Inside Daisy Clover (1965)

The 24th of August, 1936.
ngel Beach, California, U.S.A.
The world, the universe. ngel Beach.
I'm 15 today,
but I won't let it go to my head.
I'm still the same happy, adjusted,
polite young lady.
People say
I'm quite sophisticated for my age.
That's only skin deep.
Underneath the veneer...
...I'll bet my simple healthy instincts
against yours any day.
Look, Mrs. Clover,
were there any distinguishing marks?
I never heard of a distinguishing mark.
It's anything special about a person
like a scar or a missing tooth.
- Where you been? You had your breakfast?
- Yeah.
- This your daughter?
- Well, it's not my mother.
Mr. Clover never lost a tooth.
Your mother called us
to report the sad news about your father.
Does Mr. Clover often fail to come home?
It's too long ago to remember.
I haven't seen him in seven years.
You waited seven years
to report your husband's disappearance?
I only started to miss him this morning.
Human nature.
Photographs never did him justice,
but he looked exactly like this.
Okay, Mrs. Clover, you've had your fun.
Yeah, well, I certainly have not.
He's got a button missing.
Hey, how long
has your mother been like this?
Like what?
Like that.
The Dealer's been a little moody
since Mr. Clover took a powder, that's all.
- The Dealer?
- The Old Chap.
I call her The Dealer
because she plays a lot of cards.
- Well, that's no way to live.
- Oh, live and let live.
What do you do for money?
Mr. Clover left us some government bonds.
Plus his gold cuff links by mistake.
- What was your father's profession?
- He invented things.
What things?
Oh, like musical earrings, you know.
He got the idea from cowbells.
That one never caught on.
I'd better figure out
what kind of report to make.
Hey, wait.
Listen, take my advice
and drop the whole thing.
It's no good asking Daisy questions.
She doesn't remember as well as I do.
The cards are giving me nothing
but trouble this morning.
Hey, Old Chap?
After all this time,
you really want that old joker back?
Maybe I do, maybe I don't.
It's none of his business.
- Some people got no imagination!
- Yeah.
- You stinking sneak.
- You stinking sneak.
How is business?
Like to buy me out?
My folks get back from Hawaii tomorrow.
You said that yesterday.
I forgot about the time belt.
You gotta come down to the store and see
that Victorian brass bedstead we got.
It's fantastic.
- I can see it when your folks get back.
- You said that yesterday.
Daisy, dear,
when can I expect my Myrna Loy?
Oh, she just came in.
Milton, why don't you keep busy
in the summer vacation like I do.
Get your mind off it.
I helped my father move furniture
around the store for a whole month.
But it didn't take my mind off it.
Nothing takes my mind off of it.
Here she is.
You know,
even our handwriting's the same.
- Thanks, Daisy.
- Okay.
"'I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good. '
Daisy Clover. "
You sing?
What's the matter?
Wanna be a singer or something?
What's the matter with wanting
to be a singer or something?
Don't you want to be anything?
I'm gonna be kept
by some rich older dame.
- It happens if you're good at it.
- Then get to work.
Daisy, what are you doing in there?
- I'm frying up fish burgers.
I got beans and hot chocolate too.
It's my birthday,
and I want a party, damn it.
Stay off those four-letter words.
There's too many of them around.
- Try and concentrate. It's my birthday.
- You take an awful lot for granted.
Well, the 24th of August
has always been my birthday.
- That's your story.
- You got a better one?
- I have never heard of such a thing.
- What?
Your sister, Gloria,
ought to be ashamed of herself.
If it's your birthday, she's forgot it.
Well, I certainly intend to forget hers.
Oh, the hell with Gloria's birthday,
it's my birthday.
Yeah, well...
Come on, Old Chap.
Pull yourself together, huh?
Try to get in a party mood.
We're gonna eat and cut up.
We'll take a walk along the beach. We'll
treat ourselves to a sweet sherry or two.
Maybe we'll call up Gloria
and give her the bird, okay?
Hey. Old Chap?
Your mother just drew the ace of spades.
Her number may be up.
I'll let you know.
Four. Five.
Close the door.
- Huh?
Close that door.
Something is very wrong.
There's a hearse outside.
And I got an insulting telegram.
Who from?
Some smart aleck asking me
to present myself for an interview.
I never give interviews.
- Where's the telegram?
- I threw it away.
No point in keeping trash like that around.
Daisy, I wish you'd send that hearse away.
Hey. Hey, you. I'll be right out. Wait.
Try and concentrate.
I got something to explain.
I can sing.
I open up my mouth,
and a song comes out.
- You ought to be in school.
- Try and concentrate.
I got an appointment
with Mr. Raymond Swan, see?
They said in the newspapers
that he was running this talent contest.
So I recorded my voice,
and I sent it to him.
Who is this joker? Some cop?
No, it's got nothing to do with the cops.
It's Mr. Raymond Swan. It's the movies.
Oh, I never go to them.
That hearse is still outside.
Go away, go away.
It's going away, Old Chap. With me in it.
You shouldn't accept rides
from strangers.
They take you to a foreign country.
They leave you there.
- Hi. I know, but I'm late.
- You never hear from them again.
There ought to be a law against it.
Wish me luck.
I'm gonna make a noise in the world.
Send me a postcard. If you get there.
Follow me.
What's your name?
Daisy Clover.
- What do you want to see me about?
- I thought you wanted to see me.
You sent me a telegram and a limousine.
I sent you a record with my voice on it.
Who taught you to sing?
No one.
Will you take your hand away
from your face?
All right, tell me why you sing.
- Why shouldn't I?
- Well, don't you know it's bad for you?
Oh, yes, singers breathe out more air
than they breathe in.
Especially when they sing loud like you.
They get too much carbon dioxide.
It makes them jittery,
they start seeing things.
I can't see anything.
I didn't ask you that.
I asked you why you sing.
My mother says
this world's a garbage dump.
And we're just the flies it attracts.
Maybe she's right.
But when I sing,
the smell doesn't seem so bad.
I don't like your hair.
I think she looks charming.
Wonderful eyes.
Ray, won't you turn off
that horrible light?
This is my wife, Miss...?
- Clover.
My name is Melora.
Did you come here all by yourself?
I call that very brave.
Well, my mother's a little bit
under the weather today.
Tell me about the rest of your family.
My father took a powder.
So did my sister, Gloria.
She went off
and married some guy in real estate.
Stand up for Mrs. Swan, please.
Thank you, dear.
I presume you can spare us
a little of your time today?
Everyone tells me to know my place
But that ain't the way I play
Why am I daring to show my face?
Because I've got something to say
Move over sun
And give me some sky
I've got me some wings
I'm eager to try
I may be unknown
But wait till I've flown
You're gonna hear from me
Make me some room
You people up there
On top of the world
I'll meet you, I swear
I'm staking my claim
Remember my name
You're gonna hear from me
Fortune smile
On the road before me
I'm fortune's child
Listen, world, you can't ignore me
I've got a song
That longs to be played
Raise up my flag, begin my parade
Then watch the world over
Start coming up, Clover
That's how it's gonna be
You'll see
You're gonna hear from me
All right, cut.
A little more.
Now did that seem
to block it down pretty well?
Right, quite hot.
We were trying to get that
hot spot right behind the girl's head.
You hit the same spot.
I can't.
Good enough.
You're in a dreadful mood.
I told you,
never accept rides from strangers.
All right, it's your birthday.
Last week, you wanted a birthday.
You live in a world of your own.
That's your trouble.
Don't go yet. Don't go away.
Old Chap, try and concentrate.
It's not the cops or the funeral home,
it's the movies.
It's your sister. Go away, Gloria.
- Take it easy.
- Daisy.
How did you get in the act anyway?
Oh, important people
can find out anything they want to.
How is you, motherkins?
Harry sends his love.
Lay off the soft soap.
Daisy, close the door.
She seems worse.
How the hell would you know?
You haven't been around for over a year.
Everything smells of beans around here.
Where can we go for coffee?
Well, Miss Clover.
I'd like to meet your mother.
Daisy, send them all away.
Do as your mother says.
Sorry to have troubled you, Mrs. Clover.
You can settle everything
with Mrs. Goslett here.
Settle what?
- You're a minor, you can't sign contracts.
Sister's been asked
to represent your interests.
You kill me.
All right, Miss Clover. You report
to work next week. Mm-hm.
Incredible as it may seem,
I'm gonna make something out of you.
- What?
- Money. There's a certain mixture...
...of orphan and clown
that always packs them in.
It's got a dirty face, heart of gold,
and it sings.
It doesn't smoke, or bite its fingernails,
or cut its hair without permission.
It becomes America's Little Valentine.
And it goes to the top of the tree.
Oh! Whoa!
We're on fire. Help, help.
- Mother needs help.
Help, help.
No, no, baby, you can't.
- Let me go, let me go.
Mother was always a cannon.
- Baby, you can't go in there, no.
Let me go.
No, baby,
sister is just looking out for you.
Please. Ugh!
Come on out of there, Old Chap.
Come on out.
Come out, Mother.
Let me go.
She may have fallen asleep.
She'll wake up, come on.
- Come on out.
Wake up now.
Hey, it's getting pretty hot in there, huh?
They're ready for you now, Miss Clover.
Come over here, Daisy.
Sit down.
Mrs. Goslett?
Now, now, baby, you've gotta face facts.
Our mother set fire to her own house... she needs special attention
in a special place.
- Right, Harry?
I mean, a mother, who,
well, plays cards all day...
...just isn't seriously on the job.
It's not that we think
she's completely loco, kid.
It's just that she'd be happier
in an institution.
Not an institution, a...
- A special place.
- You can't do it.
Well, it's been done.
I read a magazine article.
It said as long as you can concentrate,
your mind is still okay.
- Look, our mother can't concentrate.
- The Dealer is no trouble.
She can make coffee, she heats up beans,
and she can read the newspaper headlines.
Look, the law's on my side.
And I've signed the papers.
You creep.
Look, I know...
- Harry, Harry, Harry.
- Dirty, fool, stupid garbage can.
Harry, Harry. Stop.
Dirty, rotten, stinking garbage can.
Dirty rotten garbage.
Garbage, garbage, garbage.
Now, now, now. There, dear.
Now, now, dear.
Oh, dear.
Your sister's right, Daisy.
She has absolutely full legal grounds
for committing Mrs. Clover.
- You're going to be very famous very soon.
- Oh, you're gonna be news.
People will wanna know
everything about you.
They'll shine bright lights
in all your dark corners.
Sometimes they'll praise, flatter you.
- Sometimes they'll be very cruel.
That'll hurt.
Now think of the pain
if they tell about your mother.
And they will.
- And they will.
- They will unless she's officially dead.
- They will unless we protect her.
It's all right, buttercup,
you can come in now.
Gloria is your legal guardian.
You're coming to live with us, kid.
...when I was 12, my father died,
my mother went off to Europe...
...and I had to live
with some hateful cousins.
It seemed like the end of the world,
but I got over it.
In just a few years I had the rest of my life
to do as I wanted.
And plenty of money to do it with.
So will you.
Christ died for you.
I know they're in season, like eggnog,
but I can't stand that either.
All right, Daisy.
Once more, straight through.
We hear the picture's great,
you're a sensation.
Come on,
"It's the most exciting moment of my..."
It's the most exciting moment of my life.
- Who are your favorite motion picture stars?
- Fred Astaire and Myrna Loy.
Stand up, stand up.
Tell me why.
They have elegance and poise.
I wish they'd been my parents.
Who are your parents?
My father died in a train crash
when I was 9.
And what about your mother?
What about your mother?
- She died, uh, last year.
What? I didn't hear you.
- My mother died too, last year.
- Oh, I'm so sorry. What was she like?
What do you remember most
about your mother?
Oh, come on, Daisy. Come on.
Your mother loved music.
Her last wish was... hear you sing once more.
- To hear me sing once more.
Right, kill the choir and
dim the lights in exactly one minute.
Now, come let them adore you, dear.
On Christmas Eve,
wise men always follow a star.
Stars light up the world
and shine all the way into men's hearts.
From time to time a miracle occurs,
a new star appears in the sky.
We see it a long way off.
Very small but very bright.
We watch it move up there...
...and take its place
beside the other constellations.
Now, this Yuletide...
...I'm inviting you in motion-picture theaters
all over the world... join with me, look up with me...
...and celebrate Miss Daisy Clover.
Move over stars and give me some sky
I've got me some wings
I'm eager to try
I may be unknown
But wait till I've flown
You're gonna hear from me
Toss me the moon
'Cause I've gotta shine
I'm climbing a cloud and calling it mine
You'll pardon my haste
I've no time to waste
You're gonna hear from me
Heaven smiled
From the blue above me
I'm heaven's child
Listen, world, you're gonna love me
I'm on my way
'Cause I've got it made
Raise up my flag
Begin my parade
Then watch the world over
Start coming up clover
That's how it's gonna be
You'll see
You're gonna hear from me
Listen, world, you're gonna love me
I'm on my way
'Cause I've got it made
Raise up my flag
Begin my parade
My comet's on fire
I've gotta go higher
It sounds kind of crazy
But take it from Daisy
That's how it's gonna be
You'll see
You're gonna hear from me
The world has met Daisy Clover.
...Daisy Clover meets the world.
I persuaded Ray to cut down
your numbers with the choir.
If it's any comfort to you at all.
I'm sure it's a comfort to the choir.
So just "God Rest You, Merry"
and "Holy Night."
"Good King Wenceslas" is out, dear.
Perfect. Hideously perfect.
You've got time for a nap if you like, dear.
Bedroom's through there.
It will all be over soon.
For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood, but against powers...
...against the rulers
of the darkness of this world.
But don't worry.
And we meet in the castle of lost souls.
In the land of the Black Swan.
Otherwise known
as the Prince of Darkness.
Welcome, little captive,
to the waterfall of sweet dreams.
Melora says it washes all her cares away,
but I... I need stronger stuff.
As one fallen ngel to another,
would you care to get drunk?
- Yeah.
- What on?
Sweet sherry.
There was a young lady named Cherry
Who used to get swacked on sweet sherry
And when they said...
When they said, what? What?
Well, what? Help me, when they...
- Um...
- What? When they said what?
"Do you think it's a sensible drink?"
That's good.
She replied...
...not very
Do you always go to parties like that?
I've got a show to do.
You have a show?
An unholy order.
Daisy Clover?
That's your real name?
- Yeah.
- Sure?
Yeah. It's the one thing about me
they haven't changed.
It's the one thing about me they have.
Your real name isn't Wade Lewis?
No, no, it isn't. It's Lewis Wade.
They took a poll and decided
that it was sexier the other way around.
Well, but that's not your problem,
of course.
- What?
- Sex.
It's not your image at all. Don't be insulted.
You're being peddled for something else.
You're Miss Huckleberry Finn.
Clean, sharp as a whistle.
That's it. That's what it is.
God rest.
God rest you, merry ladies and gentlemen.
Let nothing you dismay.
Unto us a child star is born.
Littlest dipper on its Swanny Way.
Shine on.
Shine on, orphan star,
into the hearts and the minds of men.
Who cares or wonders what you really are?
Swan, the father, has done it again.
- What's the matter?
- My father just died.
He had the golden touch.
Did you ever hear
of the Slumber-Rite mattress?
No. Well, it's a big moneymaker.
What am I gonna do with it?
I never had to worry
about a place to sleep.
My mother is supposed to be dead.
Actually, they put her away.
Merry Christmas, dear heart.
Everything's for you,
except the yellow roses.
- Who are they for?
- Your crazy mother, shall we cut out?
Good evening, Wade.
Wade always hides at parties.
I never caught him stealing before.
- Nothing you'll miss, dear heart.
- How do you know what I miss?
Has he made his speech
about the Prince of Darkness yet?
- What's next?
- Guess.
- A dirty joke?
- No.
A getaway?
- Nope.
- Very good at getaways.
- No, I've hidden and I've stolen...
...and now I'm ready
to drive Daisy home.
- She's scheduled to sing with the choir.
- Well, have a black mass instead.
Drive carefully.
Farewell, poor rich, lovely, lonely lady.
Miss Clover,
there's someone here to see your aunt.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Mr. Wade Lewis, sir.
I'm your most devoted fan.
Merry Christmas, Mrs. Clover.
Though we've never met,
I've heard a great deal about you.
I'm inviting you to a party.
Let's open the sweet sherry, dear heart.
Try and concentrate, Old Chap.
Get in a party mood.
Ha, ha. She's right.
She's got nothing to celebrate.
- Christ died for you.
- Well, thank you, what's your name?
I'm not allowed to say.
- May I call you Dolores?
- Oh, no.
No, no, wait, wait. You remind me
of a poem called, "Dolores."
O wise among women, O wisest,
Our Lady of Pain
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Don't... Don't go, Dolores.
Come and share our feast.
I think Dolores could use
a little of that wine.
Thank you.
Luncheon is now being served,
Mrs. Clover.
Last call.
We're not celebrating anything.
Lights have just gone up.
It seems to go on forever.
Thousands of faces looking up at us.
Uh-huh. Ah, ah, ah. Hold it, hold it.
A little longer, a little longer. That's it.
Now, don't hang your head.
Well, I want a big happy smile.
We're at the party now.
Come on, a big smile. Big, big smile.
Bigger, bigger, bigger. That's it.
- Like it?
- Adorable.
Open it.
First-aid premiere kit, dear.
For a growing girl.
All right. The limousine
will pick you up at your dressing room.
Just a moment, Daisy.
I hear Wade Lewis
paid a visit to your mother.
Quite a few nurses' hearts fluttered.
There are certain risks
which must never be taken.
From now on, I can't allow you
to see her anymore.
Now, don't forget. Big, happy smile.
Oh, Miss Clover.
Something for your memory book.
I agree.
Come on.
It's not much, but it's home.
- Easy. Up, up.
- Aah!
I won the Battle of Fredericksburg today.
Single-handedly, ahead of schedule,
and I need a drink.
Just in time for your premiere.
Thank you very much.
And that, ladies and gentlemen,
was Miss Joan Crawford.
Always charming and lovely,
always gracious.
And here comes,
I think this is the producer.
Yes, it is. Mr. Raymond Swan
and his lovely wife.
Daisy Clover will be in their party too.
She's scheduled to be in their car.
No, I don't see her.
Excuse me, maybe I can get
a little closer to the car.
No, she wasn't in that car.
- Well, perhaps she's in another car.
- Cold?
Pardon me just a moment. I'll see
if I can't find out from the producer.
Excuse me, Mr. Swan. Can you tell me...?
Oh, he walked straight on in.
I guess he couldn't hear me.
And I don't blame him.
There's a tremendous amount of noise
going on here... our radio audience
can certainly hear.
And I suppose he just didn't hear me.
I think this may be Daisy now.
The crowd is really beginning to roar.
No, it isn't.
It's Jean Harlow and Mr. Clark Gable.
And would you just listen
to that sound, the sound of love.
Oh, the crowd is really going mad
at this point and I don't blame them.
I've never seen so many celebrities
and luminaries here on Hollywood Bivd.
But where is Daisy?
- Where did Daisy go?
- She's right here, folks.
Right here. The little lady's right here.
The moment she shows up,
we'll certainly...
America's Little Valentine, Miss Clover.
- Miss Clover, Miss Clover.
- Yes?
There are millions of girls out there...
...who are just dying
to hear the secret of your success.
Excuse me. Testing, everything's fine.
Would you mind telling me
what your secret unfulfilled ambition is...
...before you get completely stoned?
- To get completely stoned.
- I see.
Does America's Little Valentine have
anything else on her mind except drinking?
- Yeah.
- Yes.
- And what is that, Miss Clover?
- She wants to drive a garbage truck.
"She... " Why?
So she can dump a hundred stinking tons
of it on Mr. Raymond Swan!
Do you know,
you're a crazy, monstrous child.
You are.
Streaking through life
like a hare with the hounds after you.
And they are after you,
dear heart, you know.
I've checked with the airport, sir.
Mr. Lewis went to New York.
- Shall I find out where he's staying?
- Would you?
Good morning, Daisy.
Tear that up, please.
- What is it?
- The past. Tear it up.
It's worth a lot more money.
Well, don't thank me.
- See that her sister signs it this afternoon.
- Yes, sir.
Well, the picture was a triumph.
And you're going to the top of the tree.
No question.
You want to know what it's like up there?
The top of the tree?
Like most high places,
the air is quite good.
It gets lonely,
but we learn how to deal with that.
We learn how to look
beyond personal disappointment.
I've been lucky. I found Melora.
I'm sure you'll find someone someday.
In the meantime,
fame does have its obligations.
We wouldn't want the newspapers
telling us how America's Little Valentine...
...lost her shoe.
That's all.
Miss Clover,
you'll find your shoes on my desk.
And now in response
to the millions of Daisy Clover fans...
...Raymond Swan presents
The Daisy Clover Story.
The Clover name is a part of
the glorious history of these United States...
...recorded among
those courageous pioneers...
...who braved the hardships and dangers
of the great trek West... become the builders
of the New World.
Daisy's ancestors settled
in San Francisco.
Her great-grandmother sang
with the Calhoun Repertory Co.
Until she lost her voice
in that city's tragic earthquake.
Some years later...
...Daisy's grandparents moved south
to a small town called Hollywood.
Where a young industry dared to prove
to the world what motion pictures could do.
Grandpa Clover gambled his future
in the rich oil fields of Southern California...
...where he won,
and then lost a fortune.
Daisy was born in this simple house.
A happy child, destined too soon
to know hardship and loneliness.
Her father died when she was 9.
Life became a constant struggle.
Her only escape was to sing.
To sing and to dream
that some day a miracle would happen.
And it did the day Mr. Raymond Swan
played a recording of her voice.
Daisy Clover, the sweet simple child
from ngel Beach, California...
...was on her way.
You're gonna hear from me
I'm on my way 'cause I've got it made
Raise up my flag, begin my parade
Then watch the world over
Start coming up clover
That's how it's gonna be
You'll see
You're gonna hear from me
Just recently in the world famous
Grauman's Chinese Theater...
...Mr. Raymond Swan premiered
her latest film, The Big Top Kid.
The royalty of Hollywood appeared in one
of the most dramatic, dazzling displays...
...this romantic and exciting town
has seen in some time.
It was a night of triumph,
for Daisy Clover captured their hearts... she will capture yours
when you see her next... Raymond Swan's production
of The Big Top Kid.
Look, look, there we are.
There we are. There we are.
Who's that?
Oh, that's Ray. Ray... Ray Swan.
He can put his shoes
under my bed anytime.
There's his wife, he's married.
There she is. There she is.
Here's the kid. Here's Daisy.
There's the kid.
There's that Daisy, baby.
Here's the kid.
Oh, we want Gloria.
We want Gloria.
There's my baby.
That's my little Gloria, buttercup.
She's wonderful, isn't she?
You're the best, buttercup.
Dear heart.
Didn't you get my postcard?
I wrote you one.
Didn't get it.
Didn't send it.
What did it say?
Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.
What's orisons?
- Well, then, why didn't you say so?
- It's from Hamlet.
- I wouldn't have got it if you had sent it.
- Miss Clover.
Try these. Here. They're all for you.
"London. "
"Happy birthday, Daisy. "
- Where is this?
- That is Vienna. The Danube.
It's not very blue. "Merry Christmas. "
Mexico City.
"Happy New Year. "
"Knoxville, Tennessee. "
What were you doing there?
"Missed a train. Miss you too. "
Then why the hell did you go away?
Never look a gift horse in the mouth,
dear heart.
I came back.
You see?
Everything's wiped away.
They asked for croquet.
I think we're in for a trickier game.
- What's it called?
- It's called Do What the Man Says.
- What?
- Well, what's he gonna say?
He's gonna say,
"Leave my little star alone. "
But don't worry.
You're not expected to play.
- Why?
- "Why?"
Because you don't like the game.
Come on.
So good of you to have invited us.
- Good of you to come.
I don't believe you've met.
Miss Clover, this is Mrs. Swan, Mr. Swan.
- Miss Clover, sit down, please.
- Thank you.
Mr. Swan is in the brow-beating business,
dear heart.
- Booze is over there, Wade.
Whoop! I'm sorry.
Did you want anything while I was up?
- No, thank you.
- No. Sir?
No, thank you.
I could have you arrested.
What charge would you have in mind?
America's Little Valentine
just happens to be jailbait.
- Bad publicity.
- Not for you.
All right, I'll play along. I'm cynical.
I'm irresponsible. I stop at nothing.
- No, you're just insecure, like most actors.
Isn't that the truth?
What is it that makes us rich,
successful and unhappy?
God knows. Your private life is no concern
of mine, but Daisy's career is.
- Good business.
Now look here, if you hurt her,
you hurt her work, and I won't allow that.
What makes you think
I want to hurt Daisy?
Well, you do have a problem.
She's in love with you.
No, but that's no problem.
No problem at all.
I asked her to marry me this morning.
Well, I can hardly stand the suspense.
What did she say?
Do you want to tell the man
what you said?
What did you say?
I'm truly happy for you both. Baines?
- Open the champagne, please.
- Yes, Baines.
Yes, Baines, a little champagne for all.
It is festive, isn't it? Festive indeed.
I must say,
I hardly expected quite such a switch.
- Nothing I said forced you into it?
- Nothing you said could force me out of it.
Shall we have the wedding here?
- That's a good idea.
And it hasn't even had
its first screen kiss.
Baines, press release.
Today, Sunday, 17th of October...
Where are we?
- What?
- Jawbone.
- Where's that?
Five miles north of Big Snake.
Shut up, Buckeye.
The hour before the dawn.
Oh, would you get the bags, please?
They're in the back.
I'm gonna learn how to cook.
And not just your fish burgers
and hot chocolate.
Real gourmet muck.
From now on, that's it.
Goodbye, America's Little Valentine.
Hello, Mrs. Wade Lewis.
Hello, Mr. Wade Lewis.
Actor, drinker... boy, husband, fool.
He left a couple of hours ago.
- Well, what'd he say?
- Nothing.
Could I have your autograph?
You're not Myrna Loy.
Mrs. Swan was feeling tired.
She took a sleeping pill.
Mr. Swan is meeting with your lawyer.
He'll see you in the morning.
Is there anything you need, Mrs. Lewis?
I knew he'd do it.
I knew he'd leave you. I knew it.
I love him. I'm crazy about him.
You poor little jerk.
You want a pill? I took a pill.
They think she's got a headache.
She hasn't.
She's got a heartache!
Take me back to my room. Please.
Melora's been hurt.
I wonder where he's gone.
So many places, so many people,
so many beds, so many lovers.
- Melora, here's your room. Here.
- He never sleeps alone. Needs company.
L... I cut myself when Wade left me.
It still hurts sometimes.
You like to cut yourself?
- No.
- You like to get drunk?
- I know, you need a good laugh.
- No.
Hello, long distance, please.
Mr. Wade Lewis. Very long distance.
Melora, come on. Let's...
Hello? Hello.
How wonderful to hear your voice.
Of course I know you're not Wade.
You're the new number. Good luck, dear.
What? No, no message.
I just called to say,
have as much fun as I did.
That's the new lover.
I didn't get his name,
but he sounds charming.
Your husband never could resist
a charming boy.
All the good women and all the good men
who tried to put Wade back together again.
Age, sex, doesn't matter.
They take him to heart,
he takes them to bed.
But then, like any lost cause,
they can't give him up.
They've just got to carry on about true love,
new life, deep understanding.
And then one day, they wake up.
She didn't stand a chance.
I told Melora she didn't stand a chance.
I told her what would happen, it happened.
And then she cut her wrists
and blamed me.
It appears I lack the finer points.
But Wade, oh, boy, he's got them all.
Thousands of girls sit watching him
in dark movie houses...
...go home and they dream about him
in dark, little bedrooms.
Thousands of wives
wish their husbands were exactly like him.
Isn't that something?
I mean, you can't help admiring the man.
I just signed him for three more pictures.
What are you gonna do?
He's in New York.
He'll be back.
Couple of weeks.
I'll see you don't run into each other.
You're blaming me too, aren't you?
You know, if...
Listen, if I'd warned you, if I'd said,
"Wade isn't your true love, he's...
You're just the best fun he ever had."
You'd have called it a wicked lie.
And then Wade would have said:
"The Prince of Darkness
stops at nothing, dear heart."
And you'd have eloped immediately.
It's over, Daisy.
All over.
I've got you the best divorce lawyer
in town.
So sleep it off.
Take a long, deep sleep.
Sandman's orders.
At least, you know all about love.
All about love.
Just nothing.
Lost cause.
Just like your husband.
Who needs it?
Don't go yet. Don't go away.
It's all right.
No one's ever gonna come for you again.
It's all right.
When the circus came to my home town
It was fine and funny and shiny new
So when it left from my home town
Well, of course, I left with it too
Wouldn't you?
The circus is a wacky world
How I love it
Hocus pocus, ballyhoo
Ain't it great?
With the clown that always breaks you up
The elephant that shakes you up
The overture that wakes you up because
The circus is a wacky world
It's a riot
A- razzamataz and hoochie cooch
Ain't it grand?
What a jazzy world you find the scene
Until you are behind the scene
And once you are behind the scene
You'll see
The circus is a wacky world
Take it from me
But it ain't at all
What it's supposed to be
It ain't what it's supposed to be
The clowns don't smile
That's just a painted grin
The bearded lady is a man
The fat man's really thin
The toothless lion is anything but bold
The midget isn't small at all
He's only 5 years old.
The circus hasn't anything
Like what they say is in it
But as old P.T. Barnum said
"There's one born every minute"
It isn't great
It isn't grand
Tell me why it clicks
It isn't real
It isn't real
It's just a bag of tricks
The circus is a wacky world
Hocus pocus, ballyhoo
What a fake
How you tend to lose the kick of it
When you are in the thick of it
How quick you find
You're sick of it and yet
And yet
The circus is the strangest place
Can't explain it
When you start to play your part
It's your home
So you don't exactly live it up
You still would never give it up
How could you ever give it up?
Oh, no.
The circus is a wacky world
Where you can hide
To escape the even wackier world outside
So step right up
And start the show
And cut.
Very good, Daisy.
Did we block it down pretty well?
Ms. Clover.
Mr. Swan is expecting you
in his office at 6:30.
Good night, Ms. Clover.
Listen, Old Chap.
You see, it's the middle of the night...
...and I honestly believe in nothing.
And I wonder if that's any way to live.
Old Chap?
Come on, talk to me.
Please, come on.
Old Chap?
- Good morning, Daisy.
- Good morning, Daisy.
- You look great.
- Thanks.
- Coffee?
- Thank you.
Daisy, I've marked the parts
we have to redo.
Right here and down here.
Come on, gentlemen.
Let's not keep the star waiting.
Are those phones patched in?
Yeah, I've checked it.
- I've checked it.
Check one.
Will you give us a level please, Daisy?
- One, two, three, four.
- Fine.
- Let's try a run-through first.
Let's do it.
Feeling brave today.
All right, let's go for a take. Coming up.
- Okay.
- All right, roll it.
Scene 346. Take one.
One, two, three, four.
The circus is a wacky world
How I love it
Hocus-pocus, ballyhoo
Ain't it great?
That shakes you up the overture
That wakes you up, because
Perfect, Daisy, just perfect.
Try one more, please.
A little more life in the last two lines.
One, two, three.
The circus is a wacky world,
How I love it
Hocus pocus, ballyhoo, ain't it great?
You got ahead of it that time.
- Once more, please.
- Okay.
The elephant that shakes you up
The overture that wakes you up
Try one more, please.
Once again, please.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
The circus is a wacky world
How I love it
Stop! Stop it!
Stop! Stop it!
Make her stop! Make her stop!
Make her stop! Make her stop!
Stop her! Stop her! Stop her!
The medical profession
is certainly pushing "ifs" and "buts."
They're expensive,
and I don't need any more.
Look here. If she's sane, cure her.
If she's mad, certify her.
I want her cured so I can finish my picture
or certified so I can collect insurance.
Ms. Clover is not certifiable.
Then she's sane and she'd better get up.
All right, get that idiot sister out
and we'll start again.
- Time's up, Mrs. Goslett.
- She needs me.
Mr. Swan's orders.
Famous young lady.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
You know you're still getting
a hundred letters a day? Mm-hm.
Everyone misses the Little Valentine.
I can't understand why.
Everybody's begging her
to get out of bed and finish the picture.
Isn't it wonderful to have
loyal friends who want to help?
You're sound as a roach.
- Fresh as a daisy.
What're you holding out for?
- Don't you think you'd enjoy getting...?
Trust me, Daisy.
If there's a problem, I can solve it.
I always have.
All right, come on now, come on now.
Try and concentrate.
The world is holding its breath.
Because my little street Arab holds hers.
Isn't that something?
The world identifies with you.
I didn't come before, dear.
I haven't been feeling very well.
I'm not an angry or a jealous person.
I only hope he's...
He's what you need.
Ray, I mean.
Now, why don't you get up?
Finish the picture.
And take a long exciting trip.
We could go around the world together,
if you like.
Try and hang on, anyway.
Like me.
Dear heart.
Yellow roses.
Sweet sherry.
You can't stop singing.
The world's still a garbage dump.
I don't blame you for holding out, of course.
The hounds are still after you.
Won't you join me back in the limelight,
little lady of pain?
Then mayn't I pronounce you
officially alive.
I want to talk to Ms. Clover alone.
Don't you think the Little Valentine's
been bluffing long enough?
Missed me?
Open your eyes.
Well, say something.
My hair's going gray.
My gray-haired teenager.
Welcome back.
All right, here's the schedule.
I'm dismissing your nurse.
And I'm giving you exactly one hour
to get dressed, bathed, perfumed.
All by yourself.
I want you ready when I come back.
Ready to give the devil his dues?
So it's beginning to feel a little chipper.
Asking to play rough again, eh?
...l'm dismissing your nurse anyway.
You'll get up, or you'll lie here and
you'll starve, and if you starve I'll sue you.
We're legally in business
and you're legally fit to work.
Still not rough enough?
Like to play again?
All right. You don't cost me money,
you make it.
The picture's a big investment,
I want it finished.
I don't care what happens to you.
There's more where you came from.
I'll just write you off.
So we're up. Doesn't it feel good?
Sorry to barge in like this,
but I forgot my book.
Here it is.
Ms. Clover,
I have a favor to ask you for my sister.
She's your greatest fan,
and she's just dying for your autograph.
- Thank you, Ms. Clover. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Walter Baines here.
Mr. Swan's expecting you
at 7 in the morning. I'll send a car.
Ms. Clover? Are you disconnected?
Here's the situation.
I'm pushing 17,
and I'm America's Little Valentine.
I've been married for one day.
Then I got insulted and divorced.
The Prince of Darkness took me in his arms.
And I almost gave myself the works.
But I haven't let it go to my head.
I'm still the same happy, adjusted,
polite young lady.
And I'll bet my simple healthy instincts
against yours any day.
Hey, what happened back there?
Someone declared war.