Inoperable (2017)

(dramatic music)
(low monotone pulse)
- And who do we have here?
- Amy Barrett 30 years old
came in last night
due to the pile up
leading off the island.
Head injuries, cracked
the seventh and eighth rib
resulting in
pulmonary contusions.
- Any responses to
external stimuli?
- No.
- That's too bad.
- Yeah, I think it took a
little too long to get to her.
- Doctor, the authorities
are insisting on immediate
evacuation now.
We need to get going.
Most of their wings
have been vacated.
- Okay, we'll be right there.
- This storm is
gonna be a bad one.
- She come here with anyone?
- No.
She has ID.
Check this out she's
in nursing school.
- Get out could've
used the help.
- Tell me about it.
- Now we'll never know.
Could've been a good one.
(thunder rumbling)
- Doctor.
- Okay,
we'll be right there.
(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbling)
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
(car horn honking)
(lively pop music)
You don't know
You never did, you never did
How to live
Your cheating heart
is telling lies
When it comes to love
The more you wanna get
Well then the more
you gotta give
You don't know
You never did, you never did
How to live
Your cheating heart
is telling lies
When it comes to love
The more you wanna get
Well then the more
you gotta give
(dramatic music)
(soft gasping)
(machine beeping)
- Hello.
(machine alarm beeping)
(thunder rumbling)
Is anyone there?
- [Broadcaster]
Attention, attention.
Please proceed in a orderly
fashion to the nearest exit.
Patients please wait in
your respective rooms
as hospital staff will be by
(tense music)
This is a recording message 235.
- Hello.
(distant muffled chatter)
Hello, I'm still in here.
(soft buzzing)
- [Operator]
Attention, attention
please proceed in a orderly
fashion to the nearest exit.
Patients please wait in
your respective rooms
as hospital staff
will be by momentarily
to assist you in
exiting the hospital.
This is a recording message 235.
(distant muffled chatter)
- [Amy] Hello.
(muttering voices on television)
(soft buzzing)
- [Broadcaster] This
station has interrupted
its regularly
schedule programming
to bring you this
emergency message alert
at the request of local,
state, and federal authorities.
The emergency alert
system has been activated.
Broadcast and cable systems
should broadcast this
emergency message
continuously until instructed
to cease at the request of
the United States government.
This is a weather emergency.
Hurricane Sybil is now a
category five hurricane
and will impact the areas
indicated within one hour.
Storm surge is expected
to crest at over 35 feet.
A mandatory evacuation
is in full effect.
During this emergency most
stations will remain on the air
to provide relevant
emergency information.
Do not use the telephones.
The telephone network
should be kept open
for authorities and
for emergency use only.
All those currently
in the broadcast area
should evacuate immediately.
(cellphone ringing)
(cellphone ringing)
- [Mom] Amy, it's mom.
I heard about the
accident on the island,
and I wanna make
sure you're okay.
Give me a call as
soon as you can.
I love you.
(soft beeping tone)
- [Operator] Due to heavy call
volume all circuits are busy.
(dramatic music)
- [Operator]
Attention, attention.
Please proceed in a orderly
fashion to the nearest exit.
- Hello.
- Patients
please wait in your
respective rooms
as hospital staff
will be by momentarily
to assist you in
exiting the hospital.
This is a recording.
- Hello.
(dramatic music)
(tense tone)
(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbling)
(wind howling)
(soft beeping tone)
- [Operator] Due to heavy call
volume all circuits are busy.
- Oh, god (gasping).
Go figure.
- [Psychiatrist] And how
are you sleeping, Ophelia?
- [Ophelia] Not so good
I sleep better at home.
- Hello.
- Well,
we can't let you
go home just yet.
- [Ophelia] I can't sleep too.
- Hey, we're supposed
to be evacuating.
There's a storm coming.
- Two, three, five.
Two, three, five.
(dramatic music)
What's two, three, five?
- Well, let's just put that
down shall we, Ophelia?
- But it's trying to
tell me something.
- I think we might have to
consider a surgical procedure.
- Well, I don't.
- Because nothing is working.
(dramatic music)
(machine beeping)
- Hey, father.
(low monotone pulse)
- [Broadcaster] This
station has interrupted
its regularly
schedule programming.
- Hey.
(emergency broadcast chatter)
Hey, are we supposed
to be evacuating?
- What was the PRN
dosage on Reynolds?
- 20 CCs.
- Can anybody hear me?
What is going on?
- [Broadcaster] This
is a weather emergency.
Hurricane Sybil.
- Patient status?
- Patient out.
- Okay draw your
ex-lap incision.
Scalpel to me four
by four to you.
- Scalpel.
- [Doctor] Rake and skin hook.
(machine beeping)
(soft music)
(cellphone ringing)
- [Mom] Amy, it's mom
again please call me.
It's getting bad out there.
I'm just praying you
made it off the island
before the storm hit.
Please just call.
(dramatic music)
(soft beeping tone)
- [Operator] Due to heavy call
volume all circuits are busy.
(thunder rumbling)
(lighting clicking)
(whispering voice)
(cellphone ringing)
(dramatic music)
(machine beeping)
(machine alarm beeping)
- [Nurse] Did they really
change the biohazard precaution?
- No, the board hasn't
approved it yet.
- Okay, Ms. Barrett,
we need you to go back to
your room and get some rest.
- Wait you can...
You can see me?
No, no I'm okay, I'm okay.
What's happening here?
(nurse coughing)
- We need you to lay
down and get some rest.
- [Amy] Can you please
just let me call my mom?
- We've already spoken to her.
She's been by to
visit you already.
- [Amy] She has.
- You need to go back
and get some rest.
- [Amy] What about
the hurricane?
Please just let me call my mom.
- No, you need to go
back and lay down.
- You need to do as we say.
(intercom voice
mumbling faintly)
(dramatic music)
(soft gasping)
(door creaking)
- [Doctor] Blood
pressure status?
- [Nurse] 124 over
78 patient stable.
- [Doctor] How's he setting?
- [Nurse] 97%.
- [Doctor] Perfect.
(tense music)
(soft groaning)
(thunder rumbling)
(loud bang)
(glass breaking)
(lights flicking)
(tense tone)
- But I feel fine.
- SOPs dictate I have to
have you medical cleared
after an accident.
- Okay and then what?
- We go to the station.
You give your witness testimony,
and then I can drop you
off wherever you need.
- Okay.
Hey, Ryan.
- [Ryan] yeah.
- [Jen] I'm kind of hungry.
- [Ryan] We can get something
on the way to the station.
We can eat.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
What the hell happened to you?
- What?
- What's with the saw?
- Uh, yeah.
- My name's Amy
these people here...
What is happening here?
- Just stay put.
(dramatic music)
- No, no, no.
No, I didn't do anything.
I didn't do anything.
- I think an invasive
method would be
the best course of treatment.
Are these your
imaginary friends?
Creative Amy very creative.
- Just go.
Don't you fucking move.
(tense music)
What the hell was that about?
You should come work for
the sheriff's office.
- I can help you.
The electroconvulsive therapy
has been used
successfully for years.
- So what are you
guys doing here?
- I was at a party in
town with some friends.
It was a girl's not out and--
- It's official
business no offense.
- Okay.
- Hey, excuse me.
- Hey, you can't
let them see us.
- [Ryan] Why?
- Very bad things
are happening here.
You have to trust me.
- Just let me take care of this.
Hey, excuse me.
Listen something strange
is happening here.
I can't get a signal on
my phone or my radio.
Hey, did you hear me?
What are you doing?
Drop the weapon.
Drop the weapon.
(tense music)
(loud screaming)
Go, go, go, go, go.
- I'm gonna get
something for your side.
- Let me see.
Oh, my god what do we do?
(tense music)
(dramatic tone)
(soft music)
- [Operator]
Attention, attention.
Please proceed in a orderly
fashion to the nearest exit.
Patients please wait in
your respective rooms
as hospital and staff
will be by momentarily
to assist you in
exiting the hospital.
This is a recording message.
(dramatic music)
- I just got the CT scans
like a few hours ago.
(nurses muttering faintly)
(dramatic music)
(tense tone)
- Amy.
- What?
What so you know me now?
- What you don't know?
- What?
- The timelines.
- The what?
(muffled voices)
- Okay, that's close we
can't let that happen.
- What happen?
- Look I don't know how many
times you've been here before
but you can't die here.
- Well, I don't
wanna die anywhere.
- No, what I'm saying is
you can't die in this place.
- We just stay here forever.
- What?
- It's a hurricane.
It's the meanest strongest
one anyone's ever seen before.
It's the T-Rex of hurricanes.
It passed over a secret
government test facility.
- At Fort Miller.
- It's done something
or broken something.
It's woken up this place.
- He and I have
been here before.
- Like you started over.
- Yeah, we've been here before.
But most of the times we just...
We've been separate.
- Where am I?
Where am I?
(machine beeping)
(dramatic music)
- Hey, we can't let
that girl die here.
- It's too late for
her it's not for you.
- [Jen] He's right come on.
- Hey, come on I think
we gotta go this way.
Just remember don't die here.
- Oh, no, no, no, no not again.
I can't make it out
of here without him.
- Come on we have to try.
- We needed to leave together.
- We will leave together.
- No, me and Ryan.
- What do you mean?
- We came in together.
We're supposed to
leave together.
We gotta go back and get him.
- We have to go.
- No, I've been through
this before, okay,
and I've escaped without him
and sometimes he's
escaped without me
but we always end up back here.
- Come on we have to go.
(soft music)
(thunder rumbling)
(tense music)
- No, it's too late.
We have to keep going.
(tense music)
(thunder rumbling)
(dramatic music)
- Help me take this off.
- Oh, you got it?
- Yeah.
- Go, go, go.
Hey, what's wrong?
- This is just...
I can't this is just...
It's just all too much.
- Hey, it's okay.
We're gonna make it out of here
and we're gonna be home
playing video games
before you know it.
- Video games.
- Okay, so maybe I will.
I was an only child
and I work a lot.
But maybe Ryan will come over
and he'll bring
the beer and pizza.
- He seems like a good guy.
- He's so handsome in his
uniform don't you think?
You should try Nyloft
mascara it doesn't run.
- You should be a model.
- Oh, thanks.
(tense music)
(soft gasping)
(tense tone)
No, Amy.
(car horn honking)
- [Operator] 911 what
is your emergency?
- My name's Amy Barrett.
I'm at Bay General.
I can't get out.
Please help the
hurricane's getting closer.
(soft beeping tone)
- Amy, we gotta go.
(telephone ringing)
- [Ryan] Jen, is that you?
Please just start over.
They're about to
do something to me.
- No, I can't go
through this again.
He wants us to start over.
- How do we start over?
- I don't know but
we gotta find him.
(soft music)
(baby crying)
(dramatic music)
(tense tone)
(machine beeping)
- Oh, my god.
- Oh, my god.
What have they done to you?
(soft sobbing)
Oh, baby I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- You need to go.
It's too late.
Oh, god.
- [Jen] We gotta
get you out of here.
(hysterical crying)
- Jen.
- Help me.
Please help me.
- You gotta be quiet.
- Please help me.
Help me please.
- Keep your voice down.
- Go.
- We gotta go.
We gotta go.
(tense music)
(hysterical crying)
- [Operator]
Attention, attention.
(intercom voice
mumbling faintly)
(tense music)
(tense tone)
(soft gasping)
(car horn honking)
- [Operator] 911 what
is your emergency?
- My name's Amy Barrett
I'm at Bay General.
Please help the
hurricane's getting closer.
- [Operator] Ma'am,
are you okay?
I don't think we
got a hurricane.
- No, no, no, no.
(machine beeping)
(thunder rumbling)
(dramatic music)
- [Broadcaster] This
station has interrupted
its regularly
schedule programming
to bring you this
emergency message alert
at the request of local,
state, and federal authorities.
The emergency alert
system has been activated.
Broadcasts and cable systems
should broadcast this
emergency message.
(tense music)
(machine beeping)
- No, no, no, no, no.
No, no I'm not pregnant.
I'm am not fucking pregnant.
I'm not pregnant.
No, I'm not fucking pregnant.
I'm not pregnant, no.
(hysterical crying)
(soft beeping tone)
- [Operator] Due to heavy call
volume all circuits are busy.
(dramatic music)
(soft gasping)
(car horn honking)
- Come on mom pick up.
Pick up, pick up,
pick up please.
Come on pick up.
Oh, no.
(dramatic music)
(door creaking)
(tense tone)
- Who are you?
Are you one of them?
- No, Ryan it's me.
- What's the number?
- [Amy] What.
- What's the number?
- What I don't understand.
- There's a room
number what is it?
- I don't.
(soft clicking)
- What are you doing here?
- I don't know I just
remember waking up here.
- When did you first get here?
- I don't remember it
could've been last night or--
- When the hurricane started.
- I think so.
So how did you get here?
- I placed a woman into
protective custody.
She was at a party and witness
to a big drug deal gone bad.
That witness was Jen.
On our way to the station
we were in that pile
up on the main road
leading off the island.
- I was in that too I think.
Procedure dictates I'd
have to have her medically
cleared being in a accident
while in my custody
so I drove us here and--
- And.
- That was four years ago.
- Four years.
- All I could
figure is they were
messing around with
something at Fort Miller
and this hurricane came
through which just...
It twisted up the hospital
and it mixed up all
these timelines together.
(tense music)
Go, go, go, go, go.
(loud grunting)
(voice over intercom
muttering faintly)
(tense music)
(soft music)
- [Operator] 911 what
is you emergency?
- [Operator] Code
White standard division
psychiatric ward message 113.
- [Man] Amy Barrett,
Amy Barrett it's over.
- [Operator]
Attention, attention.
Please proceed in a orderly
fashion to the nearest exit.
Patients please wait for
your respective rooms
as hospital staff will
be with you momentarily
to assist you in
exiting the hospital.
This is a recording message 235.
- [Jen] I'm not pregnant.
- [Operator] Due to heavy call
volume all circuits are busy.
- [Mom] Amy, it's mom.
I heard about the
accident on the island,
and I wanna make
sure you're okay.
Give me a call as
soon as you can.
I love you.
(whispering voice)
(soft music)
(low dull tone)
(thunder rumbling)
(telephone ringing)
(dramatic music)
- [Ryan] Jen, are you okay?
- [Jen] Ryan, come to me.
- [Ryan] Where are you?
- [Jen] I don't know.
- [Ryan] Yell out and
I'll listen for you.
Yell into a air vent.
- [Jen] Ryan.
Oh, no, no.
Oh, no Ryan they heard me.
They found me.
- [Ryan] Jen, keep
yelling I'll find you.
- [Jen] It's too late.
Ryan, I love you.
- [Ryan] Jen.
- [Jen] I love you, Ryan.
- [Ryan] Jen.
(dramatic music)
- Mom, come on.
Come on mom pick up,
pick up, pick up.
Come on.
Help me.
Somebody help.
- Hey.
- Mom.
- You reached Beth's voicemail.
Please leave a message.
- Mom, it's me I'm trapped.
I'm trapped inside.
- Who are you are one of them?
- No, Ryan it's me.
It's Amy.
- You were in that pile
up on the main road
leading off the island?
- Yes, I mean I think so.
- How many times?
- I don't know what you mean.
I can't remember the accident.
- No, no, no how many times?
- I don't know.
- Well, you've been here
before you've seen
this before, right?
- Yeah, but I don't
know what's going on.
- And they haven't
gotten you yet.
You haven't died yet?
- No, I keep waking
up in my room.
They haven't gotten me yet.
- That's the eye.
The eye of the hurricane it
keeps recycling you back in.
But you haven't died yet.
- No.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Why what happens?
- If you die Amy none of us
will ever be able to escape.
- [Operator] Attention,
attention please proceed.
- This way.
- Where are we going?
- I either have to get you
out or I have to find Jen.
- I don't understand.
- Well Jen and I
came in together
so we have to leave together.
But you came in by yourself
so you can leave by yourself.
It's conservation of
energy or something.
Talk was that the
hurricane damaged
the quantum particle
lab at Fort Miller.
They were experimenting
and manipulating
paradoxical time anomalies.
Nothing's in a linear
progression anymore.
The timeline it can spit you
out whenever it wants to.
You can wake up and
it could be next year.
It could be two days ago.
You can just stay in
this hospital forever.
(dramatic music)
- Now give me your elephant.
- No, please no.
I need him.
(loud crying)
(electricity whirling)
- Let's go.
- Now just lay still.
Oh, sorry cold right?
My you have a healthy heart.
Let's take a look.
(tense music)
- [Operator] Code White standard
division psychiatric ward
message 113.
(tense music)
- No.
Smart move you should come
work for the sheriff's office.
Do you have the numbers
we gotta get out
before the hurricane passes by.
- What numbers?
- The numbers.
I've been waiting
years for this.
I need those numbers.
- What?
- Have you seen any
numbers like over again?
- My room number 235.
- 235, 235.
- Wait, wait 133, 132.
- 133, 132 those are the
numbers inside the rooms
in the psych ward they
just put Jen and me in.
- That's all that I know.
- We've been here a long
time we've been trapped.
The only way we can get
out of here and escape
is we gotta get those numbers.
It has to do with the
energy or something.
It's gotta have something
to do with those numbers.
Hey, are you alright?
- I feel really weird.
- It's almost your time again.
You're resettling.
Only it's gonna be less time
they get you when you reset.
You gotta get out
before the storm hits.
- What's happening?
- You're restarting,
you're speeding up.
You're running
out of time before
each reset back into the loop.
You have to get out
before the storm comes.
(dramatic music)
- [Operator] 911 what
is your emergency?
- My name's Amy Barrett.
I'm about to be in a accident.
I'm trapped with a
sheriff's deputy.
- [Operator] Ma'am, can
you give me your location?
- Yeah, not again, not again.
(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbling)
(door creaking)
(suspenseful music)
Jen, oh my god.
- You're not one of them.
I need the numbers,
the room number.
I need the number,
I need the number.
The room number there's
a room number here.
- I told Ryan.
I told Ryan everything I know.
- Ryan.
You've seen my Ryan.
(dramatic music)
How is he?
Is he okay?
It's been so long.
- He's looking for you.
- Next time you see
him will you tell him
will you tell him,
will you tell him
that I love him could
you tell me that?
Could you?
- Tell him yourself.
Come on.
Let's get out of here.
- I can't wait to see him.
I just want him to hold me
just for a little while.
- We'll find him together, okay.
- Maybe he'll call.
- Come on we gotta keep moving.
(telephone ringing)
(tense tone)
- [Ryan] Jen, I'm sorry
I brought you here.
Just keep trying
until we get it right.
Don't give up.
I won't give up on you.
I love you, Jen.
Jen, I love you.
- [Operator] 911 what
is your emergency?
- Hi, my name's Amy Barrett.
I'm at Bay General.
I am trapped inside with a
sheriff deputy named Ryan
and a woman named Jen.
We can't get out
please send someone.
(soft beeping tone)
- [Operator] Code White standard
division psychiatric ward
message 113.
(tense music)
- Calm down my child.
You are safe here.
- Amy don't listen to him.
- Don't listen to that spirit.
Hey, let's go to the chapel.
- Amy, you can't trust him.
- You'll be safe there.
(priest speaking in
foreign language)
(tense music)
(telephone ringing)
- Jen.
- Get down, get down.
- Jen, I'm so sorry Jen.
- [Jen] I love you Ryan.
- Where are you?
- [Jen] I don't know.
- Please baby just
tell me where you are.
- [Jen] I'm all alone.
- What room number do you see?
- [Jen] I'm scared, Ryan.
- Don't be scared baby.
Hey, you know what
- What
- I've got this
bad ass muscle car.
I've been restoring it.
It's in my grandma's barn.
When we get out of here,
I'm gonna take
you out on a date.
- [Jen] It's a deal.
No, no, no they're back.
No, no, no.
- Jen.
- [Jen] Please come
please, please hurry.
- What is going on here?
- I don't know this hurricane's
opened up a portal or something.
- I don't get it.
- I don't know anymore it's
like hell or something.
- Yeah.
- I've died over 600 times
and each one is more horrific.
- We gotta get out of here.
- You know I figured that
the only time that Jen and
I could escape together
is when we first
come in together
before either one
of us even died.
- Like the first time I
saw the two of you in yours
in the waiting room.
- Yeah,
that would've been
the time to leave.
I mean anyone how
many times we've been
back in that waiting room
but each time we
think it's the first.
- So you don't know that you
need to turn around and leave.
- Yeah, exactly.
God I fucking hate his place.
- I keep waking up back here.
There has to be
something in this room.
(cellphone ringing)
- [Mom] Amy, I saw you called
but didn't leave a message.
I'm worried about you.
I can't lose you like
I lost your sister.
Call me.
- [Operator] Due to
heavy call volume
- Cute dog.
Hey, look at me.
We're gonna make it out of this.
(dramatic music)
- That's weird.
- What.
- I don't remember seeing
this back here before.
- It's from Sybil High School.
It's a reminder to renew
your alumina membership.
- Great.
Hey, remind me to renew
my health insurance
if I ever get out of here.
- You okay?
I think you're resetting.
- What?
It's too soon for that.
- No, no it's speeding up.
We gotta get the
hell out of here.
We gotta find Jen.
Try to remember the numbers.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- But I feel fine.
- SOPs dictate I have to
have you medically cleared
after an accident.
- Okay.
And then what?
- Well, we go to the station.
You give your witness testimony,
and then I can drop you
off wherever you need.
- Okay.
Hey Ryan.
- Yeah.
- I'm kind of hungry.
- We can get something on
the way to the station.
We can eat.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I'd like that.
You know what?
- What?
- You're kind of cool for a cop.
- Yeah, I've heard that before.
- Hey.
Hey, you have to leave now.
You have to leave, you have to.
You have leave now.
- I can't fit a wallet
in this dress.
- Ryan,
can you hear me you
have to hear me.
You have to leave.
- Ms. Ardsen.
- That's me.
- Have a seat.
- [Amy] No, don't go.
- [Nurse] We'll get you checked.
- Hey, wanna come with me?
- Well, it would be
better and quicker
if we just saw you.
- Oh, okay.
- Don't let her go, Ryan.
- I won't leave without you.
(soft gasping)
(whispering voice)
- [Operator] 911 what
is your emergency?
- My name's Amy Barrett.
I'm at Bay General
111 Bayside Lane.
I'm trapped inside
our something.
Please come.
- [Operator] Ma'am.
- Oh, no.
(dramatic music)
- They're here.
- Excuse me.
Have you seen a
sheriff's deputy?
We came in together and
now I can't find him.
- Ryan.
- You know his name
do you know him?
Have you seen him?
- Jen, it's me.
- I don't know you.
- Jen, it's me Amy.
- Father, have you seen
the sheriff's deputy?
- Come on.
- We gotta go.
- I just wanna find Ryan.
- [Amy] We gotta go.
- Amy.
- Yeah.
- What's going on?
- You don't know?
- No, but I'm scared.
- Yeah, me too.
- We've met before, haven't we?
- Yeah.
- How many times?
- Too many.
- You know you should try
Nyloft mascara it doesn't run.
- Yeah, that's what I heard.
Here, come on.
This way.
We gotta figure out what 945 is.
- What's 945?
- I don't know but I
think it's our way out.
Come on.
945 it's not on here.
Oh, my god.
Come on let's go.
(soft gasping)
No, no not now.
- Amy, what happening.
- Oh, god I'm going back.
No, it's too soon.
It's too soon.
- What's wrong?
Amy, stay with me.
Amy, no, no, no.
Amy (screaming)
- [Operator] 911 what
is your emergency?
- This is Amy Barrett
I'm at Bay General.
There i a psychotic
killer on the lose.
You have to come now.
- [Operator] A psychotic
killer at Bay General?
- Yes, a psychotic killer.
Amy Barrett Bay
General help please.
You have to send
somebody right now.
(soft beeping tone)
(dramatic music)
(nurses mumbling faintly)
(tense music)
- Amy, it's me, it's me.
- Ryan.
- Ryan.
Let's go.
- Is there a room 945?
- Are you sure?
- Yes, 945.
- Are you absolutely sure?
- Do you know where that is?
- Absolutely sure it's 945.
- Yes, 945.
Why you know where
it is don't you?
- It's the room on the other
side of the psych ward.
It's the infectious
disease section.
- Okay, which way is it?
Ryan, which way is it?
- It's this way.
(machine beeping)
(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbling)
- What's wrong?
- I can't go through there.
- What, you said we have
to go through this ward.
We don't have much more time.
- I'm sorry.
- Why what's in there?
- Jen's in there.
- What?
- Her soul's trapped in there.
She's in a state of
permanent torture.
- Well, is there another way?
- It's a long way
around but yeah.
(wind howling)
Do you hear that?
The hurricane's passing over.
We don't have much time
we gotta hurry come on.
Her room's coming up this way.
It's a trap it's not 945.
(tense music)
If the hurricane's coming by
one more chance get to the loop.
(dramatic music)
- 113.
- [Ryan] It's from
Sybil High School.
It's a reminder to renew
your alumni membership.
- 113.
(dramatic music)
- [Broadcaster] Interrupted its
regularly schedule programming
to bring you this
emergency message.
(tense tone)
(nurse coughing)
(dramatic music)
- [Operator] Code white standard
division psychiatric ward
message 113.
- 113, 11, 113.
(dramatic music)
- Hey, come back here.
- 945.
(tense music)
Oh, god.
(hysterical crying)
(loud screaming)
(machine buzzing)
(loud screaming)
(loud screaming)
(loud crying)
(priest speaking
foreign language)
- Ryan.
(soft sobbing)
(dramatic music)
(loud screaming)
(tense tone)
(soft mumbling)
(soft music)
(loud screaming)
(tense tone)
(machine beeping)
- Run.
Just go.
What are you doing?
Just save yourself.
- No, we're all
getting out of here.
(soft groaning)
- [Ryan] Jen, baby you okay?
Come here can you walk?
(soft moaning)
- [Operator] Code white standard
division psychiatric ward
message 113.
- Hurry.
- Go, hurry.
Lay down.
It's gotta be here.
It's gotta be here somewhere.
- [Ryan] Where is it?
(soft pounding)
- [Orderly] Open the door.
- Come on this way.
Go get her up.
Take her to the light.
Take her to the light.
Go to the light go, go, go.
- You first.
- [Orderly] Come on out.
- I'm right behind you.
- [Orderly] Back
away from the door.
(loud bang)
- Okay, Ms. Barrett,
are you ready?
- Am I ready for what?
- To be discharged.
Unless you wanna stay.
- That's okay I think I'll go.
- That's what I thought.
Well, when you're ready
William here will wheel you out.
- That's okay I think I'll walk.
- Okay, Ms. Barrett, we have
a car waiting for you outside.
(soft music)
- [Broadcaster] The
strongest storm on record
to ever hit U.S. shores.
Hurricane Sybil left a trail
of destruction in the area.
Strangely this
storm of the century
lost steam as soon as it
left the metropolitan area.
(soft music)
- How's work?
- It's fine.
Hey mom.
- Yeah.
- Is it okay if I take the
Ray out for a little spin?
- Honey, you know your dad
got rid of that when he left.
Amy, you need to get help.
I'm sure the old memory of
your sister still haunts you,
but I can't lose you too.
- I'm fine, mom.
- I'm serious I'm
worried about you.
- Alright you're all set.
- Do you remember this guy?
- As a little girl
she would always
hand this to you
when you were sad.
- Yeah, Ophelia.
(soft music)
- Ophelia Barrett.
You are doing the
right thing, Ophelia.
(soft music)
Let's see here.
All of your physiological
tests came back normal.
Vitals look good.
No underlying medical issues.
- That's good right?
- Let's talk about your family.
Is your father alive?
- Yeah.
- [Doctor] Is he in good health?
- I don't know I don't really.
- [Doctor] I see.
How about your mother?
- My mom she died a while back.
My step mom took care of
me after my dad left us.
- I see.
Any brothers or sisters?
- I have a half sister Amy.
I live with her and my step mom.
- [Doctor] Do the
two of you get along?
- Yes, I love Amy very much.
- [Doctor] Is everything
good with Amy?
- Well, she's been
in and out of mental
- Mental institutions?
- Yeah.
(soft music)
(soft sobbing)
- [Doctor] And how are
you sleeping, Ophelia?
- Not so good I
sleep better at home.
- Well, we can't let
you go home just yet.
- But I can't sleep.
- Well, we'll have to
adjust some of the dosages.
- No.
I miss Amy.
- [Doctor] What was that?
- I miss Amy.
- I think we might have to
consider a surgical procedure.
- Why?
- Because you've been
here for six months.
Nothing seems to be working.
- When?
- [Doctor] Tomorrow first thing.
You are very unhappy, Ophelia.
The sooner the better I think.
(soft sobbing)
(soft music)
(somber music)
- Knock, knock.
Rise and shine it's
time for breakfast.
I'm Tara I'm gonna
be your nurse.
Ophelia, Ophelia.
Code blue, code blue.
Come on, come on.
Someone got the code cart.
Call respiratory stat.
Come on, come on.
- Mom, you're...
Mom, you're hurting me.
Mom, you're hurting me.
(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbling)
- [Ryan] What the
hell was that about?
You should come work for
the sheriff's office.
- [Jen] Then maybe
Ryan will come over
and he'll bring
the beer and pizza.
You should try Nyloft mascara.
It doesn't run.
- [Amy] You should be a model.
- [Jen] Oh, thanks.
(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbling)
(whispering voice)
- [Amy] This is Amy
Barrett I'm at Bay General.
There is a psychotic
killer on the lose.
You have to come now.
- [Operator] Code white standard
division psychiatric ward
message 113.
(tense music)
(tense music)
(soft music)
(dramatic music)