Kings of Mykonos, The (2010)

- On 3 I!
- I'm late five minutes. How did it go?
Go, go!
The solid me! It's an antique!
- My car!
- Bitch! Go!
Stop watch
that crazy!
It went to a marriage counselor
to save your marriage?
This was the marriage counselor.
Did you go to the marriage counselor?
No, for months.
I have gone to none.
Steve, do you think I lost my style?
Of course not. Relax. If
You lost, I lost myself.
Stavros Karamitsos?
My name is Jimmy. I am your cousin
you from Main Mykonos.
I have bad news.
Your uncle died.
- My uncle?
- The funeral is on the other...
We send flowers.
Indian call center.
The types of taste everything!
The player's trophy
the year 1993!
The trophy? Look at my hood!
All good, baby...
Crazy dog!
Pomeranian is stupid!
I do not care where it is.
It's a killer.
From the Get my car!
What about the shop
your father?
It is racism, damn.
I'm legal, damn!
By "issues" because I am a stranger!
- Tony, what up?
- Steve, a big mistake, damn.
Requires political "starch"! I
political prisoner, damn!
- What the hell is going on?
- Do not worry, Steve, damn.
I'll say the conspiracy,
drug trafficking...
- Confiscation patrol...
- Estate?
Do not say anything!
I am innocent!
Sorry for your shop.
And watch your car!
This is my car!
Steve, never mind.
I got it. It's safe.
Only in a foreign yard.
Without a roof.
Not to put it
front for the battery!
Steve, a car is...
There are worse.
Since I cut
the disability pension...
... Should be working!
We have been through a lot together.
I feel naked without it.
Steve Karamitsos?
Dude, do not know what you sell.
We do not sell anything.
I am Jimmy, from Main Mykonos.
Again From the call center?
Val'to an open hearing.
'I go to Mykonos.
Five hours on the train!
In Mildura you go, Dad...
Do you eat a lot in the head.
'Listen to me. Your father
Leonidas called, right?
He had a brother, Panos.
He died.
If you come to open
of wills, they will lose everything.
- House, restaurant, beach...
- Which beach, man?
- We have no beach.
- No beach Mildura.
Steve, your father
once told me...
... That his brother
was very rich.
I thought you said
shit, but...
- Jimmy in again?
- Not Jimmy, Jimmy!
This beach... For how much
talking about? What is?
Two, maybe half.
And you want to come here
for $ 2,500?
No, 2,500,000... Euro.
Steve, meet here
International Exhibition Girl Friend!
My relatives are simple
people. Do not talk to chicks.
Relax, pal.
I'm sensitive.
Okay, pal.
I have nothing better to do.
Yes, very.
The donkey ran out of hay
and had to fill.
Where do you think? And talk
English. I have no problem.
Here we are.
I sit in front.
Where are the rest?
Do not You left
to die, my God!
Take it easy! Take it easy! My God!
What, girls?
Dude, the Greek
are hot!
I have not seen a mustache!
- What does wok;
- Wog.
So we say in Australia.
We wogboys.
- Is this good?
- Yes.
That is not. The Australian
call it offensive.
And you say contest
- What?
- She will be the king.
- Who?
- The Pierluigi, man.
It took 43 women in a month.
Is record
will never break.
Therefore it is
King of Mykonos.
That's it!
You see? So
m'efere God here!
So I dry three
months! I will break the record!
I go to the beach.
- What do we owe?
- Nothing.
The owner is
your second cousin.
Relatives do not pay.
Said Greekonomics.
I love this place.
Here it is.
The beautiful beach you.
It's amazing!
The spelling on the plate
you are wrong.
The "beach" is spelled with two "e".
Pit Bulls!
How you solved?
This is the Apollo.
The best friend of your uncle.
Do not worry, I'll fix it.
Maybe not.
Good is...
Come here, boy...
You're good, right?
- Wow.
Nobody touched him from
since died, Panos.
Do you like this, right?
Guys, my wife Voula.
It is Spartan.
Nice to meet you, Dot.
Come in. We have the best marine
Sinai in Mykonos. I'll bring drinks.
I got a good feeling.
The party, people...
I feel good.
No! Alarm "fig tree"!
- What do we do?
- For starters, do not greet!
Hi, I'm Otto.
From here the Dieter.
We noticed the hairy friend.
Listen, I respect. The catalytic
its submissions, but I do not do that.
The animal may have great historical
importance for our theory.
- Allows you?
- Me?
The Kid Yes, of course.
Dude! All play
this island!
I hope the kid
be over 18!
It archaeologists. The Germans
believe will save us.
We can gather some
Kid's droppings?
Yes, of course. Free.
- Began to collect.
- It's perfect. Beautiful specimen.
You know what?
- Medallion?
- No!
It is rare Neolithic currency
we found five years ago.
You may overturn theories
settlements on the Aegean.
We must gather
fresh feces.
- Yes, I love me fresh.
- Yes, of course.
- It's scientists.
- Yes, teachers Kouradologias!
There are clubs in this island?
You know what I mean.
the Seven Sins.
- Drought. Let's go.
- It's authentic bouzouki!
Enjoy the atmosphere
and not thinking...
Christoula me!
Finally, interested
something no V8.
Excuse me.
Treasure hunt.
Steve, Mike, the owner.
- The nephew of Panos.
- Steve, exult.
Welcome to Mykonos. If you want
something while you're here, come to me.
Your uncle was my friend.
There are many Greeks
In Australia, they say.
Approximately 500,000.
But only five families.
The same thing happened here. We are all
relatives. Long winter.
This is not
My relative, right?
- Life? "No, I do not think.
- Thank God!
- Have fun.
- Thanks, pal.
Look! The best table!
Michael cares
- How to become a friend?
- Are you already.
Cheers, ears!
What about flowers?
So you show your appreciation
the singer.
My appreciation?
How about everything?
Similarly. How much?
Here, 200.
- Let's show some appreciation.
- To show you how to do?
How difficult is it? You have
the disk flowers...
Like this.
Sorry, pal.
Much education Ninja.
"Never see" Detective Monk "?
It's safer down here.
And both of us.
Michael invited us
the beach. Come on.
But when I gave 200 euros
for flowers!
Steve has no hope.
Do not go mad. Come on, come on.
- Well, Frank, spent 200 euros!
- Go!
And the flowers?
That's it!
Welcome to the real
Mykonos. Super Beach.
- Yours is the beach?
- Tonight is yours.
All on us.
- No, man, no becomes.
- I insist.
- You already did a lot for us.
- Please, do not offend.
Excuse me. The work
here goes.
Have fun.
Well, a plan of attack.
Patriot, how's it going?
- How do you know that I'm Italian?
- Small Island, my friend.
He sat with me. I
me to devote a couple!
I do not want your leftovers, man.
Only gynaikares I'm interested.
Start m'o you find things better.
Laugh as you want, but I'm
the new king of the island.
You can break
the record, I think?
Can I have any
I want a woman here.
And it?
- Information?
- Her name is Miss Italy.
Comes years here and there
has anyone come close.
You want to be king? Rix'tin
and to enthrone myself!
- It is.
- Good luck.
Look here, buddy! Can you believe it?
It's incredible!
I love Greece!
Yes... Unbelievable.
Come on, Frank! Go!
- When you sleep?
- In winter.
You have a bag?
I do not know what Lakis,
but I will fakeloso.
I mean an envelope with money.
For the notary.
- San corruption?
- No, as a tip.
Do not worry,
I'll fix it myself.
Everything is okay.
Are you the sole beneficiary in
Panos will Karamitsou.
The restaurant, home and
The beach is yours.
Market value...
... Three million euros.
Despite the queue, buddy!
As a nephew and not
direct heir...
... Must pay
inheritance tax.
- What is it?
- Tax.
- Steve, you mat!
- What if I can pay?
The state sells everything
and you do not get anything.
You must prove
your identity.
Then the judge
validate everything.
Can I do anything else?
The oiling, stupid!
Come on.
I feel that once
with fakelosan!
I hate to Greece!
Michael playing backgammon.
Come learn something.
I'm leaving. They spent 24 hours
I have not done anything.
We must move. Hello.
Girls, I'm new
You tell me how to go
in your room?
I make List m'oses want to Ka-
more than sex and I want your names.
Are you kidding? Will play
Porsche 911 Carrera;
A car is. I have many.
- In your village is that?
- No, my home.
My God! It is the most
unlikely place I have ever seen!
- It often happens that?
- Magazine Vogue.
Coming to photography.
- He has his good moments.
- And I, just see it!
- Watch.
- How did you know that we won?
I do not know. It is the curse of
Mykonians. We're gamblers.
Life is full of risks, man.
If you do not want to risk,
better not to live.
- Nice cue it.
-1,000,000 Tax, right?
Quickly learn the news here.
Steve, let me
take care of myself.
Write to me the beach
I will pay the tax.
I'll give you and 250,000 euros.
-250,000 To skatoparalia?
-150,000...? 100,000?
No, I thought,
after I saw what you do...
... Make an effort.
What will I suffer? The very burnt.
The judge is
at the end of the week.
- Think about it, okay?
- Okay, buddy.
- What about other models?
- No, these are my friends.
Dude, you're
Hugh Chefner-Dimopoulou!
Come to recommend.
Girls, a friend of mine
from Australia. Steve.
What happened? Calm down!
It reminds me of a porn
I saw once.
Only the donkey is missing!
Thanks for the alarm!
Glad you woke up.
I want to talk to you.
For my sex life.
Remember that the Italian
I told you? I saw.
Remember mpatzios lost
The shootout in World Cup '94?
Happened to me twice.
- Too bad, pal.
- It is time for jokes.
I think I feel something.
Came to work here.
Not fooling around with
summer love.
You are right.
You know, I saw this
- Asking about you.
- Asking about me?
Gaze, man.
- Calm down!
- What do you think about it, mpatzios?
- Always have so many people?
- Of course. Come on.
Sit. I'll get something to eat.
Jimmy, they leave
without pay.
Of course. Relatives.
Your uncle would not let relatives
to pay. Greekonomics.
These Greekonomics
batiromiks made us!
I want to say anything at all.
Hello. I'm Steve.
Your cousin AP'TIN Australia.
Well, to inherit
the beach...
I need a...
You know, taxes...
Yeah? Good.
From today, new policy.
Everybody pays.
Okay? Paying...
Good. Thanks.
You know, you're too
good speaker.
The bank manager
are my relatives?
It was a good joke?
The only funny thing is I thought
that here are all reasonable.
A day and has already
specialist in Mykonos?
Well done. Do you still
much to learn.
Maybe I want someone
to show me.
You are very good singer.
They usually do not care
my voice.
- My Life.
- Steve. What you become?
Well, Steve, what brings
in our beautiful island?
Do not you know? You're not alone.
I know. I was just polite.
Sorry, but in Greece
women speak frankly.
- In Australia, I do not know.
- Please speak frankly.
You're stupid.
- Thanks.
- I mean, with good sense.
But a true Mykoniatis
never makes two things.
First, it challenged
their relatives.
And secondly?
I look like a tour guide?
No, but perhaps a
good fool like me...
... Need a guide.
Maybe someone does.
- Where are the customers?
- Not available.
- Not eating.
- Why?
Because insulted
everyone stupid.
There is another transport
tool without worrying about tricycle?
- The wreck of Panos.
- What wreck?
My God!
It's gorgeous!
- Is a crock.
- There is a crock, man.
It Rontiac CataIina of '64.
Very rare.
Only 8,000 were built.
All originals.
Feel it.
- What is it?
- Panos.
At rallies of Mykonos
but came last.
- Becomes rally in Mykonos?
- Yes. Michael always wins.
No one has hope.
I would put a 455 V8 GTO
at this baby...
... Anytime, anywhere.
You have seen what they do
these things?
- No, Steve. Not.
- Frank, I want to take a look.
If you do,
we eat all night.
- But I want to take a look!
- I know because I have no success.
I am daily newspapers.
I work better day.
- Trying to become nocturnal.
- You were always nocturnal.
Yes, but I changed.
Ripened. Come on, come on.
Steve, you'll end up alone
a nursing home car!
- Sorry...
- I ordered already, thanks.
I'm not a waiter.
I'm new. My Giving
hotel for your instructions?
Creating list of those
I want to have sex...
... And I want the spelling
of your own.
And I said,
watch out, ass-Turk!
I am half Cypriot, half
Kritikos and I want to kill you!
- Tony the Yugoslav!
- Crete. Tony the Cretan.
- What are you doing here, damn it?
- Holidays, say. You?
Ran away AP'TIN spam
Prostitution in Australia, damn.
Australia has an agreement
issue with Greece.
Maybe. But not on the island.
Crete is Greece.
Do not trust illegal
taxi driver for fake cards!
Sorry, you must
To make a call.
See you later.
What is this island?
All the abnormal
holiday here?
- Dad, you're here!
- Panos!
Excuse me,
its been a little lost.
It has it lost, pal.
It vromogeros.
Oh, okay, 'Greek
be. What are you waiting for?
I expect to ask
ap'tis sorry ladies.
Relax, pal. Look at him.
He does not know what does.
Then Apologizes
you cause.
Relax, pal.
Do not you put me. I have
yellow belt in tae kwon do.
Greek style.
I'll choso finger
the nostril!
To see this!
- He did a lot of trouble?
- Soon.
- Sometimes overlooked.
- Like all of us.
Thanks. In owe.
Never mind. We go
for a drink after work?
- Will end at 3.
- No problem.
With the trip and the kid,
I do not sleep much.
- Thanks again.
- See you then.
OK, actually.
How go?
- Was good?
- Yeah, right.
- Was the world?
- Yes, as always.
Where to go?
Steve, I am sorry
I have an appointment.
On 3 in the morning?
Thanks for helping me
my father.
After the death
my mother changed.
Never mind. And I changed
when I got the car.
The Theo sent the cards.
- What time is it, man?
- Two in the afternoon.
Look here. The act of marriage
my parents...
In my birth certificate
and passports.
Look here now.
The Greeks were not well
their eyebrows then?
The dates look!
My mother gave birth to five
months after he went to Australia.
My father was already there a
time. You know what that means?
You are bigger
than you think?
Your father did not
is your father.
Then what?
He promised not to say anything.
He was my best friend.
- Theo, is worth millions!
- In the money?
Steve, listen. Your father
was a good man.
Your mother was unhappy,
had a problem.
- Your father did the right thing.
- Who is my father, Theo?
A true saint.
Always did the right thing...
Who is the real me
His brother. Panos.
Theo, I'm Frankie.
How's the shop?
My dad?
They are happy, well.
I do not know how you live
with the money you pull out here.
You have fire insurance?
I can arrange something.
Not. I'll get later.
Listen, I know how you feel.
There's a good thing.
You son, you do not
to pay tax.
The beach is yours.
Yeah, my whole life
was a big lie.
This is bad.
- Steve, how are you?
- It's all in the bay, Frank.
They think I'm stupid. No
I'm stupid. We will show you.
- Making the car?
- No!
We find evidence that Panos
was my father. Got it?
Hi, buddy.
What are you doing?
How can I help?
I want to send this to
DNA lab in Athens.
The hair in the file... I
DNA compared with mine.
Where do you think you are, asshole?
CSI in Mykonos?
Get your hair.
Par'tis and go!
I miss the game! Way!
Go, man!
Go away, we say!
- Can I go somewhere?
- I prefer the bus.
It is comforting to sweat over
My fifty people.
- Angry about yesterday.
- You are not nothing escapes you!
This degradation is
after the Porsches, right?
Michael and I
We are partners.
- I am concerned.
- Exactly.
Still looking for someone
be a guide in Mykonos?
Not only clubs
and parties here.
You know Mykonos
has 365 churches;
One for each day of the year.
- Sorry, bored?
- No churches. S'akouo.
- I just work.
- Learn to relax.
My cousin!... Emmanuel, I
talk to you about seafood.
The Greeks do not want
to pay, right?
There are so angry.
Panos promised
the tavern for baptism.
Now we need to talk to
Michael, to make it to Super.
- Where do you know?
- I am the godmother. Come on.
- What happened?
- I know what happens here.
- Your friend s'evale, right?
- Michael is my friend.
Yeah, right.
You are collaborators.
What kind of cooperation
you at 3 in the morning?
It's my fiance.
You're lucky that did not work
the tae-kwon-do my instinct!
- Where were you?
- I lost my time...
-20 Shots of raki, possible.
- What happened?
I came to my senses, man.
Fuck the beach, the Greeks
and Mykonos.
I'm tired. Time to learn
fun as wogboys!
- We're back!
- We're back!
- Come along.
- Yes.
Where is the DJ;
I have order.
- We have more!
- Imagine that!
Shame. What they want
The Pierluigi and the waiter.
- It's sad.
- What do you know this?
You know what they want,
because they are afraid of dogs?
That is, just not afraid...
You know what's the matter?
- You do not want.
- You're drunk.
Yes, you. And you're right.
Everyone here wants to.
- I was very happy.
- I do not. And I have no car.
I once had a car. My left
my father when he died.
And then I took it.
Then he called me and said
he died my other father.
Now I have two fathers...
... Which we both die.
And I have no car.
Neither beach.
And I do not want.
- Go for a walk?
- Yeah, okay.
Stand all night, man. Ask
cricket team Giarampou.
Endure as long as you want.
You th'apodeixeis anything.
You know why? Why is your friend
stabbed in the back.
Stopped! I won!
You write books about what they want
Men, women highlighted him?
- What is it?
- True my self.
- This is my disguise.
- Very good disguise.
Right, baby. This
you do too. Nuca, nuca!
Calm down, baby.
We got all night.
Life, and I saw.
- Who are you talking?
- The most beautiful girl...
I gave Michael something
or did you love?
You know something?
Why do not you come back in Australia
Lia? Nobody wants you here.
- We will come back.
- Good.
Well, just answer me something.
No, I love him.
It is more convoluted.
- You're drunk.
- I'm not drunk.
You know what I am? "A good
fool who seeks answers.
My mother was
great singer.
Better than me.
My father built
shop for it.
When he died,
He went crazy.
He began to drink,
playing cards.
I could not see him.
I went to Athens
I career.
A few years ago he sold half
shop on Michael, because of debts.
Michael bought
under one condition.
- To sing too.
- You want, not the shop.
He got what he wanted?
, .
Michael and I married.
We will announce the christening.
So, you want.
Men are not listening, right?
- What...?
- Shut up.
Life, I want to say something.
I never liked
summer romance.
- But since I met you...
- No, Steve.
This will not happen again,
I was a little drunk last night.
I can do better.
Many women, too many,
I think...
- Steve, do not hear me.
- Above-average...
- But when I drink...
- This will not happen again.
And nobody would know.
- I want to go.
- Here is my home.
All right. You can go
to get dressed?
Come in please!
I got something for you.
- What is it?
- A book for women.
- Because you do.
- Had a good time?
Hurt me, Frank.
With wounded as
no other woman.
No need to
boasted, asshole.
- The taxi me. I'm checking out.
- Where are you going?
Broke my heart, Steve.
Broke my heart.
Do not talk like the "Godfather" and
tell me what the hell you mean!
I hope it was worth
our friendship.
Frank, what happens?
Are you leaving?
No, I know chicks
the tail.
- No, I'm okay.
- Come, sit down.
Frank does not speak.
I understood why.
He thinks he slept with Miss
Italy. You will to'kana it!
Cousin... I was on the car.
Why are all weird
this? Glad you came.
Tell Manolis that he give the
Tavern for baptism, for free.
I do this?
Thanks, Stavros.
Thank you.
I mean...
How do you say when
are you shocked?
- Shocked.
- Okay, I do this.
We... we...
- How do we say, "We lied"?
- We lied.
We lied from the beginning.
We thought it would take
shop and we drove.
We wanted to be rid of.
Trust me, cousin. I did not know
that Panos was your father.
How did this to me? We
family! Do not do that!
Sorry, cousins. Sorry.
Okay I am now.
Who wants frappe?
This is my mother...
By Panos.
- We want to help you.
- Do you speak English?
From it the better idiot.
Everyone knows that the "beach"
spelled with two "e"!
Sorry not to
trusted, cousins.
Tell me... How I did it
this Steve? Tell me.
Dude, Mykonos blows the cover-
and worse than ourselves.
Grab the cake.
You're not as dumb look.
I have RhD land use.
I did two years
And no one jumped yesterday.
We both lost our time.
Not every relationship
with sex, patriot.
Yes they are.
You know my name, Frank?
- King of Mykonos.
- I know.
- Forty women in a month.
-43. But go for many years.
You know how old I am?
Not at all bad!
You know how they keep
Such a body at my age?
On steroids?
You know what they are doing steroids?
As a snail chonetai
back to the shell.
Many details, man!
By freak!
Franco, come here.
To speak honestly...?
As an Italian to Italy?
- Not being a woman, right?
- I'm From the Jersey.
In Mykonos nothing
is not true.
No need to shoot women
for na'sai king.
I'll show you something.
Look here.
This is my gift
This makes
true king.
I work for
hotels Chariot.
The third largest
chain in the world.
Michael and I
we are working on this years.
It stretches from Main Super
to the beach Panos.
- On the beach, Steve?
- Panos resisted.
'So represents the Italian...
... For this thing?
I did because the Americans
do not jump here.
What is the chick
the beach?
- It's hot...
- I would make an effort.
Give me your SIM...
Dos'ti me!
After that you did,
we're not friends anymore.
But I love you like a brother
and this is my gift.
- The skatokinito you?
- No, stupid! This pou'chei in!
Plans for Mike
beach. And best microphone.
- Look and listen.
- Frank, I did not go with 'Enza.
- What?
- By Miss Italy.
- I said the name?
- Read the book I gave you.
You're the best!
You do not know from Greekonomics;
- Thanks for the invitation.
- Please. You go well?
- Yeah, great.
- Tell him about the kid.
'They came from Main t'apotelesmata
Munich. Great news.
Apollo comes from ibex.
They have almost disappeared.
It is a national treasure AP'TIN
Crete. It would would render here.
Is invited!
- The kid is invited?
- Is that a joke?
And they say that the Germans
have no sense of humor!
Let us
emulate them.
Very nice, man!
Be careful not to happen to you
no pulling!
It happens to pull!
As you know, Zoe and I
we are together a long time.
We have a date
the end of the month.
How to arrange
Michael so many relatives?
- I will fill the resort?
- Are you crazy?
Not to press
Greeks there!
The staff will come
from London.
The Chariot does not work with
locals. Is the new Europe.
Tell them
the hotel, Michael.
Tell them how to take care
when they are on the road.
Believe him? Is a liar!
From the mind of the turns.
Then how this phone...
... Is full of pictures of
Resort from here to the beach?
You find the Apollo.
Calm down. Coping alone
it. It is a great kid.
I laugh to be quite polite.
Enough so, do you think?
Yes, let's stop.
Cousin, come to dance.
I dance better
moonwaIk, you know...
Come... I'll show you.
I came back, Steve! Spin!
I read the book!
Thanks, pal!
Come to dance.
- What was that?
- Mike from the beach.
It was lucky that failed,
would otherwise be on the menu tonight.
You can not kill him.
It is a protected species.
He entered illegally,
... And dig everywhere, Michael
had every right.
Michael, I thought you were good
man, but they're not.
- Really?
- Yes... M'echeis piss off.
And did you wrong, pal.
Big mistake.
Come on, buddy. Not worth it.
Come on, Steve.
Come on, do not deserve.
- Ta'kane on it?
- No.
Ta'kane on it. Came in
bad man. Came in badly.
Enjoy your book?
Usually I read such
but yes, it's good.
Thanks. I wrote it.
You're the 'Enza Patsilo...
It's amazing!
I sit down?
You know, I like very
this book.
I understood, you know.
I understood.
All these types
that follow...
Obviously what they want,
but you want something else.
Tell me.
You seem a person at all,
but what are you waiting for...
... Is someone who
discover what is hidden.
Very good.
Thanks. I
sensitive guy.
What do you think
you have to do?
This was the cue from Main book
me. Page 53.
- Trying to bring me.
- I'm not trying to get her.
And it was on page 53.
It was on page 57.
Since I first saw at...
I do not care anymore to be a
King of Mykonos.
What should I do?
He continued to read.
- Where are you going?
- In my secret beach.
- Where?
- If the saying, will not be secret.
Secret beach...
How many beaches are there?
Oh, many!
I'm going to court. Help me
and we will get back to the shop.
Not. The Seven Sins
lost anymore.
Nobody beats Michael. Of
owned everything and everyone.
You never lose.
Sell the beach and go,
before they lose everything, like me.
Mr Karamitsos, claim that
You son of Panos Karamitsou.
Produce a photograph and
documents as evidence?
Unfortunately, they do not arrive...
Have you anything else?
You have money to pay
inheritance tax?
Mr President, I
I pay tax...
... And n'agoraso extent.
You have the whole amount?
- Cash.
- Cash. Very good.
If there is something else
provide Mr. Karamitsos...
Mr President, I have something.
True my father sent
letters to Australia.
They tell the whole story.
I sent them,
but I want the weekend.
Please, Mr President.
Only at the weekend.
Well... Just because
I want to see the rally.
Thank you, Mr President...
You have a Monday.
- No, no letters.
- And what would you do?
The question is, what
made a Mykoniatis?
Asshole, what are you doing here?
You have finished.
Wins the rally
for the 15th consecutive year...
... And Monday
I'll take you to the beach.
Why wait?
I dare ya. At rallies.
The winner takes it all.
You win, you get to the beach.
I win, leave me quiet...
And give to Life
the Seven Sins.
I knew it. Bluff.
There are no letters.
Sorry, you bet.
Get out of here.
I thought that Mykonos
're gamblers.
- We are not stupid.
- Life is full of risks, man.
Are you a ranter, man.
With fear?
- I be in fear?
- Are you big chicken.
Okay, kangaroo.
See you at the rally.
And I will show you what
the true king of the island.
The winner takes it all.
The winner takes it all.
I'll take everything you have
and everything you want.
I've xanapathei it.
- To get to the chase?
- Sure, damn.
What do you want? "Guns, drugs.
Can you find it, damn.
Parts car.
- Parts?
- Yes, tonight.
Want to put drugs
to spare.
No, plain parts.
Can you?
Yes, but...
This is not illegal, damn!
- To steal the spare parts?
- Map of Villa Mike.
The garage has 20 cars.
Take what you want.
Perfect, damn!
Well, listen.
Tomorrow I want you awake.
Michael is desperate.
Together we can win.
Michael is very smart.
It's useless.
They have all
in breast pocket.
Have you heard of Gallipoli?
- The pasta with shrimp?
- No. They Anzacs.
Australians and New Zealanders
in World.
I had to get a beach
at Gallipoli, but failed.
Thrown in waves
the enemy lines...
... And slaughtered
again and again.
- Took to the beach?
- No. They took every inch with blood.
Hence, inch-inch
got to the beach.
No, because then
repelled them.
I knew that would be killed,
yet risked everything.
Why do you say that?
It's depressing!
Only if you risk everything
get what you want.
I continue to struggle
and not put it down.
As the Anzacs
against the Turks.
- They fought the Turks?
- Yes. This is not the issue.
How long held
Turks in Greece?
- Four hundred years ago.
- Exactly.
I heard that the grandmother of Michael
is the 1 / 16 Turkish.
- Bastards!
- What is that noise?
Did you find the parts?
Come to know
You are the Greeks are
all relatives, damn!
We Greeks, I mean.
- Where are the other cars?
- Michael lubricate them all.
You both of you.
Life turned AP'TIN Athens.
My heartbreak!
- Looks?
- No.
I feel like I'm
a film of Elvis!
Look here!
My father
very wog!
Very good, damn it!
Are you crazy?...
I'll kill you!
- Stop immediately the race!
- From this it depends a lot of people!
From the kid you, idiot!
On the beach, Michael
dug another one like that.
- And then?
- It's proof you were looking for!
A pre-Neolithic
culture on the island!
The beaches are
are archaeological sites.
The coin proves it.
- Show me that proof!
- It's inside the goat.
Ate. We expect
to draw from yesterday.
- And you lost?
- Germans are not shepherds.
If you find the kid...
The state will get
Beach me.
- Where have you seen lately?
- In the town before the match.
You are Greeks not
you know rally, damn.
The Kid!
We must follow
The Kid!
Frank, on the other hand
the city. Tony, in the harbor.
The rest will be divided
in the city. Go, go!
Steve, wait!
We must talk to you.
I have others in mind
this time.
- You saw a kid?
- No.
The next time
three sugars, damn!
I'll be back and leave.
Nice ass...
You're not like blackjack.
We gotta go!
'I come, baby! 'Il!
You saw a kid?
Look! Mr. Yellow Belt
Greek Style!
I was very happy, guys.
I thought the Masters
tae-kwon-do talk away.
- Want a fight?
- Yes. She likes?
Not me. My wife.
It is Spartan.
- How important is Apollo?
- Swallowed such a currency.
If you find it,
Michael was destroyed.
- And keep the beach?
- No. But we will fall together!
- As at Gallipoli.
- Exactly.
The pasta with shrimp?
- Are you okay?
- Yes. "I got cramp.
You found my secret beach.
I think I will vomit.
Not in person, man!
Not the hair!
- Steve Karamitsos?
- Down here!
On the ferry to Athens, Dad
I said that Apollo...
... It was a dowry in marriage
Panos with your mother.
- Was married?
- Yes, for a month.
This is a copy
the marriage license.
your heritage.
This is great.
Too bad I would not hold.
This currency is the shit
proof that my beach...
... And Michael Beach
are archaeological sites.
Please call the beaches
Super Apollo and Apollo.
I will appeal. Nobody
I get to the beach.
You know who I am?
I have known the government!
Over, Michael.
I would say when he finished.
Got it?
Give your phone.
Give the phone, Mori!
Greek singer. I do
this three times a week.