Kirishima, bukatsu yamerutteyo (The Kirishima Thing) (2012)

excuse me
you are in touch with the young audience
but still we didn't win
you tried and that's what counts
just believe in yourself
you did great with your movie
steady and efficient, you succeeded
i could increase your budget next year
come on be grateful
so, could we buy a battery light?
slow down, next movie
we're only writing the scenario now
the sequel of "hot tear"
we need your director's skills again
you promised next would be our scenario
see ya
"put all your heart in each ball"
you go
ah, right 1 2
stop crying
he says you're super-cute
-didn't say that
did too
-did not
i told him you're taken, made him sad
-no problem
-don't be sad
obviously, this team can't be what it was
there's no time until next season
just keep training and focused
tomorrow's match is still on schedule
koizumi, you'll play in the libero position
attention bow
thank you
we can't wear our sweat suit
today in shorts it was showing
from the thigh down
quick, back to your seats
what happened to your hair?
it's quite trendy
among whom?
my little sister and all
-but she's just 11, silly
not silly
-that weird?
they're wet?
-i was in the bathroom
let me see it's soft
don't touch
-try it kasumi
was better before?
-shorter maybe
terashima sit down
pass it around
all right this is for wednesday week
it will be important for the 2nd year test
ask your parents, ponder on it, then decide
we'll use it next month for career guidance
-no sir
stand up bow
-say today
-hiroki, hurry
-sorry see you after
sorry i'm still filling this, catch up later
-kirishima will be upset
hurry then sorry
today too she's waiting for kirishima
-she does
great, every day
he's their bold captain
they've been selected already
what is it?
-you know kirishima
kirishima's team has been selected, right?
announced at the morning assembly
you're in it too
we'll support you, good luck
my application
applications are for gorillas too?
-it's above his league
are you going back?
hiroki doesn't come
-training today?
you should join a club too
-we're waiting for kirishima's to end
they're in the same cram school
boys hang out in the weirdest places
he's still taking baseball
i still see him with the bag
-he has a lot going for him
baseball, it's all muddy, gross
-you'd be on the same schedule
he might look good in a muddy face
-with his handsome face
even a muddy body
-you're getting filthy
he heard?
who cares
this morning at the assembly
sorry you had to wait
"sorry you had to wait"
the title of their movie
like "wipe my hot thingy"
-is that porn?
i forgot we gotta go
you're steady with your club, like it?
it counts for my scores
so it's serious
-sana's scores are great in any case
-not mine, you mean?
i didn't mean that
-she's kidding
maeda is still here
-he just went
-all right
teacher, that movie, the title?
"you wiped that hot tear from my face"
you're interested?
-thanks, sorry
definitely impossible to memorize
your tear
-we gotta go
fujita texted me to meet him at the fast food
-you're going
i'll simply ignore him
-but he'll wait forever
tell him you have a boyfriend
it's precisely what turns him on
-he'll never be a challenge for hiroki
don't tell hiroki about fujita
be sure not to tell, ok?
that girl is sitting behind hiroki
sometimes their eyes meet in class
i wonder if something happened
you spend too much time checking on him
sorry i lied before
the club counting for my score, in fact i love badminton
the girls are always so serious
see ya
first time i see it, did you make it?
a lucky charm to win the next match
may i touch
same firmness as my sister's muscles
that explains your canon ball smash
i can feel the tension compare here
not really
right i'm sorry, let's go
your sister was playing in 2nd year?
she was in the top 4 regionally
so great
-if she was still alive
i'll never be up to her
of course mika, you're
kirishima is not coming
not here
-maybe in the restroom, lisa is waiting
where's kirishima?
you don't know?
you don't know
just now, hiroki
on the basketball ground
hiroki hurry
that was the principal
-it sucks if he heard us about the condom
why are they wet
-i went to the restroom
let me see it's soft
-don't touch
-try kasumi
terashima sit down
all right this is for wednesday week
it will be important for the 2nd year test
ask your parents, ponder on it, then decide
stand up bow
hiroki, say
hiroki, hurry
-you can join us later
cold today
-maybe not
there's a match sunday at 10 in kitako
you come?
your hair is longer
tough luck, it was just farts
the captain?
he was upset because you don't train?
-he asked me to come for a match
why especially that match?
-it's a match for training
he treats you like a guest athlete
keep up the effort
yumi said she can't come
i get it
-you're not going to the club?
in a while
-no way
what? your baseball supporters
whatever you don't frequent a club
neither do you
they're gone
-it sucks to have to club
still, no one can stop me
i'd rather be home
relax ryuta
i'm not your regular "club-less"
not clubing is a challenge to me
what's that
time off
for example
to spend ones free time in clubs
or having sex?
i guess one can have both
you're not answering
for example
she's practicing sax every day
she's sawajima in our class
all right sawajima
does it look like she "does it" every day?
enough with that
there's no girl who doesn't like it
unfortunately she never has a chance
she ends up like that
"like that"
so if we compare with lisa?
or sana?
how much time they spend in clubs
very much
if their energy is not spent in clubs, what do they do?
don't think it's related
this is human nature
sure however
strange that he would be defending clubs
i think some have a true passion for clubs
kirishima for example
how about kirishima?
in his club is the captain
lisa is his girl
is it true she was dating a college student when she was 13?
don't know
looks like her
this gave me a stiffy
a person who can, does what he wants
and someone who can't, just can't
you say that because you can
it's a merciless angle
but she stopped
her volley club
what are you talking about?
you sure?
i went to that place
the volley director was there
i heard him
how about kirishima? now?
don't know
what is it?
kirishima quit his club
i don't know if he stopped already
lisa is waiting for him there
-so i tell her?
don't know
hiroki did you talk with kirishima?
my bad, i thought you knew
tell it to lisa anyway
excuse me
sorry to bother, could you go somewhere else?
information meeting for clubs
we'll have the election for music club next sunday
this year too we rely on your effort
please offer your support
next we have the great achievement of the boys volley club
the head kirishima from 2-c has been selected regionally
great you knew it?
you should have told me
why didn't he tell us?
we'll start the meeting for freshmen
we wish our best to each club
where's kirishima?
finally the movie club
at the high school movie contest
which just took place in koshien
our movie club has passed a first selection
unfortunately they didn't pass the second selection
this is a great achievement for one of our clubs
please give them a warm applause
but they didn't make it
the title of their movie
"you wiped that hot tear from my face"
it sucks
we finished the club announcements for this month
ok, rock-paper-scissors for the next
well? kubo
my knees hurt today
-i too have
hands don't matter for soccer
let's see akebono
see the boys of the soccer club
hiroki, go for it
you're his mom?
teacher is calling you
let's go sana
nice cut
you saw him, great
are you with us?
ok, to the front
ok, in front
i was almost alone for the second goal
-anyway we won
no need to rub our face
-i'll go to the restroom
what? now?
-need to take a crap
gym is so much effort for so little reward
ok, if it was for a big league
-just tell them
i won't i leave them in their error
katayama said he wants to see us after class
i suddenly remember this morning's events
surely gonna bugger me again about my scenario
yesterday i met hikari michishima
-no kidding, where?
in a dream
-what situation?
-won't tell
i want to add it to a scenario
tell me now
-i can't
-just tell
you read treasure mystery?
-you bought it?
-i'll read it soon
-let me see
they're so soft
don't touch them
-it's ok
it's ok we'll wait for them
he looks good in a muddy face a muddy body too
he heard?
-who cares
-what was that title again?
sorry i kept you waiting
when i'm a director i won't use them
we'll see who's laughing then
not what i had in mind
write about what's closest to you
your experience as students, your feelings
friendship, love
space zombies are great however
have you yourselves experienced zombie-ness?
-no, zombies aren't among us
sir, have you seen a romero movie
what romero?
-george a. romero
"night of the living dead"
sure, but you're not into that madness
"biohazard", "i am a hero"
romero was at the origin of
-i get it
i got it, you're well versed into it, still
but "hot tear" has been praised as "youth reality"
still we didn't win
you won the first selection believe in yourself
maestro, you did great this morning
should have guessed
i'm hungry
movie club, non-members keep off
anyone bought gantz vol. 32?
give me this
let's do it
but the director just opposed it
look? "students meeting of the dead"
the director
he's only interested in his own stuff a sequel to "hot tear"
he told us to write something else
love is not our stuff
if we can't produce our stuff, soon we'll quit
if koshien doesn't like it, we'll go to pia or nhk
how about it?
-sure but
why not
all right
we don't have to start today
-i found a great, vacant location
you're persistent
-it's a great zombie location
there's someone
you tell her
-how about you?
-not a director's task
you said this is the best location
a musician, no problem
she's in our section, you'll be fine
excuse me
sorry, could you go somewhere else?
-just move away a little
how far away?
we're the movie club, we'd like to shoot here
we won't record the sound today, if you could just go there
sorry, i play a little more then i go
for us, now is the best light
i need to play
-but you weren't, right now
you were not playing
but i was about to, i'll start now
the sound is much different you wouldn't know
that building provides a futuristic setting
-in the future, a virus arrives from space
students are infected and become zombies
well i over-simplify
is that a game?
i'm a real musician, you know
if you wanna play just go
play? but we mean business
you have a permit?
you need a permit to use this place
if you don't, then we have equal rights
permit equality
-it belongs to everyone
it's for everyone are you listening?
eric paroissien, minimasubs,
she's stubborn
-she believes her muse is superior to ours
we're ready for the gathering
sure, i'm coming
-you like it here
it's spacious but any place is fine
who are those?
let's go
we won
they didn't do it today? basket players
-why should i know
beware of expanding your breath
your tonguing was delayed
i'm coming
i'm off balance
too heavy with the baseball bag
-just go
cramming school
is this your bus?
you've been waiting?
kirishima didn't come
he's not answering his phone
you know why?
he told you?
you're close friends
i don't know anything either
he's crossing going too far
one catch
my treat
i was surprised how great it was
looks like something i saw on tv?
"the fly", "alien", "body snatchers"
"body x from the wandering star"
sorry i don't know
that's a memory from middle school
you remember me then?
-course i do
we had a couple of conversations
you watch that genre of movies
you know tarantino, right? the movie we saw today
he was to make a remake of it
you saw it
-the project didn't see the light of day
i see
what tarantino do you like?
i can't remember the title, many people died in it
you could say that about all his movies
i see
sorry, gotta go
see you
at school i mean
thanks for the drink
good morning
good morning
he didn't even talk on the weekend
you mean kirishima?
-lisa was so upset
but he can't avoid her at school today
like hunting a criminal
say ida?
not yet
why didn't you show up at the training?
i had to work on the application
it's just once
if kirishima was there you wouldn't
-it's not about him
what's going on?
about kirishima?
-what did he do?
what is it?
-stay out of this
speak out
he's upset because he was expelled
you'll replace him
finally you can play, good luck
i saw "scream 3" late in the night
my favorite is scream 2
we lost on sunday
the trainer is so upset
there's a match next week
if you could
not yet
"unfortunate events in that wretched world"
(classical literature)
the classical imperfective tense
mika doesn't have hers
you heard? it sucks for volley club
he went after lisa too
it's gorilla and that small dude you know
-right, the both of them
lisa told him " finally you can play"
she left them speechless
these guys have feelings too you know
you're trying to make a point?
how about kirishima?
he didn't come
-isn't that concerning?
what can i do, he isn't answering mail or phone
i see
guys are boorish, they could say anything to you
yet I'm not granted a little explanation
did you smile?
didn't smile
you find all this amusing
sorry, it's not like that
i'll buy something
-i'm coming too
kirishima is not answering
when's the application due?
-you finished
-my mom's taking care of it
still nothing
seems he doesn't know his friends anymore
he's got all talents
volley guys told him he sucked
that was the trigger
who told you?
a girl in the volley club
this year it was all good for him, he was excited
his father was in debts
-surely not
he's just preparing exams
-so soon
-can't harm
but his club activity could help his entry in a university
us 3, we could enter university together?
we'd live together
-no way
there you are
does it have to be now?
you said we'd use it
we have a field trip after noon, i can't do this
redder would be more realistic
today they'll have to vomit it, so add syrup
we'll render the entrails' gore with sausage and squid
you say that now?
you didn't tell me about the entrails gore
you're too loud
if you're not in the line?
thank you
we eat in the classroom?
for the movie?
-yes, a prep
-looks like fun
i'd like to see it when you're done
see you later
you're not changing?
i feel funny
koizumi gave all he had
i thought he was great
his small size, and considering he was replacing kirishima
it's not that i like him or anything
still they lost
however hard they tried
-what's that?
all this for what?
i so envy sana and all
they don't question life
-you think so
neither you do get such feeling
sure i get it
thanks sorry i'd better go back
what's going on in this school?
all right
-it's not all right with the friggin baseball-ers
someone, ask them for a break, tagami tell them
how about you takeda?
won't work, let's move, director
keep it coming
you miss easy balls, have you been training?
we rehearse together?
such a great spot
do we even like basket?
we were playing while waiting for kirishima
and now?
but in any case
we enjoy it, right?
it's just me?
you register in the club
going back?
pardon me
i suspected it
when they saw you play many boys had a crush on you
getting cold, winter is here
since she changed class, mika has become distant
don't you think?
you're ok here? what's hiroki doing?
he's not returning my calls
kirishima was late today
he had an interview for the selection
who told you this?
-parents network
good morning
good morning
you heard?
kirishima may come today
if you have to talk to him i can come along
that girl is impossible to figure out
-indeed, even from a girl's angle
you have basket today
-i don't think so
-then let's go some place
all right
kirishima's situation is so messed up
lisa found a way to meet him
could we meet there and walk back together?
our old place, behind the science building
great, that's a date
going to the club?
if i don't exercise every day i become restless
sorry, i have that application
-catch up later
be there in a flash
sorry about all that
it's fine about what anyway
thank you
no one there
you idiot
kirishima told you something?
about us? the volley club? he wasn't happy?
i don't think he cared
teacher told you to stop?
he forbids blood
tell him blood is flowing in us at all times
prolly upset because we took it up against his advice
while he takes advice from no one
what should we do?
obviously we do it
you said it yourself "just do it"
i'm passionate, the whole team's never been so thrilled
i forbid you to withdraw now
they're all waiting let's go
forgot the script, i'll get it
he startled me
was that bad?
-don't mind that guy
how about telling the others about us?
no way, the girls would give me hell
we had that fight last Sunday?
i went to a movie to clear my head, i met that guy
what movie?
forgot didn't like it
it's supposed to be a meteorite
if it's for the color
let me see
director? how about this one?
what's with that dangle here?
thought it would be nice
doesn't look like a meteorite
told ya
all right paint it all black and we'll make do
why is she here today?
i'll negotiate
forgive me
we're the movie club
-i know
we're shooting there
we have text too, we need sound recording
if you could understand
sorry, this is an important rehearsal
so the rooftop is not good
that rooftop you were so keen about
the rooftop is good, right?
why especially today?
are you harassing us?
what the?
-the school ground is not only yours
-i know
so you don't mind going somewhere else?
what is it?
what's the matter?
could you explain?
we need to shoot
i don't know about music
we have no other spot
that is
today is my last
i'm sorry
what do you mean?
i need to focus
i have no choice
i'm the head of the club
i can't afford to dilly-dally
so today, one last, good rehearsal
i'm sorry about that
let's go, we'll use the rooftop first
so we use the rooftop?
teshu, the rooftop
sorry, i was bit constipated today
what's this?
let's go
kiss me
kiss me here, now
let's go
go, go
move in front
one more
one more
come back quick
go, go
stand up fusuke
stand up, hold your libero position
what's this? he told you
he'd stay in the team until graduation
kirishima has nothing to do with this
he didn't quit
you man up to the circumstances
i'm doing my best
this is my very best
i just saw kirishima
damn it
the rooftop
you don't have to go
it's ryuta hello?
get it
kirishima is here sorry
we resume from page 4
from the start
hiroki, this way
could be on the rooftop
let's go quickly
ready action
he was here
he was here?
it's just these
what's this?
-what's that?
that bastard kirishima
you apologize
you guys apologize
look, the sun is setting
we can't shoot anymore today
it's not your rooftop and we had an emergency
so why did you kick our meteorite?
it's our special meteorite
you apologize
look, the uprising of the zombies
no reason to get upset
-keep out of this
kirishima is not here, and we have to deal with these
you are the weirdoes here
go for it
-don't interfere
-brutality would get you kicked out of the team
why did the dwarf stop him
go away idiots, go
who do you think you are?
give us a break
eat them all
i'll make a documentary with it
"diary of the dead"
what is he saying?
we'll show it to romero
ready action
it was great, right?
what was it? "we in this world "?
"we have no choice but to live in this world"
"we have no choice " what?
"we have to fight for our world"
"because we have no choice but to live in this world"
just remember
let's go
kirishima is here sorry
where are you going?
where are you going?
i have something you?
training of course
the baseball field fence is busted here
time is short because we have to go to another place
it's your 3rd year, right?
why don't you stop?
you should have retired last summer
until my draft is done
until my draft is done
no one comes to you scouting for players?
they're not coming
until my draft is done
sorry, gotta go
what next?
you can come, even only to support
i feel we'll win next time
hiroki, this way
ready action
we fight for our world
i tell you, he was here
right? here
let's go
it fell
thank you
never seen a camera like this one
it's an 8mm my father used
it's not video?
it's a 8mm film
a film is good too
-of course
i'm not strictly partial to it, still
none at all
you can't touch the film, shooting is tricky, the image is not good
"not good"? that's your personal opinion
it give you the "film" touch the video could never render
it has a special power
i'm not too good at selling it
may i touch it?
- sure
indeed, not too good
oh shut up
you'll become a famous director?
i don't know
-will you marry an actress?
you'll win an award?
well i don't think i will
i can't be a director
why is that?
so why do you shoot with that shabby camera?
that is at times
there are movies we like, this one we're shooting
i feel a connection
the truth is, it happens rarely
that's why here
you're back-lighting
you're so handsome
you're handsome
enough with me
enough i said
it's ok
kirishima said we should stop the clubs (and start to live our life)
[title of this movie]