Kinky Boots: The Musical (2019)

Trust your feet in Price & Son
Our work is tried and true
Practical, pragmatical
Steadfast and steady too
If you stroll or saunter,
amble, walk, jog, hop, or run
The prudent shoe for you
to choose is Price & Son
You might think beauty
comes in spring and sparrow
Or when the sunrise
hits the morning dew
But if you walk the
straight and narrow
You'll find the elegance
and comfort is a
- Do you know what the
most beautiful thing
in the world is, Charlie?
- A shoe?
- A shoe.
The most beautiful thing in the world
The most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
That I know
Sing it, Charlie.
The most beautiful thing in the world
the most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
It's beautiful
Four generations have
paved the way before you
You'll be next in line
when my time is through
And there's a saying handed
down I've found of value
That you can tell
about a fella from his
The most beautiful thing in the world
The most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
That I know, I know
The most beautiful thing in the world
The most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
It's beautiful, it's beautiful
- But what if I don't want to make shoes?
- You're a
right funny kid, you are.
The most beautiful thing in the world
The most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
That I know, I know
The most beautiful thing in the world
The most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
It's beautiful, it's beautiful
Feels like I'm dancing
across the high wire
Or bravely soaring off into the blue
Just like a rocket lifts
with sparks and fire
Feels like the magic
never ends inside these
- Take those things off your feet,
and get inside here, stupid boy!
- Charlie, here are the
shoes I told you about!
Come have a look!
Aren't they the most
necessary things ever?
If you want to slip a ring on my finger,
you'll first slip these shoes on my feet.
- A tad posh for life in
Northampton, wouldn't you say?
- Then good thing we're moving to London!
And won't they make a fitting farewell
to the stink of cattle
farms and tanning leather?
We may have been born
in a small factory town,
but we sure as hell
don't have to die there.
- You see the price?
There's three months' rent.
- Pinch 'em or pay for
'em, that's up to you,
but these shoes are in my future.
To new beginnings
Hello to sunny days
We're upward mobile now
Goodbye to small-town ways
Till it's impossible to find
A trace of what we left behind
And the defining element
is in these shoes
The most beautiful thing in the world
The most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
That I know, I know
The most beautiful thing in the world
The most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
It's beautiful, it's beautiful
- Your life, your future is
right here in this factory.
You belong here.
- No, I belong with Nicola in London.
- No, you belong here.
- Will you toast my journey?
- But to leave your family and home
for a job shopping in London.
- Marketing!
Dad, Richard Bailey has
offered Nicola and me
positions marketing real estate.
- You're breaking me heart, Charlie.
- Oi, to you, Dad.
- Shoes can protect a man's journey,
but only his heart can choose the path.
And so, a toast to our own Charlie.
May you never fail to
point your shoes back home.
- To Charlie!
Beautiful, it's beautiful
- To Charlie!
Beautiful, it's beautiful
- To Charlie!
These shoes are symbols
of our family history
These shoes will carry
me to where I want to be
Feels like I'm dancing
These shoes are symbols
of our family history
Don't you go anywhere
'cause you belong to me
- You all do realize
you're talking about shoes?
The most beautiful thing in the world
The most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
It's beautiful, beautiful,
beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful thing in the world
The most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
That I know, I know
The most beautiful thing in the world
The most beautiful thing
in the world, Charlie
It's beautiful, it's
beautiful, it's beautiful
It's beautiful
- God, this flat is dirty
and small and dreary,
and everything about it
needs replacing, except--
- Me!
- The address!
We're in London, Charlie, London,
London, London.
- Where'd you say we were?
- London!
- So you're happy, Nic?
- I'm ecstatic, aren't you?
- I'm happy if you're happy.
- Oh, is that really the best you can do?
- I love you.
- Well, you can always go back
and muck in with your dad.
- And what, make shoes?
That's not what I want.
- What is it you want?
- Sorry.
Yes, this is is his son.
Trust your feet in Price & Son
Our work is tried and true
Practical, pragmatical
Steadfast and sturdy too
If you stroll or saunter,
amble, walk, jog, hop, or run
The prudent shoe for you to choose
Is Price & Son
- Your father would be proud to see you
standing here, Mr. Price.
- Oh, cripes, George,
you've known me all my life.
Call me Charlie.
- Price & Son must have
a Mr. Price, Mr. Price.
- I'm glad you brought that up.
Now, you see, my father
always assumed that one day,
I'd take over the factory,
but I never said I would.
- Excuse me, sir, if you could just,
they're waiting below.
- Huh?
- A word or two, sir.
They'd appreciate hearing from
the new head of Price & Son.
- Oh, that's
not really necessary--
- Just a word, sir.
- Oi, oi, quiet down!
The little prince got somethin' to say.
- Hello, hi.
Thanks for the flowers and
the notes, and whatnot.
- Perhaps a word of
encouragement about the future.
- Yes.
Let's keep making shoes,
great shoes.
And good luck with that.
- Wow, that wanker's got a way with words.
- Mr. Price, come quick!
Chambers' have sent back
their entire shoe order!
- After you, Mr. Price.
- Can someone sign so I can
get the rest of these shoes
off me truck?
- Is there something wrong with them?
- Ask someone who cares.
Sign all three copies.
- All right, Pat, I guess we should put
these in the store room.
- The Chambers' winter shoe
order is already in there.
- What are these?
- The Chambers' spring shoe order.
- And we're currently manufacturing?
- The Chambers' summer shoe
order, and it's a big one.
- You telling me we have
a year's worth of shoes
and no one to buy them?
- It started some time back.
Chambers cut down orders,
but cutting back production
would have meant cutting
back workers' hours,
and your father wouldn't hear of it.
- I would have thought he'd told you,
but then you were busy at
university and with your girl.
- Yeah, but what's to be
done with all these shoes?
- Once or twice, your
father sold overstock
to the discount chains.
- So it's happened before?
- Never as bad as this.
- Actually, of late, he
seemed less concerned.
He said he'd settled on some sort of plan!
- Sort of plan?
What sort of plan?
Singin' whoa
Singin' whoa
- Ladies and gents, band's on a break.
Back in five.
Not bad for a discount shoe salesman, eh?
- Really terrific, Harry.
To you.
- To your father, yeah?
He was a gent.
- And to yours.
- Ooh!
Well, mate, I assume you didn't
come all the way to London
just to buy me a drink.
- Yeah, seems like we find
ourselves with 600 pairs
of brogues and no buyer.
- Chambers finally canceled
your orders completely,
yeah, I heard.
- But then I remembered
the time your father
found his stock short, and
my dad, at no small expense,
took on the task of filling the shortfall.
- No fair conjuring ancient history.
- Look, I'll give 'em to you at cost.
Cost, Harry, for old time's sake.
- You see these, Charlie?
I import them from Slovakia and sell them
at a fraction of your cost.
- But they're shite.
A Price shoe will last a man a lifetime.
The poor sod who buys these
will need new ones in a season.
- And I'll be right
there to sell him a pair
at a very affordable price.
- Oi, ever hear the saying
poor people stay poor
because they buy cheap shoes?
- You ever hear the saying
no matter how far down
the wrong road you've gone, turn back?
Selling off inventory's only
gonna prolong the inevitable.
But tell me, Charlie,
is manufacturing shoes
really what you had your cap set on?
- Is selling cheap
imports your aspiration?
- If my life was nothing more than shoes,
you'd find me swinging by
my tie from a steam pipe.
My guitar, my mates,
and music are my escape.
It ain't perfect, but it's what I got.
Remember the pub
where our fathers went
To spend the end of their day
Remember the yard behind the pub
Where we'd run and play
Well, the places we loved
came down with a blast
High rise flats rose up so fast
You can't go back
You can't make it last
You've got to take what you've got
Even when your life is in knots
You take aim, take your shot
Sometimes you've
gotta rewrite the plot
You got to take what you got
You'd always say that
one of these days
You'd get out of Northampton town
You'd always say that
you wouldn't stay
No, you wouldn't stick around
Never knew what I wanted before
Now I'm even more unsure
You can't move on
If you're still in the past
You've gotta take what you've got
Even when your life is in knots
You take aim, take your shot
Sometimes you gotta rewrite the plot
You've got to take what you got
Everybody's telling me
What I need to be
Change with the times,
move to London town
Or live out a legacy
Well, maybe this time, I take a chance
Leap into the vast expanse
Maybe this time, I seize my destiny
My destiny
- If you're on the wrong road, turn back.
- So you'll help me out?
Thank you, Harry!
- Two, three!
You've got to take what you've got
Even when your life is in knots
You take aim, take your shot
Sometimes you gotta rewrite the plot
You got to take what you got
You've got to take what you got
- You have something to
spare for a thirsty man, eh?
- Here, here.
A Price & Son shoe will
last a man a lifetime.
- Do I look like a man
whose problem is shoes?
All right, fellas,
let's go easy now.
- However you like it, darling!
We can start out easy
and take it from there.
- I'm all for progress!
- Hey, hey, hey, come now, gents!
I think maybe you've had your--
- And what if I said
mind your own business?
- Let the lady go on her way!
- You can take her place if you fancy!
- Step aside, sir, I
can handle the likes of these!
- He's not the first man to fall for me,
and I promise, he won't
be the last.
Leave expectations at the door
Just let your eyes explore
My cinematic flair
From my boot to derriere
I got a lacy silken feel
With arms as hard as steel
I am freedom, I'm constriction
A potpourri of contradiction
Leave that humdrum pace of glum behind
Once you walk inside these doors
You're mine
Now let me blow your mind
And like shazam and bam
Here I am, yes, ma'am
I am Lola
And like je suis, ooh-wee
That's me, ebony
I am Lola
Step in, step in to a dream
Where glam, where glamor is extreme
Welcome, welcome to my fantasy
We give good epiphany
So come and take my hand
and welcome to the land
Of Lo
- No need to be embarrassed.
I like to be looked at,
and you like to look.
I know a way to make us both happy.
Lola, oh
Lola, ooh, yeah
Got Ginger Rogers savoir faire
With the moves of Fred Astaire
I'm black Jesus, I'm black Mary
But this Mary's legs are hairy
I'm your coco butter bitch
Not just cookie cutter kitsch
I provide the unexpected
With a prize that's undetected
Let Lola lift you to
your highest highs
Let's explore your
flight of fancy tonight
I am gonna treat you right
And like shazam and bam
Here I am, yes, ma'am
I am Lola
And like je suis, ooh-wee
That's me, ebony
I am, hey, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lola
Step in, step in to a dream
Where glam, where glamor is extreme
Welcome, welcome to my fantasy
We give good epiphany
Step in, step in to a dream
Where glam, where glamor is extreme
Welcome, welcome to my fantasy
We give good epiphany
So come and take my hand
and welcome to the land
Of Lo
Lola, say my name
Lola, hey, oh
So come and take my hand
and welcome to the land
Of Lo
- Oh!
He lives.
They call me Lola because it's my name.
Very sweet, you riding to my rescue.
Very Prince Charming.
- You don't appear to be
in much need of rescue.
- A girl's got to know
how to look after herself.
There are some very
funny people out there.
How's your chin?
Ooh, don't flatter yourself.
I will say one thing for you.
You're hard-headed.
Your jaw whacked my heel clean off.
- Oh, well, I could fix these for ya,
but they're just cheap boots.
- Very expensive boots, but cheaply made.
I'd give my left tit for a
shoe that could stand up to me.
Oh, but it's my curse
to love these things.
- Oh, here, here, please.
Allow me.
- Ooh.
Well, thanks again, mister.
Not to be presumptive,
but you are a mister?
- Charlie from Northampton.
- Well, Charlie from Northampton,
if you'll excuse me, I need
to start the second show.
There's a room full of people
waiting to feel normal by comparison.
But please, feel free to join in the fun.
- Oh, very kind, thank you,
but I must be getting back.
I've got a factory full of folk
need firing tomorrow morning.
- And they call me kinky?
Well, as Oscar Wilde said, "Be yourself.
"Everyone else is already taken."
- Ladies, gentlemen,
and those who have yet
to make up their minds,
I invite you to look around.
You might see something you want.
- Oh!
- Did you catch that?
I just made a man disappear with one wink.
Oh, what a shame.
My girls so wanted to meet him.
Isn't that right?
Now, don't worry, you're perfectly safe.
My girls are harmless.
But then again, this is live
theater, so you never know.
Leave expectations at the door
Just let your eyes explore
My cinematic flair,
from my boot to derriere
- A two-week notice?
And then what?
- As I've said,
I've found someone to
buy our current stock,
but no orders for next season,
I'm afraid we'll have to shut down.
- Please, Charlie, me
girl's just started school.
It's the uniforms, love, and
me with no husband to help.
- I'm sorry, Trish, but Chambers
has canceled our contract.
What else can I do?
- Is that what all this is about,
them Chambers shoe returns?
All right, so you've had some bad news,
but chin up, me duck.
As me mother used to say,
"Don't worry today because
today ain't tomorrow."
So thanks for the chat,
Charlie, and good luck.
- What?
Trish, no, it's not like that!
Trish, I have to!
And like shazam, and bam
Here I am, yes, ma'am
I am Lola
- So I'm giving everyone
their two-week notice.
We'll use the time to
ratchet down production,
take inventory, clean the machines--
- Who are you kidding?
I've been workin' here
since you and me was kids.
I'm third generation Price & Son.
- Yeah, well, the fact is
that nine out of 10 shoe manufacturers
have shut down already.
And unless I can find a miracle
buyer, what else can I do?
- Do what you like, but you can't fire me.
Remember back at school,
when you tried to cut me
off your rugby team?
Remember what happened?
- You shoved me down a flight
of stairs and got suspended.
- Yeah, but I stayed on the team.
And like je suis, ooh-wee
That's me, ebony
I am Lola
- But what else can I do?
We can't keep making things no one wants!
- Then make something they do.
- Make something they do what?
- Make something they do want.
Change the product.
- This is a shoe factory, we make shoes.
- Not ones anyone wants.
Over at the Whitcomb
factory, they noted a lack
of all-weather hiking shoes, so?
They started making
all-weather hiking shoes
and saved the factory.
Toby's has started making sandals.
All the sods who survived went out looking
for an underserved niche market
and aimed to fill the void.
They didn't sit up in
their offices whining,
"What else can I do?"
- Well, my wedding shoes are still here,
but my fiance's nowhere in sight.
- Sorry, Nic, I'm completely underwater.
- You're saying you still haven't left?
Charlie, we have an appointment.
If we lose this hall, we'll
wind up gettin' married
in a fish and chip shop.
- Yeah, now that sounds like fun!
- Are you seriously standing me up?
- Come on, Nic, do we
really need a showy wedding?
In the end, shouldn't it be about us?
- A wedding announces
to the world who you,
as a couple, are going to be.
- I've just given two-week
notices to George,
Don, Maggie, Trish--
- Oh, bloody hell!
I forgot to ask Maggie to be a bridesmaid.
She'd like that, wouldn't she?
- I think she'd like getting paid better.
Honestly, Nic, wouldn't
saving all those people's jobs
tell the world a little bit more about us
than having a fancy party
in a pair of 900-quid shoes
you're only gonna wear once?
Talk about your niche market.
Talk about your niche market.
- Talk about what niche market?
- Take what you've got,
change the product,
find an underserved nice
market, and they certainly are
a completely underserved niche market!
- Have you gone off your nut?
- Nic, I'll ring you back.
Lauren to the office.
Come see Mr. Pri, Charlie in his office,
Step in, step in to a dream
Where glam, where glamor is extreme
Welcome, welcome to my fantasy
We give good epiphany
So come and take my hand
and welcome to the land
- Yes!
- Oh!
You've returned.
You've got a dark horse in
this boyfriend of yours.
- No,
no, no, no, no, no, no!
- Nothing's going on here!
- She's not my--
- He's got another girl.
I just stuff his boxes.
At least for the next two weeks.
- What are you staring at?
- Oh, you'll have to forgive him.
We don't get many
transvestites in Northampton.
- Ha, don't kid yourself.
You're never more than 10 steps away
from some sort of cross-dresser.
In any case, those are not transvestites.
They're drag queens.
- There's a difference?
- Yes!
A drag queen puts on a frock,
and suddenly, she's Cleopatra!
A transvestite gets done
up and, often as not,
looks like Winston Churchill
in his mother's knickers.
- And so you are--
- Insulted that you need to ask!
So you fired this lovely girl?
- Things aren't very good in men's shoes.
- Certainly I'm not.
- How much do you weigh?
- Exactly the right amount.
- For a man, but you're
wearing women's boots.
- And I thought you
weren't paying attention.
- Well, it's all wrong.
- Hasn't stopped me yet.
- A heel made for a woman
cannot possibly support
a man's weight.
You need something special.
- And I deserve something special.
- Yes, well, if you trans-vet-erans
are everywhere like you say,
then there must be a niche market
for properly built-to-last women's boots
for women who are men.
The international shoe exhibition
is in Milan next month.
If we had something new to show,
something no one else in
the world has to offer,
it might just save the factory.
- Oh!
- I'd like to measure you up,
go back and make a sample pair.
- First riddle me this.
Who gets to keep the boots?
And I'll give you a hint.
The correct answer is you do, Lola.
- You do, Lola.
- Ah, and where do I pick them up?
Price's of Northampton, is it?
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, I'll bring them to you.
I come to London all the time.
- You don't want me to come
to Northampton, do you?
- No.
- I'm sorry, but I have a terrible habit
of doing exactly the
opposite of what people ask,
which might explain why I'm
wearing this frock today.
See you in Northampton.
Oh, and make them
Do I belong here, am
I what's wrong here
Know what I'm doin' or am I a fraud
Do I fit in, where do I begin
Same old Charlie,
frightened and flawed
So I
And keep my head up like I know
How this
Will end
Maybe these pieces
are fallin' together
Making me feel like I'm not alone
Punching holes into this leather
This kinda feels like I'm back home
I'm watching myself
And I know what to do
Hey, look at me now
It's a shoe
This is time for a shake-up
Look at me wake up
Taking control
This is a new beginning
My gears are spinning
Let's rock and roll
Just put
One foot
Onward and forward
I used to be a zero,
but now I clearly feel
That I may be the hero
who reinvents the heel
I may be facing the impossible
I may be chasing after miracles
And there may be the
steepest mountain to overcome
But this is step one
This is step one
Who knew I had it in me
Let me begin, see
Where this could go
I've got knowledge and know-how
Don't stop the show now
Don't stop the flow
Just put
One foot
Onward and forward, yeah
I used to live in limbo,
never dying to begin
But now it's sink or swim
so I better dive right in
I may be facing the impossible
I may be chasing after miracles
And there may be the
steepest mountain to overcome
But this is step one
It's not just a factory
This is my family
No one's gonna shut us down
- Not while Charlie Price is around!
We may be facing the impossible
We may be chasing after miracles
And there may be the
steepest mountain to overcome
We may be facing the impossible
We may be chasing after miracles
And there may be the
steepest mountain to overcome
But this is step one
Look what Charlie boy has done
This is step one
- What is this?
- Your boot.
- Burgundy?
- Is something wrong?
- Please, Lord, tell me
I've not inspired something
- At the club, you said--
- Red.
- You didn't specify--
- Red!
- Burgundy is a red!
- Burgundy's the color
of hot water bottles.
Red is the color of sex.
Burgundy's for cardigans and golF apparel.
Red is passion and danger, and
signs that say do not enter!
- I've always been partial to pink.
- Pink is for playthings,
yellow for warnings,
purple for princes, black is for wannabes.
Green is for pickles,
but red
is for
- Well, at least try them on.
I guarantee they're comfy!
- Sex shouldn't be comfy.
- Oh, good, I thought it was just me!
- Comfy's what's been
putting you out of business.
You want to save this place?
- Yeah.
- Then you're going to have
to start manufacturing sex,
two-and-a-half-feet of irresistible
- But at least look at the heel.
You sort can dance all night
and beat up a football team,
but this heel will still be whole.
Isn't that what you wanted?
- Not if it means looking
like a Ukrainian folk dancer.
Would you go out in something like this?
- No!
- But I say you'd look all right in 'em,
- And what's your name,
- It's Don to you, sweetheart.
- Well,
if you can't get women to wear them,
you'll never get 'em on blokes like me.
And that's the color red you need!
And Charlie, if you want
to put them over the top,
look to the heel.
The sex is in the heel
Even if you break it
The sex is in the feel
Honey, you can't fake it
Jack it up 'cause I'm no flat tire
Mack it up six inches higher, oh
The sex is in the heel
So just embrace it
I hope you don't mind, but
I brought my own back-up.
Ladies, tell the man what you need!
From London to Milan
Stilettos are an ism
In red and neon life
Gimme Jimmy Choo,
Choo, Choo, Choo, Choo
Shoes in New York, Paris, Hong Kong
Live it like an ism
Seduction amplified
The heel is the transmission
Asserting actual scientific reason
Heels tense the leg and
the hindquarter region
Lifting the rear and making it appear
Pert and ready for mating season
- That's the scientific view.
But you know what I say?
The sex is in the heel,
fierce as you can make it
The sex is the appeal,
kinky boys can shake it
Pump it up till it's ostentatious
Funk it up, it's contagious, whoo
The sex is in the heel
so just embrace it
Here we go
From London to Milan
Feed that chic hot feeling
In red and neon life
Won't go nowhere without
my, my, my Manolos
New York, Paris, Hong Kong
Stilettos leave 'em reeling
Seduction amplified
The heel should hit the ceiling
The heel should hit the
The heel should hit the ceiling
The sex is in the heel, heel
The sex is in the heel, heel
The sex is in the heel, heel
From London to Milan
Stilettos are an ism
In red and neon life
Got a lotta P-P-P-P-P-P-Prada
New York, Paris, Hong Kong
Live it like an ism
Seduction amplified
The heel is the transmission
- These are brilliant!
I'd wear any one of 'em!
- You're not our niche market.
- There are some very
interesting ideas here.
- But they're all stiletto heels!
It's physically impossible
to make a stiletto
that can bear the weight
of a full-grown man.
- Not so fast!
If we could mold the steel
One piece from ball to heel
We'd underpin it and remake it
So not even Don could break it
- Sorry?
- I said.
Underpin it and remake it
So not even Don could break it
- Yeah, you think?
- We can do it!
- We can do it!
- We can do it!
From London to Milan
Stilettos are an ism
In red and neon life
Gimme big red b-b-b-b-b-b-boots
New York, Paris, Hong Kong
Watch out world, watch out world
Here we come
- Lola!
Lola, did you hear me?
I said we can do it.
- All right, but you'll have to be quick.
We have an eight o'clock show.
- No, no, no, seriously,
we think we have a way
to make the boots, and if
we can, and if you're right
about never being far
from a cross, customer,
we might just have something.
- That there's cause for celebration.
- Yes!
- Yes.
I need a van to take seven
to the train station.
- You've got to stay.
- I'll ring back.
Charlie, my boy, I abandoned
the provinces years ago,
and your fellow Don in there
was a stellar reminder why.
- Forget about Don, he's just--
- Just like every other
man in Northampton.
I've lived this life once,
I'm not doing it again.
- Oh, so you head back
to London and I'm here,
trying to save a factory
that four generations
of my family poured
their life's blood into?
- Get to the part that applies to me.
- I'm willing to gamble the
fate of this whole enterprise
on you as a designer.
- Me, a designer?
Now who's kidding who?
Hand me glitter, feathers,
and a hot glue gun,
and I can make the world a pretty place.
But me, a designer?
- I've been force-fed
shoes since childhood,
but I never seen nothing
like what you just drew.
- They're drawings,
the silly scribblings
of a braggarty sissy boy
who doesn't know when to shut his gob.
Oh, have a gander at me, Charlie.
I wouldn't trust me to babysit a cactus.
- You are passionate about shoes.
I haven't heard anyone talk
about a heel that way since,
well, not since my father.
You know how rare it is to
feel that way about something?
You know how jealous I am?
I never been passionate about nothin'.
Well, maybe snoggin'.
- Ah, but you're forgetting something.
I don't know how to make a shoe.
- It just so happens I do!
If we're to succeed, we'll
need to produce a boot
unlike anything anyone
has ever seen before.
That's where you come in.
And if we don't want to
be laughed out of Milan,
they'll have to be executed so impeccably
that no one can deny we're
comers to be reckoned with,
and that, God help us, is where I come in.
Three weeks.
Three weeks, Lola, that's all I'm asking.
- Is that a taxi or a police car?
Guess I'll find out
when I offer him money.
- Opportunity has fallen into your lap!
The easy thing, maybe
even the sensible thing
would be to walk off and have a laugh
about the time some
nutter offered you a job
designing kinky boots.
But I promise, if you do,
the rest of your life,
you'll wonder what if I'd said yes?
What if I'd stayed?
- A designer?
A designer!
I guess I could get used
to the name Kinky Boots.
Or better yet,
Lola's Kinky Boots.
I hope you know you're going
to have to make me a new sign.
And I warn you, it had better be
If you stroll or saunter,
amble, walk, jog, hop, or run
The prudent shoe for you to choose
Is Price & Son
- Price & Son spent the last century
making a range of shoes for men.
We will begin this century
by making a range of shoes
for a range of men.
There's no denying it's
do or die, but do we will.
Are there any questions?
All right, let's make shoes, boots!
- If I could just get your signature
on these checks, Mr. Price.
- George, it's Charlie.
- Mr. Price, you've earned it.
Today, at least.
- Mr. Price, eh?
Better than What-Else-Can-I-Do-Charlie.
Oi, I'm Take-Charge-Charlie
all the way now.
- Very impressive.
- Yeah, well, thanks to you.
- Any time.
- No, I mean it.
Thanks to you.
Thank you.
- Charlie, can I get your opinion here?
- Excuse me.
- Oh no.
Don't you dare.
Girl, girl, girl, I'm warning you.
I think I've got a crush.
I can't.
I think I'm falling for him.
Oh no!
Why not?
Women have been making bad choices
Since the beginning of time
Are you gonna be another one of mine
- Lauren!
I was thinkin' that keepin'
you on the production line
is a waste of your talents.
I'd like you to work with
me on the Milan show.
- You don't owe me a job.
- No?
- No!
- Well, all this started
with you having a fit.
- I had a fit, but you had an idea!
And that's why some of us
get our names on factories,
and the rest on punch cards.
- Well, as someone whose
name is on a factory,
I am asking if I may
please place your name
on one of my executive punch cards?
Have I got something in my teeth?
- No, it's just funny how you
can know someone all your life
and not really know 'em at all.
- I guess I'll see you later.
- Sure thing, boss!
Used to think you
were from outer space
Who's this bright-eyed
guy in your place
You're kind of cute
When you're not so shy
But I've been here before
Have I come back for more
Another chapter in the
history of wrong guys
You used to be so meh
A limp, lackluster bore
But now you're changing into
someone I just can't ignore
I've been hurt like this before
Is there really more to you
Than what I always thought
How can you surprise me any more
Oh, whoa
He's got a girlfriend, you knob.
Don't want to be another
star-crossed lover
We all know how that ends
I'm better off without him,
we're better off as friends
But I've been here before
Have I come back for more
Another chapter in the
history of wrong guys
Yesterday, no spark
No heart-aching allure
But today, I'm feeling
something I just can't ignore
I've been hurt like this before
Oh, whoa
The history of wrong guys
Chapter one, he's a bum
Two, he's not into you
Three, he's a sleaze
Four, loves the girl next door
Fives, loves the boy next door
Six, don't love you no more
Makes you insecure,
makes you so unsure
Is so immature, loves his mother more
Has a girlfriend named Nicola
- Ready to get to work?
I've been hurt like this before
I can see there's more to you
Than what I always thought
But I won't be burned anymore
Oh, whoa
- Where are you off to?
- I've been executized.
- Look at this.
- I didn't hear the tea trolley.
Don't you boys have work needs doing?
- Oh, what's the matter?
Frettin' that the mistress
will slap you down
for not doin' her biddin'?
- You're as clever as you are rich.
- Come on, George!
He's gonna make Price & Son
the town joke, and you know it.
- Happens I know no such thing.
- At Fist'a Cuffs last night,
the fellas from Delaney Shoes
was callin' us slaves of the pouf.
- With Delaney's about to shutter,
one would think those boys would do better
than to drink their money away.
Meanwhile, last time I looked,
you lot were still on the payroll here!
So why don't you stifle your
yaps and earn your keep?
- Ooh, you've really been
put in your place now,
haven't you, Don?
- Get stuffed, the both of yous!
- And here comes Her Royal Highness now.
- What the?
- Ha!
Just when you were sure
you'd seen it all, eh?
- Have you got any toilets down here?
- Oh, I'm sorry, love.
I'm afraid all we've got is men's
and women's.
- Charlie, quick!
Lola's gone and locked
herself in the loo, hurry.
- All right, I'll talk to her,
but I'm not going into the ladies' room.
You go and get her to come out.
- She's in the gents'.
- The what?
- The men's room!
- Well, of course she is.
Lola, it's Charlie, are you sick?
- Depends who you ask.
- No!
Did someone nick your frock?
- I come up with the daft idea
that maybe I should try to fit in.
- Probably get a lot
more work done this way.
Less bits and bobs to
catch in the machines.
- Thanks for your support.
In a gown, I can bellow
Brunhilde in front of 500 drunks
and have a laugh, but
put me in men's clothes
and I can't sodding well say hello.
Oh, what am I doing here, Charlie?
- Becoming a designer.
- Did I ever ask to be one?
- Well, did you always
want to be a performer?
I mean, when you were a kid.
- Whatever it was I wanted as a kid,
my father beat out of me.
- Your dad hit you?
- Not like that.
He was a boxer.
Yeah,, a proper prize fighter
who never got the title match he wanted.
But presented with a baby boy?
Well, if he couldn't raise a
champion's belt over his head,
his son would.
- He didn't know about--
- Of course he knew.
But he figured if he pushed
me, trained me himself,
ah, you heard right.
I am a professionally-trained boxer
with a dozen amateur bouts
to my name, so don't try me!
But when I appeared for a fight
in a white cocktail dress,
he disowned me.
Refused to see me,
even when he came down with lung cancer.
It's ironic, really.
Fags got him in the end.
And you?
You like making shoes?
- On the day I was born, my
dad set me down next in line
of Price & Son.
For him, a done deal, but for me?
First opportunity, I grabbed
my childhood sweetheart
and we jumped on the
next train out of town.
- What was it you ran off to do?
- Anything but what he wanted.
- And yet, here you are.
- Here I am.
When I was just a kid
Everything I did
Was to be like him
Under my skin
My father always thought
If I was strong and fought
Not like some albatross
I'd begin
To fit in
Look at me, powerless
And holding my breath
Trying hard to repress
What scared him to death
It was never easy
To be his type of man
To breathe freely
Was not in his plan
And the best part of me
Is what he wouldn't
I'm not my father's son
I'm not the image
Of what he dreamed of
With the strength of Sparta
And the patience of Job
Still couldn't be the one
To echo what he'd done
And mirror what was not
In me
So I jumped in my dreams
And found an escape
Maybe I went to extremes
Of leather and lace
But the world seemed brighter
Six inches off the ground
And the air seemed lighter
I was profound
And I felt so
Just to live out
I'm not my father's son
I'm not the image
Of what he dreamed of
With the strength of Sparta
And the patience of Job
Still couldn't be the one
To echo what he'd done
And mirror what was not
In me
The endless torrent of expectation
Swirling inside my mind
Wore me down
I came to a realization
And I finally turned around
To see
That I
Could just
Be me
I'm not my father's son
I'm not the image
Of what he dreamed of
With the strength of Sparta
And the patience of Job
Still couldn't be the one
To echo what he'd done
And mirror what was not
In me
We're the same, Charlie boy
You and me
- Charlie from Northampton,
meet Simon from Clacton.
- Let's make boots.
You wouldn't believe
what's going on in there!
- Hey, stranger, don't I get a kiss?
- Sorry.
I'm just excited, Nic.
I've found the craziest
solution for the factory.
- Slow down, Charlie.
You said you'd hear us out, yeah?
Like I told you on the phone,
some of this is gonna come as a shock,
but you promised you'd
listen with an open mind.
Charlie, you remember
my boss, Richard Bailey.
- I was almost your boss too, eh, mate?
Sorry about your dad, but I
hope, once the dust settles,
maybe you'll come back and work with us.
In any event, I have to say
I am totally mad for this project.
Not all buildings deserve a second life,
but yours is special.
- Second life?
- Let the man talk, darling.
Price & Son
- Riverside Apartments,
one, two, and three-bedroom
loft-style homes with all the luxuries.
- How exciting is that?
- Look at the detail.
It's not what you change about a building,
it's what you preserve that
marks a great conversion.
- What makes you think
we're up for conversion?
- You promised to hear the man out.
- Price & Son is not for sale.
- Actually it is, unless you
want to see it foreclosed.
- No, if you'd listen, you know
that I've found a solution--
- Charlie!
- To the factory.
- Charlie!
- Come quick,
the Angels' train just pulled in,
the first pair of boots
are on their final polish,
but we can't unveil them without you!
Oh, hello!
I'm Lola, I'm the one designing
Charlie's new line of
transvestite footwear.
- Oh, f...
- Oh.
There's a slight chill
in the air, isn't there?
Maybe I should just
go away.
- That was...
You have to get to know him.
Listen, Nic, I haven't
gone into this lightly.
There actually is a market out there--
- Before you make a
complete fool of yourself,
it's time you heard the truth.
Selling the building
was your father's idea.
- Oh!
- Yes!
Your father's idea.
He approached Richard months ago.
Tell him.
- It's true, your dad and
I had several meetings.
- You yourself told me that
he had a plan, remember?
Well, this was it.
The contracts were almost
done when he passed away.
We can show you the papers.
Look, Richard came to
me first lest you think
your father doubted you
could run the business.
But don't look so down.
This is all good news!
The deal Richard's put together
will rid you of the factory,
settle your family's debts,
and ensure our future
with a career-defining
selling opportunity!
We even get a model flat
rent-free while we're selling.
- I'm asking you to
have a bit of faith in--
- Stop!
Are you deaf?
Your father was cashing
out, you owe him nothing!
The prison door's open.
You're free, Charlie.
All you need to do is walk away.
You were always telling me
What I need to be
But you never really
had enough faith in me
Dad, you gave up the factory
This time, I'm gonna take that chance
Leap into the vast expanse
This time, I'm gonna seize my destiny
My destiny
- Well, boss, is this
what you had in mind?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Come on!
- Yeah!
- Yes!
- Charlie.
Let me hear you say yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Say yeah
Say yeah
Say yeah
You can throw out the old
way, 'cause it's been done
We're getting ready for the new
Witness the future of Price & Son
Ow, Papa's got a brand new shoe
A life of broken heels got you down
Well, we've got your solution
Get up
Get it on and get in step
With our kinky revolution
Let me hear you say yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Let me hear you say yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Say yeah
- Welcome to our future!
No longer are we making shoes,
we are making 2-1/2-feet of irresistible
So let's do it!
I punched the holes
I sewed the seams
And I pull the leather tight
I put the steel inside the heel
Now we go off like dynamite
Can you picture this
A glamorous
Fashion exhibition
I see flashbulb lights
and fashion heights
I see press and television
Let me hear you say yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah
He wants to hear you say yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Say yeah
Synergy, my pets
In patent leather red
Say whoa
Tell me, is this kismet
Now if you are with this, let's go
Everybody say yeah
- Ladies!
Help me welcome our niche market!
Oi, oi, oi, oi
- Charlie!
- Somebody catch her!
- Charlie, give me your hand!
No, somebody!
Oi, oi
Everybody say yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah
He wants to hear you say yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Say yeah
Say yeah
Say yeah
Say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah
Everybody say yeah, yeah, yeah
Trust your feet in Price & Son
Our work is tried and true
Practical, pragmatical
Steadfast and sturdy, sturdy too
Whether you're high brow or pure
Or posh or working class
Get your mitts on kinky kicks
And kick
- Uh, where do you think
you're going with those?
- Ah, something's not quite right.
I want to see the colors in daylight.
- What did we talk about the other day?
I thought we agreed what
constitutes proper working attire!
- Don't be so hard on yourself.
You look adorable.
- Did you approve the lining fabrics
and fittings for the bags?
- Right after lunch.
- And did you call the modeling agency?
They needed to start castin' yesterday!
Get it done now!
- Yes, boss.
- Right now!
I mean it.
- Love you too!
- Oh, careful there, big lady.
Or is it little man?
Need a hand or a boot?
- Yeah!
- Tell me, Dapper Don, what
can I do that will allow you
to go on with your life undistracted
by my sharing the planet?
- Try dressing like a bloke, for starters.
- Jealous?
- Me?
What have I got to be jealous of?
- Of all the attention
I get from the ladies.
- You, ladies?
- Raise your hands if you look to see
what I wear to work each day?
Now raise your hands if
you care what Don wears.
- You're telling me you ain't
all tarted up to get blokes?
- Why would I do that?
Blokes that fancy blokes fancy blokes.
- You like women?
- Ha, I adore them, I worship them.
My whole being is dedicated to loving them
and they love me right back.
- Then why don't all men wear dresses?
- A question I've been asking all my life!
- A woman wants a man
what acts like a real man!
- And what does a real man act like?
Ladies, care to help Don out?
Tell him what you want.
- Me?
I don't need much, a bit
of companionship, a mate,
a mate with benefits.
- I like big hands.
- And affection.
- I like to bite.
- I want sensitivity and
compassion, all right?
- Companionship, affection,
sensitivity, and compassion,
traditionally female
characteristics, wouldn't you say?
- You're off your trolley!
- Really?
Stand back
Let me tell you something
What a woman
Wants to see
Stand back
Mr. I-Know-Everything
But it's what you
Blindly see
What a woman wants
What a man, sensitivity
What a man, in a fantasy
What a man, what a woman wants
What a man, a muscle to clutch
What a man, just a tender touch
Well, you don't get out too much
To know the smoothness of her skin
With a gentle caress
Feel the feathery quality
Of her dress
What separates a man like you
From a man like me
I'm a reflection
Her protection
I'm her curious mystery
What a man, what a woman
What a man, what a woman
What a man, what a man
What a woman wants
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a man, what a woman
What a man, what a woman
What a man, what a man
What a woman wants, what a man
- Oh, come on, we all know
what a bird really wants
is a rock-solid--
- Uh-huh, commitment?
Look at me
Look at you
Divinely dull, drab
And dumpy
A woman wants
A man to give as much as she can take
Just like me
A libidinous Lothario on the make
- Piss off!
- I have a challenge for you.
Write down what you think I
need to do to be a real man,
and I'll do the same for you.
Whatever you tell me to
do, I will have to do.
But you will have to do the same for me.
- I ain't wearin' no poufy dress.
- Chickening out already?
What a man, what a man,
what a man, what a man
What a man, what a man,
what a man, what a man
What a man, what a
man, what a woman wants
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a woman wants
What a man, what a man
What a woman wants
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a man, what a man
What a woman, what a man, what a man
What a woman, what a woman wants
Is me
What a woman wants,
what a man, what a man
What a man, what a
man, what a woman wants
- You're on!
What a man
- Why didn't you warn me?
- I thought you heard, everyone else did.
- Do you think I woulda
let it go this far?
And why didn't you stop it?
- Have you ever tried stopping
Lola from doing anything?
Lola told Don he could give
her any challenge at all
and this is what he chose!
- A boxing match between
Lola and Don at Fist'a Cuffs?
It's gonna be a bloody slaughter!
- Have some faith.
I'm sure Lola's got a
few moves up her sleeve.
- It's not her I'm worried about!
Lola is a professionally-trained fighter.
- She's a what?
- Come on!
- Oi, oi, looks like
there's gonna be trouble!
- Oh, he don't know who he's
messing with, all right!
So shut your mouth!
- Ladies!
And those who've yet
to make up their minds!
In this corner
Lean and brown
Weighin' in in a gold
lame gown, yeah, yeah
In this corner
Here tonight
In the cradle of the
bright white light
Hit him in his big mouth
Hit him in his insecurity
Hit him off his high horse
Hit him so everyone can see
- Who do you think you
are, coming to our town
lookin' like a penny sardine
on a five-star plate?
You better watch your back!
In this corner
- Come on!
We mean heavy
Like a buttermilk cake
Can a real man
Ever confess
He was beaten by a guy in a dress
Ooh, hit him in the lipstick
Hit him in his feminine mystique
Hit him off his high heels
Hit him in the cheek
And send him back to London town
- Sequined freak.
- Hey, you are gonna get
slapped, slapped, slapped!
- All right, all right,
listen up, you two.
I want a clean, fair, but
artfully performed fight.
I don't want to see any
blows below the belt,
or any hairs out of place.
Oh, hang on, darling, you've
got a tick of lipstick
on your teeth.
All right then, back to your
corners and come out fighting!
Shut up!
- He ain't half the man Don is!
- You can say that again!
In this corner
Wow the crowd
Take him down and make us ladies proud
In this corner
Set her up so we can set her straight
- Round one!
Hit him in his big mouth
Hit him in his insecurity
Hit him off his high horse
Hit him so everyone can see
Ooh, yeah
- Hi-yah!
- Back to your corners, you beasts!
- Fancy a Grasshopper, darling?
It'll keep you bouncy!
- If you finish him off quick,
we can still get kimchi at the Korean's!
So you got a good shot,
but don't get cocky
I'm as pretty as Ali
and tough as Rocky
If you're lucky, I
might let you off easy
Don, you know I get
excited when you tease me
What's the matter, Don,
you look a little pale
I feel like a hammer
I feel like the nail
Come on, Don, knock him black and blue
Here comes an uppercut, a left hook
And a pirouette too
- Round two!
Hit him in his big mouth
Hit him in his insecurity
Hit him off his high horse
Hit him so everyone can, everyone can
Everyone can
- Un, deux, trois!
Hit him off his high horse
Don really let that big fist fly
He hit him with his brute force
Now he can hold his head up high
Ooh, yeah
Don, Don, champion!
Don, Don, champion!
Don, Don, champion!
- Less than a week till Milan,
and you somehow think a
boxing match a good idea?
- I thought watching Don slap
me around might boost morale.
- I suppose I should thank
you for not crippling him.
- Anything for the war effort.
- Charlie.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- Why don't I leave you
two lovebirds to make up?
- They say vodka's your preferred.
So why'd you do it?
Why'd you let me win?
- Really?
- Really.
- Because I didn't want you to walk
into the factory tomorrow
and feel disrespected.
- How 'bout you?
- Ha, compared to my challenge,
losing a fight is like
a polka in the pansies.
- "Accept someone for who they are."
What's that mean?
- Just what it says.
- You lookin' for me to say
men in frocks is all right?
- I ain't lookin' for you to say anything.
- "Accept someone for who they are."
How's that make me a man?
- Try it.
- Anyone?
- Anyone at all.
- And that's it?
- Good luck!
- But you have no
idea what you're doing either!
We're in the same hole!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
everyone just stop talking!
Now, one of you, please, cut to the chase.
- We miscalculated.
The Milan trip is going to
cost more than we budgeted.
- No, it can't cost more
because we have no more.
- It's me, I'm the blunderer.
I never factored in
land transport in Milan.
- Or the import taxes.
- No, I planned for the
taxes on the samples,
but only one pair of each.
I know, stupid.
- Not brilliant.
- Well, it's all your fault
for putting me in charge.
What do I know about producing
a bloody fashion show
in bleedin' Italy?
- If we don't get our boots to Milan,
then all this work will
have been for nothing!
- How about we call the bank?
Maybe seeing how close
we are, they'd carry us.
- Good day, Mr. Banker.
We've gone tits up making
the best shoes in England,
but we've chucked all that to
make boots for trans-gentries.
How'd you like to bunk in with us?
- It would be an awful burden, I know,
but how about a short-term
mortgage on your new flat?
- I just did that!
That's how we got to today.
- Charlie, Charlie!
I was sitting on the loo when
I was truck by lightning.
- Oh, kitten, you ought to
close the window first!
- I spoke to a nice chap
down at the post office.
Let me see if he can give
us any leeway on the taxes.
- Will someone listen to me?
- We're in crisis here!
- Charlie, you want me
to hire Italian models
and hair and makeup staff, why?
- At last, one question
to which I have an answer.
I want you to hire
models, hair, and makeup
because we are putting on a show!
- But why are we using fashion models?
- Oh, I've got this one too.
Because we are putting on a fashion show.
- But why are we using
professional fashion models?
- Oh, this really is my day.
Because we are putting on a
professional fashion show!
- Let's take the girls from the club!
- The Angels?
- Who would be more
fun to see on a runway,
a bunch of personality-free
pretty boys prancing about,
or a gaggle of fabulous
drags who can demonstrate
what these boots were born to do?
- You're not serious,
you want me to gamble
my family's business,
this building, my home,
the very shirt on my back
on a ramshackle bunch
of broken-down--
- There you go,
biting the hand that feeds!
- I don't know which one is more daft,
what you're saying or what you're wearing.
- Want to have a look at these, Mr. Price?
- No, no, the heel is wrong,
this isn't the design.
- True enough, but
up against the deadline,
we had to improvise.
- Well, it's nothing like the drawing!
- We had to put the
heel on a different angle.
- Why?
- Else we'd have to create
an entirely new steel shank.
- Then do it!
- We'll have no sewing time
if we have to wait for a new heel.
- I told them to go ahead like that.
- But it's not what you drew.
- One's a drawing, one's a shoe.
- I didn't give you approval!
- No, all you give me is deadlines.
- Okay, we're gonna do
this right or not at all.
Let me see them?
No, these seams aren't
straight, you're rushing.
Do it again.
- Excuse me?
- And the zipper is set wrong!
People, this is for Milan,
for the most sophisticated
shoe buyers in the world!
- So?
- So I don't want to be the
laughing stock of the industry!
We're on thin ice puttin'
these out in the first place!
Everyone, stop, oi, stop,
stop, hold on the floor!
Marge, Maggie, George,
George, Trish, take a look at these.
Now, they all have to be picked
out and redone correctly.
They all have to be done again.
- It's Saturday!
- And?
- I don't mind a bit of rah-rah-kumbaya
for the sake of the team,
but some of us have a
life outside this factory!
- And you'll have a bloody
lot more of it if I fire you.
Now do it again,
You have a problem?
- All right, everyone, back to work!
- Here's what I don't understand,
why am I the only one who cares?
No, not now, Nic!
- Don't even think about
puttin' me off, Charlie.
- Sorry, Nic, but I'm up
against a bit of a crisis here.
- You mortgaged our flat without
even discussin' it with me!
There I am, havin' my
supper, alone as usual,
and along comes a man
to measure up the garden
for the valuation!
- Yeah, I can explain.
- No one can ever say I
didn't stand by my man,
and I'll stand by you still
if you give me but one reason.
- The reason is right in front of you.
Isn't saving Price & Son worth everything?
- Where was this passion
when I was trying to make us
a new life in London?
- London was for you.
- For us.
- For you, you wanted
London and I went along.
- Really?
Well, you could have fooled me.
And what about us?
Was gettin' engaged just for me too?
And this, who's this rubbish for?
Oh, don't tell me it's for your father.
He's probably spinning in his grave
over what you've turned his factory into.
So who's it for, Charlie?
That fancy friend of yours?
Doing special favors for him?
Something going on there
I should know about?
- Oh, don't be ridiculous!
- Well, how should I know who
you've been sleeping with?
Certainly hasn't been with me!
- I'm doing it for them.
- Who?
- Them, our friends!
We grew up with these people,
we've known them all our lives
and now their whole livelihood
is riding on this factory!
- And this factory is riding
straight off the cliff!
If your father was still here,
they'd already be out of work.
- But he isn't, I am!
- So you're hankering to be a hero.
- Nic!
- Charlie to the rescue, is it?
Well, how do I get Charlie to rescue me?
- You look nice, all done up.
- Richard's put me on a new project.
Big time stuff.
- Yeah.
- I'm headed back to London for good.
Are you coming?
- Aren't those the shoes we saw?
- How long was I supposed to wait?
So long, Charlie.
- Yeah.
- If you're done making wedding plans,
can we finish discussing the Milan show?
- There's no
discussion to be had!
We're using professional models, done!
- Then you better get on the phone
because I just called and canceled them.
- I never told you that you could!
- Think, Charlie!
My girls don't need to be paid.
They'll do it for cocktails, giggles,
and the chance to walk
a professional runway,
and my girls do their own hair and makeup,
so there's the money we
need to get us to Milan.
- How do I get this into your head?
We are marketing to the world's
most sophisticated buyers--
- Half of whom probably
watch the evening news
wearing their wives' brassieres.
- News flash for Lola!
There are a whole lot of us
who don't watch the
evening news in brassieres!
- Well, bully for you,
but you ain't my buyers.
- Then here's another news flash.
I am not flying all the way across Europe
just to sell to your chums.
- We won't be selling to anyone
if we can't get to Milan.
- Then there's no reason to
go if all we've got to show
is a bunch of Nancy-boys
stomping about in skirts!
We need to show these boots on women.
- Women?
- You heard me.
- That was never the deal.
- Well, then the deal was wrong.
- What did that girl say to you?
- Look, I am not embarrasin'
the name of Price & Son
by parading a planeload of misfits--
- Misfits?
- At the most influential
footwear show in the world.
Listen to me, Lola, these
boots can be mainstream!
- Drag queens are mainstream!
Just this morning, I was
offered a gig singing
at a nursing home.
A nursing home, Charlie, in Clacton.
- And maybe that's just where you belong!
- What?
- Look at you.
You're meant to be a business person.
How many successful designers
do you think go about
camped up like the entertainment
at a low-rent tea dance?
- After all I've shared with you,
you still think I'm wearing this
for a lack of a pair of trousers?
- Look, I get it, I understand.
All of this frou-frou, it
protects who you really are.
I heard you.
- You heard nothing!
- I'm telling you, you don't have to hide!
Once the industry sees your work,
you'll be able to stop all of
this and have a normal life!
- You're a fool!
- Am I?
I'd wager if we stood side
by side and asked passersby
which one of us is fooling himself,
most of the votes would swing your way!
- Ha!
- Why am I
the only one in here who believes in you?
- You believe in my
shoes, I am not my shoes!
- No, you're a joke!
You think you're being
all mystical and deep
representing the best of both sexes,
but I'm here to tell you
that all you are is daft!
You say you want to be treated like a man,
then start acting like one!
I'm sorry, but sometimes, the truth hurts!
- The truth?
The truth?
We're done here.
- And Simon!
Yes, that's right, Simon,
when you show up at the airport,
try to look somethin'
like your passport photo.
For both our sakes.
- Here.
- This is shite, do it again.
- You're outta your bloody mind!
- This is for Milan!
- Milan!
Milan, you don't even know what Milan is.
You've never been there,
you're just guessin'!
And I'm goin' home!
- I don't have to
guess to know what's good.
- They'd be good enough for your father!
- Well, I am not my father!
- Truer words
were never spoke.
- Do it again.
- As the saying goes, you
want something done your way,
have at it!
What say we clear out
and leave the man from
Milan to his stitching!
- We have all these samples
to make, and no time.
If you all go home now, what
have we been working for?
Maggie, Marge.
Who was I kidding
This scheme was skidding
My fractured attempt at taking control
I tried in vain, now
I'm to blame
Now I'm left with
A deep dark hole
So confident
So collected
And so cool
Hey, look at me now
I'm a fool.
I'm bad news, a black and blueser
Who's a loser
A merry-go-round spiralin' down
I'm all used up, I'm
chafed and chewed up
Who's just screwed up
The same old Charlie
hitting the ground
'Cause I'll never be the soul of a man
Noble and wise
Like the soul of a man
Who lifted me high
Like the soul of a man
Heroic and true
Like a soul of a man
that I looked up to
What else could I do
Stupid hubris
No excuses
I blew my fuses
I guess I'm just a ruse
in my father's shoes
Not amusin'
No confusin'
This streak of losin'
Totally brutal and useless too
How can I be the soul of a man
Noble and wise
Like the soul of a man
Who lifted me high
Like the soul of a man
Heroic and true
Like the soul of a man
That I looked up to
What else could I
Just when I'm reaching
for that run at the top
I'm that broken heel,
unsteady, ready, ready to drop
When will I be the soul of a man
Noble and wise
Like the soul of a man
Who lifted me high
Soul of a man
Heroic and true
Like the soul of a man
That I looked up to
What else could I
Soul of a man
I'll never be
No, I'll never be
I have gone and let you down
Soul of a man
Here comes that familiar sound
Same old Charlie hitting the ground
Just keep walking.
You want no part of this.
- Down, doggie.
Like every mutt I've ever met,
you only growl because you're scared.
- Dogs growl to protect something.
I've nothing left to growl over.
- You're a funny one, Charlie Price.
I always took you for a spoiled brat
waitin' to have the world handed to him.
- Don't hand me nothin'
unless you want it destroyed.
- Budge up.
Feelin' sorry for ourselves, eh?
I felt the same way when my dad died.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I was so lost.
After the funeral,
the undertaker handed me
a shoebox of his stuff
and said, "That's what he left."
And I looked at him and I said no,
this is what he left.
What a body leaves behind
ain't in his pocket.
Sometimes, it's what
he inspired in others.
Turn around, Charlie.
- What's going on?
Why's the factory all lit up?
- Go and see for yourself.
- Hey.
You did this?
- Me? No, no, no.
Don, Don done it.
Lola challenged him to accept
someone for who they are,
and I'd say he rather
rose to the occasion.
- What, so Don got everyone back to work
just by accepting Lola?
- No, Charlie.
Don accepted you.
- Oi!
I heard you was runnin' low on funds.
Last week's payslips.
Who needs to eat?
- Here we go, mates.
Should we see what he thinks?
- Wow!
- My God.
The man from Milan says yes!
London to Milan
Stilettos are an ism
In red and neon life
Gimme Kinky B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-Boots
- That's the lot, eh, George?
We got it all?
- Yeah, van should've been here by now.
Maybe he's gone around to
the loading bay, I'll check.
- Lola's not here, she's not coming.
- Ring her again.
- I've rung a dozen times.
I can't even get Pat to answer my calls.
- Maybe they're flying
straight from London.
She wouldn't miss this.
- After what I said?
- Oh, here comes the van.
I'll load the boots, you try Lola again.
- Hello, Lola.
Guess who again.
We're on our way to the airport,
but there's a monumental
hole where you should be,
which is no surprise.
Whenever you leave a room,
there's always a great big gap.
Just how life with you is.
Anyway, I want you to know
that I don't blame you
for being angry.
The way I shot my gob off, I'd
walk out myself if I could.
Hey, leave it to me to
finally find my passion
and use it to hurt someone I love.
But forget me, forget Milan,
forget the boots and business.
What I wanted to say was
if anyone ever tries to tell you
you're something less than a man,
then you have them see me.
If being a man means being brave enough
to take on the entire world,
then you're the only man I've ever known.
Certainly the best.
You challenged Don to change his mind,
but I'm the one who
really needed that lesson.
So, this is Charlie from Northampton
telling Simon from Clacton
he is so terribly sorry.
Goodbye, Lola,
and thank you.
You don't want to see me
You can't listen to me
Laugh out loud
You don't want to see me dance
You can't even take the chance
That it might reflect on
You missed out
On the best part of me
The part
That made me who I am
But the best part of me
Is standing in front of you
And loves you anyway
Hold me in your heart
Till you understand
Hold me in your heart
Just the way that I am
With all your faults
I love you
Don't give up
On me
I won't give up
On you
When you took my hand,
taught me how to be strong
That's where I picked up
where we went all wrong
I know that I hurt you,
and you hurt me too
But you mean more to me,
I must mean more to you
Hold me in your heart
Till you understand
Hold me in your heart
Just the way that I am
With all your faults, I love you
I need you
To love me that way
- Thank you for welcoming
me to your lovely facility.
Believe it or not, I grew
up just down the road.
Anyway, it was my pleasure to come.
You see, you're not my usual audience,
and I'm probably not
your usual entertainment,
and that is because I'm actually a man.
My name is Simon.
Thank you for listening.
It was good to see you, Daddy.
I love you.
- Hallo,
peoples, can you hear me?
This is a!
Kinky Boots?
Can I see the exhibitors for Price & Son?
- Oh, that's me!
- A-ha, and your dressers?
- That's me.
- A-ha, and your models?
- Me.
- A-ha.
Then you have everyone
you need to proceed, si?
- Si.
- Si.
Your presentation begins
- No sign of anyone,
no one, no one at all.
- Go out front and sit with George.
I want at least two
friendly faces in the crowd.
- Charlie, you're not really going to--
- Now go, go, go, shoo,
shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo!
- We're going, we're going.
- Is he really going to--
- It appears so, yes.
- Oh!
- Does he look sexy?
- To me?
How can you surprise me
Any more
Oh, whoa
Oh, oh!
Come on, Charlie, you can do it.
- Don't go thinking it
was your sappy phone calls
that brought me here.
I have come for one
thing and one thing only:
People of the world, Price
& Son proudly presents
Lola's Kinky Boots!
- Thank you, Lola!
Once, I was afraid,
but then you came along
You put your faith in me and
I was challenged to be strong
When I lost my way, you
were there to see me through
Now let Lola lend some love
and do the same for you
Feed your fire to take you higher
We'll light you up like a live wire
Celebrate you to elevate you
When you struggle to stand,
we'll take a helping hand
If you hit the dust,
let me raise you up
When your bubble busts,
let me raise you up
If your glitter rusts,
let me raise you up
And up
Raise you up
Raise you up
Raise you up
Never put much heart
in anything before
You strut into my life and
helped me go for something more
Now I stand up for myself
Now I stand out from the crowd
Now I'm standing on high heels
If Dad could see me now
Feed your fire to take you higher
We'll light you up like a live wire
Celebrate you to elevate you
When you struggle to stand,
we'll take a helping hand
If you hit the dust,
let me raise you up
When your bubble busts,
let me raise you up
If your glitter rusts,
let me raise you up
And up
Raise you up
Raise you up
Ooh, raise you up
I knew you had it in you,
I knew what you could do
You believed in me,
let me be right for you
Your stumbling days are done
and now we're walkin' on air
I was a loose shoe but you
need two to make a pair
- Wait, wait, wait, hold
it right there, buster!
Are you saying you'd like to take me out?
- Yes.
- Are you saying that you
and Nicola are through?
- Yes.
- And that
you're actually available?
- Yes.
- And you still like girls?
- Yes?
- Carry on!
Feed your fire to take you higher
We'll light you up like a live wire
Celebrate you to elevate you
When you struggle to stand,
we'll take a helping hand
Look out, Milan
Here comes Don
And Don has brought some friends along
When you're stuck inside uncertainty
The ones you love
Are gonna set you free
Yeah, yeah
Feed your fire to take you higher
We'll light you up like a live wire
Celebrate you to elevate you
When you struggle to stand,
we'll take a helping hand
If you hit the dust,
let me raise you up
When your bubble busts,
let me raise you up
If your glitter rusts,
let me raise you up
And up
Raise you up
Raise you up
If you hit the dust,
let me raise you up
When your bubble busts,
let me raise you up
If your glitter rusts,
let me raise you up
And up
Raise you up
Raise you up
Raise you up
Just be, raise you up
Raise you up
We're the same, Charlie boy
You and me
Just be
Who you wanna be
Never let 'em tell you
who you ought to be
Just be
With dignity
Celebrate yourself triumphantly
You'll see
You'll see
Just be
Just be
- Ladies!
- Gentlemen!
And those who have yet
to make up their minds.
- As people all over the
world clamor for Kinky Boots,
it is time for us to get back to work.
But before we go, we'd like to leave you
with the Price & Simon secret to success.
- All right, now we've all heard
of the 12-Step Program, have we not?
Well, whatever you can do in 12,
let me tell you, we can do in six.
Hey, and it goes like this
One, pursue the truth
Two, learn something new
Three, accept yourself and
you'll accept others too
Four, let love shine
Five, let pride be your guide
Six, change the world
when you change your mind
Just be who you wanna be
Never let 'em tell you
who you ought to be
Just be
With dignity
Celebrate your life triumphantly
You'll see it's beautiful
You'll see it's beautiful
Just be, it's beautiful
Just be
You'll see it's beautiful
You'll see it's beautiful
Just be, it's beautiful
Just be
Whoo, feed your fire
to take you higher
We'll light you up like a live wire
Celebrate you to elevate you
When you struggle to stand,
we'll take a helping hand
If you hit the dust,
let me raise you up
When your bubble busts,
let me raise you up
If your glitter rusts,
let me raise you up
And raise you up and up and up
And up