Insensibles (2012)

Is that you, Ines?
I said...
Don't play with fire!
You'll get burned!
It doesn't hurt?
It won't hurt me?
Oh God, my dear!
Who did it?
What happened?
50 hours in surgical room.
That's crazy.
Even for you.
Do you think he will forgive me?
He will.
But I won't.
Is it time to get him?
For me?
What do you mean?
A week with you,
in 10 years of our marriage!
- Anais...
- That's all I get.
All happiness belongs to her.
Don't speak anymore with Judith!
Watch out David!
Dr. Martel, do you hear me?
- His name is...
- David.
If you can hear me,
blink your eyes.
Get it out!
- Intracranial nerves?
- There's no broken hematoma.
I want it in my office.
No sweat.
No tears.
They still need eye drops,
or they'll end like him.
What are they doing?
The guilty deserve punishment!
They are OK.
What do you mean?
They are the ones who did it?
Let me show you something.
Are you crazy?
These children don't know pain.
That's why they're very dangerous
to other children,
but mainly to their own selves.
Can we cure it?
I'd never seen anything like this.
They suffer from an unknown illness.
Citizens, I have to tell you that...
These children,
they suffer from an unknown illness.
Tragic events and strange facts
happen for months
and kill innocent people.
This tragedy...
the threat posed by crime.
These children are dangerous to us.
Also to their own selves.
We can't cure it.
I have to tell you...
that we've decided for their sake,
to lock them up indefinitely.
Stand up.
Where's Anais?
Let's go!
Anais didn't make it.
But we save a child.
Your child.
Don't move!
Make them wear it.
Tell them to wear the safety clothes.
Every cell should be empty and clean.
Free from anything.
This is for your own sake.
The lock will be opened at meal time.
You'll be safe here.
No one will be punished.
David, what are you doing?
You're still not allowed to work yet.
Do you hear me?
Take a look!
Why do you show me lymph gland?
You're not qualified for this.
It's not my specialization.
It's oncology.
It's not my patient.
We found it unintentionally.
You still have a chance
to save your life.
I survived from the accident!
Lymphoma cells,
nothing's bad
It's not lymphoma.
So you know exactly nothing can be done.
An experimental technique has proved...
Bone marrow transplant never pass
100% success rate.
Your both parents are still alive.
I've seen more.
They are old, I can't ask them.
You have to!
It's your only chance to live.
You have a child now.
A child...
Judith just had been pregnant
for 6 months.
She died.
I don't know if he can make through it.
He lives.
And he'll need a dad.
Be careful, it's hot!
What's this?
Tears, cutie.
It comes out when someone's happy,
or in pain.
What is pain?
The opposite of happiness.
What is that?
Happiness, my dear.
for how long they will be locked?
They can't be cured.
It's the only solution.
And Dr. Holzmann...
If you can help, do it.
If you believe what I say...
A well known scientist
will never come here!
I don't ask him to support this.
I have pride!
If it doesn't bother you...
If you have spare time,
contact him.
I'll approve it.
How will you contact him?
I'll see later.
There's another thing
that I need to tell you.
I suffer from prolymphocytic leukemia.
There's a treatment that can save me
but it's done with high radiation.
A radical treatment by
destroying the main cell
and it needs
bone marrow transplantation.
should be from one of you.
If not,...
it will torture me till I die.
You can answer later.
I clearly understand.
You're asking us...
It's imposible, my dear.
If I have choices,
I won't ask anything.
What happened?
Your dad and I, we need to talk.
Talk about what?
Hello dear!
I am Hubert.
Hubert Holzmann.
We need to moisten the eyes.
They don't have tears.
Sometime it destroys cornea?
Right, two children become blind.
The others, using their saliva...
They are saved,
but they have chronic conjunctivitis.
Pre-cognitive mechanism.
You must be Dr. Carcedo.
Profesor Holzmann!
Sorry for my intrusion...
I hope...
to see them with my own eyes.
You're my special partner.
Sorry to make you wait so long.
It's not easy to come here from Germany.
There's a good place near here.
We'll take your luggage.
No need.
No luggage? How could it be?
I'll stay with you
as long as it needs.
We'll save the children together.
I have an idea.
The only thing I ask you is...
your kindness.
What's on your mind?
These children,
they have similarity for some anomalies.
The test shows
neuronal activities of
sensor fiber beta A
is zero.
They can't be cured,
and that's the fact.
But I think
a special education program is needed
as rehabilitation.
For some years,
they have to be able...
to live a normal life.
This concept is pretty simple.
These children don't know pain.
That's why they're dangerous.
They can't live outside.
That's why...
we need to teach them
what they don't know
The thing called pain.
What are you doing?
Show me your hands!
Both of you can't feel any pain.
You evil!
Are you crazy?
I'll tell Dr. Carcedo.
You can tell him anything you want.
Your mom is waiting outside.
It's a miracle.
It's a miracle to breath using machine.
It's your child.
Why do you come?
You know,
your dad doesn't like to talk...
Don't make any excuse for him!
He wants the best for you.
He doesn't say no to help you.
What he means is we can't.
It's a long story,
in 60s, your dad...
He worked in a jail near Canfranc.
He's a police, right?
I was pregnant that time.
I gave birth to a child who's already dead.
It was so hard for me, but Adan...
I thought, he's going crazy.
Soon after that,
a miracle happened.
I go to bed.
And I was awake with a baby in my arms.
It's you.
Who are my real parents?
Adn never talks about your real dad.
It's about your mother, once...
I don't know.
He's trapped in Canfranc.
I don't know if he's still alive.
I don't know anything.
Your dad made me promise
to never tell you.
Calm down!
Calm down!
One of the puppies...
It has tumor in its left kidney.
Who can tell me which one is it?
And now...
Who can take out the kidney
without hurting the puppy?
This puppy isn't given any anesthetic.
Can I take care of it, Profesor?
No! It's not for you.
It's time to go back into your cells.
No need to be so hard on him.
For heaven's sake, Hubert!
What's the use of doing this?
They are amazing.
They are different.
I know.
Every time problem arises,
It's always both of them.
The problem is you tell me nothing.
I hope you know what you're doing.
I won't tolerate
any trouble in my school.
Oh God!
What are you doing?
Benigno, please...
Give it to me!
You evil!
Enough! He's just a child.
I say he's a devil.
It's allowed in this program.
He is to never leave his cell!
Treat yourself as scientist!
We have to keep going on.
Damn you!
How dare you?
Do you even know who I am in Germany?
I know who you are in Germany.
Profesor Holzmann.
We both know why I am here.
- Dr. Carcedo said...
- I know!
I know what he said.
Stay here and you'll get more.
Association of CN Foods? Medicine?
There are 30 of my patients.
- What will they do?
- We'll see later.
We don't get any of it anymore.
Administration can't be accessed.
There are bunch of administration,
or should I called it government.
There are people on the other side,
and fascists on the other side.
Which side are you?
Let the children go!
We'll put the ammunition here.
The children should be locked
no matter what happens.
One child per cell,
it's too much!
Place all of them together!
Excuse me,
I'm the one who's responsible of this
and I'm the one
who decide everything to be done.
They have to stay where they are.
You dirty bourgeois!
They suffer a very serious illness.
It's very contagious.
They should always be isolated.
Don't touch them! They are contagious.
Let's go!
I'm sorry.
I'm David Martel.
I'm looking for association...
What do you want?
It's a long story.
Do you want some cognac?
It's a quite ogrish jail.
If your mom lost in cell 17...
I'm not sure
you'll find your real identity.
Who is he?
Peinado Solera. A Century.
Want some?
I have to find him.
My life depends on him.
Do you know why?
Cain killed Habel?
Excuse me?
It's the first murder of human being
that will never be paid...
till the end of time.
That murder...
It's a jealousy between brothers.
It's the same with Spain.
What happened during the civil war
is not the worst thing.
The worst came after.
He didn't do it just to win.
You know,
the old belief to purify the blood
To destroy it...
Destroying red chromosome
No flower.
No one really tries to know the truth.
What important is to forget it.
Lupa untuk bertahan hidup.
sebagai sel 17...
dilarang di buku-buku sejarah.
My brother, Jose...
He was in jail of Canfranc.
As I know...
It's the only place
to be thrown alive
from cell 17.
So he's alive?
Can I talk with him?
Something's suspicious here.
Take off your clothes!
Take it off, bastard!
The children too!
Put those down!
In order, you bastard!
Who's the manager here?
Shoot her!
I'm Professor Hubert Holzmann.
Stuttgart University.
I learn about children.
I really love that.
They're so special.
How are they special?
They were born with
insensibility of pain.
They don't know pain.
The knowledge about this illness...
can be useful for Germany.
- In...
- Wait!
He's Germany.
Let him go!
The children too!
We're in Spain.
I'm the one to order.
Let them go!
You and your people...
stay here...
and shoot us.
I'll repeat my question.
Who's the manager here?
I'm the manager.
The nurses too.
I need them for my research.
We've talked.
I'm not here to judge or blame you.
What you've done is a good deed.
But if you want to give me a chance,
you have to help me.
If you find yourself...
that it is life...
Do you think...
that everything is the same
just like before?
My feeling for you never changes.
Dad, I know you don't like
to remember the past...
But I've talked with the leader of CNT.
His brother, Jose, was jailed in Canfranc
when you worked there.
I'll meet him tomorrow.
Is he still alive?
Maybe he knows something.
Do you know him?
I know you're hurt but if you know
something that can save me...
Save you?
There are only madness and sadness.
It's my only chance to stay alive.
You're right.
Sometimes you need to forget it.
Don't even try to start!
There's no more past.
What did you find?
Tell me, Dad.
The one you're looking for
is already dead.
Whatever you do,
it's just a waste.
You don't know what I mean.
I want to help...
but I can't.
You already know.
Your real mother is here, beside you.
How can you know that he's dead?
Did you see his corpse?
You know him, right?
You know his name.
You hide the truth since the beginning.
Just stop David,
that man is no longer in the world, my son.
Believe me.
You're hurt,
don't make your mother be hurt too!
You're lying.
I smell lie.
This house is full of lies.
David, wait!
I beg you!
There should be another solution.
Which one?
Penicillin and foods,
all is for his subordinates.
That bastard who's gonna kill all of us.
We can send them home.
This is civil war, Magdalena.
Maybe they are already dead.
God forgive us.
It'll help you to sleep.
Give me the key.
Is it the only one?
Oh God!
Someone's here!
Did you do that?
You don't talk?
What kind of symbol is this?
I think it's symbol for jerry.
Now you're called Berkano.
Do you know what it means in our myth?
12 trains are attacked...
in just a year.
13 tons of tungsten evaporate.
52 of us are dead.
I ask you for the last time.
We know you're french.
Where's your headquarter?
Captain Whitely.
10 battalions,
Second quarter?
Squadron C
Squadron C?
You're one of Special Air
Service (SAS), right?
SAS or not,
for me...
you're not even soldier,
just a dirty terrorist.
Why should I tell you, bastard!
Enough, kill them!
A confession?
It's a confession
and I'll tell you everything.
Don't go near him!
Don't touch the curtain!
Give him time to answer.
He'll be very tired
because of his condition.
Ask what you want to know,
make it simple!
Halo, Jose.
I am David.
David Martel.
I'm looking for someone
you may already know.
What do you want to know?
It's about my mother.
She's jailed at Canfranc in 60s,
when I was born.
I remember that place as a horrible one...
I don't understand.
Who's Berkano?
Is it him?
He's weird.
He never talks.
He doesn't know pain.
How could you get out of there alive?
As time passed...
his body also changed a lot.
He crawled into the hole.
A hole full of dirt.
Have you seen him?
I know everything.
Tell me the truth.
Who's Berkano?
My mother was in cell 17?
I'll be there in an hour.
You're gonna tell me.
Understand? No matter if you like
or hate it, I'll tell everything!
I beg you...
it's a mental disorder.
Degeneration biologically...
We need to do some surgical operation
by cutting your flesh.
I don' know they're communists.
I swear!
Since when do you work with communist?
Shut uo!
Aku bapa pengakuan mu.
Dan kau akan ceritakan semuanya.
I want the names of your leaders.
Their real names.
In my investigation, there's always
people who's gonna feel the pain...
from a simple question.
And today, it's your turn.
Do you know what terror is, David?
Your eyes...
Your green eyes were creepy...
When you're still a child,
you stared at me, quietly and widely,
as if...
you knew everything.
These eyes are not mine.
Or even your mother's.
Imagine that the one you
love the most in the world
has those eyes...
Despite of that,
I love you like my own,
like my own child.
You want to know the truth, David.
You know.
Cell evacuation.
I get an order.
Don't do anything against me...
Listen to me.
Let's make a deal.
If you give me a child,
I'll let you off.
I'll leave you in peace forever.
Trust my words.
I will never know.
I don't even know your name
But I see your eyes
like the way your father looks at me.
Now, the story is yours.
you're free.
you're a man.
My son.