Kika (1993)

I'm relaxed.
Say it again and I'll snore.
Go ahead,
it's a sign of inner peace.
Is this a lingerie
or a sleeping pill ad?
Sleeping lingerie.
I wanna see your face enjoying.
Very good. That's right...
More! We're making love!
Chin down. Very well.
Once more!
Let's try again.
Where's mother?
In the bathroom.
This time she got away with it.
My wife committed suicide.
She shot herself.
I tried to stop her,
but she shot me in the arm.
Hurry, please.
Kilometre 20 on the A2 on the right.
Casa Youkali.
My wife named it after Kurt Weill,
the German musician.
Never mind!
Come quick, please!
she left this note for you.
"Dear Ramn,
"I'm leaving.
"You won't understand.
I hope you never will.
"t would mean
you're as desperate as I am."
Would you mind helping me
stop the haemorrhage?
I'm still alive.
Lower your head, open your eye.
We left an eyelash
so you notice the difference.
It widens the eye,
gives depth, expression, shape.
A girl with almond-shaped eyes is better
than one with a spaniel eye.
Even the most banal woman
looks intelligent and sparkling
with lashes.
Eyelashes are great.
I'm all for them!
Hail the eyelashes!
The Marquise called,
she needs someone
to make up her mother.
The dead one?
She wants the body
to be presentable for the wake.
I'll fix the other one in a sec.
I can't, I'm meeting Ramn
to pick up his stepfather.
Always thinking of yourself.
Send one of them.
Here's the address.
It's a rush. I gave my word
and don't want to look bad.
Why'd you give your word
without consulting me?
- Bye, darling.
- Bye.
Would you make up
the poor Marquise's dead mother?
Ask her to go.
Why me? She asked you!
Gives me the creeps.
Why don't you go together?
I make artists up!
I won't make up someone dead.
I made up a dead man once
and got great results.
It was two years ago.
I worked in TV with Amparo
and was making up Nicholas Pierce,
an American writer.
There you go.
Now some powder...
Want something special?
No, thank you.
Can you please sign my book then?
- Right away.
- My name is Kika.
"I like you very much, Kika.
My number is..."
This afternoon,
our guest is Nicholas Prisse,
American journalist and writer,
who's just published
his first novel in Spanish,
"I fell in love with a fraud".
I don't know if I said it well.
I have trouble saying foreign names.
Have some chorizo!
No, thank you.
It's from La Mancha, like me.
It's delicious!
Have you lived in Spain long?
Four years.
I came to write a piece on hunting,
I write about it
in American magazines.
I fell in love with your country,
in particular with a woman I married,
and stayed.
There's nowhere like Spain!
In the prologue,
you warn evil-minded people
that this novel is not autobiographical.
No, but I admit some things
are inspired by my life.
I was going to say that.
For instance, your wife,
may she rest in peace,
died, like the one in the novel.
Her husband, in the book,
is a writer like you.
Among writers there's a tradition
of killing wives.
Really? I didn't know.
William Burroughs shot his wife.
Louis Althusser strangled his.
How terrible!
I don't know them.
They're not Spanish, are they?
You wouldn't kill your wife...
No, but people suspected it.
People are bad.
In fact,
these suspicions inspired my book.
I asked myself:
if I would've killed my wife,
how could I have tricked the police?
The answer is in this book.
I don't think I'll read it.
My eyesight is bad because I've got
diabetes something chronic.
But I'll give it
to my grandchildren to read.
Many thanks.
To wrap, what are your future plans?
I'm off to Latin America,
to write about the area.
So, have a safe trip, and good luck.
Find a woman.
Marry her so you won't be alone.
You're still young.
I'll take your advice, Doa Paquita.
I'm a widow too.
You can't imagine
how ugly solitude can be.
Dark days, endless nights.
My son directs this programme
and called me to "represent" it,
so I can be with him,
since he can't visit me.
I love Doa Paquita!
f my mother lived,
I'd like her to be like her.
I like him better.
As a father, I mean.
Though Amparo was brash,
I left with Nicholas.
We hit it off
and made another date.
I remember it like today,
it was freezing.
I wore a sheep acrylic orange coat,
looked terrific.
Thanks for coming.
What's wrong?
Aren't you glad to see me?
My son died last night.
I'm sorry!
I didn't even know you had a son.
He was my wife's son.
Oh, just a stepson...
I rang you to make him up.
He'll start decomposing soon.
You should have told me!
I thought bringing
my make-up case was a pretext to...
Well, you know...
I couldn't imagine
I had to make up a corpse!
You'll do just fine.
Come on.
Is he wounded? I hate wounds.
No wounds,
he had a cardiac arrest.
During Christmas. Poor boy!
You're alone? Where's the family?
What an unusual headboard!
He was a photographer
and a collage artist.
What a beautiful corpse!
What was his name?
He's cold.
Of course.
I'm frozen too.
Get rid of the pallor
before we take him to the morgue.
Don't worry.
I'll try and give him his natural colour.
That's it.
Well, I'll leave you two alone.
I see you liked women a lot.
If you would've met me,
you might've fallen in love with me.
Me with you,
I haven't been very selective, Ramn.
I've shacked up in the worst joints.
I wonder what's with me,
I always get the weirdos.
A good heart and a good dick
and I fall in love.
I can't help them.
I try, but I don't get them.
Your stepfather
is another ball-game.
He's so strange...
But he's American and a writer.
Great in bed though, very sexy.
He called me today.
I came here thinking
I was going to get laid.
Honestly, I mean...
I'm making up a corpse.
That's okay 'cause I like you,
but then
I don't know if I'll get laid or not.
There's no atmosphere,
no wake, no family, no...
I don't see a deadly atmosphere.
It all seems very American to me.
He's getting warm.
What's wrong?
Something strange,
the skin is getting red.
What skin?
That's impossible.
Maybe he's allergic to make-up.
Dead people don't have allergies.
I swear, I'm not lying.
His skin's got colour!
Doesn't he have better colour?
Must be the make-up.
No, I just made up this side.
Keep going.
I'll stay with you.
He's alive!
Do you feel better?
Much better!
You gave us a big fright!
- How are you, Ramn?
- Fine, and you?
Let me help you.
What have you done all this time?
Contributing to "Field and Stream",
but basically bummed around,
which is what I like best.
Could you lend me
some money for a few days?
I don't even have enough for the hotel.
Of course.
I could live in Casa Youkali,
but I'd have to rent a car.
The house in unliveable.
No worries, I'll lend you the money.
Thanks. I promise to return it.
What will you do in Madrid?
Work. What else!
I have lots of ideas.
I'll write a novel inspired
by Latin America.
And you?
How's your heart? You taking care?
I'm perfectly fine.
I'm delighted.
- Sorry I'm late!
- What happened?
- You look terrific.
- So do you.
Lack of responsibility,
nothing suits me better.
He's so cheeky!
A woman sets herself on fire
in a bank director's office,
after having been refused a loan.
A member of the Bishop's Court
tried for misdemeanour.
Juana T. reported to have been object
of "indecent proposals"
while trying to get her marriage annulled.
Military commander kills his wife,
then commits suicide.
Argument began over
daughter's bad grades in school.
His neighbours described him
as an enchanting man.
Rapist commits suicide in jail
incapable of facing the shame
of being repeatedly raped
by various prisoners.
Angel Maya,
condemned to four years of jail
for prostituting invalids.
Five skinheads slay
two Moroccans and one Dominican.
Child prostitution and porn video racket
discovered in a Madrid kindergarten.
Children's ages vary from three to six.
Whereabouts still unknown
of parricide Joaquin Garcia.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
With you, Andrea Scarf ace,
presenting, exclusively,
"Today's Worst".
Before presenting our first guest,
a review of footage
I filmed one month ago.
Warning: it'll shock your sensibility,
if you still have any.
Why did your daughter kill herself?
Leave me alone.
Was she happy?
How was her family environment?
It was hell!
It was my husband's fault.
He raped her.
Did you report him?
We wanted him to leave us alone,
stop making our life impossible.
We're separating.
What're you doing here?
Despite the police's efforts,
Joaquin Garcia still runs free.
Our sponsor, Royal Milk,
offers a 10 million pesetas reward
to whoever gives a viable tip
of his whereabouts.
Please, abstain from calling
if unsure of information.
Since we cannot, at this time,
speak with Joaquin Garcia,
we'll do it with the woman
who knows him best.
His mother.
She deserves it.
Good evening, Angelina.
A little.
Tell me,
so the public can be aware...
Your son killed his wife
and raped his daughter.
Did he have abnormal instincts
as a child?
Did he try to kill you,
perhaps rape you
at any time?
He was a good child.
A biz' of a rascal,
but I never thought he '0' get t0 this.
I'm his mother and
I don't think he did it.
He didn't?
You know I have it on film.
Well, I don't believe it.
His wife cannot agree with you
because she lies in the cemetery.
"Dear Ramn,
I'm leaving.
You won't understand.
And hope you never will.
It would mean
you're as desperate as I am.
Don't blame Nicholas.
Life with him is unbearable,
but I don't want another.
Don't bear him a grudge.
Forgive me for not having cared
enough about you,
but pain makes you selfish,
it absorbs you totally.
What are you doing?
Wondering whether Mother
wanted me to help Nicholas.
She didn't want you
to bear him a grudge.
I feel uncomfortable knowing
he's penniless in a hotel,
though he brought it onto himself.
Mind if I move him upstairs?
A few weeks, till he finds something.
Of course not!
And your studio?
I'll rent a room and move.
That's a good idea.
Oh, the chest!
I'll move it out.
No, I like it.
I'll move my things today.
This is your room.
The bathroom's in there.
Not very luxurious...
I've been in worst places.
At some point
we should discuss Casa Youkali.
Youkali's the only thing I have.
Half of Youkali, you mean.
Yes, of course.
You don't use it.
Pass the other one.
Think we should sell it?
I don't know.
Let me think it over.
You know how much it's worth!
I don't think of money
when I think of Youkali.
I can't afford the luxury
of being sentimental. I'm not rich.
What do you want?
Nicholas! It's Andrea!
I thought you were a Martian.
Don't blame you.
Nice to see you!
Come in.
- What're you doing here?
- I saw the ad.
- Want to buy the house?
- I'm not that rich.
I'm looking for this sort of house
to film my programme.
I'm no longer a psychologist.
I direct a TV programme now.
That's a change.
Not really.
I'm still surrounded by crazies.
And very pleased!
Mind if I film?
Film what you want,
but Ramn makes the decisions.
I'm expecting him.
Have you seen him?
All I have left of us is this scar.
I like the garden.
The story I want to shoot is
of a couple who killed ten people
and discreetly buried them in the garden.
This place is as isolated as ever.
Like to read the first chapter?
I have it.
It's not necessary.
Yes, please.
Read it and give me your opinion.
I'm going to look around.
The place is perfect.
Need to fix it a little over there.
How'd you like the script?
It's rubbish.
I know.
I have an idea,
why don't you write it?
I never wrote for TV.
You're a writer, that's enough.
My Spanish is too poor to write.
Write in English and we'll translate it.
By the way,
don't tell Ramn about this.
Andrea, what are you doing here?
I came to see the house.
To rent it.
It's for sale, not for rent.
I thought you'd like to make money
till you found a buyer.
You thought wrong.
Goodbye, Andrea.
Ramn, walk me to the gate?
I'd like to talk to you.
You know the way.
Bye Nicholas, glad to see you.
When the fuck will she leave me alone?
You shouldn't have mistreated her.
Some women like it.
I never mistreated her,
I fled from her.
And the scar? She says you did it.
She did it.
Cut her face to stop me from leaving.
Interesting girl...
Here, Ramn.
Your heart medicine, hypertension pills
and for your willy.
I have to rush.
I have three shows.
Models get impossible
if I don't make them up.
I have a gift for you.
What is it?
What a beautiful thing!
A ring...
It's beautiful.
Why go through the trouble!
We've lived together for two years now.
It's true, sorry.
I don't even know what day it is!
I'm also asking you to marry me.
To marry you?
Don't you want to?
It's not that,
you caught me off-guard.
Aren't I too old for you?
I like older women.
Too immature for my age?
I like immature women.
You asked for it!
I love the ring.
Shall we celebrate tonight?
Let's have dinner and all the works.
Everything you want!
What are you doing here?
I came to take you to breakfast.
Dressed like this?
It's hot out!
Think I overdid it?
Don't be surprised
if they ask "how much".
I didn't hear that.
I know you didn't mean it,
you're just jealous.
I'm worried about you.
You've been very tense.
Is it that obvious?
To me it is, I know you.
Ramn suspects something,
he's asked me to marry him.
That's great news!
I think it's Odd,
just now that our relationship
is not exactly at its best.
You have a wonderful relationship.
How many men marry you
after two years?
It's a nice gesture,
but maybe he suspects something.
If he suspects, the more the merit.
Sweetie, though I'm younger,
I'm more developed up here.
If there's a problem,
the solution isn't screwing Nicholas.
Don't say that!
You said no one's eaten your pussy
or fucked you like him.
It was a lie,
Ramn eats it just as well.
Why doubt then? Marry Ramn
and stop fooling around with Nicholas.
You're so basic!
And he's loaded. What more?
She pressed Nick's buzzer.
Think so?
What are you doing here?
I expected a messenger.
Well, it's me.
May I come in?
I've looked for you for months.
How'd you find me?
By chance.
Saw your picture in a TV guide.
Didn't know you wrote
or that your name was Nicholas.
I know so little about you...
You have a lotto explain.
As you like.
Come in.
I'm exhausted, Juana.
ls Ramn home?
Not yet.
I'll run upstairs then.
I'm so tired...
Don't pull that face.
Sorry, it's the only one I've got.
Can't expect all women to be dykes.
It's no shame.
Neither is being crazy about men.
By the way,
it's not my business,
but have you thought
of shaving your moustache?
Men don't have a monopoly
on moustaches.
Men with moustaches are either
gay, fascist or both.
Speaking as a professional,
you'd be prettier without.
You'd pick up more.
I'll make you up,
you'll see the change.
I'm going upstairs, I'm exhausted.
She's so mistaken, but so charming.
Nick, it's Kika.
Pick up if you're in.
I have to talk to you.
Ramn asked me to marry him.
Let's talk about it.
You're not there.
Well, see you tomorrow.
I'm dead today, I'm exhausted.
There we are.
Look at you, don't you look great?
Do you like me better?
No comparison.
Now they like models with weird faces,
you could be one of them.
I don't see myself on the catwalk.
I want to be a prison matron,
surrounded by girls all day!
You're too much, Juana!
- I'm authentic!
- That's true.
What's wrong?
You've gotten me excited.
Juana, really!
I need some water,
to cool off the erection.
Have you ever been with a man?
Well, just with my brother.
You've committed incest?
Don't know if it was incest,
he was abnormal.
- Poor thing.
- Well, he is.
Like all abnormals, he liked to fuck.
Not just abnormals do.
At first he did it with cows,
sheep and all the lambs in the village.
Then in the neighbourhood.
Before he raped the neighbours,
I let him screw me so he could steam off.
If that's the case,
it probably wasn't incest.
But that's why you're traumatized.
I'm not traumatized!
Nothing compares to good pussy.
Just because you haven't tried.
You're really asinine!
I'm authentic!
Pay Juana a compliment.
Juana, you look beautiful.
The seora disguised me.
I forgot to tell you...
Nicholas is moving to Youkali soon.
Weren't you selling it?
Until we do, he's better off there.
Great place for writing.
It's very messy.
We'll clean it up.
Do you want to keep him far from us?
Since you're asking... Yes.
- Is it because...?
- I can't forget.
Your mother?
You can't keep torturing
yourself with her death.
I'm an orphan and don't spend all day
turning it in my head.
- It's not the same.
- How come!
You were small when your parents died.
And that makes it a small loss?
Try to understand!
I never stop, but you don't...
With time, couples resemble each other,
but we're more and more different.
I'm always chattier,
you're more hermetic.
That's not good.
I read introverted people
interiorize their emotions
like anger or self-contempt.
This interiorizing produces cancer.
You don't know the agony of cancer...
Enough already!
You don't let me talk!
You're the one who doesn't let me!
So go ahead, talk!
About what?
Lots... I don't mean Sarajevo,
Somalia and stuff.
I mean about you and me.
Wasn't this going to be a party?
I forgot!
I get out of hand if you don't control me.
That can't be,
I need lots of control!
Dab yourself, brings luck.
Behind your ears!
To us.
Whatever happens,
let's keep loving each other.
But let's hope nothing happens.
This week,
our popular section "Bloody Ceremonies"
had the pleasure to travel
to Villaverde de los Ojos
where every year
the Picaos procession is held.
How disgusting!
Even Juana, who's so coarse,
is affected.
In the masked group of repentants
was Pablo Mendez,
better known by his stage name,
Paul Bazzo.
Remember "Dickotherapy"
and "Spill the sperm"?
That's Paul Bazzo!
Famous porn actor was serving time
for crimes against public health.
Jail authorities granted him a permit
to fulfil a promise to his village Saint.
Once masked,
he took advantage of the confusion
to escape.
Due to the low IQ
of this famous porn actor,
ex-boxer and ex-Legionnaire,
one supposes his freedom
will be short-lived.
Let's do it the way I like.
Seriously, this has got to change.
Do it as a gift.
I gave you a ring...
It's my fault for encouraging this habit.
I don't mind,
I'm a liberal woman.
But once in a while
I'd like to do it the conventional way.
Look at me!
Shall I go on?
No, one more.
Take one of me enjoying myself.
Again, in case it's out of focus.
It will be 'cause you don't stop moving.
No, that looks fake.
You're not enjoying it?
I don't know.
Can't concentrate with all these photos.
No more photos then.
Now concentrate.
I'm concentrating.
The lamp,
it's moving.
Look, it's moving.
We can stop if you want.
You don't mind?
Why should I mind?
Don't be angry.
We took lots of photos.
Nicholas, pick up, it's Andrea.
Come on, pick up,
I know you're there.
What you sent today
weren't the scripts.
It was the draft of a novel.
I hate people who say
"I know you're there."
Me too.
Am I disturbing?
What do you want?
Instead of the chapters,
you sent something with a terrible title,
"A lesbian killer".
I mixed the envelopes up.
Yours is here, sorry.
Will you send them tomorrow?
You can have them now.
Tomorrow I'm moving to Youkali.
Should I come to you?
I'll see you at the Bellas Artes
in half an hour.
An hour's better.
Killing is like cutting your toenails.
At first,
thinking about it makes you lazy.
When you out them, you discover
it's quicker than you imagined.
You think a long time will pass
before doing it again.
But when you least expect it,
they've grown again."
What a wonderful paragraph!
You can't define more precisely
the natural passion to kill.
Only one objection.
A woman is narrating,
and even though a lesbian,
a woman is never lazy about
her personal grooming.
You're right.
Could you postpone your novel
while you finish my work?
We're a little behind
and I still have to translate it
into Spanish.
I promise I'll work hard at Youkali.
Is this based on true events?
It's loosely based
on various unresolved cases.
They all had in common lack of motive.
I read them in the paper.
It wasn't the same person,
or necessarily a woman,
it's a license I've taken
to give it more bite.
You don't need it, it's fantastic.
What more do you want?
Talking about that love bite...
Today in my office,
an incredible woman
came asking for you.
She sounded Mexican.
She came to my house afterwards.
Be more discreet,
don't give my address to whoever asks.
She was pretty,
I thought you'd like her.
f I want to meet pretty girls,
I'll find them myself.
I'm sorry.
Did she cause trouble?
No, but it took me
an hour to get rid of her.
Who are you, what do you want?
It's me, Pablo.
Why are you here?
I escaped.
Why'd you come here?
Where else?
Come in, idiot.
I told you not to escape
till your time was up!
Jail is so tough. It's not for me.
What will I do with you?
Can't I stay a few days?
You can't stay!
What'll I tell the seores?
The truth, I'm your brother!
You're crazy!
They'll report us to the cops.
No, not the cops.
Give me some dough and I'll split.
I don't have more.
I'm thinking...
You'll steal something.
The chair?
What do you need the chair for!
Because you said so...
Tie me up and gag me.
Go to the seor's office,
behind the columns,
to the right.
Grab what you can.
Video cameras, cameras...
Only go in the study.
What did I say?
Steal something.
In the study, behind the columns,
to the right.
Put everything in the bag,
I'll try to sell them.
Then you'll go to cousin Reme's.
I'll call to tell her
to hide you a few days.
Stop eating!
Didn't eat yesterday.
If you hadn't escaped,
you wouldn't be hungry.
Where will you get
better assistance than jail?
There's no girls in jail.
There are faggots, aren't there?
It's not the same.
Not the same!
He wants it all!
Tie me up and punch me.
Don't hit hard, ok?
Why should I tie you up?
Are you into sadism?
God, are you dumb!
Once they discover the theft,
they won't think I helped.
You got some brain!
And you have none!
C'mon, gag.
- What?
- Napkin on the mouth, gag, tight!
Take it off!
Don't make noise,
the seora's asleep.
There's a seora sleeping?
I see what you're aiming at.
Are you horny?
Tonight you'll screw me and steam off.
- Twice.
- Fine.
Plus Reme.
- We'll see.
- And the little girl.
Leave the little girl out of this!
Don't go in there!
I'll call the cops!
No, fine, don't worry.
Gag me and punch me already!
I wonder what they taught you in jail...
Quiet, Juana.
Look at this.
Check the muscle. What do you think?
God, I'm knackered.
I behaved, didn't rape.
Juana, wake up.
We have to go to Reme's,
you promised two fucks.
Don't pretend you're asleep.
She won't awake...
Hey, that's me!
Stop messing.
What are you doing?
Don't call her, she won't answer!
- What?
- Did you kill her?
No, she's unconscious,
gagged and tied to a chair.
Leave me alone!
Stay still!
Would you rather I rape you
or slit your throat?
Spread your legs.
Careful with the knife.
You're Paul Bazzo, right?
Yes, the famous porn actor.
I'm Kika.
How ya doin'?
Careful with the knife.
What you're doing is very bad.
I'm the best!
They always told me on my films.
This isn't a film,
this is an authentic rape.
It's the best!
You must have a lot of problems.
None at all.
You escaped the jail!
I read it and saw it on TV.
Why don't you stop what you're doing?
Let's talk.
You'll tell me your problems.
I'm a woman of the world,
very liberal.
And very discreet,
I won't tell.
Stop drooling on me!
I'm talking to you!
Leave me alone!
Move the knife!
Hello, police.
Quick, they're raping a woman,
Calle Se villa 3, 6th floor.
How do you know? You the rapist?
So why are you changing your voice?
I'm a voyeur,
I'm watching from my terrace.
A voyeur! Name, number!
Alejandro Muoz, Calle Orense, 23.
Think I believe that, arsehole?
He looks like Paul Bazzo
and is pointing a knife to her throat.
Did you get the address?
Calle Se villa 3, 6th floor.
Fine, wiseguy.
See if you get raped too.
What's up?
A crazy says
he's watching Bazzo rape some girl.
People hallucinate!
Did he say where?
Let's check it out.
Surely a lie.
That's why,
we'll take a walk
and kill the morning.
I'm in no mood for hassle.
How I notice the passing of time!
Don't you?
Think I should put some
collagen on my jowls?
Just a touch.
I have everything else,
including the dimple.
Know what it costs
to have one done in USA?
Ten dollars!
But not like this one.
Only Kirk Douglas and I have one alike.
Stop that nonsense.
Let's go hunt rapists.
Haven't you had enough
with two orgasms?
My record is four, without pulling out.
But today I'll beat it!
Why do you have to beat it with me?
One thing's a rape, this is something else.
It's taking all day...
I have to blow my nose, take a pee...
What do I do!
I don't like this.
Put the knife down!
Keep quiet!
One more thing...
You're just out of jail.
You're not sick, are you?
I don't suppose you had
the courtesy of wearing a condom...
The least you can do if you rape
right and left is wear one.
I'm up to here with dick!
Leave the seora alone,
you son of a bitch!
Go to the kitchen!
Don't go!
Come closer, I'll untie you.
I saw that! Want me to jab you?
We can't do anything.
Relax and let him come.
He came twice without pulling.
Twice already?
Says his record is four.
It's Paul Bazzo,
the porn actor who escaped.
I see.
We're dealing with a professional.
Paul, can you hear me?
She's talking to you!
You can't keep us here all day.
We have to negotiate a deal.
You come again, you leave
and nothing happened.
We won't report him, right?
Agreed? You come and leave, OK?
- Did you hear?
- So come on.
So come on, do it!
That's all we need, who can it be?
Go to the kitchen.
Don't open, whoever it is.
How can I, I'm tied!
Ask for help.
I'm gagged too!
Do something.
Do something! What?
Come on, come!
Nothing doing here.
I hear something.
Somethings going on!
Open! Police!
Open or we'll kick the door!
Don't shoot!
Don't go in! We don't know who's there!
Let's get back-up!
Cover me.
Were you raped?
Don't know. They hit me.
If they raped me, I didn't notice.
How many are they?
I answered the door to one.
You should only open to the cops.
He was disguised,
what could I do?
Should we get help?
I'm going in, cover me.
You stay here!
What if they're armed?
So are we, goddamn!
Here, in the bedroom!
The middle door.
- It's a trap.
- Who cares.
I can't wait all day for you to come!
Don't be suicidal.
I'll be as suicidal as I want to.
Police! Let the woman go!
You, help me with the knife!
I'm pointing a gun to your head!
They're pointing a gun!
- Listen to him, he's nuts!
- He's nuts!
I don't want to shoot
and fry your brain!
Not fry his brain, no!
He won't move. He's about to come!
Gimme a hand!
Don't worry, seora!
Paul, aren't you taking this too far?
Come back, arsehole!
Come here!
Want a ride?
We can go somewhere and talk.
Quick, the keys.
Trust me.
Son of a bitch!
What's going on?
Why did you let him go?
Thought he'd kill himself.
You're not paid to think, but to act.
What are you doing here?
Who called you?
No one.
If I wait for your calls, I'm done for.
We thought it was a joke,
so we didn't call.
How did you find out?
A peeper, watching from his window.
What was Paul doing up there?
Nothing, just raping a girl.
Call that nothing, you macho?
I'm going to see.
Discreetly, Andrea, I know you.
The girl may need my help.
You get the door,
see a guy in disguise,
can't say as what, and boom,
you materialize in the kitchen,
tied to a chair.
What happened from the door
to the kitchen?
He must have dragged me.
By the hair, I'd say.
This hair hasn't been dragged.
I was unconscious.
How can I remember, you jerk!
What a surprise!
I was walking by. The victim?
In the bathroom.
- Who are you?
- The maid.
Find my motorbike M-3614-NC.
And I want Paul Bazzo, alive!
Did they rape you too?
They punched me and I fainted.
She's keeping something from us.
You have marks.
They tied me and gagged me.
Tell me later, sweetie.
- Diarrhoea colour.
- Light brown!
Where's the bathroom?
There. Should I take you?
No, we'll talk later.
What are you doing?
I think they tried to rape you.
Rather, they did rape you.
What's it to you?
throw this woman out immediately!
You heard her.
Just an interview. I'm a psychologist.
I could help you get over the shock.
I'll report her for violating my privacy
and you for consenting.
Don't be unfair!
This man saved your life.
That's true,
if it wasn't for us...
You were raped,
but you needn't be rude.
That takes the cake!
Go, officer, you're intimidating her.
These cops bother me too.
Only one question.
Why did Paul visit you
as soon as he escaped?
Did you know each other?
How did he behave during the rape?
Did he menace you?
How many times did he come?
Did you have an orgasm?
Will the experience traumatize you?
What do you think of judges
giving permits to certain prisoners?
Think Paul's escape is a political
manoeuvre from the opposition?
Your behaviour
attacks freedom of expression!
I hate this room!
It's strange.
And the voyeur's address?
Mario has it, but it's fake.
Fine. I'll check it out.
All these saints weren't much help, honey.
Don't think about it, Juana.
If I hadn't opened,
it wouldn't have happened.
It's not your fault.
Have a drink and relax.
One for me.
I would give my life to protect you.
I know.
I'm going upstairs.
That's it, go upstairs.
Big help the guy upstairs is!
How dare you?
'Cause you were hereto protect me?
Big help you were!
Don't interfere where you're not needed.
We came to change the door.
What happened?
The police...
You know how they are.
They're shots.
The maid's in there
if you need something.
What are you doing here?
Ringing the doorbell.
Nicholas isn't answering.
Maybe out.
Why do you want to see him so late?
I have a confession to make.
I'm having an affair with him.
I tried to tell you,
but never found the moment.
We only see each other every day!
Some nerve!
Don't shout, he could hear!
See if I care!
When I saw you half naked in the lift,
were you coming from here?
You're a bitch!
Lying like this to me, your Kika!
As if you were being
that sincere with Ramn...
He's a man and you're my friend.
I never lied to you.
You're right.
And fuck with closed windows!
I could hear your howling.
What do you mean?
Last night.
Moaning like he was tearing you apart.
I don't recollect being torn apart.
I heard from downstairs.
It was someone else.
Don't be cynical or I'll slap you.
Don't be gullible.
He said he was busy and couldn't see me.
Of course he was!
He's cheating on us.
On you!
I'm not part of the lot, OK?
I'm withdrawing from the competition.
Tell him!
Hi, Ramn.
Bye, Ramn.
What's wrong?
Nothing. Just quarrelling.
And this? What happened here?
We're changing the door.
I see... But why?
The police knocked it down, that's why.
The police?
Couldn't they have buzzed?
Have a drink.
You'll need it.
Then I'll have it.
You asked why the cops didn't buzz.
They did, but we couldn't answer.
Juana was gagged and tied.
And I was being raped.
What do you mean raped?
It was unpleasant, but now it's over.
The best is to forget.
Sorry, I don't get it.
You're so thick!
These things happen every day,
today it happened to me.
Who was the rapist?
You won't believe it.
Remember Paul and the procession?
The first thing he did was to come here.
He was disguised,
that's why Juana opened.
Before she knew it,
he hit her, tied her and everything.
I was asleep and didn't hear anything.
When I woke up, he was inside.
In the kitchen?
Inside me!
Son of a bitch!
You wonder how the cops came.
Seems a voyeur tipped them,
he was spying from his window.
A voyeur?
We're being spied too!
Yes, they're spying on us.
Any idea who it could be?
How could I?
They don't like being identified.
My cameras... Did he steal them?
He tried.
But with the rape he lost his head,
got distracted and left them.
I've been raped three times and
all you can think is of your cameras.
Raped three times?
If I'd been distracted,
the cops would've joined the party!
Then I argued with Juana
and fought with Amparo,
but I'd rather not go into detail.
Should I zap?
No more catastrophes for you today.
I want to see Scarf ace's program.
The bitch found out they were raping me
and tried to interview me.
Do you know her?
She was a psychologist
before working on TV.
This nut, a psychologist!
I was her patient a few months.
I did it for my mother.
It couldn't have been worse.
Why didn't you ever tell me?
Because it never came up.
Did you do the interview?
I told her to fuck off.
So you knew her...
There's so much I don't know about you.
At another time...
More ice, Juana!
Why don't you stop drinking?
It seems you are celebrating.
I'm not celebrating,
just getting stunned.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Andrea
Scarf ace.
The ice.
Thanks and sorry for before.
Sit and watch with us.
I was arguing with him.
Today we have a real scoop.
Paul Bazzo, the porn star,
a fugitive from justice,
raped a girl today in Madrid.
To respect her privacy,
we won't reveal her name.
A piece of advice: be optimistic.
This or worse could've happened to you.
A message from our sponsor,
Royal Milk.
I'm so ashamed!
I'm going to file a suit
she'll never forget!
What for?
We'll give more publicity
to the programme.
I don't give a fuck about publicity!
You don't care
I'm being publicly humiliated?
I don't understand you.
Juana, it's Reme.
What's wrong?
Did you watch TV?
I just saw...
What a tragedy!
How could you send him here?
I'll come get him tonight.
I don't want him here.
- It's you!
- Seen the programme?
It's you we haven't seen all day!
I was busy.
So was I, but found time to come up.
You didn't answer the door.
Can we talk when Ramn's not around?
There's nothing to talk about.
It's over.
When you heard shots,
weren't you curious to know
what happened?
Why do you let her drink?
Doesn't suit her.
I don't need permission to drink.
Now the problem is that I'm drunk!
You're not solving anything.
Be a good girl, stop drinking.
You be a good boy, I'm a saint!
- Kika, please!
- No way!
Enough already!
I'm sorry. I'm overwhelmed.
How do you think I feel?
Try to rest and forgive me.
Don't touch me.
I'll sue her,
with or without your support.
Wouldn't it be better
to forget all about it?
I don't want to forget.
I don't want my rape to sell more milk.
As you wish.
I'll say goodbye to Nicholas.
By the way,
I fucked Nicholas once in a while.
Nothing to say?
What should I say?
Now you know it.
The cops said the voyeur told them.
Who called Andrea?
I don't know who called her.
Go to your room,
you'll clean up tomorrow.
Is a voyeur spying us?
So it seems.
What's the matter? You don't care?
I do care!
I'm tired of that question!
It's Nicholas.
I've just seen your programme.
Hope it didn't bother you,
it wasn't my intention.
What was it then,
vengeance on Ramn?
You know a good professional
shouldn't have scruples.
Some professional!
Watch the ratings
and you'll see what I mean.
What about the rape footage?
A voyeur gave it.
Who is he? His address?
We don't reveal our sources.
Various voyeurs send us things.
We have lots of unbiased collaborators.
If you don't know him,
how'd you find out
right when it was happening?
He called the cops, they called me.
They do it sometimes.
We bribe two officers.
Please, don't mention this to anyone.
I live a floor above.
If he sees them,
he can see me too.
Don't insist,
I don't know who the voyeur is.
You don't have a monopoly on vengeance.
Are you threatening me?
Call it what you want.
Forget our collaboration.
I want nothing to do with your show.
As you like.
I'm warning you.
If you air one more image related to us,
I swear you'll regret it.
I didn't know you wrote for her show.
I'm a writer, I live from that.
She's not taking revenge on me,
but on you!
She hasn't stopped menacing me
since I left her.
This woman should be locked up.
You have to call the police.
What for?
To find the voyeur
and recoup what he filmed.
Think the police will tell me?
Say you'll report
the officers Andrea bribes.
It's pointless.
They don't know the voyeur,
he didn't identify himself.
How do you know?
Because it was me.
I'm the one who called.
I see the house from my studio
and like watching Kika.
Besides spying her,
you gave the tapes to Andrea!
I didn't say that!
So what the fuck did you say?
When she was in danger,
I called the cops. That's it.
That's it?
I didn't film what was on TV.
Someone Andrea knows or she herself did.
Show me everything you filmed till now.
What's in there?
Souvenirs of mother.
- Are those her diaries?
- Yes.
So you had them...
I hid them the day she died.
Didn't want them flying around.
Did you read them?
No, I can't.
I'd like to have a look.
Don't even dream about it!
Here's everything I filmed.
I should've known.
You liked to snoop.
I often discovered
you behind our bedroom door
when I made love with your mother.
What timing! "The Prowler".
You spied on me last night?
No, I was here with Kika.
You don't have to hide anything.
We all know everything.
I'm tired of behaving like an adolescent.
Why did you advance the move?
We agreed to do it in three days.
You're in no position to interrogate me
and I won't allow it.
Very well.
Get out!
I don't want to see you again.
I'll pack and go in the morning.
Remember you owe me half of Youkali.
I'll send you my new address.
The sooner we settle this,
the better.
You're leaving too?
Of course.
What's in there?
The small chairs, as souvenir.
And I stole some stuff as severance pay.
Good idea, you have your rights.
Let's get a cab.
I left the keys upstairs and
I don't feel like getting them.
Where are you going?
To my cousin's. And you seora?
Call me Kika, I'm no longer your seora.
I don't know.
To a hotel or to Amparo's, I'll see.
Can I give you a ride?
No, I'll take the subway.
As you like.
I'd go anywhere with you.
I wasn't propositioning you!
I'm sorry.
What I like about you is your sincerity.
If only everyone could be like you...
Give me a kiss.
Kika, I lied to you too.
- You too?
- Yes.
Pablo is my brother.
Pablo who?
Paul Bazzo, he's my brother.
Paul, your brother?
I'm going to meet him.
Get him out of my cousin's house.
Let's go.
He's retarded.
He's my brother and I have to help him!
- Halt!
- Please don't!
Good bye.
"Killing is like cutting your toenails.
At first,
thinking about it makes you lazy.
When you out them, you discover
it's quicker than you imagined.
You think a long time will pass
before doing it again.
But when you least expect it,
they've grown again."
What the fuck they saying?
The vase.
It's not there.
Nicholas, is that you?
These stains...
What stains?
These stains look like blood.
You're hallucinating.
You shouldn't have come.
You look terrible.
I didn't sleep all night.
I'm exhausted too.
Then go home and rest,
we'll meet later.
We don't need to see each other again.
I brought mother's things.
Including the diaries
you were so keen on.
Why this change of heart?
Everything belongs to you,
but this note.
You thought differently last night.
I hadn't read them last night.
You finally found the strength.
Kika had left.
I was desperate
and thought of mother.
I thought I understood her
for the first time,
so I began reading her diaries.
You know how I loved her.
Despite her neurosis,
I thought she cared about me
in her own way.
I was wrong.
She didn't give a damn about me!
Not even a line about me.
If she mentions me,
it's to say she's tired of me.
Only you existed, her executioner!
Life didn't interest her without you,
nothing kept her here.
Your mother wouldn't admit
it was over between us,
but I wasn't her executioner.
You killed her!
You're still hallucinating.
That's enough, Nicholas!
You did,
but I can't even blame you for that!
Her life belonged to you,
you could take it away anytime.
She committed suicide,
it wasn't the first time she tried.
You know it as well as I do.
You killed her!
Here's the proof!
April 20th.
Mother died in June.
The note was written and ripped out by her
two months before she died,
when she tried to kill herself.
I made it in time to take her to hospital.
You found the note and kept it.
You didn't give it to me then.
You gave it to me after you killed her,
to justify her suicide.
"Dear Kika,
I'm going to Casa Youkali.
Something important's come up.
Unforeseen, impossible as it seems.
I must speak to Nicholas,
as I feel I'll never see him again.
I won't ask for another chance,
I don't deserve it.
I wanted to die tonight,
but don't suffer for me.
You gave me more than I deserved.
In my own dirty and silent way,
I loved you and love you.
Forgive me.
What do you want?
I brought money for the chapters.
How'd you know I was here?
I supposed.
Won't you ask me in?
No. And quit filming!
I brought cash
to avoid you going to the bank.
Fine. Goodbye.
The receipt!
You have to sign it!
I'd like to speak to Ramn.
He's not here.
What's his car doing here?
I brought it.
I know he's here.
I heard you talking.
I've been outside a while.
In any case,
it's you I want to talk to.
- Give me an interview!
- What?
An interview!
You don't have much time to flee,
I'll be brief.
I'll air it when you're far from here!
Don't bluff!
I know everything.
Your trips were a great excuse to kill.
You killed your wife,
but I don't care.
I want to know about the others,
starting with the blonde.
Shut up or I'll cut your tongue!
You'd do it if you could.
A man who kills a woman with a vase
after she's sung in the moonlight
is capable of anything.
I'm talking about the blonde Mexican.
You said she was with you
only an hour that day,
yet I filmed you both
that night at home
just before my phone call.
The ditch is for her, right?
I'm coming in!
Must I prove what I'd do for an interview?
For once I'm facing a serial killer,
I won't miss the chance!
Don't move!
The knife!
Sit there!
Let's talk like civilized people.
From your bibliography
and the proof I just got,
I don't doubt you're a serial killer.
I can give you a detailed report
on my deductions,
but save me the ostentation.
We have no time.
I need a doctor.
You need much more,
you need my complicity.
We'll make a deal.
I'll get a doctor for your wound.
I'll help you flee or hide,
whatever you prefer.
For the interview
I can pay 10 million.
That's what we offer bounty hunters.
I suppose you'd rather have it.
I don't have it here,
but I'll send it where you say.
I won't air the interview
till you're out of here.
What do you say?
Do I have a choice?
Let's get to work.
About the blonde Mexican...
You got rid of her in the chest
during the move, right?
Who was she?
Who is she in the novel?
I'm bleeding to death.
Don't lose time then!
Who was she? Why'd you kill her?
In the novel she's identical to
the lesbian killer's last victim's sister.
Why not tell me you're
that ridiculous lesbian?
- I'll explain it all.
- When?
Now, but help me stop the haemorrhage.
Take that shirt,
tie it around your knee.
Don't forget I'm pointing a gun
and I'm tired of waiting.
Why didn't you listen to me?
We have little time,
say yes or no.
Just nod your head.
I'll take you to the hospital, I swear.
You committed
all the crimes you wrote about, right?
Tell me yes or no.
Nod your head.
Tell me yes...
God, what am I going to do?
The ditch!
What happened?
That madwoman...
And Ramn?
Up in his room.
Is he dead?
You never know...
He's dead...
You never know with that boy.
I don't have time for speeches.
A gift for you.
Publish it,
it'll be a best-seller.
Just change the title
and the main character's name.
Put mine in her place
and it'll become my autobiography.
You're delirious, Nicholas.
Hold me, Kika.
If I have to die,
I'd rather do it in a woman's arms.
We met on this bed.
Why didn't I bring my make-up?
It's Kika.
Ramn, it's Kika.
What's going on?
I don't know.
You had another attack,
a cataleptic attack.
My toe, it hurts...
I plugged you in,
so you would react.
Are you hurt?
It's not my blood.
Don't touch me, I'm filthy.
I have to tell you something awful.
I don't want you to keel over again.
Can you resist it?
You're leaving me, right?
How can I leave you in this situation!
We'll talk about it later.
Andrea and Nicholas are dead downstairs.
Never saw so much blood in my life.
They must have killed each other.
When will this nightmare end?
I'm not superstitious, but this ring,
things have happened since
you gave it to me.
Whose was it?
My mother's.
She wasn't lucky either, poor thing!
Who gave it to her?
My father.
You never talked about him,
you're so hermetic.
He was decapitated in a car.
For God's sake!
I'm calling an ambulance and the police.
We're in God's hands.
I'll follow in my car,
I'd rather not leave it here.
What's wrong?
Car's dead, and I'm best man
at my sister's wedding in Montilla.
Sorry, I'm going the other way.
Drop me off at a petrol station,
I'll get a cab.
Sure, I'll drop you.
Hop in.
Put your things here.
Make yourself comfortable
and let's go.
Want a tissue for your hands?
I'm a little dirty too,
I always get smudged.
I'd gladly drive you to your village,
but I have lots of things to do.
Don't worry about it.
Truth is,
distraction would do me good.
So go for it!
After the wedding,
we'll bop till we drop!
You've convinced me!
Get the map and find the way.
Don't need one,
I'll point you in the right direction.
I actually need some pointing
in the right direction...