Internal Affairs (1990)

- What the fuck, man?
- Good morning, asshole.
Not another word.
Hands above the blanket.
Get the fuck up. Hands down.
You sit right there! And shut up!
Police officer! Freeze!
You OK?
- Is he dead?
- Yeah.
He's dead.
I mean, he made a move, right?
I thought he was going for something.
There's no weapon, man.
Oh, man!
Hold it, Dennis. What are you doing,
man? What are you doing?
Hey, Dennis,
what are you doing, man?
It's up to you.
It's happened to all of us, man.
You're not alone.
Internal Affairs is the most
important division on the force.
We're the cops' cops.
We set the tone.
Therefore, every IAD officer must
avoid even the appearance of evil.
If cops are better than other people,
we have to be better than other cops.
Now, Los Angeles consistently has
the cleanest force in the country.
That's because of us.
Contrary to popular opinion,
the officers in the field
don't resent us.
Because we keep the force clean,
they have respect on the street.
let's get you started.
Yes, ma'am. Was it a two-unit car?
Listen up.
I want you to meet Raymond Avilla.
He'll be joining us as of today.
Detective Peters.
Did you get his name?
This is Smith, on the phone.
Detective Davies.
Nice to meet you.
And Sergeant Wallace,
who'll be your partner
and training officer.
Sergeant Wallace?
- Hi, Raymond Avilla.
- Amy Wallace, nice to meet you.
We're fine.
- Can I get you a coffee?
- No, I'm fine.
You wanna run and get me one?
I'm just kidding. That's your desk.
You wanna get started?
I got somebody waiting down the hall.
It's this guy.
He was picked up in the Valley.
He admits having some cocaine on him.
He says the arresting officer
planted a bag in his car
and beat up on him
and his girlfriend.
- Van Stretch.
- Yeah. You know him?
From the Academy.
Do you want to pass it on
to another team?
So, let's go.
It's right down the hall.
No, we'll drive out to the Valley.
Hey, Ramon! You old horse-thief!
Good to see you!
- And you! My old beat sergeant.
- I heard you made it to IAD.
- How's your wife?
- Still busting my chops.
Some things never change. Wallace.
This man is sharp.
He'll keep you dancing.
We report to Lieutenant Grieb
on the rare occasions we find him in!
Good to have you aboard.
Come and say hello.
OK, tell him to get here
as soon as he can!
- Who you talking to?
- Nobody.
- I said, who was that?
- It wasn't anybody.
- Don't hit me, Van.
- Did you call your boyfriend?
I don't have a boyfriend.
Don't have a boyfriend?
Then who the fuck
are you out with all the time?
- Leave her alone!
- Get out, Sean!
Let go!
Hey, hey, hey!
What's going on there, pal?
What's going on?
You're having a lot of fun!
Get him out of here, Dennis!
Let's go for a walk. Look at this.
Look what's going on out here.
Get some air. I'll be right out.
- Are you all right?
- I've had it with him, Dennis.
Man, she's on somebody else's root!
I smell it on her, Dennis!
I didn't know
it was gonna be like this!
That's the way it is.
That's the way it is, isn't it?
How many cops do you know
that have nothing?
Divorced, alcoholic,
kids won't talk to them any more,
can't get it up.
They sit in their little apartments,
alone, in the dark,
playing lollipop
with a service revolver.
You get yourself together.
Do you hear me?
You get yourself together
or you're on your own.
When was the last time
you saw Van Stretch?
Couple of years ago.
Hey, could you get somebody to sub
for me at the Galleria on Sunday?
I gotta study
for the sergeant's exams.
No problem. Hey, Fred?
I need you to work Galleria Sunday.
Shit. I can't, I got Raiders tickets.
you see your kid on Sundays?
- Yeah.
- Give them to him.
What Oates said about your
fellow officers respecting you is,
as you know, complete crap.
Most cops hate our guts,
if they credit us with having any!
They think we went into IAD
for the promotions, which is true.
They're polite
cos they're afraid of us.
- Judson, you got messages for me?
- Yeah. You got 18!
I got better things to do
than be your answering service!
Yeah, it must get tense
behind that desk!
Everything's a joke
with you guys, right?
I'll be inside.
Holy shit!
Hey, Raymond Avilla
Dennis Peck, my partner.
- Hillerman case.
- Right. At the Academy.
- Very impressive.
- I got lucky.
- Hey, it's great to see you.
- Good to see you, Van.
What the hell are you doing here?
He's IAD.
He came to see you, man.
I'm gonna talk to you soon, OK?
It's OK.
He says you forced him
to empty his pockets.
I asked him to and he wouldn't.
- He said, "Keep your hands off."
- Why were they on him?
They weren't.
Look, he wouldn't empty his pockets!
What prompted you to search him?
He's a fucking junkie!
It's obvious.
He's jumpy, fidgety, talking fast.
Why did you hit him, Van?
- I didn't.
- Yes, you did.
OK, I did.
They made a move for my gun!
They both made a move for your gun?
They say you provoked.
Come on,
you know that's nigger bullshit!
You've had three 181s
for excessive force.
You're wearing a hole in the carpet!
I just stand up to assholes.
We tested the stuff in his pocket
against what you found in the car.
So? What does that mean? He had
two stashes - to use and to sell.
I mean, if they were different.
Off the record?
If you need counselling, Van,
the Department will provide it.
If you have a dependency,
you can deal with it on suspension.
But if you're caught using...
- I don't have a problem!
- Did you hear what I said?
What are you talking about?
Like I said, I don't have a problem.
You look like shit, man.
How's Penny, Van?
She's great.
- Are we finished here?
- Almost.
We'll see you at IAD.
You may bring an attorney.
All those friends
you have on the force?
You don't have 'em any more.
May I have your attention
for a minute?
I'd like to welcome you
to the New Contemporary Museum.
Andrea Dietrich's work is on view.
Hers is the first installation
in a series
of new contemporary video artists.
This was made possible by a generous
donation by Nicholas Hollander.
This is Carlos.
An erotic artist.
Hi! How are you?
Excuse me, do I know you?
- You're the girl in the video.
- No, I'm not.
- Sorry.
- Nice tie. Your wife buy it?
Yes. Nice dress. Where's the rest?
- You're late.
- Let's get out of here.
We've got two more hours. Be good.
Hey, tiger! How you doing?
How did it go?
I got a couple more questions
to answer at IAD next week.
How was your buddy Raymond?
OK. I think they bought it.
It's my word against Superfly, right?
I talked to Heather. She said
the guest room's OK, no problem.
Did you have a good day?
I have a racist boss,
a small desk and a new partner.
Do you like him? Your new partner?
It's a she.
Is she pretty?
She's pretty smart and a good cop.
Let's go to bed.
Did you have to kiss every single
person at the party tonight?
It's my job.
It's my job.
Hey, Heather's trying to sleep.
Heather is not asleep!
How's my boy?
Your little girl is wonderful.
She's terrific.
Did you get your messages?
- No.
- No?
Miriam called. And Kate called twice.
I think she needs a loan.
And a Steven Arrocas...
Steven Arrocas called
to confirm his meeting with you.
And Jay called just to say hi.
- Hey, everybody.
- Hi.
Hi, sugarpuss!
Hi, sweetheart.
- So?
- So?
So, how was your date, Lolly?
Date? My ex-wife has a date?
- With who?
- I'm not telling you.
- I'll find out.
- No, you won't.
I will.
Hi, Raymond.
- Hi, Penny.
- How are you?
Good. You look great.
This is my partner, Amy Wallace.
- Sean looks terrific.
- He's great.
Sorry I'm late. And I have another
meeting in two minutes, so...
- This won't take long.
- That looks pretty painful.
What? Oh, this? Yeah.
Van can be a real jerk sometimes
when he's drinking.
- Is that often?
- No.
You noticed any changes
in his behaviour at home?
- Having financial problems?
- No.
Is he under
an unusual amount of stress?
- No, not really.
- No?
- I see. Using drugs?
- No.
To your knowledge he's not
using drugs at this time?
Then what's his problem?
We can't help unless we know.
You don't want to help.
You want to nail him
so you can make Lieutenant!
Are you having marital problems?
I don't think that's your business.
- Seeing anybody else, Penny?
- Who told you that? Van?
Listen, I have a meeting,
so if there are no more questions...
- Not from me.
- No. Thanks a lot.
Very intuitive.
- Can I buy you lunch?
- Yeah.
Look at that.
That's a nice car.
Plus she had the Rolex.
How you doing?
Sweetmeat, don't do this.
Sorry, you can't do it, man.
Can't do it. You got to let her go.
- What?
- She's my snitch.
- I need her on the street.
- She made me an offer.
Say it was entrapment,
you did it wrong. OK?
But I did do it right.
Say you didn't.
Come here.
Dennis, what are you doing, man?
You said you needed money,
I got you a job, right?
You needed time to study,
I got you that. Now I need something.
- I can't do that, man.
- All right.
Get out! Go!
OK? You all right? OK?
You still love me. I know you do.
She was my snitch, man!
What can I do?
We're fairly sure he beat up
on these people unprovoked.
He has an obvious drug problem,
plus he was rude to me!
Well, nail his ass!
How long will it take?
Two days.
Why don't you give us three?
All right, good.
- You know Dennis Peck?
- Yeah, he's a great cop.
- How come he's just a P2?
- Cos he doesn't care to be a P3.
- He's likes the streets.
- He likes pussy!
Why? Are you curious, Wallace?
- I'm curious. Can you set it up?
- Sure.
- How you doing?
- All right.
Yeah. I got to go back out quick.
Want to ask me about Van?
Actually, it's about Van's wife.
- You know Penny?
- Of course I do.
I think that's what the problem is.
I'm here off the record as a friend.
Do you think
maybe Penny's sleeping around?
You're married too, right? Just
as friends - you're married too?
I'm married. He's married.
- You're married?
- Yeah.
Does your wife fuck around?
It doesn't feel good, does it?
Stay away from wives.
Don't talk about them.
Do you?
- Stay away from wives?
- That's right.
I'll tell you about wives,
my vast, eXtensive eXperience
with wives.
They're all looking for strange,
just like you or me.
My wife, his wife, your wife,
it's all the same.
You're looking for strange.
You see a pretty girl, you look.
Here. A very pretty girl, you look.
Kee, come here a second.
Kee, this is Raymond...Aviller?
- Is that right?
- Close enough.
- She's very pretty?
- She's beautiful.
- Do you want her?
- Do I want her?
In another life, I want her.
- You won't get another.
- I'm not looking for another.
- I'll tell you what.
- What?
You want to ask me any more questions
about Van Stretch,
do it officially at Internal Affairs.
I don't need to ask
any more questions.
- I got all my answers.
- Thank you.
You can do better, Kee.
Very clever, Raymond.
Van moonlights 15 hours a week
doing security at the Galleria,
plus $38,000 from the department,
plus her $25,000 from the bank.
$85,000 tops.
Last March they bought a house
in Granada Hills for $402,000.
They've spent 300 grand
in 18 months!
What do you think he's doing?
- It could be a lot of things.
- Think he's doing it alone?
Not Van.
Well, whatever he's doing,
the pay's good.
I can't believe
he's running the show.
Dennis could be.
Which doesn't mean he is.
- We could run a financial.
- We're not authorised.
Ain't nothing
like the real thing, baby!
I got another vice officer
needs work. He's a good man.
- I can't use him.
- Can't use him?
You know how much
shoplifters take this place for?
Your cops are all boneheads.
They're in the toilet,
doing flute recitals.
Powdering their noses. Get it!
- That's why you need more.
- More like Lurch?
I don't think so.
You talk to the Arrocases yet?
It'd be nice
if you could help them out, Dennis.
You released her in front of the
station and that was your decision?
I messed up the initial contact.
I'd have had to perjure myself.
- Then, what was the fight about?
- That was a personal thing.
- Nothing to do with this?
- No.
Who told you that?
Judson? He's full of shit!
And you're about
to take the sergeant's exam?
- What are you interested in?
- Homicide, what else?
Nothing else!
- This is my wife, Liz.
- Raymond Avilla, nice to meet you.
- You're gonna be late for work.
- I gotta go.
I'm no longer here.
- Where do work on your second job?
- I work at the Galleria.
- Doesn't Van Stretch work there?
- Yeah.
How did you get that?
Every cop in town's after it.
Dennis knows the boss.
He recommended me.
Look, I'm sorry.
This thing just came up.
I don't know, Kath.
I'll be home as soon as I can.
Look, I got to go.
Love you, too. Bye.
This had better be good!
At five o'clock, I got a call from
the watch commander at Northridge,
a guy named Judson.
He said Peck had a beef with a young
vice officer named Dorian Fletcher.
Dennis Peck?
Steven Arrocas?
My wife, Tova.
- Tova.
- How do you do?
Why don't you have a seat?
Would you like a drink?
Yeah. Scotch on the rocks.
I'll get the waitress.
So, how do you know Rudy?
I've known Rudy since I...
How do you know him?
We have contact!
He works for Rudy Mohr, an ex-con.
He got the job through
Rudy Mohr's paid consultant...
- Dennis Peck.
- That's very good.
We need to find out how many others
are moonlighting at the Galleria.
We'd have to go through every single
personnel file in the division.
- So, we're going after Peck?
- Si.
If we blow this or if we're wrong...
..we're fucked.
This is your pile. This is my pile.
My pile's bigger than your pile.
We have a family business.
We manufacture fine floor coverings.
We cover the world.
We're the largest importers
of ceramic tiles in the US.
We import tile from Japan,
France, West Germany, Holland...
I run the business.
I've run it for two years.
My parents control the stock,
They started the company.
They came here with nothing.
They were immigrants.
They did many things I could never
have done and I appreciate that.
But they don't get it.
They won't borrow,
they won't diversify.
They have no idea
how to conduct business today.
We've tried to have them
declared incompetent, but...
But they'd have to be grossly
mismanaging...and they're not.
They're just not bad enough.
I want you to kill
my mother and father.
Rudy said $15,000.
$15,000. Well, I could do it
for $15,000. I could do that.
I could get a couple of gang-bangers
to shoot 'em,
cut their heads off, bury them.
Leave parking tickets
all over the house, names, addresses.
They'd love to talk.
They'll talk about you
and your lovely wife.
What're you saying?
Don't fuck with me! $15,000?
How much do you want?
I'll tell you what'll happen.
You're going to go home
and think about it.
I've thought about it.
Shut up.
And you will call me
in a couple of days.
Nice to meet you, Steven.
- Can I trust you?
- Of course you can trust me.
I'm a cop.
You go home to your wife.
I still gotta pull some files
on Rudy Mohr.
I can do that.
But just be back by 9.00.
- I got a break on the case.
- Great.
Will you close the door? It's cold.
If Peck is handing out extra income
to 40% of the division,
in effect a single officer
can control the division
by pulling favours.
- It's bullshit!
- Why?
Then there's his association
with Rudy Mohr, a convicted felon.
Is it enough for a formal complaint?
Then shut up!
I'm sorry.
But he's the most
productive officer on the force!
Do you want a great cop, who,
at the most, bends it a little bit,
or some straight pistol-ass
who gives diddley,
which this department is full of?
It's not enough
to justify an investigation.
May we get on with it?
OK, so?
It's clear that you're involved
in a pattern of illegal activity.
Now, we know
you're not acting alone, Van.
We're prepared to change
our recommendation of termination,
- if you co-operate.
- How?
You've got to identify the others.
You got to help us obtain
the evidence and testify.
And wear a wire, right?
If necessary.
Do you want to give us a minute?
Can I talk to you?
You're not authorised
to make this deal!
- It's a violation!
- Just look at him.
- He wants to talk.
- I am the senior partner.
Your mistakes go on my file!
Retract the offer to Van or I will.
I've got another idea.
Why don't you and Peck pull them out
and I'll decide which one's bigger?
No deal.
Come on, Van.
Big mistake, Van. Big mistake.
- Do you want some sugar?
- I would like a very little bit.
- That much?
- That's perfect.
Raymond offered me a deal.
Uncle Van doesn't have any tea.
Would you like some sugar?
Would you like some tea?
If I roll over on you, I skate.
You skate?
He doesn't have the authority
to do that.
Don't you understand?
It's just me. I'm all alone!
Look, I got nothing to lose, OK?
I'll put some sugar in hers.
You think I'd wear a wire on you?
Don't you ever threaten me.
Is that enough?
Oh, yes, I love sugar!
You wanted to see me?
Yeah. Thanks for coming. I thought
we should talk about our problem.
Our problem? We have a problem?
Yeah. I don't know how it happened.
We got started on the wrong foot.
Sometimes I come on a little strong.
No hard feelings?
Got a minute?
- Got children?
- No. You?
- Eight.
- Eight?
Yeah. Three by the first marriage,
three by the second,
two by the third,
one from Heather's previous marriage
and number nine's on the way.
- A lot of child support.
- I love kids.
- Do you like 'em?
- Yeah, I like 'em.
Yeah? Don't wait too long to start.
You and your wife OK?
- Yeah.
- Good.
Cos these new couples today,
they get so wound up in their
careers and busy with everything,
their personal life suffers,
you know?
They still do it, but it's like
they have to schedule it.
You don't hug,
you don't kiss, you don't...
You don't do it nice,
fool around like before.
It's such a hurry,
you don't enjoy the pussy any more,
and your wife isn't getting off
like she used to.
Maybe she's... No, no, there's
nothing going on you can point to,
but you start wondering.
You're talking about yourself, right?
No. I'm talking about you, Raymond.
- Me?
- Yeah.
Not because I see it in you.
I see it in your wife, in Kathleen.
You see it in my wife?
Yeah. In fact,
I saw her earlier at the museum.
- She has long blonde curly hair?
- Yeah.
She has green eyes.
She had two earrings in her left ear.
Pretty. A bit skinny for me, but
they say skinny ones give good head.
I'll tell you what. I'll fuck her
a while, teach her how to come...
Get up!
They said you were a good boxer.
You are.
- Not ba...not bad!
- Clean yourself up.
Give my best to Kathleen!
You know how many wives
Dennis Peck has?
I want to
run complete bank checks on them.
Mortgages, loans, everything!
What do you say?
And he opens his bag
and takes out a box.
Remember "Belle de Jour"? The box?
Well, he opens this box
and he takes out a paintbrush.
- What? A paintbrush?
- No, a number 6 sable brush.
Oh, God!
I tell you,
this guy is a great painter!
Hi, Raymond.
- Night-night.
- Get some sleep.
I will. Good night, Raymond.
So Carlos is a good painter, is he?
Were you listening
to our conversation?
What did May mean by that?
I think she means
that he's not like Peter,
that he takes his time
and makes her feel good...for once.
Sweetheart, you're a good painter.
When you paint.
I guess I should buy a sable brush.
Yours is fine.
You just need to dip it.
- Hello?
- Penny, it's me, Van.
- How are you?
- I'm all right.
I'm gonna talk to Raymond.
I've got to get
all this stuff off my chest.
- Are you still there?
- I'm here. All what stuff?
All the stuff
we've been doing with Dennis.
I mean, I'm on my own now.
They're gonna throw me off
the force!
Raymond'll cut me a deal.
Don't you think
we should talk about this?
Penny, can I come home?
No, Van not now...
I...I got to get up early tomorrow.
I'll take Sean
to my Mom's in the morning, OK?
Don't say anything to anyone
before you see me, OK?
I'm really sorry, Penny.
You know I love you.
Me too.
See you.
So, I talked to Chief Healy.
What did he say?
The guy knows you're a good cop.
I told him you're in a programme.
He liked that.
He's a family guy, too, so...
the sooner you and Penny
get back together...
You'll have to take a suspension...
he's gonna overrule
any recommendation to terminate.
Thanks, partner.
You'd do the same for me, right?
You know I would, man.
Thanks a lot.
- 17-Adam-79, officer needs help.
- All units, all units, stand by.
- Go ahead, 17-Adam-79.
- 17-Adam-79, officer needs help.
I'm at the 4,000 block
of West Long Beach.
There has been shooting.
Partner is down and has been shot.
Suspect has been shot and is down.
Request ambulance.
Help me.
All right, all right.
- I'm shot.
- It's OK.
- I'm shot!
- It's OK.
- Oh, my God!
- You're not gonna die.
You're not gonna die. You're not...
- Gotta get back to my patrol.
- It's OK. You're not gonna die.
It's all right. It's OK.
Shut up! Shut up!
What's going on, Raymond?
We eat dinner together twice a week.
I talk about my job, you don't care.
You're not talking to me
about anything.
We don't even fuck any more!
What are you doing?
Working while we're fighting?
- I'm putting the thing away.
- No, no! Don't put it away!
Don't do me a favour.
You continue doing your work,
so you can compare notes
with your little fucking girlfriend!
What is that supposed to mean?
My fucking girlfriend?
I'm saying, if you want to
lead a separate life, go ahead!
Do what you want
with your fucking girlfriend!
What do you want to know?
Ask me the question!
- Just tell me!
- What? If I'm fucking my partner?
I am not fucking my partner.
My partner's a dyke!
- Really?
- Really!
It's for you!
Van Stretch is dead.
Internal Affairs.
We need to find this driver
before Peck does.
I've got to put the word out.
Let's go and see my cousin.
I want to talk to you.
- This is my partner, Amy Wallace.
- How are you?
They just killed a friend of mine.
His name was Van Stretch.
There were two guys. Two Latins.
One is already dead.
The other is on the street.
I need for your people
to hit the street and find the guy.
I'll tell people to hit the street
as soon as you're ready.
Remember, Van Stretch was the officer
and I need the guy alive. Understand?
Alive and kicking.
Van, may you rest in peace.
Aim... Fire.
- All right.
- Don't touch me! You bastard!
- It's all right. Relax. It's OK.
- Oh, God!
It's nobody's fault!
I'm gonna take care of things.
Don't worry. It's all right.
- I can't go against him.
- I'm not asking you to.
Just find the guy who hit Van.
Find him fast
or there won't be any case.
You can't feed Dennis Peck
any information.
I get it. You got me on this case,
didn't you?
You wanted Homicide.
That's just what he would do.
You're just like Dennis, man.
You're just like him.
His name is Demetrio.
He's a dealer and he's bad news.
And he killed Van Stretch?
That's what I hear.
Tell him about tomorrow.
He's got to complete
a drug deal tomorrow.
- He needs a stash.
- Gregory will identify him.
It's your call.
This is 5-Young-23-Adam
to 5-Young-23-Boy, do you copy?
Go ahead.
Remember, keep him alive.
- Keep your channel open.
- 23-Boy, that's a roger.
I'll wait to hear further from you.
- So, what's new?
- Nothing.
- No problems?
- No.
- No one coming round? Questions?
- No. Nobody.
- You'd let me know, right?
- Yeah, I'd let you know.
How come?
- So what are you doing now?
- I've got to pick Kevin up at noon.
Your snitch let us down today.
Hey. He said maybe,
not definitely, OK?
The Hollywood sign -
tinsel town's best known landmark,
was today the grim setting
for the discovery
of the bodies of an elderly couple.
Luis and Elena Arrocas had been shot
in what police describe
as "execution style".
There are no immediate leads.
This is 23-Adam to 23-Boy,
do you copy?
This is 23-Boy, we copy.
We're gonna back off. See you
at the car. He ain't gonna show.
OK, that's a roger.
I let you down, huh?
Hey, cousin, there he is.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, that's him.
- Which one? The driver?
- No, the ugly one.
Who the fuck called the SWATs?
Wallace! Look out!
- God!
- Amy! Are you OK?
- Yeah! Dorian's hit!
- Stay with him!
Police officer! Police officer!
- Relax.
- Let's kill the bastards.
You cover the driver.
Nice and relaxed.
Where's Demetrio?
The game's over.
Police officer. Relax.
Stay calm.
- Nothing will happen.
- I don't trust cops.
Watch. Here is the gun.
I want to talk. Just talk.
I need your help.
Where are you going?
I just want to talk to you.
Easy! Don't go out there!
It's bad news.
I just want to talk.
Stay cool. Listen!
Don't go out there!
Hold your fire!
He's a police officer!
Demetrio, who paid you
to kill Van Stretch?
Priest? Ask God for forgiveness.
Forgive me. I have sinned.
Who told you to kill Van Stretch?
Peck. Are you sure?
- Dennis.
- That's him.
Medic! Get a medic, you shits!
Come on.
Come on. Let's go. Come on.
- Hello?
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Is this a bad time?
No. It's good to hear your voice.
- Are you watching this?
- Yeah.
Weird, huh?
How do you think the SWATs found out?
I think...
I think Dorian told Dennis.
- I shouldn't have involved him.
- Don't blame yourself.
He's dead. He's got a family.
He was a cop.
It comes with the job, OK?
- How are you doing?
- OK.
- OK, partner.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
Thanks for calling. Bye.
Has there been any change in
Raymond's behaviour? We're worried.
We think he's become obsessed
with one case.
Anything you'd like
to talk to me about...feel free.
It's up to you whether
you tell your husband or not.
It's probably better
if you don't tell him.
- Hi, Raymond.
- Where's Kathleen?
- She's shopping.
- When is she due back?
I'm not sure she's coming back.
- Has my wife called?
- No.
You know what she really wanted?
You know, I should've guessed.
She liked it in the ass, Raymond.
Right in the fucking ass!
She came so much,
I thought she would pass out on me!
You know what they say
about Latin fighters?
Too fucking macho!
That's right. To fucking macho!
Won't back-pedal when you have to.
You get used up young.
Why don't you clean yourself up
with that?
Raymond, how nice to see you.
How are you?
- Can I talk to you a second?
- Yes.
Excuse me.
- Are you all right?
- Sit down.
What's the matter?
Who did you have lunch with, Kathy?
Let's talk about this at home.
Who did you have lunch with?
No one.
No one.
Don't do that.
What is that?
- You still here?
- Why don't you sit down?
- Get out of my face!
- Raymond!
- Go home!
- Why? Am I embarrassing you?
- Yes!
- Who did you have lunch with?
- I said, not here.
- Not here?
Why not here? Who did you lunch with?
None of your fucking business!
- None of my fucking business?
- Get out!
You got a problem, Nicky, with that?
Anyone got a problem with that?
Thank you. It's OK.
Sit down. It's OK.
It's time to go home.
Where the fuck
do you think you're going?
- Why did you lie to me?
- Who the fuck is Dennis Peck?
Is this the guy
you're investigating?
- Is this who is making you crazy?
- Why did you lie?
Is this why
you beat the shit out of me?
- Yes! Yes, that's him!
- Fuck you!
- Why did you lie?
- He says you're in trouble!
I never said I'm in trouble!
This guy tells me
there's something wrong
and you're telling me jack shit!
I was worried about you!
- I saw you!
- What?
I saw you with him! Why did you lie?
What do you mean?
- Are you following me?
- I'm following him!
- Why did you lie?
- You saw me?
- I saw you smiling and drinking!
- And you didn't stop it?
Why did you lie?
You didn't stop it?
You are fucking crazy!
You are crazy!
- I am crazy!
- This is going to stop!
This is not going to go on.
I'll kill you if you go with anyone!
I was not fucking him.
You have to believe me!
If I was fucking anybody else,
I wouldn't be with you!
I'll kill you.
Look. Dennis's wives hold two to
three million in real estate equity,
none with apparent means -
mortgages written by Penny Stretch.
What happened to you?
Sorry about yesterday.
Penny OK?
She's fine.
It's just that she's alone.
If someone...
came round here
and started asking stuff...
about the real estate,
you know what to say, right?
Who would come around?
A guy from Internal Affairs,
Raymond Avilla.
Is he cute?
If he's cute, I'd talk to him!
- Did he contact you?
- No.
- Did he?
- No!
- Did anybody contact you?
- No!
- I'm sorry.
- Fuck off!
Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
We're in trouble, aren't we?
Not if you don't talk to anybody.
OK, we're going to run
through this again.
You are participating
in a money laundering scheme.
Tax evasion, fraud,
police corruption.
You have violated
the entire federal banking law.
OK, here's the deal.
You testify against Dennis Peck,
we'll grant you immunity.
Fuck you.
You can't prove anything.
These mortgages are legal.
Come on, Penny.
Who do you think
you're dealing with?
Why are you trying to protect
somebody who's killed your husband?
You're fucking him, aren't you?
- Get out of my house!
- I hope you got off, Pen.
Get out of my house!
- Amy Wallace.
- Oh, hi. Nice to meet you.
Wipe that fucking smile
off your face!
- Sergeant!
- Wipe it off!
- Hey, sergeant! Get it together!
- I'm standing right here!
I'm right here!
I don't know what that was for.
They've got computer print-outs and
everything. They know everything!
It's just a matter of time
before they can prove it.
It's just instinct, but they
also think that Dennis killed Van!
How was it?
Oh, Please! Please!
Raymond Avilla?
Yes. My partner, Amy Wallace.
You're investigating my husband.
I have information for you.
I know where his money is.
I know where he gets it
and where it goes.
We know that from Penny Stretch.
What else do you have?
- There isn't anything more.
- No?
What about Van Stretch?
You know your husband had him killed.
I don't know anything about Van!
I don't know anything
about Van Stretch!
Listen up. You ever been to jail?
You know what they do in jail?
Are you listening?
Take away your kids!
Including the one that's on the way,
- Sonofabitch!
- Fucking right, sonofabitch!
What else have you got?
- I don't know anything.
- You're going to jail! Understand?
Your husband is killing people!
What else have you got?
What else have you got?
I could kill you. I could kill you!
Go ahead.
Kill her.
Come on, kill her!
Come on, be a man, Steven!
She paid me to kill you! She did.
Go on, shoot her! Kill her!
She's a tramp! She's a real tramp!
Your parents are dead
and your wife fucks everybody!
Steven, that's my foot.
I'll go look downstairs.
Shit! Wallace?
Amy! Amy!
You OK?
Is it bad?
Right through, babe, right through.
I don't know how...
I don't know how...
I'm going to get an ambulance, OK?
I'm sorry!
- It's all right.
- I'm sorry.
- Raymond?
- Yes.
- All this is for me?
- All for you, sweetheart.
You're doing good.
- It was Peck. Dennis Peck shot me.
- I know, sweetheart.
- Did he hear me?
- Did you hear that?
- Dennis Peck.
- Dennis Peck. We got it.
- Almost there.
- My feet are cold.
You're cold?
Can you up it a bit?
- You want some coffee?
- No.
You wanna run get me some?
You wanna hold my hand?
I'd love to hold your hand,
- Sergeant? Sergeant Avilla?
- Yeah.
How are we doing?
She's lost a lot of blood,
but we're doing the best we can.
Wait a second.
- Will she make it?
- Is she a fighter?
- Yes.
- That's the best we've got.
Now, pardon me,
I've got another patient waiting.
Don't scream. Don't scream.
Don't do anything.
Don't do anything, OK?
It's OK. I'm not going to hurt you,
but don't scream.
Don't do anything.
Don't do anything. Don't do anything.
Stand up.
It's all right. Stand up.
Come over here. Come on.
It's all right.
What are you doing here?
I went to my house.
My children were crying.
There were black-and-whites
I went over there and I looked
in a window round the back.
My wife was crying.
My children were crying.
They were being interrogated
by my buddies. I know all of them.
Little Megan...
I can never go back there now.
I felt very bad.
I was very angry with Raymond.
Could I ask you
to do something for me? Please?
Would you help me take my boot off?
Hi, Dennis.
Kathy? Are you OK?
Cover him.
Shoot him if he moves.
Get off my bed.
Sorry about the dyke.
Cute little ass!
You're so fucking easy, Raymond.
I know you, baby.
Buttons all over you!
I push the buttons.
I push 'em.
I'm going to miss my children.
I'm really gonna miss them.
Put the knife down.
You think he was aiming for my leg?
- That's very good, Raymond.
- I'm taking you in.
Fuck you, because you...
do not...
because you...
do not have children!
You don't know what it's like.
Everything changes
when you have children.
You don't think about yourself
any more. You just think of them.
You go around the world for them!
You selfish yuppie!
Ripped By Loona