Kingdom Come (2014)

What is this place?
Hey. Hey.
What the hell...?
You've taken it away from me.
Hey, wait. I need your help.
Hey, take it easy.
This is impossible.
What? What?
There was a man in the blue suit.
Did you see him?
I didn't see anyone, except you.
Who are you?
- Sam.
Oh god.
What is this place?
I don't know.
- You're the first person I see here.
Everything is before somehow...
- Blurry?
- Yes.
Did you see an exit,
stages, anything?
My name is Jessica.
There are passages and empty rooms,
not more.
Yes. I noticed.
I can't see anything.
I don't know how high we are.
- What the hell was that?
What did you see?
I don't know.
Something has passed in the dark.
Do we run in the other direction?
- No, from there I came.
Too scary.
- Here is everything creepy.
Are you coming?
I'm sorry, otherwise I scrap in
my pants.
Take it easy. I won't hurt you.
And the tall man either.
It's ok. What's your name?
I'm Jessica.
This is Sam. What is your name?
- Celia? Ok, a nice name.
Listen, Celia, do you know
how you did come here?
Are you alone? Where are your parents?
I woke up and was here.
And do you know where that is?
Do you know where we are?
In some kind of hospital.
- Listen, Celia.
Did you see an exit?
Doors or open windows?
I don't know.
Do you take me with you?
- Yes. Yes. Of course.
Is it right?
Don't look like,
I were an asshole.
I like kids, ok?
I just want to get out here.
Thank you, Mr. Sam.
- Welcome, Celia. And only Sam.
Give me the key.
You've drunk too much.
Did you have fun?
- Of course.
Come on.
Are you sure you can drive?
- Move in.
I love you.
- And I love you.
Do you have my lighter?
- Oh, here.
Do you know where it is?
- Yes. Between the seats.
Sarah. Sarah. Help.
Help anybody.
Sam. Do you feel OK?
Hey. Everything ok?
- Yes. I'm fine.
Despite that hormone monsters here.
Hey, give me a hand, ok?
- Yes.
First question:
Who are all these people?
Well, this is Rachel.
- Hi.
Then here are Charles, Nadir and
Victoria. And the edge is Roger.
How did they all came here?
- Like you
This begs the question...
- We all woke up here.
Hey, you shall not interrupt me.
Otherwise what?
What's the matter with you two?
- Can't you shut up?
The guy is an ignorant wanker.
What do you do?
Giving me a shoot?
Gang members don't scare me.
- I'm not one, you cocksucker.
- People, enough, honestly.
How long I was flashed out?
- About 20 minutes or so.
Celia. Come here.
Can we find a way out of here please?
How did we come here, actually?
Do anybody remember on something?
Well, I was just on the way to a
club, with my best friend.
That's it. On more
I don't remember.
I woke up in here with headaches.
- My back hurts. And my feet.
After that I can almost remember on nothing.
Maybe we were stunned.
- Ridiculous.
Hey, shut up, simply, yeah?
If you have nothing useful to say,
than be quite.
Who should stun us and bring in here?
Any ideas?
What do you remember on?
- I went to work straigh away, I think.
I am a nurse.
After that, everything was a mess,
I don't know.
But someone must have seen something,
that tells us where we are.
Does anyone have a cell phone?
- Mine too.
Yes, on the sisterstation were none too,
what strange is
Wait, I think I have something.
What the hell did you do to
my phone?
Everything ok?
Ok, we should split up and search
for an exit.
No, we should stay together.
Maybe together we can open a window.
Where are you going?
- Am going to toilett.
I have to pee.
Is that ok for you?
I saw one in the corridor.
- Yes. I'll find that.
Probably it is no so smart,
to go alone.
Well, I don't like accompaniment,
and I didn't need
ever a man as a watchdog.
Hey. Why don't you go with her?
- Fuck it. You've heard her.
What is wrong with these people?
Come on, people. This is...
This won't work.
Have an eye on her.
Victoria? Are you in there?
Everything ok?
Maybe she's somewhere else.
Maybe she is
scared or lost.
That didn't sounds
like she has walked wrong, you dump.
This sounded like someone become hacked
This was a cry,
as if cannibals. would have her.
You will come with me,
the rest stays here.
What? What, man?
What the hell...?
What the hell...?
Did you see something?
There she wasn't.
Where are you going?
- I'll get Celia.
Come here, sweetie.
- It is ok.
She is really good in 4-wins.
- What the hell is going on here?
Please, don't kill me.
I just want go home.
Who are you?
What do you want from me?
Come on, man. Stand up.
- Why am I here?
What is this place?
Already ok, this is just another one.
- What is your name?
Daniel. Daniel Levine.
- Are you alone?
Yes. I... I...
I don't remember.
I got back my mind in here.
Oh. What a shit, man.
- Well done, Sherlock.
Ok, enough is enough.
- Hey, hey. Let it be.
Stop that, you make me sick.
We're all frustrated, but fighting each
other doesn't bring anything.
I heard screams.
Was that one of you?
What do you see?
- Nothing more than fog, man.
What do you mean with nothing?
- Exactly that I don't see anything..
The fog is thicker than
your head, man.
Oh god. What was that?
- Maybe a dog?
I suggest that
we climb down there.
down there in an ambulancy vehicle.
- To hell with it.
Hey, what are you doing?
Didn't you hear,
what I said? Think.
Do you still want to go down there?
Maybe she has fallen on the grass.
We couldn't hear her because of that.
- Or we are too high.
You know what? Scrap on it.
Can we find an
other exit please easy?
Ok, calm down and think logically.
Listen, sweety...
Ah. Fuck.
My arm, man!
- It burns, it burns.
Let me see.
- What the hell was that?
What was that?
Don't move, don't move.
This must be tight fitting.
We should split up.
- Jesus.
What the hell is wrong with you?
- You wanted to separate yet.
Yes, I did.
And you were against it.
Not any more? Haven't you seen,
what happened straight away?
Now we shall seperate? Fuck.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
She's right.
Two groups are better.
So we have a better chance to
find an exit.
What about the others?
Did you forget about her?
We don't let her back.
We are looking for her on the way.
- She has gone. You are on your own.
Hey, that's bullshit.
Well guys, stay around here, if
you want, but I won't stay here.
Well, that yopu've hit the wall.
Oh yeah? Why?
- Walls don't hit back.
I'll find a way out of here.
You can stay here and continue with
throw bottles.
I see you
jumping jacks later. Bye.
- Let this jerk go.
Without him, we are better off.
I don't trust them anyway.
Obviously we are in an
upper floor. Is she gone in there?
We go this way.
If you see any stairs, scream.
We meet here in 15 minutes.
- Exactly that happens,
before the madman with the
hockey mask dismembered us.
Things like that nobody wants to hear.
- Did all understand that?
We meet here in 15 minutes.
What do you see?
Looks like we would come
thereby to the other side.
I'll go first.
You take Celia and follow me.
Why do I have to go last?
- First or Last, Nadir.
I actually thought that.
OK. Wait till I'm on
the other side.
Everything ok?
- Yes. Yes. I am fine.
You should not touch anything,
if you come through there.
Oh shit.
OK. I'm through.
Your turn.
Ok, honey, don't worry,
I'm just straight behind you.
Don't forget:
No to touch anything along the way.
Jess. Jess, are you ok?
- Yes. Yes, ok.
Here is a boy.
- Nadir. Did you say something?
A child. I'll get it.
- Who you bring?
Hey. Where are you going?
- What the hell are you talking about?
Carefully. Everything ok?
Jess, are you ok?
- Yes.
Sam. pull me out. Sam.
Pull me out.
Sam, pulling me out.
Are you OK?
- Something was inside there.
What was going on?
- Inside there was something.
Nadir? Nadir?
Can you hear me?
Looks like he may have to cope alone
. Just like we do.
People? Can you hear me? People?
Hey. Where do I know you from?
- Me?
Yes. You look familiar.
- No idea.
Do you call yourself sometimes Chuck?
No. Charles.
Why are you asking me something like that?
I don't know you, buddy.
And you don't know me.
Sorry, buddy. I just want to find out,
where I know you from.
What is your last name?
Instead to ask so many questions,
you should better help me.
Did you hear that?
What makes such noises?
I don't know. But one thing is certain:
It's not gonna be so easy to get there down.
Hey, Rachel.
What are you doing here so alone?
Do you want to see someting really cool?
Come with me, little mouse.
Rachel? Are you OK?
- What's going on? What?
Merely stay away from me.
Hey, what's your problem?
- You know it damn well.
What is she talking about?
- She goes crazy, that's all.
Hey. Where do you want to go?
What have you done to her?
- Let her go simply.
Hey, guys. Don't let me back.
Damn it.
What breaked you up?
This shit isn't real.
- Oh, this shit is very real.
What's going on? Is something wrong?
Don't you want to fuck me?
And me?
Or me?
You don't us anymore?
Go ahead.
- That is what you want, isn't it?
Please, please...
Do you get an erection of that?
And how about that?
Take what you want.
Anyway, that is what you do always.
Stop. Stop.
What are you doing? Sam?
Do you know what that was?
- I'm not sure.
Nothing makes sense here.
- Where the hell are we?
Does your thoughts make any sense for you?
None of them makes sense,
mine minds too.
What do you mean?
I mean, do you have any
strange thoughts?
Things that you haven't
thought about for years?
Because of some stupid reasons
I'm thinking all the time on people,
to who I've done wrong.
Yes, and?
- No idea.
The memories don't go away.
And what does that have to
do with that here? - No idea.
I just cann't stop thinking about
these things.
I had to...
I don't know that makes no sense.
But I
... - But what?
I was only 18
I wasn't even in
the position to...
Jess, what are you talking about?
Nothing. Nothing. Forget about it.
It isn't my fault.
I didn't want that.
Another one.
- Hey. This way, come on.
What the hell does happen here?
- DO we really want to know about that?
It's me.
Jesus. I'd almost cut
off your head.
Oh shit.
What was that for a cry?
I don't know.
I heard it and ran along here.
Who was the old man?
- Which old man?
I looked at the woman with the girl.
- Rachel?
Yes. The one with the thing in the thing.
- What happened to her?
I don't know. She has got freaky
because of this spooky guy.
She freaked out?
Something happened between her and Chuck.
She freaked out and ran away.
- What happened there?
I don't know. She couldn't stand him out
And she's not the only one.
The guy is really disgusting.
Is ishe ok?
- I know about that, when I find her.
Did you found something?
- No.
Just more corridors,
which lead only to other corridors.
As the shouting started,
didn't want to know where it came from.
Stairways, exits, or anything else?
I didn't see anything,
but look by yourself.
You are going in the direction of
the screams? - I have no choice.
Do you come with us?
- Do I have a choice?
Yes, man, free will.
Do what you want.
I stay here, in the case
that the girl appears.
Yes. Do that.
What? What?
From whom is all that blood?
don't move, okay?
Sam? Sam, talk to me.
From whom is all that blood?
Is that from...?
- I don't know.
Currently i'm busy with where
all these people come from, included us.
I don't think
that we are here by chance.
Who is that?
- My husband.
- Where is he?
He is gone.
Gone? What do you mean?
- He died.
Three years ago.
A drunken driver.
- Daniel?
Dan, where the hell is he?
Do you tell me, what's going on?
We need to get out here quickly. Now.
Daddy. Daddy.
Hi, Daddy.
- Are you not happy, to see me?
You're not my daughter.
My daughter is dead.
That you know better than anyone else,
isn't it?
Who is the black one?
- My friend.
You won't see him anymore.
- You can't determine about that.
Whom do you think are you talking to?
It was an accident.
I didn't want that.
Was it an accident, to make
someone else paying for that?
What you wanted to do,
wasn't right.
How do you live with these lies,
this hatred?
And just because your girl
fucked a nigger?
I didn't want that.
What do you want from me?
You have to fix it,
this is what he requires.
Yes, father.
Forgive me, Misha.
Forgive me, god.
Isn't it too high,
to climb down?
It doesn't matter, we've got to try it.
We need to get out of here,
as quickly as possible.
Why did you ask me, who he was?
I've seen him.
- You knew Jason?
When we met each other
for the first time, I said,
there was a man in the blue suits.
The man in your locket,
is the man in the blue suit.
I'm sure.
- What?
You heard me.
Fuck you.
Why do you say that?
Jess, please.
- You could't have seen him.
This is impossible.
Something is wrong with this place.
You've to trust me.
- Trusting you?
I shall trust you,
if you say something like that?
If you say you had
seen my dead husband?
Then tell me why we can't find an
exit. Huh?
Think about it.
We wake up in a building without
damn exits,
and no one knows how he got there.
What do try to tell with that?
Remove that. Remove that
thing away from me. Remove it.
Dudge down.
Do you see?
Nothing is normal.
Help me, please.
Oh god, help me. Help me.
Help me.
Please. No.
Help me.
Please, help me.
Please. No, no.
I was only an unborn child.
So, Teddy...
You can't change the past.
Didn't you tell that to all the people,
who you owed money?
Greed is one of those pathetic
sins, which, if it would be up to me,
were non sins anymore.
- But it happens to be a sin.
In his opinion.
Please. No.
- I was towards to you more than fair.
I gave you all, well, enough
opportunities to do it well.
Let's just say you've screwed up,
No. No. Please. Please. No.
No, please.
What are you doing?
Inside there it is safer.
- Sam.
No. No. No.
- Show her how to use that.
Celia? Celia, do you see?
Here, try it.
Do you trust me?
With that you've light
so that you can see something.
Carefully. Ok, Celia? I let you down
until you see the first door.
And I hold you, so that you can climb out.
Be careful.
Don't move, when you're down.
We'll get you out there, promised.
Oh god. OK.
Jess. Come on, Jess.
Run, Jess.
little jerks
Little jerks..
Come out, from wherever you are.
Well. How you want that.
Celia. Celia. No.
We've to get her, Sam.
Sam, we've to go and get her.
- We've got to get away from here.
We've got to leave before
who ever comes back.
Let me go. I must go to her.
- Jess. Jessi. We both want that.
But we can't do anthing for her,
when these things come back.
We must stay in front of them, okay?
Who's there?
I blow your head off.
Hey, pst. It's okay.
Pst. It's okay.
What are you doing here all alone?
I should stay in the laundry room, but
I got scared and hid.
That's ok, little mouse.
You've found me.
Are you ok?
Do you want to come with me?
I take care of you.
Uncle Charles will
care about you well.
Take care of your eyes.
Jessie, what are you doing?
- I can't go without her.
Not without Celia.
- I see that the steps lead out.
It can't be deeper thant that.
- I know.
And we'll find it, but I
must see if this is worthing it.
Do what you want.
I'm not leaving without her.
Wait. Jess.
Damned women.
- Celia?
Celia, here we are, sweetie.
Where are you?
- Celia?
I hope that none of this monsters got her.
I don't believe that.
Looks like she's gone this way-
Let's go.
You're beautiful.
Did you know that, little mouse?
Please don't.
- It's ok.. That's OK.
I don't hurt you. I like you.
And it's not usual to hurt someone,
we like.
You like me too, right?
I just want to be your friend.
And a little game play.
You like games, right?
- Play with that, you bastard.
You are fatter and older, but
still the same disgusting jerk.
You still
little girl, isn't it?
I'm sorry, ok?
Stay down.
- I am sick. It is a disease.
I've no control about that.
- Charles?
You'll not call yourselg Chuck,huh?
Is that too embarrassing for you?
No. Please.
- Stay down.
Please, stop it. Please.
Help me. They'll kill me.
- Oh, I know. Wonderful, isn't it?
Do you remember me?
I remember you.
What's the matter? Can't you remember
the girls you've fucked?
I'm sorry. This is a
disease. I can't something for it.
I hate it.
- Come on, little mouse.
Do what you gotta do.
- don't call me like that.
His fate is sealed.
He has made his choice.
Revenues this piece of shit.
If you don't sojourned him,
who will do it? Who, Rachel?
- Shut up there. He's right.
Turn around and close your eyes.
Not. No, please.
Rachel, no!
Do it. Take his life, for all
these peoples life, he has destroyed.
Rachel? Listen to me,
you may not do that.
He just wants.
He plays with us.
Don't listen to it. Forgive him or kill him
that are your options.
We've seen,
how he and one of his creatures
killed one of us.
He plays us off against each other.
He deserved to die.
He had no right to do that.
No, he hadn't.
Maybe he deserves to die,
but here it's not going about him.
Here it is going about you.
He is a piece of shit.
- Please.
I know that, but if you do that,
you're damned.
His fate is sealed, not
Stop Sam, Rachel.
Put it down.
Slowly you're make more trouble
than you worth it, Sammy.
This drivel
begins to bore me.
Can you kill the motherfucker finally?
- Not.
Or maybe, just maybe,
Deeply inside, you enjoyed,
that he touched you.
You humans are much too simple.
- We need to help her.
It is to late for her. Come.
- Run, my little parasite, run.
Fuck you. I won.
If you feel better then,
it makes no difference,
if you've killed him or not.
The moment he
touched her, he was mine.
But since you did,
you sweet ass too.
No. No.
Better luck next time,
old friend.
What are you looking for?
- Whatever can serve as a weapon.
Something like that?
This will be enough.
I can smell you,
my little meat sacks.
I don't understand how you human
could survive so long.
So selfish.
So excessive.
This makes sick.
The longer you populate this world,
the easier my job is.
That killing, these lies, these deceptions.
Sin to sin.
Ts, ts, ts.
The world is falling apart.
If you think about it, i do
to both of you a favor.
I redeem you from your pathetic existence.
To get you all together,
it was like a gift by..
Well, you know by whom.
To have you both so close,
that was, if he would beg me almost
to do something.
It was like a...
Like a fucking miracle.
Why he cares
to wounded souls?
Out of my way. Go away.
Where the hell did he go to?
That can't be.
Quick. In here. Come
What are you doing?
We must go from here away, Sam.
Celia, come here.
- Why?
You wont that,
but she is not safe by our near.
He doesn't want her, he wants us.
- I won't let her alone again.
If we separate, we can
slough him off and can come back than.
This time we know where she is.
- No.
I eighter won't to leave her alone, but
with if she is with us she it isn't safe.
Listen, you've to stay here for a while, ok?
We'll come back and get you,
promised. Go nowhere.
Behave calmly.
Be very quite, ok?
Nothing's gonna happen to me.
Climb up on me.
- I can't.
Sure you can.
Give me your hand.
No. No.
- No. Sam. Sam.
Oh god.
So you want to play huh?
If you don't leave this room,
it is unsure what happens with Sam.
What do you want?
Who are you?
I'm whoever you want,
that I am.
Oh, you silly girl.
If you'd just knew who your friend
Sammy really is.
Then we wouldn't have this
entertainment surely.
I know who he is.
Who are you?
Damn it, I have so many names.
Let's just say I'm a collector,
and today was a very good day.
Oh, your soul
smells absolutely delicious.
Fuck you.
- Uh. That would please you, what?
Then you could kill a further life,
growing up in you.
I could spend the entire
day with talking to you,
but I won't let Sammy
Sam. Are you ok?
Go. Let me here.
- Be quiet. I won't leave you here.
How the idiom says. It's funny
until someone loses an eye.
What are you doing? What do you want?
I do everything, but please stop.
- Who you wish.
Why are you doing this to us?
Why I do that to you?
The question is, why do
you do that to yourself?
I'm barely more that a tool
all this, my child.
An observer, if you want.
Well, maybe something
more than an observer.
I take influence,
inspire, motivate.
You manipulate, you mean.
Oh well.
It's not about me, right?
Did you tell it to her already, Sammy?
Told what?
- Not, of course not.
Have you ever stopped to think about
that night, Sam?
No. Of course not.
Do you have the habit
to let nobody in your life.
Those who are affected by your
Does your self-pity prevents
that you care about that, Sam?
Let's talk about
people in the other car.
What he's talking about?
Who the hell are you?
- No. No. No.
Not who the hell I am.
What would she do,
if she knew,
that you were the wanker,
who killed her husband?
Jason? Jason.
Wake up, Jason.
Oh. Yes.
I'm afraid that's the
sad, uncomfortable truth.
The truth will set you free, my mate.
Oh yes, my love.
In front of you is sitting the man who,
has ruined your sad life.
The man who has taken you everything.
You might hate him,
for what he has done to you.
It must eat you from inside.
To lose the man, you've loved.
Endure this pain,
must be unbearable.
The time has come.
How long did you wait for the opportunity
for your revenge,
on the man who
did so much pain to you?
I'm so sorry.
I never wanted that..
I'm so sorry.
Do it.
This is your chance.
The time has come for you
to make your choice.
Just do it.
I forgive him.
I forgive you.
I'll enjoy it,
to tear you piece in piece,
so how you did that to your unborn child
has torn it out from your body.
You may not intervene.
- The decision has been made.
For him, yes. You heard me.
- You took who will take you.
You should move on,
before I get really angry.
There is no redeem to her.
Fuck you and your god,
you little cunt.
Who says that?
Are you ok?
- No idea. Are we ok?
What did he mean,
there is no redeem for me?
He's lying. Or at least it is wrong
with that and played with you.
There is redeem for you.
Redeem through forgiveness.
Oh god.
Oh god, your face.
This eye. Oh god, I'm sorry.
- It's ok.
don't cry.
I forgive you, Mom.
How can you forgive me?
- Because you've never forgot about me.
You've always known that
I am a part of you.
And how many times have you talked
to me at night, prayed for my soul,
asked me for forgiveness?
You've always loved me.
- Oh god.
Now she needs your help.
She is waiting for you.
Jessica. Jessica.
Jess. Jess.
Jess, please, wake up. Please.
You can't leave me.
Come on. Please awake on.
Jess. Jess. Come on.
Jess. No, no.
- Sir.
No. don't leave me alone.
- Hello? Are you ok?
Jess. Wake up.
piss off here.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...
- Jess? Open your eyes.
Please awake up.
don't leave me alone.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
You are ok.
Look at me. Take a deep breath.
Deep. It is all right.
We can drive.
Rather buckle up, Sammy.
This is gonna be a bumpy ride.
No. No. No.
Translated and created by boogeyman