Informers, The (2009)

What the fuck?
Tell me something, Roger.
Set your watch back.
There's a time difference.
We're landing in Los Angeles.
It's a city in California.
Anything else you want to know?
You all right, Bryan?
You on edge? Want a Valium? Lude?
I used to live here, didn't l?
What did he call it?
A talking tomato?
It's a fucking extraterrestrial, Ron.
So you're telling me
that he's not gonna sign off
until we redesign the talking tomato?
Well, that's bullshit.
Ron, listen, listen to me.
Let me inform you of something, okay?
We don't let 25- year- olds
tell us how to make movies.
Listen, I gotta go. I gotta go, Ron.
Just call... Ron, call me later, okay?
Fast- acting Power Soap really gets in
and blasts stains,
Ieaving your whole wash fresh and clean,
with a brightness
that people will really notice.
Wow! That's incredible.
I thought that ketchup stain
would never come out of Joe's polo shirt.
Whites simply come out whiter
and colors simply come out brighter.
It's the kind of clean that people
will really notice and talk about.
How did you lift those coffee stains?
I thought I was gonna have
to throw my new pantsuit out.
I blasted it out with Power Soap!
...and lets you get on with your day.
President and Mrs. Reagan visited
the grieving families and bereaved widows
of the more than 200 Marines
killed last Sunday in Beirut.
He used the occasion
to condemn the actions of what he called
"ruthless terrorists who..."
What time is it?
We gotta go. We're gonna be late.
Right. That.
I forgot.
Christie, come on. What are you doing?
I don't feel well.
I don't really want to go.
Neither do l.
Look, I'm not gonna let you...
Good morning.
Look, you want to know
why you're not welcome at my house?
Because you're fucked up!
That's not a good enough reason.
That's not even a reason.
That's just one person's opinion.
Look, I don't even want to fucking deal
with you right now, do you understand me?
Listen, I'm calling you from a payphone
outside of Barstow,
and I ain't got any more quarters.
It's simple.
Me and the Indian need a place to hang out
for a couple of days.
We have a plan.
I don't want to hear
about your fucking plan, Peter.
It doesn't involve you,
so stop pissing yourself.
When you lose a child,
you can't help but wonder
what that child's life would have been like.
You can't help but imagine his future.
A future that now
doesn't exist.
But Bruce lived a full life,
and there's some comfort in that.
And that he was a good boy,
and that he had done all the things
he had ever wanted to do.
That the privilege and freedom
that was granted to him
during his brief time in this world
were what made him happy.
I tell myself that I can only
cherish one fact.
He had everything.
And now, in conclusion,
I'm going to play Bruce's favorite song.
It meant a lot to him.
- Hi.
- Hi.
So I made the reservations for 8:30.
- Where?
- Spago.
Okay. Did you tell Susan and Graham?
Well, no. I thought it was
just gonna be the two of us.
William, I'm not really comfortable
with that right now.
Well, I'll call them
and tell them to join us, then.
- Or you could call them.
- No. No, you should do that.
What the fuck
was with that favorite song, man?
Bruce had shitty taste in music, but no way.
Personally, I think his mom just liked it.
The real question is, what in the hell are
my mom and dad doing by the sushi bar?
I mean, they're actually
talking to each other.
At least your mom and dad are talking.
My mom gets to talk to my dad
through his lawyers.
Guess what?
I get to go to Hawaii with the asshole.
I can't fucking believe this shit.
I can't believe you guys
are acting this way.
What way, Ray- Ray?
Don't tell me he's gonna cry again.
Face it. Bruce was a jerk.
Okay? He's dead. It's over.
Let's not fucking dwell on it.
I can't believe you guys
don't fucking give a shit.
You seem like you don't give a shit.
Look, Raymond,
there's nothing we can do, okay?
It happened. It's over.
It's time to move on.
He's right, Raymond.
It's already been a week.
Okay. Bruce...
Bruce was a...
A cool guy.
What else can I tell you, Raymond?
I'm sorry it happened.
"Bruce was a cool guy"? Really, Graham?
Okay, what does that even mean, "Cool"?
Especially after that shit
he pulled with Christie.
- Martin, what the fuck are you doing?
- What shit did he pull with Christie?
- Martin.
- Bruce was fucking her behind your back.
What, like, you all knew about this?
Graham, you always say
that you're not that serious about Christie.
And it's not like you haven't fucked around.
You know, you're never gonna win
Boyfriend of the Year.
- She's my girlfriend, Martin.
- Look, who even knows if it's true?
It's just something Bruce told us
and that he bragged about.
Hey, does anybody want to go to a movie?
Sure, what's playing?
I can't believe you guys
are gonna go see a fucking movie.
What the...
I can't believe you don't give a shit, man.
- I was there, you asshole.
- Hey, come on!
I watched him fucking bleed to death
just like you did,
so don't give me this shit
about how I don't care.
I had his blood all over my face. Fuck.
Someone should go talk to him.
Tim, Bruce thought
Raymond was an asshole.
He fucking loathed the dude, okay?
And what the fuck does it even matter?
We're having a fucking wake
at the Beverly Hilton.
I mean, come on, do you get it?
Come on. Get up.
Bruce wouldn't want to see you like this.
He was my friend, right?
Yeah. He was your friend.
Are you lying to me, Graham?
I'm telling you the truth.
How's work?
It's good.
I have a full slate of movies
that are testing really high.
- There's one you might really like.
- Yeah? What's that?
It's a movie about this 12- year- old boy
who becomes the president.
The president of what?
The United States.
Sounds better than the one
about the talking car.
How's Graham?
Well, you know your brother.
He's a little hard to reach.
But I'm sure he's upset
about his friend's death,
so, you know, it's tough.
When I saw him at the memorial,
he seemed fine, though.
He seemed fine at Bruce's memorial?
So how's Cheryl, by the way?
I'm not seeing Cheryl anymore.
What? When did this happen?
That's something
I wanted to talk to you about, actually.
- You talk to your mom lately?
- We talk.
You know, when she's coherent,
which is rarely. Why?
Well, Mom and l
are moving back in together.
We're going to live together again.
She didn't tell me that.
- How do you feel about that?
- Great.
Great. This is a really good move.
Yeah. Really good.
Seriously? I mean,
you really think it's great?
Well, to be honest, it hasn't totally hit me
that you might actually be serious.
I'm serious.
We're going to be a family again.
Graham and I aren't moving back in, Dad.
We're not gonna be a family.
You and Mom are gonna be a couple again,
but we're not gonna be a family.
You can't call the house anymore.
Why? Is there someone here who cares?
You just can't come over here anymore.
- No.
- Are you going to tell me why?
William is moving back in.
Are you telling me
he dumped the newscaster chick?
Big Bad William is moving back in.
So the fuck what? Unless you wanna
shell out for a room at the Bel- Air...
No, Martin. Martin, you don't understand.
We can't do this anymore.
We can't do it. It's over.
Just like it was over the last time?
Martin, don't.
I see.
Well, could I at least
borrow 60 bucks?
I have to pay this guy
for these Billy ldol tickets.
And I forgot to go to the lnsta- Teller
and, you know...
You know,
it's just really a massive hassle, so...
What can I do for you, Mr. Metro?
Can you just get these kids
out of here, man?
- Hey! What are you doing? Come on.
- All right. Time to go.
Hey, Jackson. How's it hanging?
What the fuck are you doing here?
I told you I was coming.
What'd you think, it was a joke?
One fucking night. And that's it.
You understand me?
Jackson, will you chill out, man,
and show your Uncle Pete a little love, huh?
Well, where's this fucking
lndian friend of yours?
Indian's in the desert.
What the fuck does that even mean,
"The lndian's in the desert"?
Indian did some bad stuff.
Decided to stay in Barstow.
He's laying low, if you get my drift.
But Mary's in the van.
- Who's Mary?
- Come on, I'll show you.
Jackson, this is Mary.
Mary? Mary, this is Jackson.
Is she okay?
Yeah, she's sort of just taking it all in.
She saw some stuff. Bothered her.
- How old is this girl?
- I don't know.
Sixteen. Seventeen. I never ask.
What the fuck are you doing
with two underage kids?
How many times
are we gonna go through this?
It does not matter if it was consensual.
I fucked up my hand.
How'd you do it? Did someone help you?
I did it shaving, man. Who the fuck cares?
My hand is fucked up.
Just... Just call a doctor, Roger.
We are meeting Gary Gray,
the movie producer.
You know, I don't know if I'm going
to be able to make that meeting, Roger.
Look, I'll send the hotel doctor up
and then you're gonna pull it together.
And when I knock on your door,
you are going to answer it
without your cock hanging out
of some 14- year- old girl's ass. Got it?
And you're going to be wearing something
with long sleeves.
- Why?
- Multiple choice.
A, you look nice in long sleeves.
B, you have holes in your arms.
C, you have holes in your arms.
Or D, you have holes in your arms.
- C.
- Really?
Graham, it's for you.
- It's Dirk.
- Shit.
Hey, Dirk.
What do you need?
Yeah, I can get that for you.
A little business?
Yeah. And my fucking car's at my mom's.
- Can you give me a ride?
- Can't. I'm going to Hawaii.
Well, fuck, dude,
give me a better excuse than that.
I wish I could. Thanks.
Can you give me a lift?
Don't look at me, dude.
So how're you doing, Tim?
I'm good. Fine. How are you?
I'm doing good, I guess.
- You want a drink?
- No, that's all right.
Come on. Have a drink.
- I'm okay.
- I'm gonna pour you one anyway.
So, what have you been up to?
Kind of a tough thing
about that friend of yours dying, huh?
- You want to talk about that?
- What time does the plane leave?
You wanna hear something?
Who's this?
- I think it's Devo.
- Who?
It's a group called Devo.
Great. I love it.
Hey. Hey.
I think it's great you could finally
get away with your old man, you know?
Your mom said maybe
you weren't gonna be able to make it.
- But here you are.
- I'm here.
We're going to Hawaii. It's gonna be great.
The virus's unknown origin
and seeming selectivity is creating fear.
Gays, intravenous drug users and Haitians
seem particularly to be at risk.
The virus reacts almost like
a contagious form of cancer.
I'm trying to stay positive.
I think in my situation it's very...
And it's where film meets rock
and we're all happy.
- Bryan.
- Okay, an idea for a movie.
And the reason we came to Bryan Metro
is because people remember
how intense that movie turned out
about the life of the band.
Holy Christ, man, the four of you guys,
Sam and Matt and...
- Ed. His name was Ed.
- Yeah. Yeah.
That's known as a real tragedy, huh?
A real shame.
Upsetting, too, I bet. Right?
When your bassist jumps from the roof
of the Clift Hotel, I'd say so.
They'd already split up by then, so...
Yeah. Well, anyways,
since that movie about the life of the band
turned out to be so cool and so profitable,
without exploiting anyone,
we were wondering
if you'd be pleased and thrilled
to star in a movie,
one where you would actually play yourself.
We get so many scripts.
Bryan turned down Amadeus,
so we're very fussy.
Well, this movie is basically your typical
rock- star- in- outer- space- type thing.
There's this alien creature, this ET.
- ET?
- Extraterrestrial. Alien.
Yeah. The ET sabotages Bryan's limo
after a gig,
and there's a big fiery chase and somehow...
- We haven't quite got that nailed yet...
- Yeah, go on.
You all end up on a planet
where Bryan falls in love with a princess.
We're thinking Pat Benatar
or a Go- Go for that.
In order to escape the planet,
you have to play in this big concert
for the emperor,
who's basically this giant tomato.
So it's madcap, right?
- It's not tacky...
- Yes.
...and everyone is getting
very excited by it.
Bryan. Bryan?
Thank you so much for coming.
Hey, what are you doing here?
Christie, you know my sister, Susan, right?
- Have you guys met?
- Yeah. Hi.
Okay, well, I'm gonna get a drink.
- Cool, baby. You wanna bring me one, too?
- Nice shirt.
Does she always dress like that?
Movies, restaurants and stuff?
- You a little jealous?
- Graham!
Hey, mellow out.
Did you know
they were gonna go through with it?
Mom and Dad? Yeah.
Mom mentioned something when I woke up.
What a scandal, huh?
Oh, my God, you're so stoned.
You're such a stoner.
I can't even talk to you.
I'm really not stoned, okay?
Just mellow out.
- You should talk to him.
- And say what exactly?
I don't know. "Dad, this isn't a good idea.
Don't go through..."
Okay? All right.
Let's take off, all right? What do you say?
Graham, do you even care
what he did to Mom?
And now he's back and he's just gonna do
the same thing again.
Look, I had to take care of her,
okay, Graham?
I had to take care of Mom,
and I'm not gonna do it again!
Graham. Graham!
Please. We have to do something, okay?
If Dad pulls the same shit again,
Mom isn't gonna make it.
This will destroy her. Do you understand?
Cheryl, there's someone on the phone.
- William Sloan.
- Thank you.
- What?
- I called the house and no one answered.
I was hoping it was the wrong number.
Yeah, well, it's not the wrong number.
So why haven't you been home?
Because I've been busy.
I'm filling in for Suzanne Yakomiato.
I really want to see you.
What about Laura, William?
What about her?
What about Laura?
I think I really miss you.
I think I'm making a big mistake.
- Let me go!
- Shut up!
- Mary, go!
- I have no license.
Get in the fucking car and drive.
What do you think?
About what?
What do you think I mean?
Next to us. Them.
What about them?
Don't you go out with girls?
Pardon me?
Don't you, like, date females?
What are you asking me?
The odds look good.
The odds look pretty good.
Ladies, what are you drinking tonight?
Pahohoes? That sounds intriguing.
They're delicious.
Hey, Hickey?
Why don't you bring these two gorgeous
ladies another round of pahohoes?
Where you gals from?
We came in from Chicago.
I'm Patty and this is Darlene.
Yeah. The Windy City.
- I know it well.
- Where are you both from?
Los Angeles.
City of Angels.
I'm Les Price and this is my son, Tim.
He's a little shy.
Just the two of you?
Just the two of us.
Hey. I hope...
I hope I'm not being too forward
if I may ask you something.
- I'm sure you won't be, Les.
- Jesus.
Well, I was just wondering
if you're here with anyone.
- We're here alone.
- All alone.
- All alone.
- Can I have the key to the room?
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to the room.
Where do you think I'd be going?
You didn't finish your drink.
I don't want the drink.
Just give me the key.
I'll go up with you.
No. Just stay here, see how it plays out
with Patty and Marlene.
That's Darlene.
What's wrong with him, Les?
Troubles in school.
- His mother.
- Okay.
No, no thanks.
You said you were hungry.
I made this for you.
No, my stomach's queasy.
I'm not really hungry anymore.
I really don't know how something
like this could happen.
It all seemed to be going so well
and now it's just a big mess.
It'll never happen again, I promise.
You're not gonna fire me, are you?
Well, no, I'm not gonna fire you.
Look, I have no idea what this is.
- And another one on my foot.
- Yeah, I don't know what it is either.
Look, Christie, tell me something.
What do you think about Martin?
He's cool. He's hot.
Yeah, hot.
Well, I know that, but I'm just not sure
I'm at the same place that you are,
you know, with everything
that's been going on with him.
Forget it. Sorry I brought it up.
Martin's not even staying here.
He's staying at Nina Metro's.
Even though he said she was insane.
That reminds me. Did you get tickets
for tomorrow night at the Greek?
Bryan Metro?
You know he doesn't mean
as much as you to me.
Come on.
Graham, we're all just having fun,
you know?
Like, you take it all so seriously.
Yeah, but you're also sleeping with him,
and it's just stressing me out.
What's wrong? You know I'm on the pill.
- Graham?
- Yeah?
You're forgetting something.
We're both sleeping with him.
We're both sleeping with Martin.
And if I'm cool with that,
To new beginnings.
So I'm totally psyched.
We're gonna go see Bryan Metro
at the Greek tomorrow night.
That is, if Graham remembered
to get the tickets.
Yeah, I got the tickets,
and stop saying "totally."
- Who'd you get them from?
- Actually, honey, from me.
- Through the studio.
- Good.
I'm glad he didn't go through Martin.
I didn't want to go through Martin,
even though
he could have gotten us backstage.
Who cares? He's such a stoner.
He's so into himself.
Him and his totally grody tan
and his stupid hair.
Plus, Mom, get this. He's a male prostitute.
- Why did you direct that statement to me?
- Just mellow out, okay?
I don't even know
why we're talking about Martin.
And Mom, Martin's not a male prostitute.
That's on the record.
Why do you think I would care?
Martin is coming to the show
with me and Christie,
so I hope you get over
how, "like, totally grody"
you think he is by tomorrow night.
I hope your girlfriend remembers
to wear a shirt by tomorrow night.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to the restroom.
And hopefully, when I get back,
my lovely children
will have finished their conversation
about their delightful friends.
Hi, honey.
You're here with her, aren't you?
- Yeah.
- Oh, God.
No, don't.
Sweetie, I know you're pissed.
I understand, I understand.
But I missed you. I couldn't help it.
- I can't do this.
- You can't do what?
You don't want me anymore?
Sweetie, I want you so bad.
That's not the point, William.
I can't sit here again
and listen to you quote numbers
about how expensive your fucking divorce
is gonna be.
Is it not enough that you've made
everyone fucking miserable?
Just stay away.
You know, I kept the condo.
I haven't given it up yet.
We could meet there tomorrow night.
What do you say?
Or I got the Piper Cub back.
It's at the hangar. It's ready to go.
We could fly to Vegas and stay at Caesars.
- lt'll be amazing.
- My God, William,
I'm not going to Vegas with you.
Well, at least you're going to be
at the Brodkey benefit Friday, right?
We could talk there. Okay?
- Why not?
- Great, honey. That's what I want to hear.
It's so good to see your face.
We'll figure it out. It'll be okay.
- Yeah.
- Anyway, I better go. Okay?
Laura, are we going
to the Brodkey benefit on Friday?
Why would we go to the Brodkey benefit
on Friday night?
That's TV.
It's not only TV.
And it should be fun.
- Besides that, it's for a good cause.
- It's for a perfume, William.
I don't want to go to the Brodkey benefit
Friday night.
What would you like to do instead?
Lay by the pool?
Maybe count your shoes?
Can Daddy borrow $4,000?
What the fuck are you still doing here?
I thought I told you to go.
What? Are you gonna fucking ignore me?
What the fuck's going on?
What the fuck are you doing, Peter?
What the fuck did you do?
Answer me, God damn it!
Shut your mouth, Jack.
What the fuck?
The kid's gonna bring us some money.
That's the plan.
That's the plan I informed you about.
This is the plan.
Your fucking plan
is goddamn holding a kid ransom?
It's not me, Jack.
It's them freaks I met out in West LA.
The people I heard about out in Barstow.
They pay $6,000, $7,000 a pop
for a package like that.
You make me fucking sick.
Hey, man, you need to relax.
That's your problem, Jackson.
You don't know how to kick back.
Even when you was a kid out in the desert,
and all there was
was the sand and the rock and the silence,
you could never accept the fact
that that's where you belong,
and that's where you're always gonna be.
That was a long time ago.
And we're not
in the fucking desert anymore, Uncle Pete.
I think we still are.
- Hello?
- ls Martin there?
I don't know. Let me check.
Couldn't find him.
Do you know where he might be?
Have you tried his place in Westwood?
- No, I haven't.
- He could be there,
or he could be finishing up that music video
on the hills.
- ls this Julie?
- Julie?
Yeah. The girl Martin picked up
at 385 North? With the white rabbit?
We all went back to my place
and partied with Graham?
You and Martin disappeared?
No. This isn't her. I'll call back.
Fuck me. Cut. Cut!
What the fuck are you doing, dude?
I can't see shit.
- Hey, Graham.
- Yes, totally fucking excellent.
Perfect timing, dude.
We are so in need of your services.
Wait, hold on a second, Leon.
We really have to get this shot.
The video doesn't make sense without it.
It's a fucking video, Martin.
It doesn't need to make sense.
It just needs to be not lame.
Graham, you got us covered?
- Yeah, man, you're all set.
- Totally excellent.
Hey, hey, hey.
Isn't Christie supposed to be here?
I thought she was supposed to be the star.
I did, too. But she's a little unreliable.
Maybe you realize that now?
So, where are you staying tonight?
Probably at Nina's, in Malibu.
- Who's Nina?
- Nina. Nina Metro.
- Bryan Metro's wife?
- Ex- wife.
Where are you staying?
Honestly, Martin, I don't know
how I feel about the situation anymore.
I think I'm just gonna crash at my mom's.
- Look, I've got eight more shots.
- Yeah. You're busy.
Can we shoot this, you fucking cokeheads?
Hey, Tim, why don't you get your old man
another mai tai?
- Hey.
- What?
Why don't you get your dad
and yourself a drink?
- What do you want?
- Mai tai.
What are you up to?
Met a girl from San Diego.
Hey, come on.
- Hey, Cheryl. Nice to see you.
- Hi.
- How are you, sweetie?
- Good.
I just wanted to grab
a quick salad or something.
- Do you have anything open?
- Sure. Let me see.
Excuse me.
Fuck you, you fucking asshole!
- Hi.
- Hi.
What would you like, hun?
A garden salad and a glass of water, please.
- You're Cheryl Moore, right?
- Yeah.
- I think you're great, honey.
- Thank you.
The piece you did
on the anniversary of Sharon Tate.
I remember when that happened.
It was so awful.
- Yeah.
- lt was just so sad.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
All right.
Hey! Aren't you on the news or something?
- Yes.
- You're Cheryl Moore, right?
- Yeah. Do you have a light?
- Sure.
Can I have your autograph?
'Cause I am, like, your biggest fan.
There you go.
Thanks a lot, Cher. By the way,
we're opening for Bryan Metro
at the Greek tonight.
You wanna go?
You know, I really don't think I can.
Got it. Thanks a lot, Cheryl.
What's going on? How are you?
How did you get this number?
Did Roger give it to you?
Could I just speak to Jamie, please?
Well, he can't right now. He's...
- He's on the beach with a friend.
- Who?
A friend of his or a friend of yours?
You know, that's just great, Nina.
That's great.
Can we... Can we just get this over with?
Can I just speak to my kid this time
without having to freak out? Please?
You know you don't even have
visitation rights, Bryan.
Just put him on the phone, Nina.
No, I mean, I don't even know
why you want me to say this...
Just tell whoever you're fucking
to bring my kid out
and put him on the phone!
Okay. No. You know what, Bryan?
I'm going to hang up now.
Just because I don't have visitation rights
does not mean
I'm not allowed to talk to my kid.
Now, if you want me to call my lawyers,
Nina, I'll call my fucking lawyers!
Fuck your fucking lawyers, Bryan!
- I'll call my fucking lawyers.
- Fuck them!
Fuck, all right, Nina, look, I'm sorry, man.
I'm sorry.
Please, Nina.
I don't mean to shout. I just...
Bryan, listen to me.
Don't you fucking call me or him ever again.
He's fucking afraid of you!
Fucking afraid of me?
And don't fucking... You...
What about you, you Medusa?
You fucking Medusa!
- Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan!
- Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan!
- Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan!
- Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan!
- Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan!
- Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan!
Good evening, sir.
Do you want to know who I am?
Are you from around here?
Not really. I'm actually from Nebraska.
A little town near Lincoln.
You had a job at the mall, right?
But the mall closed down, right?
It's all empty now, huh?
Have you been there?
I've been to a mall in Nebraska.
It's all flat.
It's all totally, totally
Come here.
Clear the area.
All of these vehicles need to be moved.
What's going on?
You scared me.
I don't know. I guess some guy's
like threatening to shoot his wife
or maybe he shot her or something.
They got the SWAT team out there
and everything, man.
- lf I were you, I wouldn't go out there.
- Yeah, I won't.
So you're on the eleventh floor, right?
Yeah, the guy who does the videos
visits you all the time.
You mean Martin.
It's actually my girlfriend's place.
- I'm Graham.
- Yeah, I know who you are.
- You want a cigarette?
- Yeah.
It's kind of a small world,
'cause the guy who raised me out here?
He used to work at the studio your dad runs.
You know, so he was part of the system.
But I guess they had to let him go.
Something happened
with some actress or something,
and then he kind of had a breakdown,
so we went back to Barstow.
But I came back here,
'cause I'm an actor.
I was in a commercial for gum,
and I was the boyfriend
in a Clearasil commercial.
You know, it's just kind of hard
'cause you can't really make it in this town
unless you're really willing
to do some awful things.
And, you know, I'm willing.
- Yeah, I guess.
- But I really want to get into video.
That's why I was thinking that Mark guy
would be a great contact.
It's Martin.
All right. Well, thanks for the...
- Yeah, absolutely.
- Yeah.
Hey, where you going?
I've got to drink some juice
and then get some sleep.
You sure you don't want to stay?
I could really use the company.
Sorry, I gotta go.
I think something's gonna happen.
Les Price for two at 8:00.
It's actually three.
- I asked Rachel.
- Who's Rachel?
The girl I met on the beach today.
And when were you going to tell me this?
I don't know. Now, I guess.
I didn't think it would be a problem.
I mean, is it?
Well, I guess there's going
to be three of us.
- Hey, Tim.
- Hey, how are you?
Good, thanks.
Rachel, this is my dad, Les Price.
- Hi, Mr. Price.
- Hello, Rachel.
You here in Hawaii on your own?
No, but my parents are in Maui tonight.
So... You both look nice.
- Thanks, you look great.
- Yes. You do.
So what did you two do
after the beach today?
Well, I watched Tim perfect his hair
for two hours,
then spend another two hours
choosing which shirt he's gonna wear.
Now I understand why.
So did anybody see
that Robert Waters is here?
- Who's that?
- Come on, Tim. Robert Waters.
Star of The Flight Patrol.
It's a television show.
On television.
I don't know.
I guess I just must not watch enough TV.
Yeah, right.
Wait. You don't know who Robert Waters is?
No, I don't.
- You do, I guess?
- Well, I met him at Reagan's inauguration.
God, I thought everybody knew
who Robert Waters is.
I don't.
- Why do you guys care?
- Well, it's a little weird.
- Why?
- He's here with three guys.
The very macho star of Flight Patrol
is here with three dudes.
So one of them tried to pick up Tim today.
Me? When?
At the beach. Today at the bar.
- That guy?
- Yeah. That guy.
Look, he was nice. He was a nice guy.
Yeah, I'm sure he was really nice.
Real nice.
You smoke?
- I told you, Tim.
- What?
- It's bad for you.
- He knows. I told him last night.
Am I blowing this in your face?
I mean, really?
Is this actually bothering you?
I mean, we're outside.
Look, you just shouldn't smoke, Tim.
I'm gonna go finish this cigarette
somewhere else,
since you two don't like it.
The odds looking pretty good tonight, Dad?
- Tim, stop.
- Let him go.
Well, thank you for dinner, Les.
- Hey. Hey. We're not done here.
- No, look, just tell Tim that I'm sorry.
Let's have another drink. Come on.
You know, I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Don't let him spoil the party. Come on.
We're not going to another shitty party
just because
you're fucking the hostess, okay?
And she's married, and her husband's there.
I mean, you'll honestly fuck anybody, right?
I fucked you, dude.
Where the fuck was Christie tonight?
Wasn't she supposed to be at the party?
Christ, I guess I forgot to tell you.
She hasn't been feeling too well.
She had to stay in.
- Wait, are you staying at her place?
- No. She moved in with me and Nina.
- Nina... Nina Metro, out in the colony?
- Yeah.
- Since when?
- It's been a couple of days.
It's weird, she has these night sweats
and swollen glands and this weird rash
- and these little purple bruises...
- Wait, she's sick?
Yeah. She wanted to get out of the condo
and hang at the beach.
She said she'd feel better there.
Martin, I need to know something.
Are you and Christie, like, fucking around?
You guys fuck around when I'm not there?
No. No.
I wouldn't do that to you.
Holy shit. You...
Wow. You really, really like her, don't you?
This isn't just a thing for you.
You actually care about her.
- I need something, Martin.
- You need some fucking ludes.
No, I need something more than this!
Graham, what else is there?
You already have everything.
I need someone to tell me what is good.
Okay? And I need someone
to tell me what's bad.
Because if nobody
tells you these things, Martin,
then how do you know
what's good and what's bad?
And then what happens?
What happens...
What happens then,
when nobody tells you these things?
- Can I help you?
- Hi, I'm Dirk. Who are you?
- Nobody. What the fuck do you want?
- I'm looking for someone.
- Well, I'm the only one here, so...
- But I have something to pick up here.
I think you've probably got the wrong house.
Where's Peter?
- He's not here.
- Dude, a deal was made.
Now I don't know who you are,
but there's something here
that now belongs to us.
Look, I don't want any trouble,
so I think you should just leave, all right?
I don't know what the fuck
you're talking about, all right?
- You got the wrong place.
- No. This is the right place.
The fuck are you looking at?
Look, I told you, Peter's not here.
And I don't know anything
about what the fuck you're talking about.
- I'm just really tired.
- This is very important,
so think carefully before you answer.
Tell me where the fuck Peter is.
I can't tell you that,
'cause I don't know.
This is simple. Peter was paid.
We want what we paid for.
- Now where is it?
- I swear to God, I don't know.
Well, you better find out because
he will be in a very dark place
if we become disappointed,
and we're becoming extremely disappointed.
As soon as he gets back, I'll tell him.
I just don't know when that's gonna be.
I'll see you again.
Laura. I...
I need a shot,
and I couldn't find any syringes anywhere.
I mean, with the move and everything.
You don't have any, do you?
I've got one in here.
I saw her, William.
I saw her at the restaurant.
- You saw who?
- Don't make me say her fucking name.
- What are you talking about?
- Just go get dressed.
I'm not gonna have this conversation
with you if you're going to lie.
I'm not going to do it.
I'm not going to do it anymore!
If you want to talk to me,
you're going to tell me the truth!
- Yeah, I want to talk to you.
- The other night at dinner.
When you came back
and you sat down at the table
and you said the Brodkeys' benefit.
I know why you want to go.
I know why you want to go.
Do you think I'm an idiot?
- No.
- You know what I do wonder?
If you still have feelings for her,
then why are you in this house?
Why are you still in this house?
Are you that selfish?
To think that I would stay here with you
while you fucked her?
Is that what you're thinking?
Do you ever think about anybody else
but yourself?
Do you ever think about me?
Do you ever think about your children?
- Our children.
- Our children!
You did this for our children? For Graham?
He's in college. He deals drugs.
And he thinks you're a joke.
- And Susan? Susan loathes you!
- That's not true.
Yes, that is very true!
For one time,
for one time in your goddamned life,
be honest with me, William.
Did you ever love me?
Did you ever love me?
- Tell me, did you ever love me...
- I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know.
You were afraid you'd be lonely, is that it?
You were afraid you'd have to give me 50%
of everything you think you own, is that it?
No. That's not what this is about.
Oh, God.
I'll go to the benefit with you.
And we'll walk in there
and we'll wink and we'll wave
and we'll have drinks,
and we'll let everybody
know we're just fine.
And then you can come back home here
and you can pack your things
and you can leave.
So, yes,
I'll go to the Brodkey benefit with you.
Why would you want to do that?
I want to see her.
Where you been?
You weren't in the room.
Tim, what's wrong? What happened?
What's wrong? Nothing's wrong.
You want to talk?
Did you just ask me if I want to talk?
Well, yeah.
Yeah. We could talk.
What? What are we gonna talk about, Dad?
I don't know. You tell me.
There's nothing to talk about.
Please... Please, Tim, come on.
There's nothing to talk about.
Come on. Give me a chance.
Don't ruin my chances.
You don't have any chances left
to ruin, dude.
Come on, Tim, you don't mean that.
There's nothing.
There's nothing. Just accept it.
It's easier that way. Just forget it.
There's nothing you can tell me,
and there's nothing
I'm going to tell you, Dad,
that's gonna make any difference.
Some fucking blond kid came by the house.
Yeah, what did he say?
- He was asking me about a package.
- Yeah?
Did you give it to him?
No, I told him we didn't have it.
- What did Dirk say?
- What? You know his fucking name?
What did Dirk say, Jack?
- He said he'd be back.
- Fuck!
They're gonna kill us!
They're gonna kill us!
Who the fuck are these people?
I think it would be in our best interest
if you get your shit
and we get the fuck out of here, okay?
I told you.
I told you we shouldn't have come here.
Shut the fuck up, Mary!
Just get your shit
and let's get out of here, okay?
No, it's not my fucking problem.
I got a fucking job.
I can't just fucking pack up and move.
You don't know
what they're capable of, okay?
You ain't got a goddamn clue.
They're like out of a fucking nightmare.
So get your shit together
and let's get the fuck out of here.
Come on, Mary!
What are you doing?
Listen, if we leave the kid here
and they find him,
this is a more humane way
than letting them get their hands on him.
Let me do it.
Let you do what?
- Let you do what?
- I'll handle it.
How are you gonna handle it?
I'm gonna cut his fucking throat.
Get the fucking van ready.
Come on, Mary.
- Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan!
- Bryan! Bryan! Bryan! Bryan!
Clean yourself. Just clean yourself up.
- Hello?
- Yes, hello, I'm looking for Graham.
- Yeah?
- Graham, it's Nina Metro.
- I'm calling about...
- Who?
We've actually got an emergency
with Christie.
I was hoping you could come down.
- Hello, can I help you?
- Hi.
- I'm Graham.
- You're Graham?
She's really sick.
She needs to see a doctor, but she's
so stubborn, we can't talk her into it.
- Well, where's her dad?
- He's on location in ltaly.
- That's an answer?
- She needs help, Graham.
- Why do you think I can help her?
- Well, aren't you the one that loves her?
What's that gonna fix?
Is that gonna help her?
What are you trying to tell me, baby?
What are you saying?
I want...
I want to stay.
But it's getting cold.
But I need more sun.
There's no more sun.