Killing Zoe (1994)

Hotel Rive Gauche.
Rive Gauche? Tres bien.
Do you mind the radio?
Do you want me to turn the radio off?
I don't speak French.
Ah. English?
That's good.
I speak a little American.
I asked if you mind the radio.
Music... you know.
It's okay.
Ah. Super cool.
Do you know what time it is?
I don't know. Daytime?
Are you in town for business?
It's a nice hotel, your hotel.
Very big rooms.
Do you know Paris?
Not really.
I spent some time here a long
time ago. When I was young.
Those were the days.
Say what?
Do you have a wife?
Used to.
Why, if you need a wife for the night...
for business.
I give you my number.
She's a very nice girl. French.
Like when you were very young.
Just tell me and I set it up.
What you laughing at?
You let Moises set it up.
Your package... it arrived in the night,
last night before the last night.
The telephone. For room service.
The toilet here. The door.
And the television. Right here.
With this you can operate
it anywhere in the room.
Oh. Okay.
There you go.
Oh, hey.
Do you know what time is it?
What? I'm sorry?
Time... time... what time it is?
Oh. Yes. Il est presque huit heures...
Bon soir.
Come on in.
Hey, hey, hey... hold on.
I don't speak French.
- Speak English?
- Yes. I do.
It's okay.
It will be one thousand Francs
for all night.
I don't do weird stuff.
A condom and
you have to pay in advance.
What kind of weird stuff don't you do?
Like... peeing on me?
I can't pee.
What is a... What's a 1000 Francs
translate to in American?
Around 200 bucks?
Thank you.
Blow job included.
We can do it now, if you want.
I'm going to dry off first.
Okay, but it's not necessary.
What's your name?
Zoe or Zoey. Which ever you like.
My name's Zed.
That's funny.
We both have Z names.
Say what?
You can take those off. The pants.
It's easier without, you know.
Think I'd rather watch you...
get undressed first.
Hey, hey, hey... slowly.
Mister America. Zed.
That's Captain America, baby.
Slow enough for you?
I'm cold.
Moises told me you were in
town for business.
What kind of business?
I don't know. I'm just curious.
Do you ask all your clients
questions about their business?
Just the ones I like.
Oh... so you like me?
Because you're a good person.
I run into some real creeps.
You know.
What makes you think that
I'm a good person?
Body language. We fit together.
We fit together?
All men and women fit together.
Hell, even some men fit together.
Ya, but you know, we clicked.
You made me orgasm.
Do you know how often I orgasm
with guys Moises sets me up with?
They're always fat like pigs.
Suck me baby.
And you make me feel safe.
That's something more important
than the orgasm.
You know, it may be the
integral part maybe of the orgasm.
I never thought of it like that.
Well, its true.
Turn off the television.
So I really mean it,
when I'm telling you, Zed,
I like you very much.
I like you too.
Why? For the same reason?
Any man can orgasm.
Even with his own hand.
Well, I like you because
you just won't stop talking.
Just keep talking.
You're open and you're honest.
You're different than a lot of the
prostitutes that I've been with.
I am not a prostitute!
Oh. Really?
Great, then can I have
my 1000 Francs back?
- I'm a student.
- Oh.
I became an escort to pay my classes.
It's my choice to sleep with you.
I understand.
No you don't.
No, no, no... I get it.
- It's not easy.
- Hey, I didn't say it was... easy.
It's my choice... to be here.
What kind of a student are you?
Where do you go to school?
Le Beaus Art
Le Beaus Art... what's that?
Art school?
You're an artist?
What kind of art do you study?
Not any of the old shit.
No, I have a day job too.
Three times a week.
Very boring.
But one day...
there will be only my art.
What are you a... painter?
I don't paint.
I make things.
Not like sculpture.
Like life...
What I do, I do it only for the objects.
I'd like to see one of them sometime.
So you could see the
work of a whore?
I'm sorry I called you a prostitute.
All right?
I didn't know that there was a difference.
The difference is a prostitute would
have lied to you about her orgasm.
I didn't lie.
What time is it?
I don't know. Night time.
I'm going to take a shower.
I'm coming.
You're alright man!
What happened to you?
I thought you were going to call.
Oh, I see.
You have been busy.
I asked the hotel for a wake up call.
That's good, but now I am here.
So let's go. We have a lot to talk about, man.
The girl's still here.
- Is she your girlfriend?
- No.
Fuck her. She's a dishrag whore.
Kick her out. Come on.
I'll let her stay here tonight.
Don't be silly.
It's dangerous.
don't worry about her.
Oh shit. Her clothes.
So tell me, what have you
been up to?
Eric, I liked that girl.
Well, then why
didn't you stop me.
You're running
around like a fucking maniac.
Look, your whole life you've
done nothing but fuck whores.
A girl like that will
give you AIDS.
Why don't you find a
nice girl in the suburbs?
Because when you want to get off...
you don't want to wait 3 months
and spend 200 bucks to do it.
Just use your hand like me.
Sometimes you just need
honesty... and security of a whore.
I don't understand.
Anyway, it's too late. Get dressed,
lets go out and meet the boys.
I stink, going to take another shower.
No, in Paris it's good to smell
like you've been fucking.
So we can respect you.
Just put on a shirt
and a sport coat. Come on.
I'm glad you came.
How long has it been?
It's amazing, you know?
Here you are.
One day in America. Now here.
Well, to to tell you the truth, there wasn't
a lot happening for me back in the States.
But in Paris your old friend Eric has a
job for you, so you came. That's good.
How could I resist your invitation?
You would have been stupid to.
- I'm not that stupid.
- No, not yet.
So what have you been doing
for the past 11 years?
After school I spent some time in
Algeria studying African philosophy.
And then I bummed around.
You know. For fun.
For a while I worked at Le Figaro.
The newspaper.
You know? Le Figaro?
Ya? Wow.
Yes. With an assumed masters degree.
And lately we have just been
bombing fascists here in Paris.
You know, like terrorists.
It's fun.
What the fuck is he doing?
Ass hole!
Here, kitty cat.
Is this cat dead?
I don't know. I think it's a sleep
but it's been there for days.
I guess it is dead. Ya.
Come on.
The people next door on holiday.
We took their phone.
If you want to make a
long distance call, go ahead.
How are you doing?
Okay. Oliver is from England.
- Claude.
- et voila.
Ricardo... Quebec.
Francois, Oliver, Jean, who knows. Eric.
They all know who you are.
Can I get you anything to drink, sir?
I mean come here. Hey, Sit.
Easy, easy. Don't scare him.
He's just trying to claim you.
Let me introduce you properly.
That is Enrique.
He likes to be called chim chim,
but we don't always get what we like...
do we?
Enrique! Taistoi!
Get out!
I hate monkeys.
- Do you like hashish?
- Oh ya.
Don't sit next to that junkie.
Your little shit monkey pissed
on my Billy Holiday album.
- Next time he's out the door. Okay?
- Okay okay!
Zed, come here.
Don't ask me where we got this, okay?
Where did you get this?
On Bastille Day, all the banks are closed.
But this one. BIP.
The Banque Internationale de Paris.
And for being greedy capitalists, perhaps
they will remain closed next Bastille Day. Ay?
This is the only entrance. Good.
We will go in and
shut the bank down.
Now, look at this.
As you can see,
only one person can start the alarm.
The concierge, at this desk.
We will take care of him.
Then we can close the bank.
No one will know the difference since
every other bank will be closed.
What makes you think
he's not going to press the alarm?
He's right next to the door.
We'd have to be totally incompetent
not to stop him. Don't worry about that.
Here. This is where they keep the days
reserve cash. Okay fuck that.
There are many vaults downstairs,
but this is the vault we must get into.
This is where the real prize is.
What kind of vault is that?
Ah... Swiss made. A Caliber.
That will take...
- Three hours.
- No, Zed, that's too long.
That's how long it'll take.
Well shit. It's too long.
We have to be in and out like that.
Or there will be suspicion.
A little time is okay...
but too long and...
Hold on... what is this?
Another vault.
No, no, no, no... this.
I don't know...
it connects the two vaults.
What kind of vault is
the other one?
Also Swiss,
but this one is a Poseidon.
Why would those two vaults
be connected?
No idea. I don't know.
Because... I can get into the Poseidon
in a half an hour. Maybe less.
Yes, but this entry way is too
small to get the platen out.
We have a lot of
merchandise in there.
No, no. Don't you see?
We get in to the secondary vault.
We take this passage into the Caliber vault.
And from the inside I can open it in
five minutes.
Well... you could open it in five minutes?
From the inside its easy.
Hot damn. That is our answer, man.
When is Bastille Day?
We're doing this tomorrow?
Well of course, yes.
It's impossible.
No, it's not impossible.
Everyone knows what to do.
I don't know what to do.
But you don't need to know shit. Just get
into the vault and we'll do the rest then.
I haven't even seen the bank.
Fuck the bank.
Before we do a job we live life.
It's better that way. Okay?
Now we do heroin!
You do a little heroin?
Some beer, hash...
something... you feel...
just right.
Maybe later.
As you wish.
Come on. Try some.
It's called chasing the dragon.
The Chinese have been
doing it for centuries.
I probably shouldn't, but...
But you must.
If you do it,
it will make you feel
as though
the rest of the world is
in a bubble of glass
and you are rubbing up against it
like a bad windshield wiper.
I think I'll do it anyway.
There. That's the Firarri...
- Right there.
- Zed...
do you like French cars?
French cars.
- Do you like them?
- Yes.
I like the Cadillac.
Up here,
you can see the Eiffel Tower. Look
Very nice.
Is tomorrow really Bastille Day?
Yes, tomorrow we pull
the biggest job in French history.
And spend the rest of our lives in...
Monte Carlo.
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
That car's a piece of shit!
Watch it! don't crash my car.
Come on!
This way...
this is where the male prostitutes
sell themselves.
Fucking fagots!
Dr. Suce ma tobre.
What does that mean?
I will tell you later. Okay?
This is good to have you here.
We could not do this without you.
Everyone has agreed to give you
double shares. That's good, no?
That's good.
Ricardo, what I was telling you was...
in a final conflict between 6 and
number 2 to find out who is number 1,
number 6 realizes that
he is number 1, you know?
It's like we're all a prisoner
of ourselves. You know?
But the best episode is
"A, B and C" where...
he takes 3 drugs and he realizes
And uh...
You know I have AIDS.
From the needle.
Hey, look... up here is the
Arc de Triomphe. Come on. Look!
So, how long have you known Eric?
I was 12.
And he... ah...
His mother's American.
Yeah, his dad is French.
And they divorced, and had some
weird custody plan or...
He would spend 6 months with her
in Florida and then 6 months here.
they just lived 2 houses up from me,
Well, it's good to
have you here, man.
Eric loves you.
Tells me you like Viking films.
Is that right?
Viking movies?
Ya. I guess.
I love that stuff... just, helmets
with the fucking horns on...
That's what we should be
wearing tomorrow, right?
If you ever want to see it,
I've got some videos...
Viking stuff made in Norway,
which is excellent.
What about this music?
Do you like dixieland?
Yeah... I guess.
I live for this music, man.
This is real music.
It's got a heart and a culture
all of it's own.
And it bears no resemblance to anything
else in this entire fucking planet.
It's just total... purity of essence.
"When the Saints Go Marching In".
Hey... "When the Saints Go Marching In".
Hey, here, have some wine.
It's very good.
You don't want to drink this shit,
it's poison.
I bring my own... vodka.
Look up on stage!
You crazy fucking Frenchmen!
Oh my God!
Hey! How was I?
I didn't know you could play.
I can't. But it's easy.
You just slide the thing, you know.
Do you like this place?
Good. This is the real Paris.
Here in the cellar.
Up there... on the street,
all just street trash.
You have Pompidou Center,
the Eiffel Tower... all that tourist shit.
La Louvre. Ahh... good God!
The fucking Louvre.
All of that is for the guide buses.
Even the people,
Parisians, they are shit.
No one in France likes them.
It's true.
But down here...
away from everyone up there,
the tourists, the attractions,
the fucking postcards,
people change.
They forget, because they can not see,
that they are in Paris.
- It could be anywhere.
- The music, the food
the wine.
Even the wine's okay.
So what do you think? Eh?
What do you think of Paris, Zed?
Come on, Zed, tell me.
Well, if this is Paris...
then I like it.
Come on! Lets dance.
No! I'll puke!
Hey, Zed, come on.
Just snort this with your nose.
What's going on?
Why don't you do some?
Come on. Come on my friend.
Shouldn't we be doing this
somewhere more private?
Fuck them.
They can get their own.
No, I mean, is it safe...
to do it here?
What!? From the police?
Sit down.
Doing heroin here is
safer than in Amsterdam.
I shouldn't do any more.
But you must.
Thank you.
But if you want to
feel good then why not?
I'm really tired.
You only live once, man.
Doing it with the nose,
hardly even affect me.
Why do you talk with
street trash like that? Eh?
I wasn't...
Whatever. Come on,
I want to talk to you.
Come on.
Meaty pussy, man.
Oh God!
- Open your mouth.
- No.
Shut up. Open your mouth.
- You need it.
- I...
To see Paris, you need it.
Zed, now swallow.
Now swallow, swallow it.
What was that?
It's new. It's good.
Take a deep breath.
I wanted to tell you Zed...
there are others here in Paris.
others that could
open that vault.
There are others in
Germany and Switzerland,
one in Belgium...
all could do the job.
I don't need those assholes.
Because I have you.
I have the only man
I can trust in the whole world.
My very good friend
who I look up to... hey.
You are the one. Hey?
You are the one, Zed... Zed.
It's good to see you.
You know what I'm saying?
It's good.
- What... did you give me?
- Nothing.
Nothing, Zed.
Don't sweat it.
Hey, hey, hey.
I'm going to die.
We all die.
The important thing is that in
life we experience everything, Zed.
You know what I'm saying?
You know?
- No.
- No.
Tomorrow is the greatest day
of our lives.
The beginning of our lives, Zed.
The end of the complication.
- Do you have fire?
- Aye?
Before, when we would make a bomb,
to blow up a cafe or something,
it would cost us a week's wage
working at the fucking newspaper.
And for me, it was one week
and one half week.
Wake up sleepy head.
C'mon. We have a bank to rob.
I can get you some eggs
sunny side up.
I feel like I drank furniture polish.
You did.
It's that Spanish wine you drank, man,
I warned you.
Okay look, you should get ready.
The bank will be open for three hours today
and traffic will be hell.
I need to get my equipment.
Oh, but we went by
your hotel last night.
Don't you remember?
We have all your things here.
So get up and
take a shit so we can go.
How's this going to work?
We go in. We get what we want.
We come out.
Once we get in we will wear these to
cover our faces. Just in case. Okay?
Gonna have video cameras?
Of course they are. But we've taken care
of that. So don't worry.
Everyone knows what to do,
so just do your job and we will all be fine.
So don't worry.
Okay... and be happy.
Your gun.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Just follow us. don't say anything.
It will go smooth.
Just like the old days, eh?
Except its no longer the minimart. Yes?
Hey! I can open the vault!
Shut the fuck up!
Don't you ever conflict with me
during work again! Do you hear!?
You didn't have to
kill anyone!
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were
in charge now. Nobody told me that.
If he had opened the vault it
would have saved us a fucking hour.
Great. So we've gone
from being thieves to murderers.
Oh fuck it doesn't matter!
Here you get the death penalty
just for robbing a federal bank.
I thought they abolished
the death penalty.
Oh! That's what they tell you!
So who cares?
I need to take a piss.
Why don't you open the vault?
I don't give a shit about this.
Zed, what is it?
What's going on?
Nothing, nothing.
Just stay here, okay?
What the fuck is going on?
Oh shit.
Who gives a damn if they see us anyway!
I can't see a fucking think in this!
This is insane!
I'm a U.S. Citizen!
I'm just here exchanging dollars.
You must let me go.
I'm an American.
You know? From America?
US of A?
Come on! Do you understand English?
If it wasn't for my country
you'd all be speaking German!
They are dead.
Check the window.
Oh my God!
It's the police!
What's going on?
He was just scaring them, you know.
Well, did you tell them
to shut up?
Yes. They're assholes.
Just having fun.
So... how does it work?
Fucked up my drill bit.
It's okay.
You can buy another one.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Excellent, excellent.
What next?
We find the fuse box.
- It's okay. I'll find it for you.
- No. I need to see it myself.
I think it would be better if
I looked for you. I could...
It's right here.
Now, when I tell you to, you throw
this switch off and back on again.
Any other switch
may set off the alarm.
Oh, I wouldn't want to do that, man.
Got it?
Got it.
- Ready?
- Ready.
It worked.
Oh my God... it worked!
- Good job, man, good job.
- Open.
No problem, dime store quality.
Three minutes max.
Sounds good. Then do it,
we don't have all day, man.
Get out, go!
Another security guard?
Ya, must be.
I peed my pants.
Hey, me too.
Is everything okay, man?
What's happening?
Nice hole in the vault,
come on, come on.
What are you worried about
blast his fucking ass!
It's three against one!
Shut up!
I'm only trying to help. All right?
Just let me think, man.
You don't have to snap at me.
What is this guys problem?
What the hell are you doing?
Eric, you can't do this.
This is way too much.
It's too dangerous.
I like danger.
Yes. I do.
That isn't funny, man.
You guys are a bunch
of hysterical fucking pricks.
Come on...
Let's go check out the damage.
Zed look!
I beat you!
I opened it in under three minutes.
I'm great... I'm so great!
You go around to the other main vault door.
Wait for me out there.
When I tell you, open it up.
Sorry? What were you saying?
Go around the other vault door.
We're all rich!
Look at it!
I'm going to show the others.
We are rich, man!
We're not out of here yet.
Yes, but we're rich!
Lucky day.
Okay. Oliver, open it up.
Okay, Oliver, open it up!
Let me out of here!
- Oliver!
- Okay.
Ya. Hang on.
Turn the dial.
Where were you? Asleep?
That's incredible.
I've never seen anything like it.
Give me a hand, will you?
It's wonderful!
Ya, come on.
Move it.
What happened to the guard?
Fuck! Fuck!
Should we get some cash while we're here?
What for?
So we can celebrate tonight.
You wouldn't be able to spend it anywhere.
It's too easily traceable.
You sure wouldn't be able
to exchange it either.
But other than that,
it's a really good idea.
Ya, I suppose you're right.
So what are you going to do
with your account, man?
I don't know.
I'd like to buy an Island.
South Pacific.
Put my ex-wife on it.
Never see her again.
Oh, really?
Got any kids?
Not that I know of.
Ya, me too.
What about you?
I'm going to get a Harley.
I might go to South America, you know.
I hear that's where the drugs from.
Just get much... just store it
all up in a shack somewhere.
And live there like a king for the rest of
my life. Never having to run, or whatever.
We got something to cover this up with?
What for?
We can't exactly like walk through a bank,
out on the street with a platten of gold.
It's going to look a little...
It's not going to matter much now,
is it.
The police have a rough idea
of what we're up to.
You don't know?
Know what?
They're outside,
but Eric's got it under control.
He's talking to them right now.
What the hell are you talking about?
The cops are here?
Don't worry, man...
Saints Go Marching In.
What the fuck are you doing!?
Give me that!
What the fuck you doing man?
Get up!
Do you really love your bitch
whore girlfriend that much?
She's really fucked
with your mind.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
Look at it.
It's all for us.
The attention, the smoke.
They have no idea of who
they're dealing with, Zed.
They have no idea what kind of men we are.
A bunch of fucking idiot boneheads men,
that's what kind of men we are.
You can no longer be in our club.
You forfeit your cut of the pie.
Oh, gee, I guess this means
our friendship is in trouble.
Oh shit!
I haven't seen you in years.
You hardly know me.
Never let a girl
come between two men.
Nice work...
Oh, fuck! Claude!
Claude's dead!
They've hurt you.
This is the end!
Where are we going?
We're going to lock ourselves
in one of the vaults.
Each one of them is still open.
Come with me.
Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't know you were there.
What can I do?
Hey, you're still my friend!
I'm all right. I'm all right.
there's no gunfire.
This is the best time of my fucking life!
C'mon, we'll be safer in here.
How are you doing? Huh?
I'm doing great.
What's your girlfriend's name?
Zoe. Oh...
It's a beautiful name.
Zoe, this is Eric.
Oh ya! Try again.
Oh. I'm sorry Zed.
Hey. Zed. I ought to kill you...
It means nothing to me,
our friendship, man.
Eric... there's no fucking
way out of here!
Oh but you're wrong, my friend.
This is my way out.
This dime store cooch
with her motor driven ass.
Look out for number one.
Hey, you go find your own, man.
Did you see how she ran?
Did you see how she ran?
Did you see?
She doesn't care about you, man.
Fucking pussy only cares about pussy.
So... what do you say, Zed? Huh?
You know what? I going to kill you.
what do you say to that Zed?
Fucking bitch!
I have you balls man.
Where is thy yoke!?
I give you little kiss my friend.
The hospital?
Come on. I have a car.
I'm so tired.
We'll go to my flat.
You can rest there.
Do you feel pain?
it's mostly his blood.
I have a shower.
You can clean up there.
Thank you, Zoe.
You'll get well.
Then I'll show you
the real Paris.