Killing Room, The (2009)

You understand what we're dealing with
here is classified material?
- Yes sir.
- Good.
Miss Riley, why do you think
you were nominated for this project?
At the NSA, I specialized
in military psychology...
and was promoted to a senior position
within six months.
I am one of the youngest.
We usually don't recruit people over 25.
They're too hard to break in.
I base most of my work on
your theories and case studies.
So you have this...
unique ability to break down advanced
physiognomy and micro-expression?
Yes sir.
You are able to tell if and when
somebody is lying to you?
Yes sir.
That must be quite useful
in all walks of life.
By the way, my name is not Mr Phillips.
Is that true or false?
Your evaluation here today is pretty simple
and straightforward.
I will judge your reactions to a
selection of pre-recorded material.
That means that your own observations
are very important.
But for someone of your pedigree
I don't foresee a problem.
You still have the option
to walk out the door.
These tapes do not exist.
This room does not exist.
All Echoes, we advise, Test Group 17
in receiving with 3 males, 1 female.
Roger, Data Control, we have a
cleanup crew nearing completion.
- Control receiving.
- Go ahead, receiving...
- Control, first candidate is out.
- Roger that, receiving.
All Echoes, we advise candidate
in transit. Stand by to initiate phase 1.
Echo team standing by...
All of this happens in that room.
TOD 10:00 hours. Initiating phase 1.
All personnel reconfirm dumping candidate.
- Roger Control, we are Oscar Mike.
- Roger data control, standing by.
Please read this over carefully
and sign right there where it's needed.
Thank you.
Oops, sorry.
Isalano, K. Female. DOB 1972.
Criminal record: negative.
Okay, can you confirm
status as married?
- Status married confirmed.
- Confirm.
I broke it.
How many different ways
can I give you my date of birth?
- Um... excuse me...
- Yes ma'am?
- Oh no, I meant her.
- Oh, right.
I broke my pencil.
What the fuck?
Looks like they've already
had a problem before, huh?
How is it?
Uhm,... it's a lot.
It's pretty confusing.
- Please carefully consign...
- That's alright, I've got my own.
Haines, C. Male. D.O.B. 1965.
Criminal record: affirmative. Code 1202
Roger, Data receiving.
We have the candidate now.
you look a total pro, uh?
Well, let's just hope...
this isn't the one where they feed you
some of your shit for 3 days.
Excuse me. You'll need these.
And this...
And do remove that hood, please.
- Brody, P. Male. Criminal record: negative.
- Roger that, receiving...
Hey, you guys are "native"
or "naturalized"? What would you be?
Well, were you born here?
Were you born in this country?
- Yeah.
- So you'd be naturalized.
That's what I thought.
- What's that?
- That's what I thought.
But youre not a native of...
this country...
That's it!
Need a hand?
Yeah, you just wanna check each one of
these... right there on the bottom...
you wanna date it too...
- eh, what, what's that?
- K.I.?
No, I know.
- Isalano Kerry.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Observation, please.
It's hierarchy and subordination.
We simulated the Gottan experiments
in Grad. School.
We put a man and a woman,
a couple, in a room together.
And one partner acted superior,
it was almost always
an expression of contempt.
And no relationship survives contempt.
Hierarchy and subordination.
I think you will find this
project a little bit more complex.
When was this experiment conducted?
Affirmative, received all candidates' input.
We are safe.
Designation Test Group 17.
I say again, designation 17.
Look about, gentlemen.
Mother is watching.
Listen baby, uhm, I'm gonna be late tonight.
They have to drive us back
to our cars after this.
So I would ask you or something?
Ah, go look by the bed.
Mom's check is in the envelope there.
It has to go out today. Okay?
I love you baby, and uhm, I'll see you
when this wraps up. Okay?
- You, you've done this kinda thing before?
- Yeah.
- What do they usually pay?
- Well, uh... it's...
you know, 50, 100 bucks.
Depends on how long they keep you.
Usually about a day. This place...
I have a feeling
it could be little bit more.
Let me just hope...
they don't make us take...
diet pills or something, drugs...
something to turn us into zombies
or whatever the fuck.
In all seriousness,
as a long time lab rat...
careful about wishing for things,
you know.
You don't wanna hope for anything,
'cos usually don't turn out that way.
But I'll tell you what,
the flip side of that...
I don't know another job where you get
non-stop medical attention.
- Right? There you go...
- Thank you.
Mother entering.
Negative contact.
TOD 10:15.
Morning, everybody.
I'm Dr Phillips...
and I'm gonna be your supervisor
here today.
But before we get going, I'm required
to ask you a couple of questions...
and to collect these forms, which will
have made absolutely no sense.
We're all American citizens, right?
- We're all of sound mind?
- Most of the time.
We're not crazy? Good.
No one forced us into being here today?
- No.
- Good. That takes care of that.
Well, our little experiment here today...
concerns testing quite extensively...
the nature and the limitations
of the human psyche.
The test is subdivided into four
separated, escalating phases,
the first of which began the moment
I walked in through that door.
Oh, listen up...
the final payment for the day...
Wish I was doin' that kinda money.
I do apologize for these consent forms.
I know they're a pain in the butt, but...
don't look at me, guys.
Wasn't my idea.
And the final thing...
up in the right top corner there,
if you can write a contact number.
- What if you don't have a contact number?
- If you don't have one, leave it blank.
If you don't mind, I would like
personal effects in these envelopes.
That's anything from watches,
wallets, cell phones,
box cutters, hand guns,
thermo-nuclear devices...
whatever you've got in your pockets,
please put it inside the envelope.
Stealth bomber, bazookas...
- You don't have anything in your pockets?
- No.
My, uh... my girlfriend's
supposed to call.
Might find it best
not to tell her anything incriminating.
You know they usually don't make us
do this in these things...
Oh, you'll have it back by the end of
the day, I promise.
How... how many hours will we be here?
Oh, eight.
- What's that, 30 an hour?
- It's 31,25.
Are we going to be doing any tests
like that might make us feel uncomfortable?
No, no. Nothing like that.
- I mean, you were tellin' me that before.
- What? I...
No, I promise.
You know what? You won't be running
to the john every five minutes.
Hey, back to phase 1.
It is basically a process...
of elimination.
We'll begin with all four of you, then
narrow it down to three, then two and so on.
But don't you worry...
the order
in which you are eliminated...
will have no impact on your final
monetary compensation.
You will all end up with
Is everybody ready?
Let's do it.
By the way,
what's your name again?
- Kerry.
- Kerry.
All echoes, we are closed traffic.
We have 'nimble sweater'.
What's the present, Echo?
Control, Echo 1.
Confirm need of medical carry outs...
- Stand by, Control.
- Roger, Echo 1.
Stand by for report.
How bad?
- I think she's dead.
- She's fuckin' dead?
That was fuckin' amazing.
Well done! Well done!
Smile boys, It's fuckin' shit. It's gonna be
all over fuckin' YouTube.
It's a fake. It was fuckin' fake.
You got us! Congrats.
We're all a big bunch of pussies,
but we wanna go home now.
Thank you.
- It's not fake.
- It was a fake.
It was a half fake.
I saw a fuckin' bullet...
Come on, you fucker...
We need help! Get us some fuckin'
help in here! Help!
Negative, Control.
No contact.
- Maybe this is what it's supposed to be.
- What is supposed to be?
- Maybe this is what this is.
- What the fuck you talkin' about?
The doctor, the experiments,
the test, whatever...
They shoot someone in front of you
and they see how you deal with it.
You put 4 people in a room
and shoot one of 'em,
and leave the rest
to fend for them fuckin' selves.
Now what, they're watching up there
taking notes?
Yeah, to see how we react...
- Stand by all teams. Hold short.
- Roger, Data Control.
All team leaders:
Sit red.
- Echo team, we are go.
- Medical team standing by.
All teams, KR-13 is clear.
How are you getting away with this?
Families report them missing.
Happens all the time.
It is important for you to take it all in,
remain calm, never lose control.
It can't be government.
The MK Program has always been
outside the government.
Outside everything.
The MK Program?
That's not possible.
How can it...?
Are you military?
Patriot Act?
Several people you admire
had these questions.
NSA Intelligence Director,
Michael Zimmer.
Your own deputy director,
Eric Rogante.
- Heading out.
- Roger that, Control.
Emily, everything will make sense.
You can't just be killing people.
I been thinking about it.
Some kinda experiment...
or something like that. Somebody
would've found out by now.
What if they're doing this thing
completely in secret?
It's not secret,
no, it's in the fuckin' newspapers...
it's in the classifieds, right here,
people knew about this.
People are going to that,
but do you know where we are?
'Cos everything started looking
the same to me after fuckin' Mansfield.
Well that was a long drive.
Nobody knows where, nobody has
any fuckin' clue where we are.
And you know it!
That's the whole point.
Why do people answer this fuckin' ad
to come and get shot?
Look, I've been doin' this stuff steadily
for a long time.
Okay, but have you ever been taken
from one place to an ultimate location?
It's not uncommon.
They pick you up, they bring you to another
place, but people don't just disappear.
You don't think anyone's gonna know
if she don't come home tonight?
You hear that?
- It opened.
- What was that?
What they used to kill her.
Let me see.
- It's you.
- What?
How do I know
you're not in on it?
- Ridiculous!
- No, he's not in on it.
Let's just stop,
let's talk about this, alright?
Get him to talk about it.
Only one of us
is gonna make it outta here.
Four phases, four people.
You know what, phase 1 is already over,
and it's fuckin' her...
welcome to phase 2.
- Hold on, hold on...
- Check, check the gun.
Medical Unit, move to KR-13
and stand by.
How many bullets you got in that gun?
Why don't you press the button
and check the mag?
It's empty.
Check the slide.
One bullet.
There's one bullet
and there's three of us.
Maybe the purpose of the gun is not to kill
each other, but to maybe get outta here.
I think you should calm him down,
and shoot the fuckin' window.
No, no, calm down, calm down, alright!
We're not gonna shoot the window.
The window's bulletproof.
We're just going to calm down,
wait for the next thing.
What the fuck?
You have two hours remaining.
Please answer question.
What does it say?
It's a... It says...
"What number do Americans choose
most frequently between 1 and 33"?
"Subject furthest from correct
answer will be next civilian casualty"
"Refusal to provide answer entirely results
in automated end of all remaining subjects".
"Best luck".
Best luck! Best luck?
It's "good luck".
Mother! Mother fuckers!
Alright, alright. No! Help!
- Open the fucking door!
- Come on!
TOD 11:37. Test Group 17 progressing
positively. Stimulus 1-Alpha now active.
You haven't asked me yet what
we're trying to accomplish here.
if I asked that,
this interview would be over.
Observation, please.
Miss Riley?
The language following the question
is purposely stilted...
uses English as a second language.
You came to that conclusion well ahead
of others. Good job, I'm impressed!
Sir, Sanction 9 controls stopped
The Rockefeller Commission.
President Ford signed executive orders
shutting down the entire MK program.
Carter and Reagan too.
With all due respect, how can you circumvent
the orders of three presidents?
Well, after 9/11 we were out
of options, I guess.
But our actions here
have been granted a full amnesty.
- Amnesty?
- Mmm.
Is this "the killing room"?
Is that what you call it?
I'm gonna tell you what my
superior told me
some 20 years ago,
before I defected.
Never forget that our enemies
have someone just like you...
someone just like me...
doing exactly the same thing
as we speak.
Initiating audio playback.
Commencing Stimulus 1-Bravo.
All Echoes, we are going and live.
Take 1-Bravo. Initiating...
You hear that?
What the fuck is that?
What language is it?
- What language is that?
- I dunno, could be anything.
- Sounds Muslim?
- That's not a language.
Whatever it is, it ain't English,
it ain't American.
Echo-4, reframe camera 1.
Roger that. Echo 1, increase audio playback
for adhesion and hold.
Roger, Control.
increasing for adhesion, Roger that.
Al Qaeda?
They're gonna fuckin' kill us.
You think about it. Al Qaeda.
Hire some friendly-looking white guy.
You don't know who it is.
Could be anybody.
Listen, you gotta be careful about...
screwin' up your head.
That's exactly what they want.
You'll be telling me what...
I mean, I watch the news.
I know they're living here
everywhere on U.S. soil.
They're renting the houses, hotels.
Yeah, so why would they
wanna go after these normal people?
Because they wanna broadcast this shit.
Just like they did with those people
when they cut their fuckin' heads off.
They wanna put it
all over the internet.
Somebody like, etched "help"
into the wall.
Candidate Delta has discovered
stimulus 1-Charlie.
Roger that, Echo 4.
TOD 11.40. 1-Charlie discovered
by candidate Delta...
at 2 hours and 10 minutes. Be advised
all Echoes, we are live at 1-Charlie.
Roger, Control. Stat chart
puts candidate in 95th percentile.
Think there's more down there, too.
- Yeah, everywhere. Holy shit!
- These are names...
There's T... T... Tammy.
Hey, they're more than names,
they're more than names here.
But they've painted over,
so that you can't fuckin' read it.
Rita Hatinburough.
Oh, shit.
I gotta read it. May be something
here that can help us.
What does it say?
"Pray, pray...
Pray for us".
"Pray for us".
What, what does it say?
Kate M. December... December 25.
I told you it was them.
It's fuckin' Muslims.
They killed a guy on fuckin' Christmas.
They killed a guy on fuckin' Christmas.
"Pray... Pray for us here".
No prisoners, hey?
There's gotta be a clue in here.
There's a way to beat these bastards.
The project is continually changing,
You will help it to do so. As you can see,
everything is meticulously planned...
and initiated
just like any other MK program.
It's an exact science.
We have to stay on top of it,
we have to refine it, refine, refine.
It usually took us 6 to 8 hours
to reach this point.
But after we put those names on the wall,
now that really sped up the process.
13. Now.
Now let's screw it.
It's not that hard.
It's 7.
everybody al... always picks.
- Why would it be any different, 1 to 33?
- No, because this isn't 1 to 10.
No one can answer the fuckin' question,
no one can answer the question.
Maybe, maybe it's 2
Maybe 1 to 3, 3... talkin' 1 to 33...
Fuck you!
- Wait!
- No!
You feel better now, buddy?
Just what'd ya think
you're fuckin' doing?
Stupid, fuckin' stupid,
stupid, you could've...
Fuck it!
That bullet goes off, it would've bounced
all over the fuckin' room.
I'm tellin' you,
he better start fuckin' thinking!
I don't want it.
Shoot! Shoot!
- Shoot!
- He's not there.
- Shoot! Shoot! NOW!
- He's not there! Get... C'mon.
- Can you see him?
- No.
What happened?
- There's nothing there.
- You, anything?
- No!
What, what?
I was only feet away.
I was fuckin' near nailin' em...
Wait, wait...
Echo 2, amplify transmission.
- Wilco, Control.
- They can't see us under here.
- Okay?
One of us is gonna die next.
It could be me or it could be you.
Initiating audio stimulus 1-Delta.
There's somebody out there.
Go to the window and distract them.
- How?
- I'm goin'.
Go to the window.
Get over, get over here!
Relax your hand, relax your hand.
Fuckin' get us out of here.
They're fuckin' movin' the clock.
How long does a race horse last
when he looks like this?
You are definitely the
most entertaining of all of us.
They're probably gonna want to keep you
around so they can... so they can watch you.
Get me up, man, get me up!
The elimination must be rigorous.
We have to be certain
the perfect candidate emerges.
Considering the lengths
you'll go to find it,
what you're looking for
must be... extremely rare.
Is this a problem for you?
Not a problem.
Yes sir.
Victor 1, reporting tape 2
TOD 13.29.
Test Group 17 active in KR-13.
Test Group 17, the second
of 4 test groups running today.
Correct status of Test Group 17
is 1-Delta with 3 active candidates.
Nearing completion of 1-Delta.
Waiting for a candidate designation.
Mother is present in the control room
and all designations are his call.
Mother reporting a possible match
in this group.
Echo team reports Echoes 1 through 6
active and at their posts...
and Medical Unit 2
is standing by.
- Echo team, how do you read?
- Gimme Charlie, Control, another busy day.
Listen, listen. So we're each gonna pick
the same number, okay? Each one of us?
- Then it's a tie, and nobody dies.
- Everybody dies.
No, nobody dies, because it's a dead heat.
We're all equal.
We need to just follow the rules.
One of us has got
thirty minutes to live.
We gonna have to start picking
some fuckin' numbers.
I'm unlucky with numbers.
Hey, hey, hey, we need you
to stay with us.
We're a team.
What's your name?
- I'm Tony. Anthony.
- This here's...
- Crawford.
- Crawford.
I'm gonna pick a really easy number, okay?
Yeah, now when I 1st saw the questionnaire,
the first thing came to my mind was 17.
No, 17 was on the wall.
It's gotta be 7.
- 7's fine.
- 7?
- 7 it is.
- 7?
Who's gonna answer the question first? Tony?
- Yeah.
- Paul, you go second; I go last.
When I'm dead...
Gary Brodie... Buffalo.
I think he's still there
and not in Syracuse.
Just tell him I was here.
Nobody knows.
Gary from Buffalo or Syracuse.
I got it.
My girl, Costa Billings.
Spell it how it sounds.
Just tell her I love her, and uhm...
make sure she takes care
of my mom.
- You?
- Me? No.
Nobody needs to know.
Hail Mary,
Full of grace,
The Lord is with Thee,
You think they're really
gonna go through with this?
These people won't stop
until everybody's dead.
- Alright, 7
- 7, right? 7.
I have a kid
named Mae Ann Haines.
I never get to see her.
Please submit answer.
Recognized. Please submit answer.
- 17
- Fuck!
Please submit answer.
Thank you.
Next casualty selected.
All candidates static.
Initiate transfer to Medical Unit.
Roger, Control. Transporting 3 statics
to Medical Unit 2.
Most people can't even look
into that room.
You can.
All candidates have been transferred.
KR-13 testing on hold.
Is everybody ready for Miss Riley?
Yes, Father.
Standing by on your mark.
Please continue.
Roger that. Transfer units,
you can bring back the statis.
Roger that.
Control, stand by.
Controllers initiate KR-13.
Re-link and hold short.
Echo team prepare for a re-link,
and begin online transfers and upload.
You're getting re-link now, Control.
You've worked your whole life
for this moment.
Clawed your way up from
the pool of thousands.
There's been some criticism...
that you're cold, self-serving...
I read somewhere... one of your
superiors labelled you as...
Just want you to know
that's why we chose you.
- Medical, data sit red.
- Roger that, Control
All teams. 3 statics have returned.
Controllers, stand by
for KR-13 re-link on my mark...
Three, two, one, mark
These tapes that you've seen
and heard here...
were recorded earlier this morning,
Just before the gas,
So they've been out for
just over three hours now.
I want you to come with me.
Miss Riley, if you can't observe,
we have no use for you.
Special Medical Team,
- receive sit red, over?
- That's affirmative, Medical team...
To the right.
Roger Control, report as follows:
Kennedy Bravo static...
Miss Riley...
You will need this...
These rooms belong to the exact
specification of the MK program.
As you can see,
not a detail was spared.
Calculated intimidation.
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?
Stand by, all teams. Mother's at
second casualty designation.
Medical unit hold short, transfer results
from candidate execution 2.
Medical team standing by.
Control Medical.
Casualty confirmed.
- Copy that.
- Good.
Roger that, Medical. Casualty confirmed.
TOD is 17.10.
Control, this is Echo 2.
Do you want the cleanup crew?
It's arriving.
Negative, Echo 2.
Leave casualty as he is. Over.
Mother, this is Control.
We're ready for you upstairs.
- All teams, KR-13 is clear...
- Miss Riley...
stand by
for re-engagement.
Echo 3, we're not seeing your uplink.
Can you switch over to 124.2?
Roger that, Control. Switching to 124.2.
- We have you now, Echo 3.
- All team leaders, sid red.
- Echo team is go.
- Medical Team, we're a go.
- Roger that, team leaders.
Mother, we are all go,
for candidate re-engagement.
On Miss Riley's mark.
- Standing by.
- Yes, sir.
- Commence.
- Commence re-engagement.
Cue music, and...
activate the auditory stimulus.
Roger, Control. Playing Mozart's
'String Quartet No. 17 in B Flat'.
Mother, all systems show green.
Can't see, can't see!
They took our blood.
They took our blood.
Can't you see it?
We all agreed to say 7!
Activate stimulus 1, Echo.
Do it! You're fuckin' one of them!
You are! You're fuckin' one of them.
Do it, do it, do it!
Be advised, all Echoes. Candidate
identified barrier, escape route 18.
1, we already have that
in the pre-action report.
- Echo 1, initiate stimulus 1-Foxtrot.
- Roger Wilco, Control.
What's it say?
"Where does the United States
of America rank...
on the international list of overall
average Intelligence Quotients"?
"Subject farthest from correct answer
will be last civilian casualty".
"Fail to provide answer entirely or
providing same answer as other subject...
will result in automated mutual end".
"Best luck".
People will do anything to survive,
don't you think?
I'll go to Hell for what
I did, Uh?
Yeah, you'll go to Hell.
- What's an intelligence quote?
- Quotient! Quotient. It's your IQ.
You know the answer?
I didn't... I didn't mean to do it.
It was an accident.
No, you just uh, you just did what
you had to do. Right?
You did what you had
to do. Right?
All teams be advised.
Initiating stimulus 1-Gamma.
Who's that talking again?
Talking, talking...
No, that's not talking.
That's praying.
They're fuckin' praying.
Tony was right.
Come on! Come here!
Now right above my head
is a very thick ceiling...
with an air shaft. Alright, do you
understand what I'm saying now?
It'd be easier with you,
but I can manage without you.
No, no. I was thinking...
the only way out would be just to
cooperate, maybe, to cooperate.
Cooperate? How many of these people, these
names on the wall, do you think cooperated?
Look at all these names. How many people?
These fuckers are up to something with us!
How many days, how many weeks
how many years...
you think these fuckers
have been doing this?
Studying people.
They are capable of doing shit to us
that we could never imagine.
Now we have to do...
we have to tell somebody.
We have to, we have to go tell somebody.
And let people know that these fuckers
are here. Right now, they're here.
I'm just going to do what they
tell me to do.
All teams, Mother identified
final candidate for this test group.
When they first recruited me to MK-Ultra...
I was just like you.
A young doctor,
trying to save some lives.
If you have to terminate a candidate...
you have to do it quickly,
as painless as possible.
It's not easy to kill a man.
Or a woman
for that matter.
Observation, please.
You know who the
final subject will be.
You've known all along.
From the questionnaires
before you started.
To a point, yes.
Some candidates
fall below expectation.
Now, nobody will never
fuckin' remember me. I know it.
If you don't wanna spend
another moment in this room...
answering another fuckin' question,
I can get us outta here.
- You wanna stay here?
- You're gonna get fuckin' killed.
- Subject to change facility breach.
- Roger that, Echo 2.
Help me up, why don't ya? Come here, Paul!
Help me up! Come on!
That's it, that's it, come on! Push up!
2 and 4, hold short. Remain observers only.
Do not engage.
Don't interfere with the experiment.
- Candidate 3 is now into escape route 16.
- Roger that, Echo 1.
- Echo Team. How do you read me?
- Temperature under control.
Heat-ray intensity
Go to...
Increase retabs to 245.8...
Approaching red light, Control.
Approaching red light, Control.
Looks like Candidate 3 heading east
along escape route 18.
Team B, upper level.
Echo 7 and 13,
stand by to engage.
Do not interfere with KR-13.
- Echo 2, amplify transmission.
- Wilco, Control.
Roger that, Echo 3.
Echo 7 and 13, stand by to engage.
Candidate 3 is still moving
east along route 18.
- Control, this is Echo 7.
- Roger that, Echo 7. Stand by to engage.
Echoes, engage and suspend.
Control, this is Echo 7.
Contact with Candidate Delta.
- Candidate is suspended.
- Roger that, Echo 7.
Mother, candidate is static.
Medical move to external shaft 16.
Equip candidate for transfer.
One candidate in external shaft 18
for transfer back to KR-13.
Transfer to begin immediately
after medicals visit parameter.
- Control, Candidate Delta is unconscious.
- Copy.
Sir, Medical Report:
Candidate Delta is unconscious,
and transfer teams
are bringing him back now.
All teams prep for KR-13,
log down and relay.
Good work, gents.
Mother is pleased.
Transfer teams: Position static,
and maintain an aggressive posture.
Get up!
Come on, come on!
Come on!
Security breach.
Security breach.
KR-13 security breach.
Corridor 3 unsafe.
Exit and enter.
Give me the key.
All teams standing by
for re-engagement.
I know this can be
overwhelming, life-changing.
You have let me down.
They told me you were ready.
You're not ready.
Stand by for viewing-room lock out.
I am ready.
We're testing the breaking points
of civilians.
We're proving what they're capable of.
You're wasting my time.
You wanna hear my observation?
Your analytical skills are exceptional,
but you don't have the stomach nor
the resolve to be part of our program.
Apoptosis, that's your objective isn't it?
There's a more effective way
to reach your outcome.
How much time?
"Where does the United States
of America rank...
on the international list of overall
average Intelligence Quotients"?
Five... five.
Five? What's that?
America is definitely in the top 5 in IQs...
I read about it in Time Magazine,
when I doing that fuckin' Graham experiment.
You go with 5.
It's your best bet, I'm tellin' you.
And then, you know, one of us dies, but...
one of us survives, right?
What do you think they're gonna do
with the survivor?
Do you think
they're gonna let us go?
- We have to be prepared.
- Prepared for what?
In half an hour, that door over there
is gonna open...
One of us needs to be prepared to run out,
make a run for it...
Look at me. Do you remember
the layout of the building?
Outside that door there's a hallway.
Turn to the right.
And all the way down to the left there's a
staircase. Do you remember that?
You take that staircase down...
you take that until you find
the first emergency exit.
Pull the lever.
We have to be prepared.
That's enough!
They can't grab hold of you, see.
That's slippery.
You can't do that. I...
It's slippery so they can't get
a hold of you. They slip right off.
Maybe alright, the door opens, you
grab the gun and you shoot and kill 'em.
You kill the doctor,
you create chaos.
- Now take your jacket off.
- No, no.
- Just take your jacket off, trust me...
- No.
I won't take...
- Trust me, trust me.
- I can't.
I can't!
fourth, fourth highest average IQ. 4.
- 4.
- No, you can't pick the same number.
- 4, I was gonna say 4.
- We can't pick the same number.
I'm saying 4.
Say 4, there are 4 on 5.
That way neither one of us goes to Hell,
and they stay the bad guys.
Bite, grab into anything you can!
You kick, you pull...
- head butt...
- shut 'em out there...
and you just point, aim...
Point, fire, run. Point, fire, run.
Point, fire, run.
We're gonna save lives.
in your head.
If you can you beat 'em there,
then you've already won.
"The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not... "
- Man, man.
- Two minutes.
We're gonna save lives. We're gonna
save lives.
Tell me what you know
about apoptosis.
All Echoes: Mother has locked in
candidate designation.
All teams move to your positions
for casualty execution. Read.
Roger, control. Echoes 6 and 7
standing by for KR-13 breach.
It is a mechanism in the human body
where an inferior cell realizes...
it's detrimental to the system...
a cell willing to sacrifice itself
for the greater good.
One of us has to survive and let
people know that these fuckers are here.
Right now they're here.
It jumped another 30 seconds.
Please submit answer.
I would've never made it.
- But you will!
- Pull!
TOD 19.00 hours.
Designation is a positive match.
Transferring KR-27, rear corridor 3.
Hold short at intersect 7
to receive Mother's instructions.
Roger, Control.
Over and out.
Only a select few have made it
through the entire process.
Test Group 17 is a success.
Test Group 17 is a success.
We have a positive match.
All teams:
We have a positive match.
Our program here
successfully proves...
that one out of 20 ordinary Americans
have the disposition...
to become a civilian weapon.
A civilian willing to kill
themselves for their country...
a civilian guaranteeing to take
his own life for our country.
So you're creating American
suicide bombers?
Parachuting down
a couple of guys in fatigue...
waving an American flag
doesn't work anymore.
We're adapting,
adapting fast.
And where do we draw the line?
We have to fight fire with fire.
There is no more line.
- Designation is a positive match.
- Transfer to KR-27, rear corridor 3.
- Roger Control, in route...
- Fall short at intersect 7.
Easy, guy! Easy! Easy, easy!
Let him go! Let him go!
We're proud of you. You're a martyr
for your country, Paul.
A martyr for your country.
Control, candidate unsecured.
Moving west, all way sub.
Roger that. Pursue rogue candidate
towards intersect 5.
Secure all exits.
Subject on level 3.
Pursue rogue candidate
towards intersect 5.
Open doors 6 and 8. Re-routing candidate
through hallway 2. Encounter initiated.
Secure all exits.
You gotta help me!
Subject on level 3.
You gotta help me! You gotta!
You gotta help me!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Fuckin' open the door!
Hermetic exit secured.
Candidate on level 3,
hallway 4.
- Candidate at intersect 4.
- Establishing re-route to stairway Alpha.
Secure doors 3 through 6.
Candidate moving to stairway Alpha.
Roger, Control. Candidate is moving
down predetermined path.
Subject is on predetermined course.
Subject diverted to primary stairwell.
Subject on level 4.
Subject moving north in hallway 1.
Continue diverting for final at KR-27.
Welcome to the program.
Level 4. Perimeter exit secured.
How many do we have out there?
Civilian weapons?
Nobody really knows.
Final observation, please!
- Subject arrival:
- in 10 minus 20 seconds.
Phase 1 was identification.
You selected a candidate
who'd bend to our objectives.
But how do you transform him
into a full civilian weapon?
Subject arrival imminent.
Welcome to phase 2.
All Echoes be advised:
Initiating phase 2. Indoctrination.
Roger that, Control.
Standing by for phase 2.
- Transfer this, Control.
- Go ahead, Control.
You got any TM on the final candidate
for this group?
Stand by, Control.
Control, Test Group 11 reports
failure of all test subjects.
There are no subjects set for input
of your test group.
Roger that, Transfer.
Both teams change to Protocol 13
and proceed with three candidates.
Stand by. All teams, KR-27 is clear.
Beginning re-engagement.
Roger that, Control.
Medical 3 standing by.
This is Echo 1.
We are go for phase 2, Control.
Echo 1, initiate stimulus 2-Alpha.
- Roger that, Control.