International, The (2009)

Listen, I'm from the Bronx,
so you need to keep it simple.
Why is the bank buying all this
missile-guidance stuff from Calvini?
I don't get it.
The window will stay closed.
You need to relax.
I'm more comfortable tense.
You came to us, remember?
You wanted a way out
and I'm offering you one.
I only met you 30 minutes ago...
...and now you expect me just
to walk away from everything I know...
...put my life in your hands.
You want a little more time
to think things through, I get it...
...but we're gonna need
another meet...
...and I'm gonna need to
see some paper.
Yes. Now get out of the car.
- Hey.
- Ella?
- You done?
- Yeah, I just met with him.
- And?
- Oh, he's real.
He's real enough
to blow this thing wide open.
He told me the bank's
buying $200 million worth...
...of missile-guidance systems.
- What do they need those for?
- I don't know.
You gonna see him a second time?
Yeah, yeah. Listen, we're gonna meet
again. He's agreed to bring me paper.
Right, I'll call you later.
Thanks, Elle.
Are you experiencing
any blurred or double vision?
Just follow the light, please.
It's been noted that you were
experiencing ringing in your ears.
Well, I would like to keep you here
overnight for observation.
That won't be necessary.
Where's my colleague?
Thomas Schumer.
It was definitely a heart attack?
"Acute myocardial infarction." Yes.
Your penlight, can I use it?
What are you doing?
Can you help me turn him over?
- I'm afraid I can't allow you to...
- Just help me.
We need to contact the Berlin police
and request an immediate autopsy.
Because I don't think this man
died of natural causes.
Come on, Ella.
If Schumer met this insider
in Berlin...
...odds are this guy's
a foreign national. So it's federal.
But you're not listening to me.
Let them meet again.
The guy's gonna bring paper
and Tommy will close him.
You still have to coordinate with
Justice if you want witness protection.
I just tried both their cells again.
Straight to voicemail.
I'm gonna try Tommy's wife at work.
If I have to bring DOJ into this...
...they're gonna do what they've
always done with this.
They're gonna stall us with red tape,
informant's gonna bolt...
...and I'm telling you,
he could be the bombshell...
...we've spent the last two years
looking for.
What's going on?
Why aren't they calling us back?
What do you want me to do?
I can't afford another turf war.
- It's Salinger.
- Finally. Put him on speaker.
Jesus, Lou.
What took you guys so long?
Hello? You there?
So, what's up?
Tommy's dead.
He's dead, Ella.
I need you to get over here
as soon as you can.
Unnaturally red blood,
lambent membranes.
Two key indicators
of hydrocyanic poisoning.
This lesion on the neck... how the poison was introduced
into the bloodstream, percutaneously.
The lesion tested negative
for any poison.
There are any number of reasons
for this discoloration of the blood...
...least likely of which
is hydrocyanic...
I'm telling you, he was murdered.
Well, I'm assuming
you suspect a combination...
...of prussic acid and DMSO...
...but then the reaction time
would have been immediate.
Within one minute.
Which means the killer
would have had to deliver the toxin...
...after Schumer exited the car.
So did you see anything unusual?
Anybody approaching Schumer?
No. I mean...
I don't know.
What is it that makes you so certain
he was assassinated?
Agent Salinger and I have reason
to believe this might be connected... an ongoing investigation
being conducted... both my team at the Manhattan
DA's office and Interpol.
- What investigation?
- I run a group at Interpol...
...that focuses on financial operations
associated with organized crime.
About two years ago, we began
receiving correlated intelligence...
...regarding the illicit activities of
a bank based out of Luxembourg...
...the International Bank
of Business and Credit.
Under the direction of its chairman,
Jonas Skarssen...
...we believe the IBBC has quietly
become the bank of choice...
...for monies associated with
organized crime, capital flight...
How is any of this related to Schumer
and the New York DA's office?
The IBBC's Manhattan branch... the epicenter of its U.S.
Money-laundering operation.
Schumer and I
were working this case together.
Agent Salinger and his department
have been assisting us.
Why weren't we informed
of these details prior to this briefing?
What was Schumer doing
here in Berlin?
I set him up on a blind date
with an IBBC executive...
...who was aware of our investigation
and looking to make a deal.
And the identity of this informant?
We don't know. He took precautions
to keep his identity anonymous.
For the past 12 hours,
I've been trying hard to find him.
I believe that if this man isn't
already dead, he soon will be.
Because, just like Schumer...
...anyone that's in a position
to move against this bank...
...has either ended up dead
or disappeared.
Agent Salinger,
given your history with this matter...
...I should think
you would be more careful...
...before making
such extreme accusations.
My history?
What are you talking about?
We've reviewed your dossier.
Have you?
Well, that means you know
just about shit.
I realize this is a trying time
for you both, but until I'm provided...
...with something more compelling
than unsubstantiated theories...
...pursuing the IBBC is simply
not going to happen here in Germany.
Concorde Hotel, please.
What was that back there? What
history was Diemer talking about?
- Don't worry.
- Don't give me that shit.
- What do they know that I don't?
- They don't know anything.
Enough to get a rise out of you.
I'm not getting into it.
You're so curious, read my file.
I should never have let Tommy
walk into this.
You didn't. I approved the meet.
I was across the fucking street, Ella.
I was right there.
I saw him go down.
I didn't see a thing.
We won't let them bury this, Lou.
This canvas appeals to you?
I like the look of agony.
Because I know it's true.
What am I doing here?
Umberto Calvini is disengaging
from the deal.
Your principle would like to bring
you in to troubleshoot the situation.
If Calvini refuses to move forward, my
involvement won't make a difference.
Your involvement would allow them
to appeal to Calvini's two sons...
...who are much more open-minded.
You'll find all the details in the file.
I'll contact you
once negotiations are underway.
IBBC executive dies
in freak road accident
Luxembourg high society in shock
at death of Andr Clment
What are you doing here so early?
I found the insider.
I found the guy that Schumer
met with in Berlin.
Andr Clment?
The IBBC's senior vice president
of acquisitions.
He was killed in a road accident
just outside Luxembourg...
...approximately nine hours
after Schumer's death.
And this is the gendarmerie's
preliminary accident report.
He arrived in Berlin at 8 a. M...
...on Luxair, Flight 9871
from Luxembourg.
What doesn't track is in his statement,
the IBBC chairman, Jonas Skarssen... that Clment had been with
him in Luxembourg since 10 a. M...
...which is obviously impossible
if Clment arrived in Berlin at 8 a.m.
Did the gendarmerie say anything
about this inconsistency?
- I haven't told them.
- What?
I wanna go to Luxembourg
and question Skarssen myself.
- No. Absolutely no.
- Viktor, listen to me.
I go to Luxembourg,
Skarssen confirms that statement...
...I catch him in that lie,
I can build...
For chrissake, Lou,
you're not at the Yard anymore.
Interpol is not
in the law-enforcement business.
We deal in intelligence
and facilitation.
Focus on that, work that and pass your
take onto the appropriate authorities.
And then what?
You know we've been circulating
our take since the very beginning.
No one ever does anything,
no one ever can.
Whatever case we have gets lost
in the complexities of international law.
Schumer, Clment...
...this entire fucking wall.
There's nothing that complex
about cold-blooded murder.
Hi. I've got an appointment
with Mr. Skarssen.
- Your name, please?
- Mr. Salinger? Please follow me.
Mr. Skarssen.
Mr. Skarssen.
Agent Salinger? Please follow me.
Mr. White.
Agent Salinger.
I apologize for the wait.
I'm Martin White,
the IBBC's legal counsel.
This is Commissioner Villon
of the gendarmerie.
I thought it useful for him to join us,
considering the nature of your query.
Please, have a seat.
I think there's
some misunderstanding.
I'm here to speak with Mr. Skarssen.
Yes, but as Mr. Skarssen's attorney,
I insisted that I speak with you first.
Mr. White, I had a confirmed meeting
with Mr. Skarssen at 11:00.
If I was gonna meet with you first,
why didn't anybody tell me?
I understand,
and I'm sorry for the confusion...
...but I'm sure I can help
answer your questions.
Now, please, have a seat.
As I'm sure you're aware...
...I have some questions
regarding Andr Clment.
It's my understanding
that Mr. Clment was working... Mr. Skarssen's residence
the night he was killed.
The night of the accident, yes.
What time did he arrive
at Skarssen's home that day?
If I recall correctly, around 6 p.m.
- You were there?
- Yes.
And you're certain about this time?
I'm confused.
What you're telling me conflicts
with Skarssen's statement... the gendarmerie's
accident report...
...which was that Clment had been
working with him since 10 a.m.
I was present when Mr. Skarssen
gave his statement.
- That is not what he said.
- It is according to this report.
May I?
There is an error
in the preliminary draft.
The time is wrong.
The finalized report here
says Clment arrived at 6 p.m.
Clerical errors like this
can happen from time to time.
This is why the gendarmerie
discourages the release...
...of any preliminary documentation
pertaining to open cases.
So is there anything else
we can do for you, Agent Salinger?
- Yeah.
- It's me.
I just got the results from
the tox analysis I ran on Schumer.
- And?
- It's inconclusive.
Inconclusive? What the hell
is that supposed to mean?
They found trace elements
of cyanide in his blood...
... but the levels
are not nearly high enough...
... to meet their criteria
for poisoning.
Are you there?
I'm sorry.
Are you crazy?
Madame Clment?
It's Eleanor Whitman from the
New York District Attorney's office.
I already left a couple
messages just...
Mrs. Clment,
I'm sorry to keep calling you.
I can only imagine what a difficult time
this must be for you.
But I'm not convinced your
husband's death was an accident.
Look, here's my cell number.
You can call any time...
Stop calling me. I have nothing
to say to you. Just leave me alone.
Please. I just need to ask you
a few questions.
I have two children.
They've already lost their father.
- I understand.
- No, you don't.
Are you aware your husband
met with our investigators...
...the day he was killed?
You ever planning to come to bed?
- I heard your voice.
- I'm sorry.
- When'd he come in here?
- An hour ago.
T. Rex was in the closet again.
Let me take him back.
Come on, buddy.
They knew about
the discrepancy in the report.
They had Skarssen's
statement changed.
How did they know, Viktor?
- Come inside.
- No.
Are you insane? It's freezing out.
Come outside.
Stop it!
Lou, wait.
Have you lost your mind?
I think we take the dog for a walk.
Get some fresh air.
Who did this?
Who do you think?
From my apartment.
Whitman's got them too.
We need to inform
the secretary general immediately.
You gotta be kidding.
We start setting off alarms,
the opportunity will be lost.
The last thing Schumer told Ella...
...was that Clment was giving him
information on an IBBC arms deal.
Umberto Calvini.
Chairman of Calvini Defense, one
of the largest defense contractors.
And probably
Italy's next prime minister.
This guy standing next to him,
that's our insider.
Andr Clment.
Whitman found out that Clment
was negotiating for the IBBC... purchase a large number
of missile guidance...
...and control systems
from Calvini Defense.
But at the very last minute,
the deal collapsed.
What happened?
We don't know. Whitman's
meeting me in Milan tomorrow.
We're gonna talk to Calvini
and find out.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Eleanor Whitman,
this is Inspector Alberto Cerutti.
- Charmed.
- Nice to meet you.
Please, there's not much time.
Calvini leaves for Turin
immediately after this engagement.
I didn't realize we were meeting
at a political rally.
Best we could do
on such short notice.
Thirtieth floor. I'll be waiting outside.
You need to press the button.
You look awful.
When was the last time
you got any sleep?
Don't know.
When was the last time
you had a healthy meal?
Can't remember.
- How about the last time you got laid?
- Why, are you offering?
You need to take better care
of yourself, Lou.
I can't have you crash and burn
like you did two years ago.
Please follow me.
This meeting is strictly off the record.
Mr. Calvini cannot be entangled
in your investigation...
...nor can his participation in this
discussion find its way to the press.
We understand.
Wait here for a moment.
So you read my file.
I made a few calls to London.
You should've told me everything...
...with your IBBC case at the Yard.
You should've told me it's why you left.
What did they tell you?
That you screwed up because
the witness you brought in was a joke.
And when you were forced to
drop him, the case fell apart.
You flipped out, attacked the assistant
commissioner and broke his nose.
My case did not fall apart, it was shut
down, and my witness was rock-solid.
He gave us everything we needed
against the bank...
...and then suddenly, out of nowhere,
my AC forced me to cut him loose.
Three days later,
they all died in a car crash.
- "They"?
- He had a wife and two kids.
Mr. Calvini, we'd like to know
why the IBBC, a bank...
...would be purchasing millions
of dollars worth of missile guidance...
...and control systems
from your company.
The IBBC has purchased
billions of dollars worth...
...of Silkworm missiles from
the People's Republic of China...
...which they have presold
to clients in the Middle East...
...contingent upon the missiles...
...being equipped
with VOLCON guidance systems.
My company's one of only two in the
world which produce the VOLCON.
- Who's the other?
- Sunay. Ahmet Sunay.
Of Turkish Aerotech?
But why is the bank committing
so much capital and resources... the sale of these missiles?
It's a test.
Small arms
are the only weapons used... 99 percent
of the world's conflicts...
...and no one has the capacity
to manufacture them...
...faster and cheaper than China.
What Skarssen is attempting to do... to make the IBBC
the exclusive broker...
...of Chinese small arms
to the Third World.
And the missile deal
is the gateway transaction.
Yeah, but billions of dollars invested
simply to be a broker?
There can't be much profit for them.
No. This is not about making profit
from weapon sales.
It's about control.
Control the flow of weapons,
control the conflict.
No, no. The IBBC is a bank.
Their objective isn't
to control the conflict...'s to control the debt
that the conflict produces.
You see, the real value
of a conflict...
...the true value... in the debt that it creates.
You control the debt... control everything.
You find this upsetting, yes?
But this is the very essence
of the banking industry... make us all,
whether we be nations or individuals...
...slaves to debt.
You sound like
you're not very fond of the IBBC.
What happened?
I was fond of Andr Clment.
I trusted him...
...and he was a good friend.
Then help us make sure
he didn't die in vain.
Find me after the speech.
We can talk in the car
on my way to the airport.
Umberto Calvini.
Definitely connected to any...
What the hell is going on?
They shot him!
Secure this area
and block all exits, now.
Oh, my God. Are you all right?
I think so.
Take that left.
Maybe you can cut him off.
Turn off the engine...
...and stick your hands
out of the window!
Turn off the engine...
...and stick your hands
out of the window! Now!
Our relationship with the Swiss has
become impossible over the past year.
They are discounting
our dollar deposits... 160 basis points below par.
They have doubled the cost
of moving our money.
Well, general, what do you expect?
You've been in the jungle
long enough... know that when the lion kills,
it's the jackal that profits.
The IBBC is specifically structured... handle the particular needs
of your type of organization.
We can give you better rates
and terms than other competitors...
...but we can offer you much more:
...intelligence, logistical support...
...everything that
the Revolutionary Freedom Front...
...would need to revive itself.
But in exchange for what?
You must understand,
the RFF has no money.
Money is not this institution's
primary medium of exchange.
What are you proposing exactly?
We believe that, with the right kind
of direction and support...
...the RFF could become a very
influential force in your country.
Perhaps potent enough... stage a successful coup
in the coming months.
And if this were possible...
...what does your bank
hope to gain from it?
The gratitude and consideration
of a very influential friend.
Excuse me.
Mr. White and Mr. Ehames
asked me to interrupt.
Would you excuse me, general?
I'll be right back.
What is it?
Approximately 30 minutes ago,
Umberto Calvini was assassinated...
...while giving a speech
at a political rally in Milan.
We've been discussing it.
I think we should wait until
the authorities resolve the matter...
...and then approach the sons
to revive negotiations.
How long will this take?
I've been assured the investigation
will move swiftly...
...but unexpected fallout of an event
like this can always complicate things.
We only have 60 days left
to deliver the worms.
There's no time for complications.
That's a risk you take
with such an ambitious agenda.
I don't foresee any problems.
Had it not been for their father...
...Mario and Enzo Calvini
would have made our deal long ago.
Now there's no reason
for them not to move forward.
An important man and devoted father
has just been killed.
I suggest that we send a letter
to Calvini's family...
...extending our heartfelt prayers
and condolences for their terrible loss.
I don't know, but I'm okay.
The doctors
checked me out thoroughly.
Kiss Jake for me, will you?
So the shooter was identified
as a member of the Red Brigade.
What about the guy in the car?
Car was stolen. They were unable
to lift prints, fibers or residue...
...or locate any witnesses
who saw him exiting the vehicle.
- So?
- So the carabinieri are announcing...
...that the Red Brigade
was responsible...
...for the assassination
at the press conference tonight.
We're not convinced
the Red Brigade's behind this.
Someone could simply be
making it appear as though they are.
This isn't my case...
...and the man in charge
of the investigation is very powerful...
...and a real bastard.
All we wanna do
is just look around a little.
- Antonio.
- Alberto.
Just a moment.
They done
the trajectory analysis yet?
Cerutti said no.
If there was a second shooter,
he could've positioned himself here.
The stopwatch they found
in the room... was set on
a one-minute countdown, yes?
Right. Calvini was killed a little
over one minute into his speech.
What if this was all synchronized?
...let's say I'm the second shooter.
The guy below
doesn't know I'm here...
... but I'm positioned
right above his room.
I'm armed with a Sauer 200 rifle,
just like he is.
I have a stopwatch set
on a one-minute countdown...
... which I start when Calvini
begins his speech.
The sniper below has been instructed
to do the same...
...because that's when
he's gonna fire his first bullet.
If he misses, I'm ready to
follow through with one of my own.
The sniper fires, misses.
Seconds later...
...I take Calvini out with a headshot.
It's a good theory,
but there's one problem.
Two shots were fired
from the window...
... two slugs were recovered...
...and two casings were found
next to the gun...
...ballistics confirming that the casings
came from the gun in the hotel room.
So if the kill shot came from
a second shooter here on the roof...
...that'd be a total
of three bullets fired.
How do you explain
the absence of the third bullet?
I can't.
I think I've seen this print before.
Hanging on the wall of my office.
So this was lifted from the scene of the
Stefan Heuss hit in Brussels last year.
A former IMF executive director.
Has he ever seen
a tread pattern like this before?
He believes it came from
a custom shoe made for a leg brace.
The braces are typically
made out of steel...
...or alloy,
but the condition of the leg...
...would determine the specific
type of device used.
He says that the prints
are a probable match.
Please get these over to Alan Kovacs
at FBI Impressions right away...
...and make sure
he has my contact numbers.
Ella, if the FBI confirms
that these prints are a match... means the bank's
used the same assassin twice.
Which means if we can get him,
we can get the bank.
What was that?
That was Capitano Barillo, the man
in charge of the Calvini investigation.
- What did he want?
- My ass on a platter...
...and both of you
on the next flight out of Milan.
Didn't you tell him
what we just found?
I tried.
Fuck him.
He can't force us to leave.
He has already spoken
to your superiors.
You have both been ordered home.
Arnie, you can't just sit there...
...and lecture me
about protocol and procedure.
You know what's happening here.
Well, who gives a shit
about jurisdictional provenance?
We just had a major breakthrough.
That's great, Arnie.
You're a real stand-up guy.
This is total bullshit.
I wish I could have
been more helpful.
Oh, no, you've been great, Alberto.
I'm gonna do everything I can
to take the heat off you.
Thanks for everything.
Sorry for all the trouble we caused.
His leg brace would be made
of metal, right?
- So?
- So if he left through an airport... would have made him
show it to them.
That's definitely him.
- He doesn't look like much.
- I think that's the idea.
Seems to know
where the cameras are.
Look how he always angles his face
just out of our line of sight.
Even if you do find him...
...that's not enough evidence to
convict the man without a confession.
If we find him, prosecution will be
irrelevant. He'll be a marked man.
He can either die for the bank
or flip for us.
I got him. He is traveling under
the name Sherwood, Timothy M.
He boarded Flight Alitalia 422,
departing Milan at 6 p.m. Yesterday...
...and arriving in New York
at JFK at 10 p.m.
What time's the next flight
to New York?
Detectives Hubbard, Ward, Ornelas,
this is Agent Lou Salinger.
- Finally.
- How you doing?
- Let me take that.
- Thanks. So, what do we have?
Well, we got lucky.
Some clip shots of him
moving through customs.
That's a good one.
The Sherwood ID he used? It's clean.
All of it attached to a dead address.
Where'd he go
after he cleared customs?
Don't know.
CCTV footage lost him at the curb.
We canvassed all the limousine
and taxicab companies in the city.
Airport parking, rental agencies.
Didn't come up with shit.
There's a chance
he might live in the city.
Why is that?
Kovacs from FBI Impressions called.
"The footprint was left by a shoe
used for knee-ankle-foot orthosis.
The tread pattern is exclusive
to shoes produced... the Isaacson Orthopedic Institute
here in the city."
The shoe could have only come
from there.
Do you have a contact person
to run down?
We got Dr. Isaacson.
All right. You guys go check it out.
I'm expected at the office.
Get ready for the smackdown.
He's gonna come at you hard.
- Who is it?
- N.Y.P.D.
- Dr. Isaacson?
- Yeah.
Detective Ornelas, N.Y.P.D.
This is my partner, Detective Ward.
- We'd like to ask a couple questions.
- Why?
What do you want?
Why are you here?
Calm down. We just wanna ask you
a few questions about a patient.
Patient? What patient?
Come on, you know what time it is?
Listen, I'm sorry. I must go.
I really didn't do anything.
- I'm sorry. Good night.
- Doctor, if we could...
Douche bag's pinned out of his mind.
He thinks we're here to bust him.
Dr. Isaacson, please.
We have reason to believe your life
is in danger, grave danger.
We think one of your patients
is trying to kill you.
Kill me?
I'm Agent Salinger with Interpol.
We're assisting in this manhunt.
Why would a patient wanna kill me?
I'm an orthopedist.
This man's a psychotic. He's already
butchered seven doctors in Europe.
We got some serious evidence
to suggest you may be next.
Have you ever seen this man?
No, no. I don't think so.
Does the name Timothy Sherwood
mean anything to you, doctor?
No. How do you know
he's a patient of mine?
We have his footprint.
Yeah, the shoe was manufactured
by AGM Biomechanics...
...exclusively for the Isaacson Institute,
model K-A-F-O 1-2-1.
K-A-F-O 1-2-1?
We started prescribing
that three years ago.
We've used it on hundreds
of our patients.
Well, then we're gonna need
to review all of your files.
Right now?
Doctor, we need to find this man
before he finds you.
- What are you trying to do here, Ella?
- I'm doing my job.
You have any idea of the shitstorm
you've gotten me into?
- We're just trying to get to the truth.
- I get it.
You need to remember there's what
people wanna hear, wanna believe...
...there's everything else,
then there's the truth.
And since when is that okay?
I can't believe you're saying this to me.
The truth means responsibility, Arnie.
Exactly, which is why
everyone dreads it.
The IBBC is using one assassin
for all their hits...
...and we've tracked him here
to New York.
This guy can bury them.
They want me to put a gun
to your head.
You don't find this guy,
and I mean quick...
...they're gonna make me
pull the trigger.
- Do you want dessert?
- No, thank you.
I'd like one.
This is a game that rewards
patience and balance.
You must think like a man of action
and act like a man of thought.
Sorry to disturb you at home.
I'm afraid this couldn't wait.
Salinger was in Milan.
Whitman too.
They have the scent.
It's only a matter of time
before they find our consultant.
Any recommendations?
I strongly advise
against doing anything...
... that would heighten your exposure
right now.
Wilhelm, we've leveraged ourselves
over the edge.
If we don't meet the delivery date,
buyers will cancel orders...
... our plans will implode...
... and this bank will be left
a bill it cannot pay.
Heightening exposure
is the least of our problems.
I agree.
We're about to engage Calvini's sons.
We can't allow anyone
to put our agenda at risk.
We must sever all ties
with the consultant.
Consider the mark, gentlemen.
Doing this could be
a very messy affair.
Well, then make it one.
I don't know why you pay me
to advise on these matters.
It is clear that you don't want my
counsel, only my corroboration.
Really, Wilhelm. We've had
just about all we can take of you.
Yes. I've had about all I can take
of myself.
How would you like us to proceed?
Cassian, what does one do when
there's no way out of a situation?
If there's no way out...
...the best thing is
to find a way further in.
- Fucking disgusting, you know that?
- What are you, my mother?
No, but I could be your old man
for all you know, asshole.
Hey, doc.
Gabriel Hansen?
I don't know.
My associate handled this.
Well, the address
is a post-office box...
...and he paid cash
for all of his medical bills.
There are no diagnostic photos.
- I don't know.
- Is there a number?
Yeah, 212-157-6421.
It's a dead line.
I'll put a call in to Hubby,
have her run it down.
See if we can't get a crack warrant
for the P.O. Box in Jersey.
What do all these GT's
next to the appointment entries mean?
We have a kickback account
with Go Taxi...
...and they indicate when we
use their service for a patient.
Hey. Hubb says you caught a lead.
Yeah, we've got an address.
We're en route.
- What is it?
- Well, it could be him.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Well, they gotta bring him in now.
This is our last shot.
What do you mean, "our last shot"?
Arnie and I had it out last night,
and our clock's run out.
If we don't get this guy right now,
it's over.
Well, it better be him, then.
I'm here. Yeah.
I know that.
This is definitely the right address?
Checked the log myself. This is where
they dropped him off every time.
Well, he could be anywhere.
- What do you think he was doing?
- Beats the shit out of me.
It's a big, empty lot.
Well, I'm starving. I'm gonna
get something. You want anything?
Yeah, a coffee, black.
I'm going back down to
headquarters after this.
Okay, all right.
Right, bye.
How long do you think
this has been like this?
I don't know, but we need to find out.
The doctor's records say
the last time...
...somebody got dropped off here
was five weeks ago.
I mean, there's not even
a temporary office or anything.
- How you doing?
- How you doing?
Son of a bitch.
What's the matter?
I just made our perp.
Eleven o'clock, blue overcoat.
- You sure that's him?
- A hundred percent.
- Where did he come from?
- Shit if I know.
I'm at the counter and
I see him rolling past the window.
- Wanna go for the collar?
- No.
We tail him, find out where he sleeps,
then take him down.
A, B, C. Keep the box tight.
- Five-oh-two-six. Designator?
- Samuel Koppler.
Your uncle
wishes to see you immediately.
The Guggenheim, fifth floor
of the rotunda, 40 minutes.
- Hi, how you doing?
- Hello.
N.Y.P.D. I need to
speak to your security chief.
Okay, one moment.
How you doing? Detective Ornelas.
I need to be able to clear security.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
We're clear.
Directly behind me.
There you go. Thank you.
Who's the old scag
sitting next to him?
I don't know, but I saw him at the
bank's headquarters in Luxembourg.
You don't look well today.
We all begin better than we end.
What would you prefer your ending
to be like?
Oh, more purposeful,
and certainly more climactic.
A finale.
A finale.
Circumstances can always
be arranged.
As much as the thought
appeals to me...
...I'm afraid your consideration
is needed elsewhere.
- What is this?
- Salinger.
The method and manner
is entirely up to you.
Your principle would simply like him
to vanish without a trace.
- Any other provisions?
- Yes.
No mistakes.
I'll follow.
- Where's Iggy going?
- Following a new lead.
We gotta go.
N.Y.P.D. Lock your hands
behind your head.
Do it now.
They'll never let you bring me in.
Do it, or I'll take you down.
- Cuffs.
- On the belt.
There's a guy right up there.
- Where'd he...?
- Up there! Up there!
Get down!
- God! Oh, my God!
- It's okay.
Down there.
Drop the gun.
- Lf I drop the gun, we'll both die.
- I said, drop the gun!
They're here for me but they'll kill
you too. Now help me get this off.
I can't breathe.
- Fuck.
- You okay?
The ramp is the only way out.
Don't you fucking dare.
I'm calling from the dark side.
- Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
- I'm calling from the...
Get back.
I told you.
What? You told me what?
They'd never let you bring me in.
Fuck, fuck.
Move away from the building.
Can everybody please
move away from the building?
They know you're coming.
We gotta hurry.
- Where'd they find him?
- Sitting on a bench near the reservoir.
- Has he said anything yet?
- Nothing. He's pretty shaken up.
- Who else knows he's here?
- Everyone. Nothing I could do.
Heavies from the Bureau
and Justice are on their way.
- with an unidentified third man.
- How long do I have?
- Five, 10 minutes, max.
- wanted for questioning
in an ongoing investigation.
Now, a Guggenheim employee tells me
that while they were in the museum...
This isn't over.
Are you sure about this?
Just read it.
- They recognize you?
- Don't think so.
Back it up!
- ... screens came crashing down.
- How you doing?
- There was glass everywhere.
- As compared to what?
And just on the ground.
When you heard all of this
commotion, did you think...?
Anything you need, Ellie,
just let me know.
- Thanks.
- I just heard gunshots.
And people were hit
and screaming...
... and people just started running
out the door...
... and I didn't know
what was going on.
You okay?
You flip this guy.
You make sure my partner
wasn't killed for nothing.
I know that... I think random people
were going down and...
I mean, there was police running up
as other people were going down.
You ready for this?
Good evening, Colonel Wexler.
I'm Agent Louis Salinger.
I know who you are.
Of course you do.
I was at the Guggenheim
this afternoon.
The assassin you met with...
... I know you were his handler.
I know you arranged for him
to be killed at the behest of the bank...
...because I was obviously
getting too close.
But if a hit team at the Guggenheim
is what happens...
...because I was
getting too close to him...
...what do you think the bank'll do
when it realizes how close I am to you?
Death comes for us all,
Agent Salinger.
But based on everything
I've read about you... seem like the kind of man...
...who aspired to die
for something more than this.
Well, this is the difference
between truth and fiction.
Fiction has to make sense.
I'm confused, colonel.
Why would a tried
and true communist...
...a hardliner that spent 30 years
in the Stasi...
...fighting against the evils
of capitalism...
Why would this man waste his
final days working for an institution...
...that was the very embodiment
of everything he once despised?
You dedicated your life
to the communist ideal.
You sacrificed everything
for the good of the party.
For what?
You lost your wife to betrayal...
...your daughter to suicide...
...and when the Wall fell,
your whole life fell apart with it.
You know nothing about me.
I was lost long before the Wall fell.
I was once destined to become
a man much like yourself.
...full of purpose.
...character is easier kept
than recovered.
We cannot control
the things life does to us.
They are done before you know it,
and once they are done...
...they make you do other things...
...until at last,
everything comes between you...
...and the man you wanted to be.
We all have choices in life.
You made yours.
Sometimes a man
can meet his destiny...
...on the road he took to avoid it.
Skarssen and that bank need to
answer for what they've done.
They have to be brought to justice.
You can help me do that.
Justice... not possible.
Why not?
Because, Agent Salinger...
...your idea of justice is an illusion.
Understand the very system
that you serve and protect...
... will never allow anything to happen
to Skarssen or the bank.
On the contrary.
The system guarantees
the IBBC's safety...
...because everyone is involved.
What do you mean, "everyone"?
The Columbian drug cartels.
Russian organized crime.
Governments of Iran, Germany,
China, your government.
Every multinational corporation,
every one.
They all need banks like the IBBC... that they can operate
within the black and gray latitudes.
And this is why
your investigative efforts...
...have either been ignored
or undermined...
...and why you and I
will be quietly disposed of...
...before any case against the bank
ever reaches a court of law.
So, what are we all
supposed to do?
We just supposed to give up...
...and accept that
this is the way of the world?
I'm not gonna do that.
I still believe... I know...
...that there has to be a way
to bring down this bank...
...and you are gonna help me.
You understand...
...if you really want to
stop the IBBC... won't be able to do it within the
boundaries of your system of justice.
You will have to go outside.
Once you do...
...there will always be
collateral damage.
Should you sacrifice your own ideals
for the greater good?
That's a difficult choice,
one I understand all too well...
...but as you so eloquently put it...
...sometimes a man
can meet his destiny...
...on the road he took to avoid it.
What are you doing?
I think it's time for you to leave.
- Leave? What are you talking about?
- You know what I'm talking about.
No way, Lou.
No fucking way.
You've already got him turned.
Now go back in there
and get him to come in on his own.
We can use everything.
We'll blow this whole thing wide open.
- I don't think so.
- Why not?
I'm not gonna make
the same mistake twice.
- I can protect him, Lou.
- No, you can't. They'll get to him.
If they can't, they'll get to you.
If they can't get to you,
they'll get to your family.
I can't just walk away from this.
You're walking away
so I don't have to.
How can you trust him?
That relic in there
is looking for redemption.
I'm the only one
who can give it to him.
Then who gives it to you
when this is all over?
You need to cut me loose.
Tell them I escaped from custody,
whatever you have to.
Just use my history.
They'll believe you.
- I don't know.
- Ella, listen to me.
Sometimes the hardest thing... to know which bridge to cross
and which to burn.
I'm the one you burn.
We've been waiting here
for an hour.
I'm sorry, Martin, but none of us
have been able to reach them.
Unfortunately, Mario and Enzo Calvini
are not known for their punctuality.
They do realize this is the closing?
Mr. White...
...I've been instructed to escort you
and your associates from the building.
Please gather your materials
and come with me.
- Instructed by whom?
- Please, if you could just comply.
Our father
never trusted these people.
Thank you for telling us the truth.
Had you not come forward...
...we would have made
a terrible mistake today.
I'm just glad I could be of service.
I don't know, Jonas. I was told nothing.
I was simply thrown out.
They know.
Look, I can't discuss this right now.
I'll call you when I'm in the air.
Welcome to World News.
I'm Tristana Moore.
We're live today in the
Democratic Republic of Niberia.
As we go on air, we're getting reports
that thousands of troops...
... loyal to General Charles Motomba's
Revolutionary Freedom Front...
... are moving towards
the capital of Dnu.
According to eyewitnesses,
several explosions have been heard...
... and there've been heavy outbreaks
of gunfire in many parts of the city.
The people of Niberia
have suffered greatly.
It is time to begin a new chapter
in our country's history.
We will not stop
until national liberation...
... and the restoration of nationhood...
News about Martin?
He didn't show up at his hotel
or at the airport.
The Italian police have been unable
to locate his car or driver.
I think Enzo and Mario Calvini
are sending us a message.
How could they possibly
have found out?
This is precisely
what we pay you to know.
We're out of time and options.
- We must make the deal with Sunay.
- How can we trust this man?
The Israeli government
is his biggest customer.
Why would he agree... help us provide missiles
to the Iranians and the Syrians...
...that have a first-strike capability
against the Israelis?
I know Sunay.
I believe he has every intention...
...of selling you
the guidance systems...
...because he's already provided
the Israelis...
...with the countermeasures
to defeat them.
Would the Turk really play
such a dangerous game?
We are.
The only way we can make this work... to guarantee...
...that Sunay keeps this information
in complete confidence.
If our buyers find out the missiles are
worthless, they'll pull all their orders...
...and this bank will be left insolvent.
Have him here
by tomorrow afternoon.
Tomorrow he's going to
a funeral service for his cousin.
He'll be unavailable till Monday.
Unless of course,
you'd be willing to attend.
Make the call.
Get me Ahmet Sunay.
It's tomorrow.
It's right there.
Do you want to be escorted?
We'll be fine, thank you.
The Sunay funeral, please.
It will be over soon.
You may wait here.
- Is there a bathroom I could use?
- Just over there.
- I won't be a moment.
- Right.
- The signal?
- Good.
The Sunay funeral, please.
- Where'd you put the spike?
- Inside the lapel of his jacket.
The lawyer?
He's gone.
I told you, there will always
be collateral damage...
...when you take matters
into your own hands.
Your plan is working.
It has left Skarssen
with only one option.
Record the conversation
and you'll gain your end.
Sure they'll talk about Sunay's deal
with Israel and the countermeasures?
It is the key issue.
Once you let the Iranians
and Syrians...
...hear that the missiles are completely
useless against the Israelis...
...they will cancel their orders
and the IBBC will collapse.
- Wilhelm.
- Ahmet.
It's been a long time.
My sympathies for the loss
of your cousin.
Thank you.
Jonas Skarssen, Ahmet Sunay.
If you'd simply come to me in the
beginning, it would have been better.
Midday prayers will begin soon.
Should take a short time
to settle on the broad strokes.
The rest can be sorted out
at your leisure.
We have 10 minutes.
Wilhelm, would you mind
if I spoke to Mr. Sunay alone?
I believe I understand
the particulars of your situation.
Perhaps we should discuss this
in a more private place.
Yes, of course.
Allow me to show you something
very special.
Something that very few outsiders
know exists.
It's my understanding that the product
you purchased are the XW-41 s.
After you.
Yes. Forty-two hundred units.
What kind of guidance
are they currently equipped...?
They all need to be upgraded
with VOLCON systems.
Launch platforms?
Ground-based vehicles
and fixed-wing aircraft.
So you understand
I have a terminal deadline.
First of February, yes.
- Can you meet it?
- To be sure.
But you must arrange for the
end-user certificates, transport...
We'll arrange for it all.
Where would the work be done?
Cyprus. I've a facility there.
We would start retrofitting the worms
within a day of their arrival.
So if you deliver them to me
within the next two weeks...
... we'll meet your deadline.
I'm concerned that we limit any and all
knowledge of your involvement.
If we structure my involvement
through a thick veil of shells...
... I don't foresee any complications.
- Sorry?
- You. Come here now.
Usually we would involve
our import partners from Russia.
What? I'm just a tourist.
- Now, you must leave.
- Could you get that light out of...?
Get your fucking...
So, shall we discuss numbers?
There is a more salient deal point...
...that needs to be resolved
before we can do that.
And what point is that?
The point of fidelity.
I know you provided
the Israeli government...
...with the countermeasures
to this guidance system.
Last year alone...
...I did more than 300 million
in business with the Israelis.
I would never put that at risk.
How can I trust you not to divulge
this information to anyone else?
It's mutual interest, not trust...
...that will be the bond
of our relationship.
Your compensation will be held
in an escrow account.
- released until our clients pay
in full.
And those are the terms.
The payout structure...
The transfers will be begun
by tomorrow morning.
Ehames will contact you with
the number for the escrow account.
So ends the bloody business
of the day.
We're closed. I need you and Ehames
here tomorrow... work out all the details
with Sunay's people.
Yes. We're on our way home.
Wake up.
Who are you?
I'm Louis Salinger.
You don't have the authority
to arrest me.
Who said anything
about arresting you?
- What do you want?
- I want some fucking justice.
Wait, wait. Wait.
Executing me won't change anything.
There will be 100 other bankers
to take my place.
Everything will continue.
The only thing you'll succeed in doing
is to satisfy your own blood lust.
And you know it.
With compliments of Enzo
and Mario Calvini.
Thank you.