Kim jong wook chat gi (Finding Mr. Destiny) (2010)

These days we've
to bemore careful...
...ofsting operations and
cameras compared to guns.
Tell Bhalla.
Bapuji, we'veknown each
other for more than 10 years now.
But you don't trust me yet.
Those who learn to trust,
are the ones who are betrayed.
This is the first time
you'verejected my proposal.
Look, Bhalla. Elders say,
"If you want golden eggs..."
" can't feed
crumbs to the chicken".
This project is
worth Rs. 16000 crores.
Ifl give you Rs. will I do my job?
Noneofthe projects in India
have ever been completed... the said budget.
In five years, till the
highway project is complete...'s value will grow
to Rs. 50000 crores.
Now I do havea right
to 10% for signing.
You should've been abusinessman...
...and not apolitician, Mr. Bapu.
Tell me ifthere's a
better business than politics...
...and I will takethat up.
- Fine.
I accept this deal.
From "Not Approved" to "Note,
Approved". Wow.
Let's go.
I'm going to Switzerland.
Okay, havea nicetrip.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Place your hands here, please.
Congratulations, your account
has been opened successfully.
Sir, your iris and
...are the onlythings that
identify you in your accounts.
The 19 digit key code can be
operated all around theworld.
Butremember, accessing your code...
...means accessing your account.
And ifthere's any
changein theoperation...
...then you must cometo the bank...
...personally and get
an iris scan done.
I like Swiss chocolates.
- No, thank you.
Verynice. I know, I know.
Two accounts herealready.
Leaveme, Whatare you doing?
Sweety will come.
Whatkind of a wifeare you?
All thewives around
the world complain...
...that theirhusbands
don't spendtime with them.
But you don't complain atall.
So, should I start complaining?
Do it once.
For a change.
Then why don't you tell me...
...when my wait will
befinally over?
Tell me...
Good morning, Mummy and Daddy.
My Sweety.
You'retakingthis car.
Don't call me on mymobile,
I will call you from Landline.
Sir... Sir, did you see?
Did you win alottery?
How comethis transformation?
Sir, the phonecompany just
installed it this morning.
How can I win a lottery?
- Bachchu.
Takedown theaddress, Bachchu.
Venus Towers, Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Next. 103, Archana complex
Link Road, Varsova.
Excuse me.
- Hold on.
Isn't this thetelephone
near the Bandra Circle...
...facing Chocolate Restaurant?
Maybe, this is Ballimara Square.
There's Chuttan's shop at theback
and Ghalib's house at the front.
I'm having a conversation,
pleasestep out.
Go out.
Sorry, what is it?
MHADA, Road No. 3, Cross
Road 2,(Near car junction).
Now writethelast address
Just aminute.
You'reholding amobile. You
can makea call from that.
Pleasestep out and make thecall.
Let me continue...
- He sentme.
He said that I will find aman... the telephone
near Bandra Kurla Circle.
And I haveto givehim the
bag and takethe receipt.
Whatare you saying?
I am not that man.
What are you saying? Who
are you talking about?
I am talking aboutthereceipt.
The receipt.
- What receipt?
Thesecond receipt.
- What is this?
What is in thebag?
- I don't know what's inside it.
Please step out for now.
Oncel finish making my call...
...l'll call you and
we can sortit out.
Step out, you fool. Out.
Hey. Who are you calling a fool?
Hello. Hello. Bachchu.
I've been asking you not to disturb
me, but you don't understand.
Ifl hit your front,
you'll bleed from back.
Hello, Bachchu. What's theproblem?
- Hello.
No, it's just a
slight misconception.
Noteit down.
- What was it?
Santacruz, S.V. Road.
Please deliver it, Bachchu.
And call me.
- It will be delivered in an hour.
- Fine,
Nice grip.
A combination of
Jujitsu and HalfNelson.
Ruffians call it 'neck-breaker'.
It stops theoxygen as
well as theblood-flow.
First, theman falls unconscious.
And two minutes later, he's dead.
Who is this?
People normallylearn this
move in combat training...
...or in amartial arts class.
Where did you learn it from?
Thank you that you liked mymove.
But who is speaking?
Wheredid you buythem from?
Europe or Dubai?
I think... Dubai.
Jummera Mall, right?
Arun, you rascal.
When did you cometo Mumbai?
I didn't recognizewho is speaking.
I was scared. When did you arrive?
Arun is looking after
his money-exchange... Singapore.
He doesn't even know...
...that the Rolexthat you're
wearing is worth Rs. 1 crore.
You bought this Rolex from
Piccadilly Circus, didn't you?
Sterling Pounds.
By the way, there's
nothingwrong in that.
Because in thesociety
...imageis everything.
Forthem... you'rean
investment banker, isn't it?
Lftheyfind out that this
guywearing an Armani suit...
...and a Rolexwatch
is actually a pimp...
Hey? Are you mad?
Whatare you saying?
Do you know who you'retalking to?
Do you know who I am?
Hello. Hello. Do you know who I am?
I know you very well.
You would sell yourown mother...
- Hey, rascal.
In front ofyour father.
Don't drag my fatherin
all this. Come faceme.
Come and sayit on
my faceif you can?
I'll get your phone
traced and get you arrested.
You'll rotbehind bars and
repent it all yourlife.
There're thousands of
calls made every day... and from public phones.
How will you prove
thatl called you?
You'vetwo mobile phones, don't you?
But you makespecial calls
from the public phones as well.
So, do I Bachchu?
Bachchu who? Bachchu who?
Mynameisn't Bachchu.
Tony Khosla.
- Tony.
Who is Tony?
Don't saythat you've
forgotten yourname as well.
Fine, listen.
You know so much aboutme.
You know so much
about me, don't you?
Then you must know my cell number.
Fine, call me in theevening
andwe'll talk comfortably, okay?
I am disconnecting now.
Don't makethemistakeof
hanging up thephone, Bachchu.
Becausethegun is
dependent on theaim.
Lfyou makethemistake
ofhanging up the phone...
...l'll pull thetrigger.
And ifl pull thetrigger...
...your head will boreahole.
Do you understand, Bachchu?
- Listen...
Do you understand?
- Okay, okay...
- Okay, I understand.
- Good boy.
Lfyou wantto talk to me,
then wecan sit down...
...and havea discussion.
At leasttell me
what is that you want?
Exactly... what Baba Ramdev(lndian
personality) wants from his viewers.
- Attention.
I want your completeattention,
- Yourtotal attention.
Has someone put
out a contract on me?
Now you'reracking your brains.
Good guess, Bachchu. Good guess.
Justtell mewhich rascal
put out a contract on me?
How much... Who is it?
Don't drag my wifein all this.
I know my wife very well.
She doesn't even know
the meaning ofcontract.
Lfyou divorceher... won't
sheput outa contract on you?
Divorce... Divorceher? Me?
Whywould I divorce
mywife? I loveher.
I loveher.
Whywould I divorce her?
Then who was discussingthis...
...yesterday atthe Hyatt
CoffeeShop with Roshni?
'Lastnight, I dreamt
that we'regetting married.'
'Again thesamedream?
- Yes.'
'Lt's a strangedream
that you seeall thetime.'
'Tell me.'
'When are you divorcing yourwife?
- Immediately.'
'The process will
takearound amonth.'
'I'll tell you.'
'One month.'
Roshni who?
Who... What are you saying?
Who are you talking about?
Here, talk to her.
- No, no. Listen to me.
There's no needto talk to her.
Bachchu baby.
- Hi.
Bachchu, what's going on?
- What's going on?
A man called me a whileago...
...and saidthat you're fooling me.
I fooled you. I fooled you.
Actuallyhewas jokingwith you.
And you believed it.
- Yes.
Bachchu, hesaidthat you
just wantto have fun with me.
And you will never
divorce yourwife.
No, no. I will, I will.
Whywon't I?
Listen, about the divorce...
He's just joking with you.
I mean it. He's just joking.
He's just trying to test you, okay?
And actually I wentto
thecourt just today...
...and saw the papers.
Thesethings taketime.
It takes time.
Give mesome time.
Bachchu, you'retelling
the truth, aren't you?
You reallymean it?
Mybaby, my darling,
I'm tellingthetruth.
Can I lie to you?
Disconnectthecall now.
I'll comesee you in the evening...
...and then we'll
meetand I'll explain.
Bye, baby. Bye.
- Bye.
Who were you talkingto?
Who is this? Hello.
Who is this?
I see. So you forgot your
wife's voice beforedivorcing her.
Hi. Hi, Lakshmi.
Who is Roshni?
- What?
Yes... I madethis conferencecall.
Who is Roshni?
- Nobody. No.
She's just a friend.
Shejustasked me
"Does yourwife doubt you?"
And I replied, "That's impossible".
"Even ifshesees mewith someone..."
"...she won't stop trusting me".
I told her that.
And it's abig bet.
So... I know that you
can never doubt me.
But who was theman that called me?
He's theonel made abet with.
Look, pleasedon't
makesuch bets again.
I... - Look, Lakshmi.
If you talk too much...
...I will losethebet.
You haveto make mewin.
Win this...
I'll come in the
evening and explain... - Okay.
But please come
early in theevening.
I'm on myway. I'll be right there.
Great performance, Bachchu.
Great performance, Bachchu.
Great performance.
You rascal.
Hesays thatmywife
has put a contract on me.
Comeand faceme.
What can you do?
Kill me? I am
disconnecting thecall now.
Kill me.
You shot me.
Myhand's wounded.
I'll haveto go seea doctor.
- Don'ttry to fool me, Bachchu.
The bullet just grazed you.
Theremust be a
medical kit in the drawer.
Take it outand put on aband-aid.
You'velost both
your lifelines, Bachchu.
If you makeanother mistake...
that'll be theend.
Whatare you staring up for?
Takethebatteries out
ofboth themobiles...
...and keep them on theshelf.
How have I harmed you?
Why are you doing this with me?
When death is so close... scares anyone
out oftheirwits.
Lfyou reallywere
a contract killer... would've killed me bynow.
You... you'reatruelover.
Because only a true lover
can follow someoneso far.
Or you're taking revenge.
So tell me.
Which girl left you and cameto me...
...and now you'reafter me?
Tell me, please.
Tell me.
- Bharti who?
You ruined her life.
It's rightly said.
"Lovemakes you go blind".
You call thegirl that left
you for mymoney, innocent.
Women spell deceit.
Women spell deceit.
Every woman has aprice. All
you need is a buyer, get it?
Will you saythesame
about yourwifeand daughter?
I am not talking about them.
Why you...
- No, No, no, no.
No. No.
I accept. I madea mistake.
I madeamistake.
Butl didn't know that
shehas atruelover.
What's doneis done.
Listen, I am in a hurry.
I'll give you Rs. 10 lakhs
and let's close the deal here.
Trying to offer memoney?
Trying to offer memoney?
Fine, fine. We'll do as you say?
This gun... is worth Rs. 15 lakhs...
...and it's aimed at your
head forthelast half an hour.
Get that? You want to know more?
I'll give you... Rs. 50 lakhs.
Just forget about Bharti.
I'll give you Rs. 50 lakhs.
Just think.
If you kill me, it won't wipe
theblemish offhercharacter.
And Bharti's life?
How much will you offer forthat?
No, no. What's wrongwith Bharti?
Shewas simply shocked emotionally...
...and went missing.
She'll comeback.
What can happen to her?
Thedead don't come back, Bachchu.
What are you saying? Whatnonsense?
When sheregained consciousness...
...shecouldn't bear it.
Believe me, I go around with girls,
I have fun with them...
...but that doesn't mean...
I don'tmean to harm them.
I haven'tkilled anyone yet.
I am telling you seriously,
It's yourturn now, Bachchu.
Listen to me.
Listen to mecarefully.
Can you imagine that she
betrayed you for mymoney?
She betrayed you.
Whatwould you have done?
Don't get angry.
Listen to what I am saying?
Bharti was theonly
breadwinner in her family.
Now that Bharti's no more.
Imaginetheplight ofher family.
condition theymight be in.
I am preparedto give
Bharti's family Rs. 50 lakhs.
I'll give Rs. 50 lakhs immediately...
...and getthem
settled in life forever.
And what about me?
I am your culprit.
Lfyou're my culprit, then
I'll finish you rightnow.
Please, listen.
Don't get angry on trivial matters.
Firstly, I can't see you.
You'reattacking mebehind myback.
And you also get sentimental.
Listen. Listen.
I'm prepared to
give you Rs. 1 crore.
Rs. 1 crore. Just forget Bharti.
Whatis it?
- Who is he?
- Which bag?
Theone that you have?
Give it.
- Are you mad?
Take the receipt and pass the bag.
Is this apick-up joint...
...where anyone
barges in showing anote?
I don't haveanybag.
Didn't aman give
you a bag a while ago?
Awhileago a man
triedto givemea bag.
This is my laptop bag.
He tried to givemea bag,
but I didn't take it.
Hemust besomewherearound.
Takealook around.
Hey, I don't havetime.
Don't make me angry.
Givemethebag quickly.
It's time for meto take a shot.
I am verytenseat
themoment. Go out.
Go out.
- Hey.
Open the door, you
rascal or I'll break it down.
Open it.
Open the door, you
rascal or I'll break it down.
I am opening it.
- Open it quickly.
Look, giveme the bag.
Ifl don't return with
the bag, they'll kill me.
Take this. Take this.
Take this and go
take your shot. Get out.
You think I am abeggar,
you rascal?
Giveme thebag or I'll shoot you.
What are you doing?
- Do you want me to get rid ofhim?
No, no, no. Don't shoot,
don't shoot.
Then givemethebag.
Give it, give it.
Your partner mustbe
somewhere around. Go find him.
Should I get rid ofhim?
No, no, no. Don't shoot.
Please, I'll do something.
Firstgive me the bag.
You'll die and you'll
take mealong as well.
I don't know what's going on.
Firstgive me the bag.
Which bag?
- Givemethebag.
This man is an addict.
He'll shoot you any second.
Give methebag. - I'm giving
you the bag, pleasedon't shoot.
I won'tlet you die
beforecompleting our deal.
I will count to three.
I will count to three.
You both are countingtill three.
Don't count to three,
wait justa minute.
- Two.
- Countto ten, count again.
- No.
What did you do?
He killed him.
Look, the gun's lying there.
Move back, he looks crazy.
Thepolicewill come
hereand makea fuss.
I can't get into this fuss.
You want your money.
I'll give you your money.
Wherever or however you want it.
Let mego. I've urgent
work to takecare of.
I'll land up in trouble.
You've to reap as you, Bachchu.
The gun's lying near your feet.
Thereareso many witnesses.
No trial.
Direct death sentence.
I'll get out ofthis murder
case in theblink of an eye.
Then why are you scared
ofthe police, Bachchu?
First settlemy deal.
I haven't accepted your deal yet.
Okay, man.
You know me. You know me very well.
Let mego for an hour.
I will come back hereafter
an hour. I'll stay right here.
We'll discuss the entire
night over this phone.
But let me go for now. For a while.
I swearl will come back.
I will comeback right here.
Justlike you swear
to your girlfriends.
Listen, listen.
Don'tworry, Bachchu.
I won'tshoot you so soon.
Thegame has just begun.
Whatis this? What's going on?
That man's gonecrazy. And
there's a corpselying on the road.
I'll tell you.
I know everything.
I'veseen everything.
The public is
gathering around. Let me go.
It'll bedifficult formeto
get out ofhere afterthis.
You're agrownup...
...yet you'rescared like a child.
You can do anything in the
blink ofan eye, Bachchu.
It's not a child's play
for me, it mightbe for you.
My life is at stakehere.
Theonewhom you shot, his
lifewas at stake as well.
I didn't shoot him. You shothim.
You killed him. I didn't shoot him.
To save your life.
So how can I be
responsible for killing him?
Oh, God. Whose face
did I seein the morning?
You thought of God after
so many years, Bachchu.
They'reclimbing on top ofmy car.
There's no one to getthem off.
Get down.
Get offthe car.
Get offthe car.
They'reclimbing on top ofmy car.
What are you made of, Bachchu?
There's public all around you.
The police are present.
There's a dead bodybeside you.
There's a gun pointed at you.
And you'reconcerned
about that rundown van.
What's so special
aboutthat van, Bachchu...
...that you keep staring
at itlike a young girl?
No, there's nothing in my van.
I thought that's the
only wayto escape you.
Theywerestanding on top ofit.
Oh... no.
"Everything's forthemoney."
Sir. Constable
Gundurao reporting, sir.
How are you, Gundurao?
- I am fine, sir.
What... What's going on here?
Sir, that man standing in the
telephone booth, heshot him.
- Yes.
Heshot him.
And didn't run away.
Sir, I think he's mad.
- Sir.
What's this crowd? Clearthem.
Make aperimeter of25 feet.
Sir. Sir.
The sandwich vendor. Come.
Is that your stall?
- Yes, sir.
How long has hebeen inside?
Morethan 30 minutes, sir.
Was hefinewhen hewentinside?
Was henormal?
Hewas absolutelynormal, sir.
Healways makes
a call from my PCO...
...and also eats sandwiches.
But I don't know why he
was arguing with this man.
Sir, therewas
another man beforehim.
He had an argument
with them as well...
Think clearly.
Was thereoneman ortwo?
- Two men, sir.
He had an argument
with both ofthem...
Raghav, take him away.
Check his story.
Ask the public whether there
was oneman ortwo. What is it?
Check it. Comeon.
Get readyto become
a star, Bachchu.
The television mediahave arrived.
Whatwill you call
yourself after you becomea star?
Bachchu Kapoor? Bachchu Kumar?
Or elseeveryone's favorite.
Bachchu Khan.
I don't want to be a star.
You can bea star if you want to.
Roll camera.
- Rolling.
This is Nidhi
Srivastav from India TV...
...bringing you breaking news
from Bandra-Kurla Complex.
A man has been shot dead justnow.
Sources say that the man
talking on thephone...
...has committed themurder.
Excuse me. Excuseme.
Weneedto movethe
body from there.
It's too hot, it will rot.
Don'tworry, no onewill fire.
Look, I am takingthemagazineout.
Comeon, come on, come on.
Sir, thelineman is here.
There's a scrambler
installed on theline.
It creates a distortion in theline.
So deactivatethescrambler.
Wedon't havethis technology, sir.
Eitherthemilitary or
...peoplehavethis technology.
Thatmeans this man is not crazy.
He's making us crazy.
Sir, should we disconnecttheline?
Let him play.
We'll play along as well.
- Yes, sir.
Get the megaphone.
- Sir.
Hello. Hello, mister.
Yes, I am talking to you.
Raise yourhands and
step out ofthephonebooth.
Sir, maybehe
doesn'tunderstand Hindi.
Listen. Raise your hands, comeout.
Comeout ofthe booth,
raise your hands.
Is hedeaf?
Lfhe's deaf, what is
he doing on thephone?
Look, don'tbe scared.
You won'tbeharmed.
I promise, no onewill shoot you.
Raise your hands. Come out.
You won't beharmed.
Ma'am, ma'am.
- Just oneshot. Just oneshot.
No, no, no. Please, oneshot.
You'll shoot me in the
presenceofpoliceand public.
You'recaughtin your own trap.
Now tell me.
You're immature, Bachchu.
Till the police finds out
wherethebulletwas shot from...
...l'll bein the next alley.
If you don't believeme,
then step out ofthebooth.
I promise, no onewill shoot you.
Raise your hands. Come out.
You won't beharmed.
Step out.
Tell him to stop shouting.
It's disturbing.
Comeout, comeout. Good.
Stop shouting. It's disturbing.
Ask him to stop
yelling on themegaphone.
"I am busy".
Stop yelling on themegaphone.
I am busy. I am getting disturbed.
Did you see his face?
The same classic expression.
Your expression will changesoon.
Soon there'll be
morepolicethan public.
Then I'll see what you do.
Andthey'll pin you
down likea wild animal.
That's exactlywhat
you'rethinking, isn't it?
Don'tworry, Bachchu. I am there.
When I can save your life...
...thepolicecan't dare
to lay afinger on you.
You'll shoot at thepolice.
I can do anything for you.
Butthatsituation won'tarise.
Sir, sir, sir...
- Nidhi, no comments.
No, I've something to show you.
There're four bullet
holes on this booth.
Two up hereon the front.
And two down here at theback.
What does thatmean?
That means there's a shooter.
- Exactly.
And ifthere's one,
then he's right here.
- Nidhi, don't turn back.
Butpleasedo mea favor.
Don't tell anyone.
This is mybreaking news,
mybig story.
Do you wantmeto
shout on themegaphone?
Great chaos. Wasn't 26/11 enough?
Okay, I understand.
But you've to makea promise.
When the shooter's caught,
dead or alive...
...l'll get the exclusivecoverage.
You'll getthecoverage
andtheshooter. - Yes.
Bachchu, Bachchu, don't cry.
Open thedrawer on the right side.
And keep whatever's
insideon theshelf.
What's insidethis?
- RDX.
Would you like to havesome?
Pick up the tiffin, Bachchu.
Tell them "lfthey
don't step back..."
"'ll blow the
entireroad offthis map".
Step back. Step back.
Tiffin bomb.
We'vejust learntthat
theman has claimed...
...thathehas RDX.
Couldtherebe RDX in thatbox?
And ifyes, then how
much RDX could there be?
That RDX touch was nice, Bachchu.
Why... What gameare
you playingwith me?
Whatis this charade?
I'll makeone call from mymobile...
...and your Rs. 1 crorewill
be delivered wherever you say.
Rs. 1 crore?
Rs. 1 croreisn't
good enough for me.
How much do you want?
Rs. 10 crores. Cash.
And right here, right now.
Are you crazy? I am nota bank
to carry Rs. 10 crores with me.
No, but you can
carryit in your car.
Sir, this is ahostage situation.
Hey, take itback to thereporter.
Should I call up thecontrol room?
- Are you crazy?
If you call up control room,
theywill shoot.
What if... What will we do?
Forget it, we're there.
Look, the shooter doesn't
know thatweknow his position.
I suggest, get Prithvi and gang.
Meet me below the building.
You collected
Rs.10 crores last evening.
That bag is still in
your car, isn't it?
'How much?
- Rs. 10 crores.'
How much is our commission?
And even that's too much for you.
He's the one who's too
much to handle for us.
This rascal.
Thenew commissioner of
our child welfare department.
Col. Gill. Ex-army officer.
And he suspended three
ofmy collection officers.
Hecalls mean
idiot ten times a day.
Bachchu, what is an idiot?
It's likea eunuch in
thebreed ofhorses.
In army language.
Heis right.
We'vejust learnt from sources...
...that theman talking on
the phoneis Tony Khosla.
Peoplealso know him as Bachchu.
And he's an investment
banker by profession.
In Mumbai Crime
Beat's special edition...
Themurderer is
comfortably inside the booth...
Is thecommon man safein Mumbai?
The bomb squad have arrived...
Did you hearwhat the media is
saying about you, you idiot?
Now I know.
Idiot? I got you. I got you.
A sniper rifle.
And only an army trained officer...
...can aim so
flawlessly on myfinger.
I got you. I got you, Col Gill.
I got you.
Who is the in-chargehere?
- I am.
Who are you?
Sir. Sir. - Don'tbescared,
I am police personnel.
Sit. Sit.
Areall thecameras running?
- Yes, sir. They'rerunning.
Show menumberseven and eight.
What's up there?
- Art gallery.
It's closed now.
- Pan it.
Pan it. Pan the camera.
Show metheentire floor.
The camera doesn'tpan, sir.
They'vefixed it, sir.
I'm on dutyherealone.
- You should'vesaid that earlier.
Sir, I...
- Sorry, sorry. Sit down.
What's wrong with thelift?
All the lifts have
stopped working since morning.
That isn't my department, sir.
That isn't my department, sir.
All the lifts aren't working.
- Yes, sir.
Andthecameras don'tpan.
- No, sir.
You're Col. Gill. Isn't it, sir?
Am I right?
- No, ex-colonel.
Present position.
Commissioner ofAll India
Child Welfare Department.
Sir, so that Bharti
storywas false, wasn't it?
theloverwas false.
I'vebeen following
you for a year, Bachchu.
Likea wild dog.
The people from your
departmentarethewild dogs, sir.
Sir, there's no onein this world... understand your honesty.
And peoplelike you have
doneso much forthecountry.
You got us freedom.
You foughtthe
battle ofindependence.
I wasn't even born in 1947.
- I see.
The China war. What about the
China warthat you fought in 1960?
It's 1962 and not 1960.
It's 1962, I mean... Andthen
you defeated Pakistan in 1970.
You defeated Pakistan.
You cleaned theirclock.
And then China, Pakistan
never dared to face us again.
Bachchu, in 1971, I was
in senior kindergarten.
Sir, you must have
fought somebattle.
You must've fought somewar
after you becamea soldier.
There must besomewar.
- You mean Kargil war.
Yes. Right... That one,
that one. Kargil.
You defeatedthem mercilessly.
And the young soldiers...
- You called me young.
You're young, sir.
You just said that in 1971
you were in kindergarten... you mustbe young, sir. Young.
No, no. I don't mean that.
I don't mean that. I mean officer.
Hello, sir. Hello.
Hey, you two. Go there.
You two up there.
"This country belongs
to its young soldiers."
"To theuniqueandthe fanatics."
"This country..."
"This countryis unique."
Sir, nobodyis there.
"We're thebest of friends."
"We're the worst ofenemies."
"When westep in thebattlefield..."
"...the enemies retreat."
"This country belongs
to its young soldiers."
"To theuniqueandthe fanatics."
"This country..."
"This countryis unique."
"This country's the
I am impressed, Bachchu.
- Yes.
You sing well.
- You liked it.
Can I leave?
Hello. Hello.
Can I go?
Sir, what now?
Look, it's difficultto
know theshooter's position... long as hedoesn'tfire.
But he will call.
We'll seethen.
Mr. Gill.
Sir, are you sleeping there?
Yes. Your breaking news.
- Thank you, sir.
Your next slot
starts in 7 minutes, okay?
Now, go getmesomething bigger.
I will, sir.
Can i go...
I didn't know the game
will get over likethis.
That Bachchu is an
investment banker.
All this to trap this guy.
Listen, Bachchu is no
ordinary investment banker.
He's got connections
with influential people.
I justgot a call from my editor.
All news channels have received...
...clearstanding instructions
from a influential political PR...
...that Bachchu's entireepisode...
...should bedownplayed.
And they'veasked meto show...
...that dueto stress, he's
suffering from mental trac...
- Yes, mental insanity.
That means the media has
accepted bribe as well.
This poor man's story will belost.
No, tune in now.
Thank you verymuch.
Thank you verymuch.
I enjoyedtheconversation.
I am leaving now.
What are you thinking, Bachchu?
What do you want, sir?
Tell meexactlywhat you want.
I know that you don't want money.
Whatis it that you want?
- Confession.
I want your confession, Bachchu.
Sir, we'veidentified
thedead body. - Yes.
He's a drug addictnamed Irfan.
Therearefive murdercases and
one halfmurder caseagainst him.
He's a dangerous man.
Thank God, hedied.
Then theshooter.
Political pressure.
And now a drug addict.
He isn'twhat he seems.
That anchor standing in
the front. Nidhi Srivastav.
Call her and say...
...that you wantto
confess in front of everyone.
Confessions aredonein private.
Confessions aredonewillingly,
...andthey're doneprivately.
Neither are you
standing in a church...
...nor am I apriest.
You'll confess in
front ofeveryone, Bachchu.
Couldn't you find
anyone elsein India?
There are so many people.
You could'vecaughtanyone,
but you caught me.
What will I confess?
What should I confess about?
I won'tbeable to
faceanyone, Gill sir.
Just think, Bachchu.
After hearing your confession...
...thewrong people
will learn their lesson.
Peopletravel to Haridwar
to wash awaytheir sins.
I'm giving you that
Will I haveto do it?
Call her, Bachchu.
Justa minute, I'll call her.
Hello, madam.
Madam. You.
- Me?
Yes, comehere.
Tell herthat you
need a cordless mike.
Do you wantto givea statement?
I want amike. Mike.
And a speaker as well.
Tell her "I want to
confess publicly".
And a speaker.
And I want a speaker as well. I
want everyoneto hear my confession.
Can I go after
making theconfession?
You shouldn't ask such
childish questions to elders.
Tony, I'm comingtowards you.
- Justa minute.
Stay 15 feetaway from thebooth.
And I'm holdingthis mike.
I know, I know.
Tony, I'm headingtowards you.
And I'm hurling
this miketowards you.
No, no. Wait.
Turn around once more.
Letmetake alook.
Comeon. Come ahead.
- I'm hurlingthis miketowards you.
Slowly, myhand is wounded.
Cover from that side.
Murder suspect investmentbanker...
...Tony Khosla alias
Bachchu is goingto confess... on India TV.
Over to you, Tony.
By the way, I am Nidhi Srivastav.
I know you. Pleased to meet you.
I'veseen you many
times on television.
You'll neverchange.
You're facing death, but you
haven'tmended your old ways.
Bachchu, can you tell us who
you'retalkingto on thephone?
How can I tell you? I am
talking to myself, ma'am.
I've lostmymind. I'm
slightly disturbed. - Okay.
So you...
- Wait aminute, waita minute.
Please bearwith me.
Tell her, "My
confession is very emotional..."
" I wantto entertain everyone".
My confession is very emotional... I wantto entertain everyone.
Afterthat I will
express my feelings.
Put thebatteryback
in the Nokiaphone.
Just hold on. Hold on.
Can I sit for a while? I am tired.
Just hold on.
Now switch on the mike and
hold it near your phone.
- I'll dial your number.
As soon as theringtone
starts playing, you'll dance.
I can't do that. I
don'tknowhow to.
The media wants TRP as well.
In this ageof
satellite and internet...
...the attention span of
thepeoplehas lowered.
They need entertainment, Bachchu.
If you want me to tell
ajoke, I can do that.
You can ask meto sing a
song I'll do that as well.
I can do that well. I can't dance.
No, no. Stop it.
Enough, enough.
How manytimes are you
goingto loadthatgun?
It's not right to
compel someone to dance.
I am not Basanti
(lndian moviecharacter).
Dance, Bachchu.
Justlike you make
thosegirls dance.
Every Saturday evening at
MLA Patil's Khandala bungalow...
...when thosegirls stripped their
clothes offin front ofstrangers...
...didn't you feel ashamed then?
So why are you
blushing like abridenow?
You will dance, Bachchu?
No, no.
"Can I touch you?"
"Touch me, touch me, touch me."
"Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me."
"Hold me, hold me, hold me."
"Without you I am so restless..."
Why are you dancing so badly?
Move yourwaist. Yourwaist.
Move it.
"Touch me, touch me, touch me."
"Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me."
"Hold me, hold me, hold me."
Now, take yourcoat off.
Not like that. Not likethat.
Now whirl the coat
around and throw it down.
"I'm waiting just foryou."
"I love you alone."
- Good.
"I yearn only for you."
"I've lost control over myself."
"Without you I am so
restless in this world."
"Without you I am so
restless in this world."
Whyhavel set such a long ringtone?
"Touch me, touch me, touch me."
"Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me."
That's all.
Now wearegoing to discuss with
experienced Psychologist Dr. Dutta...
...who will talk about
ill minded Tony Khosla.
So, Dr. Dutta. You
can see the situation.
What's going on?
Our viewers would liketo
know what you understood.
Well, I'veunderstood that... I won't insultanywoman.
Well done. Well done, Bachchu.
Lfthat's true, then
tell that to thepublic.
I, Tony Khosla alias Bachchu,
would like to confess... everyone's presence.
My conscienceis pricking
me and I wantto confess.
Actually... I am a very cheap man.
A vile person.
I am alowdown human.
I'vetreatedwomen like objects.
Many times.
I'vehad alot ofmerriment.
And ruined the lives ofmanywomen.
I know thatmywife Lakshmi
must be watching me on TV.
Please forgiveme.
I've cheated on you many times.
But I love you.
I swear to Godthat I love you.
If Sweetyis there, tell her...
Sweety, you must
be feeling ashamed... watch me on
television at the moment.
I can't even apologize.
But, dear, remember
onething in life.
There's nothing wrong in
accepting your mistake.
It's a bravething to
accept your mistake.
I learnedthattoday.
Don't feel bad about
yourself and your papa.
I'll make you proud oneday.
Jessy. Jessy, come back.
Lakshmi, there's abox
behind the dressingtable...
...which contains aletter.
Do read it.
Well done, Bachchu. Well done.
What amessage.
What message?
Don't insult myintelligence,
What's in thebox
behindthedressing table?
You don'twastetime, colonel.
That's between me and mywife.
What do you care?
Let meexplain you the meaning.
There's a letterin that box.
And that letter contains aplan
for yourwife and daughter's escape.
The keyto the new house.
New SIM cards, credit cards.
To escape Mr. Bapu.
You knew that someday you
might need it, isn'tit, Bachchu?
Do you know who Mr. Bapu is?
I know.
I called ten times,
why isn't he answering?
What's going on inside?
Mr. Bapu, I've been trying
to reach you for so long.
Didn't you seethenews?
Mr. Bapu, you
collected Rs. 10 crore...
...from my deputy
commissioner for him.
And I know that Rs. 10
crores is in your car right now.
Do you know how deputy
Mishra got this money?
Every year, thousands
of orphan children...
...come to All
India Children Welfare.
They're separated
before taking into account.
He sold 26 girls for Rs. 16 crores.
Underthepretext of
Children Welfare...
...hesold them to sex
traders all aroundtheworld.
I could saveonly 22 girls.
Look, I help them out
in theirtransactions...
...but I didn'tknow that
they'rerunning such aracket.
How long has this been going on?
Forthelast halfan hour.
Call him. Call him.
Mr. Bapu, both his
mobiles are switched off.
Did you talk to PRO Sharma?
- Yes, sir.
Buthe has given an
unofficial statement.
But thesituation is out ofhands.
Theinternational mediahas
picked up this story as well.
Has themoneybeen delivered?
- No.
Hewas on his way to
makethedelivery, but...
Call Swarna.
- Yes, sir.
Call him quickly.
Do you know what happens
to those girls, Bachchu?
No, no, I...
- Sarita. How are you?
Talk to this uncle.
He's theunclethat
sent me to save you.
Tell him what happenedwith you.
What's wrongwith Bachchu?
Has hegone crazy, sir?
Hehasn'tleft the phone
booth sincel lasttalkedto him.
And the money?
The driver delivered itin
themorning in the Innova.
That means the
Innova with the money...
...mustbearound the phonebooth.
- Yes, sir.
Getthatlnnova out of
there quickly. - Sir.
Quickly. Go.
- Yes.
Heused to laugh loudly.
Heburns my handwith cigarette.
Andthen lastnight, that
'Gunwale' unclecame and saved us.
Thank you verymuch for
sending that Unclewith Gun.
Colonel, pleasedisconnect the call.
I won'tbeable to
talk to her anymore.
Okay, dear. I'm disconnecting now.
We'll talk later, okay?
I've washed away so many
ofyour sins, Bachchu.
Colonel, do you know
why a Rs. 1000 note... lightpinkish in color?
Becauseit's blemishedwith
theblood oftheinnocent...
...and washed with theirtears.
Colonel, I'vecome
from a verylow life.
I'velived a very bad life.
I've lived likea
dog justto stay alive.
I'vedone every
wrong onlyto stay alive.
Everyman lives
for himself, colonel.
Everyman wants his life.
I want mineas well.
Butl didn't know that
truth will brace me likethis.
Colonel, I assure you I
won'twork for Mr. Bapu.
Even ifl've to stay
hungry orwork as a labor.
Butl won'twork for Mr. Bapu.
I won't do it again.
Fine, then return the Rs.
Move. Move. Move.
This is thecar. Move. Move.
Move. Hey, move.
Will I haveto tell you separately?
Are you standing on
the roof ofyour house?
Move. Move.
Colonel, I can change...
...but theworld
won't change likethis.
I promise you.
Let me go forhalfan hour.
Half an hour later, I will
give you that Rs. 10 crores.
Whyhalf an hour, Bachchu?
Themoneyis in your car.
And that's why...
Yes, Mr. Bapu. We've foundthecar.
Butthere's alot ofpublic around...
surrounded us as well.
I suggestthat you get a
towing van and get the car out.
Listen to me, Mr. Bapu. If
wetry to do anything now...'ll createabig problem.
We'll haveto wait for a while.
But don'tworry, I am
looking afterthe car.
Don'tmove away from the
car under any circumstances.
- Okay.
Whatis this?
Get out ofhere.
Call thepoliceofficer
and give him the keys.
No, I can'tgive the keys.
You changed yourmind so soon.
Colonel, I promise you.
No matter whatl'veto do...
No matter how much it costs me,
I will findthose four girls...
...and I will come back.
Just givemesometime.
You can'tleaveuntil you
don't return the money, Bachchu.
No, I can't givethecar keys.
Where arethey?
Breaking news, Bachchu.
Mr. Bapu's men have
reached your home...
...and now they're
redecorating your house, Bachchu.
Wherearemywifeand daughter?
Wherearemywifeand daughter?
Where are Sweety and Lakshmi?
Theyleft just two minutes
beforethegoons arrived.
Their car... Their
car is on Khar Road.
You've turned meinto a
maniac killer on television.
Don't play these games with me.
Give the keyto the
police officer, Bachchu.
I can'tgive thekeys, colonel.
Fine, then I'll tell Mr. Bapu
the location of yourwife's car.
You can't do that.
- I can.
You can't do that.
Think aboutit, Bachchu.
- Colonel...
Don't complain later thatl didn't
give you a chance. - Colonel.
He can do anything
with mywife and children.
Don't drag him in between. Colonel.
Colonel. Don't
drag Mr. Bapu in this.
No, colonel. You can't do this.
- Hello, Mr. Bapu.
Colonel, no. Colonel.
- Colonel, please.
You want thewhereabouts of
Bachchu's family... - Colonel.
Hereare your keys.
Bachchu's family is
travelling in a Honda car...
Take your keys.
- This is news.
This is evidence.
You'll open thecar only
in front of our camera.
Come on.
Gundu, which
Toyota's areparked here.
Getthem out. Move, move.
Moveaside. Moveaside.
This is a Toyota as well.
Hey, you. Pleasemove.
Come on.
Is this your car?
- No, sir. It isn't...
- But.
But, sir. What is theproblem?
Move. I said move.
Mr. Bapu, thepolice
haveseized the car.
Stop thepolice.
Tell him you're from
the central ministers.
Give him the phone.
Tony Khosla has just
thrown the keys to this car...
...from the telephonebooth.
What's insidethe car?
To know, keep watching India TV.
Open it. Open it.
The car is packed
with currencynotes.
Thepolicearetaking all
thenotes out ofthecar.
As you can see, these
are all Rs. 1000 notes.
Very soon we'll find out
thereason behind all this.
So you knew aboutthe Rs.
Of course, Bachchu. Why
elsewould I waste mytime?
This morning you were
delivered Bapu's money.
To distributeit
amongst theparty workers.
elections arenearby.
That's why you came here... get the address ofthe
partyworkers from Swarna.
Sir. The High Command
wants to say...
...thatthe Rs. 500 crores
were your responsibility.
And you'll have to
pay for itas well.
Bachchu wasn't out
distributing sweets.
He was out distributingthe money... fixtheelections.
I should compensate
forthose Rs. 500 crores.
This is not fair.
Mr. Bapu won't sparemy
wife and daughter now.
Yourwife and daughter are
absolutely fineat home.
What do you mean?
They didn't leave?
- No.
So Mr. Bapu's men
didn't cometo myhome.
It was a small drama.
To get thekeys.
Around Rs. 500 crores have
been recovered from the van.
Yes, nine zeros afterfive.
recovered from this car.
So much money, on
thestreets of Mumbai.
This isn't just breaking news...
...but also thestory ofthe year.
And I am sure that
no onehas seen... much moneyin his life.
At least notthecommon people.
Abduct Bachchu's wife and daughter.
And end Bachchu's chapter.
Sir, there's RDXin the booth.
Lfit explodes, thousands of
peoplewill lose their lives.
Does it make a differenceto you?
Would you like to
talk to yourwife?
You seem worried.
- Yes, I would like to talk to her.
Lakshmi, Lakshmi, it's me.
- You.
What's all this?
And where did you get
all that money from?
Lakshmi, listen to me
clearly and don'task questions.
I am in a precarious situation.
Please leavehome right
now with Sweety. - No.
I won'tleave, this is myhome.
Lakshmi, tryto understand.
Your lifeis in danger.
Mr. Bapu's men are
after you. Please.
Please, let me talk to Sweety.
Sweety, my baby, my dear.
- Hello, Papa.
Get outnow.
Dear, do as uncle says.
Take the serviceelevator.
Come out and look at your right.
There's ared
Maruti 800 parked there.
There's a keyin the
dashboard ofthecar.
Don'tstop thecar
until daddy doesn't call.
What kind of a strangeman are you?
You mademethrow the van keys...
...and put my family in danger.
What's thepoint
in saving them now?
Wherearemywifeand daughter?
Thereare four satellites
tracking yourwifeand daughter.
I know their positions
from one metreof accuracy.
Who else is with you?
Who elseare you working with?
I don'ttrust humans, Bachchu.
Technologyis enough for me.
Listen, man.
You can'tbe an ex-army colonel...
...orthe commissioner of
theChild Welfare Department.
Who are you? Tell me.
Who are you?
Who are you?
Tell mewho are you?
What do you want?
As soon as I take yourname...
...quickly duck on thefloor.
Why are you playing
this gamewith me?
Bachchu, shut up and duck.
- I won't do it.
Mr. Tony Khosla, are you alright?
Tony, are you...
Inspector, call the
towing van and ambulance.
Clearthe area.
Thelowerarea ofthe booth
is made ofbulletproof glass.
- 9mm magazines.
- Sir. - Vikram.
Whatwas it?
They'retrying to kill Bachchu.
- Obviously.
Rs. 500 crores was
just the beginning.
Hehas lots moreto say.
That gunman was about to shoot me.
That shooter saved me.
I noticed that. This is big.
Listen, no onehas
ever returned black money.
Do you think this is the beginning?
We'll waitand see.
I don't understand, Mr. Bapu... can you trusta
rascal like Bachchu?
You do trust Swarna.
What ifhe turns away
like Bachchu tomorrow?
What can you do?
To run this business ofpolitics...
...we'veto trust some Bachchu,
Swarna or Reddy.
In the last64
years ofindependence... political leader has
been stripped open likethis.
Lfthelndian public
finds out aboutmywealth...
...they'll come afterthe
wealth of all thepolitical leaders.
You'renot colonel Gill.
Who are you andwhat do you want?
Yes, I am not colonel Gill.
Then why did you have
to disguise yourself?
I am a reflection of your
dark conscience, Bachchu.
Thesum total of your
life of crime and guilt.
You know yourlifeof crime.
That's why you first
thought I am a contract killer.
Then Bharti's boyfriend.
And then that honest colonel.
What do you want from me? Tell me...
What do you want from me? Tell me...
Rs. 32000 crores.
I want Rs. 32000 crores, Bachchu.
That you'vehidden in the
Swiss Bank for Mr. Bapu.
And you know thecode to it.
I want all that money.
Wow. That's great.
All this charade forthis.
There's no difference
between you and Mr. Bapu.
Mr. Bapu lootedthepublic...
...and you want to loot Mr. Bapu.
There's a difference.
Do you know who
this moneybelongs to?
Ltbelongs to the laborers
thatwork 18 hours a day...
...yettheir family starves.
This money belongs to those
millions ofmiddle-class people...
...who receive their salaries late,
but the tax is deductedfirst.
This moneybelongs
to thepoorpeople...
...who start their life in a
shanty and end it thereas well.
This money, Bachchu, belongs... thewidows,
mothers and sisters...
...whose men laid down their
lifein serviceto theircountry.
This money shouldn't bein
the Swiss Bank accounts...
...butin our country's account.
Do you get that?
Move. Please move.
Whathappenedthere, sir?
- Pleasedon'task questions.
I can't give you anymore protection.
Takethis and leave.
- I am sorry, sir.
Byrule, until wedon't
countit and prepareareport...
...wecan't leave.
Then count them quickly.
Sign quickly...
- Sir, we're...
Sir, congratulations.
Sir, Rs. 500 crores
But, sir, this is
just the beginning.
I need backup, sir.
Vikram, you'll get thebackup,
First listen to me.
Rs. 10 crores will
be deliveredto you.
Anywhere you want.
I am sorry, sir. I didn't get it.
Finish Bachchu.
Tell him to stagean encounter,
...or start ariot, but
thework should be done.
Do what you can.
The job mustbedone.
You don't haveto worry.
You'vethe full support of
the central minister, Mr. Bapu.
No, sir. I can't do that.
What's wrongwith you, Vikram?
How did you suddenly
turn so patriotic?
You do accept the packet
that you get every month.
I do, sir.
But yoursystem taught
me to take the packet.
Ifl don't accept thepacket...
...I would be
transferred every six months.
I am transferring you
from that caserightnow.
Get out ofthere right now.
I can't do that either.
You'rerefusing a direct order.
- No, sir.
Accordingto section
...I can'tleavethecrime
scene during liveonslaught...
...until a senior officer
doesn'ttake charge from me.
I cannotleave, sir.
Sir, I...
Thejob should bedone. That's all.
Itshould be donerightnow.
And send us that officer's details.
Circle, sir.
- Yes.
Increase Tony Khosla's security.
Inform all officers
and seal thearea.
I want every armed man
securing Tony Khosla.
Go. Move.
What happened, sir?
Thecommissionerjust called.
Hewas offering me Rs. 10 crores.
- 10.
So takeit, sir.
We'll distributeit.
Theywant Bachchu dead.
- Bachchu.
How will wekill him?
The police and media...
Kill Bachchu and theone,
who is aimingto kill Bachchu.
Mr. Tony Khosla.
Listen to me carefully.
You'veonly 10 minutes.
Afterthat, I can't
guarantee you anything.
My people...
My people.
Thepolicedepartment will
apprehend you at any cost.
Theperson you've been
talkingto on the phone...
...forthe past onehour, inform him
that the game is aboutto get over.
Disconnectthephone and
comeout ofthebooth.
Mr. Bapu has put outa
contract on you, Bachchu.
The 10 minutes given
bythepoliceofficer... thecountdown to your death.
What's goingto
happen in 10 minutes?
We'll have to do something.
Vikram, I am areporter.
I can't digestthetruth.
You'rehiding something,
aren't you?
I just said...
nothing's goingto happen.
What are you thinking, Bachchu?
Is it wrongto return the
moneylooted from Indians?
Yes, sir.
Sure, sir.
Right now, sir. Yes, sir.
Ranvir Singh has replaced you.
Hehas called you to
the van to takecharge.
What chargedid you get?
I go with the flow.
Shall we?
But think, Bachchu.
But do you know what will happen
ifthat money isn'treturned?
You know, in 250 years ofreign...
...the British looted Rs.
And in just 60 years...
In 60 years, our politicians have
looted Rs. 70 lakh crores from us.
And people like you
havehelpedthem, Bachchu.
This isn't just
about themoney, Bachchu.
It's about the country's present,
aboutits past.
It's the futureofour children.
You haveto do it, Bachchu.
You haveto give that money back.
Gun and badge, please.
You didn't carry out
Mr. Bapu's orders.
Bachchu has to die.
Your honesty could
givehim only 10 minutes.
Those who change
historyneed only aminute.
And their lives get shorter.
I feel badthat there's no
one here for yourfinal rites.
Just two lines for you.
Theshooter's fired the
bullet from there, hasn't he?
Yes, sir.
Thosearethecoordinates of
the bullet that saved Vikram.
Let's see.
Sir, can I leave?
Move the public.
Sir, why the choppers?
What for?
Where is Vikram?
- Hehas been transferred.
In the middleoftheoperation?
- Yes.
Who is thein-charge now?
Ranvir Singh.
Encounter specialist Ranvir Singh.
Hello, sir.
Hello. Hello.
Hello, sir.
They're goingto kill Bachchu.
What? Are you sure?
Trust me, sir.
Encounter specialist Ranvir
Singh has arrived as well.
What? Sawant. Take the mikeout.
What? - There's
something I haven'ttold you.
Someone's making
Bachchu do all this.
There's a shooter that's
making him do all this...
...forthepast 1.30 hour athostage.
How do you know all this?
Have you seen him?
- No.
But he's there.
Theofficer in-charge
Vikram knew about itas well.
So, can hego on air?
That's what I am trying to tell you.
He isn'therenow.
He's been suddenly transferred.
This is mind-blowing news.
But ifwemakethis a
story without evidence...
...we'll be ruined.
- Okay, I'll try.
What have you thought, Bachchu?
You'restill alive.
I will consider myself alive...
...only after I
succeed in mymission.
Calling alpha. Calling alpha.
Target eliminated.
Firsttell mewho you are.
I am just an Indian.
An Indian who doesn't just...
...sit in thecoffee shop
of afivestar hotel...
...and discuss the
condition ofhis country.
An Indian who doesn't
sit in his drawing room...
...sips whiskey and
blames corruption.
An Indian who doesn't debate...
...overterrorism and
communalism over TVshows.
I am in Indian who
didn't just makeclaims...
...but also tried to do something.
- Yes.
I can see you.
You're good at your job.
You'reeven better.
You knewl was here.
- Yes.
Yet you didn'treportthis news.
- Yes.
Can I see you?
Can I see you, please?
- No.
Ranvir's men will be coming up soon.
Whilegoing down, ask yourself... you love your
career or your country?
Goodbye, Nidhi.
Bachchu. Now there's
no gun pointed at you.
There's RDX in thetiffin,
but there's no detonator.
You can do whatever you want.
Becausenow I am going
to disconnectthephone.
But, Bachchu, think from
your heart and not your mind.
Becausetheheart's on theleft...
...but it's always right.
Nidhi, whathappened?
Did you get theshooter's footage?
Tell me, Jessy.
Lfyou'veto choose between
the country and your career...
...what will you choose?
The country.
But... why are you asking?
Why are you deletingthis?
How will weprovethat
there's a shooter in that building?
There's no shooter in
thatbuilding or any story.
All assets comein.
Is thereanyone here
from therevenue department?
This is not about
the Rs. 500 crores.
That was just loose
change, trailer.
Sir, sir, sir.
I'm goingto return
the real deal now.
Is thereanyone from the
revenuedepartment here?
Yes, what is it?
Come forward.
Give me the accountnumberof
the Reserve Bank's treasury.
I will transferthe
money through internet.
It'll reach you in a minute.
I don't havetime.
They can kill me anymoment.
And ifl die, this money
will never return to India.
Sir, don't bescared.
Give him what he's asking for.
Just now, Rs. 5300 crores...
...have been
transferredto our account...
...from someprivate
Swiss Bank account.
Ranvir, whyhaven't
you donethejob yet?
Mymen arein position.
As soon as they fire...
...there'll bea riot
amongstthemedia and public.
we'll kill thecameras.
...and not a singlewitness.
He'll ransack my entirewealth.
I'll take him out.
- Finish it.
How much moredo you want?
Rs. 3000 crores.
Rs. 3000 crores.
All troops in firing position?
Or Rs. 5000 crores?
Rs. 5000 crores
Rs. 7000 crores.
- Two.
Rs. 7000 crores.
Sir, thephone booth's bottom glass are
made with bullet broof system. Over!
All shooters move out.
Let me confirm.
Rs. 32000 crores has
been transferred... the Indian Treasury account.
Well done, partner.
I am proud of you.
I made apromiseto my daughter.
And I fulfilled that.
Where are you?
If you want to see me then
take alook at thesepeople.
Takealook attheir faces.
You'll see myreflection
in their happiness and hope.
Thank you, Brother.
Thank you verymuch.
Someday, somewhere,
we'll surelymeet.
- Goodbye.
Sir, sir, sir.
Aren't you Veer Vijay Singh?
Chief operations,
Intelligence Bureau. - Right.
Sir, wherewere you
when this was going on?
I justreachedthesceneofcrime.
I was stuck in the traffic jam.
A new chapter was being
written in the history oflndia...
...and you were stuck in traffic.
Can I leave?
- Yes, of course.
Years later, India has awakened.
I request all of you... considerthis Rs. 32000
crores to beourfirst step.
And together, let's get back...
...our money keptin
theSwiss Banks.
This is my dream that
India wokeup.
And knock out thecorrupt system.
Butthedestination is more far.
And this is only myfirst step.