Kiler (1997)

A guy got out,|lit a smoke... and croaked.
Andrzej G., a.k.a. 'Guillotine',|has been shot,
the 4th victim this year.
Inspector Fish,
is this a gang war?
- In 5 min.|- I don't get it...
I spoke to my man...
Is this a gang war?
No war whatsoever.
That's a contract killing.
The elusive Killer again?|When will you get him?
The police works by the book.
How many more victims until|you get the legendary Killer?
Legendary? Nonsense.
There is no Killer.
It's the media invention.
If not Killer, who kills then?
This is Ewa Szanska...
A man does, ma'am.
Directed by
Your cigs, sir.
I said no filter.
No such stuff in the city.
What city is this?
Las Vegas.
Looks like power outage.
If not to home, so where to?
I'm going to Zygmunt.
That architectural wonder|can be yours.
It'll be Europe's largest casino.
And we'll remain the owners.
Officially yes.
In fact, we'll have 98%.
Only 2% left to split?
We've invested a bundle.
Mr. Lipski, gimmi a break.
The building is yours when|the money's in the Swiss bank.
No Swiss accounts, please.
Cash only or no deal.
Cash? What's cooking?
How do we collect it?
In 3 days...
a dollar-packed container|will arrive at the Warsaw airport.
And we collect the delivery|just like that?
From Waldek.
Our friend Waldek...
Just show him... this.
- And the other half?|- Waldek will have it.
Any problems?
No. But why tear up|the money?
Rather than to America
I'm going to the land of these.
They're expanding, sumbitches!
Let me go!
It's a mistake!
A mistake!
That was my wife's middle name.
- What's that?|- I don't get it.
Who's this creep?|Get me the one I need.
Which one?
Number One.
For me you, Ewa,|are Number One.
I'm talking about|Guillotine.
Who's that?
That's enough or I'll|get lumbago.
Is that Guillotine?
That's your stupid pal,|Stan!
Only you, myself, and Stan|know it.
But all the viewers will think|he's Guillotine.
Hi, what's up?
- To cut it short...|- Before I forget:
They've collared Killer.
- They have?!|- The radio said.
They got him.
- Just that?|- Isn't that enough?
Hi, Killer.
If you totter like a geisha|you'll kill yourself.
OK, spill it.
Your name and occupation?
Jurek Kiler, taxi driver.
Your name's Killer|and your handle's 'Killer' too.
You're Killer!
If you say it's a mistake,|I'll hit you!
It's a mistake.
Get him up!
What d'you think?
They're here to protect you|not me.
Boss, no third degree, please!
I've been on his tail for 3 years!
It's a tragic misunderstanding.
My name's Jurek Kiler.
A taxi driver,|side number 7775.
You were real good, Killer|but you're collared now.
Cause I've been better!|46 times better!
Now you're in for it!|For life, man.
But first confess to the Procurator.
Con-fess? To the Procurator?
You think we sent|a SWAT team
to get an innocent taxi driver?| Et morning?
And our boys have|nothing else to do?!
You botched up the job.
And forgot to tidy up.
This tsatske was found|where you did in Guillotine.
And in your taxi,|a Steyr sniper rifle.
From thise weapon whose killed|forty persons in all Europe
and in the former Soviet Union.
There's moratorium|on death penalty,
but we'll make an exception|in your case.
In any case, you're|in the poky till you croak.
Hey, smartass!
Making fun of the fifth|Commandment?
Not at all!
Truth is you killed scum!
But it's your hide as if|they'd been innocent men.
And now sing, please.
Start talking.
Tell us, Killer,|and you'll be better-off.
Not much better.
But.|You'd better...
You know what?
We'll get you a single cell.
Else we'll lock you up|with Hairy.
No idea who Hairy is?
None whatsoever.
I'll say nothing.
- Killer!|- Hairy.
Killer recognized me.
It's an honor!
Out with you, shitty dudes!|Make room for Mr. Killer!
He's Boss now!
What's wrong, Ugly?
- OK. with me.|- Move your ass, X!
Sit down, please.
We didn't expect you.|I'd have had it cleaned up.
These stinkers are messy.
Thanks. It's... cool.
How did you off|that Turk in Munich?
I read it in the rags.
That Turk?... Easy
- But how?|- From a distance.
With a sniper rifle.
- Steyr?|- Yeah.
With infra-red sights.
But that explosion?
Explosion? In Mannheim?
In Munich.
Oh, that. Syntex.
- What?|- Czech plastic.
How did you plant it?|The car was watched, right?
Easy. I had a... toy car,
I stuffed it with plastic,|sent it under the Turk's car
and wham!
See, moron, you'd die trying|to figure that out.
That reading makes you dumb.
But that's kid stuff.
Any moron can plant a bomb.
But to face your mark|is a real challenge.
The fatter the better.
But for a fatso you need|dum-dum ammo.
Deadly effective.
See, X?|You've spilled the soup.
Where's your sausage?
I've eaten it.
Don't hurry next time.
No way, Miss...|Miss Ewa.
Dear Mieczyslaw, I must see him.
Anybody, Miss Ewa, but Killer.
Killer's Europe-class criminal.
We have no luminaries|of his standing.
We can't afford hiding Killer.
I like you, Miss Ewa,|prize your professionalism,
but you must understand.
I see.
So here's another project.
A documentary series:|Polish Penitentiary Pantheon.
Could you help me|with a list of 8...
That many of us?|Let's see.
Czesiek from Leczyca.|Retired now. How about that?
No, only wardens in active service.
Mirek from Bialoleka.|A baldie. How about that?
No, only creme de la creme:
dashing, IQ over 240,|speak foreign languages.
Piotrkw! Right!|Stan Alcatraz is in there.
That's it, Stan... No.|No go.
The great escape, right?
Exactly. 600 cons|on the lam now.
Must've done it|with chartered buses or what?
Stan's hair turned gray.
- Gray-haired are out.|- You see it your self.
At least one name.|And he'll make great copy.
How about|the Pillar of Polish Prisons?
Or the Bulwark?
Or just the Star.
Great! The Star of Polish|Penitentiary system,
Warden Mieczyslaw Klonisz.
You mean me?
Sure. Neither gray-haired|nor bald,
let alone retired.
No one ever sprung on me!
An ideal candidate.
But you must be very busy.
I'll find some time out|for the Polish prison system.
Thank you very much.|Guys!
Warden, sir...
Good evening
My name's Ewa Szanska.
I know you from TV.
I'm making a program on you.
On a taxi-driver?
Killer, fool Inspector Fish|and other Kojaks.
I'm not a plant, Killer.
The real Killer is at large.
I'm a taxi-driver,|side number 7775.
I killed nobody. That lummox|Fish made a mistake.
Right. I got you on tape.
You hung around there|when Guillotine got killed.
Is gawking forbidden?
Pure coincidence.|I had to buy smokes.
OK. Why did you kill?
The public wants to know?|For dough.
What did you feel?
Excitement, the smell of money.|That'll make them happy.
Remember your first time?
It was on a mountain hike.
I pushed my math teacher|off the cliff.
- I'm serious.|- So am I.
Your first contract killing.
My student board ordered it.
No kidding.|Your first contract killing.
Kiev, Ukraine in 1989.
Four born killers,|armed to the teeth.
I, my AK-47, my pony...
- How was it?|- I was shot dead.
Start talking|like a killer, damn it!
If he said, he is taxi driver | and live in night
it doesn't mean he lives|off the taxi alone.
His contractors paid well|for his hits.
The police know those people?
We know a lot|and we'll know more...
You know shit!
I can say any more.
So let me tell you|what I've found out.
One of Killer's clients
was the boss of the Polish|underworld,
Stefan Siarzewski, alias Siara.
He must've had Andrzej G.|(Guillotine) killed.
What d'you say to that?
You're dead, you TV slut!
You said Killer was|the media invention.
Sorry, just a trick of the trade.
Outta here soon|and I got some savings.
Enough to off Big Ear.
I chip in.
I don't get it.
Piece of cake for you.
Do him in|and take all I have.
- All I have.|- I'll think about it.
Is that Killer?
That sad sack is no Killer.
Sad sack?|That's what you are!
They say Killer has already|killed an inmate.
He choked him with a salt|shaker. With the cap, that is.
The shaker or the cap?
The perforated cap.
Where're they moving him?
To maximum security.
- Where exactly?|- This I can't say.
Maybe you don't know?
I do, but I won't say.
She is a gey! |I get it right away
by soul and body| that her gey moving
I can kiss her heands| and even eat her fork
And later in bathroom | clean yourself by soap
What's up?
Why have we stopped?
Must be the fuel pump!
You think so?
Must be the fuel pump!
It's the fuel pump all right.
So from use thise break| Can i go piss?
My bladder will bust!
A true killer got no bladder.
What has he got, then?
A true killer has a pump.
But the pump's busted.
What shall I do?
Piss in to your pants| Killer.
I can't hear.|Must be the pump.
Stay put. Could be a trap.
Sending reinforcements.|Ten-four?
- I must to toilet(killer)|- That's a ten roger.
Who wants to piss?
Is onlly Killer.
- Tell him to piss his pants.|- I said that before.
Hi, who's the idiot in charge?
Actually, I am.
You know who's in there?
Actually, I do.
You know who'll write|a report to the minister?
Actually, I don't.
I will and won't even mention|a fuel pump.
And guess about who will be| that report?
We're taking|the prisoner along.
I don't want piss any more| thank you very much
I fuck you
What did you say?
Actually, nothing.
O my god! I thought|you looked different!
Come on in, Killer!
With a cold hand|and a warm heart.
Skinny, free him!
Name's Skinny.
I like you, 'cause|you got balls, like me.
One thing bothers me, though.
- May I ask you something?|- Shoot, Stefan.
How come they catch you?
You always took good cover.
On alert as a prairie-dog|and cautious as a May-bug.
You done so many hits
and I never even saw you.
By phone, fax, e-mail,|but never in person.
How come the blues sniffed?
Wish I knew thise too.
Why, you don't sus me!
Like I say,|I wish I knew.
I seen shadow of eagle|he climp up like a wind
- Is Fish calling Aquarium.|- I copy you.
- How was the trip?|- That fuel pump again.
What you mean?
You are kidding?|State Security took him 3h ago.
What? 3 h. ago?! |So where they are now?!
Now? They can be even in Hamburg
Rain is not calm
Hug strong orchard
And we on thise war|couple long year's
We back to home| so warm ho..
What is it, Stefan?
Why this crying?
Must be hard and not soft.
I'm all alone in this world.
Like a pinky, I got nobody.
Only criminal's around me.
I'm all alone.
You're a very nice guy,
a very nice killer.
Your health, my one|and only hitman.
Go thru it all alone... | Go thru it all aloune...
Don't turn your heart|to a stone...
We must be|ourself et last...
I trust nobody but you.
What you want?
And what?| maybe I'am not in home?
Where've you been, slut?
Won't you introduce me?
With pleasure.
My wife, a slut she goes out.|My best friend.
Care for a sandwich|or fried eggs?
Fry your tits!
You know who that is?|Mr. Killer himself!
He eats chateaubriand, oysters,|anything he wants,
not your sloppy sandwiches!
Killer?|Gabrysia Siarzewska.
Glad to meet you.|Name's Jurek.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Beat it.|We got business to do.
That Gabrysia... your lady?
- Her name's Rysia.|- Then why Gab-rysia?
'Cause she's stupid.
From a singles' bar.
There's no Killer as such.
He's a media invention.
Who shoots then?|This is Ewa Szanska...
That bitch I don't like!|A TV slut!
Very nice and pretty.
That slut is on your tail|and you say she's pretty?
Cause she is.
- You think so?|- I do.
Here's an offer.
Off her and I'll pay you|as if she were President.
You flipped?| Thise is woman
I don't kill women!
Especially beautiful ones.
Thise is beautiful?|You ain't seen nothing yet.
Siara.|That's a ten roger.
Go and watch TV.
Listen Killer.
I left nothing to chance|and had it all planned.
What friend would|I've been to
without a chance|for you to pay me back?
Thanks, Siara.
It would've looked I dissed you.
But I respect you more|than my folks and partners.
What do I do for you,|my friend Siara?
You'll get a car,|a VIP suite in town,
a piece you like,|and some cash for starters.
What do I do?
Two jobs, big and small.
The small one?
That Szanska from TV|drives me crazy.
And the big one?
A tougher act.|Only two days for it.
Who's the mark?
Ferdinand Lipski...
Make it look|like a car accident.
Very difficult|but could be done.
One more thing.
Ferdinand Lipski got|something I want back.
A bill of 2000 Colombian pesos.
Actually, a half of it,
which is very important.
Hi, Killer, got a sec?
Not really, I'm already late.
The son-of-a-bitch must|bite the dust.
- Holy shit, who's that?|- My husband.
That's not my bag.
My ex. I got some dough...
I'll be right back.|Then you'll tell me.
I'll check my agenda|and squeeze you in.
Thanks. You're real cool.
- Well?|- He's agreed!
What do I tell Minister,|the media, and the public?
You're a laughingstock!
You can't handle anything!
Your future|is in your shitty hands.
Get the fuck out! And don't you|show up without Killer!
- And that's that.|- Yes, sir.
You're staying.
Killer is your problem.
You know what they say?
Wanna kick ass?|A cop is best.
He won't hit back|cause he's scared.
Scared? He just can't.|It's illegal.
Exactly! So from now on,|screw the law!
- Can I?|- You must!
We need Killer| like lucky
Not because some|scum's dead| this is even better
The number of killers in|jail must tally.
People must feel safe,|and the police must be respected.
Else we're in over our heads!
- You must be a bull-terrier!|- I will be.
- A raging bull!|- I will.
Like Tommy Lee Jones,|in 'Fugitive'!
- I will.|- Yeah! So get fuck out!
The police is after a dangerous|criminal, Jurek Killer,
suspected of forty|contract killings,
who fled while convoyed.
Did I hear right?
How much for thise pussy| what go there? 300000'?
Enough for both of us.
And what I doing here?| Uuu... What you doing here?
Is some things what nobody can't against| So why think about it?
From far hear strange noice | Uuu What you doing here?
On big jackass, you can fall from bridge| and fishing them
Evry one said what they want| 3th times listen carefull me
Evry one agree with others| but et last will be like now is
And what i doing here?|Uuu... What you doing here?
Have that much space| for one move hand can reward
Is not need smart heads|Uuu... What you doing here?
That times, bars and lockals| want i get born...
What do you, asshole,|know about killing?
Two hard tomatoes.|Likewise cucumbers.
A bunch of radishes... hard.
Mr. Killer? I know you from TV.
I have a job for you.
- How much?|- No matter.
- It's my old man.|- I'll think about it.
Faster!|On the double!
Suspect seen|in the roadside inn.
Rush someone smart|to find out.
The owner and patrons|are scared stiff.
Killer knocked out|two bruisers.
- Talk to them.|- They haven't come to yet.
What a nacional..| what a people...
That's the one.
That's Siara's man.|So Siara's sprung Killer.
A war? All right.|Let's go!
Yes? What is it?
Look, Miss, Killer's got|a contract on you.
A contract?
He's must kill you.|Good night.
Don't shout, it's me!
- Who?|- Kiler.
I won't touch you!|Don't panic!
- What do you want?|- Talk.
Leave me aloune!| Get out!
I got a contract on you.
Go right ahead!
What are you waiting for?|Shoot!
Ewa, I'm no Killer.
- And that?|- Siara gave it to me.
He thinks I'm Killer.|And so does Fish.
Everybody does.|There's a reward on your head.
- You calmed down?|- A bit.
- May I sit down?|- Please do.
- And you think I'm Killer?|- When evrybody say that, something is in thise.
I've never killed anybody.
And Big-Ear in jail?
- Just an accident.|- Bullshit!
If I were Killer|you'd be dead by now.
- Trust me.|- No.
OK, I'm Killer.|But I have had it.
I call it quits.
- Why?|- Let's say...
Guilty conscience.
Won't you offer me a drink?
What you want to drink?
Some juice.
Or minerlal water, without gaz..|I'm driving Siara's car.
Sorry I barged in.
- I had to warn you.|- Against yourself?
As long as I'm Killer,|you're safe.
I had to come here.
- And my address?|- From Siara.
He wants you killed|and one Lipski.
- Ferdinand Lipski?|- Right.
- This Lipski?|- Correct.
But Senator Lipski protects Siara.
Till Friday. And that's|when I have to kill him.
If I don't,|Siara will kill me.
Come to heel!|Come here quick.
Sit! Your paw.
That's a good dog.|Down!
What's that?
- Hi, Evita.|- Hi.
Good evening, Inspector.
Come to heel, Skinny!|Let's go!
For a walk.
Open up!
Hop in!
- Why?|- In the kennel, Skinny!
Follow my drift?
But I didn't... nothing.
See how dumb you are?
- So how was it?|- Armed assault.
He sprayed the police car.
Inspector fired|eleven warning shots.
He can kill |but hit only in the knee.
That's our report.
Not my leg, please!
Shut your trap!
I'll tell you everything|but don't shoot!
Question One.
- You always piss with clouse zipp?|- I do.
Question Two.
Why did Siara free Killer?
Killer got some hits|to do for him.
- Where is he?|- I don't know.
- With Siara?|- No!
So why you say:| I don't know, eh?
Which knee?
Left or right?
I don't know, I swear!
Killer showed up just once|and then disappeared.
Even if Siara knows,|he won't tell me.
You see!
A very important day, this,|in your shitty life.
You're beginning|a new, pissy life now.
Working for Siara,|but report to me everything.
And remember,|you must find out where is killer.
Am I bothering you?
Come on in, please.
The door was open so...
That's all right.
- Shall I wash your back?|- I've already done it.
You like it here?
- Super!|- Italian design.
And that swine, my husband,|lays kids here.
- Kids?|- From that grade school.
- Pour me a drink.|- What's yours?
- If you know how much awful i have live!|- You, Rysia?
Even my name sounds weird.
I meant to say Gabrysia,|or even - Gabriella.
Siara's a monster!|He cheating me, beats me,...
Dont give even one cent!
Do you know what cosmetics do I use?|The most cheapies one!
Look at me! I can't even|afford a beauty parlor!
When I complain he threatens|to deep six me in the Vistula!
Claims I'm a wastrel
and won't give me a penny!
Wait, I got something.
Siara gave it to me.
You want some?
Buy yourself cosmetics.
You nuts?|What can it buy? Q-tips?
You meant well, I know.
You're a nice guy,|a real European,
well-traveled... Kiev, Munich.
And you know|how to treat a lady.
I didn't come to cry here.
There's business to do.
Only you can help me.
Only I?
What's this business?
Kill Siara, my husband.
Gabrysia, I'd like to help|but he sprung me.
He helped me out.|Got me a job.
Only to ice Lipski.|And that's that.
He could benefit|from Lipski's death.
And I...
happen to know his plans.
What plans?
I'm talking|loads of dough.
In two days, an overseas|cargo comes in.
Siara wants to kill Lipski|and take it all.
So you kill him|and then do Siara in.
And the spoils go to...
You, Gabriela?
No, Killer, us.
Interesting.|Get down to brass tacks.
Next time.
She came to order Siara|killed and you two drank vodka?
She did. I couldn't|throw her out.
Sure... a drunk woman?
Not drunk. Unhappy.
Siara wanted to deep six her|in the Vistula.
She can't afford cosmetics!
You call it quits,|only to kill a thug
so that his moll|could buy cosmetics?
I'm considering the proposition.
I call the cops,|or end up an accomplice!
I could draw 5 years.
Thanks to my good manners,|I know why Lipski must die.
Since I'm taking the risk,|you'll tell me all.
I intended to.
On camera.
Here's my plan.
Two veggies for|Mr. Ferdinand Lipski.
I didn't order any.
- This is the Police.|- Nor the Police.
I must see|President Lipski.
Funny getup, that.
Disguise. Don't disturb us|for the next 15 min.
Siara wants me killed?
That moron,|that cloned sheep!
He's zilch without me!
Shall we talk about it?
Abso-his fuckin much-lutely!
I used to work for you.
Just once. A long time ago.
How much did he give you for me?
Sorry, trade secret.
If he'd been generous,|I'd be up there
on the roof,|with a Steyr rifle.
- A snowball chance?|- Exactly.
I give you for him ten times more,|though he's not worth it.
On one condition.
I must see his carcass|Friday at the latest.
The snag is|Friday is in two days.
What's the deadline?
I play golf at 7.
Very difficult|but could be done.
Is that real pizza?
Veggy whopper|a 44.80 zl.
For two.
In one city lives familly| wife, her husbend hate so much
I'm expecting someone!
Try somewhere else!|Parking violation?
Gaby, it's me!
Killer, you can fool a girl!
Hush, or I blow it!
OK, sit down and tell me.
What i must tell?| You must to speak.
I just wanted to know|how you manage.
Thanks, never better| In my profesion I cant say bad to
From time when I am out|I have seven contracts.
What seven contracts?
What you talking about?
Siara must be killed first!
Now listen!|A container flies in Friday...
with incredible loads|of money.
As Siara and Lipski|will have been iced,
you collect the container.
You think I'll get it|just like that?
Yes, since you'll have|a half of a bill.
So what?
And a man there|will have the other half.
Okay, I'll have that half...|How do I know him?
Flash your half|and he's sure to spot you.
Sounds amateurish a bit.
But you're a pro.|That's why I chose you.
OK. Who's got the bill?
Actually... I don't know.
You can't be serious.
I may not be,|but the money is.
- Ewa, this one?|- No.
- This would do.|- You like it?
And the color?|Where's the dealer?
Killer, throw it back!
There it goes!
Hello, I'm from TV.|I'd like to...
Holy smoke!
- You both sprung?|- Amnesty.
- I said I would.|- What a getup?
From Siara.
Good to see you.|We got the dough for Big-Ear.
What dough?|What Big-Ear?
What're you talking about?
Can I take that, these, that there navy blue|for an hour?
Be my guest.
A deal is a deal.|The dough is yours.
Come on! It was an accident.
We got money for a car,|but I'll fix this junk.
Why don't you buy one?|And forget Big-Ear.
No, it's a matter of honor.
OK, Hairy lends|me that, these, that there navy blue.
And you give me 2000.
Colombian pesos. Tomorrow.
- Going strong?|- Risk-free.
More smoke!
You know what to say?
- What frame have you got?|- Beautiful, American.
But he has sweat pants on!
I'll zoom in on him|for a closeup.
May I say something?
Sounds like high brass here
rather than a cop|on the beat.
Make up something simple.
Better figure out|how to get 2000 pesos.
Let's wait for the magic hour.
No. Stan, down!|Jaroslaw, camera!
And you killer dont play like direcktor but get down, too.|We need two bodies.
Lipski had a driver, remember?
Where's Killer?
Siara got him digs|in town.
What digs?
A classy apartment.
Where in town, moron?
Siara didn't say.
You were to find out.
I didn't ask you to listen|to Siara,
but to find out yourself.
Yes, but it's hard.
Come here, please!
You didn't follow what I said.
I try my best.
It's your ass on the line.|Get it?
I do.
I can switch|to second and third now.
Don't do it to me, please.
Where's Killer?
- I remember now!|- Where?
This may do, right?
X is already late.
Let's start|that candid interview.
No camera.
Try a dry run.
I don't know what to ask you.
Hi, X!
You got it?
And I looking like someone who dont have?|Sure I have.
You bet. Colombian not Cuban.
So gimmi.
I sure will.
It's hard to get those pesos|in this country.
But you got them?
- Yes or no?|- How no, if yes.
Let's have them!
I tried the flea market.|Nothing doing.
They said, ''Go north.|You may get Chilean. ''
''They net twice a much''.
I thought better of it|and went to the embassy.
And got them without hassle.
What's that?
Is not 2000 pesos but| 2x bullshit need 1000 pesos! Have I right?
Yes... And what's the difference?
I'll fix the drinks first.
You know what?
I'll turn on the TV.|They may say something.
Come! They're reporting!
an olive, tomato, and vodka.
Come or you'll miss it!
- Lipski's kaput.|- Kicked the bucket?
Last night Ferdinand Lipski,|one of the richest Poles, died...
A job of a real pro.
- You deserve an Oscar.|- The police suspect
the brake malfunction|caused the crash.
You fooled them cop morons.|This should be recorded.
Dont worry| I recoeded these.
This is Ewa Szanska...
You're a genius.
With me you need|no other hitman.
- To you.|- Thanks.
Gimme the bill|and we're all square.
See this wallet?
It's a wallet all right.
These FL ring no bells?
FL stands for Liechtenstein.
I got an account there...|for a rainy day.
It's Lipski's wallet.
FL - Ferdinand Lipski!|Give me that half.
(0.5l Vodka mean HALF)
I mean a half of that bill.
Why, I couldn't come|empty-handed.
Wait, Stefan...|Something is out of whack.
I put it on the desk|in case I forget. And I did.
- But you got it?|- Yes, on the desk.
Don't forget it tomorrow.
You can bank on it.
These what is hapening |is dont exist in all
So the better is don't have nothing| only feet your mind
Will be what must be|I know i can't run away
will wait and look on it| i will turn aroud Visla by stick
Is onlly Killer! | About myself only that
I know what and how much is cost| I dont must care about ticket
I dont care about any| Is sometimes that times, I don't mistake
But I dont know how much...
I not move even my finger |to get to thise fight
Now I lose rest of my face| in jail...
These what is happening with me|is really dont exist
So is not importat to resist| only go with wind...
Step on it, Killer!
Get the fuck out!
What? Get the fuck out yourself.|You'll mess the upholstery!
Inspector Fish.
Freeze or I'll shoot!
- What's going on skinny?!|- Fish get a trap of you.
But how?!
They've set up a trap.
- That I know! But how he know where I live?|- No idea!
- These sandwiches for who?|- Want one?
Spy? But i told you| about it!
Get out, Spook!
Spook? I can say Fish about| tomorow fight on airport
What fight?
- You know it well!|- Out!
- Inspector?|- Where have you been?
Got the sandwiches?| With what?
What fight on airport?|Siara will clash with Lipski?
Are you sure?
- How are you?|- I'll be fine.
Don't ever get in the line|of fire.
I'm sorry
You messed up our chase.
Never again, sir.
Fish tracked down my hideaway.
They're after me.
- Can you put me up?|- Where will you sleep?
On the sofa.
So we record our interview|tomorrow.
Tomorrow's the day.
Tomorrow's Friday?
Yes tomorow| and you think when?
Tell me.
We get up early.|So let's go to bed.
That's right.
Where will I sleep?
- You said, 'On the sofa'.|- Did I?
Tomorrow's a hard day.
You've got it all worked out.
Yes, but there's always a risk.
And if I sleep not so well |on the sofa...
So you'd rather take my bed?
I no that mean|and even no!
What if I don't come back?
It'd be a shame...|you know...
to fail to round off|our acquaintance.
After such an end game
you wouldn't interest me|as Killer.
Maybe as Jurek?
I want you to come back|in one piece.
I will but don't tell me|to sleep on the sofa.
One more, just in case.
Five will do no harm, either.
The left is his.
The left... the left.
No, thanks. High blood pressure.|Better spare my pump.
Left... oh shit!
I can't drink two.
- Got that half?|- In the car. Just a sec!
- Beat it!|- Almost over!
Thanks a lot!
Where with this spray moroon?!
I've got it!
Why this TV?
It's a fake.
You wanted a hearse?
Well, Killer,|you are the best!
What is? | Respect for the dead!
I got carried away.
He take aleady, his part.
My cash now.
Here. And a bonus.
The Colombian|peso stands very low.
- You want look like Siara?|- Easy, guys. He's Killer.
He dont understund me .
Drop your guns. Out!
Let me go.
It's not a regular bill.
Thise is opens the sesame,|and you'll be Ali Baba.
Screw Ali Baba,|I want my cash!
Waldek at the airport|has the other half.
This will get you incredible|loads of fucking greenbacks!
Enough for us both.
- Why me?|- You're a pro.
Why not yourself?
Too damned risky.|But I'll cover you.
Bring the container|to the parking lot.
I'll be there.
You're a genius!
Have you had breakfast?
No, leave me alone!
You'll be hungry.
I work on an empty stomach.
You know what a shot|in the gut means?
Silly me.
I dont think about it|I'll bring some sandwiches
to the airport.
Hurry up!
Faster, faster|He could wake up!
Any coffee left?
Forget it. Action stations!
Don't rush me.
Turn off the camera!
The bill!
Good job.
You're a real pro.
- It's not just a half of a bill.|- I know.
It's a key|to a sesame, I guess.
A guy at the airport|has the other half.
You show him and get|a container of lettuce.
Why not by yourself?
They'd collar me.|I'll wait at the parking lot.
And what I will be have from thise?
You're finished here|and need a change of climate.
I'll fix you for money|in a classy hideaway.
Easy street forever.
And for your lady too.
Thanks. Let's set to.
- What's the matter?|- My kidney!
Too much you drink.
Maybe, but it hurts as if|I'd been hit by club.
I hear you in day, I hear you in night| from where take strength, where search help
You work to much|... you work to much...
You work to much| your big body is on me...
You spreak from morning and still et evening| whatever you do is total sick...
Holy shit! Lipski's gorrilas!
-Is that Siara's village people?| -Yes, they are boss
What're you waiting for?
- What's going on here?|- They're shooting a film.
- And I'm not playing?|- Get the fuck out! Right now!
Eva, you will have super reportage
evryone will be jealous| for your cameraman
But the sound is shit.|We'll have to overdub shots.
Don't push me, damn it!
Let's wrap it|or they'll kill one another.
Sid down! |We won't interfere.
You work still, without brake| from years whose the same and nothing change...
You work to much... |... you work to much...
We get up or still lay?
Let's see who wins... |lay
- We fight or give up?|- Lay we will see, how will be.
Now i think is good time| to come in.
Hey, you, the Police!
You're under arrest.
Let go of him...
Cuff them.
I read you your rights...
Book them and|have the place mopped up.
I seen shadow of eagle| he climp up like wind...
Looking for your man?|Too late.
I know it's terrible| I find out thise morning
He'll be out|in a couple of years.
How dare you? | My husbend is death!
What?|And who's that over there?
I'm sure your man|has foreseen this eventuality.
He's known for generosity.
Harder, harder
Get back, get back...
Freeze! Don't turn around!
I'm not.
Hands up!
Drop your gun! Easy!
I've seen you somewhere.
I whose drove you the night by Las Vegas|when Guillotine got killed.
When I killed Guillotine,|I wanted to call it quits.
Nobody had ever seen me.
So I planted the gun|and tipped off Fish.
You never told me|you weren't Killer.
I did plenty of times.
- The man says you are!|- He says this or that.
I'm the real Killer.
You lived under my name?
And I give it to you,|you were doing fine.
But that's history now.
Mr. Real Killer,|wait a minute!
That container holds|half a ton of dollars.
As much as Saudi Arabia's GNP.
Don't kill us, and we'll|give you all you want.
And if I kill you, you don't do that?
Don't kill us and take all.
But it's my hard earned|money, mind you.
Open up this box, dude!
- Where's the dough?|- I don't know!
Where is my money!
Drop it!
You'll never get away|again, Killer.
Our routine operation, as such,|posed no harm to Mr. Kiler.
And the invasion of privacy?
Catch Mr. Kiler whose routine interwersion of Police
done with respeckt and honor of police oficers
So maybe not with Mr. Kiler honor?
Ours wasn't a mistake|but a set up
to capture the real Killer.
The Polish criminal of the|millennium.
Is it true|that you were humiliated?
What about the reward?
The police might benefit|more from it, I guess.
You crazy? You deserve it...
Ladies and gentlemen,|let's wrap it up.
Buy hi-tech equipment.
How generous of you, sir.
Give it to the orphans!
Fifty-fifty then.
I'll brief you on|the operation details.
Killer! Mr. Killer!
We're neighbors.
One tenant|is a pain in the neck.
Could you take care of him?
- We have a kitty, sir.|- I'll think about it.
Don't forget us pensioners!
You know what time it is?
- You Waldek?|- Sure.
I work strictly till 4 p. m.
You think I got|no other business?
I'm awfully sorry.
I didn't think it'd take|that long.
It's the last time!
Take care.
What's this all about?
You've swapped the containers?
- What's in there?|- Give me a hand.
How much in all?
About half a ton.
In $100 bills.
You know how I feel?
As if I were dreaming,|only to wake up.
So do it.
I'm awake.
Dear God!
What do we do with it?
Don't worry.|We'll come up with something.
Jerzy Killer donated all the dough|to Polish film production.
And he lived to regret it...