Into Temptation (2009)

We've been married for
years and I should
know him by now,
but the man
annoys me,
sitting in the garage
with his call-in
radio so loud
I can't hear
the television
in my own kitchen.
All those stupid people
going on about whatever
pops into their pea brains.
And I know he's
smoking out there.
People talking and dancing,
and um,
wound up against
the wall with a boy.
And then we
were holding hands,
and then moving
to the music.
And, uh,
and then, uh,
we were kissing.
It freaked me out.
It's just a dream.
How old are you
now, Henry?
Still bothers you?
It recurs.
Can you give me one
good reason why I should
bring her into a church
that says that she's
less than a boy?
It'll be here
when you're gone.
That's it?
Well, that's a lot!
Use what you can use.
Is that an official
Catholic position?
"Use what you can use?"
It's not.
And you didn't
hear it from me.
I've been looking
for work a year now.
Going through the motions
out there. She knows it.
God help me,
I almost hit Sarah.
Have you ever
hit her, Lloyd?
Why'd you come
here today?
Hear you talk.
Seem like a man has
an idea what's going on.
Thank you.
And Sarah made me.
His new smoke eater...
Is there some
specific transgression
you would like
to talk about, Anita?
Where do I
start, Father?
He's gonna have a stroke
if he doesn't listen to
his doctor or his wife,
who still cleans
an office nights
to make ends meet,
and has a hot meal
on the table every
damn day, Father.
I ask Miguel,
a man of some age,
to do only two things.
Pick up his dirty socks
and his wet towels.
Father, I have a long
bus ride home from
a long day's work.
Ten, nine, eight,
seven, six,
five, four.
In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
by the grace of God.
Bless me, Father.
I have sinned. My last
confession was 19 years ago.
Welcome back.
I'd like to confess
a sin I haven't
committed, yet.
Can I do that?
Well that's, that's
never come up. Uh...
What's the sin?
I'm going
to kill myself.
On my birthday.
And I'm Aries, Father,
so I don't have
a lot of time.
You there?
What I say here
stays here, right?
Between you and God.
There a time limit?
Um, no. I have to,
I have to say
mass in a half hour.
But if-if you're
not done by then...
Oh, I'll be done.
I was 12 the first
time my stepfather
raped me.
I was... 13 when
I learned to like it.
Now you have
an appointment, Father.
And I'm done.
Do I know you?
That was, uh, I mean
your, your confession
actually it's called, uh,
reconciliation these
days. Same thing.
Just tell me whether
I'm damned to hell
or not, Father.
I'll leave you alone.
At this...
At this point,
normally I'd,
I would...
We're out
of time, Father.
I would, um,
I would like to,
I would like to continue
talking if that's all right.
Are you there?
Hello? Hello?
I started to write
a suicide note
and decided it
might not get read.
That's how alone I am.
And I'm Aries, Father,
so I don't have
a lot of time.
Hello, Helen.
I'm so sorry.
I'll be down first
thing in the morning.
I can come right now
if you'd like. No?
Okay. All right, tomorrow.
I'd like to confess a sin
I haven't committed, yet.
Glory be to the
Father, and the Son,
and the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now and shall ever be,
world without end. Amen.
Let the love
of your family, Ray,
standing here with me,
and your extended family,
and your sea of friends,
and all those
you have touched
in your life
speed you on
your journey home.
A- N-D-R-O-P-O-L-O-U-S.
Greek father,
Irish-Apache mother.
Fiery little
of a woman.
God bless her soul.
How did you
find us, George?
I saw your sign.
There's no, uh,
drinking while
you're here.
Had damn near a
year of sobriety
once. I know I can do it.
When was that?
Seventeen years ago.
Well, you can stay up
to three months.
We have an employment
counselor that comes
in once a week
and a social worker
is on staff. This
is for you.
What's in it?
Toothbrush, toothpaste,
clean socks and underwear.
I haven't been treated
this well since I left
the Merchant Marine.
Breakfast is at eight,
dinner is at five.
Sign up for the laundry
and the shower.
You're free to come
and go. Just don't
drink, George.
Drink and we have
to say goodbye.
I won't let you
down, Father.
This is the gospel
of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Good evening,
St. Mary Magdalen's.
Happy St. Cyril Day.
Today is his feast day.
Not a very famous Saint.
He always lived
in the shadow of
St. Patrick, I think.
Cyril was a member
of a group called
The Solitaries,
who, um,
well, they lived lives
of complete chastity,
poverty, sobriety.
It's no wonder
the Irish didn't
adopt him.
l- I like to, uh,
I like to study
the saints that
are less famous.
The ones that didn't
get their own day.
Have you ever heard
of St. Hubert the Silent?
Yeah, he was,
well, he was so silent
none of us know about him.
Or, St. Richard
the Whoremonger?
Not making this up.
The Catechism of
the Catholic Church
defines a saint
as a person
who has lived an
exemplary life.
I'd like to confess a sin
I haven't committed, yet.
Can I do that?
Let's think for a
moment about where
we are right now.
How Mary Magdalen
purportedly lived
before encountering Christ.
The profession known
as the oldest.
What does an exemplary
life really mean?
How did a whoremonger
make it in?
That's how alone I am.
Hey. It's John.
I'm fine.
Don't be late
to your opera. Go.
I'm... everything's...
Can't a son call
his mother? I'm fine.
I'll call again.
I promise.
Yes, I'd like
to see you, too.
What're you seeing?
Hm. She dies at the end.
What do you think?
About what?
My name is John.
I know.
You do?
You're kidding, right?
We've been waiting on you.
You have?
Quite a show.
It's my first
time down here.
That's good.
"First time."
That's a hoot.
I love that.
You might have me
mixed up with
someone else.
Yeah, maybe I do.
You let me know
when I'm needed.
Okay, Zeke. Thanks.
What you need, baby?
Maybe Miriam can help.
I'm looking
for someone.
Yeah, who?
My sister.
She down here,
maybe you don't
wanna find her.
'Scuse me, baby.
Just curious.
What's behind the
"Members Only" curtain?
Can't tell you.
Why not?
You're not a member.
How do I
become a member?
Invite only.
And who does
the inviting?
I do.
How do I know if
I want to become
a member
if I don't know
what goes on, you
know, in the club?
Come around again.
I'll think about it.
Maybe I will.
Spending a little
money in here
doesn't hurt.
Oh, okay.
$ 12.
Um, wait.
Close enough.
You okay? Hey!
Oh, sorry.
How you doing?
How are you?
I'm good.
Can you spare a buck?
You know what?
I just spent all
my money on a...
Why do you have those?
I, I use them
to pray.
For who?
Anyone who needs it.
They work?
I don't know.
They're pretty.
Excuse me.
Here, take them.
Go on.
You sure?
Yeah. Thanks!
Don't mention it.
Luke tells us
today that Jesus
had the unmitigated gall
to dine with
a tax collector.
That's right.
Just as popular then
as they are today.
Somewhere just
south of hooker on
the sinner chain.
And this is the kind
of behavior that drove
his disciples crazy!
"It makes you look
like a nut job, Jesus."
And they were right.
I mean, who befriends
his auditor, takes
him to dinner,
and then picks up
the check and doesn't
try to write it off?
Jesus seemed to have
an affinity for
the hard-to-love.
I think he had
low self-esteem.
I mean, we know he had
a father-complex, right?
And how-how could he
not have issues with
his virgin mother?
But still,
he showed us
how to love.
Which is more than
I can say for me,
standing here before
you, simply preaching.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
Body of... John.
I need to talk to you.
I will be right back.
The place looks nice.
They take care of me
in the manner to which
I am accustomed, John.
Unlike that heathen
parish of yours.
Hey, I like
where I work.
Yeah. Well you always were
a glutton for punishment.
Your sermon
was funny.
I would've actually
prepared something if
I knew you were coming.
You were the best in seminary.
You haven't lost it.
Pure bullshit
artistry, John.
My dad always said
that the Blarney
Stone kissed me.
Don't say a word.
Let's walk.
High cholesterol.
I have to lose
I've been put on a diet
of rabbit food and
forced to exercise.
I'm down to
a pack a week.
Why don't
you just quit?
They're my little
friends, John.
Do not take them away
from a lone, celibate,
poor priest.
You had me going
till the poor part.
I, uh, I seek
counsel, Ralph.
That's what I do.
It is a matter
of reconciliation and
you can't be specific.
You wanna help someone.
Who told you something
in the confessional.
You're gonna keep me guessing
or you gonna tell me what
the hell's going on?
You're not taking matters
into your own hands.
Not really. I have
no idea how to find
her, anyway.
It happened
to be a her, yeah.
A her you know?
I don't think so.
You know, there was
something familiar
about her, though.
In serious trouble,
I think. Life
and death.
I know I'm
obsessing, but...
You know, what am I
if I don't try to help?
A professional.
With boundaries!
Oh, yeah, that.
Come on. People lie
in the confessional, John.
They wanna make it
sound good.
I had a woman
who confessed to me
all of her confessional lies.
Said she'd been
making it up for years.
Sort of a Catholic
Munchhausen Syndrome.
Nah. This woman
was telling the truth.
Sometimes you
just know a thing.
I do not wanna hear
that you were assigned
to a parish in Kabul
for violating one
of the only rules that
does not need changing.
Well, God forbid, we
bend a rule to save
a life, Ralph.
I mean it John.
Do not cross that line.
That's my counsel.
And when you do,
just please be discreet.
Just tell me whether
I'm damned to hell or not,
Father. I'll leave you alone.
My mother,
she didn't want me
to become a priest.
She tells me that
every time she sees me.
That bother you?
A little. Mm-hm.
What about your dad?
What-what about him?
He want you
to become a priest?
No. No. I mean I,
I never knew him.
You didn't?
No. He, he left
my mom and me when
I was three, four.
How come?
I don't know.
He went out one
night, never came back.
You angry about that?
No. Angry?
Why would I be?
I don't know.
I never knew
the guy, so.
Wasn't a factor
in my life.
Persona non grata.
No one's ever
asked me that before.
Worried about her
immortal soul.
I'll be god damned
if I pass that on
to my daughter.
I'm sorry
about the language.
Maybe I am just a fag.
Have you considered that?
That you might be gay?
I am.
It's okay.
I've said that
to no one.
Well, then it
was high time.
It's okay.
You okay?
I'm sorry.
Hey, don't be.
Just hearing you say
that so matter-of-fact.
Well, it-it's nothing
to be ashamed of.
You really
believe that?
I do.
What do I tell Glennis?
My parents?
Get used to it.
Walk around
with it awhile.
Pray on it.
I can pray
on being a fag?
It's who you are, right?
Accept it about yourself.
Your loved ones
will fall in line.
Yeah, or they won't.
Or they won't.
Can you come back?
Yeah, sure.
We should
keep talking.
About your dad?
No, no.
About, uh,
about anger.
It stays bottled up,
starts to feed on itself.
That's true.
Know what a
heavy bag is?
You kidding?
Golden Gloves.
Fourteen years.
Won City back in '89.
Retired on top.
Excuse me.
Hi, sorry.
I'm looking for information,
information on prostitutes.
Three general kinds
of hookers, Father.
There's your street
whores. Mostly addicted,
almost all former offenders.
Short professional life span
and short life span. Period.
This book was written
by one who got out.
Actually readable.
Out-call hookers.
Slightly different animal.
Many drug users
who maybe haven't slid
as far down the scale.
Generally nicer looking.
Most out-calls are
repped by a pimp,
who runs
escort/massage ads,
gets a girl
out of jail, pays
some bills, et cetera.
How does a librarian
know so much about
Why does a priest
want to know?
Please, continue.
Needs a place
like Vegas or
L.A. to work.
This one can afford
to eat well, stay
in shape,
get those
boobs done.
You can't afford
this girl, Father.
If you were looking
for a specific girl
but you didn't know
anything about her...
You know nothing?
Well, um, I know
a little. But most
of it's protected by...
Sacramental Seal? Hm?
That doesn't help.
No. She wears
a crucifix.
So do I.
She's an Aries.
Great. What's her major?
Her voice
is unique. Um...
I don't know.
I'd recognize it
in a heartbeat.
Now it's my pleasure to turn
things over to Father John,
who will lead our discussion
as he does at the beginning
of every month. Father?
I'm sorry, Rosemary.
I forgot what today's
topic is.
Oh. Faith Based
Public Policy:
Blessing or Curse.
Right. Right.
It's a curse.
We-we talked
the other night. I was
looking for my sister.
Oh, yeah.
Find her?
I'm not really
looking for her.
I don't even
have a sister.
I got five.
One baby brother.
Boy was 12 first time
he saw the inside
of a bathroom.
I told you a lie.
What you need?
Maybe Miriam can help.
I was, uh, I was hoping
we could just, um,
talk for a minute.
What? You some kinda
Eye-Team reporter gonna
put me on TV?
No, no.
They did that
once, baby.
There I was,
shaking my ass
on the evening news.
My, um, whatchacallit,
I'm a, uh,
Catholic priest.
Don't hear that everyday.
C'mon, Father,
buy me a drink.
In a nice place.
She your girl
or somethin'?
She's in trouble.
Needs help.
St. Clair might know her.
James St. Clair.
Big alpha pimp this year.
Most of the girls with him.
Do you think
he'd talk to me?
Might. Might
kill you, too.
He's moody.
Holds court
in Sundays
on Harney.
Go in there and
you ain't a brother,
you best have backup.
I'll drink one more
of these, Father.
Hi. Sorry. Can I
have another one?
Do you remember?
Vodka martini?
Yeah. Thanks.
Twelve bucks.
Okay. This
is for you.
Thank you.
You want a drink?
I'm an outlaw.
What's that?
No pimp.
I'm too hard to beat up
and I ain't gonna lay down
for these motherfuckers.
When they realized
they couldn't kill me,
shit, they left me alone.
That's good.
And none of em'
know shit about money.
I gotta plan
for my future.
This line ain't got
no 401 K, Father.
I never
thought of that.
Let's go.
I've gotta go.
You do?
I've gotta go.
Yes, sorry.
You've been very
helpful, though.
Thank you, Miriam.
Motherfucker really
did just wanna talk.
Gimme your money!
Hey! Okay, man!
I'll cut your
fucking dick off!
All right, all right.
Here, just relax, okay?
What's the other
guy look like?
Um, he was ugly.
I have something for you.
It's a license
plate number.
That I can work with.
How we doing?
We're late.
All right,
let's do this thing.
I was mugged.
A man hit me
the other night.
He threatened me with a knife,
he took my money, and gave me
this shiner.
He scared me so bad
I wet my pants.
I mention it because
I know others have
gone through it.
Assault. Battery.
Domestic abuse.
When you're the victim,
you don't wanna talk
about it. Why me?
I must be a bad person
for that to happen.
And then it
makes you angry.
What kind of a man
can't defend himself
walking down the street?
I don't like
these feelings.
I tried to hide them
yesterday because
I'm still ashamed.
And I'm broke.
I could use the money.
And the confidence,
I lost. And the dignity.
Me talking,
you listening.
Now, let us say
a prayer for the
bastard who mugged me
because he needs it.
Let us pray.
John Buerlein.
Buy an old
girlfriend a drink?
Were you gonna call,
you big jerk?
I was, um, conflicted.
Oh. Well, some
things never change.
I'm divorcing Daniel.
What happened?
He had an affair.
Why'd he do that?
He's nuts.
He's one of those men
that hates women
but is biologically
compelled to wanna
fuck us.
Sorry. Sorry.
What about Christopher?
We're moving back here.
So I might
see you around?
My mother told me
that you opened
a shelter
and single-handedly
saved this parish
from extinction.
Oh, don't be
humble with me.
It's true.
She's right.
You look good, Nadine.
Yes. I would like to speak
to the Archbishop
if I could.
Anita Mendoza.
It's personal, and
a very difficult
call to make.
It concerns the pastor
in our parish.
Yes, I'll hold.
It's me again.
You know
James St. Clair?
A big alpha pimp.
A lot of girls
are with him.
Never heard of him
Who did you say you were?
Uh, John Buerlein.
I'm a Catholic priest.
Oh. Sure.
Nice to know you.
On the house.
Any friend of St. Clair's
is a friend of mine.
Thought you
didn't know him.
Hi. Excuse me.
Can you, can you
hear me?
Oh, okay.
Um, hi.
I just,
I wanted to, uh,
I'm trying to find
someone, and I was
wondering if you could...
No, you don't have
to dance. I'm trying
to, uh, find someone.
Can you,
can you hear me?
You can't
hear me, can you?
He'll pass out soon.
I'm Sharon.
Thanks for letting us in.
You know, he's an
Aries, ruled by Mars,
so he always gets a little
bit nuts leading up
to the full moon.
I'm Aries.
Where are my girls?
You here alone?
Uh, yep.
No family, or...?
Nope. I have a stepfather
somewhere, but I haven't
seen him for years.
I always wondered
about you down here.
Sharon, where are you?
You know it's...
All I ever wanted
just to be a part
of a nice little
family, you know.
Uh, could you
hold her a sec?
Oh, l...
I gotta pee.
I'll be right back.
Okay, ladies, don't rush.
This is not a race.
We have, okay.
We have a whole piece
of music to fill up.
Let the audience
drink you in!
You look like Rocky.
Oh, yeah?
Marciano or Balboa?
I got a phone call
about you.
You did?
Archbishop Fulton
Aloysius Meehan.
Yep. Very cordial.
Knows we're friends.
He called you
about me?
Heard you were
in an altercation.
Late to mass
a couple a times.
Swear words
from the pulpit.
How the hell
did he...
Other modes of behavior
not befitting one of
his pastors.
Visits to the red
light district.
Yes. One of your
faithful saw you
coming out of Tits R Us,
and reported in.
Why didn't he call me?
And handle
something directly?
Please. He has
a reputation
to uphold.
Okay! Men, yes,
it's time for you
to be at the altar.
Do not keep
the ladies waiting.
Work with me, boys!
I told him
that you were
working with gangs,
and that you had
signed the leader
up for seminary.
You did not.
He thinks you're
working on the streets
with actual people.
An assignment that
terrifies him.
You're being watched.
I am?
I am worried.
For me. John, I do not want
to lose a Monday night dinner
and movie companion.
That would upset me
very much.
Okay. Take five,
and then we'll
meet for notes.
Is this a wedding or
a production number?
What are you
doing, John?
It's almost over.
I think.
How can I help?
Well, I could use
some money, actually.
How much?
I'm shocked that you think
that I have that kind of
money just lying around.
I have three.
It's your mother.
Nadine Brennan is in town.
Bumped into her and
her mother shopping.
She looks wonderful, John.
You should call her.
I mean it. Give her
a little thrill.
Not meddling, just
have time on my hands.
What with no grandchildren.
I've got info.
Car belongs to Steven Miller.
17 West Happy Hollow
Mr. Miller is a partner
at the STORM, BERG CPA's.
More as it comes in.
Well, good morning.
How can I
help you today?
I'd like set up
an appointment.
With, uh, Steven Miller.
Uh, let me
just check
Mr. Miller's
schedule here.
When did you
wanna come in?
As soon as possible.
Okay. I think I can
get you in next week.
No. Um, no.
I-I need it much
sooner than that.
Have you seen
Mr. Miller before?
Are you with
a firm, sir?
I'm the pastor of St. Mary
Magdalen's Catholic Church.
It's a matter
of some urgency.
I can probably
get you a half hour?
We do offer
a clergy discount.
I'll take it.
Sorry I'm late.
The love for my
grandchildren who do
not exist rots on the vine.
Hello, son.
You should have
had more kids.
What in God's name
happened to you?
I was mugged.
Mother, I need
to be blunt.
Please, tell me everything.
I can't stay. And
I need to borrow $200.
Dear God!
You got your hair done.
It looks good.
Heard you were mugged.
Yeah, yeah.
Thanks for coming in.
I have time on my hands.
I need some
help, Lloyd.
It's a job.
It's kinda
difficult to ask.
It's potentially dangerous.
I'll pay you for it.
I'll do it.
You wanna know
what it is?
Doesn't matter.
You'll have to keep it
under your hat.
When do we start?
Tonight. It's night work.
I'll take a nap.
Yes. I'd like
to cancel my paper.
Effective now. Mm-hm.
Oh, you can give
the refund to my carrier.
Do you know who she is?
Thank you.
Hi. I'm sorry
to keep you waiting.
Judy tells me
you're with a church?
Yes. Well, I'm not here
on behalf of my church.
I don't have a lot of time,
Mr. Miller, and I don't
wanna waste yours.
Plus, I can't afford
to be here long.
What can we do for you?
You were with a
woman, not your wife,
in a bar in Lowertown.
Cafe Havana.
She met you there at
approximately 9:00 P. M.
You left together.
This can be verified.
Who are you?
I'm John Buerlein.
St. Mary Magdalen's
You've got a nerve
walking in here.
I need to find her,
and I have very
little time.
I'd like to
cancel my cable.
Permanent. Mm-hm.
Sure, yeah, I'll hold.
What do you want?
Um, well, I-I wanna
know her name.
Her name is Linda.
Last name?
I don't know.
Um, where does she live?
I don't know.
Near the bar.
Okay. How do
you know that?
That's why
we meet there.
Can you describe
her voice to me?
Yeah, she... I don't know,
she has a unique voice.
It's, uh... sexy.
How long have
you known her?
Why am I talking to you?
Because I am
asking nicely.
What are you gonna do
with this information?
I'm gonna go tell Judy
the receptionist if
you don't cooperate.
Please. How long
have you known her?
I have been seeing
Linda for a massage.
I don't know, three years.
Do you see
other masseuses?
How did-how did
you find her?
Not an ad
in a magazine?
No. No, she's not
that kind of...
I'm not sure a man
in your line will
understand this, Father,
but do you really
wanna know about Linda?
It's different with her.
I'm more like a
client than a john.
She only has a few of us.
We pay her extremely well
and she makes it
worth our while.
How-how does
she do that?
She... she's
totally into it.
She makes you happy
to be a man.
I think she improves
my marriage to a woman
who lost interest in me
after our third
child was born.
Would your wife
agree with that?
No, she would not.
I know the risk I
run being with Linda.
I've decided
she's worth it.
Or was.
What? She... what,
what do you mean?
Linda ended it
after our last meeting.
She left me a note.
What did it say?
It said that she was
leaving. Permanent.
Didn't say where.
That's it?
It said a few other
things that are none
of your business.
I don't care
what you're after.
How did you
contact her?
We had a standing appointment.
Three years she never
stood me up once.
Like to have an office
full of employees like her.
I'm sure you would.
I'd like you
to write down
what she looks like.
Height, weight, everything.
I wanna know what
she looks like.
You don't know
what she looks like?
Just her mouth and her neck.
Please, hurry. I have
to get back to work.
Donald Dupree, please.
Room 207.
Follow me, please.
He doesn't
have much time.
We didn't know
about any relatives.
In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy...
Bless me, Father,
for I have sinned.
It's been three
to five years since
my last confession.
That's a long time.
I've been pretty good.
Okay, and what did
you wanna discuss today?
Impure thoughts.
Go on.
I have designs on a
man I'm not supposed
to have designs on.
I want relations
with him, Father.
And I can't have it,
and it pisses me off.
Pardon my
goddamn language.
Are you here to talk
about your designs
or your anger?
I wanna talk about
why you left me.
You left me, Nadine.
Excuse me?
I went to college.
Give a girl a chance
to figure it out,
for God's sake.
You were right.
We were too serious
too young.
No. I came back.
Four years later.
I was in seminary.
Oh. Right.
Your calling.
I always hoped
that would be
the wrong number.
Yes, Father?
Why are you drunk?
I'm not drunk!
I had three little
goblets of screwdriver.
Christopher is
gone for a week.
To the dickhead dad's.
And I've never
been without him.
And I'm really
scared to be alone.
You know what you
need? Food. C'mon.
Hey, Donald.
Who is it?
It's your
stepdaughter, Linda.
Didn't know if
you were alive.
I'm alive.
Me, too. Barely.
Today your birthday?
Do you remember
the first time
you raped me?
Came into my room
when mama wasn't home
and had your way with me?
I was 12.
What do you want?
I never raped nobody.
That was... consensual.
We both know it, and
there's no use acting
like it didn't happen,
especially after
all these years.
What do you want?
Want you to
listen. Okay?
That's a terrible
thing you did.
I hope you still
aren't pulling that shit.
Can't imagine you are
being as old as you must
be, but I've heard worse.
Mainly though, Donald,
I just
want to say,
after all the years
of hating I've done,
I just, I just...
I wanna say
I forgive you,
Donald Dupree.
You're forgiven.
this is for you.
You take care now.
So this is
Hill House, huh?
The food is really good.
I know. I have the
women of Sodality
to thank for that.
Aren't you eating?
No, I have to say
mass in five minutes.
Do you still
love me, John?
If you're worth your
weight in salt as a priest,
you'll tell me the truth.
Do you desire me?
These guys
don't care.
Have you...
Have you had me
in your mind?
I had you
in high school.
You were my only.
Oh, God, you don't
know how happy that
makes me.
I'm not comfortable
talking about this
right now.
Okay, fine.
Can we be friends?
Of course.
No, no, no, no.
I mean it. Can
you handle it?
Relating to someone
you love? Someone that
you desire?
Someone that you
don't have to save?
I think so.
Can you?
Of course.
I'm a woman.
I have to go.
Rosemary is
driving you home.
Bye, Johnny.
So, how is it here?
Can't drink.
Well, that sucks.
Forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who
trespass against us,
and lead us not
into temptation, but
deliver us from evil,
for Thy is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
forever and ever. Amen.
Danny, could you get
the lights for me?
Yeah. Yeah sure.
Hey. You're early.
Ready when you are.
Okay. Well, I'm trying
to locate someone.
A woman who I think
may be in trouble.
And I need to see
a man who might know
where she is.
And, um, well,
I need you to...
Watch your back?
I'm hoping it's
the easiest money
you'll ever make.
I'd do it for free.
You kidding?
I'm not paying
you enough.
You wanna dance?
I'm here to talk
to someone.
Talking's overrated. C'mon.
Haven't seen you before.
Haven't been here.
Isn't this better
than talking?
There's someone
I need to see.
Yeah? Who?
James St. Clair.
You know him?
You a cop?
No, I'm a priest.
Oh, shit.
He's back there.
You need to loosen
that shit up a little.
There you go.
Excuse me. Hi.
I'll be god dammed.
I beg your pardon?
The motherfuckin'
Iron Curtain himself,
standing before me.
How you doing, Jamal?
I wanna talk to you!
I never liked
you anyway.
This motherfucker
could take a punch
and would not go down.
Took a few
too many, maybe.
Didn't even know who
we were lookin' for.
No one ever saw anything
like the Iron Curtain,
standing there all
bloody with his hand
in the air.
Golden Glove champion
of the motherfuckin' city.
I was there that
night, man, with
brother Maurice.
I knew him
as Jamal Sinclair.
Welter weight.
Hit you like a hammer.
Re-invented myself
a little.
You the one
everybody watchin', man.
Now, who's
this white man?
He's my friend.
Then he's mine, too.
I'm trying
to locate a woman.
Blond, pretty.
Been at it a while.
Been at what?
Life. Prostitution.
What makes you
think I know her?
I was told you know
things about who's
working, et cetera.
Who's talkin'
to you about me?
Uh, some people I don't
even know who are very
frightened of you.
Got reason to be.
Loose-lipped motherfuckers.
Um, she has some
steady clients,
I think.
That's nice. Clients.
That's civilized.
She must be good.
Oh, I wouldn't know
anything about that.
You might be
lookin' for Linda.
Yeah, that's her name.
That's who I'm
looking for.
Why you want her?
I have reason to
believe she's
in trouble.
What kinda trouble?
Who are you, man?
I'm a... I'll
give you my card.
I'm a Catholic priest.
You call the Police?
No. No, no, no, no.
I haven't seen
her in awhile.
She, uh, discreet.
Used to live down here.
Farnam Street, maybe.
We seemed to have
fallen off her
mailing list.
Oh. Okay,
Thank you. Thanks.
Tell you one
thing about Linda.
She one of the best.
Love you like
a hurricane.
You know that, do you?
I do.
Now, I'm gonna have
to ask you, gentlemen,
to get outta my office.
"I got promises to keep
and miles to go
before I sleep."
You a wise man bringin'
the Curtain with you.
He just quoted
Robert Frost.
He's always been
a little strange.
Start checking
How do we get in?
Ring some bells.
Maybe we'll get lucky.
C'mon, there's someone
I want you to meet.
Hi, Zeke. This is
my friend, Lloyd.
I know who he is.
We're trying
to find somebody.
Not having much luck.
You're looking for
that girl, aren't you?
You're on the wrong
damn street.
How do you know
who we're looking for?
You're kidding me, right?
Can you describe her?
Blue eyes, pale skin,
full lips, nice nose.
Petite. A looker.
Ten West 38th Street.
St. Mary Magdalen's
Church, please.
A unique voice. Sultry.
Left me a nice tip.
More than a tip.
She gave me a gift.
Keep it.
Watched her walking
up the steps.
I thought I was
looking at an angel.
You-you drove her
to the church?
I drove her to see you.
And I couldn't stop
thinking about her.
How she kept from
floating away.
What do you mean?
I never met
someone so empty.
She got out of my cab.
It's like I imagined her.
So I went back.
To be sure.
Occasionally you need to know
whether you've gone all the way
around the bend or not.
This is the Gospel
of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Good Evening,
St. Mary Magdalen's.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.
I didn't see her, so
I listened to you talk.
And I looked around
a little, and
I understood
why she had gone there.
Then I saw you on the street,
and I knew everything was
as it should be.
Here it is.
Where are we?
Fremont Street.
Nah, she paid already.
Can you wait?
I ain't going anywhere.
Think that's it?
What now?
Ring that one.
What is it?
Open up. We don't
wanna use force.
This the Police?
Okay, I'm a priest,
and this is my assistant.
And if, if-if you
have keys, we need in.
I'm opening this door
for the Police, sweetie.
That's it.
Who the hell
are you guys?
We're just trying
to help someone.
Something wrong
with Linda?
We're not gonna be
here long, okay?
We won't harm anyone,
but we need in.
Anybody asks, I'll swear
on a stack of bibles
you guys forced me.
I don't care
if you're the Pope.
What does it say?
"Here is two months rent.
Keep my damage deposit.
I forgive you for being
such an asshole and not
fixing my faucet."
I'll take that money.
What is it?
It's an article
about my ordination
twelve years ago.
I'll be damned.
Oh, I'll take
that money, Father.
What am I supposed
to do with her shit?
That's more than
we talked about.
You've earned it. Zeke,
I'm paying you for your
time, like it or not.
Go ahead.
I need help
at the church, Lloyd.
Yes, you do.
I've been thinking
about it. I want you
to come to work for me.
What kinda work?
Hill House. I need somebody
reliable to check
people in and out,
maintenance, security,
Something better
comes up, you can
leave whenever you want.
He'll do it.
When do I start?
Monday morning, 8:00 A. M.
I'll be there at 7:00.
I'll be there at 8:00.
Hey. Hey!
How you doing?
How are you?
Fine! How are you?
Fine! Can you
spare a buck?
Help me out
with a buck?
You need a buck?
If you can spare it.
I don't...
I don't have any money.
I gave it all away.
You did?
I'm sorry.
Don't worry about it.
You need any makeup?
I'm good.
Take them.
You want me
to have those?
Why not?
Who are you?
Today's my birthday.
Happy Birthday!
I baptize you,
Teresa Marie,
and wash you
free of sin.
In the name of the Father,
and the Mother,
and the Son,
and the Daughter,
and the Holy Spirit.
Welcome to the world, you.
I think the Orchid Committee
went a little overboard
this year.
You have an
Orchid Committee?
I seek forgiveness, Ralph.
I'd like you to hear
my confession.
Can I just absolve you
upfront and avoid all
the embarrassing details?
I need to talk it out.
Let's do it outside.
I seek a smoke.
Someone came to me
for absolution and
she didn't receive it.
Why not?
Because I got caught up
in the sensational details
of the confession itself.
Must've been
some confession.
It was the most heart-rending
examination of a life
I've ever heard.
And now it's too late.
Why too late?
'Cause she's
probably dead.
We're working with
immortal souls, John.
They don't die.
Absolve her now.
I can do that?
You have to.
That's your penance.
Absolve your penitent
in absentia,
and then
I'll absolve you.
Plus, say three Our Fathers,
three Hail Marys,
and a Glory Be.
And commit a random
act of kindness of
your choosing.
You have a
leaky faucet?
Kitchen sink.
It's driving me crazy.
I'm here to fix it.
All right.
It's no problem.
You know, I hadn't
even called about that.
Have a nice day.
Are you cold?
Haven't been here long.
I wanted
to thank you.
For what?
For taking pity
on a pathetic drunk.
No, really.
You wanna come in?
No. I wouldn't
wanna put you in a
compromising position.
It's way too
late for that.
Actually, I'm picking up
Christopher in the morning
from the airport.
So, gotta
grocery shop.
I, um,
What's this?
I owe you a dinner.
It's just a certificate.
There's probably
enough for two.
I'll see you around.
You made a good and
sincere confession,
Linda Salerno.
And through the
ministry of the Church,
and by the
grace of God,
and from the bottom
of my heart,
I absolve you
of all sin.
In the name
of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace.
You've done
your penance.
I bet she wears
hand-me-down underwear.
Leave her alone.
John Buerlein!
Get back in line!