Kill 'em All (2013)

Get lost.
I said..
Get him!
Ok. We're good. So it's settled.
I'm sure this can be settled peacefully.
Thank you for using Comtell.
You are now being connected to 8-6-1-4--
You think this is fucking funny.
Getting me out of bed before mid-day.
You sound like a mad liverpool fan.
You know what?
Why don't you, um,
check behind that black chair.
Oh, fuck!
Fuck! Fuck!
No! Leave him alone!
Hell is empty.
And all the devils are here.
There are about 50 ways of fighting.
There's only one, and that's to win.
The doors will remain closed
unless I want it opened.
And now, time for the introductions.
The gentleman
hitting the door is Schmidt.
An assassin who I believe
is famous for his short fuse.
Fuck you!
And is also known
for his colorful use of language.
And political views.
Quite unlike the young man to his left,
who lets his fists do all the talking.
They call him, the kid,
because of his first kill, at 14.
Next to the kid, the Frenchman.
Loomis Cartier.
He is an ex-legionnaire,
who betrayed his own legion for greed.
How the fuck does he know that.
And the lady
decorated with colorful ink is Som.
Alone assassin who likes
to play with knives and guns.
Som, what do you think of
black Scorpion's tattoos?
Who the fuck is Black Scorpion?
He is to your left.
Not my thing.
Carpenter is a legend
in the world of assassins.
Why you looking me?
You want a problem?
You got a problem with me,
come on over here and say it to my face.
Now, now.
Let's not fall out just yet.
There is a time
and place for such things.
Isn't that right, Gabriel?
So what?
You know everything about us?
You are an expert at explosives.
You like to be prepared.
And you like classical music.
Oh, Gabriel.
Please, tell us
about your suicide attempts.
Why, Gabriel, why?
Don't you have friends?
Don't you have family?
Are you so lonely?
Fucking coward.
Talkin to me through a fuckin
microphone and a camera.
What the fuck are you smilin at?
Don't underestimate his young look
like his other targets did.
This is Mickey,
a young assassin who
does not know right from wrong.
Hi, everybody.
Are you my friends?
Now, you are all standing
in a very special place.
A place you may have heard of.
The Killing Chamber.
Killing Chamber.
A Killing Chamber?
Yeah right.
Fucking Killing Chamber.
There's no such thing.
It is real.
This is where hit men are taken to die.
But one will be allowed to leave here.
Permitted to live
after all the others
have been killed in combat.
Is that clear?
Yeah, it's fucking clear.
Time to clean up.
Ladies first. You're next.
Nobody fights
until I tell them to fight.
I deal with my own problems.
What makes you think that might work?
What makes you think it's not?
You got a point right there.
I'll get the midget first. And you.
You suck on my cable later.
Stop it.
Stop it, or you will be gassed.
Fuck you!
Gas, it is.
You will do as you are told.
Comply or die.
Anyone who refuses my challenges
will suffer the same fate as Schmidt.
Do I make myself clear?
I said, do I make myself clear?
I guess we got no choice, asshole.
Just get on with it.
So when is the next challenge?
Take one ball.
Each ball is numbered.
It cannot be used as a weapon.
The two assassins
with the lowest numbers
must fight each other.
I've got number two.
Will the two combatants
please begin now.
Guess you're not my friend anymore.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Now what?
You have won, Som.
You have earned yourself a prize.
Please: enter the Weapon Chamber
behind you.
Anyone else who attempts
to enter the Weapon Chamber
will be killed.
You may choose only one weapon.
That doesn't seem fair.
I'm not taking
any crap from you, traitor.
Well go fuck yourself.
What's wrong with this nutcase?
He is an old-school killer.
He believes the holy tattoos
will protect him.
He thinks the tattoos
will save his life,
so he can return to his lover.
He's a nut case. A real nut case.
And you?
What about me?
You got a girl waiting for ya?
Not anymore.
She's dead.
Maybe it's best that way, kid.
If it comes down To you and me:
it ain't gonna be you
walking out of here.
Nothin personal.
You understand that, right?
we're not gonna be able to
get out of here alone.
If me and you team up,
we can double our chances of
getting out of here.
I don't operate that way.
Meal time is over.
Now, for the next two.
There are numbers
on the back of the boxes.
As before,
the two with the lowest numbers
must fight.
You may begin. Fight!
Fuck it. Bring it on.
What ya got, Frenchie? Huh?
Ya fuckin cornhole.
Come on, you bitch.
Another one bites the dust.
Yeah, that's right.
Another one bites the dust.
So, is it my turn to get what's
behind door Number one?
Of course.
All this ninja bullshit.
Now maybe you'll wanna re-think
that deal I offered ya?
What's next?
Now you can sleep,
knowing that you are better off
than the others.
I hope you can trust each other
not to attack in the night.
Sleep well.
we need sleep.
All of us.
We have no idea what this guy's
gonna do tomorrow.
I do know this:
if we do not sleep, we'll be fucked.
Can we have a truce?
I said 'ok'.
Me and Som have a truce.
We're all tired.
We need sleep.
We have no idea
what's gonna happen tomorrow.
So for tonight:
can we have a truce to get some sleep?
That's all.
Does that work?
Is that a deal?
Ok. Kid?
I'll think about it.
Maybe is not enough.
Alright. Alright.
We got a deal.
But just for tonight.
Lookin for me?
Hey! Carpenter.
Looks like your voodoo shit
didn't work, Did it?
This is insane.
What the fuck are we doing here.
I mean, I don't know you. I don't know you.
I certainly don't know you.
So what is it?
All of us did a hit on one family?
Some kingpin.
We're here
for some sick fuck's enjoyment.
And all that's happening is:
we're stacking up bodies over there.
For him.
You think someone's
actually gonna leave here?
You think he's gonna
let anybody walk out that door.
You're out of your fuckin mind.
It ain't happenin.
Nobody's leaving this room.
It's just gonna be
a bunch of fuckin bodies over there.
Ya understand that?
Here's what I do know:
four is better than one.
If we stick together,
we can get outta here.
Anybody else? No?
No one wants to team up? Huh?
Ok. I'll tell ya one thing:
lam walking out that motherfuckin door.
With or without ya.
See ya on the stack.
Good morning.
I see that you have been
bad children in the night.
He deserved it.
Whomever killed Black Scorpion,
is not entitled to a weapon.
The fight wasn't approved.
But don't worry.
It's time for the next challenge.
I want everyone
to check their sleeping bags.
Now, the highest two numbers must fight.
Like I said, kid: nothin personal.
I'll make it fast.
I'm sorry.
You want to get out of here?
- What?
- Do you want to get out of here?
What the hell are you doing,
you crazy bitch?
If you want to
get out of here, choke me.
What do you mean?
Gabriel. Stop. Stop it!
Keep doing it.
I said 'stop it'.
Keep doing it.
Stop it. Or you will be gassed.
Keep doing it.
Gas, it is.
Ninjas: kill them all.
Ninja puss)'-
Now we're even, kid.
Yeah. We're even.
This way.
This way!
Where the fuck we goin?
You think you have made it out.
But you've only
made it to the next level.
The psycho sector.
Prepare for the worst.
Let the freak show begin.
I want more.
Give me more.
More freaks.
I want more. More.
Ok, go.
Som. Som. What is our connection?
Between us?
No, between me the pope
and the fucking Dali Lama.
Yeah, between us.
There is no connection.
Come on. There's gotta be a connection.
Some monkey
is running this fucking circus.
Who was your last hit?
My last hit. My last hit.
Some British fucking cunt
that I turned into pink dust. You?
Bangkok dealers.
Ok so why does
that tie us together? Huh?
What is the link? Som, think about it.
There is some fucking link.
Stop it.
Stop what?
Can't you see?
See what?
We are assassins.
I know we're all assassins, Som.
But what does
that have to do with anything?
We do all people's dirt.
Yeah, well ya know, I know.
We do people's dirt.
We do people's dirt.
Why the fuck are we here?
He's out there.
Who's out there?
- Him.
- Ah, there you are.
Very clever, Som.
But not good enough.
Give yourselves up now.
There is no escape here.
I promise to give you a quick death.
Come on. Come on!
Som, I saw a room.
I can get us out of here, 0k?
Let's go. Please.
Watch the door.
Hurry UP-
We're getting slaughtered.
They're killing my entire army.
Those freaks are complete idiots.
They can't even kill three people.
Well if these pests
aren't exterminated soon,
the Cabal will look weak.
You two, go and sort it out. Now!
Hold on.
Wait. Som, Som.
Look around.
This is exactly where we started.
We're in the same fuckin place.
Holy shit.
I don't know why they call you the kid.
The way I see it,
I'm gonna start
calling you the... Beast.
You did all this?
That's pretty good shit.
So can one of you two please tell me:
where the fuck are we?
- I can tell you.
- Ok.
We are good at what we do,
but we work alone.
Ok well that doesn't tell me shit.
We're the big fish at Sharan Cabal.
Sharan car-what?
Sharan Cabal.
Never heard of it.
Of course you haven't.
Sharan Cabal is a network outfit.
Very, very hush hush.
And how do you know this, beast?
I heard stories. Rumors.
Rumors? Not so much.
They target only just the best hitman.
Sounds like a really really good video game.
The question I'm asking you is:
where the fuck are we?
We are in the Killing Chamber.
That should be
the name for the video game.
So you're telling me,
that they built this big fucking arena,
and then came
and got us just for us to fight?
Why not just
fuckin kill us first, right?
I'm gonna shoot you bitches in the face.
Oh I'm sorry.
Did the kid take out
all your freaks, you douche?
This is my house, punk.
You're in my world, bitch.
I make the rules here.
You die when I say so.
I'll tell ya what.
I'll make ya a deal.
Me, Som and the kid will not fuck up
your whole crew and kill you...
You let us go.
Nobody escapes us.
Don't bet on it.
Heard that? Don't bet on it!
Last deluded lowlife prick
that tried to break out died slowly.
Bled dry like a pathetic stuck pig.
That's too bad.
I guess we have to do better.
I guess we do.
You're just parasites compared to us.
And it's time to do some delousing.
Delousing, huh?
I don't know
what that means, but, delouse this!
Ok, come on.
Almost there, 0k?
We almost made it.
So let's go. Which way?
Which way do we go now? Huh?
Which way?
I've got business to handle.
I'm sorry. What?
I have business to handle.
Oh you have business to handle.
Oh 0k, that's cool. Uh, ready?
Which way?
Me, too.
You, too?
Oh, look at you guys.
Ya gonna open up a fuckin pizza parlor
or an ice cream shop.
What the fuck are you talkin about.
We're a team, man.
We made it this far. What are you doing?
Let's go! Which way?
Exit is there.
Ok. You know, I hate long goodbyes.
Go fuck yourselves.
Good luck. Fuckers.
We have a breech in the asylum sector.
Target is heading main junction.
Give me more soliders!
I want more men!
Surround them!
Fuck this.
Fucking Bangkok.
Stop right there!
Drop the weapon. Now!
Game over.
You will never understand
what wisdom lies within my madness.
An assassin's life has no value
other than what I decide.
Your kind is like a cancer
that must be wiped out like a disease.
There can only be one winner,
and that winner is me!
Oh fuck.
How'd I do, beast? Good?
Thank you.
Why did you come back?
You see, I was on the roof.
And I was ready to go.
And I thought, what the fuck?
You left without
saying goodbye to Som, right?
Because we're teammates.
Is that right?
We're a team, right?
Teammates we are.
And you trust me?
I trust you.
So finish him.
Please. Finish him.
How is your girlfriend?
She's just fine.
You're good.
I know.
You did nothing in here.
I can fix this place in no time.
I'm gonna bust you open
like you did to Jake.
My brother.
Jake was your brother?
Yes. He was.
How do you think
I knew about this place?
Jake did escape the chamber.
I saw him die on the street.
He did not have time to talk to anybody.
Who said anything about talking?
Two years ago, Jake, my brother,
escaped the Killing Chamber.
He had been beaten.
He had been shot.
But he escaped.
Jake and I were both assassins.
We knew how to communicate in secret.
We use dead drops.
He wrote down
everything about this place.
He told me how to escape.
He told me how to get out.
And he told me about
you and what you do.
I have never stopped thinking about
what happened to Jake.
And I resolved to avenge his death.
But I had to wait.
I had to wait, for you to seek me out.
I had to get better at killing.
And I did.
I knew if I got good.
Made my name as the top assassin,
you would come calling for me one day.
And now you have.
That red tie belonged to Jake.
I like to collect trophies.
But in the end I get bored with them.
All these, taken from dead assassins?
I don't permit assassins
to operate outside my organization.
The Cabal.
You expect me to join you?
No, Som.
I expect you to die.