Killing Them Softly (2012)

I say to the people of America...
This moment is our chance to...
To make of our own lives
what we will. It is...
That pushes us forward.
The American promise alive.
It is that promise that's
always set this country apart.
It's a promise
that says each of us has the freedom...
to make of our own lives what we will.
You're late!
You're fucking 3 hours late!
Don't start on me.
You couldn't
have gotten me somebody else?
This item looks like shit,
and he's got no fucking manners.
I'm not gonna
put up with shit like this.
All right, look, you asked me
to get somebody that was all right.
You know, Russell here,
he's kind of a wise ass,
but he's all right if you can stand him.
Yeah, and a guy like you,
you want a job done...
you don't
have the balls to do it yourself,
I think you ought to try pretty hard to.
I don't like this guy.
He's too fucking fresh for my blood.
Russell, will you shut the fuck up
and stop jerking the guy's chain?
He's trying to do us a favor here.
He's trying to do us a fucking favor?
Yeah, he's trying to do us a favor.
I thought
he wanted us to do him a favor.
Is that the straight shit, Squirrel?
You trying to do me a favor?
Get the fuck out!
Man, what are you
talking to me like that? Come on.
You sell people dry cleaning
and you talk to them like that?
You know something,
the two guys I get to do this...
they're gonna cut up about 30,
I figure 30K.
And Australians like him. Frankie...
Australians like him
I can buy for 80 cents a dozen.
They throw another one in for free.
So you know what you do, Frankie?
You get me another guy...
cause I'm not gonna
put up with this kind of shit.
Look, John,
it'll be all right, okay? Trust me.
Hey, my friend, you picked
the wrong guy for a thing once.
You remember that?
You remember the doctor?
And I knew, I just knew
that this was the wrong guy.
What do I do? I take him anyway.
John, I need the dough.
Don't fuck around with me like that.
And after 7 years in the can
and my kids are growing up...
and my business isn't doing
what it should be, you know,
I can't get that back.
So from now on, I'm taking
my time and that's all there is to it.
I had my last fuck-up.
Call me Thursday. Thursday I'll know.
I've got to give
a new direction to this economy.
Come on. That a girl. Good girl. Look.
All right, you're here.
So we going out there or what?
That depends.
Don't depend on me.
It's Thursday.
You coming with me or not'?
Man. Fuck that guy. He's a dick.
Doesn't know if he wants me or not.
Well, I don't need him, mate.
I got my own thing going on, mate.
Me and Kenny, you know,
we're snatching these dogs...
and selling 'em down in Florida.
I got 5 grand in the kit, mate.
When I get 7, I'm gonna go
and buy an ounce of smack...
and I'm gonna become a dealer.
Plus this afternoon...
I got a girl I can go and fuck.
So I'm thinking it's a choice,
you know. Oh, tough one.
Am I gonna go and fuck a girl
or am I gonna go to a meeting
with the Squirrel?
Oh, fuck a girl, meeting with Squirrel.
Fuck Squirrel.
I think I'll go fuck the girl.
I'd like to see this girl.
The kind of girl you can
screw off an ad in the paper?
Beautiful. Probably got a couple
of handfuls of broken glass in there.
Well, yeah, these girls, you see 'em...
you probably wouldn't want to rape them,
but all the plumbing works just fine.
So I guess you're not coming then.
Look, go ahead, see if you can
get him to tell you anything about it.
If you still like it then, then I'm in.
If not, if he doesn't want me, I'm out.
But I'm not wasting an afternoon on it.
That much, I'm not doing.
- There it is.
- All right, fuck it.
I don't know. I've been asking around
about him, you know and...
I mean, not too many people.
Now I don't want
everybody to think that...
maybe I got something in mind
and well, nobody knows this guy.
I'm afraid he's not the kind of guy
we want to have in with us.
See, these people
are not the kind of people
that are around a bank or something.
They expect maybe someday some guy's
gonna come in there and rob them
and it's not their money.
These are not
these kind of people at all.
They see somebody come in there
that's not absolutely cool...
that they can tell right off
doesn't know what he's doing...
they're liable,
some of them to get up off their ass
and start making trouble.
They're gonna fucking shoot somebody,
for Christ's sake,
and I don't want that.
There's no reason for that, you know?
You don't get any more money
or anything like that.
It don't make any sense.
Yeah, I don't mean anything.
At least you got an idea, you know?
You still coming up dry'?
Yeah. You know what I did?
I goes down to probation,
like I actually believe in all that shit
they're handing out there.
"Here's something for you.
Place in Halbrook needs assemblers..."
"$130 a week,
"It'll keep you
out of trouble." Beautiful.
Well, I live in Somerville.
How the hell am I gonna get to
Halbrook in the middle of the afternoon?
Never mind,
for Christ's sake, how the fuck...
am I gonna get home
in the middle of the night?
"Buy a car."
"With what? I haven't got no money."
What the fuck am I gonna buy a car with?
Why the fuck they think
I need a job in the first place?
Fucking assholes.
You know, then I see Russell.
You know, he's coming right along.
You know, probably buy himself
a hotel in the next couple weeks or so.
Not on dogs.
He's just doing that.
He's gonna use that to buy
some stuff, soon as he gets enough.
He's gonna get nabbed.
He ought to go in the drugstore
and buy himself a new toothbrush
cause he's gonna need it.
Well, John, you know,
you're the guy with the angle.
Tell me what the angle is.
You think dog-lover there
can handle a card game?
Shit, those fucking things?
Those things are protected.
You can't do those things
unless you're so fucking stupid...
you actually like everybody
going around trying to off you.
There's one you can do.
John, there's 10 I can do.
I know of at least 10 I can do..
But then after, I'm gonna have
at least 8 hot ginzos out
looking for me.
No, no, not this one,
because the minute it fucking happens..
They're gonna know right off who did it.
For some reason, John,
that don't
make me feel better, you know.
No, not us. They're not even
gonna be thinking it might be us.
They're gonna pick one guy right away...
go whack him out
and that's gonna be end of it.
You and I are gonna cut up about
$40,000, $50,000, no fucking sweat.
I don't know how I goes for
setting somebody up, you know?
You're not setting him up.
He set himself up.
Markie Trattman runs this game.
This is Markie's second game.
The first one got knocked over...
and it was Markie who did it.
See, four years ago.
Markie was running this game...
and he sees all the cash
flying around the room...
and he thinks... "Jeez, two guys
with shotguns and stocking masks..."
could come in here and really clean up."
So he thinks,
"What the fuck," and he does it.
Put your hands on the fucking table
with your fucking money!
Mike, all right, all right,
give him the money. Go, Mike!
Now all the games have to shutdown.
It's a real pain in the ass.
Total fucking economic collapse.
Everyone's pissing and moaning.
No one's got any money.
Everybody's, you know, really upset.
Fuck me.
They send Dillon out to find out
who did it.
The fuck are you looking at'?
And Dillon interrogates Markie.
- Hey, What's going on? Hey!
- Hey.
You knock over the card game?
Jesus Christ! What the fuck'?
And Markie holds up under questioning.
Dillon, what the fuck'?
What's this all about?
Dillon can't work it out
who did it, so they think...
"What the fuck.
It's just one of those things."
Let's have a beer.
What the fuck, man?
Stop crying-
So eventually, the games start up again.
Everything's getting back to normal,
everyone's making money again...
and everyone's happy.
One night, they're all sitting around
and they're talking about...
"Remember the time
when all the games were shutdown...
and everyone's hearing footsteps
and what a fucking drag?"
Yeah, yeah, that was horrible.
And Markie starts laughing.
He can't help himself.
You know what?
He tells them it was him
that robbed his own game.
I did it!
And everyone thinks it's funny.
Where was I'?
What the hell, it really
wasn't their money that was stolen...
and everyone loves Markie,
so they give him a pass.
But if it happens again,
if Markie's game gets knocked over...
they're gonna know it was Markie
and Markie's gonna take the fall for it.
All right, well, fuck it. I'm in.
What about Russell?
I don't give a rat's ass.
You can go in there with...
fucking Tarzan and his fucking
spotted jockstrap for all I care...
if you can get him to do it.
But this thing's gotta move, all right'?
All right with me. Look,
I gotta do something soon.
If I don't think of something
soon, I'm gonna have...
to go back and knock
on a gate and say, "Let me back in."
I can't think of nothing
it's starting to get cold
Because just a matter of time...
some other fresh bastard's
gonna think of this...
and then it's gonna be gone,
we don't have the money.
We're not the only smart guys
in the world.
Fuck, this a good car you got.
It's like the lounge room,
mate, but it's a good car.
Yeah, I wish you could
still get a car like this.
Keep this one.
Yeah, that's just
what I need is a nice, hot car.
You're not getting any, are you?
Go fuck yourself. Tomorrow night,
I'm getting some. All right'?
You know, if this thing goes all right,
this is my last night a priest.
Fucking take care of my own hog.
You certainly had a bunch of practice
at taking care of your own hog.
Yeah, that's real fucking nice talk.
A guy like you,
sticking it in Goat-Ass' satchel.
Fucking really nice talk.
Hey, we're in jail, you know.
Rule number one,
find yourself a lovely, clean older man.
Who the fuck told you
that Goat-Ass was clean'?
Rule number two
if you can't find that lovely,
clean older man...
take the dirty one.
You're fucking sick.
You know, we shoulda actually
had them get you a goat, you know.
Have 'em bring it into the jail
and you could fuck the goat.
You know,
I had some clout with the keepers.
Oh, those poor dogs.
You sure you're not
fucking around with those dogs?
No, no, 'cause they're dogs,
they bite, you know.
I mean, I'll give you some advice, mate.
Don't-not with a dog, you know.
They can nip, from what I hear...
and that's very painful,
from what I hear.
You know, you're better off
with women, mate...
if you can get yourself one, that is.
Well, maybe I'm not sure I can.
They're around.
There's broads just like us, mate.
Just as crazy as us too.
Like this one, she's beautiful,
mate, but she's crazy.
She's crazy.
Let me tell you, all right.
I go up to the house, okay?
I've got a hard-on already.
She opens the door and, fuck, mate,
she was completely naked, you know.
I got quite nervous, mate,
'cause it's been a while, you know.
And she's like, "Well, are you
gonna come and fuck me..."
or you gonna stand there all day?"
So I take her in there. I fuck her.
It's really, let me tell you...
she fucked like
a fucking crazy alien
from the planet Gobble, you know?
She started moaning and gobbling, mate.
I mean, really going crazy,
just like the cock goes in and...
So roll off, done, oh, fantastic.
Next words out of her mouth,
"I'm gonna kill myself."
They all say that.
That's the first thing they think
of to say, you know, a lot of them.
Yeah, it don't mean anything.
Here you go, man.
Jesus, that's what you fucking got,
dishwashing gloves?
Look, you take
what you can fucking get, all right'?
These fucking things are too thick.
It's what they had.
They might
had some fucking latex gloves...
from, like,
a fucking hospital or something.
You'll make do.
There you go.
Jesus, the fuck is this?
What does it look like?
It's a fucking sawn-off shotgun, okay?
It's what you asked me
to fucking get you.
I mean, you asked me for this, mate.
We shoot somebody
with this fucking thing...
it's gonna kill everybody
in the fucking room.
Well, tell them that.
We're gonna look like a bunch of
fucking amateurs when we go in there.
Take a breath.
All right, you ready to do this?
You don't even have your glove on.
I got my fucking glove on.
Just shut the fuck up.
You shut the fuck up.
You know. I'm going out there
with a fucking hand grenade...
and there's a fucking condom on my hand.
All right, hands, hands,
hands, all of you, hands!
Get your fucking hands up.
I hope you guys know what you're doing.
Should I get the money?
Just take it easy.
Hands, hands!
You stop fucking looking at me.
Stop fucking looking at me
Get your fucking hands up.
You know they're gonna kill you.
You know that, don't you?
That doesn't have to happen.
It shouldn't happen to you.
You should just put the gun down...
turn around and walk out the front door.
I'll take care of your friend.
I ain't gonna fucking tell you again,
you stop fucking looking at me.
Don't worry about him.
I'll take care of him for you.
What's going on in there?
Come on, now.
Hands, hands, hands!
Get your fucking hands up!
What's going on in there?
Talk to me! What's going on in there?
You sure you want to do this?
All right, put it on the table.
You want me to sit down'?
All right, you motherfucker,
give it up right now!
You got the money. Leave him alone.
Hey, take out what you got in
your pockets and put it on the table.
Hey, leave the poor bastard alone!
You got all the money.
Hey, shut the fuck up!
- Leave the fucking bastard...
- You shut the fuck up!
All right, you fucking cocksucker...
get your fucking money out of
your pockets and put it on the table...
nice and fucking slow.
All right, you fucking prick.
All right, now you.
Put it on the fucking table...
nice and fucking slow. Stop fucking
looking at me. Hey, get your hands up!
Not you yet. Get your fucking hands up!
Get your fucking hands
out of your pocket!
All right, now,
there's two ways we can do this.
There's the easy way and the hard way.
All right, the easy way is to do what
these two guys are doing.
All right, the hard way is to
make us come around and all...
which is gonna make him nervous.
Now you can sit there...
and act like you haven't
got it in your sock
or something, but then after...
me and my nervous friend
are gonna come around and make sure.
And for all the guys
that didn't remember everything...
we're gonna knock every
last one of their fucking teeth out.
How's that?
Good. That's the way I feel too.
All right, the less guys that get hurt,
the better, so don't fuck around.
Just keep quiet and give it
all up and nobody gets hurt.
It's only money.
Good evening.
This is an extraordinary period
for America's economy.
Over the past few weeks,
many Americans have
felt anxiety about
their finances and their future.
I understand their worry
and their frustration.
We've seen triple-digit swings
in the stock market.
- All right, do it.
- Major financial institutions
have teetered on the edge of collapse...
and some failed.
As uncertainty has grown,
many banks have restricted lending...
credit markets have frozen...
and families and businesses
have found it harder to borrow money.
We're in the midst
of a serious financial crisis...
and the federal government
is responding with decisive action.
We boosted confidence
in money market mutual funds.
I know many Americans
have questions tonight.
How did we reach
this point in our economy?
How will the solution I propose work?
And what does this mean
for your financial future?
These are good questions
and they deserve good answers.
Go, go, go, go.
They told me when they heard that
if Dillon wasn't available...
that I was supposed to talk
to the fella he sent. Is that you?
I don't see nobody else
who might be here to meet you. Do you?
Let's get out from
under these construction guys.
- Bang a right and go a couple blocks.
- Most of the Republicans we know
doesn't like this bill
and President Bush,
I mean he's in the position now
of trying to sway public opinion...
and build support for it.
With the situation becoming
more precarious by the day...
I face the choice to
step in with dramatic
government action...
or to stand back
and allow
the irresponsible actions of some...
to undermine
the financial security of all.
There has been
a widespread loss of confidence.
And major sectors
of America's financial system are
at risk of shutting down.
The government's top
economic experts warn that...
without immediate action by Congress...
America could slip into
a financial panic. -So,
they were very concerned
when I told them...
I called Dillon, Dillon said to see you.
They're very concerned.
How is the fella?
Not good. Saw him yesterday.
He said he feels like somebody
stuck a knife in his chest.
So he probably won't be able to
handle anything for a while.
He sure can't right now.
I think the guy's in very bad shape.
Go under the bridge and you can park.
So, Mark Trattman's game
was hit a couple of nights ago.
I heard that.
Yeah, two kids.
You or Dillon hear anything
about two kids?
We hear lots of things. I heard
they had masks on, for one thing.
So maybe they're not kids.
Well, they were dressed like kids,
Smelled like animals, Trattman said.
Trattman said.
Well, Trattman also said that the one
who talked had a voice like a kid's.
Trattman said.
Well as far as I know...
there's nothing wrong with Trattman's
hearing or his nose or anything.
No, nothing I've heard about, anyways.
So where do we go from here?
What do you think?
It could have been Trattman.
He coulda decided to do it again.
No one'd ever think
he's dumb enough to do it twice.
But I know Markie. He's not that dumb.
So I figured some other smart guys
knew he did it before.
For now, it don't matter.
It doesn't?
We start with Trattman.
We start real good too.
- Wait a minute.
- I'll wait a week if you want.
No, I don't understand.
I thought you believed him.
My friend, I do.
But the games are closed, right'?
Grant's Tomb.
People are losing money.
A fair inference.
They don't like to lose money.
We hit Trattman,
get things started up again...
get people back to doing
what they're supposed to be doing.
They want to find out
if he did it first.
It don't make a bit of difference
if Trattman did it...
or someone did it to Trattman.
If people think he did it
and he's still walking around...
you're gonna have kids waiting in line,
knock them fucking games over.
They just want you to talk to him.
Talk to him?
What does that mean?
Talk to Trattman, see what he says.
Talk to him?
Really talk to him.
A beating?
How badly they want him beaten?
Shove him around a little...
you know, but don't hurt him too badly
'cause they don't want him hurt.
Oh, of course you do.
You guys, you always do that.
All right.
Quit shitting me, all right'?
- All right.
- Stop the bullshit.
All right, it's stopped.
But why?
What's he gonna do,
fold under questioning?
If he does, they'll kill him.
If he doesn't,
they'll figure he's lying like
last time and they'll kill him.
Either way, Markie's dead.
So why put the poor bastard
through a beating?
It's a waste of time...
not to mention a really
unpleasant experience for Markie.
Just put him out of his misery,
poor bastard.
What's the problem?
It's murder and they are squeamish.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Who's running things?
You have no idea.
No decision-makers.
I got to take them by the hand
and I got to walk them...
slowly through it like
they're retarded children.
What is it, a committee?
Total corporate mentality.
Christ's sake.
This country is fucked, I'm telling you.
There's a plague coming.
Today we are taking decisive actions...
to protect the US economy.
We regret having to take these actions.
Today's actions are not
what we ever wanted to do...
but today's actions
are what we must do...
to restore confidence
in our financial system.
Today I'm announcing...
that the treasury
will purchase equity stakes.
It's this gray
one right here on the left.
That's where he lives?
Jackie, that prick.
Jackie's all right.
He's a mean little prick.
But we gotta deal with
Markie's fucking feelings, not him.
Markie's gonna be okay.
He's gonna make it hard on us.
No, he's not.
Yeah, he will. Fuck.
He insists it has to be done..
Without meaningful discussion
or debate or any change...
sort of, you know...
a immediate authorization
for use of financial force.
That is Mr. Paulson's plan,
former head of Goldman Sachs.
We should not be rolled
by our Wall Street exec...
who's masquerading
as Secretary of the Treasury.
Does this remind
anybody of anything...
like the rush into Iraq
on election eve a number of years ago?
It's all too familiar.
There need to be consequences
and there needs to be major change...
- Hey.
- Get in the car, Markie.
For what?
For what?
Get in the fucking car, Markie.
Steve, I didn't do nothing.
You're gonna get in the car.
You know you're gonna get in
the car, so get in the fucking car!
Barry, open the fucking door.
Shoot me.
- I'll fucking shoot you.
- Go on, shoot me.
- Fuck you, Markie.
- Get in the fucking car now!
- Get in the fucking car, motherfucker!
- Get in the fucking car!
You fuck.
Get out of the car, Markie.
Please, Steve,
let me talk this over, okay?
Get out of the car now, Markie.
I didn't do nothing.
I told you, didn't I?
I told you he was
gonna make it hard on us.
Why you gotta do this, Markie?
I mean,
this is hard for us too, you know.
Why you gotta make it hard for us?
Cause I didn't do nothing.
Move, Markie.
Fucking little prick,
just get the fuck out of the car.
- Get the fuck out. Come on!
- Get out of the car, Markie.
He's not speaking fucking Chinese.
Come on, Trattman. Let's go.
Close the fucking door.
Okay, move over here.
Move down there, down there.
By the door.
Jesus fucking Christ.
May my mother get cancer...
I had nothing to do with this.
You can't tell them that?
I know how it looks. I know.
Honest to God, I didn't.
Fuck, Barry.
He's got fucking blood all over me.
Who are the kids, Markie?
I don't know. I don't know.
No, I don't know.
You're making this hard for us, buddy.
Come on, baby. Okay.
- No, no, no.
- Hold your hands.
Markie, I don't want to hit your hands.
Just fucking hit him!
- Turn him around.
- Fucking hit him!
Right there.
Get his hands, Steven.
No, no.
Hey, man. You okay, Markie?
Hey, Markie, you all right'?
Okay, let's give him a try now.
Markie, about the kids,
are you sure you don't know
who those kids are?
You really sure?
I'm sure.
I'm sure, Steve.
Cause I gotta be.
I gotta be sure, Markie,
and you make me stay out here
all night making sure,
I'm not gonna like it.
It's gonna be an awful
long night for you, Mark.
You bastard.
You cocksucker!
What do you say, Steve?
Shut up!
Let's get the fuck out of here.
Get in the car.
You fucking dirty fucking dog.
Hey, asshole.
Look at you! Look at you!
How are you?
Oh, you look fucking ridiculous.
- Look at your fucking hair.
- Go fuck yourself.
- What are you talking about?
- What spray shit did you put in it?
It ain't spray. I'm not fucking queer.
There's gel on it, you fucking prick.
- You sure you're not...
- Yeah, the guy...
- a little bit of a queer?
- that out it gave me the stuff.
Oh, look at this. New car.
Oh, what the fuck is that?
It's dog shit. Come on, let's go.
Let's go, come on. I've got to get home.
Russell, you fucking smell like shit.
You're not getting in my car like that.
You smell like shit too, like gay shit.
Look at this.
Everything's going good. Shut up.
It was beautiful.
Yeah, we leave in the middle
of the night, for fuck's sake.
All the way to Florida,
we're in this fucking rainstorm.
The dogs are all pissing
and farting and shitting...
and we can't roll the windows down.
We don't want to drown.
Put the fucking window...
what are you, an asshole?!
Put the fucking cigarette out!
It was awful.
It was like riding in a shithouse.
And then after got over to Orlando
we're gonna burn the oar...
so Kenny sticks a rag
in the gas tank, and he lights it off.
You're gonna need to get a stick.
Don't do it by hand, mate.
Don't be a such...
Russell, you're a fucking pussy.
I've done it a million fucking times.
It's fine. It goes up like
a fucking bonfire. I love it.
Kenny, he didn't
have no eyebrows left...
not much hair...
and no sense of humor either.
You know, I thought dogs was gonna
be an easy way to make money.
I was half right.
You look all beat to shit.
And the thing of it is,
I've been up for a week, all right...
and I got to keep going
until I finish this thing off.
What, you haven't dumped the stuff'?
Dumped it? Christ, no.
I haven't stepped it yet.
Look, I put it to a guy fast,
I'm gonna no more than 15 or 16.
I take it up a step...
I can move it to two guys for 25.
Russell, it's stupid.
It's fucking stupid.
That's a thousand dollars a year.
Oh, you're as dumb as I am.
Maybe you think we were
smart doing that other thing...
but we were dumb.
That worked out beautiful.
Oh, sure, fucking cheesecake.
Course, we got a contract out on us.
But, yeah, beautiful.
What the fuck are you talking about?
The fuck you talking about?
What the fuck are you talking about?
There's a contract on us,
you, me and the Squirrel.
I'm gonna be as dead
as you guys if I hang around here.
I'm going to Montreal.
For what?
Hey. For what?
For what?
Cut the shit, for the Trattman game.
What the fuck's the matter with you?
Russell, Trattman's practically dead.
They beat him shitless.
You didn't know that, did you?
Course I did. Kenny told me.
Is this Kenny Gill we're talking about?
Hey, Russell, is this Kenny Gill
we're talking about?
Russell, wake up!
What'd you say?
Is this Kenny Gill we're talking about?
Russell, Kenny Gill works for Dillon.
Kenny Gill works for Dillon!
So you go talking to
a fucking guy that works...
Fucking guy that works
for fucking Dillon.
So fucking what?
What else did you tell him?
What did you tell him,
in case Kenny didn't get
the whole fucking story before?
I didn't say shit.
Now aside from Squirrel...
we got the kids, two kids.
One of them is the motor mouth.
Drove to Florida with Kenny...
Kenny Gill, our Kenny,
guy he knows works for Dillon...
and starts bragging about
how he's a big-time operator
just knocked over
this guy's game for 100K.
You serious?
I don't know what it is with these guys.
They can't keep
their mouth shut about nothing.
And Kenny, Kenny's just as dumb.
The way I found out was...
this guy's invested his money
in a couple ounces of smack...
wants Kenny to come in with him.
Kenny comes to me and wants
know what I think about that.
I guess these guys,
they just want to go to jail...
probably feel at home there.
So you want to move now
or you want to wait, what?
I talked to Dillon. We both think now.
Whack Trattman,
get the games started up.
what brings Trattman into this?
You just told me that it was...
this Squirrel fella and his two friends.
It is, plus I had Trattman
talked to, I'm sure. -Yeah.
You ought to be. Your boys
went a little overboard there.
They damn near killed the man.
It wasn't my idea.
Waste of time, I said.
Waste of money, I said.
Why put Markie through it, I said.
You know, he called me up.
I had trouble understanding him.
Hell, I had trouble calling him back...
cause he got
my secretary the first time.
She couldn't understand him,
the numbers he left.
He's got a broken jaw.
- I heard that.
- Got broken ribs...
he got a broken nose,
three or four broken teeth.
There's some question about
his spleen, he said.
He was in the hospital
when I talked to him.
He's out now, I understand.
Must be his spleen's okay then.
You know, he's not happy, though.
I'm sorry to hear that
We aim to please.
That's what I'm supposed to tell them?
Tell them whatever you want.
Won't make a bit of difference anyways.
Trattman's got to be hit,
and they know it.
You know, you see...
I don't...
I don't understand that, I mean.
Do I have to explain this twice'?
What do you think the guys
on the street think?
I got no idea.
They think Trattman...
he did it before and now he did it again
and all he got was beat up.
But he didn't really do anything.
It's his responsibility. He did it
before and now it happened again...
so he's responsible for what guys think.
On the street, it's Trattman,
nothing but Trattman.
Look, there's no two ways
about it, counselor.
Trattman's gotta be hit.
He made a mistake.
Oh, wait a minute. I get it.
I see what you mean,
the public angle and all.
Okay, if they agree with you,
assuming that...
can you hit Trattman?
Now what about
this Squirrel fella because...
he seems like
the leading candidate to me.
Probably not.
I need Mickey for that one.
Mickey? New York Mickey?
Why can't you handle it?
Cause Squirrel knows me.
Didn't I say that already?
He needed something done once,
Dillon couldn't do it...
so I did it, so he knows me.
He's gonna figure if...
he's waiting on somebody,
he's waiting on me or Dillon.
So what?
You ever killed anyone?
It can get touchy-feely.
Emotional, not fun, a lot of fuss.
They cry, they plead, they beg...
they piss themselves,
they call for their mothers.
It gets embarrassing.
I like to kill them softly...
from a distance,
not close enough for feelings.
Don't like feelings.
Don't want to think about them.
You need Mickey. What's the problem?
Mickey is expensive.
Not at the moment.
You get him for 10?
He'd do it for 15?
I think in this economy
a quick 16 for two days work...
would sound pretty good to Mickey.
We'll sell him a party.
Fly in, whack a guy, fly out, quick 15.
Fly coach.
America's financial system
is intricate and complex.
But behind all the technical terminology
is a critical human factor.
Confidence in our financial systems
is essential...
to the smooth operation
of our economy...
and recently
that confidence has been shaken.
All of us have a responsibility
to solve this crisis...
because it affects
the financial well-being
of every single American.
The House of Representatives
failed to act on Monday.
We saw the single largest decline
in the stock market in two decades.
But in the end of the day,
there's no real separation... between
Wall Street and Main Street.
There's only the road
we're traveling on as Americans...
and we will rise or fall on that journey
as one nation, as one people.
Hey, come here.
So where'd you have to go for these?
I said, where did you
have to go for these?
Out of the building, right'?
What, you have to walk a couple blocks,
take a cab or something?
No, sir, we only have one man
on service today and he's very busy.
Are the drinks all right'?
No, as a matter of fact, they're mostly
evaporated by the time you get here.
Mickey. Yeah, the drinks are all right.
Bring me another one.
Yes, sir.
You mind if I drink
that beer while I'm waiting for...
Lurch to get back
from the airport over here?
Make you fat, though,
I thought you said.
So they grabbed me down in Maryland
on this gun thing.
What gun thing?
Well, I was going hunting,
for Christ's sake.
Me and this guy, Topper.
You know Topper?
- No.
- Nice guy.
Anyway we were going down
to Maryland to hunt geese...
down at Maryland shore.
Then we go down there and...
all of a sudden there's a couple
hundred cops all over the place...
and I got the shotgun in the trunk.
Fucking beautiful.
Fucking shotgun,
I just bought the fucking shotgun.
I never even used it once.
Now, I'm under arrest...
felony possession,
so I might go to jail
for a fucking shotgun...
I bought in a fucking store to hunt
fucking geese with, for Christ's sake.
Did you bring him a beer?
No, sir, he only wanted the one,
I thought.
He only wanted one drink, I thought.
I'm drinking his beer.
I'm drinking the man's beer.
- Get him a beer.
- I don't want another one.
It's all right.
All right, don't have no more.
So, yeah, Topper...
You're hitting that stuff pretty hard,
aren't you, Mickey?
I can handle it.
So, Topper, yeah, Topper...
he feels responsible and,
you know, he's an old guy.
He hasn't been pinched
in about 30 years.
So we figure
the shotguns are gonna be his.
I'm just doing the old man a favor
driving him down there and all.
Yeah, but if they don't...
I do time.
If the shotguns aren't his, I do time.
It's that simple.
Done it before. I can do it again.
Rough on the wife, though.
The last time,
she actually took out the papers.
I didn't blame her.
She's been through it twice before.
So the papers come up.
I was gonna sign them, you know...
let her have what she wants
if that's what she wants.
The girl don't owe me nothing.
But I asked her to come up.
I says, "Margie, do this for me.
Don't do nothing now."
Do like when I come out
the last time and decide then."
She looks at me.
She says, "And you promised me then..."
She says. "And you promised me
then you were through..."
and here I am again
and I'll wait five more years...
and I'll be five more years older...
"and you're gonna get out again
and you're gonna do something else."
And I said, "Margie, I mean,
what can I say? You're right."
You're right,
but all I'm asking you to do...
"is wait till I come out again."
Cause I don't know who the guy is.
But I did.
I did. I knew she was seeing somebody.
I knew two days after
she was with him the first time...
and I didn't like the feeling it gave me
in my nuts knowing it.
But I didn't blame him.
Anyway, I said, "Margie..."
you ought to do this for me.
I ought to be around the same as him...
"because you and me,
we always got along all right."
Then she started crying
and shaking her head and...
I thought, you know...
But she didn't.
And it was all right.
You're not having any more of those.
You'll fall on your ass if you do.
I was drinking before you
got out of your father's cock.
Don't tell me what I do.
Next time, you know,
she takes out the papers...
I'm just gonna sign them...
because it's too fucking rough on me.
Terrible amount of shit
you got to go through.
What are you gonna do?
Do the best you can.
What, am I gonna leave the country like
some fucking draft dodger or something?
Fuck that.
Besides, none of this shit
means anything anyway.
It's all bullshit.
So what are we doing?
We got two guys.
Actually, there's four guys,
but it takes fucking forever
to get the okay around here.
So we got two guys for sure
and one them knows me, so here you are.
So, what, you want me
to do a double or what?
You want to take the double,
it's all right with me. You need that?
Look, I ought to
take you up on it, but...
I'm not supposed to
be up here, you know.
I'm restricted in New York
and Maryland and all that shit.
I want to go anywhere,
I'm supposed to ask them.
Well, I didn't ask them.
So I probably shouldn't be up here
anymore than I have to, you know.
Besides, a double's risky.
I'll just take the one.
Now, here's the thing.
That's gonna be the guy that knows me.
The other guy, I'm doing.
I'm gonna put his light out tonight
if everything goes right.
What are we gonna do, Jackie?
Never mind thinking about
what I'm gonna do.
You just think about
what you're gonna do.
I'm gonna make some money, right'?
When did I ever fuck
anything up with you?
Kenny, the world's full of guys
that never fucked up...
and then they fucked up once
and now they're doing time...
so tonight's not the night to start,
not when I'm with you.
I never fucked anything up.
Where's the fucking car'?
It's around the side. I thought you said
Never mind what you thought I said.
Move your big, dumb ass.
He's going home.
I don't get it.
Yeah, neither is he tonight.
Never again, either.
Come on, for Christ's sake.
I want to get home early for a change.
Put the dollar back.
Put it back. For fuck's sake.
America has the most talented,
and entrepreneurial
workers in the world.
Right up easy, nice and smooth.
Right up next to him. Kenny...
and a little bit ahead.
Put me right up next to him.
The first one, she wasn't bad.
She wasn't good, but she wasn't bad.
She was all right.
She seemed like she was
in an awful hurry, though.
Honey, could you zip me up?
I thought you were kidding.
No. Get your trick to do it.
You know, screwing's no different
than anything else.
Nobody gives a good shit anymore.
You hire somebody to do something,
you tell them
you're willing to pay for it...
they say they'll do it and they have to.
Yeah, well, for a guy
who's been having himself
a regular party for three days or
so you sure bitch and moan a lot.
I've been paying for it.
I can bitch about it if I want.
So you know this broad Polly?
Oh, it's on the nightstand over there.
The wallet's on the nightstand.
Yeah, everybody knows Polly.
Yeah, that's what the first broad
you sent up said.
There's $283 in there, okay?
When I get up, I want to
see $183 in there, you got that?
Okay. No tip?
No tip.
You're the original sport.
Fuck her.
You want a tip, honey?
I'll give you a tip.
You put the condom on with your mouth...
and you stop acting like your anus
is a national treasure.
You're a fucking hooker
for Christ's sake.
Fuck you.
Let me tell you something, honey.
One day
one old bastard that you milked...
he's gonna carve you up,
talking like that.
How would you like that?
Jesus, I don't know.
You think I'd come?
If you could, maybe you would.
But I'm thinking no.
Fuck you.
Which is pretty much what I had in mind
when she come up here.
You know, I haven't had a real piece
of ass since Florida.
- Sunny.
- Sunny. Yeah.
You probably fucked her too
didn't you, after I left?
When me and Dillon got there,
she was with you.
When we left, she was still with you.
You were there, what?
Three weeks.
Three weeks.
I was there five days in the middle.
How the fuck am I gonna do that?
I don't know.
Empty again.
You sure you won't join me?
Not late enough yet either.
Sammy fucked her.
Guy from Detroit,
sharp-looking little ginzo?
He's a fucking Jew.
All those years I knew that guy...
he fucking did it anyway, scumbag.
Son of a bitch.
I don't know why I care about this.
I mean, you know. I know when...
I'm there, I'm there, she's with me...
and when I leave and you're there,
she's with you.
She wasn't with me.
I don't mean you. I mean any guy.
Yeah, I don't care.
It's not like I love her or nothing.
You know,
I just give her for when I'm there.
Fucking Sammy.
She good, you know, Sunny.
She's a good girl.
If she can't get you up,
you're probably dead.
And let me tell you something...
I've seen every kind
of ass there is in this world.
Yeah, you've seen it this week.
You been here, what, three days?
What I hear, you've seen
most of the ass in town.
Well, I like it. It's, like, my hobby.
Yeah, well, I couldn't fuck
like that for three days.
I get all fucked out.
You want ass?
There's no ass in the whole world...
like a young Jewish girl that's hooking.
I'm gonna keep that in mind.
You take that to the bank.
First time I met Sunny...
she walked in the room,
I got a fucking enormous hard-on.
I could have fought five guys
with this fucking prong I had.
So fucking hard
the skin from under my eyes...
just kinda went down into the cock
so it could expand.
My fucking... you know, after,
I just wanted to fuck her so bad.
She was so fucking beautiful.
- I felt like a man.
- Mick!
She made me feel good. What?
You gonna be all right...
tomorrow night, the next?
I'm all right now. What the fuck'?
Leave me alone.
Look, this after, we're supposed to
meet a guy, all right'?
I got a guy to take you around and all.
I can't go out.
What the fuck are you talking about?
No, I can't go out.
You come up here to do something
remember? For that.
All right, go get him.
Go get the fucking guy
and we'll set this thing up.
Go get him now!
We'll set the fucking thing up!
Go get him!
You, I'ma tell you what you're gonna do.
You're gonna go to fucking bed.
It's 2:30 now, you shit
I'ma call you at 7:30...
and if I don't wake you up,
I am gonna drop a dime
on a couple of cops
I know who are gonna take you back
to where you're supposed to be.
- Yeah!
- Oh, yeah?
No ass. No more booze.
No nothing.
Get yourself a shower and go to bed.
I'll get you up and tell you
where you gotta be.
I don't take orders from shits like you!
He's been here three days.
What he didn't fuck in them
three days, he drank.
He was drunk when I left him.
And when I chew him out for it,
he's go out in the skivvies
and do the job now
Won't fucking shut up.
You asked for him.
You said you couldn't do it,
so we got you what you asked for.
I need the Mickey
from a couple of years ago.
He's fucking worthless now.
Did you talk to Dillon about it,
I mean, or is he even
able to talk to anybody?
Dillon thinks what I think.
We need this guy out of town yesterday.
You invited him here. Send him back.
Won't go. He needs the dough.
Well, I can't get in touch
with him today.
It's not like that.
What I got in mind,
I'm gonna get him grabbed.
Won't he talk?
If he thought it was me who did it,
he might.
Let's just say
in about a day from now...
he's gonna get into a fight with a whore
in a hotel that don't like whore fights.
He's gonna get busted for that.
They'll revoke his bail,
and back he'll go.
Kind of rough on him.
I think it's the best thing for him.
Won't get enough potato jack
in the can to kill him.
And if he's not in the can,
he's going to kill us.
So how much is the girl gonna cost'?
$500, maybe a grand.
Oh, Jesus.
It's a grand.
Yeah, well, I still got to okay it.
You know, this running back to them
every time with the latest bad news...
they're raising hell with me.
Well, we got a little problem.
We weren't supposed to have
any little problems, no problems at all.
Please don't smoke in my car, please.
Come on.
All right, looks like
our boy finally made it.
Yeah, I've got him now.
He's about to enter the building.
All units, this is unit three.
He's headed
to the lockers on the west side.
You have the right to remain silent.
You have any guns, knives
or anything else I should know about...
needles or anything
I'm gonna get stuck on?
I dunno, maybe.
- What?
- Yeah.
- Yes or no?
- Left pocket, left jacket pocket.
You have the right to talk to a lawyer
for advice before we ask you questions.
Don't move that hand.
If you cannot afford a lawyer,
one will be appointed for you.
Do you understand
what I've just read to you, sir?
That poor bastard.
You know, I knew this was gonna happen.
I told him, you know.
What the fuck, you know.
You know, I like the guy.
You know, he was always
all right to me, you know...
and now I can't do nothing to help him?
Took his chances.
Sure John
and you're taking your chances...
and I'm taking my chances, all right...
and sooner or later,
they're gonna grab us.
You know, and then who am I
gonna call, you know, you?
I haven't got no friends either.
You know, you look at it.
You, me and Russell are in exactly
the same position...
except for he's in it now
and we're not in it yet.
Frankie, you gotta relax.
It's like Trattman.
It come out just like you said.
You know, when it didn't happen and...
Russell was telling me
all that stuff, you know...
I was scared shitless
it wasn't gonna happen.
You know, I thought
it was gonna happen to me.
You know, that don't mean... well yeah.
I mean, I'm glad it happened to him...
but I still wish it didn't even
happen to him, you know?
It didn't have to.
It's just shit, you know.
This world is just shit.
We're all just on our own.
What the fuck, man, whatcha gonna do?
Get off my block, bitch!
This my block!
I run this motherfucking block!
Get off my block!
What you gonna do? What you gonna do?
I run this show! I run this show!
What you gonna do, homey?
Get off my fucking block, man!
Get off my block!
Our eye now is to the future...
to shine the bright light
of accountability.
Can I get you a Bud?
Bottle or draft?
I don't give a shit.
They always do that.
Pain in the ass.
Wouldn't come in here I know
I got to go through shit like that.
Shit, I would.
This guy, I don't know how he does it.
He must have the best-built girls
in town working for him.
I come in here every day.
I know.
I've never seen you in here before.
Look, I don't know you.
Very few guys know me.
I've never been here before in my life.
I was looking for you.
A guy told me you come in here
a lot around this time of the day,
so I came in.
Who's the guy?
The guy? A friend.
A friend of yours, actually.
Who is the friend?
A friend.
Your friends
are worried about you, Frankie.
They think you need somebody around...
who knows about things, advise you...
teach you how to cover your ass.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
See, it's not so much
what you've been doing.
It's what guys think
you've been doing...
and that's what you got to look out for.
And when it happens...
you got to be prepared to do something.
So where's he gonna be tomorrow night?
Johnny Amato. Tomorrow night,
where's he gonna be?
I don't know.
You got to keep in mind what I told you.
Your friends are worried about you.
It's your friends that want to see you
get a second chance...
you know what I mean?
And it's your friends that wanna
know where Squirrel's gonna be.
Yeah, well, I don't know
who the fuck you are.
Very few guys do.
Well, Dillon, maybe.
Yeah, Dillon knows me.
You want me to call Dillon for you...
so you can talk to Dillon
and see who I am'?
Okay, then, where's he gonna be?
I haven't got no idea.
See you around, Frankie, my friend.
No, no, hey, wait a minute.
Fuck you, I don't get paid to wait.
You tell me you don't know, okay.
I accept that.
But I got something to do.
I got to find a guy who does know.
Where John's gonna be tomorrow night?
Yeah. There's something else now.
I guess...
like where you're gonna
be the day after.
Except you're in a position
very few guys ever get in.
You can do something about it.
You have choices.
I've known very few guys
in a position like that.
Kid, I hope you don't think
I'm shitting you.
Kid, I hate to see you go like this.
And you're going for fucking nothing.
Jesus, look, I can't do this, like...
Let me ask you something.
You think about this.
You think I was to go down
to Wollaston and see him there...
now and I would say:
"Squirrel, it's you or Frankie...
who's it gonna be?"
You think he'd even
think twice about it?
You think he would?
I don't know.
Fucking asshole.
- It's no wonder you did time.
- Look, I...
I don't have to look.
I know what's going on.
I know what I gotta do.
I gotta find the right guy.
Now, make the pick, kid,
and make it now.
I'm gonna do you a favor.
I'm not gonna do you a favor.
- It don't matter to me.
- Just let me think.
Oh, no thinking.
Go or no go right now.
I gotta get going-
Fucking Jesus. Look, I don't know
if I can do this, you know.
Can you do the other thing?
So I guess you know then.
That's the selection.
All right. So, what do I got to do?
You got to find out
where Johnny's gonna be.
I already know.
He's got a girl.
You know, he told me that before.
Okay, and where you gonna be?
I told him I'd be home, I'd be home.
No, you're not.
I'm not'?
- No.
- Where?
You're gonna be with me
and we're gonna be where he's gonna be.
Jesus, look, I can't do that.
Look, if he sees me, it's allover.
He's gonna know something's wrong.
I can't do that.
I'll tell you...
Okay, okay.
So you made
the other choice then I guess.
Have I really got to do that?
All of it?
I got to be there and everything?
Frank you made a mistake...
and you got to show you understand
you made a mistake...
and you gotta make things right...
otherwise they're gonna
want someone to do something...
like with Trattman.
Never did the right thing.
Jack, he's not a bad guy, you know.
I mean, he's not a bad guy at all.
None of them are, kid.
They're all nice guys.
He was always all right to me.
Sure, got you almost six years
in the fucking slammer.
That wasn't his fault.
Kid when somebody does something...
and gets somebody else jail for it,
it's his fault.
That's the rule.
Well, he didn't mean it.
That's got nothing to do with it,
nothing at all.
That them?
No, John's got a Caddy.
I know what he's got.
What I want to know is, that them?
Nope. I'd have said it if it was.
I think you got him all wrong
You know, that jail thing...
you know, he had it worse than I did,
you know,
with his family and everything.
He's never gonna have to do it again.
That's him.
I'm not sure.
Yes, you are.
How long is he gonna be, kid?
I don't know.
Okay, I asked you nice.
Now, does he fuck her here
or does he fuck her someplace else?
She's got a roommate.
He knows a guy that's
got a motel down in Haverhill.
Okay. It's just gonna be friendly then.
Look, now, I was gonna get it started
and everything so we could have a start.
There's probably going to be
a lot of noise and...
I've known guys, heard a lot of noise...
got too good a start
and left somebody standing around...
with their thumb up their ass.
Fuck, fuck.
Give me that start, kid.
Kid, you're going too fast.
Jesus, they're gonna have
all kinds of cops up in here.
Yeah, and one of them's
gonna catch you. Slow down.
Kid, just slow down.
I can't.
Kid, you got to.
Slow the fuck down.
Kid, my car's in Primrose.
We got a long way to go.
Just slow the fuck down.
You want to fucking drive?
You know what you got to do, right'?
Sure. I go down to where my car is,
I leave this one, and I go home.
Just leave it?
Christ, I wipe it down.
You gonna be all right and everything?
Yeah, I'm gonna be fucking fine.
Where's your car parked again?
For Christ's sake,
it's in a lot down on Brownwood.
Okay, just making sure.
Sometimes guys forget.
I fucking got it.
Okay, you gonna remember now?
I know, I know.
I dump the fucking car...
and I don't go too fast
and I wear my fucking seat belt.
It's the answer spoken
by young and old...
rich and poor.
Democrat and Republican...
black, white, Hispanic,
Asian, Native American,
gay, straight...
disabled and not disabled.
Yes, we're all the same.
We're all equal.
That we have never been
just a collection of individuals...
or a collection of red states
and blue states.
We are and always will be
the United States of America.
Next he'll be telling us
we're a community,
we're one people.
In this country,
we rise or fall as one nation,
as one people.
Had yourself quite a party.
I do the best I can. Beer.
So everything is under control,
I take it, at long last?
For someone I'm trying to
help out and everything...
you're awful hard to get along with.
Could have made you drive up
to see me, you know...
I didn't have to come down here.
Trying to be nice to you.
You're trying to be nice to me'?
Sure. I'm a nice guy.
I like to make things easy on people...
do people favors now and then.
Do me a favor, don't do me any favors.
I see how you work.
Tell you what, just give me the money.
Excuse me.
Are you gonna count it?
I gotta take a leak.
Leave me alone, all right'?
Have another ginger ale,
for Christ's sake.
Beyond our shores,
parliaments and palaces...
those who are huddled around radios...
in the forgotten corners of the world...
our stories are singular,
but our destiny is shared.
Tonight we proved once more
that the true strength of our nation...
comes not from the might of our arms
or the scale of our wealth...
but from the enduring power
of our ideals...
democracy, liberty,
opportunity and unyielding hope.
Yes, we can! Yes, we can! Yes we can!
Yes, we can! Yes, we can! Yes we can!
Feel better?
No. There's only 30 in there.
Three guys.
Yeah, I had to ask them
if I should pay you for the kid.
But, you know, they said I should, so.
They were right too.
That's only ten apiece.
The price is 15.
Dillon charges 10.
Recession prices.
They told me to tell you that too.
I made a deal with Mickey for 15.
Yeah, yeah, but the way they got it...
Mickey got in a fight with a whore
the dumb shit...
and now they got him in the can
and you're filling in for Dillon...
and you get what Dillon gets, no more.
Talk to Dillon. Take it up with him.
Dillon's dead.
Dillon died this morning.
They're going to be
very sorry to hear that.
Sure, sure, they are.
It's gonna cost them more.
You know, this business
is a business of relationships.
Yeah, and everyone loved Markie.
You are cynical bastard, you know that?
To reclaim the American dream
and reaffirm that fundamental
truth that out of many,
we are one.
You hear that line? Line's for you.
Don't make me laugh. We're one people.
It's a myth created by Thomas Jefferson.
Oh, now you're gonna
have a go at Jefferson?
My friend.
Jefferson's an American saint...
because he wrote the words,
"All men are created equal"...
words he clearly didn't believe,
since he allowed his own
children to live in slavery.
He was a rich wine snob who was sick
of paying taxes to the Brits...
so yeah, he wrote some lovely
words and aroused the rabble...
and they went out
and died for those words...
while he sat back and drank his wine
and fucked his slave girl.
This guy wants to tell me
we're living in a community.
Don't make me laugh.
I'm living in America,
and in America, you're on your own.
America's not a country.
It's just a business.
Now fucking pay me.