Inside the Whore (2012)

My God...
My name is John Smith.
I'm from
"Another World Entertainment".
Acouple of weeks ago we received
a film and a note in the mail.
It happens all the time, but...
...this is not an ordinary note.
I'll read the note.
If you manage to get this film
approved by the film board... will be allowed to release it.
This is my second film...
...and clearly
my greatest masterpiece.
I'll be proud if you accept
"Inside the Whore".
All profits will go to you as
thanks for your collaboration.
But only if you also release part 2.
In it's full length.
That note did not
just come from anybody.
That note didn't come from some
student at the Norwegian Film School.
It came from someone with a vision.
Aman with a vision!
- Oh...
- Yes?
Excuse me, my name is Hans,
from the Norwegian MediaAuthority.
This is my wife Dagrun, from the
feminist organisation Rottar.
This is my friend and colleague
Mikkel, from the media authority.
You asked
for distribution of "The Whore"...
...for the sole purpose
of making money.
We are very proud of
"The Whore" as a product.
And I am very thankful that you are
here, so you can give your rating... our last product
"Inside the Whore!"
We have come to see the product
and form an opinion.
This is a product,
you say so yourself.
It's not a film.
It's about violence and nudity.
It's the same trash as part 1.
It could have been made by a bunch of
horny high school students up north.
With that statement, you discard
not only this film...
...but the director and, above all,
every future Norwegian director.
My colleague is saying that the
film does not deserve distribution.
The film has fans all over the world.
It's an international phenomenon.
There's a bunch of people out there
with weird fetishes...
...who have no idea whatsoever
what quality film is.
The first film made people puke...
...and pass out in the theatre.
It shocked the Norwegian press... much that they slaughtered the
film like a lamb at the altar.
At the altar ofignorance!
And arrogance!
And despite the absence of support
in his own country...
...this person has carried out
his new vision... a style which he himself calls
"meta action".
The man with the vision:
Reinert Kiil!
And his new vision is
"Inside The Whore"!
Or The Whore 2,
as some people like to call it.
When does the cultural news start?
- Around 22.30.
- Then we won't make it.
Oh yes, this is probably
the same crap as last time.
We'll watch a bit, approve it,
then e-mail saying to air this shit.
- I'm hungry.
- Let's buy sushi on our way home.
- Yes.
- Baby...
Not here. Please,
I have told you a hundred times.
Not among people.
But you know yourtight pants
make me so horny.
show it in different way, please.
- What will people think?
- What kind of people?
People around us.
They are looking at us.
Baby, honey... Honey...
You know I love you.
- I love you, too, but...
- Shhh! It's starting!
Don't you "shhh" me!
You male chauvinist pig.
Finding a new one now.
The film is starting.
Stop here!
- On a trip?
- Who are you?
I sell flowers here. It started as
a little mole and spread to the body.
Doc says
I can't get more chemotherapy.
- It's not the shit in your mouth?
- Snuff makes me horny.
Ayear ago I got cancer. Look.
I have only three months to live.
This morning I vomited blood. I used
to cough blood, today I vomited.
Damn how you cough blood.
- What's your name?
- Marthine.
- How old are you, Marthine?
- I'm 19.
- What are you doing here?
- It's an audition, I think.
Audition for what?
- An audition for what?
- Afilm.
- You know there's nudity in the film?
- Yeah, I heard about it.
- What do you think about nudity?
- No nudity in front of a camera.
- How far are you willing to go?
- Underwear.
- Can I see you fucked hard?
- Yes. But why is there a camera here?
For the record,
so I can watch it later.
- But nobody will watch this?
- Nobody but me.
- Can you stand up?
- Yes.
Turn around.
Sit down.
I'm going to
ask you to show your tits.
- To get the part?
- Yes.
- Can I see yourtits now?
- Nobody else will see this?
No, I promise.
Are you filming?
We just have to do this now.
- Did you change the tape?
- Oh, fuck!
Promise me that no matter
what happens...
...while we are shooting,
that you won't stop filming.
You must promise me that.
- What's your role?
- Production and personal assistant.
- Are my tits going to be on film.
- You should take the role to the max.
- Is that what you're saying?
- It's in the script, you did read it?
I have read the script.
There was nothing about me being naked.
Since you're famous from "Fritt Vilt"
and Max Anus, you can get it all?
My dear, little boy!
Do you think I'm going to take my
clothes off in a low budget movie?
Which all of a sudden has no script,
no fucking plot or story!
Jeanette's process
has completely disappeared!
And on top of that, a crap director!
Afucker! I've met many assholes...
...but none of them
as dark as yours!
Do you hearme!
I don't understand why I even bother.
You are worthless. You're not even
worth my anger. I just...
who have to work with this shit! Oh!
I've always dreamt about making
a film which is as real as possible.
Part 1 was crude,
but it was fictional.
So what could then be better than
putting reality into the fiction.
We'll be shooting the first scene.
Between Robot Geisha versus...
Can we do that again?
Now we'll start filming...
...the first encounter between
Geisha and...
The first day between Robot...
Robot Geisha versus Tanya
out in a field.
OK... We'll start pretty soon.
They'll run towards each other,
and there will be...
...fighting, weapons, blood...
It's a battle oflife or death.
That's what we'll start with.
This is good. Isn't it?
We like this.
Yes... That's cool.
Torgrim, are you finished packing?
- Stop.
- Thank you.
Can I see it? Can I see it?
I'm the assistant director.
We're delayed, but we're going
to shoot the first scene.
Anna Lee d'Oratzio, as I said,
the assistant director-
- making sure everything works.
So far we haven't really started.
I'll make sure things happen on time.
Reinert to Anna Lee:
Are we leaving soon?
Eh... Soon, soon, soon.
I have to go, sorry...
OK, people!
What do you think?
Will you get a film out of this?
We'll make the hottest movie.
What do you think of the girls?
Top notch?
Don't you think?
We've stuck to the plan so far.
I believe this will be
the movie of the century.
Tonight we'll get them dead drunk.
- Can I ask you a question?
- Fornication?
Look at him!
- Have a little drink. Have a drink!
- No!
Look here.
Why did you decide to make
the sequel to The Whore?
I'll tell you...
There are two reasons.
One: To please the fans.
Second: To fuck the media authority,
who has ruined everything.
So when you're on that movie vibe,
why don't you rather make...
...a porn film.
It pays much better.
I told you hundreds of times. I'll
neverbe a part of that business.
Why not?
Vidar, won't you come in
and fist hertight ass?
Is there romm for another one?
- OK. Bye!
- Bye-bye!
No, no, fuck!
Pussy, for fuck's sake.
People will do anything
to become famous.
These fucking fools think they only
have to take their clothes off...
...that they'll be famous and get
an acting careerby undressing.
It's sheer exploitation.
It's sheer exploitation, god damn it!
Good night!
I don't really feel anything for
the girls that were in the film.
What's done, is done.
I made contact with them
through different web sites...
...and met
some of them out on the street.
Most importantly,
it was about how they looked.
I wanted the girls to be gorgeous,
so we could sell the film.
- Lisa.
- Hi.
- What are you working on?
- The shooting schedule.
You know, the times...
- You weren't at the party yesterday?
- No.
- Why not?
- Somebody has to keep track of this.
- This is a mess.
- Hi, girl.
- Hi.
We must start getting ready.
Hey... Are you OK?
Thank you!
Cut. Cut!
Thank you. That was very good.
But... I think we'll do another.
Let's do another take immediately.
Cancel. If there's no electricity,
it'll be too expensive.
Alright, thank you. Bye.
- What happened?
- We lost our location.
We'll just have
to find another location
But we can deal with that tomorrow.
Let's just shoot this scene today.
People are getting tired.
Isn't that why we're here?
That's very good.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, very good.
But let's do another one.
I don't know what's worse: Mosquito
bites or losing our location.
- What do you think?
- Mosquito bites feel worse.
- Thank you!
- Cut!
- Cut!
- That was very good.
- Thanks!
- Thank you.
It's so dark, this is just shit.
- Stay here and talk to Susanne.
- Fuck, this is killing me.
We're up late, it's all shit:
Crap food, crap beds...
People are pissed off. There's no
catering or beds, as promised.
To sleep in. We were to get a big,
fat cock, but we didn't get much.
- Very good. You'll have one.
- Anniken. I'll have yours.
- I just tried to... Ah!
- Go to bed!
Shut up and do your job, for once.
Boring... Not me, you!
- I'm stuck. I thoght we were to work.
We've discussed this. Shut up and
don't talk like that to an actress.
- Really? Fuck you.
- You must have a dildo up your ass.
What about you? Drooling all over the
actors? Is that very professional?
Get her out of this party.
She's ruining everything.
I wanted to push everyone down in
the dirt to get the best out of them.
And she talks to them like buddies
after two days. That pisses me off.
Still does,
thinking about that damn cunt...
I really fucked her up.
She locked herself in the toilet.
Cheers, man.
I just got to take a leak.
Let's put the jib on some tracks.
Yeah, rock'n roll man.
I feel pretty cool now.
Ready to go out.
- Tell us about your character.
- About the character I'm playing?
- Akind of a robot, cyborg, or what?
- Yeah, cyborg.
Part human, part robot.
I have a fight scene with Tanya.
She's the main character of the film.
That's cool.
Little innocent mouse
scuttling about.
Curious about the world
and unaware of the dangers.
Yes, put it here.
Can you help me tighten this, please?
Think "lousy robot from the sixties".
Yeah, that's rather like it.
And look straight forward.
Will that be OKforthe camera?
You can also use that eye effect.
It will be bright around your eyes.
- Why are you in "Inside the Whore"?
- Listen to the name. It's exciting.
When you have seen part 1,
you really want to be in part 2.
That's more than three. How many?
- It's an orgy.
- Yes, it is.
- I didn't know that you were a slut.
- I'm not so sweet and innocent.
There is a devil in me, too.
Are you willing
to take it in your number two?
How about number two? Do you usually
take it in your number two?
Eh... What do you mean by that?
Not as many as you think.
- I don't think anything.
- Yes, you do.
Aurora, what kind of girl are you?
I can be anything, if I want to.
- Are you easy?
- You mean as a character?
Rape? I have a different perspective.
There's so much talk about it.
It's not as bad as they say.
It's just a movie.
It's acting. That's it.
- So you're an easy girl?
- No. I don't think so.
I don't think I'm easy.
Stupid, naked, young, blond pussies.
That's the kind of actors we need.
- It's just fine.
- I'm tired of waiting.
Are you?
It's OK. The weather is nice.
The cock is rock hard.
- Hey, calm down. Calm down.
- This is enough.
Where's the focus?
Do I just turn this...
This is all turning
ever more unprofessional.
People are more interested in
getting drunk than...
You drink,
and complain about people drinking.
- I did not start the party.
- You're just as drunk as anybody.
- Hi.
- Hi. My name is Silje.
I'm doing the make up in The Whore 2.
...I did the make up in The Whore 1.
The guys I work with,
are serious and professional.
All I have learned is...
what I have learned from them.
Are you filming?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Please! Go away!
Have you eaten today?
Thank you!
Pull yourself together!
Scene 42, take 20.Action!
- Thank you!
- Cut!
Reinert has been strange for a while.
He's getting a little freaky.
And Iselin has gone completely...
She's practically out of reach.
I think she... I think
she's in trouble. She's struggling.
There's something in your face.
I think they're going crazy...
Well, nudity:
It's not really a problem for me.
I've no problems with my body.
What kind of preparations
have you done for this part?
You have to dip into the character.
I guess that when everybody enter in
the scene, and Marina the producer...
It is...
When he did this thing and went up to
her, nobody tells him what goes on...
- It made everything more crazy.
- It's like: "Do something!"
- It comes straight from the heart.
- This girl is perfect.
- Nobody can di it like her.
- I know already there will be blood.
And maggots. But I did not know
it would be like this.
It was so hard. There is no way
I thought it would be like this.
Go and help Iselin.
Get herhair away from her pussy!
- Is it ok?
- Yes.
Why did I take ten sips, then?
I'll save yournumber if I get hungry
for loser-cock, Torgrim.
- Go and kiss her! Do you dare to?
- Do it yourself!
- You're really disgusting.
- I know. I love myself.
- Do you?
- Yes.
Good for you somebody does.
Do you remember? Uno, uno!
"Membrandt! Membrandt!"
"Puta! Puta!"
I'm from Portugal.
Vidar! Never mind
that ugly woman. Look at this!
Look. She's coming on to me. I can be
your boyfriend and lick your pussy.
Lisa, production manager. Show some
respect and hand me the booze!
Yes, that's good. Shake it, shake it!
The production manager,
too, is showing off.
Fucking west side cunt!
- She's angry.
- This is what filmmaking is about.
We have to get rid of that bitch...
- He's just acting...
- He's completely in his own world.
And he has these bursts
of laughter. It's not normal.
Should I - should I do it?
- I've listened to you for so long.
- I've found some really good people.
Should I do it?
it's too fucking dark, god damn it.
We'll do another right away!
First and foremost I thoght the
director said I'd stay in a hotel.
I ended up in a school, I think.
It was if I was prisoned
with one actress, you know.
I couldn't go to the otherhouse,
because all the foodwas there.
He says one thing,
the next day it'll be different.
What shall we do tomorrow, today?
"I don't know." What?
You don't know. It's crazy.
I just have to go with the flow.
Mayby there is some miscommunication,
because this guy...
...I think he has a different accent.
He comes from the north.
...North, north, Finnmark.
- Irris! Irris!
You little cunt
You little cunt
I'm going to fuck you to the east
And fuck you to the west
We must get Irris
to take off the top.
- You have to take off your top.
- Take off my top?!
Yes, you have to take it off, show
a little skin. No big deal.
We said so. You take that off, so
we see yourtits, but not in frame.
Tits? I can understand
a little Norwegian. Show tits?
- He is just kidding.
- No, I cannot do that.
- Makeup is ready!
- I'm freaking out and you just smile!
- Please show some care!
- He's smiling with you.
He enjoys this!
- Susanna?
- Yes.
- Show us some skin, will you?
- No.
- I'd rather not.
- Come on!
Skin? Here's a lot of skin.
No. I don't want to do that.
When I woke up that morning,
I knew what had happened.
What's wrong with this guy?
He looks completely crazy.
Oh, are you taping this?
What's up?
- You're needed on the set.
- Yes.
Have you seen Reinert?
Do you know who did it?
Do you know who did it?
What the fuck?
Nobody has a phone? OK.
So nobody here has a phone.
What the fuck happened here?
Fuck, this is a mess.
- And who's made this mess?
- Ask yourself!
- Has this been printed today?
- Yes.
Can I see your fantastic dick?
I've been awake all night touching
myself dreaming about penetration.
I don't show my diamond
to mere mortals.
- Be kind, my God.
- Don't speak to me, pitiful human.
- I haven't had a cock fortoo long.
- Wanna look?
- Are you worthy of my cock?
- I can't take any more.
I want to feel a little,
taste a little. Maybe jerk you off?
What if I go down
on all fours like a dog?
That is not helping.
Vidar, please go upstairs
and get the camera ready.
- I do everything for a drop of sperm!
- Weak person!
Is the snow ready up there?
- Is the snow ready?
- It has arrived. It's on its way.
She's doing make-up,
but we're about to start.
Silje! How is everything?
- At the camera down there.
- Look at the camera!
I am looking!
Vidar! Go to the camera!
- There isn't much to do about it.
- Dragging actors out in the woods...
- Shhh! They are shooting now! Quiet!
- This is such shit!
There's partying on all sets.
This isn't partying,
it's just about getting smashed.
He gets us drunk, we don't sleep,
then next day straight to the set.
Nothing was good enough for her.
I got more and more annoyed.
Eventually I just tried
to ruin everything for her.
It's hard to know what to do, where
to be. Nothing's like the script.
Do you know how tired we are?
We haven't showered or slept.
- We don't know what's going on...
- Please leave him alone for a while.
Seriously? Come here!
- Really? Have they arrived?
- I've had them from the beginning.
This is so weird.
It's just very wrong.
- High or low?
- High.
- Are you using the weapons on them?
- Yes.
- Try Iselin. She looks pretty gone.
- I don't have a clue about anything.
Silje! Come. Come here!
Just go and get it, Reinert!
I want to try it, too.
It's ages since I was in the army.
- High or low?
- Nine of spades!
- Groovy!
- So say I.
- High or low?
- High.
Two of clubs.
This is almost scary.
So you don't know anything
about your character?
Well, it's changing all the time,
it's making me a little schizoid...
What's going on?
What's going on?
- I heard it, too.
- Look at her!
- Low.
- Low? OK.
This is really sick.
I'll show you something cool.
I thought it shot blanks!
What do you think? We're
half-way through the production.
Life is wonderful. Isn't this what
we planned in the first place?
But I still feel they have to
pump it up a little more.
What's happening?
This is Reinert's silly idea.
He just wants to fuck it all up.
God damn it.
Torgrim is in on it.
That was low.
- Do you have a light?
- No.
But I do.
Let's do a rehearsal.
No! How many times
do I have to show you.
Walk like this!
OK. One more time.
- What happened to your hand?
- Oh, nothing.
Please focus now. Come on!
Forward, forward, forward. That's it!
That's it!
- Vidar, we're done.
- Yes.
I can't take it anymore. This is...
- There won't be any movie.
- I have neverworked like this.
He's just... He's completely
out ofhis wits. He has no respect.
It was not like this
when I worked on The Whore 1.
- You worked forhim before?
- Yes, The Whore 1.
It wasn't like this then.
Everything went according to plan.
- I don't know what it is with him.
- I can't take it. I want to leave.
- I'm getting pissed.
- I wouldn't been here if I knew.
- Where is Irris? She's not here.
- Irris? She's there.
Her sleeping bag is gone.
Everything is gone.
- Where is she?
- She hasn't been here.
Irris? Irris is that you?
What the fuck is happening?
What is this?
Hello! Irris!
What the fuck! What's...
No, no, no...
No, don't do it!
Get me out. Get me out ofhere!
No, don't do it! Please!
You cold pig!
You can just go to bed.
Nothing will happen for hours.
How can we sleep with the camera
rolling all the time?
Vidar: They complain about the
camera. They came to make a movie.
- Amovie about drinking, maybe.
- Very well.
- And who found that head downstairs?
- Me. It was there in the lavatory.
- Who put it there?
- Was that really necessary?
- In the lavatory?
- The loo. Inside?
- There was a head in the loo.
- Why would you give a shit!
I'm not going to clean up that shit,
We have to clean up all the time!
We wash the dishes,
the glasses, everything...
I'm not cleaning that damn blood.
- I've been cleaning every day.
- But I sent for Lisa.
But other people don't do it.
- Who's not doing anything?
- Who has the most work?
- Who's not doing anything?
- Who has the most work?
- But you don't do anything.
- Some people don't do anything.
In and out the whole day,
the whole night until dawn.
- I really need some sleep.
- We're not talking about you.
- But you're looking at me...
- Yes, but there are some of us...
And we're not cleaning up the blood.
Those who did it, can clean it up.
I don't have any
information about that...
And he lied, too.
No. No.
Work, work, work! Come on!
What's that?
- Which scene are we shooting now?
- Come up!
- I told you yesterday.
- Yesterday? Again and again...
- Where to?
- I must talk to the director.
Please? Pretty please?
Come! Come on! Come here.
- What are we going to do? Where?
- Come here. Come!
- Come! Come.
- No. No.
- No.
- Lay off!
You're so freaky.
Stop it! Stop it!
Where are you going?
Let me go. Let me go!
No! Fuck! What's wrong with you?
Let me go!
Let me go!
- Reinert! Reinert!
- Reinert!
Proof again
that evil always triumphs.
It has been planned
for a while, and...
We didn't have enough tape.
When we taped herto that tree.
So after a while we noticed - when
she came to her senses-
- that she got loose at once.
We had to hit her on the head
many times and do re-takes.
Is that you? Is it you? Vidar?
No! Hello!
What... What? What! No...
Yes, give me...
Yes, yes, yes...
Yes, carve me up.
Carve me up like a little whore!
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Vidar, Vidar, Vidar!
Yes, yes, yes...
Yes! Vidar! Vidar! Vida...
- He was crazy yesterday.
- What are you reading?
I'm reading your magazine.
Magazine for swine.
- Do you think that's pretty?
- I wouldn't call it pretty.
He was drunk as always, with his
cigarette and bottle as always.
There's nothing wrong with this.
I don't know what... what it says...
It's like. It's about... Acat.
Some bloody business.
I'm afraid to look in the mirror
and see the horns behind me.
- I'm jittery.
- Me, too.
It's so strange now.
Did you hear that?
No one can feel safe now.
He was different at the audition.
That is why we came here.
Look at him!
Golly, golly...
I'm going out. I'm so scared
I almost peed my pants.
I really don't know
about Reinert anymore.
First he's here, then he's gone,
then he smiles, then he talks...
You never know
what's going to happen.
- You might say this is odd.
- But there's lots of pretty girls!
And they're the perfect age, really:
Innocent and stupid.
Are you thinking about something
that has happened to you?
That, too. I'm thinking about things
that make me sad and scared.
- Like what?
- You don't have to know.
I won't tell you.
- Why not?
- Because it's personal.
You like to make fun of Norway.
I like to make fun of everything.
That's the most important thing.
It's easierto talk about it
when you can make fun ofit.
Reinert, there's somebody back there!
It's Isabel.
Yes, I saw Isabel Vibe from part 1,
she's there in the apple orchard.
She's back there! I'm high on speed
and overact like a monkey's jerkoff.
Who's responsible for this
production? That's me!
Remember last time in part 1:
No girl managed to do this.
- Seriously...
- Yes, yes...
Stop giggling, be serious. We're
behind, we have to get it done.
Gimme the camera, man.
I hate being filmed!
He was in the office a while ago.
He was going to clean the wound.
He's just so...
He's so angry.
I'm horny.
I'm horny all the time. The blood and
Reinert's male body makes me so hot.
I don't understand how he makes
my cunt so fucking wet.
There must be something supernatural
to his presence.
- Oh! Look!
- Who is that?
Are you OK?
We are on day four...
- Who are you?
- It's Vidar, our cameraman.
- That pig never turns off the camera!
- I'm so fed up.
- How do you think things are going?
- Damn well.
We've managed
to fool all the girls by now.
I think we'll pull it off.
Where is everybody?
Was that you?
It's all the time!
- Have you met Reinert before?
- Only from some audition.
I have to try to fix
your wound. It looks bad.
Ah... Stop it!
This is
getting weirder and weirder...
Suddenly you realize that the world
is not so innocent and lovely.
Evil always wins.
The victory dance of evil.
Look at the body of that girl.
I'm all nerves all the time,
almost peeing in my pants.
I don't know who he... Reinert.
I don't know who he is anymore.
It was me who contacted him.
I really wanted to be part of
Inside The Whore.
Was it worth it?
Do you think it was worth it?
No, this is so unprofessional,
not serious at all.
- Lisa. Lisa!
- Come in!
- Fuck me!
- Oh!
Oh! I want to bleed from my cunt.
- Are you OK?
- Yes.
Have you seen Lisa?
Stop filming!
Have you looked yourself
in the mirror? You loook fucked up!
What's next on the list?
You look nasty
with that witch's nose.
- You're looking very old.
- It feels like that.
Alien autopsy for Reinert Kill.
Well, it's almost 09:35.
We have worked for twelve, thirteen,
fourteen... sixteen, nineteen hours.
We're on day six.
And we're about to start on
the second rape scene.
Isn't that right?
We need you on the set.
Reinert, it has been a fantastic
pleasure working with you.
At last be able to
make real film art.
I hope you are as satisfied with my
work as I am with yours...
What the fuck has happened to you?
Fuck you.
I trusted you, you arrogant rat!
I'll be glad when we're done.
She sounds like
a cat getting strangled.
I'm fed up.
Reinert, do you think that you can
finish this film without my help?
This is yours and mine project.
Yo cannot sidetrack me like that.
Do you hear me? Do you hear me?
I have my own private movie.
You will never finish this film
without me, and you know it.
Do you understand what I say?
You will never...
My girl!
Then we're almost finished.
- Only the credits left.
- Yes, sir!
You too must be penetrated.
I've never seen
anything more perverted.
What the fuck
do they think they're doing?
We can't authorize this.
Where is the distributor?
This is a scandal!
Dagrun, hello?
She has passed out!
She's passed out!
Get that distributor here now!
- Come here!
- This film is banned!
I repeat: This film will never
ever be shown in a Norwegian cinema!
Hell has dawned on you,
you bloody cunt.
Thank you!