Kirot (The Assassin Next Door) (2009)

I told you smile.
Galya, they will kill us.
Galya, they will kill us, I know.
And I do not want to die.
Do not show that we are afraid.
They will kill us. I do not want to die.
Calm down. Calm down.
Stop. Stop.
Where is it?
Where is he?
No, it's mine. This is mine.
Quiet you.
No. No No
Give it back, it's mine.
Give, give.
So what are you doing?
Is this your gratitude for
everything I do for you?
If you want, as Nina finish?
They buried her in Rishon,
on the beach. Three meters in depth.
Are you going same make.
You're not listening, maybe, me?
Come on, face wash, change your clothes
and quickly back into the slot.
Time is short.
I hurt all over.
Did not you hear me at all?
I'm not coming back there.
They'll all be burned and the ashes
podmetut that the dust was left.
Give me leave.
Listen, crablouse.
Who are you to tell me
what you want now,
what do not you?
Who are you? Damn last.
The child threw her,
live through me.
Bitch, you're all alive because I so want to.
You want to go?
About Kay.
Want me to help you?
So help me.
Free nothing happens.
Yours, from that moment.
Now get out of machine, go there,
one bullet guard punched and two fatty.
In the nest you did not want to.
Will you give debt so.
It's quick and easy.
Do you want me to be a kid
now have called and sent them
on Dobryninsky 37, Flat 6?
What is it, six?
Third floor, flat-six.
Want? No problem.
Oh, look what was sent.
Fresh. Today sent.
Listen to what is going on with this link
- Madhouse.
At the other end of the Earth
dude made a photograph,
second - and it is here.
Softly, softly, softly. Calm.
Yes you are quiet.
Forces ashore. Not pulled,
not kill her. Mad or what?
We're not beasts of some kind.
Just a pity her.
Look how beautiful.
They will make out of it the same as you.
Well, imagine how annoying.
Go your way.
Your debts will pay
once you were resisting.
It you want?
I want a passport. And money.
Oh, thank you, Lord.
This is what I wanted from you to hear.
You're right, Pantera, clever.
I love you for it.
You see, you grab the situation.
Passport and money.
Shut your mouth, not deaf.
Receive. Do something
I ask - you will receive.
Next, have not yet departed.
Like it?
Clothing buy a normal one.
Then come back.
The order of point-here ideal.
Then we'll talk.
Is that all?
Where the remaining money and passport?
I'll pick eight.
Hello? Who is it?
Hello? Hello? Who is it?
It's me, Galya. How are you?
What do you want?
Talk. Give me with her Please talk to.
I'm going home.
I want to see it.
Do not come here.
'I told her that you are dead.
Dad? What we have for dinner?
Lena, quieter. I'm talking on the phone.
Please. Gimme talk to her.
You - my best worker.
This work - the last one.
But if I say 'no'?
You promised.
I wanted to mention human beings.
With hummus, with vodka.
You also can not wait.
At. Two weeks.
Not first class,
I'm sorry, but at the window.
But where are the rest?
Job done? Two days
come, get a passport, money.
I'm tired already your sour face to see.
I also miss your will not.
'Aerosvit' 238. Tel Aviv - Kiev.
Music too loud.
Turn off the music, please.
Turn off the music now
same or I'll call the police.
Back in the apartment.'
What are you bothering me?
Leave me alone.
I do not need your help.
I need you for water.
And for the fabric.
I do not have fabric, but I have
toilet paper, extra soft.
This is the best that I found.
Do something to cook?
This noodle is very tasty.
I love her.
You just have to know how
lehapits her
Well, how to jump it, well, you know.
And prepare a good sauce.
I am preparing for instruction.
Yes, but these instructions do not work.
These instructions are in Russian.
He will soon return.
If I'm not home, he gets angry.
If he finds out that I'm here...
- So go away.
Did you draw?
It seems to Eilat.
Yes. This is a city in the south.
Beautiful place.
My husband, he
He was not always so.
Sometimes it
You know.
- Yes, I know.
Sometimes he does not like as you cook,
sometimes he failed day at work,
sometimes too much to pay
accounts, sometimes the water is bad.
Yes, I know.
So, we normal?
You are not to blame.
You're a long time in Israel?
Do you speak Hebrew?
How are things?
Fuck you to
I'll probably bother you?
You're busy cooking and all that, so
I have to go.
You can take it.
What? No, what you do. No.
No, I can not.
It's not good, you do not know me.
- No, take it.
This is better.
This is worse.
This, yes?
This 'mivtsa. You know
what is a 'mitzvah'?
One to buy, second for free.
If you take this, no 'mitzvah'.
If so you eat this shit, so
at least not to overpay for him.
Better when 'Mitzvah'. Come on.
Where did you get it?
Never, never take milk from the first row.
Always take it from the back row.
See? Date of much better.
You're here for two years
and do not know this?
Come on, I put you in the express queue.
Sorry, sorry, wait a minute.
What? What's happening?
Nothing, everything is in order.
I work here. Only one minute, relax.
All right.
Well, write it down: with
I was 45. All right, baby?
No problem.
Wait a minute. I finished
let's go home together.
I'll be.
Leave me alone, I cry.
During all this? I must pay.
Say, do you like?
I'm not sure about the color
but they are very comfortable.
I like them.
Do not tell me your name.
- Gal.
I know a Galya.
With me in the army served as a Galya.
A lovely girl, very beautiful.
I hate her.
As the song.
Elinor. You are as beautiful as an angel.
Are you familiar with the Zohar?
What is the Zohar?
The best singer in the world.
You did not hear songbirds?
Did not you hear him? '
Did not Elvis the King?
Here, King Zohar.
'A flower in my garden' 'One I'll go.'
You do not know these songs?
Sister, you are two years in Israel
- And not heard
even a little classical Israeli music?
You have a lot to learn.
- No
When you say something
that you do not like
When you feel that you want
You look so idiot,
you just look at them now
and say: 'Hey, I'm not a fool.'
Then they will know you're not an idiot.
Do you understand me, Ahote?
Hey, I'm not a fool.
- Yes?
Do you see that high
curly hair, a light jacket.
We quietly go out of
machine, go to the side entrance.
There our people.
He'll miss the quiet.
You go inside.
The crowd will find them.
So? You get to this 'Barbie'
in red, a bullet in the forehead roll.
Roney wants so.
The best way to teach a lesson asshole
- Is to fill up his calf.
Come on.
Find someone else.
I will not do that.
Do not start.
Do what is said,
last order.
Obtain a passport, documents
and fly on all four sides.
Come on.
You dancing?
You can invite you to dance?
See to it that this happens again.
It is clear, yes?
Goodbye, Bear.
Good luck.
Then we'll talk.
Well, I see you're not want me to leave.
Barbie is still breathing.
I finished my. I am flying home.
I you do nothing.
Must. Must work to finish.
Quiet, smooth, without tails.
Here's what you must.
I want my passport.
I want my money. I want to
'I want, I want to...' But what
You're like a little girl?
A thousand times I tell you:
Roni and Michael - they are local.
They - not me, they noggin different works.
As you do not you understand?
Do not they trust you.
But you're a good boy,
do what they ask.
Prove that you
- About Kay, the conversation ended.
'Barbie' in Ihilove. Drive on
there and bang her already.
Your stuff here. Wait a minute.
Bring your tea?
You put your tea bag the eye, that helps.
Yes, I know. I do not help.
This voucher is worth
More than 20 shekels.
Do you want to fill it with me?
Football. Sports lottery.
Beer-Sheva and Petah-Tikva?
What choose?
I think, Beer-Sheva easy win.
Beer-Sheva had a good season.
Now you are. You know what?
Want me to enumerate you a list of games?
I do not know the team.
Better not to know them.
In any case, it is a matter of luck.
So I come here.
Here quietly.
You can concentrate.
May get a little help from above.
What, up there working?
Once I had guessed seven
items. Won 20 NIS.
But the best place for me -
and not due to the fact that
I won something -
but I just feel sort
communication, something real -
a Mikveh.
Mikveh. There comes all believers
Women ablution.
It's like a big Religious pool.
Every time I I go out after that,
I got like a million.
Like I get this effect.
He never hit me When I go from there.
It cleanses you.
This is something special.
And under the water you can talk to God.
Do not even believe it.
And what would you do with that money?
Do not know.
'd Run away.
Start somewhere all over again.
How are you.
Moving to a new location
- Easy.
A lot of problems.
Problems? You know what I have.
Once he loved me.
Take care of me well treated me,
let me feel a woman.
And now I'm living with a monster.
But your family... it
help you?
They say all my fault.
What should I be good, try to understand.
I understand.
I understand that I had to run away.
Somewhere, anywhere.
First of all, away from him.
I can not let your child to suffer here.
You told him?
No. He does not deserve In order to know.
At this time I must do something.
Otherwise, or he will kill me
or I'll kill him.
And you?
You must do something with their hair.
What? I love your hair.
Your picture looks different.
Similar to Eilat.
I was there a couple of times.
I was there when she married.
Beautiful place.
Do you want to go there?
We'll go with you together.
We can leave.
There is a bus-express
every hour. We can leave.
I can not.
I have a job.
Yes, I... I just simply chatting.
What I have there, in Eilat?
I have that, they had lost something?
Wait, maybe
Go to the bathroom.
What are you doing?
Elinor. Meet,
please. This is Mishka.
Mishka, Mishka, he...
Uncle. Uncle checkboxes.
Very nice, Eleanor.
Neighbor checkboxes.
Elinor makes my hair.
Very nice. On horse
similar. I was in Ukraine.
You mean your mother?
Girlfriends bred?
It is not a friend, she was a neighbor.
Talking about?
She did not know, calm down.
Cool the seeds, please.
She's taught me few words. She likes.
Thank you.
Like it?
Pretty, right?
As Mickey Khaimovich.
Well, you probably want to talk
and all that, but at I'm busy, so
Then we'll talk.
You instead of this?
I'm tired look as hell.
Do you have that, the roof gone?
I told you: finish the job.
I had finished its work.
I want money and passport.
Running in Ihilov, ended 'Barby' this.
Kill myself, I do not touch women.
Go away.
Do you still have 48 hours.
After that, I can not answer for you.
Go away.
My friend from work brought
image with ultrasound.
So interesting.
I'm glad that you came with me.
We go to the hospital Ihilov, huh?
Yes. I told you three times said. Here Ihilov.
I'll go to the toilet.
All right.
We see the heart.
As I have already seen?
Tummy grew.
Next month I'll look like a potato.
Yes, you will look a potato.
But feel like elephant.
Yes go to hell.
You have to end if you so I will draw.
Let me see.
Let me see.
I want you drew me
at the place which you told me.
A place where women feel clean.
What Mikveh?
You never let go.
This is only for married women and
I'm pregnant, and me all these scars.
I would not wasted.
Take me there.
I want to feel clean as a normal woman.
A month later you will be very heavy.
If you ever pronounce
the word 'elephant', I swear, I
I was... that's so big.
Very sick of spin.
I do not know.
Yes, when you wear the child
very sore back.
I did not know that You have a child.
Yes, true. Why not?
Never mind. I just do not know.
Your daughter is in Russia?
The Ukraine.
And you came here to earn money for her?
You're a good mother.
I would have done the
same thing, you know.
Do not touch him, put into place.
Why is it?
Listen, this is not your business.
Do not bother my head, Galya.
Tell me the truth.
Put into place.
Teach me to use them.
I'm serious.
It is not for pregnant women.
Give it to me, it's dangerous.
This thing is so heavy.
You did not answer me.
Why did you hold?
With this rain, and thunder
nobody can hear.
You owe me for TV.
Plus console.
You must answer me, Galya.
Do not ask me questions, answers
which you do not want to know.
If you do not want to tell me, fine.
At the very least, teach me.
I want to know how they use it.
It is not for women with a child.
He will soon return, and if you teach me
be strong like you perhaps he will stop.
A waste of time it does not help.
Wait, Galya. Teach me.
I want to know.
A woman waiting for the child,
must know how to protect themselves.
Two, three, four.
So. Hit the mark
- This is not the main thing.
First, you need learn not to fear.
Hard to keep weapons.
All right.
Two, three, four.
Fear not, fear not.
Aim straight, okay?
Tighter, firmer hold
weapons. Solid and tight.
But I cling.
No, you hold it a little girl.
Catch him as a woman.
Do not let your arms to keep
, you should always keep their weapons.
Two, three, four.
Now teach me how to aim.
Who are you talking to?
From Tzipora.
My regards to her sister.
With best regards, sister.
What's my drink?
Coming soon.
'Coming soon' you said an hour ago.
Are you ready?
You are estimates, as I told you?
Last month at I had a week ago.
Yes, because it is strictly... There
Poles are just obaldet.
Give me a little of
ice cream, which you bought.
All right.
We can already do this?
Are you talking about?
Gorilla just woke up.
I have to go.
So you brought your mother
a lot of peace and joy, you hear?
And many grandchildren.
Thank you.
- Bye.
Bless you Lord, the righteous woman.
How nice that you came.
How are you?
Thank God. I just...
hit my head against the wall.
I guess I can not pass in this form.
It is not so scary.
I'll see her friend.
Are you married?
She was engaged.
Actually, I did not see the ring,
but oh well, the future bride.
Let it be just luck.
When is the wedding?
Two days.
Pure seven days have passed?
Yes, gone.
What is your name, bride?
Gal. Galia Rasimova.
Mazal. Bring cake, the
us there's another bride.
Perhaps it was a bad idea.
Give me a hand. Of course, good.
Such a thing is not for me.
Do not worry, all is well.
It's like diving naked in a pool.
You're never done?
Never, when God looked at me.
I'm not going.
Crazy? You wait.
Not everyone can be cleansed.
This is for good people.
But you're a good man.
He sees me and immediately
understand what I am dirty.
Stop talking nonsense, Galya.
I did many bad things.
In the Ukraine, and here, too.
But worst of all - this is
I dropped my daughter and husband.
When my daughter was only a year,
I just got up and left.
What's her name?
Elena. She is now five years old.
Why did you cast her?
She was born wrong.
Hey, it happens, Galya.
It's not your fault.
Just happens.
The doctor said that she
lack of oxygen in the brain.
What she will never
normal, like everyone else.
All this because of me.
It's my fault.
- No.
I know. I feel so.
- And I threw it.
I am a monster.
Galya, hey.
I feel that you love your daughter.
I feel much you love her.
Call them.
I'm ready.
Galya, nice, hand over the body.
Spreading his legs a bit.
Stretch, stretch your fingers.
Sweetheart, kindle his hands to the side,
not touch to his body.
Dip the whole three times,
and you come out and purified.
Blessed art Thou, O God, the Lord
the universe, who has blessed us
his commandments, and has blessed
perform this ablution.
Gal? How are things?
Go home.
Who is it?
People with work.
Go home.
Come, I said.
Misha asked me to tell you
passport and money.
Come, take it.
Come out and show himself.
Do not come home.
You said that the bus runs every hour.
Let's go.
What, like this? In the middle of the day?
Let's go. Come on.
If I leave, I can not go back.
I can not go through
week, crawling humbly,
like an idiot, because Then he really
I'll take care of you.
How? His weapon?
I told him. She told him about
child, he promised that will change.
Child needs a father.
I want to give him another chance.
To do what?
He promised.
To do what?
Look at yourself. On its face,
on the scars. Their you can fix it.
Child - no.
He promised.
They always promise.
It's hot, very hot.
I think the hot weather and a lot
the sun are harmful to Child, you know?
And I do not know where there is a hospital.
And I do not know well
whether I'm doing good or bad.
Forget about it.
Far from it you are safe.
He will find me.
I can feel it. He finds and kill me, I know.
That I can not do.
It never ends, it is not
change, you do a mistake.
You must resist this, you
should not be afraid you should leave.
No I do not want.
You want to escape?
Go. I stay.
If you do come back, you
podvergnesh themselves and child at risk.
I know what I'm doing, Galya.
You go with me.
No, leave me alone.
You're not my mother. I'm going home.
Come with me, I'll help you.
You're not helping.' You're hurting me.
I am doing what is good for you.
For whom are you taking?
All you're doing - it is running away.
Running away from their
country, running from...
family, running away from her child.
I do not want to run, okay?
I myself can not take care of myself.
I want my money and my passport.
I want my money, and I
'My money and my passport.'
What do you show off?
I want to take her and leave.
What is yours? What's yours?
Nothing is yours.
You belong to me.
My money and my passport.
Why do you presume, bitch?
I own your pussy.
I own your soul.
All that you have
- Belongs to me.
And now be a good girl,
do well their work another three months,
then maybe we'll talk.
Now get out of here.
I only wish that that belongs to me.
You - a waste of money.
My money.
And now, pack your tits
and get out of here.
My money and my passport. Now.
Fetch 100.000 and passport.
Put it on the floor and shut the door.
All right.
Put your arms.
Tzachi not even think about it.
Nobody shoots.
Open the door.
Put your arms.
Put the guns.
Hello Here at Kiev?
Landing in an hour.
We will announce when you can
will go on landing.
Enjoy your flight.
- Thank you.
It Gal.
How are you?
I wanted to apologize.
I was wrong,
forcing you to leave.
It is your decision.
In any case, I would
say goodbye to you before departure.
Thanks for everything, Elinor.
You were right.
He beat me.
Take me away.
Please, take me away from here.
It seems to me, I killed him.
Want to play with him?
He needs someone good to play with him.
To someone good on It cared. Want?
His name is Pugi. Penguin Pugi.
He wants you to hugged him tightly.
Girl, you forgot, it's yours.
How are you? Not hurt?
I'm all right.
Where is he?
Is he dead?
No, just unconscious.
Take bag, put only what is necessary.
I'll go for bandages.
No, Galya, I do not stay with him alone.
Do not worry. I quickly come back.
And to me no one interferes.
What do I do with you?
What do I do with you?
You know, I put at you a lot of money.
A lot of money.
A lot of money to buy you
this son of a bitch Bears, you know?
All right.
What do you presume?
A bitch?
Bitch. Bitch.
Nobody dares pristavlyat Gun-to-face Roni.
Nobody puts gun-to-face Roney, okay?
You're wasting your time, sorry.
Dude, what's going on?
Hey, Ronnie.
You've got her killed, or what?
Roni. You've got it all right?
Oh crap. Fucking bitch. Whore.
Your Boss is dead.
You're not at work.
Go away.
Go away.
Go away.
Go away.
Where is she?
Sit on her tail and I'll soon be.
Do not worry, leave it to me.
I was already tired.
I'll finish it simply.
For me there is no force.
Today I am her first dig.
Now you're working on me.
Two tickets to Eilat, please.
- Thank you.
Never mind. Just do not stop.
Elinor, you must leave the bus.
I do not leave you.
These people do not otvyazhutsya from me.
Gal, I will not leave.
If we are going, you're going alone.