do this to feel alive. This is the huge difference between them and me.
How did you find your dogs?
Pretty simple... rich family, lots of money, lots of boredom.
For a person in my position, it's not difficult to satisfy the
economical needs of those yanks.
After all, every day Rome's suburbs vomit desperate lives onto
the streets.
Shabby lives... all Willing to do anything to continue to survive
in the same squalor from which they were born.
The will to live: what a terrible thing it is.
Are you waiting for someone?
Get inside...
I said get inside!!! Oh fucking Jesus.
There, they hide the weapons there.
Hey... I had nothing to do with that.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy many things that
could make you happy.
I met the ringleader in a bar, if I remember correctly, next to
the Laurentina subway.
Him and his gang can provide me with 3 or 4 cassettes, every
All the murders are still unsolved. You see, this is my skill: I'm
a hunter and I don't leave a trace. Neither do my dogs.
But when they arrested one of them for a minor crime, I feared
the worst...
Fortunately these beasts have a weird honour code, something I won't
ever understand... fact is he didn't say a word to the police.
His name was...
It's me, Cane. Listen I have bad news. I still haven't found the
What the fuck is going on? How is it fucking possible that you
can't find this bastard?!
Okay, don't worry, I'll do a couple of calls.
I'm not stepping outside until you've solved this mess.
Don't worry, I said I'll take care of it, come on.
I fucking hope so.
How the fuck are you holding that gun?
Like this...
you have to watch through this point, and then shoot.
Yeah, but you have to reload first
Not bad
now try this...
Great... hahahahaha.
Here they are, those bastards... shoot them down.
Look, I'll teach you how to open a belly with your bare hands.
You see? This is the belly button. You stick your finger inside
and then... you open it.
Here, you take the spinal cord, and you start pulling.
Spaccio? It's me, there's something Wrong here. Your brother's
van... someone is using it
Are you fucking kidding me?
Come here, do something! Bring somebody, bring something.
Do you speak my fucking language? I'm not leaving this house.
How the fuck I can take care of this alone?!
You fucking know that Bove has the guns. I won't fucking step
You still don't get it? I'm shitting a brick. Bring me something,
a gun.. bring me anything you have.
Fuck off!!
Hello?? He]10??
Barabba, you scared the shit out of me!!! You wouldn't believe,
someone is killing us, one by one.
You wouldn't believe what the fuck is going on.
, o ...0
Help me figure this out. Give me a hand, bro...
, o ...0
Whatever. We'll talk about this shit later. What the fuck are you doing
here? I thought you were getting out of prison in the next two days.
I got out yesterday.
Did you see the video I left in your house?
Yeah... I saw the video. I didn't want to believe it.
Did you see your little bro? Did you see What I've done? The
murder and everything with my friends?
Cool huh? I also got into business now, brother. All by myself.
I'm such an asshole. I really thought I could erase all this shit
once I was out of jail, and start a new life with you.
And instead... what the fuck are you trying to prove with this
I promised our father that you wouldn't be like me... but look
at the fucking monster you've become.
Eh... Thank you Bara you're saving my ass.
What are you doing?
Keeping the promise.
What the fuck are you doing? Is this a fucking joke?
So? Have you decided to take the big step? To open the
hunting season"?
I think so.
Strange... all day I've been talking about me... but I still don't
know anything about you.
Strange? Do you think it's strange?
I didn't think that it was strange before... but now... I find it
very strange...
Aaaaaahh... nooooooo......
On your knees.
Raise that fucking hand.
Who the fuck are you... wait... wait!
Wait, please... wait...
don't kill me! I can pay you! Spare my life, please...
they are still my prey... my trophies.
Chapter 6 - FORGIVE ME