Interview with a Hitman (2012)

You know
Hello Xavier
I will need some proof.
A bit cloak and dagger.
You can't be too careful, can you?!
I was beginning to think
you were not going to come
My apologies, I had a few loose ends.
I'm all yours now
I remember seeing this.
I liked it, it was good
My Heaven's Gate moment I'm afraid.
Yeah, you were the gangster movie king,
you couldn't miss..
what happened?
Well, I missed obviously.
And then..
well, I might..
Oh yes..
How old was she?
Old enough
Barely double figures if I remember..
You can't believe everything
you read in papers
yeah, I guess not
Good, well, I am ready,
where would you like to start?
From the beginning
There were for of us:
Alexandru, Cesar, Marku and me.
But only one of us
would've been foolish enough
to borrow money from the two hoods
on our block:
Grigoriou and Flaviou
where is my money you little Putoi?
Where is now?
Alexi, Your mother is calling you
where is my money?
Common, let's go, common
Get my money you little fucker
what you do that for, Viktor
Leave him alone, Cesar
Now they will be making trouble with us
well say something Marku
I have to go
No. You leave him alone.
You got my money?
One week Krushchenko,
and then we put your old lady to work.
You understand?
Good, good.
Try to get up.
Help your Father, Viktor.
What do you want?
I want a job
what is your name?
You Krushchenko's boy, right?
You know, your Father,
he owes me a lot of money.
You come to work it off?
Its not my debt.
It's your debt, eh?
You know, you got balls son,
coming empty handed like this.
Drako go
Not your debt eh?
Nikolai, take him with you tomorrow
what happened to your face, boy?
What happened to your face?
Fucking kids.
No, no, I told you.
No, no.
Did you win?
Who wants to know?
You got my money?
Yes, yes, yes, yes I have your money.
Yes, I have money.
Here is money, here is more money..
More, more, more money..
Zoltan you cheat
I don't cheat
Is Anton here?
Yes, he is, come through
who is this?
He has come to see you
what do you want?
Sergei sent me
Sergei sent you?
For what?
The money you owe
He sent you?
For money?
You tell Sergei, he wants his money;
he does not insult my respect.
And now get the fuck out of here.
Anton, not in front of the girls.
Anyway I've seen him.
He is one of Sergei's.
Do you owe him money?
I will not leave without money
You little pissant
what a fuck you going to do
with that you little fucking..
After what happened, I couldn't stay.
So they moved me to the city.
There's been some bad business
a while back
and Trafficant needed a permission
to return.
So they took us to see Vadim,
the head of the biggest family.
Hi my friend.
Good to see you,
Good to see you,
It's been too long.
And who is this?
The last time I saw you were this tall,
now look at you, a young man.
I'm sorry to hear about your wife
Perhaps, it's the best for her.
She wasn't happy here.
He's just like David
How is he?
He is good.
You must bring Franco to the house
one day,
so they can spend some time together.
And you?
Are you ready to come back?
Policemen still looking for me
Yes, but now they are the right type
of police,
an they are looking
in all the wrong places.
Oh, one more thing.
This is someone
I'm hoping will be of use.
He is outgrown the country life.
So young.
They are so advanced these days.
So, country mouse,
you ready for the big city?
I became the youngest enforcer,
natural born killer.
That's what Sergei called me.
He taught me everything.
He taught me - never miss.
He thought me how to blend
in into my environment.
My name is Viktor.
My name is Viktor.
My name is Viktor
Tretury, Cunning and deceit.
How to learn the secrets of our enemies.
And the number one lesson.
Sometimes when it's necessary
to bring a man to his knees,
I mean really break him,
sometimes a simple bullet is not enough.
You know Anatoli, you've got balls.
There is no arguing with this,
but you also have no fucking idea
who you are dealing with
I know what I am dealing with.
Let me guess.
You got to take a fucking ice pick
to my balls?
Huh Is that it?
Than fucking do it!
But if you do, you better kill me,
because I will put the fucking bullet
in your head.
Come on then!
What the fuck are you waiting for?
What the fuck is this?
No, no, she has nothing to do with this.
Do what you want with me, please,
she has nothing to do with this.
Please, please.
No, no
I had a long career ahead of me.
Then Franco Trafficants boy fucked up.
Sergei and Viktor, my heroes.
Your father,
he said you have car trouble
No.. No.. Not car trouble.
Girl trouble bah, bah bah
Viktor.. Case..
Trunk of the car.
Why the fuck you looking at him huh?
You forget who you work for?
Viktor, everything ok huh?
The fuck time you call this Frankie?
David, David, David.
How many times I tell you,
it's Franco not Frankie
Frankie, Franco, who gives a fuck?
We've been waiting here for an hour
like dickheads waiting for you.
Yeah, let's get to it huh
How much?
It's a little high
Includes the price of goldilocks,
see I'm guessing she never made it
out of papa bears bed huh.
Very good Davie, very good.
Excuse me.
You've changed it?
It's a joke
Fuck it.
Viktor, gun.
Viktor, gun.
Papa, I need a doctor, I'm bleeding bad.
What am I going to do with you huh?
Clean it up, no traces
He is not going to tough to bury this.
David was Vadim's boy.
Sergei was right;
Trafficant was not going to tough
to bury this.
Ok, Viktor
Good choice..
You would have cut me in half with this
I had no choice, Vik.
You understand?
Of all the people, you understand.
Live by sword. Die by the sword Vik.
You know that.
You know why it had to be me.
Yeah, yeah
Still the same,
after all these years, still the same.
No attachment,
nothing and no-one get to you
You believe that Sergei?
You know, I never realized
how afraid you were,
until now.
Goodbye my friend.
They weren't going to stop
until I was dead,
so I gave them what they wanted.
So there I was - a dead man,
in a strange country.
I knew nothing and no-one.
But that was easy to change.
You just have to know where to look.
Something Sergei, taught me well.
Back in Bucharest
we bugged the best hotels.
The ones the politicians,
pimps and gangsters use,
when they wanted a bit of fun.
I needed to stay in places like this
what a fuck are you doing?
Didn't matter what country
or city you are in,
mob surveillance dens -
were all the same
I work for their files,
looking for something I can use.
Took me a while,
then I found what I needed.
Where is Raffa?
I don't know Raffa.
Oh Fuck
Next one goes here.
Where is he?
He is in the safe house.
3rd Street number 44
Building 7 east industrial
Ok, good
His name was Raffa,
gangster turned snitch.
Stashed in the safe house
until he can testify.
A lot of people looking for him.
I could have sold the information
but I had something else in mind.
Hold on
Don't shoot, don't shoot.
Put in your mouth.
Up you get.
Get up!
Hello Raffa
who are you?
It's not important.
What's important is what
I can do for you.
And what's that?
Things that your men can't
He is a cop.
A fucking mole
He's got a point
You don't want him? Let's go
I've got better idea.
How about this,
we keep him and kill you,
after all no-one saw you come in,
no-one will see you leave.
Yeah, but you will know won't you
Get him out of here
what's your name?
where you staying?
I'll call you.
Give you some time to think
about my offer.
Charles Brett.
He's the cop who turned Raffa.
No family, no friends.
He got his own unit and..
and he can't be bought,
believe me, we have tried.
A regular fucking crusader.
You said you wanted the job,
this is it, get off my back.
You don't need me for this.
Anyone could kill him.
That's the problem - we can't.
We do that,
the gloves are off for all of us.
You said, you can do things we can't.
Prove it.
What's this?
That's a big number.
For fuck sake
I'm so sorry, please excuse me.
Please, let me get you another one
Could I have another coffee please,
thank you
How the hell did you do it?
Papers say he died of a Heart-failure
Liquid Nicotine
I want all the details, the whole story.
But first, we celebrate.
Roxy, Angel this is Viktor
Put it down.
Put it down
Roxy, search him.
Angel search him.
Give it to me.
You, drive
where is Kovacs?
Where the fuck is Kovacs?
What happened?
You alright?
Somebody knew we were coming
Let me guess.
I knew this cocksucker was trouble
the moment he walked through that door.
What are you?
You a policemen. Cocksucker.
Gonna get that?
You peace of shit.
You sold me to Bret, for what?
You think he was gonna give you a pass?
What did you tell them?
I can't believe I've got it so wrong.
All the angles, all the time.
You know what they say,
the closer they are..
Yeah, but you saw them
I am the outside,
it's easy when you are looking in.
Now you are on the inside.
You still be able to see them?
Can't say
Kovacs knew nothing about you
Yeah, maybe.
Maybe not.
Can't take the risk.
So you have to go.
You do me one last favor.
And don't worry about making
it look accidental.
This one has to send a message.
Goodbye Viktor
Guys, guys, may I help you
Stay and have a drink with us this time
Calm down.
Do you want some of this?
Good, all the more for us.
The thing is we can't
let you leave just yet.
Like a man said
Where is it?
My necklace
we have to leave.
You're not coming?
I'll wait for another to come.
It feels wrong to leave it like this..
My name is Bethesda
I've got something of yours.
My necklace
This is not easy for me, Bethesda.
You know..
I've not done this before.
This, this is a bad idea
The worst
You don't love me.
I don't know if you even know
how to love
I don't want you to leave
Then give me a reason to stay
You really want to know what I do?
Are you sure?
You won't be needing that.
The story, is it worth it?
What's his name?
I'm gonna say this only one time -
you are dead.
Leave this city,
leave this country tonight.
Don't ever, ever come back here again.
Do you understand me?
This Bethesda sounds quite a woman.
I wish I could have met her.
You will.
She will be here this afternoon.
You didn't tell me
Last minute thing.
Fan of your work apparently
well, it will be an honor.
So, what now?
I don't know.
Imagine that, first time in my life
I don't have a plan.
We will work it out together.
And what kind of a father
do you think you will be?
A strong one.
A good one.
Drawing a lifetime of violence
to a close,
just like that?
If it would be that easy
The last time I saw any of them
we were kids.
Killing time and hiding
from the hoods on our block.
Bit had been over 20 years,
but I recognized him the moment
I saw his face.
Hello Caesar
I didn't think I'd see you again.
How did you find me?
Some British cops, that's all I know.
And the others?
Marku, Alexi?
That's a long time ago brother.
Alexi, his mother took him away
a little while after you left.
Didn't hear from him after that.
He's still there.
Got himself a fat wife
and a couple of kids.
And you?
I never saw you as one of
Traffikant's boys.
What choice is there, ah?
You are either motherfucker
or motherfucked.
You want to see what
motherfucked looks like?
Go see Marku.
Who else knows?
No-one else knows.
I am warning you Cesar
You think after all this time,
thinking you were dead,
Traffikant would want Vadim to find out
you've been alive all along?
So should I just show up?
Let them take care of them for me
Then they would come after you,
all of them,
and you wouldn't survive that
I survived last time
Try it.
What do I know?
I think you know too much Cesar
Look, I am the only one
who knows you are alive
Oh, then you just say nothing
I promise, I had no choice before.
I didn't want to do it.
Common Viktor, it's me, we are brothers.
No, I don't think so
You've got no chance,
you can't get to him.
Oh, I can get to him
Same old Viktor,
never know when to back down.
Cesar, I've always been able to
get to him.
The one thing he never understood.
I could have killed him
whenever I wanted,
even when he sent Sergei,
but I chose not to.
Out of loyalty.
I can..
Common Viktor, please,
you are not going to do this.
It is me, Cesar.
You can trust me.
Is that you?
I live next door now.
I heard the noise,
I thought it was kids.
Where is she?
I'm sorry
Not long after you left.
Maybe a year.
I tried to help but..
And the money I sent?
Grigore and Flaviou,
they took over when you went.
I'm sorry
where are they?
You know where they are
when they told me you are dead..
It's good to see you
what did you do to him?
Oh, he is alive;
whether he stays that way is up to you.
I never meant it this way.
You know I had no choice.
He is my son.
Maybe the first time.
This time, you had a choice.
I was gone, dead.
How did you find out?
Rumors initially.
But there are always rumors.
Then there is cops chasing
fucking ghosts.
I didn't think anything of it,
until we got that video
recording of you.
It's one hell of a show you put on.
How did you get it?
Surprises you, doesn't it?
Our reach
Alexandru, you remember him?
Boy made good Captain with Interpol.
Came to him
why would he help you?
You think that little fuck made it up
Interpol's ass by himself.
When I saw how you handle those men,
it made me proud.
It broke my heart, giving the order.
But you did.
I'm still here
And I look at you now
and I can not do it again.
You are more like a son to me
than my own.
Franco is weak.
His appetites..
He doesn't have your strength,
your discipline.
Things we share.
Huh Come Viktor,
let us bury the mistakes of our past.
Sit, eat, we shall drink
and we shall go our separate ways.
And the contract?
You have demonstrated your loyalty,
even in the most extreme circumstances.
I always knew you were special,
stoned cold,
that's what Sergei used to call you.
I even think, he was a little
frightened of you himself.
You know, I always wondered,
how you got him to do it.
It wasn't easy.
He brought you up and..
I think it was as difficult
for him as it was for me.
So what did you tell him?
Sergei was a foot soldier,
he did what he was told
I never imagined it would be
so easy for him
There are thinkers
and there are doers Viktor.
You and me, we are thinkers,
he was a doer.
One can not change one's nature.
Yeah, I guess you are right
So, at least we can agree on one thing.
Left hand..
Have a seat Alexi.
Didn't expect to see you again, Viktor.
Yeah, I getting a little of that lately
You being here means, Traffikant is dead
You have a beautiful family
If you even think..
Don't be so naive
You sold me to Traffikant
I didn't want to, Viktor.
I hated him,
but also owed him.
I figured I could use it to
buy my way out.
For them..
Bury the recording Alexi.
Like you, I also have a reason
for wanting out
I thought you going to kill me
If I have to come back here again,
I will.
You let him live?
He had too much to loose
Just like you
I guess so. Just like me.
Look, I'm.. sorry about your mother
You never knew her.
That would be her.
- Should I get it?
- No.
For you
where did you get this?
Put the gun down
where did you get this?
It's my brother's.
Are you sure?
Of course I am bloody sure,
where did you get it?
I took it.
When I saw him yesterday.
Did you kill my brother?
Do you think we didn't know
about your little secret?
Sit Xavier
I watched this so many times.
What a story and what a vision you have.
Just one thing bothered me,
I never quite understood why you
let the King live at the end.
Let me tell you a story about
another King.
A cruel King who ruled over his domain
ruthlessly and without remorse.
A farmer, a hard working,
honest man found himself in depth
to this king,
but the farmer had nothing of which
to pay him.
So the man took the most precious thing
he could find,
his two beautiful daughters.
The farmer would not let them,
so they killed him.
The two girls were put to work servicing
the needs of the King and his friends.
One of the sister's was too weak
for their appetites.
The other sister though was strong.
She endured and learnt the ways of men.
The weak one, was my sister.
I am not surprised you don't
recognize me, I was only 10.
You have left quiet an impression,
you and your brother
That was long time ago,
that was a mistake
One that you repeated often as I recall
what is this..
I knew you wouldn't turn this down.
The opportunity to interview a man
like this.
To hear a story that
would guarantee a return,
a chance to become the great man
once more.
But it was an illusion,
designed to make you dream again,
so that I can be the one
who take it all away from you.
Are you ok?
Why don't you sit down
I know what you are thinking -
Why go to all this lengths,
make you fall in love with me,
plan a life together.
Pain Viktor,
the pain of losing ones you love.
I didn't want you to miss out.
I forwarded you to Traffikant.
I knew they will come after you,
and I knew you would kill them for me.
And after that, it was just you and him,
and now just you.
Not yet, not yet.
There is one thing you should know -
It's a boy Viktor.
Your boy.
The boy you always dreamed of.
And when he is old enough,
I will show him what you were
and he will despise you.
You were right Viktor.
Sometimes, a simple bullet
is not enough.
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