Innocence Of Muslims (2012)

For your knowledge doctor:
Our prophet had 61 wives, 11 at the same time, even had a girlfriend.
Yeah.. I know, I've heard about it.
If my sick wife die today, I would sell the medicine, eat the food and marriage on girl tomorrow.
I will marry her tomorrow.
Oh.. Congratulations constable!
Be sure to invite me to the wedding!
Shut up (Rustom)!
(Marina)! (Justina)!
Daddy! Daddy!
What's going on?
- There is an enemy murther in the street. Tell your mother to release all the patients and close the clinic! we must go home now!
- Ok dad.
Please, do not take any action until every thing is over!
I'll wait my furthur instructions.
Set place on fire!
We'll groan out this for seeking Christians.
The Islamic Egyptian police arrested 1400 Christians,
scourge them and force them to confess the killing.
- Why do they do that?
- To protect Islamic crimes.
Egyptian police committed fraud upon Christians.
They could save thousands of lives and billions of dollars of tax pre his money.
Man + x = Islamic terrorist.
Islamic terrorist - x = Man.
But.. What is (x)?
You need to discover it for yourself.
A two years old son of a father has been dead for six years?!
This is for bastards.. This is a scandal..
Father! Calm down!
How can I calm down?! My son cannot possibly had a child of two years, we were married on the same day, my son -(Hamza)- is six years old now.
What is this madness?!
Father! we are not stupid, I know, I understand. father! But we must conceal this disgrace..
you must raise him, take him, raise him as one of your slaves if he must!
What shall I call him?! to whom should I attribute him?!
His name is (Mohammed) and we can call him the father unknown.
I think you're right my son.
(Mohammed) the bastard! your lady summons you.
My lady?!..
My lady?!..
Don't finish it!
I'm watching you, dont finish it. Gluttonous! I know you are gluttonous.
Ok.. You bastard the unknown father.
What did you say?
Ok.. The unknown father.
Bilal! Take me to my lady!
Come in (Mohammed)!
I command you: Sit!
You're not wearing undergarments!
Cover your self!
Do you see him?
Push your head between my thighs.
Do you this devil still?
Now do you see him?
She's gone.. (Khadija)!.. She's gone.. How have you done this?
And this shall be the first Muslim Animal.
What is your name?
His name is (Yafour)..
(Yafour)! Do you like the women?
Yafour does not like the women.
Please my cousin, you must help us!
I'll help you (Khadija).. I will make a book for him.. It will be a mix between some versions from the Torah and some versions from the new testament, and mix them into false verses.
And the inspiration has disappeared..
(Waraka) is dead and the inspiration has disappeared!
Don't understand.. What is the relationship between (Waraka)'s death and the inspiration?
Now, I must return to the mountain
find the solution or kill my self.
I've been to the top of the mountain to jump and kill myself twice before.
Now, I will..
I will kill myself..
Now, I will kill myself..
Killing the men, capturing the women!
We shall loot the goods, the camps, any animals and any thing else of value.
What about the children master?! you know some of us fall for the children.
May use whom you wish of the children. the rest shall be sold as slaves to buy more swords and horses.
What if we are killed in the battle?
(Mohammed) is our messenger and the (Quran) is our constitution.
You do not understand.
My husband just left to the caravan.
Yes, go and wait for me in your tent..
I'm coming..
Isn't it shameful for a woman to expose herself to a man she does not know?!
Have you not heard what God had said in the (Quran)?!
"The master may desire whom he wants and shall be given whom he wants".
God is true in all the things says in the book.
Also, "If a married woman offers herself to the master and he wishes to have her he's allowed, even if the rest of the believers are not allowed".
Every thing Allah says in the Quran is true.
How pleasurable is our Islamic ways!
Remeber! God in the (Torah) commanded the Jews to destroy the city of (Jericho), killing all the people even the women and the children.
Am I right?
Yes, (Elohim) -our God- did that but if you noticed he also gave this city a four hundred fifty year chance.
And he didn't expect extortions..
Or ask any one to convert to Judaism.
Free your knowledge!
We believe in one God before you were born, even the pharaohs of Egypt believed to one God five thousand years ago.
It's not enough to believe in one God. Must say God and (Mohammed) his messenger.
Now, go read the (Quran)!
Move to (Palestine)! Or pay the extortion!
I've recieved your message and I will not read your (Quran).
My daughter shall have the stars..
You sure (Mohammed) a child molester?! Our daughter's been a child and he's fifty five years old.
He's fifty three not fifty five and he has wealth and power.
My daughter should be his bride whether he say it, yes or no.
- He's the messenger of God.. gay?!
- Yes, he is and (Omar) also.
I know about (Omar), but he's the master..
donate or submissive?
Do you remeber the night of the chit?
Ofcourse master.
(Zaid).. I do not know him..
You are mine.
You are only for me.
For you, I'm canceling the adoption.
Islamic nation forbids adoption because of (Zaynab).
That is a mix verse of the (Quran).
My age has exceeded one hundred and twenty years.
And within all my young life, I have not seen such a murderous thug as Mohammed.
He kills men, captures women and children, loots the caravans, criticizes agreements and treaties,
He sells the children as slaves after he and his men have used them
And what's more.. he does this all in the name of God.
What God is this?! That he's such an appraiser and so unfair to the people.
Whomever refuses to follow Islam have only two choices: Pay extortion or die.
Let's take the other treasure! cut off his arms and his legs and then his head! And do it in front of his beautiful wife (Sofia)!
As you command master.
I'd like to hear, what are the last words you would like to say to your wife?
(Sofia)! Alright..
This is my will..
God remembers the Jews and Brings them together in the holy land..
I hope that they won't forget our bones and I wish Mohammed's sons are given a restitution for grandfathers' blood, for the rape of our women, for our children and our riches.
(Kenana).. (Kenana)..
I'm leaving (Sofia).. I'm leaving.
No, no, no, no, no, no..
(Hafsa)! Please, do not yell!
(Aisha) can hear you!
Are you afraid from her?
If she doesn't hear me tonight, I'll make sure she knows of the scandal with my servant.
Please, the bastard! don't tell (Aisha)!
I will make your father caliph of the Muslims..
Do you need help (Hafsa)?
I can handle him on my own.
In my bed.. On my night..
In my bed.. On my night..
The battle! I'm late to the battle..
Leave me to go to the battle!
Every non Muslim is an infidel. Their lands, their women, their children are our spoils.