Interlaced (2018)
"Phone rings"
[Lightening] [Thunder] [Phone rings] Operator At the tone, please record your message. [Beep] MOM Hey, I tried to get a hold of you. I don | t know if Kadin talked to you about wanting to go camping at your Dad | s property. I | m feeling very uneasy about it. I can | t stop thinking about Avery. I feel like I have to keep Kadin near me all the time. I just don | t want him to go out there by himself. He | s insisting on doing it alone. I don | t know what to say to him. You know, with everything that has gone last year. I | m not feeling well about this. Especially after that suicide murder that happened near the property. Children were killed in that house. It | s horrible. Anyway, maybe you can call him and talk him into doing something else next weekend. Maybe plan something with him. Just give me a call back, okay. Bye. [Kids screaming] [Kids laughing] [Kids laughing] [Kids laughing] Avery! AVERY Kadin. [Car honking] Hey sleepy head. How long was I asleep?ed. I don't know, maybe twenty minutes. I had another dream about Avery.longer than that. She's always in my dreams too. I miss her too buddy. Do you think she's still alive? Do you have everything?el it. Uhh, I think so, yeah. Now you sure you want to do this? Okay, well if you decide if you don't want camp out anymore you Listen Kadin... I know I have been over protective lately. The last two years have been very hard on all of us, you know.imes. Six more miles. How many graves do you think are out here? I don't know, quite a few, Some of those graves probably don't have markers on them, there so old. Why would they burry people in the woods? They would burry their loved t ones near their homes. That's what people did back then, I guess. You're not going to be afraid to ghost hunt out there by yourself? I spoke to Papa this morning and he knows your going to be setting up camp.t. Do you remember how to get out there? Yeah, I know. Well, Papa is going to be hunting, so if you decide to go back early, he said he'll leave the back door open for you. Hey, are you listening? Yeah. Is he going to be hunting all night? Here we are. Okay, what are the rules? Don't go too far from the campsite. Keep the fire under control. Keep my phone with me at all times. And I mean at all times. Call me. Huh? Call me now so I know your phone is working. Okay. [Phone rings] Okay good, I want you to call me as soon as you find a spot and set up camp. Okay. Do you need my help? I got it. Okay. Love you. I love you. You be careful out there, okay. I love you and I want you to be safe. I will. I love you. Mom! [PAPA VOICEOVER] Kadin, Sorry I didn't get the chance to see you this morning. You know me, I'm an old early bird. I'll be out most of the day and night. But, if I get a chance, I'll stop by your campsite. If you decide you don't want to stay outside I left the back door unlocked and there's food and rootbeer in the fridge. Love Papa. [Birds chirping] Shutup! [Radio static] [Radio music] [Creaking tree] [Female moan] [Phone rings] Mom? Mom, is that you? [Running footsteps] [Footsteps] [Crickets] AVERY laughing GIRL Avery! I know you're out here. Boo! I'm going to find you. You can't hide from me forever. Avery! [Scream] [Crickets] Are you freaking serious. Wow. [Phone rings] [Beep] Hi Mom. I fell asleep. I didn't get to do anything. It's 9:04 AM I'm guesssing it's six hours wasted, from the last time I went to sleep, so. So the whole entire day went by. Uhm... the good news is, I'm still going to that gravesite. So, it will be pretty fun for me. And uhm, going to grab something to eat. And ah. Head out, but. I love you mom, bye. [Crickets] [Pop crackling] [Metal creak] [Beep] [Branch creak] [Soft growl] [Growl] [Growl] [Growl] [Growl] [Growl bark] [Crickets] [Tent shake] [Crickets] [Knife opens] [Bird chirp] [Owl hoot] [Rock hits ground] [Bird wings flapping] [Tent shake] [Tent shake] [Male groaning] [Loud static] Loud static] Loud static] [Wind fire crackling] [Creepy male moaning] [Radio static] RADIO CRYING GIRL Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. [Lightening] [Rain tapping] [Thunder] [Groan scream] [Soft footsteps] [Footsteps stop] [Loud bang] [Footsteps] [Running footsteps] [Heavy breathing] [Beep] [Crow squawking] KADIN So I'm heading out. [Beep] Don't see anything yet. Where are they. It's so cold out here. What's that? Oh my God. There they are. Graves. Wow. So many. [Loud footstep] Hello? [Creaking branch] [Creaking branch] This is a cool one. I wonder whose grave this is. I can't see anything on it. I guess I'll start right here. Is someone there. Can you tell me your name. If you can here my voice, make a sound. Make any sound. Are you buried here? SOFT MALE VOICE Quiet. Was that you? Do you want to talk to me? Is that you out there? Is this your grave? Can you show yourself to me? Trying to zoom in. MAN She's right here. Oh my God. [Girl whimper] Hello? [Demon scream] [Demon moaning] [Crickets] [Beep] KADIN'S RECORDED VOICE It's cold out. What is that over there. Looks like a flashlight. So cold out. The camera is blurring out. I'm going to try zooming in here. I guess I'll start right here. What's that. Hello? Anyone there? Is someone there? [Loud radio static] Oh my God. [Radio static] [Crickets] KADIN Is there anyone here that wants to talk to me? Can you hear my voice? Can you say your name? Or say it louder so I can hear you. [Radio static] Avery are you here? RADIO AVERY'S VOICE Kadin. Avery, is that you, can you hear me? Where are you at? RADIO AVERY'S VOICE I can hear you. Where are you? RADIO AVERY'S VOICE Where are you? I'm here Avery. Can you see me? Make a noise. [Metal scrape] [Beep] Avery, is that you? Avery? [Bird flapping wings] [Birds squawking] [Radio static] Avery? Can...can you hear me? Come on, do something. Avery. I know you can hear me. [Radio static] Avery? [Loud radio static] Oh my God. [Phone ringing softly] [Phone ringing] [Radio static] RADIO AVERY'S VOICE Kadin. Where are you? [Phone ringing] RADIO AVERY'S VOICE Kadin. [Phone ringing] PHONE AVERY'S VOICE Come find me. Avery, is that you? RADIO AVERY'S VOICE Come out and play. RADIO KADIN'S VOICE Where are you? RADIO AVERY'S VOICE I'm in the tent. My tent? I'm here... I can hear you. Stay right there. RADIO KADIN'S VOICE Avery? Yell some more. RADIO AVERY'S VOICE I'm here. [Loud radio static] Kadin! Oh my God, Avery. What are you doing here? Avery I missed you. Are you crying? Yeah. Sorry. I missed you kadin. Avery, I missed you so much. We'll find grandpa and then we'll go home. Yeah. I promise you. Mom will be so happy that you found me. Yeah, I love you Avery. [Avery crying] I love you Kadin. [Avery Kadin laughing] [Crickets] KADIN Avery guess what. Wer're going to do lots of fun things. We're going to amusement parks and go on all the rides. And we're going to go camping. And we can go down to the lake. Can I bring my puppy too? Sure. What's the first thing you want to do when you get home? I want to go to the park. Is that what you want to do? I want you to play puppies with me. Avery. Where were the whole time? BOY I can hear you Avery. AVERY We were playing hide and go seek. GIRL I can see you. AVERY I was playing with this little girl. I don't know what her name is. GIRL I think I see her. BOY We're going to find you. AVERY I was hiding from them. PAPA Avery! AVERY And grandpa was there too. PAPA Where are you? I'm good at hiding. GIRL There she is. BOY Where? GIRL Over there. AVERY I really found a good spot Kadin. And they couldn't see me. BOY We're going to find you. BOY There's a light over there. GIRL Where's she? GIRL Avery, come out. GIRL Where is she. GIRL She's coming. GIRL Run! [Ghost scream] AVERY Kadin, I want to go to sleep okay. I love you. I love you Avery. Goodnight Avery. [Digital camera click] [Video glitch] [Glass shatter] [Dog barks] MAN Open the door! Now! WOMAN You're drunk! [Glass breaks] [Woman screams] woman Don't touch me! [Woman screams] [Dog barking] MAN See what you did. [Woman screams] [Woman moans] MAN See what you did! [Static] [Dog barking] [Static] MAN What did I do. MAN I'm sorry. [Gun shot] [Gun shot] GIRL #2 Daddy, Daddy no! [Gun shot] GIRL #2 Daddy no! [Gun shot] [Gun shot] [Dog yelping] [Gun shot] [Crickets] Avery! Avery! [Running foosteps] [Demon scream] Avery! [Avery laughing] Avery, are you out there? [Crickets] KADIN Avery! Avery? [Deep breath] [Loud foostep] Avery? AVERY Come out and play. [Avery laughing] Avery? [Avery laughing] [Smoke detector chirp] Avery are you in here? Come on Avery, I'm not playing, come on out. [Smoke detector chirp] [Smoke detector chirp] [Thud] Avery? Are you in here? [Loud music] [Loud bang] Avery? Avery. [Door slam] [Loud footsteps] Avery? Avery, I know you're up here, come on out. I'm not playing. Avery, I know you're up here. AVERY Boo! What are you doing up here? I'm playing with a boy, come on. Avery we have to go. Avery! I want to show you him. Come Kadin. Come out and play. You can come out now. My brother is here and he wants to play with you. Avery there's no one here. He's here. We have to get out of here. Let's go. Stop saying that. Come on. I don't want to go. Stop, we're leaving. We were having fun. No we're leaving. No kadin. [Crickets] [Avery laughing] [Avery laughing] Come on Kadin, come on. Avery. Come on faster. Avery. I think I left my puppy at the house. Are you sure? I'm sure. It's not here Kadin. It's not under here either. It's not here. It's at the house. Avery. We're not going back to the house. Okay? Please Kadin,please. I want my puppy. Hold on to this. Avery, I'm going back to the house to ge I want you to stay inside the tent. Do not leave the tent. You hear me? You understand me? I love you. I'll be right back. [Beep] [Soft whisper] [Static] [Crickets] [Tree creak] [Crow Squawk] [Little girl giggle] [Loud wind] [Man and woman yelling] Hello? Is anybody there? Hello? Somebody in there? WOMAN Stop it! [Static] WOMAN Get out. WOMAN I said get out! [Static] [Multiple whispers] AVERY Yeah. [Multiple whispers] AVERY No, no. Aha. Come through the door. Come on. It's over here, come on. [Avery laughing] [Ghostly whispers] [Avery scream] Avery? Why were you screaming? I wasn't screaming. My puppy, thank you Kadin. [Avery barking] AVERY My puppy. [Avery barking] [Avery barking] We need to go to sleep Avery. We're going to get up really early. Okay? Okay Avery? Okay. Wow. Goodnight Avery, Love you. GIRL Kadin. Get up Kadin. Why are you scared? Come on. I'll wait for you. There you are. Hey Kadin. I want to show you something. [Beep] [Girl laughing] It's over here. Come on. GIRL Come on. BOY Avery. BOY Avery. Kadin? [Boy barking] BOY Good boy. [Boy barking] Kadin? BOY Do you have a puppy? I do have a puppy. His name is Canon. What's he look like. He's brown, he has white spots. What does your puppy look like? Come to the window. Can you open the window? I'll show you. Come closer. Closer. [Growl] GIRL You scaredy-cat. Stay right there. Are you ready? [Deep gasp] [Creepy scream] [Man howling] [Man howling] KADIN Avery? Avery? MAN You can't hide. I know these woods. I'll find you. [Man laughing] I'm coming. I see you. Here I come. Here I come. Don't you move. Don't you move. I'll shoot you, trust me. You think you can hide from me? You killed them. You killed them! I hear you breathing. [Man laughing] [Man laughing] [Dog panting] [Dog growl] [Man screaming] [Dog growling] [Man screaming in pain] [Girl laughing] GIRL Kadin, come out here. Kadin, come out here. Where are you? [Ghostly scream] [Truck engine starts] [Truck engine] [Truck brakes squeak] [Truck door opens] [Loud truck horn] [Truck engine roaring] [Truck brakes squeak] [Loud truck horn] [Truck engine throttling] [Metal squeak] [Static] PAPA Kadin. Papa? [Papa can you hear me?] PAPA Where are you? AVERY Kadin. Avery, is that you? Avery. [Woman laughing] WOMAN Kadin. WOMAN Stop it! WOMAN Stop laughing at me! [Woman screams] [Loud static] [Loud scream] [Beep] [Kadin breathing heavy] [Metal bang] [Static] [Radio static] [Woman singing from radio] [Static] [Girl laughing] [Animal growling] [Static] [Howling] [Woman scream] [Footsteps] [Woman laughing] [Running foosteps] [Static] [Animal growling] [Loud static] [Soft footsteps] [Girl laughing] MAN Shut up. [Radio static] WOMAN Wake up, wake up. Wake up! Wake up. Wake up. GIRL Kadin, come out here. [Girl laughing] [Footsteps] [Truck door] [Woman crying] [Truck engine roaring] [Truck backing alarm] [Truck door opens] [Truck door shuts] [Running foosteps] [Slow footsteps] AVERY Boo! [Footsteps] [Animal growling] [Crows squawking] [Animal howling] [Woman screaming] [Boy screaming] [Animal moaning] [Loud footsteps] [Ghostly moan] [Footsteps] GIRL Kadin. [Tent zipper] [Loud wind] [Woman screams] [Ghostly scream] [Mother crying] Mommy. Good morning hunny. Are you crying mommy? No, I'm okay. I'm just sad, that's all. Did you have a dream about Kadin? Yeah I did. I had a good dream. You did, do you want to tell me about it? Kadin was in my dream. I saw Kadin last night in the woods. He was playing with me. A boy and a girl were playing hide and seek with me. Guess what? Grandpa was there too. Grandpa was there? He showed me where Kadin's tent was. Kadin found me though. He gave me a big hug. He told me he loved me. That must have been so wonderful. Yeah, he couldn't wait to see you. I want Kadin to come home. Me too. I miss playing with him. I tried showing him the way home. Do you miss Kadin Mom? Everyday baby. Is Kadin with Grandpa? I don't know. Mom, I made new friends. You did, how fun. I hope I can play with them tonight. You made friends in your dream? Yeah. Hunny, I'm really tired. I'm going back to sleep for a little bit. Do you want to snuggle with me? Okay. I love you Mom. I love you Avery. I'm going to sleep too. KADIN Avery! |