Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)

Hi. I'm Elise.
You must be Lorraine.
Yes. Nice to meet you.
I'm sorry it's so late.
My day job kind of makes
raising my son a night job.
Don't worry about it.
In my line of work, things tend
to happen when it gets dark.
Thank you.
Ahoy, Carl!
thank you for coming.
I didn't know what else
to do, except call you.
Oh, I understand.
You had a big problem
and you thought
you'd make it my problem, too.
Is that it'?
Uh, uh...
I'm teasing.
You know I'm always
happy to help, Carl.
Would you like
some coffee or tea?
No, thank you.
I'd like to get started
right away, if that's okay.
Carl told me
on the phone
your son is the one
affected, is that right?
Yes, that's right.
My son, Josh.
is following him.
Show her.
I started with
all the usual checks,
mental health tests,
medical records.
Everything normal.
Then I saw the photos.
First noticed it
about six weeks ago.
Thought it was
a camera problem.
Then it became apparent
that it was more than that.
I interviewed the boy.
He won't tell me anything.
He's afraid.
I'm afraid, too.
There's something in this house.
I can feel it.
It doesn't
want me here.
May I meet him?
Hi, Josh. I'm Elise.
I would love to ask you
some simple questions.
Do you like living here?
Yeah, I guess
Are there a lot of kids your
age in this neighborhood?
A few.
One kid lives next door.
That must be fun.
Is there anything you don't like
about living in this house?
I have bad dreams
What happens
in your dreams?
I'd like to try something
with you, Josh.
And I promise,
it won't hurt.
I want you to just relax.
Listen to the ticking.
Focus on it.
Tune everything
else out.
Feel yourself
getting sleepier.
We are now inside
your dream, Josh.
Look around.
What do you see?
I see myself
sleeping in bed.
Are you
in your bedroom?
I'm somewhere dark.
It's always dark here.
Are you alone?
She's here.
Who is "she"?
She says
she's a friend.
She visits me every night.
Where is she
right at this moment?
Is she here in
this house with us?
I'd like
to talk to her.
Okay, we're gonna play
a little game, Josh.
It's called
Hot and Cold.
I'll walk around
the house,
and you tell me if I'm
getting warmer or colder.
Getting warm.
It's very hot.
Please get out of there.
Who are you'?
What do you want'?
What happened'?
I saw what haunts him,
and it's not a friend.
It's a parasite. I've never
felt such a malignant presence.
It wants to be him.
Miss Lambert,
I think your son has a
unique ability a gift.
When he sleeps at night, he's
able to go places, see things.
Things no living person
is supposed to see.
Only now, one of the
dead has seen him, too.
Oh' my God.
Well, can you stop it'?
I could take away his gift
to suppress his memory
of his ability.
How would we do that'?
I'll show you.
Do whatever you have to
Make him forget.
One morning, Dalton
just wouldn't wake up.
We took him to the best
doctors we could find,
but none of them
had any idea.
we just took him home,
still in his coma.
Then things started
happening around the house.
Unexplained things.
I got so freaked out,
we moved.
But they kept happening.
And you believe that there was
some sort of supernatural force at work?
When did you hire
the services
of the deceased
Elise Rainier?
When we ran out
of places to go.
It says in your
statement, Mrs. Lambert,
that last night, at
approximately 10:00 p.m.,
Elise put your husband
into a state of hypnosis.
She did this as
part of a ritual that
she believed
would allow him to
"project his unconscious
into a..." Uh...
I'm sorry, I can't read
my own handwriting.
"...Into a spirit realm, where
he could locate your son
"and bring him back
to consciousness."
Now, did you really
believe that would help?
I had to. Whatever
she did, it worked.
Dalton woke up.
And what happened
after your son woke up?
Josh, where are you'?
I'm right here.
Oh, no, no, no.
Elise! Elise!
Mom, get Dalton out of here!
Call an ambulance!
No, no, no. Elise!
Oh, no!
No, no!
Why are you looking
at me like that?
You think I did this?
Did you believe him'?
He's my husband. That's
not what I asked.
Yes, I believed him. My husband
isn't capable of killing anybody.
This is a photo Elise took
seconds before she was killed.
Can you tell me who that
is in this picture?
There were a lot of strange
things happening in our house.
I saw apparitions,
lots of them.
Are you telling me that this
is a photograph of a ghost'?
Listen, I'm not interested
in ghosts, Mrs. Lambert.
I'm interested in the living
people who create them.
Elise has marks
on her neck
that were put there
by human hands.
I'll let you know if forensics
matches those marks to your husband.
Jessica, we're home.
Hey, guys.
Dad! Look what I made. Hey.
It's a cup phone.
See? You put your ear in that,
and I put my mouth in that.
You are a genius. Absolute brilliance.
Thanks for watching them.
Say hi to your mom from me.
I will.
Oh. Mom,
I'll get that.
I'll go up
and make the beds.
All right.
Time for bed, boys.
How long are we
gonna be here for?
We're gonna be at Grandma's
house for a little bit
while the police
work at our house.
You know, this house has been
in the family for a long time.
And you GUYS
get to stay in
Daddy's old bedroom.
Did you see
anything bad in here?
And neither
will you, okay?
Good night.
Just glad you're awake.
Good night, boys.
Good night.
Hey, Dalton.
Look what I made.
Do I have to?
This is stupid.
Come on, it really works. I wanna
ask you something, all right?
All right, fine. The
string needs to be tight.
Go farther back.
So, what do you
think of this?
I think it's stupid.
It's okay.
It's still happening.
What is?
I heard the piano playing
by itself downstairs
and I found Kali on the floor
of her room by her crib!
Well, maybe she
climbed out of her crib.
Has she ever done
that before?
What? What is
wrong with you?
Renai, I just want us to move
on from this, that's all.
I want us to be
a normal family again.
There is nothing normal about this, okay'?
These things are still here.
Elise is dead! No one's talking about it!
Someone murdered her!
Then let's talk about it.
You think I did ii?
No. No, I don't.
Good. Good.
Because I know
what happened.
I went into that place
to get our son back
and something evil followed
me and killed Elise.
You saw it.
You saw those things.
Listen to me. Nothing is gonna
bother us, not anymore.
We have our family back.
We have our son.
Isn't that what
we should be focusing on?
You think all the
ghosts we've seen
would somehow make me feel
better that Elise is gone.
I mean, you and I have
firsthand knowledge that there's
something out there beyond death.
But it's not helping.
Turns out the living version
of someone is always better.
She never left the
reading room unlocked.
You first.
Hunter, ninja, bear.
Hunter, ninja, bear.
That's bullshit.
How does a bear
beat a goddamn ninja?
Superior sense
of smell, my friend.
You know what'? I don't think
we should be down here.
Let's go back.
That's a private room.
You should stay...
Oh, my nuts!
I'm not helping.
Hi, Josh. I'm Elise.
I would love to ask you
some simple questions.
But they're the good kind,
the kind you can't get wrong.
Do you like living here?
Amateur framing.
Just horrible.
A few.
One kid lives next door.
Can you stop it?
I could try
to take away his gift
to suppress his
memory of his ability.
How would we do that?
H'! show you
Who the hell's
he talking to?
I could try
to take away his gift,
to suppress his
memory of his ability.
How would we do that?
H'! show you
Right there.
Then I flew away.
don't leave us again.
There's someone
standing behind you.
Oh, my God, Josh!
Did you see her?
I saw someone!
No. you didn't. No. I did!
There was somebody...
Ma, there is
no one here, okay?
Because if there was,
that would scare my family
and I don't need Renai hearing
any of that stuff right now.
Yeah, you're right.
It was probably
my imagination.
Sorry. You should
get some sleep.
You want some more?
All right, go farther back so we can stretch it.
We need to make it tight.
I gotcha! I gotcha!
Oh. my God!
I'm going to eat you.
Hey, honey, what do you
want for breakfast?
Anything you want.
I don't care.
What's wrong?
What's the matter?
You can tell me.
I had a bad dream.
I'm sorry.
What was it about?
I was in my bed sleeping.
Grandma walked in.
I could see someone
else in my room.
Please don't
leave us again.
There's someone
standing behind you.
I tried to wake
myself up.
It took a while,
but I did it.
I heard voices
in the hallway.
You got to go.
You have to go.
It was Daddy.
You have to leave.
And he was talking
to someone.
You have to go.
Is there something
wrong with Daddy, Mom?
No, honey.
He's just been
through a lot.
That's all.
We all have.
It's okay,
it's just a dream.
I'm gonna take
the boys to school.
You should rest,
relax a bit.
Come on, son.
Are you okay, Lorraine?
You said something
was wrong.
Whatever it was
that killed Elise,
whatever it was that
was haunting my family
is not done with us.
Last night I saw
someone in my house.
I need your help.
Do you remember the first
time Elise visited your house
to talk to Josh
when he was a boy?
No. I did a lot
to try to...
Try to forget that part of
my life, until recently.
All right. Well,
Elise hypnotized him,
asked him a series
of questions.
L digitized the actual footage
taken from the night.
I cropped and
lightened the image.
Lorraine, is that Josh?
How is that possible?
We don't know.
If only Elise
were hereto help us.
Renai Lambert,
this is Detective Sendai.
Hello, Detective.
I told you I would inform you
once I got the forensics results.
Well, I got some.
It seems the bruises
on Elise Rainier's neck
do not match your
husband's hands.
We're not ruling
anything out at this point,
but I just thought
you should know.
Thank you. Detective.
I really needed to hear that.
Thank you.
J' Row, row, row your boat
J' Gently down the stream
J' Merrily,
merrily, merrily, merrily
J' Life is but a dream J'
Kali, what's wrong?
Kali! Kali!
What a
beautiful little girl.
Don't you dare!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
Kali? Baby?
My baby, Kali. Kali.
Don't you dare!
He's here.
Carl, I'm Specs. I'm the guy
you spoke to on the phone.
Oh, hello!
Come in.
Hi, Carl.
It's been a long time.
Looks like I did the
aging for the both of us'
Oh, please stop it.
You met Specs.
This is Tucker.
Elise talked
about you a lot.
Oh. Yeah, said you were
the second best person
she ever worked with.
Second best,
that's generous.
I had been meaning to catch
up with her, to call her.
But I always kept putting it off
till the next week, you know'?
And now she's gone.
Well, maybe this is your
chance to say your good-byes.
Specs told me on the phone,
but I'm not sure we should...
We have questions
that need answering,
and the only person we could
think of to ask is Elise.
Please help us, Carl.
Help us contact her.
Everybody has their
own way of making contact.
This is mine.
I ask questions and the
spirits answer with the dice.
You look for the words
in the letters.
Elise, we are
calling out to you.
Tell us if you are there.
please talk to us.
Give us a sign that
you can hear my voice.
All right, I suppose
I should've explained
that this isn't
an exact science.
Sometimes contact
can't be made.
Please tell me,
are you here?
Are you here?
I'll go get...
- No!
Do not break
the circle.
We need to know
who killed you.
Tell us.
"She did."
What does she want'?
I see it.
K- I-L-L
Where is she'?
Where is she hiding?
Elise, tell us where
lo find your killer.
"Our Lady Angls"?
Our Lady Angls,
what does that mean'?
It's "Angels."
Our Lady of the Angels.
It's a hospital.
I know because
I used to work there.
Most of my work
was in this East Wing.
But it's all closed now.
Now only the ghosts
are left.
Personally, I
prefer the ghosts to people.
The question is,
what are we looking for?
Elise led us
here for a reason.
Just forget
the actual building.
Think of the doctors,
the nurses you worked with,
the patients, everyone.
Mama! Mama!
What is it?
In there.
What was in this room?
This was an ICU.
I remember it very well.
Should we do
pizza night tonight?
How about
mac and cheese'?
Hi, Pam.
Hi, Lorraine.
Mac and cheese.
that can be done.
Keep quiet.
Don't touch anything.
How is he?
His vital signs
are stabilizing
but he's still
His blood
pressure's doing better.
Yes, after we
upped the dosage.
Okay, let's keep him on that.
And when was the last
time you checked the glucose?
It's okay.
It's okay.
A few days
later, I saw him again.
For the last time.
what are you...
You should be resting.
You shouldn't be out of bed.
Listen, I wanna apologize
for my son the other day.
He was being a nosy kid.
Hey, Hillary, why is the
patient from Room 104
up and walking around?
What do you mean'?
The patient from ICU,
Parker Crane?
What do you mean,
walking around?
I just rode down in
the elevator with him.
He should be in bed,
on the monitor...
Lorraine, that patient
died yesterday morning.
He jumped
to his death.
So, why was he
here in the first place?
He tried
to castrate himself.
Oh, no.
No, not yet.
Please, no.
Your dead soul
is killing his living skin.
I wanna live.
I wanna live!
Only if you kill them.
No. Please, no.
I can't, Mother.
Please don't
make me do it.
You must!
Or you'll waste away.
Yes, we can.
No way.
Is that our man?
Parker Crane, that's him.
This address,
there's something there.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
You're okay. You're okay.
Oh, God.
You're okay.
Where's Kali?
She's fine.
She's in her room sleeping.
She's fine. No, she's not!
No, she's not!
She's asleep! Renai! No! No!
See'! I told you,
she's fine.
Oh, God! What happened? Tell me.
Someone attacked me!
In the living room, a woman. She hit me.
These things are back, Josh!
We have to go!
We gotta get the kids
and we gotta get
out of the house!
No, it's not the house.
You know that.
We've been
through this before.
They will follow us You
have to just not be afraid.
You have to relax.
Relax? I can't relax!
There's ghosts
It's like
we're already dead!
No, it's not!
No, it's not.
This is nothing
like being dead.
I know.
I have seen it.
I have seen where
these things exist.
They want what you have.
But they have
no power over you.
All you have to do is ignore
them, and they will go away.
See, I told you.
What are you doing'?
That's the song
that's been playing.
What song?
What are you talking about?
You don't know
that song?
No, I don't.
That's my song,
the song I wrote for you?
Well, it's not the song that
we should be worried about.
There's somebody
in this house.
Stay here.
Hey, look,
they left the window open.
Watch your step.
Do you feel
Let's just say that
this house is not a place
where many good things
have happened.
Probably a lot of good
collectibles in here.
What is that smell?
Hey, Specs.
I'm guessing this might
be Parker Crane's bedroom.
No, it seems a little
girly for a boy's bedroom'
don't you think?
I mean,
look at this dollhouse.
I had a dollhouse.
This is a Rhode Island Red.
Come on,
let's get outta here.
This is my room!
Tucker. Tucker.
You can't be in here.
If she sees you,
she'll make me kill you.
I have something
to show you.
Stop, Foster.
Just go back to bed. You're
gonna get us in trouble.
I'm not Foster.
Foster, wake up.
Foster, please wake up!
Who are you'?
The ones he killed.
We are many.
What do you want'?
Please help me!
Make the pain stop!
it's okay! It's okay! It's okay!
It's okay!
It's okay! It's okay!
Oh, Jesus.
Jesus. Oh, Jesus.
It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
It was just a dream
It's just a dream.
It's just a dream.
You're trying to reach
her, but you won't.
Not from over there.
Shadows are your home now.
Why did you bring us here?
What are we looking for?
"Mors. "
Latin for "Death"?
This is the woman
who was in my house.
Lorraine, lookout!
What happened?
What happened?
Give me a light over here.
Over here!
You're not Elise,
are you?
Who are you'?
Mother of Death.
What does that mean?
It's literal.
It simply
means the mother
of Parker Crane.
Okay, move that.
One, two, and three.
Pull it this way.
Don't touch anything.
"Bride in Black."
I know that name.
Where? What you got?
"One of the victims
managed to elude the killer.
"Police said she
described her attacker
"as an old woman dressed in a
black wedding gown and veil."
"Bride in Black
claims his 15th victim."
CARL; Oh, my God.
Wait a sec.
Parker wore that dress
to commit these murders.
It was his disguise.
He killed for his mother
because she forced him to.
He wanted
his childhood back.
That's why he went
after your son.
Jesus! Lorraine!
Where have you been'?
I need to speak to you.
Where is he, Josh?
He's not feeling well.
He's been in bed all day.
And where are
Dalton and Foster'?
I just dropped
them off at Jessica's.
Why'? You and the
kids are in danger.
I'll explain,
but not here.
Please, let's just
get in the car and go.
Have you been
seeing them, too?
Around the house?
It's not the house,
it's Josh.
They're gone.
It's go time.
We'll hear everything.
Sing out
if you need us.
The code word
is "Quesadilla."
Say it with me. Quesadilla.
I thought we agreed on
"Unicorn" as the code word.
Uh... "Quesadilla" is easier
to bring up in conversation.
Not at all.
How would you bring up
"quesadilla" in
a conversation?
It's lunch time. It's quesadilla
time Guys, guys, guys, guys-
I'd love a quesadilla.
Can I have a quesadilla?
I don't think it matters.
You'll know if I need you.
It doesn't matter.
Can I help you'?
My name's Carl.
Uh, I know you don't
remember me, Josh.
Elise and I did our best
to make sure of that.
You're right,
I don't remember you.
Your mother called me when you
started experiencing some problems
and what I saw scared me so badly
that I, uh, reached out to Elise.
Now Elise is gone.
I was wondering if you could
help give me some closure.
I need it.
This is pretty exciting.
I feel like an FBI agent.
Tell me what you're thinking.
Lorraine, what do you know?
I think that when Josh went
into that other world,
something else came back.
We believe it's a
spirit that's killed
many times before,
and it'll kill again.
That's why I had to get you
and the kids away from him.
Last night, when I
looked into his eyes,
like I have every day
for the last 12 years,
was the first time
I didn't recognize him.
I was scared of him.
Right now, at the house,
there is an acquaintance of Elise's
and mine, and he's talking to Josh.
We're going to try to sedate
him and when he's under,
we're going to try to reach
out to the real Josh.
And what if
we can't find him'?
Are you feeling okay?
I'm fine.
Just woke up feeling
a little under the weather.
I suppose
I wanted to ask you
if you've any idea
what happened to Elise.
No, I don't.
Look, I...
I should remind
you that, um...
I'm not the person who's
gonna look at you funny
if you tell me
something unusual.
I've seen things
with my own eyes
that most people have to
go to sleep to conjure up.
Elise sent me to a place
that still haunts my dreams.
But I got my son back.
I don't know, I left the
room for about 10 minutes
and when I came back
Elise was dead.
She had been strangled.
That's pretty horrific.
I guess.
When you were a boy,
you said it was an old
woman who haunted you.
Did you see
that same old woman
when you were in
that other world?
Okay. Um...
Say, would you
like a drink?
Water. A glass of
water would be nice.
What you got there?
Huh? Oh. Uh...
I thought maybe you were
playing with your dice.
Excuse me?
Mother tells me you
like to play with dice.
Did She? I didn't realize you
guys had spoken this morning.
It's how I do my readings.
What have you got
behind your back?
Why don't you ask your dice
what I have behind my back?
Come on,
roll them and see.
Mother tells me you were very
good with them at the house.
Come on,
it'll be fun.
What does Josh...
What is Parker Crane
holding behind his back?
She was always right.
Come on!
In here!
I got you!
I know you, don'! I?
Well, if you're here, I guess I
don't have to ask where I am.
He killed you.
I'm sorry.
That thing is gonna murder my
family if I don't get back.
I am trapped here.
I'm getting weaker
the longer I'm away
from my body.
Elise, she's not here.
Well, then we'll
have to find her.
Into the Further we go.
You need to kill the others.
It's the only
way to stay alive.
Shut up! Shut up!
Get out of my head!
Shut up!
Get outta here!
Get out of my head!
Okay, I've just got a message from
Tucker He says they're ready.
Don't do that.
What is it?
There's someone
standing in front of you.
I don't see anybody.
He's right
in front of you!
He's talking to you.
What's he saying?
"He's got your baby. "
"He's got your baby. He's got your baby.
He's got your baby. "
He's got your baby.
He's got your baby.
What's he doing now?
He's pointing at something.
Over there.
I heard this noise coming from Kali's room.
It was on the baby monitor.
Probably just inteference.
I don't know.
It sounded so clear. It was
like this whispering. It was...
Scared the hell
out of me.
Then I went to hear the
monitor and turned up the volume
and heard a man's voice.
Iran up there
and I looked inside.
Probably just some noise.
Those things always pick up...
No! No! No.
No! Hey!
Who the hell is that'?
Hold on.
Stay here.
No, Josh, no!
Josh! Josh! Quick! There's someone in here!
Someone in the curtains!
Josh! Josh!
Get away from her!
Go to hell!
I wish I could say
it's good to see you.
I'm so sorry.
You shouldn't be here.
We all pass through
this place eventually.
Hopefully, on our way
to someplace better.
I've seen
that better place,
but I came back here
because I heard you calling,
and I think I can help.
Carl, what are
you doing here?
You are not
supposed to be here.
I failed you, Elise.
No, you didn't.
No, you didn't.
You were looking for Josh
and you found him.
Josh, you don't
belong here,
and neither does that entity
belong in your world.
I don? know
how to fight her.
Out there in the darkness,
she has a home where all her
memories live from her life.
Use those memories to draw
her out of your vessel
so that you can get
back into your body.
But where do
I find her home?
Only you know
where that is.
I don't remember.
Maybe we're asking
the wrong Josh.
What happened'?
I saw what haunts him, and ifs not a friend.
It's a parasite.
I've never felt such
a malignant presence.
It wants to be him.
Miss Lambert, I think your son
has a unique ability, a gift.
I need your help.
I don 'I have any memories
of the old woman anymore,
but you do.
I need to know
where she lives.
H'! show you
So that's what
that was about.
Hi, honey.
I'm waiting for the boys.
They're not home yet.
Did my friend
Carl stop by today?
No, I don't think so.
You did this
to yourselves!
It's been so long
since I felt real pain.
Renai, help me!
I missed it, but not as much as
I miss inflicting it on others.
Renai, get out
of here! Run!
I'll come back
for you, Mommy!
Okay, guys, we're here.
Thanks, Jessica.
Thank you. JESSICA: No problem.
See you tomorrow.
Let's go, Foster.
I didn't want this,
She wanted me to kill
you, but I said no.
But now,
I know she was right.
You are a miserable,
ungrateful bitch.
You have no idea
how much you've wasted
your life being
afraid of the dead,
because pretty soon, you're
going to be one of them.
Then, when I take you
to my home in the dark,
you'll realize how happy
you should've been
for your brief,
little moment in the sun.
Mommy! Mommy!
Daddy! No!
Come on!
My name is Parker!
What is this?
Did you do this?
Don't you dare!
But, Mommy...
Speak the truth.
Did you?
That is not your name!
Parker is not your name!
That is the name
your father gave you!
Your name
is Marilyn.
Do you understand?
Repeat after me.
My name is Marilyn. "
Say m
My name is...
Quiet, now.
If you don'! be a good
little girl, you'll get...
Mommy, Mommy, I can go
into the dark place
and find Daddy,
if I go to sleep.
No, it's too dangerous.
I nearly lost
you once before.
I'm not gonna let
that happen again.
I can find him. I promise I'll find him.
I promise.
I will.
Turn around.
It's okay!
Be careful.
I love you.
Destroy her, Josh!
End this!
Where am I?
Let her go!
Where is he?
He's got Renai.
What the hell!
Parker, help me destroy
the memories of her.
It will set you free.
Please let me in.
Open the door.
Little girls need
to learn to be good!
Hey, come back!
Come back!
Josh, go now.
I wish I could
take you with me.
I can't.
But you can take Carl.
I told you,
you don't belong here.
I felt your heartbeat
when I hugged you.
You're still alive.
It's time to live again.
But you both
have to go now!
Go now!
Get away]
Get back! Get back!
Where are you, son?
Oh, good bay!
What are you doing here?
I came to bring you home!
How did you find me?
I followed your steps.
Please wake up!
Where are you?
Come back, come on!
Come back to me.
That's Mommy.
Wake up!
Get back to me!
Clever boy.
Follow me.
Wake up.
Come on, wake up!
It's me.
Renai, it's me,
it's okay.
It's okay.
Daddy, you're back!
Thanks to you.
My boys. Hey, buddy.
Renai, it's me,
it's okay.
I tried reaching you I tried everything.
I played your song.
I should've known
it was you.
Only you could
play it that badly.
Bring in
Are you ready?
We're ready.
Ready to forget
once and for all.
No more traveling, right'?
This is the only
world we wanna be in.
Good, Mr. Lambert.
So then, close your eyes.
Both of you.
Now take a deep breath,
and just listen
to the ticking.
Now feel yourselves getting
sleepier and sleepier,
and let the darkness
drift further
and further away.
Who is it? I
have a message for you.
It's about Allison.
Is this some
kind of joke?
We have a close personal
friend who has, uh,
spoken with Allison.
That's not possible.
You better leave now
or I'm calling the police.
Wait, Brian.
Who are you GUYS?
Uh... We help
people, ma'am.
People who've been afflicted by...
Who's the lady?
What lady, honey'?
The lady standing
behind them.
Our friend
told us to tell you
that Allison's
accident was no accident.
When she was resuscitated
back to life at the hospital,
she brought something
back with her.
Not just one
thing, many things.
And they're living here
in this house with you.
Oh, my God!