Internes Can't Take Money (1937)

All right, Doctor.
Thank you very much.
Where do I go,
Right in there.
Thank you.
Is this where
I take her?
Yes, right in there.
Thank you.
Young lady, you'll have
to make out an application.
I don't know how you got on this floor.
21, 22, 23.
This way, please.
24, 25...
I thought
I was next.
What's the number?
You are.
Nurse, this patient.
Please sit down there.
We'll call your number.
Mind if
she goes in with her?
I'm telling you,
he wouldn't hurt you.
Calling Dr. Brownley.
Calling Dr. Brownley.
Calling Dr. Brownley.
What's the matter
with her?
It hurts her
by 'em ear.
Oh, Doctor!
Oh, Mama's here!
Mama's here!
Calling Dr. Wilson.
Calling Dr. Riley.
Calling Dr. Wilson.
Calling Dr. Riley.
Okay, little lady.
She'll be all right now.
Just give this to the nurse at the desk.
Look, Doctor, as long as we're here,
I was wondering, couldn't you tell
me something for reducing, maybe?
You should try
Yes. Just try pushing yourself
away from the table regularly,
three times a day.
Calling Dr. Crowder.
Calling Dr. Crowder.
Calling Dr. Crowder.
Dr. Kildare.
Is it something?
Looks like
strep to me.
See what you
can make of it.
Let me take a look.
I think it's strep, all
right. Better admit her.
the temperature?
Hundred and one.
Take a blood culture.
Don't waste any time.
Ms. Palmar.
Calling Dr. Wilson.
Calling Dr. Riley.
Calling Dr. Wilson.
Calling Dr. Riley.
Calling Dr. Wilson.
Calling Dr. Riley.
There you are. I think you'll be okay.
Oh, thanks, Doc.
Gee, that's swell.
Say, listen, I wanna ask you something.
You know, I'm going away on a trip.
What'll I do
if I get seasick?
You'll think
of something.
Thanks, Doctor.
Calling Dr. Post.
Calling Dr. Forbes.
That seems to be responding
very nicely to treatment.
You've evidently
taken care of it.
Hold still.
That's not so bad.
Sit down, please.
Dr. Kildare will take care
of you in just a moment.
Well, let's have a look
at the wrist.
Second-degree burn,
left forearm, 5 by 2cm.
How'd you do it?
Burned it on
a pleating machine.
Yes, Doctor.
Uh... Alcohol.
How long before
it'll be okay?
Well, it's hard to say. Pretty
badly infected. When did it happen?
About three days ago.
Why didn't you
get in sooner?
I've got to work.
Not if you want to
keep this arm.
What are you
going to do?
Cut it off and
give it to me?
That's an idea.
A little.
There you are.
You'd better drop back
tomorrow and let me dress this.
I will,
if I live.
Well, try to live, on account
of it'll hurt my reputation.
Then I'll... I'll have
to try. Thanks, Doctor.
Poor nutrition,
Hand me those
smelling salts.
I... I guess
I must have fainted.
That's a pretty
good guess.
And when did
you eat last?
I feel okay now.
No. Why?
You look half-starved.
Which half?
Well, it's not funny.
If you want to keep on
working, you'd better eat.
Oh, I'm all right.
It's just that I...
You sit right where you
are until I tell you to go.
Thank you.
And drink it slowly.
Make a new woman
out of you.
Calling Dr. Jones...
That'll be
an improvement.
Dr. Kildare.
Ms. Morris,
stay with the patient.
She'll be all right
in a few moments.
Yes, Doctor.
You take your time and finish
that, then go home and rest.
And remember
what I said.
Eat, or they'll be picking
you up on a blotter.
Thanks, Doctor.
And you'd better
drop back tomorrow
and let me have a look at that wrist.
Calling Dr. Arthur.
Dr. West.
Dr. Miller, Dr. Hicks,
Dr. Lasher, Dr. Scott.
How do you do, Ms. Blaine?
How do you do, Doctor?
Hello, Ms. Blaine.
Hello, Doctor.
How do you do?
How do you do?
Gentlemen, I have called
you here this afternoon
because I believe that
what I'm about to say
should be of deep concern
to each and every one of you.
I have here a report of the
Surgical Committee of this hospital
regarding an operation
performed by Dr. Weeks.
I believe the facts
are known to all of you.
Dr. Weeks took it
upon himself
to employ a wholly
experimental method in surgery.
As you all know, a rupture of
the liver is generally fatal
because of hemorrhage.
In attempting to
stop this hemorrhage,
the only accepted method
is a mattress suture.
Yet Dr. Weeks discarded
the accepted method,
took parts from the rectus muscle
and sewed them into the liver,
accomplishing nothing other
than to cause more hemorrhage.
The patient expired.
Dr. Weeks, it is my
unhappy duty to inform you
that the Surgical Committee
considers your work
as unbecoming a resident
surgeon of this hospital.
And they demand
your immediate dismissal.
May I say something,
Dr. Fearson?
Dr. Kildare.
I was just as much to
blame for this as Dr. Weeks.
We worked out the theory
for that operation together.
It just happened
that in an emergency,
Dr. Weeks was
the first to perform it.
And the patient died.
The patient would have died
anyhow, we all know that.
Perhaps, Dr. Kildare,
but this is a hospital,
not an
experimental laboratory.
The staff member who first undertakes
the application of new methods in surgery
deliberately exposes
his hospital to legal
and himself
to criminal prosecution.
I have no alternative
but to dismiss Dr. Weeks.
Good afternoon,
Dr. Kildare.
Yes, Doctor?
Sit down. I want to talk to you.
You worked your way through
medical school, didn't you?
Yes, Doctor.
And through high school
and college?
Yes, sir.
You've shown
great promise, Kildare.
Level head, good hands.
The whole staff respects
you. Don't spoil it.
Well, how do you mean, sir?
Too much theory, too much
passion for experimentation.
Forget it. Leave pioneering
to the other fellows.
If all doctors did that, our profession
would stand still, wouldn't it?
The medical journals are
always full of discoveries,
and how many of them
are worth a hoot?
Anyhow, don't
experiment here.
Wait till
you're on your own.
Then if you do succeed in
thinking out something new,
the best you can hope for
is a pat on the back.
While if you fail,
you're a martyr.
Remember that,
Dr. Kildare.
Thank you,
Dr. Fearson.
What is your salary,
Ms. Blaine?
27.50 a week, Doctor.
A week.
And there goes a possible
Semmelweis, a potential Pasteur.
After ten years
of extensive study,
high school, college,
medical school,
we pay him
$10 a month.
Here, you take these, kid.
I won't need them.
Thanks. Hey, I'll buy 'em
on the installment plan.
A nickel at a time.
Don't be a sap.
Calling Dr. Lewis.
Calling Dr. Lewis.
Well, anyway, I won't have
to listen to that anymore.
that'll be a break.
Well, I'm holding my own.
I came in here
two years ago
with a hat, a suit, a pair
of shoes and I still got 'em.
Goodbye, fella.
Now, wait a minute. I'll go
across the street with you
and get
a glass of beer.
What can I lose?
You know, I feel just like
a fellow getting out of jail.
So long, gang.
So long, kid.
Good luck.
You know,
I was thinking,
if that guy
was a truck driver
or a shoe clerk
or something like that,
he'd go right out of
one job into another.
But here he is, 10 wasted
years of study behind him
and not
a darned thing ahead.
Hi, Doc. Same?
You got any idea what
you're gonna do now?
One or two.
I know I'm gonna sleep
for nine nights and days
without having to listen
to three other guys snore.
I wouldn't mind a little
bit of that myself.
Washing your own socks, sitting up
all night and standing up all day,
dressing like a soda jerker, and for what?
10 bucks a month
and your laundry.
Who knows?
Maybe I'm a lucky guy.
Sure, you're lucky.
Well, so long.
So long.
keep me out of it.
I didn't tell you nothing.
Got me?
See you tomorrow.
Are you Dan Innes?
I'd like to talk to you.
What's on your mind?
You were a friend of
Jim Haley's, weren't you?
Never heard of him.
You have a drink?
No, thanks.
Mr. Innes, I...
Haley? Haley?
Say, wasn't he the guy that was
knocked off in that bank stick-up?
He and two others.
One got away.
Have some popcorn?
Mr. Innes,
you can trust me.
Popcorn's good for you,
you know.
I'm Janet Haley.
Jim Haley's widow.
I used to see Haley
I never saw
no wife around.
We split up.
Didn't like
his racket, huh?
But I saw him again,
just before they got him.
He... He died
in my apartment.
That's where
the cops found him.
What happened to you?
I was sent up
for two years.
For hiding him out?
For not squealing.
I got out 11 weeks ago.
Here's my parole card.
Ever since I got out, I've been
looking for that fourth man.
The one who got away.
He can help me.
He's the only one
who can.
You know, you ought to
learn to like this stuff.
What do you need?
No. Just information.
I don't know if Jim ever
told you, but we had a baby.
Be three now.
When we split up,
Jim took it.
Took it where?
He wouldn't tell me.
He's dead now,
and I can't find out.
I don't know
where my baby is.
I've looked everywhere
and I can't...
Easy, easy, easy.
Take it easy.
I'm sorry.
Will you help me?
How can I help you?
Well, I...
I want my kid back,
don't you understand?
I didn't know
Haley had a kid.
I never seen her.
Then how did you know
it was a her?
Why, you said so.
No, I didn't.
Say, you're a pretty
smart number, ain't you?
Who do you
run around with now?
No one.
How do you get by?
I work.
Mr. Innes, I...
I've looked everywhere
and questioned everybody.
I've kept myself broke
paying for phony information.
I've hoped and hoped until there was
no hope left and now I've found you.
You've got to help me.
Why pick on me?
You mean you...
You won't help me?
I didn't say I would,
didn't say I wouldn't.
I might be able to
get you some information,
but that takes time
and costs dough.
How much?
You might as well
have said 10,000.
I know it.
Hello, chief.
Yes, sir.
It's the boss!
Hey, Hanlon!
Come on. Get back, get
back. Let him have some air.
Get back! Come on, get back!
Come on, get out of the way.
Somebody hand me a knife. Here you are.
Come on with the knife.
his collar.
Hold that hand down.
It's a bad knife cut. We'd
better rush him to the hospital.
No hospital.
Lock the doors.
Come on, hurry up!
Some of you fellows get out
of here. Come on, hurry up!
Close that back door.
Come on, hurry it up.
Get out. Hurry up.
Let me
have that scarf.
You'd better let me take
him across the street.
Nothin' doin'.
All right,
it's your party.
I can stop
the bleeding.
If I don't get him
on an operating table,
he'll never use
this arm again.
Take him in the back
room. Come on, fellows.
Easy now, easy.
Careful of that arm.
Come on,
take it easy.
Thanks, Doc,
much obliged.
But this case has got
to be off the record.
Well, I hope you realize
what you're doing.
That's all right, Doc.
You've done all you can.
Now you'd better scram out
of here. I'll let you out.
Jeff, I'm not gonna
let that fellow die.
Get me some rum
and some towels.
Get me some
boiling water, quick!
I don't know. Get it.
The end of the bar.
What are you doing
with my fiddle?
I'll write you
a letter!
You'll write me
a letter.
Get me the biggest needle
you can find and hurry it up.
Jeff, bring them all
back here.
I need an ice pick and a
couple of lime squeezers.
But, Doctor,
you took my E string.
Take his coat off.
Be careful of his arm.
Somebody turn on
that light.
Hey, get me a couple of
bowls, pots, anything.
See if you can find a
pair of scissors. Okay.
Watch his arm.
Let him down.
Best in the house, Doc,
14 years old.
Good. Somebody give me
a hand with this table.
Fill it up.
Jeff, you got the lime
squeezers? Yeah, here they are.
Throw them in there.
Will this needle do?
Yes, it'll have to.
Drop it in.
Fill this up.
That's enough.
Hand me that cold water.
Fill that up with rum.
Fill it up.
Fill it right up.
That's enough.
Pour some of that
on my hands.
That rum.
You, hold his arm
out straight.
You'd better
take it, Weasel.
That's enough.
Take that cigarette
out of your mouth.
Now, hold his arm. Stand
close and give me a hand.
Now, hold this
lime squeezer
and keep the muscles
apart like that. See?
Don't touch my hands.
The kid's got eyes
in his fingers.
Well, that's that.
You're okay
for my dough, Doc.
Thanks. You stay here
and keep an eye on him.
The rest of you fellows clear out
of here and let him get some rest.
You, too, nurse.
Outside, you guys. You
heard what the doc said.
You see
his fingers work?
You're a good assistant.
Thanks a lot.
Here, sit down.
Jeff, some whiskey.
Yeah, sure.
Hey, take this over there.
Here, Doc.
Drink this.
Feel better now?
I always seem to be
fainting around you.
Hmm. Couldn't pick a better
doctor to faint around.
You know,
you're all right.
So are you.
Tell me something.
What are you doing
around a place like this?
I had to see somebody
About some business.
You know, there's
something funny about you.
I don't know.
Maybe it's my hat.
No. I mean something nice,
something I like.
Oh, then it couldn't
be my hat.
Well, remember, I'll be looking
for you at the clinic tomorrow.
You're not only
my patient,
you're my favorite
assistant now.
Yes, I'm a swell assistant.
I passed out.
a considerate one.
At least you waited
till it was over.
I'd see you home,
but I've got to stick around
and take a look at him.
What are you smiling for?
Was I smiling?
Well, don't you know
when you're smiling?
I don't know.
You ought to do it often.
I like it.
Thank you.
It's me,
Mrs. Mooney.
Top of the mornin'
to you.
Good morning, Mrs. Mooney.
I'll get the rent right away.
Will you have
a cup of coffee?
No, thanks, darling.
It's but
a cat's whisker ago
I got up from
breakfast meself.
But by the way,
that little, pushed-in,
good-for-nothing Stooly
is here to see you again.
I was all for telling him
to beat it.
Sure, the house
looks bad enough
without the likes of him
standing on the stoop,
but he says you was
wanting to see him.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Mooney, but I'll
have to put you off for most of it.
This is all I have now.
Well, I suppose
every little bit helps.
You see, I had a little trouble last week.
I burned my arm,
Yes, somethin' always happens
to them that rents rooms from me.
You got burned, Mrs.
Goldberg's going to have a baby,
old man Flaherty's been out
of work for over a month.
I'm sorry, but maybe
next week I can...
Oh, quit bothering
your head about it.
But what about
that little runt?
Tell him to come up.
What's the matter
with the old dame?
She must think this joint's
a church or something.
Say, if you think it wasn't
a tough job digging up Innes...
Here's your money.
I suppose
it's all fixed now.
Is he going to help you
find the kid?
Sure, for $1,000.
Come on,
I've got to go to work.
Maybe you won't
need Innes after all.
What do you mean?
Well, maybe
I got a lead.
It might cost you
a little more.
Listen, Stooly, I had
to play along with you,
I had to play along
with everybody
trying to get one tiny little
lead on where that kid is,
but you can't wring any more
out of me, do you understand?
I've been let down
too many times.
I found you Innes.
And you're paid up.
That's that.
Last night
I got to thinking,
so I talks to a guy who tells
me about this orphan asylum.
What orphan asylum?
This place where
they take in kids.
And I find out that
a couple of years ago...
You're lying!
I didn't lie to you
about Innes, did I?
All I'm trying to do
is to help you.
Sometimes I wonder.
Say, I thought the lead was so good
that I paid a guy 10 bucks
to take me to the place.
Where is it?
What about the 10
I laid out?
Here's your 10.
It's all I've got.
I know I'm a sucker, but I can't
pass up one chance, not even one.
Because if I ever had to
look back and think maybe I...
Suppose you meet me after
work and I'll take you there?
No. Right now.
Come on.
We want to see
the Mother Superior.
Mother Teresa, the man
who was here yesterday.
You remember me,
don't you?
This is the lady
I told you about.
Won't you sit down?
Are you
the child's mother?
My name is Janet Haley.
I suppose
the man told you
we have no child
named Haley.
Well, I... I wouldn't
expect you to have.
When my husband
hid her out,
he wouldn't have done it
under his own name.
How did he happen
to take her away?
We were separated.
When I married him,
I didn't know he was...
He was a bank robber.
When I found out,
I left him.
And the baby, too?
Oh, no.
I took her with me.
And then?
He was afraid
I'd go to the police,
so he took the child
to keep me quiet.
I didn't see him again
Until he came back dying.
They caught him
robbing a bank.
He died without telling me
where the child was.
How long ago was this?
A little over
two years ago.
And you've been searching
for her all this time?
I've... I've been in
prison most of the time.
They thought I was in on it
with my husband,
and when they found him
in my apartment...
I understand.
But that wouldn't keep you from
letting me have her, would it?
I can take care of her.
I work and I...
First of all, we'll have to find her.
How old was she
when you last saw her?
Eleven months.
That would make her
about three now.
Babies change a good deal
in two years.
I know.
Their features change,
their complexions.
Even the color
of their hair.
But I'll know my baby.
I'll know her the minute
I look into her eyes.
I hope she's here,
my dear.
I only want to
caution you.
You must remember that this is
the largest city in the world.
In the course
of a year,
hundreds and hundreds of
homeless and orphaned youngsters
are brought to
places like this.
Why, in this
institution alone,
three little girls were admitted
at precisely the same time
under circumstances
similar to...
Well, one of them
could be my baby.
Could be, perhaps, but
it isn't very likely.
And even...
Please let me see them.
I'll know,
I'm sure I will.
I've sent for them.
But, my dear,
I must caution you again.
Many mothers have come here
with hope in their hearts
only to go away disappointed.
Hope sometimes
can be a false prophet.
Here they are.
I'm sorry, my dear.
I tried to warn you.
Thank you, Mother.
You've been very kind.
Any luck?
Where does
Innes live?
That'll get you nowhere.
Where does he live?
West 54th Street.
The Chatterly. But...
But, listen,
you ought to...
You can lay out
my things now, Grote.
What are you
gonna wear?
Ain't I always told you
to say "sir"?
Oh, come off of it.
Let's skip that.
You're probably the
worst butler I ever had.
Why don't you fire me?
Not a chance. As a matter of
fact, I was gonna adopt you
if you could
only cook.
Oh, quit it,
will you?
How long you still
gotta work for me?
Sixteen weeks.
Sixteen weeks, eh?
Well, Grote, my good man,
let that be a lesson to you.
Never play cards again when you
haven't the dough to pay off.
See who that is,
will you?
I'd like to
see Mr. Innes.
Who wants him?
Ms. Haley,
Janet Haley.
Come in, Ms. Haley.
Come on in here.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know that...
It's okay. I'm just having my breakfast.
Will you join me?
No, I'll wait in here.
Hey, Grote,
never mind that.
Start laying out
my things.
Sometimes they like
to listen.
A guy sure has a tough time
getting good help these days.
Well, make yourself at home.
Take off your coat.
No, thanks.
Well, won't you
sit down?
I didn't mean to
bother you, but...
That's all right.
I'm glad to see you.
Mr. Innes, I...
I've been thinking...
You know, a nice number like
you shouldn't have to think.
It's impossible for me
to raise $1,000,
but I've thought
of a plan.
You see, I've got a job
and I earn $28 a week.
And I thought if...
Well, if you'd let me pay,
say, $20 of it every...
20 a week?
Say, I ain't interested
in chicken feed.
I want it on the line.
But what else
can I do?
I can't raise $1,000
in one lump sum.
I... I just can't do it.
You know,
I'm a funny guy.
You see that mug
just went in there?
He tried to play me
for a sucker.
Sat in a poker game. His
nerve against my bankroll.
He lost, and now he's working
it off. 40 bucks a week.
But I've just offered
to pay you by the week.
Yeah, but I don't do that
with my friends.
A friend can
have my shirt,
but in business,
I don't trust nobody.
And I don't like to make
friends on the installment plan.
I'm sorry, Mr. Innes. I...
I don't think you understand.
You just don't know what
finding that kid means to me.
Sure, I do.
You know,
you're a funny gal.
You don't like popcorn, and sometimes
I think you don't even like me.
You know, I didn't
always like popcorn.
Didn't like it
until I tried it.
At first it was kind of hard to
take, used to stick in my craw.
I guess I hit you about
the same way, don't I?
Now, those that like me
are my friends.
I'd do anything for them.
Otherwise, it's just business.
I'm sorry,
Mr. Innes. I...
I've just offered
to pay you...
Chicken feed.
I told you it would cost
you a grand, didn't I?
Of course, if you don't want to
put it on a business basis, why...
You'd like to kill me, wouldn't you?
You're a mind reader.
I wouldn't think about it if I were you
because maybe I'm the last
chance to find your kid.
And, by the way, you're not
to talk to nobody about this.
Nobody, see?
Because if it gets around,
you'll never see your baby.
Sure you won't have
some of this?
Mr. Clark. I can't find my card.
Someone must have taken it by mistake.
Oh, Ms. Haley.
Here's your time.
Two days.
You mean I'm fired?
What can you expect?
It's 11:30.
Oh, but I couldn't help it,
honest, I couldn't. You see...
Sorry, but this
is not a bank.
On duty tonight,
aren't you, Joe?
A break for me.
I'm wearing
your new suit.
To say nothing
of my shirt.
Well, didn't you always say you'd
give me the shirt off your back?
Sure. I didn't mean
my good one.
Hey, where you going
with my necktie?
Taking it out to dinner.
Well, you eat anything with gravy
on it and I'll cut your throat.
Don't be a sap.
He can't afford gravy.
What's with this guy,
getting all dolled up?
Yeah, what's it
all about, anyway?
What's that?
That's French.
For what?
For "Feed the woman. "
Evening, Ms. Norton.
Oh, good evening, Doctor.
Case history, Haley, Janet
Haley, day clinic patient.
"Haas, Hadgett, Haklin,
Hakowitz, Haley. "
Here we are. Janet Haley.
Burn, minor infection.
Not you, Dr. Kildare.
Well, the patient should have come
back. The infection might spread.
It has.
You're not going to call
without your toolkit, are you?
Oh, I'll pick that up at
McGuire's. See you later.
Hello, Doc.
Hi, Doc. Same?
Yeah. Draw one,
wrap up two.
Ah, steppin'
out, huh?
A little.
Pints or quarts?
There you are, all wrapped
up and ready for mailing.
Take this with you.
And what's that?
Never mind.
Put it in your pocket.
Put it away.
That's my taxi, Jeff.
I'll pay you tomorrow.
Okay. Your credit's
good here, Doc.
Oh, sorry, Doc.
Which way you going, Mac?
It's a small world.
So am I.
Who is it?
Open up.
It's the Marines.
Oh, it's you.
Why, sure. You wouldn't come to the
doctor, so the doctor came to you.
Well, I...
Well, don't you want to ask me to come in?
Yes, of course I do.
Thanks. It's lonesome out there.
You see, I...
What's the matter?
Nothing. Why?
You've been crying.
Come on, now, tell the doctor all about it.
No, I haven't. Maybe I'm getting a cold.
That's bad. Patient refuses
to confide in doctor.
You shouldn't
have come.
Why not? I not only
prescribe food, I bring it.
How'd you like a flock of
weenies, a set of potato salad,
a slab of
chocolate cake,
and a couple of bottles of very
elegant beer for your dinner?
What did you
really come for?
Well, that's the kind
of a doctor I am
when I take
a fancy to a patient.
But I... I don't usually have company.
You're not married?
In love? Boyfriend?
No, no boyfriend.
Consider my
application filed.
Better watch out. I'm not
the type for boyfriends.
I've been bad news
all my life.
I'll take a chance.
Say, I know what's the matter with you.
You don't like
hot dogs.
I love them.
Then, come on,
let's cook 'em.
Okay, let's.
Now, it seems like
we're making sense.
Hey, where's the kitchen?
That's it
over there.
Well, you're what the boys at the
dormitory would call a plutocrat.
What's a plutocrat?
Anybody which owns
a two-burner gas stove.
You know, I've been cooking
up victuals on a one-burner
for the last
three years.
Oh, we're strictly
class here, all right.
Now, here. You go set the table,
and I'll have this banquet
whipped up in no time.
Nothing doing. I'm not a table setter.
I'm the best little
cooker-upper you ever saw.
Thanks just the same, but
with two people in here,
there's no room
for the stove.
Okay. Well, you can't say
I don't give in easily.
You know, a funny thing
happened a little while ago.
When I was buying the beer, that
one-eyed bartender handed me an envelope.
What do you think
was in it?
One of the new V8s.
No. Seriously.
What's the matter?
Yeah, look.
Ten $100 bills.
Gave you $1,000?
I guess this is the payoff for that
little job we did on that fellow's arm.
If I could keep it, you'd be
entitled to your cut as my assistant.
You're not
going to keep it?
Boy, I'd like to. What I
could do with 1,000 bucks.
You mean you're going to give it back?
Sure. I've got to.
Why, I'm not allowed
to take money.
Internes can't do that while
they're serving time at a hospital.
Hey, those weenies
smell like they're done.
You know, I was just thinking,
say, when I get practicing,
how many years do you suppose it'll be
before someone hands me
a $1,000 fee?
2 bucks a visit
is the best dollar rate.
I think you're a fool
to give it back.
And you don't think
I like to.
But you earned it. It isn't
as if you asked for it.
Hey, quit trying to sell
me an idea, will you?
Come on, dig in.
These look good.
You know, you've got an appetite
like a bird, a small bird.
Listen, you haven't
known me very long.
If I were to ask you
Sure. What?
If I were to ask you if...
Oh, well, you'd want
to know why.
And I can't tell you why.
Honest, I can't.
But please believe me, it means more
than anything else in the world to me.
What does?
That money.
Don't give it back.
Lend it to me.
I'll pay you back,
honest, I will.
I'll pay you $20 a week
until every cent's been paid.
But that money's
not mine to lend.
I'm not asking you to keep it. You can
give it back to them after I've paid you.
Well, I know it's none of
my business,
but what do you need
$1,000 for?
Hey, remember me?
You must think I'm crazy,
arguing like this.
But that money doesn't mean a thing
to you if you're going to give it back,
and it doesn't mean
anything to them.
I wish I could tell you
what it means to me.
Well, if the money were mine,
I'd be glad to help you,
but this money has got to go
right back where it came from.
You see, as I told you before,
internes just don't take money.
We agree not to
when we get our appointments.
It's because the patient that can't
pay is entitled to an even break, too.
Otherwise, it would
mean discrimination.
It's the principle of
the thing, don't you see?
I see.
No hard feelings?
Certainly not.
You sure?
Let's forget it.
Well, I guess I was right
in the first place.
You don't like
hot dogs.
Oh, it isn't that.
I'm just not hungry.
Come on, I'll help you with the dishes.
Let me do that.
Okay. I'll wash
and you dry.
Oh, no, they're all right. There
aren't many of them. I'll do them later.
Do you mind
if I smoke?
No, of course not.
Well, I guess I'd better
get back to the hospital.
Oh, do you...
Do you have to go?
Doc Wilson's standing duty
for me tonight.
I've got to get back
and relieve him.
I'm sorry.
Oh, we forgot
to eat the cake.
Well, it's... It's just
as well. I don't want any.
Do you mind if I take some with me?
Of course not.
It's yours.
The boys at the hospital go
for chocolate cake in a big way.
They'll have
a picnic with this.
Sorry, I haven't been much
company, only you see I...
Oh, don't apologize.
I enjoyed my dinner.
I'm glad you did.
Isn't there something
you want to say to me?
Oh, you forgot
the cake.
That isn't all I forgot.
Next time you pick
a man's pocket,
don't do it
in front of a mirror.
Ms. Haley in?
Is she expecting you?
Oh, sure.
Third floor, back,
on the right.
Thanks, mom.
I'm sorry.
Good evening.
Had a hard time finding out
where you live.
Just the kind of a place you'd expect
to find a girl that doesn't like popcorn.
What did you want
to see me for?
Been doing a little investigating
since I saw you this morning.
Just dropped around to
tell you I found your kid.
Where is she? Tell me!
Now, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Not so fast.
You're like Stooly and the
rest of them! You're lying!
Just before you lost the kid, you
bought her something, didn't you?
Was it this?
Is she...
Is she all right?
Sure. I told you I'd find
her for you, didn't I?
Where is she?
Please tell me.
Now, wait a minute, wait
a minute. Take it easy.
You've been through
an awful lot.
Now, you don't want to get
yourself all excited, do you?
But I've got to see her,
don't you understand?
Won't you let me
see her, just once?
But first,
we've got to make plans.
You've got to figure out how
you're going to take care of her.
Where are you gonna keep her?
We've gotta talk that over.
Now, I got a nice little place up
in the country maybe you'd like.
Think it over.
If you decide
to go,
you'd better get yourself
some new clothes.
Those you got on
ain't so good.
Hi, Doc.
Make it
a straight whiskey.
Oh, okay.
See that Hanlon
gets that, will you?
Hey, Weasel.
Something wrong, Doc?
No, I'm just
giving it back.
Giving it back?
I can't keep it.
I don't get you.
I'm not allowed to. It's
against hospital rules.
But look, Doc, the way
you fixed Hanlon up...
I never fixed anybody up!
I never heard of Hanlon!
I just come in here now and
then for a beer, that's all.
Hiya, Doc.
What's the matter?
Ain't it enough?
No, it's not that.
Hey, I'm no piker.
I'll double it. What do you think of that?
I don't want it. I don't
want any part of it.
My... My dough ain't
good enough for you, hmm?
I told you I didn't want it.
Now, will you go away?
Oh, go away, huh?
Wait a minute, boss.
You shouldn't have done that.
Look, Doc, forget it.
He didn't mean nothing by it.
Now, cool down, will you?
All right, all right!
Take it easy. I'm tellin'
you, you don't understand.
I don't have to understand! No
young sprout's gonna tell me...
Wait a minute,
wait a minute.
Scram, you fellas.
Go on, let go of me.
Now, look. He ain't allowed to take dough.
He wasn't even supposed to
patch you up the way he did.
He could've
lost his ticket.
Why, they maybe even could
have thrown him in the can.
Now, you don't wanna get
the kid in a fix, do you?
They got rules.
Is that why
he gave me the dough back?
Well, why didn't
he tell me?
Hey, look, kid,
I got you all wrong.
Honest. I wouldn't have
smacked you around if...
All right, all right.
Forget it.
Oh, yeah,
sure, but...
See, you done me
an awful good turn,
and I got it all
figured out wrong.
Well, look,
I want to be friends,
and when a guy's a friend of
mine, I'll go to town for him, see.
Anything you want,
you just name it.
Forget about the dough.
That's all right.
I maybe shouldn't have offered
it to you in the first place.
But anything else you
want, you just name it.
And that goes for me
and for the boys, too.
What is he sore at the
doc for? What started it?
Pipe down. Pipe down.
I'll tell you later.
You'll... You'll have a
drink with me now, won't you?
Hey, Jeff.
Set 'em up.
Coming right up.
1,000 bucks.
And he hands it back like
a handful of feathers.
Say, did you ever hear of a
guy giving back dough before?
Sure, but he had a. 38
sticking in his ribs.
No, popcorn.
Roll up your sleeve.
It isn't that. I only...
Roll it up.
I came to tell you
I'm going away.
Inflammation's down.
Infection's cleared up.
I know you don't
want to talk to me.
I don't blame you
after what...
I'll put on
a new dressing.
Please listen to me.
Hmm, it's practically healed.
You won't have to come back.
I'm never
coming back.
I wouldn't have
come today, only I...
I couldn't go away
feeling that
if you remember me at all, you'd remember
me as a thief, and I'm not a thief.
Please believe that.
I couldn't tell you last
night, and I can't tell you now.
When you read this,
don't have any regrets.
You couldn't have helped me
even if you had known.
He wouldn't have
taken money.
Don't read it now.
Read it tonight when
you're through working.
It won't make
any difference then.
If you hate me, just remember I'll
be hating myself that much more.
Anyhow, you'll understand.
Just sit here, please.
Dr. Kildare, this
is the next patient.
Dr. Kildare?
Huh? Oh.
Oh, see Dr. Wilson,
will you?
Well, can you
imagine that?
Cover for me, will you,
Jones? I've got to go out.
What? Again?
When that guy gets a thirst,
it's a real emergency.
I want to see
Ms. Haley.
Oh, you're a little late for that.
She's gone,
moved out.
Did she leave
a forwarding address?
She left nothing
but a coffee pot
and an old pair
of silk stockings.
How long ago
did she leave?
Oh, about five minutes ago.
Maybe four.
Oh, but she was crying.
All dressed up in fine clothes and
the tears are streaming down her face.
And, oh, I figured that a bit
of hot tea would do her good,
and downstairs I go to make it,
and who should be waiting for her
here in the hall but
that slick-lookin' dude.
You met him.
Came to see her last night just
as you was leavin'. Remember?
Do you know
his name?
I heard her
call him Innes.
In about five minutes, back I
come with the tea and she's gone,
her and her suitcase,
and there's me rent on the
dresser, every last cent...
Hey, Jeff.
Hello, Doc.
Do you know a man
named Innes?
Dan Innes. Yes.
Where does he live?
Well, you got me there. Wait a
minute. Stooly'll know. Hey, Stooly.
What do you want
with Dan Innes?
I got to find him right away.
Well, no trouble, I hope.
You know,
he's a tough customer.
Do you know where
Dan Innes lives?
Come on!
Hey, wait a minute, Doc! I'll
send a couple of the boys with you.
No, thanks. I'll take care
of him myself. Come on.
Well, I don't want to get
mixed up in no trouble.
Come on!
I tell you, I don't want
to get mixed up in...
You wait here, I may need you. You, too.
if he sees me...
Mr. Innes
ain't home.
You sure?
Yes, sir.
He left for the weekend. He's
been gone about 15 minutes.
Let's see how fast
you can drop this thing.
Where can I find
Hanlon right away?
He ought to be
in his office now.
Well, where is it?
East 22.
East 22 Street,
and step on it.
What do you use
for brains, huh?
What's the idea of covering
12 grand on that Apollo nag
at those odds and not even spreadin' it?
But Curly told me he was
covering half of it in Chicago.
Who are you taking your
orders from, Curly or me?
Now, get this,
all of you!
I'm not running
any annex to the mint.
When they start dumping a horse,
the race is out. You understand?
From now on, we're not covering
any more than 3 grand on any horse,
no matter if it's the only
horse in the race. Now, get that!
Maybe it's the cops.
Cops don't knock.
They break in.
Okay, open up.
Oh, so it's you, Doc.
Come on in.
All right, beat it.
How are you?
Sorry to trouble you,
but it's important.
You can't trouble me.
What's up?
Can I speak to you
alone for a minute?
Sure, right in there.
Okay, boys.
Hanlon, you told me to come
to you if I needed a favor.
Any time.
I need one now
and I need it quick.
Name it.
Do you know
Dan Innes?
What about him?
He's leaving town with a
girl, and I want her stopped.
What's the girl
to you?
Well, she's
a friend of mine.
Innes is tough. There might
be trouble. Is she worth it?
More than worth it! Don't
waste time asking questions.
She doesn't want
to go with him.
When did they start?
I'm not sure.
Maybe 20 minutes ago.
Then we got a chance.
Look, you be
a good guy and relax.
Quit worrying. I'll have her
here before you're an hour older.
Listen, everybody! Get Eddie
on the wire. You get Leo.
See if Slats Murphy's over at the
Pelican Club. You three, come here.
You get a hold of Shorty
and Big Boy and Lefty Barrow.
I've got Eddie.
Hurry it up.
Hello, Eddie.
Get a hold of a couple of the boys
and go over to Grand Central Station.
Yeah. Watch out for Innes
and a dame. Dan Innes.
That's right. And bring the dame here.
I've got
Slats Murphy.
Hello, Slats. Run over to Penn Station.
Plant somebody upstairs.
You cover the auto ramp.
And watch out for
Innes and a dame.
If you pick 'em up,
bring the dame here.
That's right.
Say, boss,
here's Leo.
Hello, Leo. Stake out the
bus terminal for me, will you?
Watch out for Innes and a
dame. Bring the dame in here.
I got
Lefty Barrow, boss.
Hello, Lefty. Case the Holland
Tunnel for me, will you?
And watch out for Dan
Innes. You know his car.
He's got a dame in it.
Bring the dame in here. Okay.
Bus for Kansas City
leaving at gate number four.
Connections for outlying points
can be made at the following stops,
Harrisburg, Pittsburgh,
Columbus, Dayton,
Saint Louis
and Kansas City.
Weehawken ferry
leaving in five minutes,
connecting with
all outgoing trains.
Sorry, Dan. Hanlon
wants to see the dame.
What's that? He's got business with her.
Come on, honey.
Take your hands off me!
Get him in the car.
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
I won't leave him,
do you hear me?
Get going!
What is this?
What's going on?
Why did you have to do that?
Why did you have to shoot him?
If he dies, I'll never...
He pulled a gun on me!
Oh, get him to a doctor.
Please take him to a doctor!
Pipe down,
will you?
Hanlon's joint
and step on it!
It's the dame! Open that
door! Open that door!
I'm sorry they had
to bring you here this way.
Oh, you must do something for
him. Please do something for him.
Who? What?
They shot him.
You can't let him die. If he
dies, I'll never find my baby!
Please be careful!
Take it easy, now.
Be careful.
Be careful.
Don't jar him.
Oh... Take it easy. Crying won't help.
You won't let him die?
You can save him.
You must
keep him alive!
I'll try.
He can't be moved now
or he will die.
Get me the Mountview Hospital,
Hello. Dr. Jones
on the second floor.
Yeah, Jimmie.
A what?
There's no time to explain.
Will you do this for me? And
remember, plenty of suture material.
Hurry up! Don't argue!
Get going!
Now, please
don't worry.
I can't tell you how I feel... Don't try.
I'll pull him through
if I can.
There's no use and you know
it. The liver's ruptured.
You'll never stop
that hemorrhage.
I'm going to suture.
Jimmie, you're crazy.
You can't.
I'm going to use part of a muscle.
It's the only chance he's got.
What about us?
We've got to
pull him through.
If we don't, we'll get
what Weeks got. Kicked out.
Maybe Sing Sing
for all we know.
Well, you won't. I will.
I'm doing this. Scalpel.
Hello, boss.
All right, all right.
What is this, a holiday?
Go on, get back
in that cage there!
Boss, I'm sorry
everything had to...
So, they brought you
back here, huh?
Yeah, Innes, too. Bruno had to plug him.
The young doc's in there operating on him.
The young...
Oh, no!
You're not gonna let him stake
his ticket on a heel like that!
You can't go in now!
They're trying to save him!
I don't care. The young
doc's straight, see?
He's going to stay that way.
He ain't breakin' no more rules!
Go on, get out of there!
Oh, don't stop him!
Please don't! If that man dies,
I'll never see my kid again!
Well, what about Kildare?
Do you ever think of him? No!
Yes, I have. He knows why he's doing it!
Sure, for you! A dame that was
willing to fall for a mug like Innes.
I wasn't willing!
Well, that's no excuse!
A right dame would have
bumped herself off first.
You ain't worth what he's in
there trying to do for you!
I know it,
but please let him go on!
Well, I ain't letting him,
see! Go on, get out of here!
Come on, Doc! Doc, come on, open up!
Go away.
Come on, open the door!
Open it!
Quit banging
on that door!
Well, you ain't gonna
go through with it.
Come on, Doc.
Open it up, will you?
I'm sorry,
my hands are busy.
I'm sorry I got you wrong like
that. I hope he pulls him through.
I'd like to see you
find that kid.
Is he... Is he going to be all right?
I hope so. We've got to wait and see.
Somebody get some coffee. We're
going to be here all night.
Hey, Tommy.
Go on, run down
and get a couple of
gallons of coffee, will you?
Hurry it up.
Hurry it up.
Come on.
Pulse is picking up.
Boy, what a job
you did.
Too bad this can't go on record.
You'd be famous overnight.
You too, Jonsie.
Not me.
I only watched.
You did plenty.
Thanks, boy.
Forget it.
See you later.
Is he all right now?
Did he tell you?
I've been asking him ever since he
came to. He won't tell me anything.
Maybe if I asked him.
Stay here.
Let me handle him.
Doc saved your life.
You know that, don't you?
Now I understand you won't
tell him where the kid is.
All right.
Bruno, give me your gun.
You're not going to...
I'll take care of him.
The doc says you'll live
if he sticks around to help.
But the doc's wrong. 'Cause he
ain't going to be here to help.
Get going.
This man's in no condition to
be left without medical care.
Get going.
I warn you,
he may die!
Well, that'll be
just too bad.
You want to
change your mind?
Oh, that's different.
You do know where the kid is, don't you?
Is she there
under her own name?
What do they call her?
Are you my mommy?
What do they
call her?