Kingdom of Heaven, The (1991)

When the Son of Man
shall come in His glory,
and all the holy angels with Him,
then shall He sit
upon the throne of His glory.
And before Him
shall be gathered all nations.
Then shall the King
say unto them on His right hand,
''Come, ye blessed of my Father,
inherit the Kingdom
prepared for you
from the foundation of the world.''
For I was an hungered,
and ye gave me meat.
I was thirsty,
and ye gave me drink.
I was a stranger,
and ye took me in.
Naked, and ye clothed me.
I was sick, and ye visited me.
I was in prison,
and ye came unto me.
Lord, when did I see
thee sick or in prison?
I've never fed thee
or gave thee drink, Master.
Neither have I, Lord.
I have never beheld
thy face until now.
Verily I say unto you,
inasmuch as ye have done it
unto one of the least of these,
ye have done it unto me.
Did you hear?
Did you hear?
Oh, quiet!
Surely, this man is wise.
I knew you'd think so.
Didn't I tell you, David?
How can you call him wise?!
He's done nothing but
tell silly stories...
sowers, seeds, mustard trees!
It's nonsense!
maybe he wants us to discover
the meaning for ourselves.
Or... or maybe not.
No, it's true.
His stories have a hidden meaning...
the secrets of
the Kingdom of Heaven.
If the secrets of the Kingdom
of Heaven are to be taught,
they will be taught by a Rabbi.
Shhh, quiet now.
Jesus is ready to preach.
He who hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
The Kingdom of Heaven is likened
unto a man who planted
a field of wheat.
But while he and
his servants slept
his enemy came and scattered
bad seeds among the wheat,
then went on his way.
And it came to pass that
when the wheat came forth,
there appeared tares also.
I don't know how this
could have happened, sir.
We planted good seeds.
I know we did.
It's not your fault, my friend.
An enemy has done this.
I'll pull up the tares, sir.
When you pull up the tares, you
may damage the wheat as well.
Let them grow together
until the harvest.
And at that time,
I will say to the reapers,
''Gather the tares together and
tie them in bundles to burn them.
Then gather the wheat, bind them together,
and store them into my barn.
I see! I see! The wheat are the
good people and the tares are...
Now you understand this nonsense as well?
I think I do.... I...
Well, I thought I did.
Don't you?
This man teaches blasphemy and wickedness!
Beware, all of you!
Come, Jeremiah!
I said, we're leaving, Jeremiah!
Come now, or you will be shut
out of the synagogue forever!
I'm coming. I'm coming.
You didn't actually want to stay, did you?
Of course not! It was just
so nice to be outside, that's all....
The fresh air and all.
He who hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Again, the Kingdom of Heaven
is like unto a merchant man,
seeking goodly pearls.
( song)
All that I have, I'll sell all that I have
to hold in my hand the pearl.
Nothing I have can compare with the prize
when I hold in my hand the pearl.
Brighter than sun, clearer than glass,
dearer than gold... the pearl.
Kingdom of God, it's the Kingdom of God,
it's life with my Lord... the pearl.
All that I have is ashes, is earth,
now that I've seen the pearl.
And I will not rest; I cannot be content
'til at last it is mine, forever to shine,
the Kingdom of God... the pearl.
Let me gather everything I own,
all that in this dreary world I've known.
Pleasures and possessions now I bring...
trade them for one single shining thing.
All that I have is ashes, is earth,
now that I've seen the pearl.
And I will not rest, I cannot be content
'til at last it is mine, forever to shine,
the Kingdom of God... the pearl. ( end song)
I... I must be going.
But, David, He's not finished.
I don't want to hear anymore.
David, what's wrong?
Give up all I have?!
That's what He's saying.
That I must give up
everything and follow Him!
David, you know He
teaches the truth.
I have worked too hard, Sarah.
It's taken ten long years.
My work... my work is my life!
Is it worth more
than the Kingdom of Heaven?
... for many are called,
but few are chosen.
I... I can't.
He who hath ears to hear,
let him hear.
Then shall the Kingdom of Heaven
be likened unto ten maidens,
five of them were wise,
and five were foolish.
So what, Leah.
So we forgot oil for our lamps.
It doesn't matter!
I don't know why you
made us bring them anyhow.
We don't need them
in the broad daylight!
I told you,
sometimes the bridegroom
doesn't arrive until very late.
You worry too much, Leah.
It'll be all right.
We'll leave for the
wedding at sundown.
That's a bit late, isn't it?
I want to make sure that everyone
has a chance to get there.
Well, you needn't worry
about that, Judah.
The entire city is waiting to
accompany you to the wedding.
Do you think we
could have missed him?
How could we have?
We've been here all day.
I don't know about you,
but I'm getting some rest!
Wake us up when he arrives, Leah.
Master Judah arrives!
Master Judah arrives!
Fall in line
for the wedding party!
Master Judah arrives!
Fall in line for the wedding
party! Master Judah arrives...
He's here!
Fall in line
for the wedding party!
Fall in line!
Master Judah arrives!
Master Judah arrives...
Fall in line
for the wedding party...
Master Judah arrives!
Master Judah arrives!
Fall in line for the wedding party!
Fall in line for the wedding party!
Master Judah arrives!
Master Judah arrives!
Fall in line for the wedding party!
Master Judah arrives!
Master... Judah arrives...
Master... Judah... arrives
Fall in line for the wedding party.
Master Judah arrives.
Fall in line for the wedding party.
Oh, we've been around this part of
the city several times, Judah, sir.
Are you sure everyone's
had a chance to hear?
I should think so!
I... I don't want
to leave anyone behind.
Master Judah arrives!
Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
We've given ample warning.
Alright, then.
Now on to the wedding.
Master Judah arrives! Fall in
line for the wedding party!
Master Judah arrives!
He's arrived!
Quick, the wedding
party is passing!
Wait! Wait for us!
Come here!
Give us some of your oil! We can't see!
But, then we'll all run out.
Leah, hurry up! Come here!
I'm sorry, Simone.
I want to help you, but...
but if we don't leave now,
we'll all miss the wedding.
We'll knock on these doors!
Try to buy some! Hurry!
Let us begin.
Oh God, we come before thee...
Judah... Judah!
Who calls?
Your friends! Your friends?!
Do I know you? Hold up your lamps
so I can see your faces.
Well, we have no oil.
Our light has gone out.
If you are my friends, why didn't
you come when I called?
Come Judah, it's time to begin.
I'm... I'm sorry, I know you not.
Watch therefore, for ye know
neither the day nor the hour
wherein the Son of Man cometh.
Come again tomorrow.
You can hear Jesus teach then.
Master, why do you speak
to the people in parables?
Wouldn't it be easier to teach them plainly?
To you it is given to know
the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven,
but to them it is not given.
Don't you want them to understand, Lord?
Yes, but their ears are dull,
and their eyes are closed.
But blessed are your eyes and ears,
for they see and hear.
The parable of the sower, Master.
There's something I don't understand.
Sit next to me.
Behold, a sower went forth to sow.
And when he sowed,
some seeds fell by the wayside.
I know that you are the sower, Lord,
and that the seeds are the word of God.
But what does this mean,
seeds falling by the wayside?
When anyone hears the word of God
but refuses to understand it
then the evil one comes
and takes away that
which was sown in his heart.
This is he who received
the seed by the wayside.
But he who receives the seed
into a stony place
hears the word of God with joy at first,
but when the heat of persecution rises,
his faith dies, and he falls away,
because the seed has no root in his heart.
He that received the seed among
thorns is he that heareth the word,
but the cares of this world
and the deceitfulness of riches
chokes the word, and he becomes unfruitful.
But one who receives
the seed into good ground,
that person hears the word
and understands it, and also bears fruit
some thirty, some sixty,
some an hundred fold.
So shall it be at the end of the world.
The King shall say unto
them on His right hand,
''Come ye blessed of my Father,
inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
from the foundation of the world.''