Insanitarium (2008)

If you're reading this letter...'s because I've been committed
to an insane asylum.
I'm not crazy.
I just don't know what else to do.
My sister's mentally ill.
She has been
since our mother died.
No. No. No.
Fuck! Somebody help me!
l'm calling about Lily Romero.
Look, like l told you,
we had her released to home care...
...under our family doctor.
You know, you're supposed to be
taking these things.
She's my sister.
l have a right to see her.
But now our worst nightmare
has come true.
Lily's been committed
to a mental institution.
She's become a ward of the state.
The doctors can do
whatever they want to her.
This letter's my insurance policy.
The only way I can save her
is to get her out.
No. No.
And the only way to get her out
is to become one of them myself.
-Don't touch me.
The monsters.
Monster of the anti-matter.
Don't touch me!
Don't fucking touch me!
You think you have all the answers.
-No, no, no!
-lmmediate medical response.
You can't touch me!
Calm down. Hey!
Hey, hey.
Look at them. Look at them.
l'm not the destroyer.
Easy. Easy.
l'm falling down.
You're gonna be okay.
Come on, guys.
We need to immobilize his legs.
Hang on, it takes a few seconds.
Bastard clocked me.
Take him up to Med-Psych.
They'll know what to do with him.
Gotta clean your ass too.
Couldn't wait till after my shift
to freak the fuck out?
You smell like shit.
You shit yourself?
Hello there. l'm Dr. Gianetti.
Can you tell me what happened?
Do you have a name?
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jump over the candlestick
Let's call you Jack from now on,
shall we?
Can you get Charles in here?
We're not gonna get much more
until these sedatives wear off.
l'm gonna take care of you.
Help you.
He stole my instructions.
This place gives me
the heebie-jeebies.
Just breathe.
Gotta wear your seatbelt tonight.
You got celebrity neighbors.
You see that dude?
Mark Gibbon Hawthorne.
That's the guy who choked
all those girls in Oregon.
Kept their corpses
in this greenhouse.
Fucked them for weeks
after they were dead.
Buried them right on the spot.
Sweet dreams, Tinker Bell.
Oh, hell, no.
Not on my shift.
His hand!
Fucking son of a bitch.
You bite your lip to trick me in there.
You know he's gonna fry your ass
when he hears about it.
Why are you telling me that?
l don't know.
-You shut up.
-l forgot.
Hey. You.
l saw what you did.
You told him.
Do you know how long
l've been in here?
There's no smell in here.
Did you notice?
l was gonna go outside.
To where things grow.
To the sunshine.
But you ruined that.
You told him.
-l didn't do anything.
-You told him.
-You told him!
-Just leave me alone!
Shut up!
Shut the fuck up! Shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Hello, Jack.
Can you hear me?
He's in shock. Let's get him up.
Judging by the angle of incision,
these cuts were self-inflicted.
ls that true, Jack?
That you did this to yourself?
l don't know. l don't remember.
Don't remember
or you don't wanna remember?
l don't know. l'm not this mystery--
You're the destroyer.
l'm anti-matter.
Better keep an eye on him.
There's more to this case
than simple schizophrenia.
Put him on psych ward.
l'll check him out
after l've done my rounds.
l'm sorry, l just wanted to touch him.
Just wanted to smell his skin.
l understand, Mr. Hawthorne.
lt's your instinct.
The Orpheum brings your feelings
up to the surface... l can see them better.
So l can make you well.
Home sweet home.
This is Jack.
Cops picked him up yesterday.
He's being placed
under observation.
There's not a lot here.
What am l supposed to do with him?
Starting him on Zyprexa,
Haldol, possibly Orpheum...
...pending Dr. Gianetti's
final diagnosis.
-So that mean we're cool?
Always room for one more.
Nice to meet you, Jack.
l'm Nancy.
Don't worry about
all that treatment stuff.
Let's get you settled in, okay?
Hang out for a sec
and l'll give you the grand tour.
-l'm sorry, l--
l'm Heather.
You're new here, right?
They don't let us use scissors...
...but l'm getting pretty good
with my fingers.
He was touching me.
-You saw him.
-Stay in your seat.
-He raped me.
-l didn't do anything.
He was gonna stick his thing
inside of me. lnside my vagina.
-My vagina.
Want me to call Dr. Gianetti?
Do you wanna go back upstairs?
Then sit!
Okay, l shouldn't have left you alone,
all right?
lt's best to give everyone
space until you learn the ropes.
-l didn't do anything.
-l know. l know.
All patient rooms are here
in the West Building.
The day room and commissary are
both coed, same with the courtyard.
Nurse Henderson dispenses
patient medication every morning.
ln the afternoons we have
group-therapy session which--
You don't understand!
Somebody do something!
He's choking her!
He's hurting my fucking brain!
Hit that if you want her to live.
-Don't you fucking touch that!
-l can't let you kill her.
They're the ones killing us!
You got three seconds. One, two--
That's enough.
Let her go.
You said no more.
l don't want it.
Who's in charge here, Mr. Loomis?
You or your anger?
l'm proud of you.
Put him upstairs.
For the rest of you,
back to your rooms!
We're on lockdown.
-All right, what happened?
-l dropped my responder.
Jack sounded the alarm.
lt's closest to the window.
l'm feeling really tired.
Just rest, okay?
l'll check on you later.
-Oh, no. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me.
-What are you doing in here?
l wanted to see if you were
one of Gianetti's army ants, you know?
With the white, white, white--
You know.
Are you talking about Orpheum?
ls that what makes their eyes white?
Oh, there-- Look, there he goes.
There he goes. Crank up the toaster.
-What exactly is going on up there?
-l don't know. l'll tell you this, okay?
The ones that are going up there
are coming back different.
Fucked up. l know l'm fucked up.
No, not like that.
Look, see? You see that, right?
lt's probably something
straining the grid.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
What--? How do you know so much
about the wiring in the building?
Just hear things.
-That's enough, Paul. You'll kill him.
-Hold on.
All right.
Cut the power.
-You could smell him burning.
-Oh, he was doing fine.
As you might know, l do have
experience with this kind of treatment.
Prep him for an additional 20 cc's
of Orpheum.
His levels are above 300 ppm.
l'm aware of his levels.
And what about the incidents
of violence?
We should slow down
and take an observational stance.
This is how Orpheum is designed.
To strip away layer after layer...
...of these
so-called higher brain functions...
...where sickness hides.
We gotta get to the core.
We gotta get to the lizard's brain.
And when we do, only then
can l re-introduce healthier behaviors.
lt's also that core
that makes us dangerous.
Don't push me.
-That's my game.
-Laura, no.
l don't want to see any histrionics
or tantrums.
You're to sit here quietly
like everybody else, all right?
Or this will be
your last time down here.
At least l know you're still alive.
What are you doing here?
l thought they said no visitors.
l'm not visiting.
lf you came here to be a hero, forget it.
l don't wanna be saved.
We promised to take care
of each other, remember?
-You and me.
-That was before.
-Before what?
-Before l stopped wanting to live.
l am sick, Jack, just like Mom,
and l am never going to get better.
l tried to kill myself
so you could be free from all of this.
-l did this for you.
-What was l supposed to do?
Just let them cut you open?
-They don't do that stuff anymore.
They're giving everyone in here
some kind of experimental drug.
And what are you
gonna do about it, Jack?
You're a patient now, just like us.
Okay, just tell me
where they're keeping you.
-l'm gonna find a way to get us out.
-No one gets out of these places.
lf you can't behave, you won't
be allowed down here, period.
You know what? Honestly,
l don't care what you do with me.
Why won't you let me
just fucking die?
l can walk.
l saw you talking to that girl.
She knows you, doesn't she?
-Get away from me.
-No, get away from her.
Listen, come to my room tonight.
Turn out the lights
so you don't see my face.
Look, l don't want to, okay?
Who is she, Jack?
Are you fucking her? Are you?
You better watch it.
They're using Heather
to see if you're a good receptor.
Receptor for what?
DNA hybrids, l--
Goddamn it, l shouldn't talk here.
They've got devices everywhere.
Even in the food.
lf anyone heard that,
l have bad DNA.
-Not good for hybridization.
-Very funny.
You know what? They laugh.
Everyone out there laughed.
But guess what, in here,
at least l can have my thoughts, okay?
Without all the looks.
Don't put that here.
-Enjoy the grub?
-l couldn't go last night.
She-- Henderson was working late.
l don't give a shit
what that bitch was doing.
We had a deal.
Get the fucking pills...
...or l file a report
and you go for a long walk upstairs.
No, no, no. l'll go tonight.
Good doggie.
What the fuck are you looking at,
No-- No-- Nothing.
Thought so.
What was that all about?
You're stealing pills for that asshole?
You better fucking keep that
to yourself.
Guess what. l see how you turn
your crazy on and off.
Guess we both have a secret now.
Pick that up.
l thought you forgot about me.
You don't wanna do that, Charles.
l'll tell them about us.
About what you've been doing
to me.
Who do you think
they're gonna believe?
Turn your face.
That thing makes me sick.
l'm sorry. l'm sorry.
l'm sorry.
Punctuality is a sign of respect.
We can't let one person
break the rules.
That wouldn't be fair, would it?
l am postponing your privileges
until you learn to observe regulations.
l cut my finger.
l think you'll live.
We were talking about families
and relationships...
...and since you decided
to keep us all waiting...
...why don't you start
the discussion?
No, no, no. l can't.
Not today, please.
Just make something up.
No one really gives a shit.
Heather, everyone participates.
That's how this works.
Why don't you begin by telling us
about your mother, Jack?
My mother--
She was sick a lot.
They said she had these things
in her brain... tiny little scars,
and they tried to take them out.
You're doing very good, Jack.
They kept operating on her,
cutting her open.
And my sister,
she couldn't go to the hospital.
She was too afraid of the doctors.
But my mother,
she was gone by then anyway.
She was a fucking vegetable.
They killed her.
Mr. Loomis, everyone stays
in their seats during group.
Back in your seats!
Back in your seats!
Back in your seats!
Back in your seats!
Back in your seats!
Back in your seats!
-This is enough.
-Don't do that. Don't--
We've got a situation in group.
Get your asses down here now.
Get him off my arm!
Get him out of here.
Everybody, back to your rooms.
Back to your rooms.
We're on lockdown
for the rest of the day.
lt was the blood.
They wanted the blood.
l told you, they're changing.
White, white, white.
Look-- Meet me in my room.
l need to tell you something.
This is crazy. You committed yourself
so you could break out?
l didn't do it for me, l did it for Lily.
That means you're not crazy, but you
must be to come up with that plan...
...because it's crazy.
Lily is all l have, okay?
They wouldn't let me talk to her.
l had to know if she was alive.
Wait, you said
that she tried to kill herself.
That means
that she's on suicide watch.
That's solitary for three months.
l'm gonna tell Gianetti the truth.
Show him the letter.
Once he sees why l did this,
he'll have to let me out.
You're better off in here, Jack.
Once you learn your way around,
it's not so bad.
l'm telling you, you go outside,
it's people outside, the--
You know, come on,
they don't understand.
-l'll make them understand.
Jack, we're on lockdown.
You can't be walking around like this.
-l need to talk to Dr. Gianetti.
-Absolutely not, he is furious--
Look, Nancy, you owe me one.
This is a bad idea.
-Hello, Jack.
-So you found it?
Under the photo
on your sister's desk.
So you read it.
Why are you looking at me
like that?
Why don't you read it for us, Jack?
-What is this?
-Oh, it's the letter, Jack.
Right where you said it would be.
This is a trick. You did this.
-ls that your handwriting?
-Yes, it's my handwriting.
But l know what l wrote.
l'm not crazy.
You had a wonderful breakthrough
in group today.
l think we should focus
on the progress that you're making.
The progress l'm making?
What are you talking about? Okay?
This is all an act.
So now you're telling me the truth
or what?
Yes. Yes, l'm telling you the truth.
l've told you a thousand times.
Jack... day you say one thing,
the next day, something else.
Remember the first time
you got here?
You could barely remember
your own name.
lt seems to me
that it's quite obvious...
...that your stay here with us
has been beneficial.
-What do you think?
No. Okay?
...l'm making all this stuff up... get to Lily.
To help her, okay?
But l see now that l was wrong.
Okay, look, l'm sorry. All right?
l made a mistake.
You saw them today.
l'm not like that.
l don't belong in here.
This isn't about the other patients,
Jack. This is about you.
No, we're not talking about me, okay?
l'm not crazy.
-Put him on maximum now.
No, no, no, you can't do this, okay?
You can't do this.
l'm not crazy. l'm not fucking crazy!
Get him out of here.
No! No!
-Come on, you gotta help me, man.
-Shut up!
l'm not like them.
l'm not like them.
l don't belong in here.
Look. Look at me.
You know how long it's been
since l've touched a woman's hand?
Since l smelled a woman's skin?
You ruined that for me, Jack.
l'm gonna make you pay, Jack.
l didn't do anything to you.
Just shut the fuck up!
Leave me the fuck alone!
The bad-leg syndrome.
You and all this pent-up power....
Please, l'm sorry.
You were right, l--
l have problems.
l know that l need help.
Just don't leave me up here.
That's very good, Jack...
...because now we can focus
on your recovery.
-Thank you.
-Oh, you're welcome.
l wanna get better.
So put him back on psych.
Let's go, buddy.
Gianetti's a fucking liar.
He never plans
on letting any of us out of here.
Of course he doesn't,
we're the receptacles.
You don't wanna poison
the normal people, right?
Oil and water.
What about the pill thing?
You know the security system.
How do you move around
after lights out?
No, l don't rock the boat.
-That's how l survive.
-Dave, look around.
How much longer
until they come for us?
No. No. That's bad. That's trouble.
Dave, Dave, please.
-l can't do this without your help.
-Lights out, people. Shake a leg.
Would you stop doing that?
l'll show you how to move around...
...but l'm not going with you.
l'm not going up there.
All right.
Stick close, Charles is on rounds.
lt's a low-tech operation.
ln the drawer under the ledger,
there's a security card.
Don't mess anything up.
Henderson's like a fucking hawk.
Oh, shit, he doubled back.
Don't wait up.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, l like that one.
Now what you doing?
Oh, yeah?
l got it. l got you. l got it.
Lil. Lil, is that you?
Lily, it's me, Jack.
l thought l'd never see you again.
l'm sorry. l'm sorry
about those things that l said.
lt's okay. lt's okay.
l'm gonna get us out of here.
Just like l promised.
Jack, l'm scared.
l can-- l can hear them at night.
They do these experiments
on them with drugs...
...and you were right.
Someone's coming.
We gotta get the key.
-l'll come back for you.
-No, Jack. Jack.
-l'll come back.
-Jack, don't leave me.
Jack. Jack.
Let me out! Come on, Jack.
lt's acting like a virus.
His levels have doubled
without any injections.
That's impossible.
The drug is replicating itself.
Orpheum is not a drug!
Orpheum is a microscopic machine...
...doing exactly
what l programmed it to do.
You see, this is nanotechnology,
not biochemistry.
The data indicates a mutation.
The compound could be
transmittable, Paul.
Do you understand
what that means?
l've been saving people
all my goddamn life.
-What is that? Orpheum?
-No, no, no.
Something to help me think.
Then do me too.
lf Orpheum has mutated...'s doing so... it can survive.
lt's evolving, and we....
We have to stay ahead of it,
don't we? We have to stay ahead.
Yes. We have to be in control.
We have to be in control.
Shut up! Shut up!
Fucking pig.
Keep up the good work.
We're doing this for our patients,
not for ourselves...
...and the faster we can locate
the mutation, the better.
Wait, Paul. We need to discuss
the team's schedule.
-Bitch. Bitch, fucking bitch!
-You look like shit, Jack.
Staying up late at night, huh?
-What's her name?
-Don't fucking touch me.
ls there a problem?
-No. No, no problem.
-Then open up.
What happened to you?
l thought they caught you.
Gotta show you something.
Orpheum from Gianetti's lab.
These people are more fucked up
than we could even imagine.
When l get out of here,
l'm gonna take them down.
-You went into his lab?
Let me see your hand, please.
Get some fresh air.
lt looks like you could use it.
Come on.
Hello, Mr. Manetti,
how are you today?
l need a set of keys.
They're keeping Lily
in one of the cells in solitary.
Anything else?
How about a fucking spaceship... come down,
take us away like Karen Carpenter.
Look. Just get the keys from Charles.
He wears them on his belt.
No way. You can't
fucking mess with these people, Jack.
They'll take you upstairs
and you're not gonna come back.
You don't get it, do you?
All those thoughts
rattling around in your head?
They're nothing compared to what's
going on. Right, we're fucking lab rats.
Look, l'm getting out of here tonight
and l'm taking Lily with me.
You do whatever the hell you want.
Hi, Jack.
Look who l found under the bush--
-Get the fuck away from us.
-No, Jack!
l'm trying to show you something.
They're all warm inside.
Under the--
The fur and all the skin and the meat...
...they're all warm.
Oh, shit!
Holy fuck!
-What the fuck?
-Get the fuck out of here!
You wanna know something else?
You're warm inside too.
Run, damn it! Get out!
Come on, hurry!
They're gonna kill him!
Throw us the key! Hurry!
They told me to eat your face.
-Get him off of me!
Help! Help!
Just do it!
You can never leave.
You belong here.
With Mommy.
-Where is she? Where's Lily?
-Jack, you need to calm down.
The reason
you're not in max... l stuck my neck out
for you.
l'm not the problem here!
l wanna see my sister
right fucking now! Where is she?
Lily is upstairs.
She's with Dr. Gianetti.
You see this? l saw the light.
l know what he's doing up there.
Dr. Gianetti is one of the greatest
minds of our generation.
Your sister is very fortunate
to have him caring for her.
You're changing.
Just like the rest of them.
l was exposed
to the Orpheum compound...
...when Mr. Loomis bit me.
The crystallization in my eyes
is normal.
Nothing in this place is normal.
l won't be bullied
by your paranoid delusions.
Paranoid delusions?
Someone tried to eat
my fucking face!
He could be giving her that shit
right now. We have to stop it.
-He's unstable, l want him upstairs.
-Wait. Okay, he's just upset.
l'll take him back to his room.
Jack, walk.
Lock the door, though.
We can't have one patient
disrupting the entire ward!
-l need to see my sister.
-l'm sorry.
But, Jack,
you have to stay in your room.
Just don't-- Don't lock me in here.
Nancy. Nancy, wait.
Nancy, please!
Goddamn it!
This food is dead!
We need something real.
l'll see if Gianetti
can whip up a steak.
-How do you like it?
l'm sorry. l thought you were someone
coming to take me upstairs.
Charles is sleeping for a long time.
l switched up his pills.
Thank you, Dave.
Please. Please. Please, help me.
-Please don't do this to me.
-There's nothing l can do.
l'm not the one in control.
He's made that very clear.
Mr. Loomis, wake up.
lt's time for dinner.
l'll do anything.
l'll take my meds, l swear.
Please, just don't give me that stuff,
-Would you shut up, please?
Mr. Loomis.
Mr. Loomis.
Mr. Loomis.
Let go of my arm.
Let go of my arm.
Let go!
Help! Help!
Help! Help!
Help! Help!
Help me!
Help me!
Just in case.
This is how you repay my loyalty.
lgnoring the safety procedures.
Putting the entire program at risk.
He ate my arm, you selfish prick.
Gianetti's lab's on the far side,
through maximum.
Selfish prick.
Selfish prick.
Do you have any idea,
the sacrifices l've made...
...for my patients?
l've given them my life.
My time. l've given them my mind!
Come on.
You're insane.
You're insane.
That never bothered you before,
Let me see.
There's no way upstairs. Come on.
l don't want Orpheum.
lt's morphine. For the pain.
l saw Henderson's arm.
The infection is spreading.
Yes, we've already determined
the compound is transmittable.
l've taken every step to contain it.
What l do need now is time
to locate the mutation.
To find a way to suppress it.
-Hold still.
-lt's too late.
Nature wins.
Oh, nature always wins
in the long run...
...but science owns today.
You see, science requires sacrifice.
l'll do my best to honor yours.
Hey, Charles. Charles?
Charles, this is Dr. Gianetti.
We have two of my patients
running around in maximum security.
Charles, goddamn it.
Where the hell are you?
What the fuck?
Where the hell are you?
Sorry, doc.
He's a little tied up right now.
l can help you.
We can work together.
You're never getting out of here.
ls that you?
l came to take a look at your wound.
We need to redress the bandage.
No. Get away from me.
Turn your face.
That thing makes me sick.
l'm at the most critical phase
of my research...
...and l refuse to be distracted
by this kind of incompetence.
Something's shorting the system.
Here we come, Jack.
lt's our time now.
Anyone still out there
ready to perform their duties?
God, it's not working.
-Do it! We're trapped!
-There's no power source.
Short it out with the Taser.
Now l'm gonna fucking kill you.
Come on, Dave, go!
-Come on!
-Use the Taser.
-David, give me the battery.
-What? No, no. We're dead without it--
-Just give me the fucking battery!
-All right, hold this.
lt needs an external power source.
Damn it!
We turned a corner here.
-Jack, is that you?
-Oh, God.
-Are you okay?
Her arm, he--
He was eating her arm.
Did Gianetti give you anything?
-No, no, he didn't have time to.
-But l think he's coming back.
-We're gonna get out of here.
What did you expect?
You took him for granted.
l learned to respect him
and overlook the indiscretions.
l'm sure that that's why
he still loves me...
...but you, you were greedy.
And look where all that greediness
got you, huh?
Okay, this looks--
We should have enough juice
to jump the locks.
-Can use another battery for the Taser.
-How do you know it works?
-Fucking dick.
-That's it, Dave. Get angry.
l am sorry l got you into all this.
No, it's okay.
All right, we take care of each other.
lt's all we have.
And none of us
deserve to be in here.
-No matter how fucked up we are.
Yeah, no, l'm ready.
-All right.
-l wanna live.
Let's go.
Down this way. There's a stairwell.
Where'd they all go?
Oh, my God. Oh, God.
Did they eat him?
Come on. Lily?
-Come on.
lt's a trap.
Buy me some time.
We gotta take the elevator.
Okay, yeah. l can do this. Come on.
Fuck you! Come on.
Come on.
l was hoping you'd come back.
Come on, l'm gonna break off a piece
of the crazy for you.
What the fuck?
Jack, come on, dude. We gotta go.
l don't know what's wrong.
The wiring's different.
Get out of my way.
l think l got it.
-Help me.
-A special flower.
-Help. Help.
Get off of her!
-Go down into the pit.
l got you.
-Come on.
-Hold the elevator!
l was the one
who was supposed to escape.
You ruined that, Jack. You owe me.
Here's what l owe you.
Come here.
lt's okay.
We did it.
Come on.
No one's coming down
this thing now.
Holy shit.
Where is everybody?
You stay here with Lily.
l'm gonna check
the rest of the ward.
Do it outside. Be quiet.
l've been waiting for you, Jack.
l wouldn't cheat on you, Jack.
You know that, don't you?
Why are you leaving?
Don't you think l'm pretty?
You're a fucking knockout.
All right, Jack. l forgive you.
We can work this out.
Can't you see that l fucking love you?
They're beyond crazy.
They're not even human anymore.
Get down.
l don't know how long this will hold.
Come on.
Nancy, it's us.
-lt's Jack.
-They're all killing each other.
We have to get out of the building.
lt's not just this ward.
lt's in maximum security too.
Building's programmed to seal
when power goes out.
-What about the windows?
-No. Reinforced glass and steel.
This place is designed
to keep people inside.
Well, can we go somewhere
that isn't here?
Service stairs are through the kitchen.
Behind the counter.
l can work with this.
There's nobody there.
-They must be following us.
-Well, they found us now.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
We're fucking dead.
Jack, come on.
We've gotta go, Jack. Come on.
Come on.
-Lily, toss me the pipe.
Come on. Come on.
-Come on. Come on.
Check the phones. Come on.
Wait. Wait. Someone's in here.
l thought you had the floor, Nancy.
Where's Dr. Gianetti? We need
to get the staff out of the building.
Dr. Gianetti made his policy
crystal clear.
We are in a containment phase,
and he is working on a solution.
A solution to what?
They're fucking eating each other.
No, Vera knows the way to the roof.
We can get help.
Vera had an accident...
...and she is resting in one of
the recovery rooms right now.
She is cooperating with the doctor...
...and trying to find a solution
to our problem, as is her duty.
Your duty, Miss Chen,
is to cover your ward...
...not to aid our mentally ill patients
in trying to escape.
l will not tolerate insubordination!
Consider this my resignation.
Gianetti keeps a gun
in his office.
Let's go.
Give me the knife.
Why would he have this?
Why would a doctor have this?
That lying motherfucker.
Hey, guys.
Do it, Jack.
Get her off of me.
Nobody quits on my staff.
Shoot her!
Save the bullets.
We're gonna need them.
Oh, God.
Recovery's in here.
Oh, Jesus.
Nurse Henderson.
She was here feeding.
She's dead now.
We need to find a way to the roof.
-ln Gianetti's lab.
There's a passage.
lt leads to the boiler room.
Gianetti had it put in when
he started the Orpheum program.
No, l studied the plans.
There's nothing there.
We'd have to go back
through maximum security.
There's a laundry chute.
lt goes to the fourth floor.
lf you find Gianetti...
...kill him for me.
-Yeah, that won't be a problem.
Wait. Don't let me be like them.
Use the syringe.
You didn't deserve this.
We gotta move.
They're gonna be looking for us.
Dave. Left, left.
We're trapped again. Where is it?
-l don't know.
-What do we do? What do we do?
Check the doors.
lt's gotta be around here.
Rose? Oh, my God.
Nancy. Nancy.
Come on, we gotta go.
Jack, we gotta go.
-lt's through here.
-Then start climbing.
l'm gonna hold them off
as long as l can.
Stop running, Jack.
You belong here with me.
You psycho fucking bitch.
Keep moving. Here they come.
Jack, come on.
Hurry up!
Get the fuck--
No! Jack.
Come on. l can't hold this thing.
All right, go. Go, l got it.
Dave. Come on.
They're all dead.
-They're like animals.
-Animals don't do this to each other.
No. People do.
lt's okay.
lt's okay, we're gonna go home now.
We're gonna go home.
We're gonna go home.
We're gonna go home.
You forgot something, Jack.
l should thank you.
This knife that you left behind...
...allowed me to do all this.
You saved my life...
...and l'd like to give it back.
You forgot something, you sick fuck.
We're crazy too.
He's gone.
He left us here to die,
that fucking coward.
He wouldn't leave his work.
Here it is.
l can't believe l'm actually
leaving this place.
Don't move, because
this is a very delicate procedure.
Hey, please, just let us go.
-You don't need us anymore.
-Shut up. l need you more than ever.
So just sit down and listen.
Help me.
Now, this is called
an ice-pick lobotomy.
Thousands of these procedures...
...were performed during the '50s
as a simple way... quiet that
manic-depressive aunt... kept in the attic.
So simple they used to
do it in a house call.
One motion, and the frontal cortex
is removed from the rest of the brain.
Coming out nice and easy.
And as you can see,
the result is quite remarkable.
You fucking monster!
He's not dead.
Just a little less engaged.
l'm gonna fucking kill you!
Jack! Oh, God.
-Jack, no.
-lt didn't have to be like this.
-Jack, get up.
-l designed Orpheum to replace...
...those crude techniques.
To be the next generation...
...of minimally invasive
Can you shut up!
And why us?
lsn't it justified
when the pain of a few offers...
...relief for millions and millions?
ls that what Orpheum is? Relief?
Orpheum is the future.
The scientific process.
-And we're just part of the process.
-l think so. Yes.
Watch out!
Jack, Jack, Jack.
l'm gonna help you...
...because you're sick
and mentally unbalanced.
Well, maybe that's not so bad.
Hurry up, he's coming to.
What are you doing, Jack?
No, don't do that.
-Don't. Think about my patients.
-Shut up!
We're gonna try a little experiment.
How long it takes you
to free yourself...
...versus how long it takes
Mr. Loomis here to fucking eat you.
Lily, please stop him.
He's nuts. He's nuts.
No, stop hitting--
-You're not dead.
Just a little less engaged.
Please, don't do this. He's sick.
He's sick. Lily, don't you understand?
He's sick.
Just trying to help you.
You're not gonna survive!
Mr. Loomis...
...who's in charge,
you or your anger, huh?
Just be a good boy now.
Don't hurt me.
Jack, help me!
Jack, come on.
l think there's a way down over here.
l need you to stay with me right now.
Come on, Jack.
Jack, come on. We have to go.
Help! Hey, please.
Give me your hand.
lt's okay, you're gonna be fine.
Just fine.
We did it, Jack. We did it.
Now we're gonna go home,
we're really going home.
Unit 22 7, this is Dispatch.
Unit 22 7, this is Dispatch.
There is no response at Med-Psych.
Repeat, no response at Med-Psych.
Let's see
if we can get them some help.
Hey! Hey!
Don't open that door.
Yes, can l help you?
Jack, he's still alive.
-Goddamn it.
No! No!
No, stop!
You hear me? Come back!
-Come back.
Stop! You can't leave!
No, don't leave.
Come back!
Don't leave me!
Please, come back!
Only l can help you.