Into the Forest (2015)

How are you?
Yeah, I'm okay, how are you?
You're making fun of my accent.
I'm not!
We interrupt
tonight's programming
to report a massive power outage
up and down the west coast.
What is a fugue state?
It's like a kind of amnesia
that lasts a long time.
A fugue state:
When amnesia continues for
an extended period of time,
the amnesiac occasionally
begins a new life
entirely unrelated to
his previous condition.
This response is called
a fugue state.
Why don't I have a signal?
Music on!
Power on!
Power on!
What about the solar?
When does that inverter come in?
Four weeks ago.
I'll ask again next time
I'm in town.
My sat's are on Thursday!
I need to study.
Ah, there is an ancient
you may have heard of it.
It's called "books".
Stuff changes every day.
Let's light some candles,
sweet pea.
I'm just right in the middle.
Can we throw some gas
in the generator?
Yeah, dad.
Eva needs her music.
We can't deprive her
of her dancing.
Okay, there's no water, either.
When are you girls going to
get used to living up here?
When you finish fixing
the house.
Lights on.
Come on, captain consumers.
Time to hunt and gather
some fossil fuels.
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit, shit, shit!
I'm so sorry...
I came out to get the head lamp
and I must have left it open.
It's alright.
I'm such a dink.
I'm so sorry!
It's okay,
I got another battery.
Okay, turn it over.
We think it happened
at the power plant
where there was a problem.
The emergency systems took
over and essentially
shut the plant down.
That then triggered shut-downs
across the power grid,
and we are hearing
that that grid didn't have
the capacity to deal with
that problem,
so it shut itself down
and that was sort of
the link being broken.
We still are waiting to hear
from officials to find out
what was the exact cause...
There are many rumors,
some suggest a terrorist
targeting our power supply...
It seems
at least 300 million people
are now without power.
Back up generators...
No word yet...
Millions are still
without power.
No subways, elevators,
So if vaccine refrigeration
is of particular concern
in the capital...
has asked everyone to stay home.
Boil your water and
conserve your food...
Should we just walk?
It would take you three days,
And how would we carry
the gas back?
Maybe someone will pick us up.
And if they don't,
or they won't?
We'll stay in town.
And pay for a hotel with what,
We can just sell Eva.
That'll get you a can of spam.
What is spam, exactly?
Mind this.
There is actually a spam museum.
The Guggenheim.
One, dad.
What's up?
There's nothing.
Is the volume on?
What about the battery?
It's solar.
You're gonna pass with flying
colors, pumpkin.
You have to say that
because you're my father.
But I'm also right.
You could be president of
the entire universe.
I just want to know that
I could have got in.
I know.
Light bulb.
Okay, give me your shoelaces.
Careful, dad.
Oh my god!
The Johnson's left their home.
That's weird.
So, uh... are you
gonna see your...
Friends again?
Yeah, we'll see who's there.
So fast.
Sorry I gotta ask you this...
You got money, yeah?
Yes sir, I do, sir.
And your big box membership
card is all paid up to date?
Of course.
I mean, who could refuse
the opportunity to pay
for the right to shop.
Well, we can't be too careful.
A crisis like this doesn't
always bring out
the best side of people.
It reveals character,
you're right there.
Yes, it reveals character.
I tell you, you know?
It's people wanting
something for nothing
is what got us into this mess
in the first place.
I'm with you there, Stan.
Um, any gas in town?
Old Mick is expecting a
shipment any day now,
but uh... he likes to talk.
Yeah, he does like to talk.
Anyone else selling?
Why don't you come around
back when you're done here?
Thank you.
Dad, the inverter for
the solar panels?
Uh, our shipment come in?
No gas, no shipments.
No gas, no shipments.
Got it.
Thanks, Stan.
How much?
Ah... say 50 for the gas and
the candles are on the house.
No problem.
All gotta take care of
each other, right?
That's right.
So you guys leaving town or
are you gonna stick around?
Nah, just head home.
Wait it out.
Oh, so you can save on gas.
Yep, yep, yep.
Yo Robbie, check this out.
Mmm, tasty.
I know, right?
See you later.
Hey, Jerry.
Hey, Robert.
Okay, dad.
I'm gonna go now.
I'll meet you back here
right at 11:00, deal?
Say hi to what's his name.
You don't know him so
I'm not gonna say hi.
Okay, pumpkin.
Hey, Nell!
Love you like stink.
I love you like stink, too, dad.
Hey, Jerry.
Let me buy you a warm beer.
We need more energy in your
left arm as you go up and over.
Okay, right from the beginning.
And more energy
in your left arm.
And pull and release.
Given that this is
the end of the world and all.
It's a beautiful,
beautiful night!
What are you doing?
Isn't it?
You're right.
It's like there's beautiful,
beautiful, swirling waterfalls
and I just...
Oh, okay.
Are you okay?
Nothing wrong with falling over.
Alright, Nelly.
I'll just get you up.
Hey, Nell.
When people fall down,
sometimes it's okay.
Not that big of a deal.
Is that your sister?
See you next week maybe.
Of course.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Bye.
- Bye.
It was nice meeting you,
Nell's sister.
You too.
Uh, Nell's stubbed her toe.
And my face.
Stubbed face.
We should start a band.
A family band.
That sounded good.
How was dance?
Ruby doesn't think
I'm going to be ready
for the national auditions.
Yeah, I mean, she doesn't
say that exactly,
but I can tell.
I'm just never gonna get back
in the game.
No. Come on, I mean,
you ruined your knee.
That takes time.
I know, but it's not-
it's not my knee.
I'm just ancient.
So what does that make me?
Super old.
What have we here?
You guys need a hand?
Everything okay?
I'll take that as a yes.
Oh, girls.
Lights on.
How's your toe?
And your face?
Aside from totally wrecked.
It's okay.
This bread is stale
and totally gross.
'Morning, sweet-pea.
Mmm. Powdered milk.
So we're not going to be going
into town for a while.
Just for a while.
We don't know when the
power's gonna come back on.
We have water, wood,
plenty of food.
We have to.
We're safe here.
Dad, we have to!
Who says you get to be
the one to decide?
I'm just gonna take
the car myself.
I know she doesn't mean it.
Yeah, I know.
What do you think this is?
Ugh, no!
Woof, woof.
So, what?
We're just gonna hole up
here for the rest of our lives?
No, we'll wait out the
power outage, pumpkin.
I'm not your fucking pumpkin!
Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah.
Thanks, sweetie.
Oh, oh.
Girls, girls, girls.
I'm leaking, I'm leaking.
Take care of each other.
Shut up, dad!
Dad, you're gonna be okay, dad.
You're gonna be fine.
You're gonna be fine.
You're gonna be fine.
Love each other.
You're gonna be fine.
Hey, hey, hey.
I think it's those wild pigs.
Hey, Eva.
There's um... eggs.
I want to fill the generator.
Let's fill the generator.
Right now, before it gets
too dark and we spill some.
'Cause I want to see mom
and dad.
We can watch home movies,
and I could put music on
and dance.
We can't.
We have to save it for the Jeep.
There's, like, five gallons
in here.
We only need two to get to town.
Yeah, and two to get back.
Okay, so four.
That leaves one for right now.
I'm sorry. We...
We have to save it
for an emergency.
I need it.
You don't need it.
Come on, this is our
life insurance.
Our life insurance.
Half mine.
Of course it's half yours,
everything is half yours-
okay, I'll just use my half.
Because what's left over
won't do any good, okay?!
No! We need to save it for
when we really need it!
Eva, Pinky and Bisheba are dead.
Okay, well, I'm gonna make lunch
'cause I'm starving
and I'm sure you are too.
So come in whenever you want.
Look, I understand.
No you don't.
Mom would have got it.
Eva! Eva!!!!!!!
Hey, hey!
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
It's okay, it's okay.
I'm here.
Shhh, are you okay?
I dreamed that the pigs
tied up dad.
I could not find you.
It's okay.
I couldn't find you.
I'm here.
I couldn't find you.
I'm right here, it's okay.
I couldn't find you.
It's okay.
Eva, Eva!!!
You know what?
I can't.
I can't do this anymore.
I can't keep dancing
to a metronome.
And I know you think this is
all very precious of me.
Just please, give me
ten minutes.
Ten minutes.
I can live off of that
for a while.
I got a surprise.
It's not as good as the gas,
but I know that you're
gonna like it.
Oh, wow.
Two pieces of gum.
You can have them both.
What's this?
Um... it was... a chocolate.
Where is it?
I ate it.
So when I'm in there trying
to dance to a fucking metronome
you're in here
eating chocolate?!
You never ate chocolate!
Oh my god, Nell!
I- I called for you,
you completely ignored me,
I didn't think that you'd mind!
Get dad's gun.
Who is it?
Nell, is that you?
Oh my god.
How did you get here?
I started out on my bike
but I got a flat
so I had to walk.
It's taken a few days.
I wasn't sure which house
you were in
so I tried all of them.
I knew you were out here
by yourselves.
There's no one else on the road.
You okay?
We're fine.
Where's your dad?
He died.
It was an accident.
I'm so sorry.
Come in.
Come on.
You sure there's enough?
Oh yeah, no, we ate.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
What's happening in town?
People are getting sick.
There's no water filtration.
I thought you'd died when
you stopped coming to town.
We ran out of gas.
Everyone's run out of gas.
There's no gas,
there's no electricity,
there's no transportation,
there's no phones,
there's no Internet.
It's the wild fucking west
out there.
Do they have any idea
what caused it all?
There's rumors.
There are theories,
like mad theories, but...
You guys have your bikes?
No, our dad gave them to some
kids at a school a while back.
That's a shame.
Where are you taking me?
What's up there?
There's forest down here.
You'll see.
I'm coming for you.
I'm coming for you.
I'm coming for you!
No, don't even think about it!
Come here.
Come here.
Would you look at that.
You okay?
Yeah, yeah.
Was it something that I said?
No, no, no, she practices a lot.
Why does she do it?
Dancing and all of that?
The audition.
She's almost already too old.
It's like how I need
to keep studying.
I understand.
There is people in town
who still check their
mailbox every morning
even though there
hasn't been mail in forever.
It's a fugue state.
It's like a what?
Oh, it's like when you forget
And you're in this weird state.
You don't realize anything
that's happened to you before.
You seem normal in every
other way.
A fugue state.
A fugue state.
That makes sense.
I mean we can't give up Eli.
We just can't.
We're almost out of toothpaste.
I know.
So how long is he gonna stay?
I don't know.
'Cause he's eating our food
and we hardly have any left.
Why don't you like him?
Just don't get pregnant, okay?
That's all I ask.
What are you saying?
I'm saying we don't need
a baby right now
and you know he'd be gone
in a second.
Things are starting up again
back east, Nelly.
They've got electricity there
and people have jobs.
The phones are working.
Food in the stores.
No looting.
I want you to go with me, Nelly.
Why didn't you tell us
this sooner?
Well, I wanted to see
who you were first.
What do you mean "who you were"?
If you were the one.
You're going to walk to Boston?
How long is that gonna take?
Eight, eight and a half months.
So into the winter?
What if you don't make it
that far?
Then we'll hole up somewhere.
Who's going to take in an
extra half-dozen starving people
for the winter?
We'll make ends meet,
Joe's got a rifle.
If you guys come,
there's another gun, too.
We'll work the land.
We'll hunt.
We'll make it work.
You know how to hunt?
Sure, why not?
I'm a fast learner.
Boston has something we don't?
Yeah, power.
Food. Jobs.
It's just another rumor!
Eva, come on.
Come with us.
It'll be an adventure.
You wait here,
nothing's gonna happen.
It's not fair.
It's not fair to your sister.
Well, mom always said
you're your own person.
Nell's her own person.
She'll go if she wants.
You're gonna need it
more than me.
No, his brother has one.
I'm sorry I didn't let you
use the gas.
I was thinking we could stay
one more night
and have like a big party
and watch you dance.
No. If you've gotta go,
you gotta go.
But Eva, we're the only
family either one of us has.
We need to stick together.
Hey, hey, hey.
We both made our choices.
Bye, Nelly.
Hey, I'm always gonna be
your sister.
Let's call it a night, then.
I'm not going.
I'm not going.
You're not going?
I can't leave Eva.
Nell, would she leave you?
No, she wouldn't.
She's not here, is she?
She wouldn't come with you.
Well, that's different.
Take this.
I know you're low on matches.
I love you however I can.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, Nell.
Shepherd's purse.
I still can't believe all of
this was here the whole time.
Hey, hey.
What's this?
What's this one?
Is this it?
It's a Laurel Berry.
It's an anti-inflammatory.
Black currant.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Let's drink.
I thought we were saving
this for...
A snake bite or childbirth
or something.
Well, there will be no
childbirth around here
any time soon.
Come on!
Oh my god.
Okay, we're getting drunk.
Old people booze.
It's gross.
Oranges. It's good for you.
Oh yeah.
- Vitamin c.
- Oh, vitamin c.
Your immune system, it
builds the immune system.
You know what I was thinking?
We could afford a few minutes
of music.
Are you serious?
Like, right now?
I don't know, I think
I kinda wanna...
Like, save it so I can look
forward to it.
I'm serious.
Now's the time.
No, it's not.
It is, too!
Remember what dad used to say?
What did he call it?
Uh... the um...
Snots too wars.
Oh my god.
Is not, is too, is not,
is too...
Snots too, snots too, snots too!
Still no signal.
No Internet.
But there's popcorn!
Isn't he handsome?
Hey, so those blueberries
should be ripe.
They're just past the bridge,
so I don't know,
I'll be like a couple hours?
Oh, I can taste it already.
Blueberry crumble!
But without the crumble.
It's okay, I'm sorry.
Do you remember me?
Uh, Stan.
Wow, you do remember.
Well, you have your...
Oh, yeah.
You're Eva.
I remember.
What're you doing up here?
Uh, I was heading north to visit
a friend in Grantsville
and I heard your axe and uh...
Smelled your smoke and
just thought I'd come by
to see if you're okay.
So have you heard any news
or anything?
We heard things might be
picking up back east, but...
Who told you that?
A friend.
A friend?
You've got friends up here?
I heard that stuff
about Boston, too.
I even heard there's some fools
who took off,
chasing rumors
across the country.
They won't last long.
Well, you girls sure do have
a good sized wood pile there.
That's good.
Did you chop all that wood
by yourself?
My father cut it.
Your father?
Your father around here?
Yeah, he's around.
Yeah? Where is he?
I just want to talk to him
and see what he knows.
He's in the woods.
In the woods.
He's coming back any minute.
Sure, yeah.
I think I'll just stick around
until your dad gets back.
Sorry if I scared you.
You know, you shouldn't
be scared.
It's just, you know,
it's hard times.
It's hard.
No! No!
What happened?!
What happened?!
I will fucking kill you!
I will fucking kill you!
He's gone.
He's gone.
Yeah, he's gone sweetie.
I got you.
You're okay.
You're okay.
You're okay.
Take this aspirin.
It's the last one.
We should save it.
Take it.
I'll just take half.
I miss mom.
She loved you so much.
When you danced together,
it was like seeing double.
She really loved you, too.
I miss dad, too.
Eva, please.
I'm not hungry.
Today we are serving
some worm-free rice
with 14, count them,
14 kidney beans.
And the piece de resistance,
a cup of white tea madam.
Where did you get the gas?
I thought he stole it.
No, I hid it.
From me?
From rash decisions.
That's good, I guess.
Come on, I thought
you'd like it.
I thought we could dance...
Have some fun.
Just let it go.
Oh my god.
It's a note from dad!
Do you think he left it in
case something happened?
Let's make this special.
Let's go outside and read it.
Come on.
I'll get the gun.
Eva, come on.
What? What?
I hurt my back!
Are you okay?
Ow, oh, ow.
Okay, okay.
Just lay down.
If you don't listen to your back
then it's just going to
fight you forever, so here.
Eva, what?
I just get so scared.
I can't stop it.
It just feels like...
These black waves, and I-
I swim up to the surface,
and I-I think
I'll do okay and I can-
I can fight this.
And then another
black wave comes
and I'm just drowning, and-
It's okay.
I got you.
It's okay.
Is it food poisoning?
It could be dysentery
or cholera.
Oh, Jesus, Nell.
It's okay.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm just...
I'm just queasy.
I'm going to go lay down.
What're you doing?
I was just looking up um...
Canning techniques,
'cause we have to store enough
food for the two of us
for the winter.
That's a lot.
There's gonna be three of us.
There's a baby coming.
Yeah, I was afraid of that.
It's okay.
It's okay, we'll figure it out.
Figure what out?
Surely you're not against
stopping an unwanted pregnancy.
No, I don't think any baby
should be unwanted.
Well, there might be
a safe way-
I want it.
I don't think I can lose
anything else, Nell.
Eva, you were raped.
That has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, it's his kid.
I don't think the kid
is responsible
for the parents' actions.
Anyway, how could this baby
even be mine?
What does that mean?
It's its own person.
Fuck, I'm hungry.
Listen: If fatigue and nausea
are present
in the second and third
trimester, microcytic anemia,
caused by a lack of b12,
may be suspect,
which may cause
postpartum hemorrhage
and brain and nerve damage
in the neonate.
Maybe we should call
him neonate.
This is serious.
You look like a ghost.
I mean, brain damage.
B12 is found in animal
and dairy products.
Please die.
My sister's having a baby.
I need you to die.
Oh, shit.
God, it'll be nice
to have soap again.
It's good?
So good!
He's gonna be a dancer.
Or maybe she'll be
a furniture mover.
It's gonna be a boy.
A sweet, strong, beautiful boy.
I'll bet you the guess.
A feast.
What's that smell?
No, I don't know.
Is this some, like, wacko
pregnancy thing?
Like magical mystery
imaginary smells?
It's like smoke,
but it's not ours.
Can you smell it?
You think he's come back?
Is that his campfire?
No. No.
Why don't you think so?
I don't know.
By the kitchen door.
What is it?
A beam fell.
Oh my god.
A contraction?
I think so.
Oh god.
Okay, the average length
of labor is 16 to 18 hours.
How long has it been?
Five hours.
It's really sweet of you
to do this.
Of course.
What else are sisters for?
Is it speeding up?
I think you're stuck.
The house is falling apart.
I gotta get out of here.
It'll be good for you to move.
Do you think you can walk?
Can you try?
I'll try.
I think it's gonna help.
It's good here.
It's good here.
You're okay.
Okay, you're doing so good.
Oh god, oh god!
No, you're doing so good.
You're almost there.
Oh god, it's coming!
It's coming, I can feel it!
I can feel it!
Oh my god.
You're okay.
It's coming!
Oh, god!
It's coming!
Holy shit!
Push! Push!!!
It's coming, one more push!
One more push!
One more push!
Oh my god!
Oh, it's okay.
Oh, it's okay.
Oh, I've got you.
Oh, I'm going to love you
my whole life!
Hi, baby!
Oh my god!
You did it.
Well, you were right.
He's a sweet, smart, strong,
beautiful boy.
Oh my god.
It smells foul in here.
It's okay.
We can't stay here.
The house is filled
with black mold.
It's not safe for the baby.
Here, take him.
Got him?
- Yeah.
- Okay...
Oh, little man.
It's okay.
Alright, I'm gonna get all
the food out of the house.
Eva, what are you doing?
Where's the gas?
The gas.
It's under the microwave.
I won the bet, right?
I can use it any way I want.
I want to burn the house down.
What the fuck?!
What the-
sooner or later someone is
gonna come looking for us,
If we leave the house here,
someone can move in,
but if we burn it down, it'll
look like we died in the fire.
Look at this place!
It's toxic, it's rotting.
We're never gonna fix that roof.
What if we start a forest fire?
No, it's too wet.
Alright, how long have human
beings been around?
Seriously... How long have human
beings been around on earth?
100... 200,000 years.
How long have we had
You see what I'm saying?
This, all this.
This is all we have.
We have each other.
We have plenty of food.
We know how to get more.
It's just not safe here anymore.
We will be okay, Nellie.
It's the right thing to do.
Just give me a moment.
You wanna be the one to do it?