Kinta (2008)

Towards the end of 17th century...
...massive tin deposits were uncovered. the district of Kinta.
A discovery that marked
Malaya on the world map.
As a result of this discovery...
...throngs of laborers migrated
from South China.
Many were deluded by
the tin-rush dream...
...but they were traded as slaves.
Livelihood were harsh.
They worked the land
without reservations.
In the transition of time...
...people and land
were woven into one.
Though foreign yet familiar...
...this enchanting land
became home to many.
Scum bag!
Don't hit me.
Sunrise and sunset...
...this is the order of nature.
We thought destiny is
within our grasp...
...but we're are susceptible
to our feeble mind.
Tin Sok fostered four
young men under his care.
With resilience and persistent...
...they triumph in this turbulent times.
Dragon, full of
integrity and prudence...
...feared for his iron fists.
Blaze, reserved and scheming.
A Taichi expert...
...cold and aloof.
Ace, persistent,...
...brave for a cause...
...and goes all out,
and fights to the bitter end.
Tiger, impulsive.
Defy conventions... as lightning,
light as a feather.
Untold stories are abundant.
Filled with bliss and delight,
pain and grief.
Each are significant
in their own right.
Life is unkind to these miners as...
...they toil the land everyday...
...despite the forces of mother nature.
Whether rain or shine...
...they have no one to turn to...
no place to hide.
Day in day out...
...they toil the abundant land.
Romance is the most
beautiful melody in life.
When sorrow looms
and hopes in despair...
...this is the solace
to soothe desolation.
Exhausted by labor...
...weary and worn out...
...what kept them motivated?
Would their distance loved ones... able to feel their sorrows?
My Japanese
counterpart is here today.
Please let me introduce our guest,
Mr Yoshimura.
How are you Mr. Yoshimura?
Mr Yoshimura
enjoys cultural dance.
Master Sam, this is our
head of tin mine, Tin Sok.
Tin Sok!
Master Sam!
It's an honor to meet you!
And they are?
This is my beloved wife... lovely daughter Dan Dan...
...and her charming friend from
Great Britain, Rose.
Please have a seat.
The tin business has
brought you fortunes!
We've been partners for years...
...and I'm very interested
in this business.
I'm considering investing
as the potential is limitless.
Dinner's served!
Why it's the same dish everyday?
We worked so hard...
...yet suffer from hunger everyday.
Go on, finish your food!
We'll have to find a way
to solve this issue.
Are you with me?
We'll ask Tin Sok to arrange
a meeting with the boss.
That's right!
We'll request a meeting
with Master Hoong!
Tin Sok,...
...we've never complained...
...but lately, we're really strained.
I don't think we can keep up.
Our comrades are either ill or injured.
We can't go on like these.
What should we do Tin Sok?
Let's bring this issue to Master Hoong.
Alright then, Dragon and Tiger,
go see Master Hoong.
Yes! we'll head off now.
Don't need to hurry.
Master Hoong is a busy man.
I'll inform you when its time.
We'll see him this full moon,
which is the 15th of the month.
Both of you wait here!
Master Hoong,
Dragon and Tiger,...
...workers from the mine
are here to see you.
Let them in.
Yes! Master Hoong.
Master Hoong will see you now.
Master Hoong.
You're Dragon and Tiger?
Yes, Master Hoong.
We're here on behalf of...
Tell Tin Sok that...
...he don't have to
worry about the matter.
Take the rest you need.
The issues will be settle soon.
Thank you, Master Hoong.
We'll leave now.
Take care.
Master Hoong,
the Japanese investors.
...had joined forces with you.
It's a good sign.
Are you interested to participate?
Of course!
Then, someone has to be replaced.
Today is the 15th of the month...
...perfect timing for eradication.
This dish is set to go out!
Tin Sok's here!
Tin Sok... Tin Sok...
Please sit down.
It's auspicious 15th today,
there's plenty for everyone.
Go on, enjoy your meal.
Hope Dragon and Tiger
will bring good news.
Enjoy your meal.
Enjoy your meal.
Yes, Tin Sok!
No one escapes!
Pull him aside.
Save yourselves. Run!
Tin Sok, Tin Sok...
What actually happened at the mine?
Why are you here?
We were betrayed
by our employer!
We were ambushed too!
Why these happened
at the same time?
Why are you here?
Where's Tin Sok?
We got separated!
Dragon was wounded in the throat...
I fear he won't be able to speak.
Today's weather is perfect.
Yes, indeed.
I think I heard voices.
There's someone in there.
Quick, they need help!
Bring them back to our village.
What happened to them?
Who are they?
Be careful.
He's severely injured, help him.
Where is Tin Sok?
We have to save Tin Sok.
Tin Sok?
Tin Sok?
Yes! Tok.
What's his condition?
He'll be fine.
Don't push yourself.
Take a rest.
Tin Sok...
They must be referring to
Tin Sok, my old friend.
...bring 2 of them along with you...
...and go look for Tin Sok.
But Tok, who are these people?
They may endanger us.
Abu, just follow my orders!
Yes, Tok!
we settled happily.
We worked day and night...
...with a hope that one day...
...we'll be able return to our homeland...
...with better living.
Because we've shed our blood
and sweat in this land...
...from sunrise to sunset
we've become part it...
...and this has become our new home.
From now on...
...we are a family.
This is where weII eat,
sleep and work.
This is the head of the tin mine,
Tin Sok.
Tin Sok!
I know that your arrival in
this foreign land is not easy.
I have some words of wisdom for you.
There are rules for workers in the mine.
The leaders will help you through.
But be warned... in the tin mine is tough.
Do not attempt to escape.
You're only risking your life.
Yes! Tin Sok.
Just focus on your work... enough money...
...and in no time you'll be a free man.
Yes! Tin Sok.
Dragon will arrange
your respective work.
Dragon will teach you in
regards to the work assigned.
Yes! Tin Sok.
Blaze will arrange your lodging.
Let me also remind you that...
...working in the tin mine is exhausting.
Remember to eat and sleep well.
Yes! Tin Sok.
Ace will explain the
rules and regulations.
It's of utmost importance...
Any queries, consult Ace.
Yes! Tin Sok.
Take them for a bath.
From now on...
...there's no fooling
around here anymore.
Lastly, the cutting of braids ceremony.
It signifies a new beginning.
We're also aware that...
...from now on we won't be
able to return to our homeland.
This could be a turning
point for everyone.
Embrace this in good faith!
Never thought this 15th
of the month brought...
...such a terrible nightmare.
No time to waste, run!
We killed someone!
What really happened that day?
What about our future?
Are we doomed?
I wish these workers could stay.
But we're evolving with time.
I need new blood for expansion.
And I will not tolerate
hinder in the process.
I'll be damned...
...if I don't take matters
into my own hands.
Master Sam will arrive in a few days.
Assist him in whatever ways you can.
Yes, Master Hoong.
Miss Dan Dan has not visited
the tin mine since her return.
Arrange an entourage
to accompany her.
Yes, Master Hoong.
Oh, watch out... Hot water.!
Watch it!
Sorry, sorry!
Don't get worked up,
it's unintentional.
I just washed these clothes!
It's beautiful.
It is our culture,
and it's really peaceful here.
Your father owes us money, pay up!
Help!... Snatch thief. Get him!
Stealing from us?
How dare you!
What's happening?
Why is our men beating them?
Nothing to worry about.
Do you know whom you talk?
Are you alright?
Where did you go?
We've ask you to stay close.
What should we do now?
What do you think?
No! we shouldn't make a nuisance.
Scram! it's none of your business!
Miss, Master Hoong
didn't intended this,...
...but times has changed.
He has to make choices.
Come, bring some tin
ore over for me to check.
It takes you forever to
get a few sack rice!
Miss Dan Dan will be here soon!
Here it is.
Tin Sok!
Keep up the good work, boys!
Miss Dan Dan.
How are you, Tin Sok?
He's head of the tin mine, Tin Sok.
Oh, Tin Sok.
This is my best friend, Rose.
Ro-se... Friend from abroad...
Yes, I wanted to show her the tin mine.
Oh, wonderful,
let me show you around.
Thank you.
Try to escape again?
I've warned you about
the rules in the mine!
Stop it!
What's the matter?
He tried to escape.
Whats happening?
He's to be locked and
tortured according to the rules.
I don't know.
Take him away!
Tin Sok.
Alright, back to work everyone.
Tin Sok,
why the guards beat the worker?
We'll talk about it later.
Look, we saw them
at the market this morning.
Oh, it's Master Hoong's daughter.
This way please.
This is the kitchen...
...though necessities are crude
but everybody get along.
It's like a big family.
Dan Dan, over here.
Tin Sok, what was the worker
fault that he's beaten up?
The rules states no
one shall try to escape.
Those caught will
be severely punished.
But we shouldn't abuse them!
Let me discuss with Master Hoong.
I have to talk to dad about this too.
But, it's really the workers fault...
They were warned
of the consequences.
If they try harder to put up...
...they'll be freed very soon.
This is good quality tin.
Record these 200 sacks.
Have you decided on his punishment?
They're young and
impulsive, forgive them.
Tin Sok...
...we have house rules.
You are only making matters worst.
They're my boys
and I'll be responsible.
How can they treat us like scums?
They've gone too far.
What did you do to offend them?
I was trying to help
our fellow comrade.
I'll inform Tin Sok about this.
How are you... Are you alright?
What's happening over there?
Someone fainted.
There's no excuse. Get up!
Hey, you...
He passed out.
Wake up, no lazing around.
Stop it!
Get back to work!
Tin Sok...
It was an act of rash impulse
by the worker, just release him.
You're too lenient!
I have superiors to answer to.
You've tortured him enough,
he's repented.
...just forfeit his two weeks pay?
This falls short of the regulations.
I'm not going to be responsible...
I'll follow procedures.
We'll go to Master Hoong
to seek pardon.
Wait here,
I'll inform Master Hoong.
Have a seat.
Tin Sok, Master Hoong
will see you now.
Tiger, you stay here...
...and behave yourself.
Miss Dan Dan.
Have I seen you
at the tin mine before?
What brings you here?
Oh, I've come to seek...
...pardon from Master Hoong.
Pardon from my daddy?
It means my father.
Oh, Master Hoong.
Because I violated
some rules at the tin mine.
What rules?
Tell me, I won't say a word to others.
I was too rash and struck the guards.
You attacked someone...
Father never mentioned these before.
Can you tell me
more about the tin mine?
The tin mine has house rules.
I ought to respect it.
Pardon me, Miss Dan Dan.
Don't be silly!
Do you mind telling me your name?
My name is Tiger.
Tin Sok.
...what brings you here?
There must be a reason
for my presence.
To beg for pardon for
the mishap at the tin mine.
Beg for my pardon?
Please pardon the young lad as...
...he was impulsive,
but he's repented.
You've always handled
matters at the tin mine.
I trust your decisions.
I'm concerned over
the workers' well-being.
Tin Sok, we've been in
this business for years.
You know the demands
are high these days...
...we have to fulfill the orders.
The buyers are paying
good money and...
...we don't want to
let them down, do we?
I understand...
...but I hope we don't
overwork the miners.
Don't agonize over this matter.
Very soon I'll provide
you with a solution.
Then, we'll wait for your good news.
Tin Sok, we are a family.
Rose, over here.
Where's he going?
I'll tell you later.
We only met once...
but why his imagery often recurs.?
Am I in love?
Is life at the tin mine...
...very difficult?
Yes, but I guess this is our fate.
We work hard towards a better life...
...and it's improved
since we met Tin Sok.
Why your admiration
for him runs deep?
Don't you hear my yearning for you?
No, no, no...
Look at this, what's wrong with me?
It's all wet.
Here's my lucky charm for you.
Do you have plans for the future?
I wish to be like Tin Sok.
To be like Tin Sok?
He's kind and dignified.
Help, please don't!
Don't ever think of running away!
Another victim!
They are too much!
I've come to the end of my journey,... only concern is
my daughter, Ling.
Whoever finds this note,
please take care of her.
From the disgraced old man.
I doubt my reasons
to gamble is acceptable...
...but I know...
...this is the only way to help Ling.
Here, these are for you.
I'm glad to see you happier now.
Here are my savings, it's for you.
I wish you have a better life.
Take care of yourself when I'm gone.
Keep it. It's the least I can do.
Just take care of yourself.
After today's meeting,
I do not know...
...when will we meet again.
Is it that things will change
after this 15th of the month?
...but under who's jurisdiction?
No one escape!
What have I done to deserve these?
This is not what I wished for.
Master Hoong.
Welcome, Master Sam.
This way please.
Its great to see you.
I've come in good faith.
What do you have in mind?
Come, have some tea.
We've been partners for years...
...and I'm very interested in this business.
I'm considering investing
as the potential is limitless...
...but I understand that
you have your clansmen...
Are you considering taking over
his place Master Sam?
Tin Sok,
the things you ask for is ready.
It's late, go get some rest.
We have an emblem that
represents our brotherhood.
This jade... Each of us kept a piece.
Is that so?
This is superb quality.
Its really a fine piece of jewellery.
It seems Tin Sok has a few
disciples and they fighters.
Forest... Tell us!
Yes, they are 4 of the
workers from the mine.
The brothers are Dragon,
Blaze, Ace and Tiger.
Why do I have to
prepare this everytime?
This is unfair.
You rather teach others but me.
Aren't we a family?
I can't accept this.
Good morning.
Wait here for a moment.
He's such a perculiar man.
Let him be,
he's always been this way.
Both of you, don't be nosy.
This is something new.
I wonder what we'll learn today.
Apart from both of us...
...there's Xiao,
who passed away.
All three of us started this business.
What I have today,
I owe it to them.
As I recall, Xiao has a son.
Yes! Master Hoong.
His name is Blaze,
one of Tin Sok's disciple...
I heard that he's very capable and...
...excel in martial art too.
Longevity and good health.
Which clan?
Peace and Honour Clan.
How many rings?
Oh!... Tin Sok's man.
Go in then.
What's the secret behind this box?
Why is there a jade hidden in it?
What's Tin Sok secret?
Yes. He was brought up by Tin Sok.
This emblem may be of help.
Can I borrow it for good use?
Sure, take it please.
I have a favor to ask...
...since I'm new in town...
...can I seek some assistance?
This is not an issue,
both of them are at your service.
Thank you!.
Before I forget...
I have a present for you,
Master Hoong.
This is Dragon Lord Triad emblem.
Thank you!
Master Hoong,
I've never question your orders...
...but Master Sam order
to execute the mine workers...
...are just too brutal, moreover...
You just carry out his orders as told.
Whoever defies me will die!
After waited, we finally
manage to meet Master Hoong.
Together with Dragon,
hopefully we can bring good news.
After this 15th, our lives
would have a new beginning.
When can I leave this life behind?
Is the event on the aupicious
fifteenth, the last of it?
Is this the dawn of a new beginning?
This is 'damak'.
It looks harmless...
...but it's lethal.
You have to assimilate its attributes.
Never be intimidated by your enemies.
I've underestimated these boys.
Good that both of you are back.
What is the actual situation now?
We failed.
The warehouse totally burnt to ashes.
Those men in black failed me too...
But nevertheless...
I think Tin Sok is still alive.
His diciples will surely look for him.
Spread the news, kill them all...
...if they were to be found.
Yes, by the way Master Hoong
is looking for you.
But keep Blaze alive, he's useful.
Pass this pouch to him.
He'll understand...
...and knows where to find me.
Yes, Master Sam.
Go on now.
Fortunately there is
yet another game plan.
Its about time we have
to look for Tin Sok.
We'll start searching
at his favorite places.
I'll look over there.
I'll go this way.
Where could he be?
Tin Sok...
Tin Sok...
Tin Sok...
Are you Tin Sok?
Yes, I am.
I am Abu,
Tok Mat's fellow clansmen.
Let me help you.
Be careful Tin Sok.
Tok Mat?
I'll bring you to Tok Mat.
Who is Tok Mat?
Tok Mat, the village head?
Yes he is.
Let me bring you to a safer place.
Tok, I've found Tin Sok.
Hurry, Tok!
Bring him in, Abu.
Tin Sok.
I've lost track with both
who follow me, Tok.
Its alright. We'll wait till daybreak.
...if they aren't back by then,
we'll organize a search.
Yes, Tok.
How are my boys?
Don't worry, they are safe...
...but one of them was badly injured...
I'm afraid he'll never speaks again.
Abu, let Tin Sok rest.
Master Hoong, try our latest
commodity, top crop.
Once it's launched,
we'll be filthy rich!
This crafty scoundrel
will stop at nohing to profit.
I know I'm in good hands, my friend.
Haven't I said, were
unquestionably the perfect match.
But business seems slow at the parlor.
Don't worry,
I have a good suggestion.
Isn't it that you're looking for
a new Head of tin mine?
I'd propose an arena for fights...
...we'll mastermind it to our favor.
What a sly old fish!
It's too peaceful here... if something terrible
is about to happen.
Don't think the unneccessary.
Aunte Cheung,
haven't you notice lately that...
...father's works and
business partners are...
...very strange?
I never doubt him,
his actions have justifications.
Aunty Cheung,
was your marriage to dad... arranged nuptial?
Yes, that's how it's
been for generations.
Although settled here...
...they still go through
with arranged marriages.
But they are strangers to each other.
But relationships can be cultivated... your father and I...
...we slowly let it grow in us.
What if I were to be married?
I'm sure your father will
arrange someone from...
...another family who has the
equal status to match you.
As woman, we shouldn't
intervene into men's affairs.
When your mother was alive...
...she gave your father her full support.
I'll do the same.
Your father needs your support too.
But I believe destiny is in our hands.
I remember mother told me once that...
Tin Sok and father
were like brothers.
They established the
mining enterprise together...
...but suddenly, Tin Sok and
the workers disappears...
...there's even an election
for new Head of tin mine.
He's also been missing too...
Who are you refering to Dan Dan?
Oh, nothing.
Tiger, where are you?
Shall I wait for you
or shall I forgot you?
These honest and
hardworking poor souls... they know what holds their future?
Mind your own business.
Give this young man a chance.
You may go!
Who's he?
Don't bother. You go after Ace.
I'll look for Blaze.
Where are they?
We've even found Tin Sok.
Why aren't they back?
Shall we look for them?
It's Ace!
Run! They're coming after us.
Bring Ace to safety.
Where could they be?
Let's look over there.
What's the secret
behind this 2 jade?
Could it be that Tin Sok
killed my father?
This jade is the link
to your father's death.
The bearer of this jade is Tin Sok.
...Master Sam.
We hereby announce that... restore the leadership
in the tin mine,...
...a contest for Head of
tin mine will be held.
It is open to any caliber fighters
to challenge for the post.
This will be held on the
auspicious 15th of the month.
Thanks for saving our lives.
Don't mention it. We are friends.
Stay as long as you like.
No one can trespass
without my permission here.
Anyway, we ought to leave soon.
I don't want to involve
you and the villagers.
As long as I'm here,
no one can bring us harm.
Let's enjoy our meal.
Thank you!
Thanks to Abu for saving me
and keeping us safe here.
We can take our time to recuperate.
Tok Mat said it's safe here.
Recently, we have encountered
a lot of setback, but... is the time to
re-compose and re-strategize.
I will triumph against the odds.
I will never give up...
...because you are my
courage and strength.
Embrace me with
your eternal support.
During my most feeble
and frail moment...
...your tender affections
alleviate my distress.
I will never give up!
On the coming auspicious
Is it because Tin Sok
killed my father that...
...he had never entrusted
me with resposibilities but others?
Don't blame me for
being ruthless and cruel!
Dragon, I know about his
habits from the beginning.
I think you should know.
You're indulging Ace
with his addiction.
Do you know that
he's been gambling everyday?
If you want to know the reason why,...
...come meet me at the
Buffalo Pond tomorrow.
You'll uncover the truth.
See you tomorrow.
Is Ace really indulge in gambling?
And what is Blaze up to,
or should I trust him?
I'm sorry Dragon...
don't blame me.
I only wanted justice to be served.
Who actually murdered my father?
Young man, since you come
looking for me today...
I believe you've read the letter.
And the truth lies
in this piece of jade.
In the following days...
I have plans for you to be
the Head of tin mine.
But... Someone will hinder your claim.
Dragon, your eldest brother!
Nonetheless, he could be put away.
Dragon Lord Triad
will lend you a hand.
All you need to do is lure him out.
Will you seize this opportunity?
Then, I shall pass you the symbol
of the Dragon Lord today.
I've vowed to avenge
my father's death.
I'm meeting Blaze
at the Buffalo Pond.
It's matters regarding Ace!... Dragon.
Why is it that you betray
us even though we are brothers?
After this auspicious 15th,
there could be no return.
Never thought Blaze reacted
the same like his father.
I believe Dragon spirit
would definitely go with us.
Today, we will claim
back what is yours!
We'll definately avenge you.
We won't let you die in vain.
Trust me that I'll claim
justice back for you.
The arena is our witness today.
We'll claim justice for you!
Master Hoong how are you?
Men, greet Master Hoong!
This is Master Sam.
Master Sam.
Master Sam,
this is a very well set up.
Of course, it's a lucrative business!
It's a massive turnout today.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Head of the Peace and
Honour Clan, Master Hoong...
...has put up this arena forward... restore the tin mine leadership...
...through the challenge for the fittest.
This arena welcomes all challengers.
The last man standing...
...will be the Head of tin mine.
Master Hoong, this is
a promising young man.
I think so.
You won't regret it.
Tin Sok!
Tiger and Ace!
Blaze, I'm disapointed with you!.
You don't have the
dignity to take this place!
You are really heartless!
It's not me who's heartless,
but someone else is!
Ace, stand up!
How could you do this? Why?
Don't you have emotions?
We are all brothers!
Brothers, I've never
regarded you as brothers!
Say what you want
if you can walk out alive!
Justice is on our side.
We'll see who rules supremacy.
This is a draw!
The arena is open again,
who's the next challenger!
Tiger, you can do it!
Victory must be mine.
I've under estimated him.
Tiger, stand up!
In the year 1884...
Malaya is regarded as the
largest tin exporter in the world.
Yet, stories that happened
in 1881 repeats itself.
Imbalance of the powerful and.
...struggles of the deprived...
...lingers on in uncertainty.
Is it that time creates heroes, or...
...are heroes created out of time?