International Lady (1941)

Pardon me. How do you do?
Do you think it is safe to go to
the shelter in the underground?
Well, not in this weather.
I'm afraid it's a bit showery.
Showery, I see.
That stuff isn't terribly dangerous.
Just fragments from the aircrafts.
They can sure mark you up when
you get in the way of them.
You're American, aren't you? Yes.
You must be Mrs. Carla Nillson.
You are observant. Oh,
I know all about you.
You're quite famous. Concert
singer. Photographer's delight.
You Americans are just
as bad as the Irish.
A lot of us are Irish.
What's your name?
Tim Hanley.
Delighted, Mr. Hanley.
An honor, Mrs. Nillson.
By the way, there's a very pleasant
shelter in the Berkeley Hotel boiler room.
Thank you, but if it's all clear,
I don't think it's necessary.
No, I think it's very necessary. We're
apt to have another raid any moment.
Do you really think so?
Oh, yes, a worse one.
But the Berkeley is quite safe.
Besides, they have a dance floor, an orchestra
and just what it takes to settle our nerves.
Well, in that case, perhaps
I might need it. Good.
My, those anti-aircraft things
make quite a big hole, don't they?
They remind me of some of my divots.
If you don't like the Berkeley,
I can take you over to...
What's the matter?
I think somebody is following us.
Following us? Yes.
A man just hid in the shadow.
You are getting the jitters, aren't you?
I'm sure that man is following us.
Well, we'll soon find out.
Good evening. Good evening.
The Caf, sir? Just a moment, please.
Good evening. Are you looking for me?
If I were, I should have
caught up with you long ago.
Oh, sorry.
Guess I spoke out of turn.
How jolly! Looks like a speakeasily.
Is there any difference?
Purely academic.
Good evening. Good evening.
Operator? Temple Park 1111.
Hello, sir. Sergeant Moulton here.
I'm sure of it now. Of what?
Of having seen you somewhere before.
Perhaps in the newspapers.
No, no, somewhere else.
I've been trying to
remember all evening.
At my last concert? Oh, no. I haven't
been to any concerts over here.
You don't care for music? Not of late.
Do I dance that badly?
Yes, sir. I'm in the
Berkeley Hotel shelter.
Oh, very good, sir.
Now I remember. Yes?
You were at the Portuguese Consulate.
That's right. For a visa.
I expected to go to Lisbon
for a singing engagement.
Oh... why didn't you go?
I'm stopping here in the hope
of getting a United States visa.
Oh, yes? Yes. My agent has a
wonderful tour booked for me there.
You should have a great
success in America. Perhaps.
If I can get there. Why, what's wrong?
Oh, I have applied again and
again for a visa, but... No luck?
No. I'm afraid my
passport is a little old.
Make up your mind, sir?
Yes, may I have that one?
Oh, certainly, sir.
What would you like?
Oh, I'd like a Martini.
Two, please. Tell me...
Where was your passport
issued? In my home, Norway.
I left in great haste after the invasion.
There was no time to get a new one.
Well, maybe I can help you get a visa.
Really? I'm over here on legal
business with the U.S. Consulate.
You are a lawyer? A graduate of
Law School, if that makes me one.
But I do know my way
around the Consulate.
Oh, if you could help me,
I... Well, at least I can try.
You are kind.
Very kind.
Ah, he pleases the lady. I
hope I'm intruding... in time.
Mr. Oliver, Mr. Hanley.
How are you? How are you? Don't get up.
Won't you sit down? Thank you.
Mr. Hanley is from New York, and Mr.
Oliver is a music critic on the Daily Post.
He is most charitable to me in his reviews.
Well, you are good, you know, Carla.
Enjoying London, old chap? Not bad.
You're putting on a great show.
Show? Are you from the theater?
No, Mr. Hanley is a lawyer
with the American Consulate.
Oh, a diplomat! Beware of diplomats bearing notes,
my dear. If you knew the trouble they can make.
There's that guy who said
he wasn't following me.
He's probably a Scotland Yard
man. They're all over the place.
If he is from Scotland Yard, I would
like to know why he's so interested in me.
Maybe we should ask him.
Maybe we should.
I'm sure you are both mistaken.
No, not a bit. He's
from the Yard all right.
Go on, old chap. Climb
down the blighter's back.
I'll stand by you. Official support of the
British Press and all that sort of rot, you know.
Excuse me, please.
Now look here. You say you're not
following me but I'm convinced you are.
Who are you? Yes, who are you? My
American friend here has a right to know.
Sergeant Moulton, CID.
CID? Translation. Criminal
Investigation Department, Scotland Yard.
Scotland Yard? Well, let's get
on down there and settle this.
I'll go with you, Mr. Hanley,
and give you every assistance.
It's outrageous, this
nosy parker business.
Just as you say, sir. Just a moment.
I'm sorry, but I've got to
teach this fellow a lesson.
It'll only take a few minutes. If you don't
mind waiting here, I'll see you home later.
That won't be necessary, old chap.
You run along with the Sergeant.
I'll drop Mrs. Nillson
off on my way to the Yard.
Very kind of you, Mr. Oliver.
Great pleasure, Mr. Hanley.
I do hope it's nothing serious. Don't
worry. May I look you up tomorrow?
Please do. Good luck. Thanks.
Pardon me, sir. Your bill. Bill? Oh...
Honey Dew looks good in the three
o'clock early field tomorrow.
Well, if you're sure of
it, I'll take the risk.
Say, how much longer is
Sir Henry going to be busy?
Well, I thought we'd wait for Mr.
Oliver. He said he would be over directly.
Oliver? You mean we're waiting for him?
Well, who does he think he is?
Hm... the skies are beginning to clear.
Ah, there you are, old boy.
Sorry to keep you waiting, but uh...
Ms. Nillson had so many
interesting things to say.
Really? It must have been
a one-sided conversation.
Sir Henry will see you now, gentlemen.
Oh, thank you.
Good evening, Sir Henry.
Sorry to disturb you, sir,
but this is Mr. Hanley.
We ran across him under rather
questionable circumstances and I, uh...
Did you hold him in? Yes, sir.
You bade big game.
Mr. Hanley has quite a record. criminal?
Oh, yes. He's been mixed up in a number of
notorious cases. I say, that is a bit of luck.
By the way, Mr. Hanley, what were the
final results in that airplane case?
Well, as the Embassy suspected there was an
inside leak of information on plane shipments.
However we were fortunate enough to
run it down and plug at least one hole.
Rather brilliant job. You ought
to be congratulated. Thank you.
That is not for publication, Mr. Oliver.
May I add my congratulations, Mr. Hanley,
and also for pulling my leg so beautifully.
That was partly your own fault,
you know, luring me down here.
I have an idea that you and the Sergeant here were
demonstrating a bit of your Scotland Yard technique.
That's an old rule of ours, Mr. Hanley.
To get men here for questioning
without detention or arrest.
I'm surprised that it took you in. As a
matter of fact, I wanted to be taken in.
I wanted to prove to Ms. Nillson that
I was, er... knowing from nothing.
I wanted her to think that I was a useful young
simpleton that could be pushed around a bit, old boy.
As Oscar Wilde once said, we have everything
in common with America, except language.
You two would have met
sooner or later anyhow.
Mr. Hanley is an old friend
from the FBI in Washington.
He's been working quietly at the United States
Embassy on a phase of your own job, Mr. Oliver.
Very clever, Mr. Hanley.
But it would be less embarrassing
for me if you had identified yourself.
And destroyed Ms. Nillson's
belief in both of us? Oh, no.
Besides, I wanted to see Sir Henry and
find out what you fellows opined on her.
Nothing yet. Except bouquets and my
capacity as music critic. Amateur status.
Will you be needing me
any more tonight, sir?
No, that will be all, Sutton.
Very good, sir.
Sit down, Mr. Hanley.
We haven't anything
definitely on Ms. Nillson.
At least not enough direct
evidence to arrest her.
But she's given concerts
in several Northern cities
for the British Red Cross.
In two instances near
hidden aerodromes...
where new American planes
had recently arrived.
Shortly after she left, both aerodromes
were bombed and several planes destroyed.
She's moved into the flat below you, Mr.
Hanley. That's why Sergeant Moulton and I
gave you such special attention.
I see.
I very carefully arranged for her
to accidentally learn my address.
And the bait worked?
Well, her anxiety to get a U.S. visa
for her passport interests me very much.
I prefer to keep her
here under observation.
That may not suit my plans, Mr. Oliver.
I already have my plans in operation and
I prefer not to have them interfered with.
Remember, gentlemen, our fight and our future depend
largely on the supply of planes coming to us from America.
That takes precedence over anything.
That's Mr. Hanley's assignment from his
headquarters, that's yours here, Mr. Oliver.
Planes are our lifeline.
And the enemy isn't bothering with
scruples in their endeavor to break it.
You may be interested in this.
This report contains a transcription of a radio message
received from an American plane flying the Atlantic.
Our speed is decreasing
to 250 miles per hour...
and gradually slowing down.
Something's wrong with the motor.
Pressure's okay, plenty of gas.
Motor's clogging, losing altitude fast.
I'm seeing the water now.
Motor's gone.
Well, here we go, lets log to finish.
There's no doubt this plane and others had been
tampered with before leaving the United States.
If Ms. Nillson is connected with this I hope to
trace through her the higher ups and the lower downs.
That's precisely what I've been
working on, Mr. Hanley, now look here...
Now you two follow whatever method
you like. It doesn't who runs her down.
If she's dangerous, she must be stopped.
You may go to any extremes,
gentlemen, to accomplish that purpose.
Ms. Nillson? Yes.
Telegram. Thank you.
Good night.
Oh, Mr. Hanley.
Oh, hello. Still up? Yes, I
couldn't sleep. I was worried.
What happened? Nothing much. They
admitted their mistake and apologized.
Oh, I'm so glad.
I'm sorry it spoiled our evening.
So am I.
What are you doing
for luncheon tomorrow?
I promised Reggie Oliver I'd
go for a drive in the country.
Oh, I see.
By the way, after I left you didn't happen to say anything
to Mr. Oliver about my helping you at the Consulate?
Oh no, not a word. Good.
But if you'll be at the Consulate
tomorrow morning say at ten...
I think I might be able to help you.
Really? I could be there at nine.
Good. Then nine it is.
Good night. Good night.
Oh... Yes?
Be sure and ask for Mr.
Cromwell. Mr. Cromwell.
Good night. Good night.
Mr. Cromwell, please. Ms.
Nillson. Ah, yes, miss.
He's expecting you. Will
you step this way, please.
We'll be there at eleven,
thank you. Come in.
Ms. Nillson, sir.
Oh, good morning. Good morning.
Mr. Cromwell, Ms. Nillson.
How do you do? It's a pleasure.
Have you got your passport? Yes.
Such as it is. There you are, Frank.
I'm sure there will be no
difficulty, Ms. Nillson. Excuse me.
Sit down, won't you? Yes. Thank you.
Well, it's all fixed.
Fixed? Oh, I can't believe it.
Yes, visa and everything.
How did you manage it? Oh, I just
kept on talking till I wore him down.
You must have spoken the right words.
I wish I could always do that.
Well, here are Embassy reservations
for the plane to Lisbon.
And a Pan-American clipper
from Lisbon to New York,
Oh, how can I thank you? Oh...
I know. I promise to
sing at your wedding.
That may not be entirely satisfactory.
But we can talk about it on the plane.
Plane? You are going too?
Yes, confidential mission.
That is, if you don't
mind my going along.
Mind? I'm delighted.
So am I.
All in order, Ms. Nillson.
Here you are. Oh, thank you.
Well, we'd better get going. The
plane leaves at 11 o'clock. Come on.
So long, Frank. Thank
you again and goodbye.
Not at all. Bon voyage.
Oh, John, a taxi, please. Yes, sir.
But the lady's car is waiting, sir.
Oh, I forgot. Reggie's
waiting outside. He brought me.
Oh, did he? Yes, we were
on our way to the country.
Well, we'll send him our thanks
from another country. But...
What are you laughing at? Just wondering
whether Oliver's still sitting in his car.
We should have sent him a bunch of
forget-me-nots tied up in diplomatic red tape.
Taxis to the right, customs to the left.
Taxis to the right, customs to the left.
How much time do we have
before the clipper leaves?
About two hours. Like to rest?
Oh, no, thank you.
I think I'll call on the
agency that books my concerts.
All right. I'll take you as soon
as we finish with the customs.
You know, they're being rather strict these
days. They may keep me here for some time.
Oh, well, in that case
you needn't bother.
I'll take a taxi.
All right. Be back in a moment.
Taxi, please.
Be sure and watch the
time. Don't be late.
Don't worry. I'll be back shortly.
Ready, sir.
Oh, what's the address?
It's er... Rua Malvada 17.
Got it? Yes, sir.
Rua Malvada 17.
Another taxi.
Driver. Sim, senhora?
Take me to the Rua Chiado, 39.
Sim, senhora.
Follow that cab.
Fala o senhor portugus?
Tell him to follow that
cab, quickly, please.
What cab? The cab the
girl took down there.
Siga o txi que a senhorinha tomou.
Depressa! Depressa!
Pronto! Pronto!
Oh, senhor...
Pronto! Depressa!
Wait till I come out.
Senhor Bruner? Yes?
Oh, Senhora Nillson.
Greetings, my dear. You're
looking wonderfully well.
And you, senhor. I'm so glad to see you.
You were fortunate getting away so soon.
Very. You received my cable?
I did. But I left in a hurry
and I didn't have time to answer.
It doesn't matter. And now may
I see the new musical score?
Yes, come.
I'll be back presently.
Manuel, Pablo.
A precaution.
Ah, you have new equipment. Yes.
Short wave. I'm in touch
with America regularly.
My new score.
This will replace our codes which
have been detected in America.
I understand.
Three months of work. Naturally
I am a little proud of it.
Copies of the code have been sent to
our agents in all parts of the world.
Every conceivable
circumstance has been foreseen.
Seems it worked out beautifully. It is.
Of course you will have to study
the technique very carefully.
Yes. I think you will understand.
Thank you. That's a compliment from you.
Now, give me your report.
A friend arranged my visa in London.
Friend? Yes, we leave by the
Pan-American clipper tonight.
Who is this friend? The envoy
of the American Consulate.
How long have you known
him? Oh, less than 24 hours.
And he shows no curiosity? No.
No, he's rather naive.
He might be useful to us.
Unless... Well...
What are you thinking that
you are not telling me?
Only that when I left the quay
side I saw him get into another cab.
You did?
Your friend did follow you.
Stay where you are!
Anything discovered? That proves
we were right. Put him away.
Go back!
Who was he?
What did he do? Why?
He followed you. That is enough.
If he had been an enemy, you know
perfectly well I can take care of myself.
What would you suggest?
That a man in your position
shouldn't lose his head so easily.
He is an enemy removed.
One less to fight.
How do you know who he
was? And how do you know?
Is it possible that your
anxiety is a trifle out of place?
Senhor Bruner, I'm just as good a
soldier as you are, perhaps better.
I'm responsible, not you.
And this...
is murder.
Where is the American
gentleman? O que diz?
Where is the man? The
American gentleman?
Where is he? Oh, the Americano?
Yes. Por favor, senhora, por aqui.
Ele tomou um txi.
He went away in a taxi?
Ele tomou um txi.
Senhora! Senhora!
Hunky dory, eh?
Everything all right, sir?
All right. This fellow followed
every taxi in town but the right one.
But the lady's cab just came
back, sir. She's here, senhor.
Oh, I am glad to see you.
Well, that makes my
day practically perfect.
Did you see your
concert people? Yes, yes.
Anything wrong? No, no, nothing.
No trouble about your passport?
Oh, I forgot all about it.
You have to have it
validated. Over here. Yes.
Special plane arriving from London.
Will there be any difficulty? Oh, no,
I'll give them the diplomatic sign.
Pardon me, will you look out
for this lady? Oh, sim senhor.
This gentleman will take care of you. In the
meantime I'll see that the baggage gets on board.
Thank you. Special plane
arriving from London!
Porter... Ah, senhor,
a senhora est contente.
Put the baggage on the clipper.
Sim, senhor. She'll be along presently.
A rotten trick, Mr. Hanley.
Definitely not cricket, old boy.
But perfect football, Mr. Oliver.
A reverse play around the
end. You take your order, taxi.
Thanks to you, I had
to get a special plane.
If you'd only mentioned it we would have
been delighted to bring you along with us.
Now look here, old chap, it's not playing the game
bringing that girl here with her old moth-eaten-old passport
and arranging a passage to America
just when we're closing in on her.
Merely giving her a little exercise.
If she's so anxious to go to America, she may lead
us to the people who are so anxious to have her there.
Ah, you mean the chaps directing
the sabotage of the planes.
Clever bit of deduction, Mr. Oliver.
Yes, well, since you started this gadding
around, I have a notion to toddle along.
What? Leaving London in the spring, Mr.
Oliver? Besides, think of your country's needs.
An excellent thought.
You've convinced me.
I'm sure Ms. Nillson will
be delighted in your company.
I thought of that. This may help you to
keep my presence from appearing too raw.
It says that I've been appointed
Special Correspondent in New York.
Quite a bit of puff about it, too. They
keep it set up for me in the office.
Always modest, aren't
you, Mr. Oliver? Yes, yes.
Porter, transfer my luggage to
the New York clipper, will you?
Now be careful with that one.
It has some bottles in it.
You know you have to have a
reservation, don't you, Mr. Oliver?
Oh, yes, your Consulate
arranged that for me, thank you.
Hello, Reggie, this is a surprise. And
a very pleasant surprise for me, Carla.
And me. At 9 o'clock this morning I'd
resigned myself to not seeing you again.
Oh, I'm so sorry about that. But, you
know, everything happened so suddenly.
Oh, please don't apologize.
New York passengers for
the clipper, on board!
That's us.
The plane leaves in 5 minutes.
Mr. Oliver, may I have a word with you a
moment, please? Certainly. Will you excuse me?
Here you are, sir. Which
side would you care to sit?
Oh, it really doesn't matter. I'll
just get rid of my hat. All right.
Could we have a drink? Yes, sir.
Some Sherry. Two Sherry.
Uh... no, make it three. Three.
Well, three thousand miles with our charming
companion shall improve your disposition of her.
You think so?
Something bothering you?
I cabled one of our chaps here to keep an eye
on your charming artist friend until I arrived.
You said charming as if you
really meant something else.
I do, I've had a report. The
man followed her all right.
They've just found
his body in the river.
Your sweet little friend
seems to hesitate at nothing.
Well, by process of elimination,
it might have been me.
Well, it looks as though we're
going to have nice flying weather.
Really this is fun, Carla.
Here we are, all together again.
Let's celebrate with a
drink. Steward! Yes, sir.
Miraculous. The man reads my thoughts.
Carla, Hanley... Cheer up, old boy!
Carla and I don't mind you're here, not in
the least. In fact, the least the better.
Murder in your eye, Translation?
Your very good health, sir. Ah!
You know, I'm going to have a deuce
of a time learning the language.
So many tall buildings sticking up in the
air. Why don't you spread them out a bit?
We haven't room.
One of the biggest countries in
the world and you haven't any room?
You're always in a rush and you
haven't any time. What have you got?
Look out. Here come the photographers.
Just a moment, Ms. Nillson.
Will you hold it, please?
Come on, boys. Get in the picture.
You flatter us. We're not prima donnas.
The American Press can't bother
with men unless they are somebody.
American football players are old stuff, Mr.
Hanley. You haven't made an end run for a long time.
Well, I wouldn't be too sure about that.
Thank you. How about another one?
Who is the tall guy? I don't
know, I don't know who he is.
Ms. Nillson, will you make
a statement for the press?
I'm delighted to be back in America.
America's delighted to have her back.
How did you go in England? You'd better
ask Mr. Oliver. He's a music critic.
As you Americans say,
she knocked them dead.
How about romance, Ms. Nillson?
No, no romance, I'm afraid.
Oh, there is Mrs. Grenner.
No romance, do you hear that, old
boy? Scarcely seems fair to you...
after your inspiring
devotion all the way over.
Thank you. Next, please.
Darling! Darling! It's
so sweet of you to come.
Let me look at you. Oh, you
lovely thing in that gorgeous hat.
Wish I could wear one
like that, but I can't.
Don't flatter me. You
look smart as ever.
It's so sad nowadays. You can't get any more Paris
models. You just have to wear any old thing you can get.
Darling, I'm so happy to see
you. So am I, you sweet thing.
Oh, I want you to meet
two friends of mine.
They've been very kind to me abroad.
Tim, Reggie!
Thank you.
I want you to meet Mrs.
Grenner. Mr. Hanley, Mr. Oliver.
How do you do? So good of
you to look after dear Carla.
It was a pleasure until British enterprise
began popping up all over the place.
Carla and I were getting along very
nicely until the Yankee competition began.
Very amusing. You must both come and visit us
at Sands Point. Next weekend if you're free.
Delighted. Once again,
thanks for everything.
And please come to see us. Goodbye!
Just a moment, please.
Taxis to the right. Customs to the left.
Did you get it? Yes.
One of your chaps, eh?
Yes, we're on the job.
Oh, it's all too bad. What's too bad?
Our friend Carla has
a really lovely neck.
Well, one of these days it
may have a rope around it.
Aren't you being a little premature?
We haven't any evidence yet.
All in good time, old boy.
Meanwhile you'd better come along to the
office and let the chief give you the double O.
Double what? Once Over.
Once over where? Oh, skip
it. I'll write you a letter.
Hey, somebody's coming
up the private elevator.
Must be Mr. Hanley. The clipper's in.
Hi, Jimmy. Hello, Bud.
Wow, are we glad to see you back, Mr. Hanley. Thanks.
This is Roald Assul, one of our best fullbacks.
Learning to be a dick.
Inspector Oliver, Scotland Yard.
How do you do? Scotland Yard!
Gee. That sort of sends me whacky.
Well, the brain said
PDQ. Better breeze in.
He talks in code, doesn't he?
Good morning, chief. Come
in Tim, you're good news.
Mr. Oliver, Mr. Tetlow.
How do you do, sir?
How do you do? My old friend Sir Henry
Thorpe cabled me you'd arrive today.
Sit down, will you. Thank you.
Quite an unexpected trip,
thanks to Mr. Hanley.
Don't mention it, Mr. Oliver.
Well, Tim, you did a fine job in London and
the department extends its congratulations.
Thanks, but I'd like to share that
praise with my old Scotland Yard friend.
He worked on the same
case, you know. Good.
I understand a passenger of some importance
arrived on the same clipper with you.
Maybe, but I'm not sure.
I'm afraid Tim takes
a lot of convincing.
Perhaps I can amplify that.
We picked up a short wave from Lisbon.
Here's our record of it.
Try it on the phonograph.
That's the way it's scrambled.
I'll show you. You have to reverse it.
Set the needle in the center,
press this lever to the left...
and the turntable revolves in the opposite direction
running the record backward and unscrambling the sound.
F7 left Lisbon on a
clipper this evening.
She's escorted by two men.
Well, that seems to remove any
remaining doubts about Ms. Carla Nillson.
F7 to her friends. Perhaps we
haven't been wasting our time.
She was escorted by two men.
Investigate. That means us.
That's probably why we received that
cordial invitation to call on her.
We'll have to deal with
whoever received that message.
I'd like to know who it is.
Well, frankly, so would I.
You see, though we've broken
down several of their codes
and made a good court of
arrest both here and in Canada,
we can't make theses saboteurs talk.
So, the guiding minds, the people
at the top elude us completely.
Do the sabotage of boats and planes
continue at about the same average?
No, it's irregular. Lately
there's been a distinct low.
I believe that means a
dangerous new move on their part.
Come in.
Photographs taken at
the airport this morning.
Thank you.
The latest portraits of your
traveling companion, gentlemen.
And the lady who met
her. She's a Mrs. Grenner.
She invited us to her place at Sands Point.
Do you know anything about her background?
Oh, yes. They're the
candy manufacturing people.
The product sells everywhere.
Grenner's quite a prominent citizen.
He's lived in America for years.
Formerly lived in Switzerland, I believe.
Made chocolates there.
Excuse me.
I think we should circulate around.
Spend a little time in the Grenner home.
You know, a direct approach. We're
taught to take advantage of it.
We'd rather not pursue the
obvious. We prefer the indirect.
Good old Scotland Yard. Dear old FBI.
Ah, this will interest you both.
Decoded message from Washington.
Week tomorrow, daybreak, next squad bombing
planes depart from Canada for Atlantic flight.
New Flying Fortresses
will begin to come through.
You know how much depends on them.
This may be the lull I mentioned,
the calm before the storm.
Seems there's work to be done. I'd
better find a place to hang my umbrella.
Why not make yourself at home
here? Use this as your headquarters.
That's very thoughtful of you, but
no thanks. I'll manage for myself.
Besides, I have to appear as a music critic.
I'm going to the Metropolitan tonight.
Hear a Spanish opera sung in French by a
lot of Argentines. I think I'll enjoy it.
So long.
Still on your own, eh?
Five thousand dollars! Mother!
Oh, Mr. Grenner, how can we thank you?
The Red Cross is a worthy cause.
That's all the thanks I need.
Well, we mustn't take up any more
of your valuable time, Mr. Grenner.
Not at all, My time is always
yours when it's for humanity.
There's just one thing
I wanted to ask you.
Do your chocolates put on weight?
Not these. Our very latest containing
vitamin Q, safe for children.
Oh, flatterer, I'm not that young.
Sweets to the sweet.
Thank you, Mr. Grenner.
I'm sorry you can't stay to meet Ms. Carla
Nillson, we're expecting her any moment.
The concert artist?
Yes, but I believe my wife has already sent
you invitations for the reception next Tuesday.
Oh, I'm so glad, I
think she's wonderful.
Oh, here she comes! My dear Carla.
Sidney, I'm so glad to see you.
Welcome to our home. I'm sorry I
didn't go to the airport to meet you.
I'm so happy to see you,
Nice to see you, Mrs. Baldwin.
Hello, dear. They're all our
neighbors. Mrs. Teeseborough...
Mrs. Baldwin and her daughter,
Bettina. This is a happy landing.
Among such kind friends.
Well, we'll look forward to
seeing you on Tuesday. Goodbye.
Goodbye, goodbye. Thank you.
Now, my dear, if you'll
excuse us, please. Yes, surely.
I want to be sure that Carla's room is
comfortable. I never trust that to the servants.
Oh, dear. Let me have your
cape. Thank you, darling.
Come into the library. Some
of our friends are waiting.
You know Dr. Rowan. Hello, Doctor.
And Mr. Denby. Oh, how
nice to see you again.
Won't you sit down. Thank you.
We didn't come to the airport because of
the short wave message I received from Lisbon
warning me regarding two
men travelling with you.
I wanted to consult you first.
Who are they? Oh, just
casual acquaintances.
One of them was a great
help to me in London.
Bertha invited them here.
That's good. We can study
them from a close range.
You remember Webster. Webster?
Colonel Wentzel.
Webster. At your service, madame.
Now, have you brought
Senhor Bruner's composition?
Oh, yes. Splendid.
Here it is. May we hear it?
Much depends on this
innocent looking music.
Naturally, you have to understand, I
haven't had enough time to study it.
The code signals are spaced.
Sometimes carried by the
accompaniment, sometimes by the voice.
Very ingenious.
The code is in the variations.
The melody carries straight through.
But the messages occur like this.
Delightfully complicated.
The phrasing is brilliant.
And no one else could interpret
it so skillfully. Thank you.
Our Washington source advises that a
squadron of bombers will take off next Sunday.
Would you be prepared by then?
I'll try. But perfect
coordination is essential.
You see, my dear, the chemical
formula is very sensitive.
The ingredients must be freshly
prepared and used within a few hours.
And on that night certain cargo ships
will be approximately 700 miles at sea.
Mr. Denby has now has access to
important marine insurance circuits.
The cargos will be aeroplane parts.
You see the urgency. I
do. And I shall be ready.
Fine. Wentzel, would you be good
enough to get GBS in New York.
I shall confirm your appearance on our concert
program as guest artist next Saturday night.
During the program this evening
we will take you by remote control
to the Sands Point home of our
sponsor, Mr. Sidney Grenner.
But you must have heard of Carla
Nillson. She's an international artist.
Oh, really?
Oh, Mr. Nelson, how do you work that
thing? Simply talking into it like this.
One, two, three, four, five. Now is the time for
all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Cute. Thank you.
Oh, good evening, Mrs.
Grenner. Good evening.
Charming gathering. I'm looking forward
to the concert. Yes, indeed, so am I.
Pardon me. Have you heard from Mr. Hanley?
No, but perhaps Webster has a message.
No, I asked him. I do hope he comes.
Don't you worry, darling. No
one ever refuses a weekend here.
Why, the Duke of... Oh!
How lovely to see you!
May I present Ms.
Nillson. How do you do?
How are you, Doctor?
How are you, Grenner?
Good evening, Denby. Good evening.
Good evening. Good evening.
I'm Mr. Hanley. Mr. Hanley?
Ms. Nillson is asking
for you, sir. Thank you.
Hello, Tim. Hello, Carla.
Good evening, Mrs. Grenner.
Delighted to see you, Mr. Hanley.
I'm a Carla Nillson fan. I wouldn't
miss the big show for anything.
You hear, darling? The
audience follows me around.
Well, here's one of your
audience who's leaving. I'm busy.
Oh, dear. Make sure Mr. Hanley's
comfortable. Don't worry.
I'll take good care of him.
Is this Mr. Hanley? Yes, Sidney.
May I present Mr. Hanley,
Mr. Grenner. How do you do?
I understand you were very helpful
to Carla in London. A privilege.
You're connected with the Embassy?
Oh, no, no. I'm merely lucky enough to get a few
crumbs of legal business from them now and then.
Isn't Reggie Oliver coming? Oh,
I forgot. He sent his regrets.
He said that as a music critic
he had to hear you over the air.
I'm sorry I won't have the pleasure
of meeting him. Pardon, sir. Telephone.
Excuse me.
Hors d'ouevres, monsieur? No, thanks.
Yes, this is Mr. Grenner.
Oh, hello, Lieutenant.
Hello, Mr. Grenner. I'm very sorry
that I can't come to your party.
But you know how it is.
Confirmation of official orders.
Yes. These daylight
departures are very annoying.
I understand, I'm sorry
you can't be with us.
Thanks for calling.
Lieutenant Fenway confirms that
our previous information is correct.
A bomber squadron will
take off at daybreak.
Fenway is a very resourceful fellow.
Nervous? Very.
But I'll be all right. I'm always
this way before my concerts.
Well, remember you have my
admiration and my applause.
Thank you. I shall hold you to that.
Pardon, Ms. Nillson. You'll be
on the air in just three minutes.
Thank you. Thank you.
I have to go. The radio man wants me.
Well, he's not original. Who doesn't?
Here's your music, my dear.
Thank you, Sidney.
All is well. Good.
Hors d'oeuvres, monsieur? No, thanks.
Or a little bit of red
herring across the trail, eh?
Oh, so it's old indirect himself,
eh? Looking right at you, Toots.
Came to the party after all, huh?
Yes, and it's jolly too, what! Here,
for heaven's sake take something.
Not bad, my man. Marsden's,
the swankiest caterers in town.
And I'm their swankiest waiter.
Must be a relief to get away
from your own face for a change.
Good for snooping.
What have you snooped?
Nothing yet.
Neither have I. I'm beginning to
wonder if we're not on the wrong track.
Have you seen the butler Webster? Yes.
He's just come in. Take another look.
Oh, waiter! Tout de suite, madame.
Champagne, monsieur?
He's a vain devil, isn't he?
That isn't vanity. He's
watching us from the mirror now.
In fact, he's been watching me all evening.
He's a colonel crashed out of his regiment.
Suspected of sabotage
and murder in London.
Lived in Liverpool.
And Leeds.
How did you happen to let him
out of England, Mr. Oliver?
I said suspected, Mr. Hanley.
Poor Carla, I'm afraid
she's in bad company.
Poor girl. Last time she gave a
concert aerodromes were blown up.
What's next?
Oh, just a little love song.
Ready, Mr. Grenner.
And now, we continue our program from the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Grenner at Sands Point.
And here is our sponsor. Mr. Grenner.
Ladies and gentlemen.
It gives me great pleasure to present to radio
listeners the world over the voice of Ms. Carla Nillson.
Start recording with Ms. Nillson's introduction
and get everything until she's off the air.
Mr. Grenner's residence.
This is Mr. Karl.
Yes, Mr. Karl. May I speak to Dr. Rowan?
Mr. Rowan is busy just now.
Oh, will you please give him a message?
That the prescription is ready for test tomorrow
and the Doctor should see me in the morning.
Very good, sir.
Hello. Hello, operator?
Yonkers 0411.
Thank you.
Lovely buffet, Mrs. Grenner.
Oh, my dear, it's only a snack.
Here you are, dear.
Oh, I'm glad it's over.
Lovely song. Beautifully sung.
Did you really like it? Like it?
Why, I remember reading one or two
of Reggie Oliver's reviews in London.
All I can say is as a music critic he
didn't do you or himself any justice at all.
Oh, but Reggie always meant
well. I daresay, indirectly.
Mademoiselle, vous voulez? Non.
Tomates surprise? Non.
Some roast beef? Non.
Saumon froid? No, thank you.
What would you like? I should
like to take a walk in the garden.
And you, monsieur? Two
walks in the garden.
Oh, waiter! Oui, madame?
Take this, please and clear those
plates, will you? Oui, madame.
You'll get hungry.
Oh, Webster. Yes, sir?
Ms. Nillson's music. Yes, sir.
Lock it up. Webster!
Yes, mam?
Coffee and liquor, please.
Yes, madame, immediately.
Waiter, serve the coffee and liquors.
I could walk miles in this glorious air.
If you go far enough in this direction,
you'll walk right into Long Island Sound.
Into the blue mist of tonight.
Into the Neverneverland.
Never to come back except as a ghost.
Oh, well, there may be
advantages in being a ghost.
Ghosts have no tailor bill...
No tight shoes...
No yesterday's newspapers.
Or silly little hats with funny hairdos.
I wonder what ghosts really think about.
Perhaps of a doorway in a
London night during an air raid.
And dancing at the Berkeley Hotel.
Or having tea on the clipper.
Or the beautiful city of Lisbon.
All the people too busy
to enjoy the beauty.
All trying to get away. To get away?
Yes. From surroundings, companions...
Or from themselves.
It's a luxury to be one's self.
Isn't it?
I imagine so.
Suppose the ghosts put on
flesh and blood for a moment..
I don't think that they can.
There's no need for me to tell you
how fascinating I think you are.
Isn't it strange that
we... That we what?
That we couldn't meet in
other times. In other routes?
When ghosts could stay on
Earth longer than a moment?
Sometimes a moment is a lifetime.
Ladies and gentlemen. We interrupt
our musical program for a news flash.
One moment, please.
Two British cargo steamers were
torpedoed and sunk by an enemy submarine
700 miles out from New York.
The crews are being rescued
by an American liner.
Our musical program continues.
Tomatos surprise?
No, thanks. Mademoiselle?
Will you excuse me for a second? Quite
sure you won't change your mind, monsieur?
Lovely song, beautifully sung, eh? Yes.
Music... Hm-hmm.
The score? It's under this tray. get it.
Colonel, won't you
honor us with your glass?
Yes, do. Thank you.
Carla! Success, my dear.
Congratulations! Grossartig!
Ausgezeichnet. Wunderbar!
To Carla. To Carla.
Are you not delighted?
Of course, delighted.
And now I know you will excuse me.
The excitement...
I think I'll go to my room.
Good night.
Curious. Perhaps the strain.
I wonder.
Waiter! You and your men
can clear your things now.
Bien, monsieur. And give my
compliments to Mr. Marsden.
An excellent buffet. Merci, monsieur.
Well, I must be in
Yonkers early tomorrow.
So I don't think I'll
wait for further news.
And we'll hear from you
in the morning. Oh, yes.
I have a busy day, too.
Well, if you're going to be, I'll drive
you to the station. I'll leave you there.
Thank you.
Ms. Carla? Yes.
This is Webster. May I see you
for a moment, please? Come in.
What is it? The music.
I left it on the piano.
Grenner gave me a sheet of
music from the piano to put away.
But it wasn't the right one.
Did you search the drawing room?
Yes, but I couldn't find it.
It must be there.
Why did you do it?
He'll come to in a minute. I only
stunned him with an air pistol.
I thought perhaps he
might have taken the music.
What's that? Driver's license.
Some money... identification cards.
Country Club...
Lawyer's Club.
That's Mr. Grenner
returning from the station.
I'll look after him presently.
What happened?
Are you all right?
I don't know. Can you walk?
I feel like I'm standing on my head.
Maybe I'll be able to walk on my hands.
Get some Brandy.
There. Is that better? Oh, fine.
Right on my bump of location. Now I
can find my way to you in the dark.
My dear Hanley. I can't tell you how badly
I feel that you should be injured in my home.
It seems Webster made a grievous
error. He mistook you for a prowler.
It's a natural mistake. A wanderlust in the
house taking a late stroll in the garden.
I'm very sorry, Mr. Hanley. I hope
you'll accept my apologies, sir.
Not necessary. You were only
doing your duty and very well, too.
What did you hit me with, a baseball?
No, sir. It's a Scottish invention.
When I was in service with Lord Retlow, we used that
to stun the dear when they broke out of bounds...
to avoid frightening them with a shot.
Hm, very ingenious.
I've learned something.
Weighted wooden pellets, eh? Yes, sir.
You should have called
four. Next time, sir.
Curious that your butler should
have mistaken me for a dear.
Or was it a goat?
To your good health, sir.
Well, now I think I shall go to sleep...
before I get into any more trouble.
Thank you. So sorry.
Good night. Good night.
Good night, sir. Good night.
A little more care and a little less
impulsiveness... all that could have been avoided.
I wonder how it got under there.
Blown there perhaps by the
breeze from the open window.
So that's Yonkers 0411.
The voice on the telephone said...
The prescription will be
ready for test tomorrow.
The doctor will see you in the morning,
Doesn't look much like a
doctor's office, does it?
Hardly. Shall we try and take a look inside?
I'd better do a little reconnaissance first.
Stand by. All right.
Well? What are you doing?
Making something for posterity.
What are you doing here? Who are you?
Better I ask you that question.
I'm an officer. Oh!
I see. In that case I'll
be very happy to give you...
Sorry to interfere, Mr. Oliver.
Not at all, old boy. Under the
circumstances I appreciate it.
Now, as the Americans say, get going!
Come on. Quick!
If there is a code it
must be in the variations.
Then we have to determine whether those
variations mean numbers, or letters, or both.
It's a tough nut to crack.
We struck one or two musical
codes in the bootlegging days.
But the song itself
was a signal, like er...
'How dry I am' and 'the coast was clear' and a
certain boat could come through the three-mile limit.
But that was child's
play compared to this.
Or perhaps it's not a code after all.
If it is it's certainly a good one.
Scotland Yard and the boys
banged a couple of twirps, sir.
All right. Keep at it, boys.
Hello, Oliver. I got your phone
message. Any personal damage?
Just a few bumps and bruises. But the arson
experts seem to have lost their tongues.
What are your names?
Whom do you work for?
All right, boys. If you think you're stubborn, you're
going to have a lot of time to find out how stubborn we are.
Come on.
They won't talk. None of them will talk.
We're sure that music is a
code. Hanley's notes prove it.
We've got to break it somehow. Hanley's
notes? I thought he stayed overnight.
He did. But he sent these in by Sewell.
Shorthand notes. We
had them transcribed.
Now here's the first
one. Listen to this.
Code signal notes for letters
are reversed from series X-12.
Number signals conform
to new series 21-B.
I say, he must have got
this from the sheet music.
Yes. If we could figure out what
they mean, they'd be a great help.
Those number series must refer to a new
decoding system. It's all Greek to us, so far.
You know, I'm a bit of a
musician myself in an amateur way.
If you don't mind I'll go in with
the boys and take a shot at this.
You've had a hard night.
You'd better take forty winks.
No, no, a pot of strong
coffee will do wonders.
All right, I'll send for it right away.
I shall call North immediately
after we talk to Karl.
By all means do so. Yes.
Oh, come in, Carla.
Good morning, Sidney. Good
morning, Doctor. Good morning.
Sit down.
Carla, last night a private laboratory
where I had been conducting secret
tests of my chemical formula was raided.
Two of our men disappeared.
The place was destroyed by fire.
Quite serious, Doctor.
Whom do you suspect?
We think that someone here may have intercepted the
telephone message last night from the laboratory.
One of your guests? That's very possible,
although we thought we knew them all.
All except Mr. Hanley. Yes, but he
was here in the house when it happened.
Did he telephone or contact anyone? No.
Sure? Yes.
He did spend some time in the garden.
I saw him throw a
cigarette box over the wall.
I found it this morning empty.
We verified that he is a member of
the law firm of Carter and Hanley.
Will you be seeing him again soon?
I would suggest that we see as little
as possible of Mr. Hanley in the future.
Why do you say that?
He served his purpose.
I only encouraged his friendship
to help me get a visa in London.
Was that your only reason?
Mr. Hanley is a Federal Agent.
When did you discover this?
Last night. Why didn't
you tell us at once?
I wanted him safely out of this house.
Any action on him here might have
brought suspicion on your family.
Oh, I see.
Are you in love with him, Carla?
I'm not!
Your suggestion is
unreasonable, Colonel.
If Carla were in love with Hanley she
never would have revealed his identity.
The fact that she has done
so is evidence of her loyalty.
Thank you, Sidney.
Then it is all settled.
On the contrary, my dear.
What? You must continue
your friendship with him.
If you were to suddenly drop him it
might arouse his suspicions. But Sidney...
And make it more difficult
for us to... deal with him.
But don't you think it's unwise to...
We are making the decisions, Carla.
You will continue your cordial
relations with Mr. Hanley.
Is that understood?
Very well.
More coffee, sir? Maybe a horseshoe. And
make it tea next time, if you make tea.
Oh, yes, sir. I make tea
and coffee just the same.
But I don't want you to make
tea and coffee just the same.
Oh, no, sir. I never make
tea and coffee just the same.
Oh, dear.
Good morning, boys. Oh, hello, Tim.
Hello. Oh, so you play the piano, too.
How are you getting on?
Did she bite you, or did one
of her playmates sock you one?
Something like that. That's what
you get for using your own face.
You would insist on the
direct approach, old boy.
Old indirect philosophizing
again. I told you so.
I suppose if I'd worn a false face and a
comic beezer I could have passed anywhere.
Except on that dramatic
interlude on the terrace.
I hope you're not drifting into
a schoolboy romance, old fellow.
She's a very charming young woman.
And shall continue to be my charming self
at least until after I get the lowdown.
Lowdown? Yeah.
Say, old boy, I hope you
don't mean anything vulgar.
Good morning, Tim. Good morning.
Here's a transcribed copy of your
shorthand notes from the music last night..
Oh, yes. Invisible ink drawn out by
the heat, you know, the usual thing.
We've been trying to work out a letter or
number system to uncover a basic cypher.
But we haven't gone very far. You better
check out for a while. Take a little rest.
Oh, all right. Yes,
I'll take that couch.
Call me if anything breaks, will
you? I don't want to miss it.
We added that upper line
to carry the variations
as we took them off the air
on the phonograph record.
Was this from the original line? Yes, the
variations replace that wherever they occur.
But doesn't this look
like a code technique?
Yes, but we're in the dark until we
can break down some form of cypher.
After which we can arrest
Ms. Nillson on suspicion.
That wouldn't solve our problem,
if she's a tool, as I suspect.
We want the men higher up.
Correct. And if we bait the trap
properly... With the right kind of cheese...
...we might draw them
in. The bigger the better.
Chief, long distance call
from Washington. Air Service.
You'd better listen
in on that extension.
Come on, sweetheart, wake up.
This may interest you. Hm? Oh...
Hello? Yes, Colonel, go ahead.
We've received a code radiogram
from our squad leader in Greenland.
Those bombing planes that left Canada have been
forced down in Greenland with engine trouble.
They diverted their course?
They had to, to save their lives.
One plane went into the ocean, but
the pilot was saved by a patrol boat.
What sort of engine trouble, Colonel?
Chemical damage to the carburetor.
Something seems to corrode and clog
the feed, and stops the gas flow.
The planes are out of commission until
we send new carburetors from the factory.
Have you kept this
out of the newspapers?
Well, we don't want to advertise it, but the General
would like to know just what your office is doing.
We're getting closer to a
solution of the sabotage.
Our best men are on the job.
We must get the people at the top,
the brains, not merely the operators.
We need more time.
And England needs more planes.
We've got to go ahead regardless.
The first squad of the new Flying
Fortresses will be ready July 5th...
and official order has gone through
for their departure on that date.
But that's taking big chances.
What do you think armies do? Now it's up
to you to get results before that time.
There you are. July 5th is the deadline.
That proves one point to me. Those
ships were sabotaged on the aerodrome.
In time to take a ship too far
out at sea to turn back. Right.
Lucky they were on the Northern
course and could make Greenland.
It's a safe bet the messages were sent by
agents in the vicinity of the aerodrome.
I get it! Get me a map of
Eastern Canada and the States.
E... A to E, gentlemen.
Hot soup.
Alphabet soup!
I've got indigestion of the alphabet now. So
have I. I never want to see a letter ever again.
I'm sorry, gentlemen. I hope
you don't hold it against me.
Take it away, take it away. Yes, sir.
Come on, alphabet.
Back in the dictionary.
Well, we might as well admit it.
We're stymied. We're sunk.
S-U-N-K, that's our code signal.
Hello, this is Carter and Hanley.
Who's calling? Ms. Nillson?
One moment, please. I will
see if Mr. Hanley is in.
Thank you.
Just a minute.
Oh, Tim, someone wants to
speak to Carter and Hanley.
Get Tetlow and turn on the loudspeaker.
Hey, come on and get this down quickly.
Hello? I have a party
on the wire for you.
Ms. Nillson. Do you want to
speak to her? Yes, put her on.
Hello, Ms. Nillson, I will
connect you with Mr. Hanley.
Hello, Tim. Hello, Carla. I'm
delighted to hear from you.
Where are you? Sands Point.
Well, if you were in town,
I'd ask you for lunch.
Thank you, Tim, but I am
doing the inviting today.
Fine. What is it?
I'm starting my tour July 4th at Utica.
Will your concert be broadcast?
Yes, Mr. Grenner has booked
me again on his radio program.
But I suppose you are awfully busy.
Well, I'm in the middle of a big case, but you know,
Carla, you always take precedence over everything.
I'll be delighted to accept.
Oh. Good.
I'll reserve a box for
you at the Opera House.
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
All right, Tim.
Goodbye. Goodbye.
That's done it. The Flying Fortresses
take off at daybreak July 5th,
she broadcasts the night of July 4th.
Make your plans to go, Tim. Up to
now she's the only tangible clue.
You've got to stick close to her. I'm
stuck here with that code, I suppose.
Maybe you could put on your false
beard and fool yourself... indirectly.
Here's something to
take along with you, Tim.
Warrant for the arrest of Carla Nillson.
Just in case. You never can tell.
That's right.
The new Flying Fortresses
will take off at dawn.
This will be the supreme
test of our new formula.
Come. Help me prepare for our
little messengers' flight to Canada.
Radio programs are
all alike, aren't they?
Oh, I think she's unusually good.
Watch the length of the notes. Some are
unusually long now there's been a short.
Musically an abnormal
arrangement. Dots and dashes.
But far from the Morse. Yes. One of
the cleverest cyphers I've ever seen.
Completely hidden in a combination
of voice and accompaniment.
Follow this phrase.
Now we're getting somewhere.
I'll check with Lawrence
before I go backstage.
And you contact when both of you
go up on the roof garden together.
A latitude and longitude breakdown gives us
the exact location where the ships were sunk.
So we know that's right.
Yes. And applying the same method gives
us this location in upper New York State.
There's nothing at that location, Mr.
Oliver, except acres of abandoned farmlands
and an old granary that
hasn't been used for years.
You know the name of
it? Champlain Granary.
Better look it over. Pronto.
Take a plane.
Open the door, Bessie.
Oh, that's very attractive, my dear.
I'm sure Hanley will be enchanted.
I expect him presently.
Why did you come? Mr. Hanley
has been a great help to us.
He simplified our task.
I don't understand. He's engaged a
secluded table on the hotel roof garden.
With an excellent view
of the fireworks display.
Also an excellent view
from the roof. Opposite.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, my dear, but I'm
afraid you won't be having supper with him.
What do you intend to do?
The celebration will
commence exactly at 10:30.
The noise and the fireworks will
prove the most valuable ally to us.
I see.
You will return to the
hotel with Mr. Hanley
invent some excuse to send
him to the roof garden alone...
to wait for you.
But don't you... Then
you'll go to the hotel desk.
Be seen by as many people as possible.
And have the clerk arrange a reservation
for you on the 11 o'clock train to New York.
You will leave by that train.
Are these your instructions? I'm
carrying out Grenner's instructions.
Is it possible that his
confidence in you is misplaced?
The door.
All right.
Hello! Here's your faithful
audience. More appreciative than ever.
Thank you, Tim. The music was magnificent,
the artist exquisite, and you...
Always the flatterer. Haven't
you anything nice to say about me?
Yes. You are my favorite
fan. That will do.
You ready? Just a second.
Bessie, my bag.
A little more on your nose.
That's enough.
Thank you, Bessie.
Good night.
Good night. Good night.
Roof garden, please.
I hope you'll enjoy our
quaint Fourth of July custom.
You know, when it comes to
fireworks I'm just like a kid.
I'm sure it's going to be nice.
Oh, Tim. Hm?
It might be a little chilly on the roof.
Do you mind if I stop and get a wrap?
Why no, of course not.
Sixth floor, please. Yes, Ms. Nillson.
Sixth... You go along, Tim.
I'll join you in a minute.
Sometimes a minute can
seem like a lifetime.
Is this all right, gentlemen?
Just fine, thank you.
Hanley's table is over on the terrace.
Good evening, sir. Mr.
Hanley's table, please.
Oh, Mr. Hanley. Yes, sir.
Going up, Ms. Nillson? No, down.
Oh, will you send for my luggage,
please. Certainly, Ms. Nillson.
Porter! Yes, sir.
Get the baggage down, please.
You're leaving tonight?
Yes, I changed my plans.
And will you please make a reservation
on the New York train at eleven.
Station ticket office, please.
318, please. Yes, sir.
Forgive me for speaking to you, Ms.
Nillson. We did enjoy your concert so much.
Thank you.
Good night. Good night.
Hello, Martin. Can you give me a
compartment to New York on the eleven?
That's right. The name is Nillson.
Thank you.
Everything will be
all right, Ms. Nillson.
Compartment G in car 242.
Sorry you're leaving us so soon.
Here you are, miss.
Cancel it.
Roof garden, quickly. Yes, madam.
I was afraid you were going
to be late for the celebration.
Tim, we have to leave here at once.
Leave, what for? You're in great danger.
Danger, really? What is it?
I can't tell you now. Please... Wait.
If you know that, you know a lot more.
Yes. I know who you are.
Oh, do you?
Well I felt the truth about you, too.
Tim, you're in a trap. It's partly
my making but I can't undo it now.
Will you tell me who's
in this thing with you?
No. At least I'm not a traitor.
I might have guessed that.
Please, let's go... No!
I came up here looking for trouble.
I'm not running away from it.
O, Tim, please trust me. I
know what I am talking about.
And I know that I fought you
just as hard as you fought me.
That's one thing I'll never understand.
Why you're doing this.
I know you won't believe me, but...
It's because I... Oh, Tim...
Because you mean everything to me.
Please trust me.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll please take
your seats, the celebration is about to start.
Please let's go! Is that the
signal to spring the trap?
Oh, darling. I'm sorry.
I understand everything now.
That's all that matters.
Sewell. Where did he
go? Down the fire escape.
I lost him in the
darkness. I'll find him.
You take care of her. Rush her to the
hospital and get the best surgeon you can find.
She's got to be held.
Here's your attorney. And don't let
anybody interfere till I get back.
Okay, Tim.
There he goes. I know. Call
Tetlow and report developments.
Okay, Tim. Don't lose him.
Don't worry.
Who is it? It's all right.
Okay, what have you got?
Two cases of chemicals
just came in from New York.
Better open the cases
for the doctor, boys.
Yes? It's Wentzel.
Well, Colonel, I trust you've
had a successful evening.
Far from it. At the last moment Carla
ruined my plans for getting rid of Hanley.
Carla? She saved his life
at the risk of her own.
Well, in that case Hanley
may have followed you.
I'm certain he didn't,
but we'll make sure.
Send your men outside to make a search.
All right, boys.
There's nothing out there but darkness.
Not a hoot owl. Are you sure?
Sure I'm sure.
There's nothing out there, Colonel.
When do you expect Mr.
Grenner will contact us?
In about an hour.
How's it going, Doctor?
A perfect reaction. The
result of my improved formula.
The concentration is now
almost as great as radium.
With an affinity for
gasoline so powerful
that each drop splits into molecules and
impregnates more than one hundred gallons.
enabling me to judge the exact
timing of the corrosive action.
The Flying Fortresses will be far
at sea before anything is discovered.
Too far to reach Greenland
this time, huh? Precisely.
Where is that dust coming from?
Someone left a window open.
Go close it, Joe.
Give me a hand, will you, fellows? Sure.
Barker. Yes, Colonel?
Any news come through from Canada
tonight? Not since midnight, sir.
We'll check again.
See if any birds have
come in the last hour.
Hey, Joe!
Did any pigeons come in the last hour?
Did any pigeons come in?
That's funny.
Roy! Yeah?
Maybe that wasn't dust.
Come on.
He's not up here, Roy...
Where'd you go?
What are you shouting about, Don?
What's wrong?
Something's wrong. Both
of my men have disappeared.
They couldn't disappear in here.
They have.
One of them was up here and he's gone.
And the other was down
there and he's gone.
Did you look in the windowing room?
No, sir.
Well go up and see.
Yes, sir.
Why did you turn the motor
on? Did you find them?
No, but I found a stranger in there.
A stranger? Yeah. He
looked like an old tramp.
What did you do? I blew
him down the flax shoot.
There's 25 feet of flax
in there. He'll suffocate.
Who cares? I do, you fool.
In that grain, he's as good
as drowned right now, Colonel.
We must try and get him out down below.
Still on your own, Mr. Oliver?
More or less. Mr. Hanley.
Look out!
Quick, pull the lever. We
must find out who it is.
At your service, Monsieur Webster.
I gave your compliment
to Monsieur Marsden.
And Scotland Yard extends
its compliments to you.
And the FBI, Colonel Wentzel.
Come on, boys. We're in a hurry!
Come on.
We've got to get to a telephone
and call Canada about those planes.
Ah, delicious looking
berries, Maggie. Yes, sir.
Good morning, Mr. Grenner.
Good morning, Mr. Hanley.
May I present Mr. Oliver. Delighted.
How do you do, sir? This
is a pleasant surprise.
Is it? Well we just came by to pick up
something I left here the other night.
Yes? What was it?
You. Me?
Yes, you. Haven't you
read the morning papers?
Well, no, as a matter of fact I
haven't. It's very interesting.
Yes, particularly from Utica and points
North. Practically everybody's in the clink.
Including the two Canadian gentlemen who'd
been jazzing up the airplane carburetors.
Dr. Rowan, Denby, Lieutenant Fenway and
your perfect butler, Colonel Wentzel.
Suspected of sabotage in London.
And Liverpool, Mr. Oliver.
And Leeds, Mr. Hanley.
Why, gentlemen, this is amazing.
If these men have been guilty of any
wrongdoing, I've been imposed upon shamefully.
You wouldn't impose
on anyone, would you?
Oh, cream? Pardon me. Two sugar?
None, thank you!
Now, this stuff's not good for you anyway.
How about a cup of tea with your friends?
They're waiting for you. So are we.
Get Mr. Grenner's hat,
stick and gloves, please.
Get up.
I remind you gentlemen that this
is a free country and I'm a citizen.
You've got nothing on me. Oh, no?
We haven't forgotten the little contribution of
100,000 dollars that you made to a certain organization.
Which you happened to forget to
mention in your income tax report.
Baron Granach, alias Mr.
Grenner. Your hat, sir.
Stick. And your boutonire.
Very ducky, Mr. Oliver.
You said it, Mr. Hanley.
Come on.
You've got to get well now.
I want to.
Besides, the doctor told
me I'm out of danger.
Danger. That's what brought us together.
Oh, not your choosing.
Someone else's invention.
I suppose they've told you.
That you placed me under arrest?
Yes, and I understand.
You have done your duty.
We are both soldiers.
You won. That's all.
Nobody wins this way.
One day, when all this is
over, we'll just be you and I.
Yes, my darling.
And if your work can bring
peace, that's all I want.
That's all this dizzy old world wants.
And when peace comes, the
ghosts can take on flesh...
and blood again.
I say!
A direct approach, old
boy? Right on the nose.
Hello, Reggie. Hello, Carla.
Feeling better? Yes, thank you.
Well, there may be something to be
said for your method, Mr. Hanley.
And for once, in a way, I'm adopting it.
Carla, my dear,
I want you to accept these with my very
sincere good wishes for your complete recovery.
Sweet of you. Thank you, darling.
Very nice, Mr. Oliver.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Hanley.
And now, indirectly...
you haven't much time
to catch that plane.
Are you going away? Yes,
we're going back to England.
I suppose I'll have to put up with him.
Can't get rid of him.
I say, old boy.
You were kissing her on the mouth.
I never denied it. But I distinctly
heard you say right on the nose.
I will explain it to you
indirectly on the way over.