Kismat Konnection (2008)

'Let's go. Life is like
a game of cards.'
'Life is like a game of cards.'
'Before the game begins, even
before the players arrive..'s decided who will
win and who will lose.'
'Somewhere. Who knows where?'
People say it's a matter of
chance. It's a coincidence.'
'But there is some logic
to this magic.'
'Otherwise in this
crowd of humanity..
..why do only some people succeed
and the others don't?'
'You, he, she, we all work hard.'
'But only a few people get lucky.'
'Now whether you call it
an opportunity, chance..
..fate, fortune, luck, anything..
..or nothing at all, you have to
admit that there is something..
..which has a connection
with kismat (fate).'
'Now let's go to 626, Adelaide
Street, Toronto, Canada.'
'Where Raj Malhotra lives.'
'Let's see what his connection
with kismat is.'
'Raj! Mr. Popular of college.
With many friends!'
'A star in dramatics.
A champion in sports.'
'And in studies.. best
student of the year.'
'For three consecutive years.'
'Exactly five years ago at
the time of graduation..
..his friends printed their
own cover of Time magazine.'
'Because Raj's time
was about to begin.'
- 'Raj, you are still asleep!'
'Its 8:30, my friend!'
But I had set the alarm
for 8 o'clock.
Raj, come on! The meeting is
at 9:1 5. What are you doing?
Oh no! This alarm clock had to
stop exactly at 1 minute to 8!
Look! I will be there in 1 5 minutes!
Yes! Maximum 20! Okay! Okay!
Okay! Yes! Yes!
'By now you must have understood..
..that Raj's bad time had started.'
No matter where and how he tried,
he always faced failure.
'Fate, kismat, luck whatever
you name it..
..Raj had nothing of it. Not one.'
'But, Raj.. he doesn't
give up so easily.'
'Swimming, in fact, running
against the tide..
..he paves his own path.'
5 minutes! Our meeting is going
to begin in 5 minutes!
And this Raj..
- Late as usual.. - Where the hell is he?
Hiten! Have faith!
Raj will come!
Faith? I have trusted him
for the past 5 years!
That's why I am with him.
- So? So! Hold this!
Listen to me! Aditi, sweetheart..
..this meeting is very
important for us.
If there is even a small mistake..
Then again our marriage
will be cancelled. Right?
When you know then why
do you ask, sweetheart?
You know I love you, right?
But this Raj.. Where is Raj?
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
What happened today?
Again the same story! Don't ask me!
When I sat in my car,
my car didn't start.
When I got in a cab,
I saw I don't have money.
When I reached the ATM centre,
I found out..
Card problem!
- Exactly!
Why don't you change your
card once and for all?
At times my card does work.
- But Raj!
We don't have time!
We are getting late!
Aditi, explain to him!
Saw that? Saw that?
He is telling me! He is.. Raj!
What are you doing?
- I am a bit nervous, man.
We have got a job after a long time.
- Hiten, now you listen to me.
I spoke to Mr. Lalwani last night.
He is really impressed
with our designs. Okay.
- Another thing. - What?
Today he will give us
the advance cheque.
That's great!
Now listen to me.
- Yes.
We are confident people.
- Okay.
We are broke. We know this.
They shouldn't come to know. Okay.
Alright. - We don't need them.
They need us. Okay.
I understand.
- Act cool! Cool!
Now you watch.. my performance.
Shall we?
- After you.
After you. - After you. Come on.
Let's go. Concentrate, Please - Ok
Okay! Okay! Guys, all yours.
- Thank you.
You are welcome.
Good morning, ma'am.
Could you please inform Mr. Lalwani..
..that Mr. Malhotra and Mr. Patel
are here to sign the deal?
What happened to her?
Excuse me!
Good morning.
- Good morning.
Sir, where will we find Mr. Lalwani?
Everybody is crying.
Sir, where will we find Mr. Lalwani?
Top floor?
Above that?
On the terrace?
What will he do on the terrace?
He is dead.
- Yes!
How can he die like this?
- Relax.
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
I mean how can he die?
Yesterday I spoke to him
on the phone! - Yes.
After talking to you
he spoke to his wife.
They had a huge fight.
He screamed and he got a
brain hemorrhage and..
He is now captured
in the photograph.
One day.. couldn't you
have tolerated..
..your wife for another
day, Lalwani!
Excuse me, ma'am. One last question.
Did Mr. Lalwani sign any cheque
for us before dying? - Cheque.
Sorry! Sorry! - Don't cry.
We are going! We are going!
Enough! Enough, I am telling
you! It's enough!
You watch this show from above!
We are..
And that Lalwani.. he had
to die today itself!
No, no, no, no, no!
Don't be mistaken, my friend.
Lalwani didn't die. He was murdered.
God murders those
whom we go to meet.
Thank you!
Raj! Don't worry. Everything
will be fine.
Nothing will be fine, Aditi.
Nothing will be fine.
I'm fine.
Do you know, due to me many
have become big shots.
That Ram Nath..
200 crores.. Sharma, head of IBM.
Nagesh, chief consultant, GE.
Raj Malhotra!
Best student of the college!
There were many expectations
from him.
He will establish many cities.
And now what am I doing?
I didn't even get
a house's contract.
I just want one chance.
Raj, where are you?
I've been waiting for you outside
Sanjeev Gill's office since long.
You know that we got this
appointment with great difficulty.
Don't shout! I will be
there in 5 minutes.
I am looking for a spot to park.
He is a giant man in the
construction business.
Okay! Hang on! I got one!
I will see you in 5. Yes. Bye.
Hey! Hey! Shit..shit..
I can't believe this.
Why does this happen
to me. Thank God!
I am really so sorry!
Two inches. Just two inches.
If I had applied the brake
after two inches then..
..we would have met with an accident.
I am really sorry. I didn't see you.
It is my mistake. You should
look carefully while driving!
But I am saying I am sorry.
You are saying sorry ... conveniently
If our cars had touched then
you would have said very sorry.
If we had met with
an accident then.. would have said very,
very sorry. Right?
You know what! You women
don't know driving!
What kind of a male chauvinistic
statement is that!
I am sorry! That is not a male
chauvinistic statement!
It is the truth!
- How dare you!
Oh shit! Great! Now I lost
the parking space too!
Because of you! Do you know I have
to attend an important meeting!
We are not like you! You know.
Get up in the morning, get dressed
and leave for window shopping!
Now you are being insolent!
- I am not being insolent!
You gone on the wrong side. - That's not
my problem. - God help you for that...
God help you for that!
- God help you. - No.
Hey! Are you mad? You! Get down!
You know what?
Now I am really, really sorry!
It's okay.- I am not telling you.
I am telling myself.
Excuse me. - I wish I had
not collided with you.
And you had got that parking space.
And that tin of paint would
have fallen on your head.
Look, madam..- And you know what?
You are a male chauvinist pig!
And you know what?
I hate women drivers!
Good for you!
- Good for you!
Hey! Hey!
Good morning!
Mr.Batra and Gill's office.
I am sorry, sir.
Mr. Gill is not here yet.
It has been two hours.
Two hours.
He too died!
- What?
He is dead!
- What are you saying?
He is dead!
- Are you mad?
He is dead!
- Keep quiet! He is dead! - He..
Good morning Stella! I am running
late! Any calls?
Sir, Mr. Raj Malhotra and Hiten
Patel have come to see you.
Raj and Hiten?
- Good morning, sir.
He has placed his hand on his heart.
Heart attack. Heart attack.
Yes, yes, Raj Malhotra!
Come! We will have a chat!
- Yes sir. Come on.
Good morning, uncle Gill!
Oh! Hi Dev!
How are you? How is your dad?
He is good. He misses you.
Your favourite wine for you.
Oh! Again!
Your dad has always
been spoiling me.
Raj, meet Dev Kataria!
He is the heir of the biggest
construction company in Canada.
Of course!
And Dev, he is Raj!- I know them!
We were in the same college!
Oh! I see!
Raj has come to meet me to talk
about our new shopping mall!
I mean excellent!
Uncle, Batra and Gill's township redevelopment
project is such a big project.
And just about anybody.. I mean
everybody is given a chance by you.
You are so kind.
Anyway. I too wanted to talk
to you about my proposal.
But it seems that you are busy.
I will see you some other time.
No, no, no! Wait! Wait! Wait!
I am not so busy.
They can wait. You
don't mind waiting?
No, no! Of course! Stella,
coffee for the gentlemen. Come Dev.
Fifth one.
By now he must have
ruined everything.
He must have hijacked
the entire project!
He is a family member. Calling
him uncle he went inside. Stooge.
This.. whose dog is this?
Naughty! Stop it!
Stop it, darling! Stop it!
Please! Please, madam!
- Stop it! You naughty girl!
Behave yourself!
Good morning, Mrs. Gill.
- Good morning, Stella.
Mr. Gill is busy in a meeting.
Would you like to go in?
No problem. I will wait here.
What a cute dog, ma'am!
Thank you!
We are architects, ma'am!
You both are architects!
- Yes!
We are looking for architects.
That's why we have come here, ma'am.
How nice!
I want to make a home for Sweetie!
- Car?
'Car, you don't know? house!
- House! house!'
Not too big, a small one. Compact.
No, no! A person makes a house
only once in his life.
Don't make a small one.
Make a big one.
You are talking in my language.
Are you a Punjabi?
How sweet! Then no problem.
I leave everything to you.
No, aunt. A house is the reflection
of the person living in it.
So Sweetie's personality should
be reflected in it.
What do you say, Hiten?
- Right! Right!
Correct! Correct! So Sweetie's
personality is sweet.
And Sweetie likes blue colour.
Blue! What a lovely colour!
- I love blue!
When she is hungry, she wails a lot.
She can't control it! Sweetie
is very sensitive.
Yes! She is very sensitive.
But when she starts barking,
she doesn't stop!
Whom are you talking about?
Who else son? My dog Sweetie!
Sweetie, handshake! Handshake!
Say how do you do, dear?
- How do you do, dear?
Good. The design of her
dog house should be nice.
Something unique.
- Something unique!
Dev, I will try my best.
But the board of directors will
take the final decision.
Yes. Not a problem.
Darling, when did you come?
- Just now!
You must see this! Come on!
Show him! - Yes.
Raj has designed such a nice
house for our Sweetie.
It's in blue, Sweeties favorite?
Very good! Very good! Aunt!
Greetings! - God bless you!
Let's go!
- Okay!
Sir! Meeting!
- Oh! Sorry! I forgot!
You people come some other day!
Right now we have to
go for a function.
Stella, talk to Kabir and
give them an appointment.
See you, Dev.
- Bye, uncle! See you!
Blue is Sweetie's favourite colour!
The Raj Malhotra!
He made so many promises in college!
Finally, your dream has come true!
A blue dog house!
You know what?
Why don't you do some job?
Because you can't do anything here.
This is not college.
If you take left turn from college
gate only then life starts.
Now win and show me.
Forget it! He is a lowly man.
You know that since college days he
had a complex! Forget it! It's alright.
He is a bad man. But he is right.
What is he saying right?
Just watch! Our time too
will come! Come on!
Let's have beer.- Not today.
You go. I want to stay alone.
Raj, I am fine.
Sure? - Yes! Sure? - Yes.
'Are you fed up from life?'
'Are you troubled by bad luck?'
'Are you a failure?'
'Have you lost hopes?'
Come. I will solve your
problem in a jiffy.
'Haseena Bano Jaan'!
'Dial 1 -800-800-2800.'
'Meet me once.
And change your life.'
'Dial 1 -800-800-2800.'
'Haseena Bano Jaan!
Haseena Bano Jaan!'
'Haseena Bano Jaan!'
'Come! Come ahead!'
'Walk carefully.'
'The light from the darkness
is calling you.'
'Where are you? Where are you!'
I am here. But where are you?
Near you.
Your forehead lines reveal that
you have to reach great heights.
Your palms reveal you have
to pave your own path.
You are right!
- Quiet! - Okay!
You have brains and looks too.
You have dreams, thoughts,
But you don't have work.
Exactly! At times I
don't get the job!
And at times my employer dies!
I know!
Right now life is giving
you a chance.
A special work which
can change your life.
There is Mr. Sanjeev Gill. He is making
a project of a big mall.
If I get it.. can I do
something about it.
If you could do something..
..then your plight wouldn't
have been this.
You don't have the power
to fight with your fate.
Saw that! Nothing can be seen!
Not a single ray of hope.
Ok then I will.. leave.
Stop! There is something!
There is something!
There is a ray of hope!
Some magic! Mantra!
A talisman! A ring! A stone!
You mean to say.. - Yes! That
a stone can change my luck!
Dear! Whether science
believes it or not!
Since ages from sages and
kings to common man.
They believe there is some
energy in everything.
It wards off every evil eye.
Look! My rings!
Then you give me something
like this! Please!
I wish I could give you
something like this!
But your luck is one in a million.
So the thing which will change your
destiny too will be one in a million.
And you will get it.
Just keep your eyes open.
And recognise it!
Yes. But how will I know that
thing is lucky for me?
With luck and the power
of that energy..
..your every work will go smoothly.
And you will start your journey..
to reach for the stars.
Saw it?
- Yes.
Now come down! 1 0 dollars.
And remember.. until you
achieve your goal..
..keep it safely with you.
What's the matter?
I don't know. But there's a guy inside
and he's taking so long.
Really! - Yes! he is been
there for quite sometime.
Come on.
- Come on man.. Excuse me!
Yes! Just one second! Please!
O God! You!
It couldn't have been anybody else!
So many people are standing
outside! Can't you see?
I can see, ma'am!
I can see very well!
But this ATM machine can't see!
It's not accepting my card! Get it!
Saw that! It is accepted!
Defect is not in the card!
It's in you!
No need to take so much credit!
At times my card gets accepted.
Now will you withdraw your money?
- Oh!
I will punch in my number
in front of you!
23475723. It could be anything.
There is a mad man in there!
Good morning!
I'm sorry! Excuse me! What did you say?
I said illiterate, uneducated,
Look, madam! Whatever your name is!
It's my decency that I am
not saying anything to you!
Oh! You don't know who I am!
You don't know! - Is that so!
Uncle, you explain to her!
She doesn't know who I am!
Who are you, son?
I am an architect, uncle!
I am an architect! You get that!
Yes! Sure! Architect!
What's the harm in saying it?
What do you hang on!
See that! That's an architect's
card! I am an architect! Ok.
Anybody can print such a card! But..
Please! Please help me!
I am in big trouble!
Raj Malhotra! Architect!
Why are you hell bent after me?
- What's your problem?
That day I told you the same thing.
Excuse me! Excuse me!
- Tell me?
I am Yogesh Mehra. I am Royal
Oak club's secretary.
You must be! Why are you
telling me all this?
No, no. The thing is that my
architect left his work incomplete.
Don't worry, sir. Your
work will be done.
Really! I am very lucky
that I met you!
You will know how lucky you are..
..when this man will leave
your job incomplete too!
Excuse me, lady!
Don't come between me
and my work! Got it?
She got scared!- Sir, money..
- Money?
I don't work for money, sir.
I am very passionate
about my work. Come.
I work for free, sir. What
will be the budget?
Beautiful! Very nice! Excellent!
- Thank you, sir.
I am really impressed!
If Mr. Mehra sees it then
he will be really happy.
Thank you! You people
have done a nice job.
Here is your payment.
And this is the invitation card
for this evening's party.
Sir, party.. in the evening?
Yes. You people do come.
Sir, it's written that Mr. Gill
is the president. - Yes.
It means Mr. Gill is coming
for the party today evening?
Of course he is coming.
He is our club's patron. Anyway,
see you guys in the evening.
Thank you, sir. - Okay! Well..
Thank you very much! - Okay! Bye-bye.
What Sanjeev, a thousand
dollars down!
Move! Today is not your lucky day!
Just watch! I will show
you in the next game!
Next one for 2000 dollars.
I will win this game.- Done.
Good evening, sir.
Good evening! Raj! Raj Malhotra!
We met in your office.
Dog house!
- Exactly, sir!
Sorry! I couldn't meet you
later. I was very busy.
No, no! Of course, sir.
You are a busy man.
You mustn't have had the time.
Could I get you another drink, sir?
- Yes.
Karan had come for half an hour.
It's been two hours.
I am really bored.
Come on, Priya. This is.. these
meeting is really important for me!
Its part of my work! You should
understand! - Karan, but..
Hello, Maya!
- Hi, Karan!
Hello, Mr. Bakshi! Hello.
- Hello.
Wow! You look gorgeous! Doesn't she?
Of course.
So when are the two of
you planning to marry?
We don't know either.
But when we plan to get married.. both would be the first
to receive the invitation.
Anyways Karan.. I was discussing that
proposal with my husband.
Yes, of course! I want to discuss
the same thing with you, Mr. Bakshi.
- Excuse me!
I will just gonna get myself
a drink. - Sure, Priya.
So what I was saying is that..
Hi, Neena. How are you?
- Hi! Can you just please see and..
Oh! This is just great!
Here too you followed me!
Unbelievable! You are
creating a problem..
Excuse me, madam!
Excuse me! Please!
I am not creating a problem!
You are creating a problem!
By spilling my drink!
Oh! I am so sorry! Your manager
will scold you! Right?
You think I am a waiter here?
No? Because otherwise you wouldn't
have been at such a party.
Madam, whatever you see here..
..everything you see around here..
I have made it.
I am Raj, the architect. Remember?
You know what! One more thing!
Please make one promise to me!
We won't ever meet again! Just!
- Just!
Excuse me! I'm sorry.. Raj! Raj!
- What happened?
Where were you?
- This girl makes my mind..
Forget that! Give me a tissue paper!
Look there! Dev! He got a chance!
Uncle Gill.. it seems difficult.
- He is badly stuck!
Oh no!
Hold this! I will handle it! Okay!
- Go for it!
Sir, your drink!
I am badly stuck! Keep it!
- No problem, sir. I will wait.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry!
Gill, you are going to
lose this game too.
This is impossible!
No, sir! Nothing is impossible!
Of course this is possible!
Raj! Do you know what
you are saying?
Of course, it's possible.
I am an architect. I know my angles.
Give me a chance.
- Thank you, sir.
-Little bit.. thank you!
Look, sir. Actually our
problem is quite simple.
There is another ball between the
three ball and the cue ball.
Therefore the cue ball cannot make
direct contact with three ball.
Correct, sir?
- Correct.
The solution is also
very simple, sir.
Please observe!
We have to hit the cue ball
at a 45-degree angle, sir.
Making it move towards the left.
Hitting the left cushion.
Ricocheting off the left cushion..
..sir, going and hitting
the three ball..
..making the three ball move
towards the right, sir.
But we do not have to follow
the three ball, sir.
We have to follow the
cue ball
which will make three cushion contact,
sir. I repeat, sir.
A three cushion contact. 1 , 2 and 3.
Moving towards the centre
of the table, sir.
Coming back to the three ball, sir.
If you remember, it was moving
towards the right of the table.
It will come and make contact
with the 9 ball, sir.
Making the 9 ball also travel
towards the centre of the table.
And if you remember, sir. The
cue ball is also travelling..
..towards the centre of the table.
...Therefore both the balls travelling
towards the centre of the table.
...will make contact in the
centre of the table...
The cue ball will hit
the 9 ball, sir.
Making it travel towards
pocket number 1 .
Slowly and steadily the 9 ball will
go into pocket number 1 , sir.
And that is how we can win the game!
Sir, it's possible. It's
very simple. Go for it.
Remember, sir. 45 degrees.
45 degrees!
What were you saying? Is there
such a shot like this?
Even I don't know that there
is a shot like this.
But Gill is impressed...
Our work is done.
45 degrees! Go for it!
Yes, yes.
Uncle Gill! There is no such shot!
Why don't you do one thing?
Tell Raj to play this shot. Yes!
Yes! But.. Mr. Gill and Mr.
Sinha have waged the bet.
How can I play it? Right? Right?
He is right! - Right!
Even better! Uncle Sinha will
get a chance to see your shot!
Right, uncle Sinha?
If you play this shot then
I will give you 500 dollars.
500 dollars! Amazing, Raj!
- Yes.
Everybody! Everybody!
Cheer him! Come on!
Uncle! Excuse..
Your cue stick. All the best.
- You too.
Come on, Mr. Architect.
Do what you said.
Sorry! Sorry!
Ok, ok. You do one thing.
You take the car and go home. Okay.
Dev, did you see that? Fantastic!
I don't believe it!
- I don't believe that!
You are a magician!
You are a magician!
Uncle! This is pure luck!
There are no angles!
He is just lucky! Nothing else.
Hold! Hold on! Raj! You are..
..just plain lucky!
Nothing else! Plain luck!
'So the thing which will
change your destiny.. too will be one in a million.'
'Your every work will go smoothly.'
'And you will start your journey.
To reach for the stars.'
Great, dear!
- I will be back in a minute!
No! Now you can't leave!
Now you can't go anywhere! Got it?
Now you are my child!
- Thank you, sir. Thank you so much.
Keep my card! Here!
You can call me anytime!
This is my personal number!
Thank you, sir. - Fine.
And now champagne! Bring champagne!
- Champagne! Champagne!
- But she is a girl!
I know! - Hang on! Hang on!
Please!- What's it?
How can a girl be a lucky charm?
You met the girl.
- Yes.
Your luck changed.
- Yes.
All your work went smoothly.
- Yes.
So she is your lucky charm.
But lucky charm..
- Keep the things down.- Okay.
Now do it fast.
Lucky charm is a talisman,
stone or any such thing.
You wear it on your hand.
Or something like that.
No?- Wow! You trust a stone
but not a human being.
Lucky charm is the
power of goodness.
It wards off every problem.
At times, talismans work.
At times stones.
But obviously that girl
is lucky for you.
Problem is that she is a girl
and not a talisman or a stone..
..that I can take along with me.
She is mad. She doesn't
even like my face.
Who needs her?
- I do.
So you will have to befriend her.
Yes, but where will I find her?
Where will I go? I don't have
her name, number! Nothing!
Go where your fate takes you!
It had brought you together the
first time around, it'll do so again.
That will be 1 0 dollars honey.
Fantastic, mind blowing.
Now where will I find
her in this big city?
God, you are great!
First, you show me the way!
And then you yourself close the way!
I didn't mean it literally! Sorry!
I am going! I am going!
It was a mistake. I agree.
You bloody!
I am so sorry!
Please! Please! Don't touch
it! Please! Please!- You!
You! Yes, it's me! Me! It's me!
Did you see what you have done?
You broke my leg!
I'm sorry, I wasn't concentrating.
No, no! Your concentration
was not elsewhere!
You were concentrating on me!
I think you want to kill me!
Why will I want to kill you?
Because you don't like me!
- That is so not true!
You like me?
Tell me.
Is there a problem?
Excuse me. Give me your
hand. How rude!
No, officer. No problem at all.
- What do you mean no problem?
Of course, there is a problem,
officer. - Yes?
Shall I tell him?
- No, I will tell him!
I just slipped and fell down.
And this nice young
lady helped me out.
Good! We need more citizens like you.
- Thank you, officer.
Take care. -Thanks!
You saved my life.
Thank you so much.
I didn't save it for free, madam.
You will have to do me a favour.
- What do you mean?
As a penalty for this accident.. will have to have
a cup of coffee with me.
I would have had it. But..
- No? Okay. Officer!
Yes.- Coffee and cakes too.
- Sure?
Of course!
- For sure! - Okay! Good day!
Yes! Feeling better!
But today I am in a hurry.
Why don't we meet tomorrow at
Harbour Front at 1 0 in the morning?
We will have coffee there. Okay?
- Promise?- Yes.
See you!
- Bye!
Show your leg to some doctor.
- I will.
Hey! Just a minute, excuse me
Sorry! I didn't catch your name!
Raj... Raj Malhotra!
Raj! The architect?
- Bye!
Drive safe.
Let's go.
If you feel me, make some noise.
Ladies and gentlemen,
raise your voice.
If you feel me, make some noise.
Ladies and gentlemen,
raise your voice.
Let's go.
You are my beloved.
I will be with you night and day.
Whenever I see you..
There is a kismat
(fate) connection.
Everybody on the floor.
Make some noise! Make some noise!
Craziness is what works.
Come on, everybody.
"Now sing it one time."
Let me take you higher.
Higher and higher.
Nights have changed.
Everything has come true.
Nights have changed.
Everything has come true."
These joys are God's blessing.
Everybody with me swing.
Let's all dance the night away.
Express your feelings.
Come on, everybody now.
Hear it like that.
Let me take you higher.
Higher and higher.
- "Let's go."
I got it. Feel my flow.
Baby, take it easy.
I am nice and slow.
Want to show you off to..
Want to make you a part
of all that I do.
If you feel me, make some noise.
Ladies and gentlemen,
raise your voice.
The world is behind
and I am ahead.
My sleeping desires have awakened.
The world is behind
and I am ahead.
My sleeping desires have awakened.
Now it feels as if..
The world lies at my feet.
Everybody join this song."
Keep the party going on.
Who is greater than me?
Come on, everybody now.
Hear it like that.
Let me take you higher.
Higher and higher.
- "Let's go."
You are my beloved.
I will be with you night and day.
Whenever I see you.
There is a kismat connection.
Everybody on the floor.
Make some noise and feel assured!
"Craziness is what works."
Come on, everybody.
Now sing it one time.
Let me take you higher.
Higher and higher.
Will she come with us to
Batra and Gill's office?
Stop irritating me now, Okay.
You don't worry.
I will impress her.
Do you think she will
agree for 1 0%.?
We are getting 5 lakh dollars
for this plan.
How much is 1 0% of 5 lakh dollars?
It's a lot!
- Exactly!
And what does she have to do?
She just has to come with
us when we go to work.
Right! But Raj, do you think
she will come with us?
Where are we meeting her?
- At Harbour Front.
What happens at Harbour Front?
Raj, boating, sailing..
- Chilling!
On Monday morning, when the
entire city is working..
..she is chilling at Harbour Front.
It means what kind of a girl is she?
What kind of a girl?
She is a fun loving, rocking.
She doesn't have any agenda
in life. - Right!
Got it? - Got it!
- Are you ready?- One minute!
I'm ready man!
- 1 , 2, 3, here we go!
It's no matter if you
are black or white.
Dont build shopping mall!
- Dont build! Dont build!
Batra and Gill! Down! Down!
Down! Down! Down! Down!
Community centre will remain here!
She is fighting against
Batra and Gill city mall!
Batra and Gill! Down! Down!
I thought she must
have been chilling.
But she is screaming.
- Yes.
You said she doesn't
have any agenda.
But there is a placard in her hand.
Community centre will remain here!
- Yes! Yes!
Oh no! She is calling us!
Hi! Come. Come.
Not me! She is calling you!
You go!
Come on! You too come!
- Down! Down!
Down! Down! Down! Down!
Batra and Gill Down! Down!
Batra and Gill! Down! Down!
Batra and Gill! Down! Down!
Raj, Hiten! Come on! More
enthusiasm! Louder!
Batra and Gill! Down! Down!
Batra and Gill! Down! Down!
Shut up!
- Down! Down!
The police are here.
As long as Priya is with us,
there is absolutely no problem!
Relax. Priya.
Do you guys have a permit
to protest here?
We are tourists. - Tourists?
- Tourists!
Oh shit! Gill!
What to do?
Good! Good! Very good!
So you guys are tourists right?
How many did you get?
- Two.
Then why did he hit me four times?
Raj, we are going inside.
But what will we tell her?
I don't know! I don't know
what we will tell her!
We will figure it out and improvise!
Let's go inside! Then
we will see what to do!
But what will we do?
- I don't know!
The journalists are not
going to help you..
..when you will be behind the bars.
Enough is enough!
I really don't care!
People should know what injustice
Batra and Gill..
..are doing with the vulnerable
people in the society.
Stop it, Priya! Stop it!
Batra and Gill have
bought this place!
They have paid millions
of dollars for it!
Naturally they are going
to make profits.
They will build a mall here,
no matter what you do.
What about all these people?
Where will they go?
Who will bring Sachin's
asthma medicine?
Uncle John is a heart patient.
Who will treat them for free?
Aunt Sylvie, uncle Maninder,
brother Bashir.
For them this place is like
their home. And you know it.
Priya, stop being so emotional.
Emotional? How can you
say that, Karan?
They are my only family.
And if I won't fight
for my family then..
No, Karan. No matter what happens.
I will save this community centre.
I will keep fighting for it.
You people try to understand!
Priya, come on! This is..
Karan, please! Enough now! I am not
seeking your help!
Priya, try to understand!
Be practical!
I am being practical!
This is my war and I will..
Hi! Hi! Hi!
- So.. - Hi!
What war are you talking about?
Hi, Raj! Thanks so much for
your support yesterday.
Our pleasure.
- You are most welcome.
Karan, this is Raj.
He is an architect.
- Hi! Hi! Raj! This is Hiten!
I am an architect too!
- Oh! Good!
So what were you guys talking about?
You know it! Batra and Gill and
this community centre problem!
Karan is saying that we can't stop
them from building a mall here.
Correct! He is correct!
You know, Priya. Actually,
Karan has a point. - Yes!
Batra and Gill actually
own this place! - So?
Even if it had been somebody
else, then mall..
What's the point?
Legally they own the place!
Unbelievable! Raj, you too!
You know what? We too
have human rights!
We too will fight! And
you all will see!
Karan! Human rights! She is right!
She has got a point!
Come on, Raj! They..
They don't see all these things!
They see profit and loss!
You know, Priya! Correct!
He has also got a point!
Now this is the problem!
I just.. I just got
a fantastic idea! Hiten! - Raj!
You don't say anything!
- Raj! Listen! Listen!
Just! Just!
- Raj, listen!
Priya, what if the community
centre is not demolished..
..and the mall too is made?
I think we can do that.
Meaning both of them together!
- Yes! Exactly!
Brilliant! If that can
be done, then great!
If you will do this, then
there will be less space.
Their profit will be less.
Why will they do this?
Correct! He is absolutely right!
Hwo?, why?
- Why?
Listen to me! Listen! Don't talk!
You know what? I will tell you what!
Sanjeev Gill is like a really
good friend of mine.
I will present my design to him.
And you never know.
Anything is possible.
We barely know each other.
And you are helping us
out so much. Thank you.
Really! Saw that? There are
such people in the world too.
Look, I said what I wanted to say.
The rest.. as you all think is fine.
Hello! Mr. Bakshi! Of course
I am just leaving! Yes! Yes!
I will be working till late in the night.
So I will call you. Okay.
Bye.- Bye!
- Bye!- Bye!
Thank you, son! Thank you!
We needed somebody
like you! You know!
You are welcome!
But I will do this only on one
condition, uncle. - What?
Whenever we go to Sanjeev
Gill's office..
..Priya will come with us.
Okay!- Okay!
- Okay! Okay!
- Okay!
Till now, I was fighting alone.
Now you are with me.
Thank you.
- No, Priya. You are with me.
Its one and the same thing.
No. There is a little difference.
Okay! Okay! Okay!
Fantastic! Two files! What an idea!
Once more!
This white file is for Priya!
It has the community centre design.
Alright! And this red file is
for Gill. Without the design.
No, no, no! This is for Gill.
And this is for Priya.
What are you saying?
This is for Gill!
This is for Gill! And
that is for Priya!
What are you saying?
- I am joking!
Come on!
- No! Today don't joke!
If we make even a small
mistake then..
Hiten! Hiten! Hiten!
I was waiting for this
day since a long time.
Do you think I will
make a mistake today?
- Chill
Priya has come.
- Keep the file inside.
Hi, Priya!
- Hi!
Wow! You look fantastic today!
- Thanks!
This day is very important for me.
It's important for all of us. Right?
- I hope I am not late.
No, no! Not at all!
In fact, if you had not come then
we wouldn't have begun the meeting.
- no absolutely no.
Come, I will show you
the designs.- Great come.
Sit! Sit!
Isn't this white file?
- Yes white file.- Okay.
Mr. Malhotra, you can go in now.
Come, Raj! Come! Sit!
- Thank you sir! thank you
That day you were great!
What a shot! Great!
I told you I could do it, sir!
Sinha turned pale.
You won the game, sir.
It had to be.
Show me your proposal.
- Yes sir.
This is my file, sir.
My proposal, all the options
and my company's profile.
Everything is right in there.
- Oh!
Does it have the secret
of that shot too?
Excuse me.
Where can I get some coffee,
tea or something to drink?
Yes. Ahead on the left.
- Thanks.
Look, Raj.
I don't doubt your confidence
and capability.
But loads of money and manpower
is involved in this. - Yes, sir.
I don't think you have the
experience to handle it.
I completely buy your point, sir.
You are absolutely right.
I know this is a difficult job.
But it is not impossible, sir.
And I am confident
that I can do this.
And if big companies like
yours won't give a chance.. newcomers then what's the use
of our talent and hard work?
My son, I like what you say.
But I have a big responsibility.
I have to answer my shareholders,
I have to answer many other people.
I don't know how they will react.
It seems difficult.
You know what! I seem to
be getting good vibes.
Yes, sir!
Whatever you said the
other day, you did it.
I will give you a chance!
- Thank you, sir!
I will tell my assistant to include
your name in the shortlist.
And next time, bring the
details of your designs.
Of course, sir. And I promise you,
sir. You will not regret.
Thank you so much.
- Good luck. Thank you.
Yes! Good news, guys!
Guys! Applause! Great news!
Priya, isn't it true that our
proposal has been accepted?
Yes, the board is ready
to consider our proposal.- Yes!
I will call my son and
daughter-in-law to tell them!
I won't come home to
hear your taunts!
Right! Right!
Guys! Listen!
All this was possible
because of Raj.
Come on, say thanks! Thank you!
Say thanks. Say thanks.
Please! Please! Look!
I didn't do anything.
You are just being modest.
Actually if you had not shown
us the way then maybe..
..we wouldn't have been able
to save our community centre.
Thank you so much.
Whenever I am very happy or
very depressed, I come here.
And today I am really, really happy.
Raj, thank you for everything!
Thank you so much.
Who is that?
- My waving friend. A stranger friend.
Waving friend?
Whenever I come here,
he is usually there.
And we just wave at each other.
This is our relationship.
You know, Raj.
Many times relationships are
formed just like that.
Like our relationship.
Remember, the first time we met?
- Yes.
We had a fight and that too
in the middle of the road.
And it was not your fault.
- Exactly!
And from now no more fights.
We will never fight again
Priya trusts us so much!
And I have been lying to her.
What if she finds out?
Listen to me! No need to feel guilty!
You know and I too know that
this mall has to be made!
If we won't make it then
somebody else will do it.
And understand one thing.
The community centre
won't remain there.
Got it? Raj, understood?
I understand what you are saying!
I am listening to you. But
she doesn't understand!
She doesn't think practically.
She doesn't think that way, man!
I don't like to lie to her! But
she doesn't leave me an option.
So I have to lie to her!
You know what?
She is a really nice girl.
She is just a really nice girl.
Sorry, Priya. Today my mood is bad.
No problem. It happens sometimes.
You know what, just try this.
It's really good.
You will feel better.
- I don't want it.
Okay! Try this!
- I will throw it!
I am sorry. I don't want it.
- What an idiot man!
Why can't people see
where they are going!
I mean how difficult it is...
You can laugh if you want.
Really sorry!
Shut up!
Come on, sit. Now tell me.
What happened?
What do I tell you, Priya?
Tell me. I won't tell
anybody. I swear.
Priya, why do we always
have to be practical in life?
Why can't we do what our heart says?
Are you in love?
Raj! You are in love!
- I don't know.
Raj Malhotra, you are in love!
Your saga and your story.
Your face reveals it.
You have fallen in love.
Admit it. Yes, admit it.
I don't like it anywhere.
What is this loneliness?
Tell me.
Give me some reason.
Somebody always says
in my thoughts.
Somebody frequently
comes in my dreams.
This is love.
I don't know.
This is love.
You tell me.
I need you. You need me.
You are with me. It's a feeling
of love inside us.
Oh me, me. This love.
This is love.
You have given your
heart to somebody.
This is true. Accept it.
You have lost your heart.
This is true. Know it.
Nowadays somebody dwells in me.
Nowadays somebody dwells
in my breaths.
This is love.
I don't know.
This is love.
You tell me.
I don't like it anywhere.
What is this loneliness?
Tell me.
Give me some reason.
Somebody always says
in my thoughts.
Somebody frequently
comes in my dreams.
This is love.
I don't know.
This is love.
You tell me.
What I was saying is that..
I will call you. Bye.
I am sorry, Priya.
I know I am late.
And what is your excuse today?
Sorry, Priya. I kept him late.
You should be very proud of him.
He is a hardworking man you got there.
Call me tomorrow.
You know, Karan. Thank God,
Raj was with me.
Otherwise.. you would
have been dead meat!
Sorry.- Actually, Raj, why don't
you join us for dinner?
No, no! You guys carry on.
Karan, say something!
Yes! Of course! Why not?
Come on, Raj! We will have fun!
Let it be.
If I spend too much time with her..
..then I might fall
in love with her.
I am kidding, guys!
It's a joke! Yes?
- Yes!
Come on! Go, have fun! Go! Go! Go!
Come on, Priya! See you!
- Bye!
This is love. I couldn't know.
This is love. You tell me.
Hello! Mr.Raj Malhotra!
- Yes! Speaking!
Kabir from Batra and Gill
company. How are you today?
Hi! Hi! Hi, Mr. Kabir!
How are you, sir?
I am fine. I have some
important news for you.
Yes, sir. Tell me.
50 thousand dollars of
the guarantee money - Right sir.
You have to deposit
that by tomorrow.
Hiten! Mr. Kabir! Hurry up!
Sorry, sir. I don't understand
exactly what you are saying.
Mr. Raj Malhotra, your
company is new.
So the company has decided that...
..the earnest money
before the project.
Any problem? - No, no!...
No! No, sir! No problem, sir!
The earnest money will be
arranged by tomorrow, sir.
For sure.
See you in the office, tomorrow.
- Right, sir. Thank you.
Let me see how he arranges
for 50 thousand dollars!
By tomorrow how? How?
We will convince your money lender!
- Who? Pundit?
Yes!- No! He can't give us
loan before 28th! I..
Why can't he?
Why don't you go and ask your bank..
...when they reject the loan!
He can't give means he can't!
Hold this! Hold it! I am going!
- Where?- Bathroom! - Why?
I can't handle the pressure!
- And what about..
Listen...I have an idea, dude!
- What?
Hiten, I will tell you only
when you come out! Okay!
I was good inside. Where
have you brought me?
Just take it!
Do you need any guarantee?
You mean, he is not returning our money.
Just..Just Break his leg!
No! Not his hand! His leg!
No! I don't need any guarantee!
But I will tell you once. Once only.
I want my money back.
With interest. 40 days.
And your friend here..
tell him to smile.
Dude, you can stop smiling
now. We are outside.
How? How do I stop smiling,
Raj? How?
Do you know?
You have taken money from
such a dangerous man!
And gun! Such a big gun!
And if he breaks our hands and legs
then what will we do?
Hiten.. listen to me!
- What?
Stop getting nervous!
And stop making me nervous! Okay?
I know what I am doing!
Listen! Listen!
- What?
As long as Priya is with us,
there is no problem.
Relax! Okay?
- Alright
You.. you are.. sure! Sure!
I got the camera! I got the camera!
You have to see! Come quickly! Come!
Hi, Silviya aunt
how are you?.
Oh, so glad to see you both.
Come on! We will talk inside!
What's going on?
- We will talk inside!
Karan has got a job in Australia.
- He is leaving in a week.
Karan is going to propose to Priya.
We are going to take the snaps.
Hang on! Hang on!
Sorry! Sorry! Whose marriage?
- What?
Karan and Priya's wedding, my son!
And they are going to
Australia after a week.
Good news, right? Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Come on, Priya. You know
how much I love you.
Will you marry me?
Okay! Okay! Okay!
I will marry him!
- Yes!
Hello John.
- Mr. Batra is waiting for you.
Listen! The ambience is nice!
We have a chance.
Shall we too get married?
The decoration money will be saved.
Again you started.
Come on! There is a marriage here!
It's a musical ceremony!
Smile! Smile! That's better!
Karan!- Again he has started.
Thanks a lot.
Will you excuse us? I think
we will take a drink.
Of course! Sure! Please!
Please! Carry on!
Hey, guys! Where are you people?
And why are you so late?
Congratulations buddy.
You are a lucky man.- Thanks.
Mr. Harrison! Guys! Guys!
Mr. Harrison!
It's a very important client.
I will just join you all. Okay.
Please, please be comfortable. - Yes!
Sure! Sure! Sure! Sure!
Take your time! Take your time!
He is a sycophant!
Oh! Hi, Mr. Harrison!
Very important client!
Maya Bakshi, how do you always
remain so beautiful?
I don't know whether he will take
good care of Priya or not.
Aditi, one minute.
Again you started! Stop it! Please!
Yes, Aditi. Tell me. What?
Fine. I am coming.
I will be there in 1 0 minutes. Okay.
Listen, I have to go. But please..
don't screw up.
This contract is very
important for us..
..Hiten, if you once more
talk about this contract..
..I swear I will leave right now.
Where are you going?
Priya, hi! Aditi!
Her car broke down.
So I am just going to
go to pick her up..
But I will be back by 1 0. Okay.
You guys have fun.
I will see you. Bye.
Thank God. I thought you
were going somewhere.
You are the one who is going
to leave us, Priya.
It's all thanks to you, Raj.
If you had not taken the responsibility
of the community centre..
..then maybe I wouldn't have
been able to go with Karan.
But it would have been better
if you had been with me..
..till the project gets over.
I know. But this job is
very important for Karan.
But you know what..
I am going to miss you, Raj.
I will miss you too.
By the ways this colour looks
really good on you today.
Really! Thanks!
Do you know? Karan
didn't even notice!
I wish he had been like you.
Like me.. meaning how?
Like you meaning.. like you.
That's it.
Priya!- What?
What if I had been Karan?
One minute! one minute! Attention
please! Everybody!
We forgot to ask the main
thing from the groom!
We have pampered Priya.
How do we hand her over to you?
How do we believe that you
will keep her happier?
Tell me now!
I have an answer. And that
too in poetic form. Poetry!
I will fill her life with the
joy of pearls and diamonds.
I will give her all the joys
in the world. Applause!
So madam, do you accept?
That's nothing new!
Everyone says that!
If I still don't come along
with you, after hearing that.
Then what will you do?
Priya, come on!
What kind of a question is that?
If the girl doesn't want to come
then what can a boy do?
No, no, no!
Karan, you will have to
answer Priya's question.
There can't be any answer
for this question.. aunty.
Priya! Come on.
Raj! Tell me!
What answer would you give?
Do you have an answer?
There is an answer!
Fine! Then you tell me.
If you would have been in Karan's place
then what would you have done.
Make some noise!
Put your hands up! Come on!
Come on, come on now!
Sing it along, sweetheart.
My heart beats.
Without you I am restless.
My heart beats.
Without you I am restless.
Whenever I see your
beautiful face.
I dream about our sweet union.
I will make you sit in the
palanquin, marry you.
And take you away from everyone.
Sweetheart! Come to me sweetheart!
Go. Go. Go.
"What's up?
You are so beautiful!
You got the moves, in control!
You are my sweetheart!
You make me hip. You make me hop!
- "You make me go non-stop!"
Tell me, what's that's
called love!
Never, never stop.
My heart is beating non-stop.
Tell me, what's that's
called love!
Explain me the real
meaning of love.
Wherever you will keep your step.
I will lay down my
life right there!
Lord, give me the permission.
To worship Love.
I will make you sit in the
palanquin, marry you.
And take you away from everyone.
Sweetheart! Come to me sweetheart!
Check this out. I like it.
With non-stop, we gain.
Come on. Come on.
You think I am crazy.
Crazy little. Think of
loving someone lady.
That's the way you
pop generation..
Say you want beloved connection.
How can I leave my kin,
and go with you?
I worried thinking about
the unknown relations.
I will take care of you so well,
you will never miss them.
What I couldn't convey
from my eyes.
Read it in my eyes.
I will make you sit in the
palanquin, marry you.
And take you away from everyone.
Sweetheart! Come to me sweetheart!
I don't understand!
I reminded you so many times.
Talk to Priya about our work.
Once, twice, thrice!
Then why didn't you?
I don't know man..
I don't know what
had happened to me.
When I saw Priya there..
I couldn't talk to her.
Raj, why don't you understand?
Our meeting today is very important.
And Priya is not with us today.
We have to give a
presentation to Gill..
..I don't know what's
going to happen.
You just watch.. just
watch what will happen.
Hiten, now listen to me.
Maybe Priya was with us only
till this point! That's it!
Now beyond this it's
our fate! That's all!
Fine! Make.. make your fate.
- Will you just shut up!
What is it? What is it?
Sometimes the car doesn't start up!
Am I the first person in the
world whose car doesn't..
Did I say anything?
Did I say anything?
They why are you staring at me?
- Why? Why? Why? Why?- I..
Let's take a taxi!
Come on.
Taxi! Hey!
So what? Sometimes the
taxis don't stop!
Did I say anything?
-Yes, keep quiet!
Did I say anything!
- What?
Hang on. Taxi. The taxi stopped!
- Did I say anything?
Shall we go.. so.. hey man..
Let's go!
What are you doing?
- It's not working! What can I do?
Excuse me, why is the
lift not working?
Because the lift is not working.
- Why is the lift not working?
Because the lift is not working.
- We didn't ask you.
Not there. Here.
Congratulations, Dev!
Thank you. Very exciting!
I am very happy with
your new proposal.
And especially, your
new technology.
You know uncle, until yesterday
this wasn't possible at all.
But today morning, I received
a call from Germany..
..and our PFT technology
deal was finalised.
We are all so lucky!
And sir, one more thing.
Because of Dev sir's
PFT technology..
..our company has benefited
8 percent from this project.
Stella! Get me the chairman,
Mr. Batra, on the line, please.
- Yes, sir.
Give my regards to your dad.
Sure, uncle.
- Good. Good.
Dev sir, I will meet
you in the evening! Bye.
Got you!
The car didn't start,
did I say anything!
The lift didn't work,
did I say anything?
We didn't get a taxi,
did I say anything? No, no, no.
But now.. now Raj, now I will say.
Today.. today he received
a call.. from where?
From Germany! And what happened?
8 percent saved!
I know that!
- No, you don't know!
You know what it means.
It means, that now if you
present your proposal.. Mr. Gill, then
it will get rejected.
I know that!
- No.. rejected!- Okay!
We will have to do something!
- What should we do?
We will have to make a new proposal.
But we need more time for that!
- Yes.
We don't have that!
So what?
I can't think of anything,
you do something! Do something!
What should I do?
- I don't know, do something.
I am going to the bathroom!
- Bathroom!
I thought you said the lift
wasn't working, man.
The lift started working
as soon as you left.
Hey, you got a cigarette, right!
Sure, I only got two left!
- I will take both, thank you!
You want the matches too?
- Not a bad idea, have a good day.
Where were you?
They have been calling us!
What were you doing?
- Come on, let's go inside.
Hello! Inside! Our plan
will be rejected!
Then we won't show the plan!
- Then what will we do?
When will we show the plan?
- We will show them next week!
You don't trust me?
- No!
Next week!
Are you mad?
Come on.
- What? Oh God!!
Batra sir, have faith in me!
Everything will be done.
I will handle everything!
Good morning, sir!
Good morning, young men!
- What a wonderful day it is.
It is a nice day indeed.
So.. show me your designs!
Show me what you have brought!
Nothing.. but the best!
I like your confidence!
- Thank you, sir.
But Dev has downsized our
budget by 8 percent.
Only 8 percent!
Take a look at our designs!
Remember what you had said?
I like winners.
I will never forget that shot.
So tell me sir, which design
would you like to see?
A.. B.. or C!
Oh, so you have three!
You know what, I think
we should go with B!
Because that's Hiten's favourite
too! - Right, Hiten!
Yes! B is very nice! Take a look!
Yes! So B it!
- So it B!
By the way sir, can I say
something about this mall?
This mall that you
are constructing..'s going to be one of it's
kind in the entire city.
But I am constructing only one.
I mean to say, sir, that
when you will pass by..
..your magnificent mall
in your grand car.
There will be a soft
smile on your face.
And you will tell your driver,
I have constructed this mall, Chandu!
Chandu! But his name is Charlie!
Charlie! Chandu! It's
one and the same, sir.
But you will be proud of this mall.
Why are you looking here and there?
Sir.. can't you smell something odd.
- Smell. Yes.
I feel something is burning.
- Burning!
I am telling you sir,
something is burning!
See sir, I had told you!
I think there is a fire!
Don't panic! Don't panic!
- I am not panicking!
But you can't relax also
sir, you must panic!
There is a fire!
Hiten, there is a fire,
close everything!
Come on! Shut! Shut!
Sir, a fire alarm.. there.. we have
to leave the building right away.
Come on, sir, come on!
- Let's go!
But sir, what about
our three designs?
What about our meeting?
Take next week's appointment
from Stella!
Ok, ok. One last request!
This fire alarm, I would like
to install it in our mall too.
It's a request sir. -First
show me the design! Okay bye, bye.
Raj! Raj, what are you doing?
Raj,Raj... Come on.
Ms. Haseena!
What is it?
What are you doing here?
Mending time.
It's amazing, isn't it?
Time is different for everyone.
Good for some, bad for others.
Ms. Haseena, please, please,
listen to me..
..because I am having a bad time.
Can I just remove this,
it's very distracting.
Please. Just listen to me!
I am neck deep in loans,
I am losing work..
And now, Priya is getting
married too.
What is your problem?
Your work! Priya's marriage!
Or both!
Look, I don't know all that..
All I know is that, Priya
is getting married.
My heart says that..
I should just tell her the truth.
I shouldn't!
What will you tell her?
That you lied to her!
Deceived her!
She will be heart-broken!
Both of you will part ways.
And if you don't tell her,
then she will get married!
And your fate will go away
along with her too.
Exactly! Exactly! Exactly!
Both the ways I will be ruined!
Haseena, please!
Tell me, what should I do? Please!
Just a minute!
I can see something!
What are you watching?
I am the one seeing it!
- Sorry!
There is a solution.
It's around the girl.
Who is around the girl?
There is someone! There is someone!
Karan! Karan! Karan!
Who is Karan?
Karan! His fiance, to whom she
is getting married.. - Yes.
That's it, he is the one.
- Him!
Go and catch him!
- Okay.
Go and entangle him in something!
You will find a way!
Are you sure?
Trust me!
You have gone mad!
You have gone mad!
Why will Karan postpone
his marriage?
You remember, we were going
to offer Priya money..
..for the mall project.
- Yes.
We will offer the same
money to Karan!
You have seen him, isn't it?
- Yes!
He is a practical kind of a guy!
He will do it for money.
And if Haseena Bano
Jaan has said it..
..then there must be some logic.
What kind of a man is he, Karan?
He works on Sundays too!
Look! The entire office is empty!
- Come, let's go towards the cabin.
Priya was saying, he works
till late on weekends.
What do we care? Come,
let's go meet him!
He is not in the office.
That's nice.
Does that make you feel better now?
You saw that?
This idiot is about to marry
Priya in five days and..
I will..
No, no, don't do anything
with him right now..
..we have work with him.
Come on, we will come later.
Come, let's go.
Just a second!
- What?
Our work will be done.
But how, you saw..
- We won't go out, we will go inside.
After all..
- You just follow.
Thank you Haseena Bano
Jaan! I love you.
What do you think..
- Nothing. Now..- Follow me!
Hi, Karan..
Sorry, seems like we have
come at the wrong time.
I will call you next time. Come on!
No, no, Raj, its fine. It's fine!
Please.. please come in.
Raj, you know Maya Bakshi. Right!
Yes, yes of course! Maya!
Hiten, Maya! Raj! - Hi.
Maya got cramps sitting here, so..
So you were giving her
a massage lying down!
It happens! Happens!
Yes, massage!
Sorry, we are leaving!
- See you.
No, no, boys, stay! I was
just leaving, anyway.
We are meeting tonight! - Yes!
Drop me at the door?
- Sure!
Guys, two minutes!
- Only two? Take 20!
Have fun!
Idiot! Was he giving a massage..
..or was he sitting
with her on his lap.
Yes! If Priya finds out
about his escapades..- Exactly!
Now did you understand my plan.
- Yes!
Yes, come on!
Guys, listen! This
is not about love!
It's a part of the game. It's business..
..and you have to do all
this for business.
You are right!
But I was thinking. Come here.
If someone.. anyone went
and told Priya about it.
Why anyone else? You tell her!
Or else, you tell her!
It doesn't make any
difference to me!
I will go and tell her,
darling they are lying.
And Priya will believe it!
- Absolutely.
See Hiten, I had told you.
Karan is a fool!
You are a fool! A fool!
You are a great fellow.
Do one thing, treat us to a drink.
Come on, why one I will
treat you to two.
If you treat us to two,
then we will completely forget..
..that we ever came here.
- Right Hiten! - Absolutely.
You have brought us to
such a fantastic place.
I love the place man.
Thank you.. thank you so much!
Thank you. -There's one thing!
The girl that was with your today.
Wasn't she a bit elder to you?
In age.
In experience too.
Naughty boy.
What can be done!
Her husband is offering me partnership
in the Australian firm.
That's why I call him.. fool!
That's right, guys, but obviously
Priya won't understand. So.
Why don't you do one thing?
Why don't you leave Priya!
He is joking!
Nice one.
But no, no.
I won't find a simple and
nice girl like Priya!
She is perfect marriage material.
Fool! Fool!
Hi! Can I get white wine please?
Check her out! Beautiful right!
She is looking this way.
Karan, handle everything!
- Yes.
Hi. Buy me a drink!
- No, no, no, not you.
I meant you!
Yes, sure! Of course, Raj, go.
Come on. - Not me..
- Come on. Go, go.- Let's go.
This way.
Give me too!- What?
- Tips.
What happened?
This girl is very fast.
She is telling me,
take me somewhere.
Fantastic, dude!
Yes, but I don't even
know any place.
I can't do all this.
- Come on, Raj!
When will my years of
experience come in use?
Listen! We will take
her to Star Resort!
I am meeting Maya there tonight!
You come along too.
Raj, why are you tensed?
Few people come here.
Raj! Without wasting any time,
here are your keys.
Oh! Thank you.
- And that's the room.
- So guys, please enjoy yourselves.
- Okay.
Thank you!
- See you.
Let us have some fun now.
How disgusting, Raj.
- Tell me about it!
Listen, Rita, I am really sorry
that you have to do all this..
..because of me.
- It's okay! What are friends for?- Thanks.
But him! What type of
people are they, Raj?
And you are saying that he
is getting married in five days.
What a third rate character!
Exactly Rita, that's why I want Priya
to know everything about it.
So humiliating!
You know, Raj, men don't realize..
..what a woman goes through when..
If this would have
happened with me..
..I couldn't have endured it.
I just hope Priya is a strong woman.
What happened, Raj?
Let's go from here?- What?
- Come on, let's go.
What about your project,
all this that you have planned.
Just forget about my project,
we will find some other way..
- Hi!
Hey guys! You and Rita were
supposed to meet us there..
..what are you doing here?
No, actually, Rita and I
didn't like this place.. we thought we will
go someplace else.
What happened?
Yes! Let's go there,
it's a better place.
Hiten, I said, we will
go somewhere else!
Come on, let us go someplace else
This place is not so good..
But Raj, it's such a pretty place.
Priya, why are you looking there?
- Raj.. just one minute.
Isn't that Karan!
Raj, can you take me home, please!
Sure, come.
Whatever happened, it wasn't good.
God knows what Priya
is going through!
No, John, it's a good thing!
Our daughter is safe! Thank God!
Where is Priya?
What do you want now?
I want to meet her once
before leaving.
Priya doesn't want to see you.
Did you hear?
God! It's useless talking to you.
Priya has returned your ring!
Okay! It's her choice!
Thanks, Raj.
I am really sorry, Priya.
It's Ok!
I guess whatever happens,
it happens for the best.
Maybe we were nurturing
that relationship..
..which ended a long time ago.
Raj, what happened?
Why did you call me to
Sanjeev Gill's office?
Not just you! Priya too has been
called! Look! -What is this?
Just look at it!
That Kabir, Gill's assistant,
he has rejected our proposal!
He says we don't have five years
of experience! Look!
It's written here! Look!
Yes! He is right!
I know!
What to do?
- I don't know!
I am sorry. But you don't
have an appointment.
That's all right! We
are ready to wait!
Just let us know when we can meet
Mr. Gill. - Not a problem.
- Thank you. Come.
What do you think of yourself!
You always take me for granted!
fed up of you I am!
Why create a
scene in the office.
What did you say? I am creating a scene!
Mr.Gill don't show me your back
I will show you!
Maybe right now is not the good
time to meet him.
Come. Let's go.
I am fed up of your nature!
You make the program!
And then you cancel it!
It's who lose face everywhere.
Everybody asks me..
Darling! Darling! Listen to me!
I don't want to listen!
Since the time Batra has retired.. has become
everything for you.
If I won't work then..
What are you both doing here?
- Sir.. sir..
Actually we had come to
talk something important.
I don't want to talk
to you! Please go!
Ok, sir! -You will
not go! Sit down!
Please go!
- Okay.
Sit down!
- Yes.
You will have to talk to them!
For you, work is everything,
right, Harry?
Do it! Work!
Darling, unnecessarily
you are angry with me!
I don't like your tone, Harry!
Darling, unnecessarily
you are angry with me!
Lower it more!
Darling, unnecessarily
you are angry with me!
I am coming with you.
You are not doing
me a favour, Harry!
Why don't you people leave?
What's your problem?
No problem, sir. We are leaving.
Come on! Come on!
Stay! I know what the problem is!
He is the problem!
Say! Say, dear!
Sir, Mr. Kabir was saying that..
our company doesn't have 5 years
of experience.
He was right! Go on!
Actually sir, he was saying that
we don't have experience.
But, Sir, I swear. We are really capable.
Sir, we are really talented.
What will I do with talent?
You are talented!
What does the company
care for talent?
What to do with talent?
Rule is a rule!
But, sir, you had selected us.
I forgot! I forgot! Forgive me!
You are forgetful! You forgot
the wedding anniversary!
You forgot my Sweetie's birthday!
And once he forgot to take
me in the car. The car..
Who is she?
Harry.. she looks like
our daughter Pooja.
Yes! Exactly!
Come here, dear.
Come! Come!
What's your name, dear?
Priya! What a lovely name!
We have a daughter.
She studies in London.
She looks just like you.
I miss her so much.
Darling, next week, I will
take you to London.
You are so sweet, Harry.
Tell me. What is your problem?
Aunt, if you request sir
then our company..
It's futile if I request!
A company has board of directors.
They have their own rules.
We can't go against them!
Harry, don't be so rigid!
Look, she is so sweet!
Manpreet, you..
- Harry!
You have to help these people!
Did you forget your days?
When you were struggling,
my daddy helped you so much.
You didn't even have
money for food..
Fine! Okay! Now keep quiet!
Okay! Okay!
I will try!
I will tell Kabir to include
your name in the list.
Thank you, sir!
Thank you, so much!
Thank you, aunt.
Hands up! Don't move!
This is a kidnap!
What joke is this, Raj?
I am not joking! I am
a very dangerous man!
You don't believe me?
Ask my partner!
Patvardhan! Patvardhan, tell her!
See! See! See!
Why are you kidnapping me?
Because you need somebody's company.
And how do you know this?
Experience, ma'am! Experience!
For the past 25 years,
I too have been feeling lonely.
And one lonely person
can recognise..
..another lonely person
from miles away.
Come on! Let's go somewhere far!
Raj, I am really okay.
I am really, really okay.
She doesn't like us.
Can you believe that?
Raj! Come on, Raj! Let's go out!
No! We are not in the mood!
Now there is only one option!
This is a kidnap! I am not joking!
I am a very dangerous girl!
- Okay!
Patvardhan is not invited.
Only you and me. Okay.- Okay.
You dwell in my breaths.
You dwell in my emotions.
You dwell in the moments.
You dwell in my days and nights.
Really! It's you.
You are everywhere.
Wherever I see, I see you.
Where? She's looking else where?
Priya looked towards him,
that why he turned away.
It's you everywhere.
It's you.
You dwell in me.
It's you.
How do I tell you?
How much I love you!
Even if I see your shadow.
I get immersed in it.
You are the path.
You are the guardian.
You are the one whom I desire
It's you everywhere.
It's you.
You dwell in me.
It's you.
You dwell in my breaths.
You dwell in my emotions.
You dwell in the moments.
You dwell in my days and nights.
How do I tell you?
The lovely dreams I see about you.
How do I tell you?
What makes my body fragrant.
You are the beginning.
You are the trial.
You are the aim of my life.
You are the reason of my life.
You are God.
Hey John, look how Raj
is looking at Priya?
Wherever I see, I see you.
You are this world.
You are that world.
From the Earth to the Sky.
It's only you.
It's you everywhere.
It's you.
Fuse box. - "You dwell in me."
It's you.
Priya, the light has come!
Of course!
Priya, what is there in the backside?
That.. it's the old foundation.
It's a long story.
Just one minute..!
Originally, a theatre
was going to be built.
Then the partners had a tiff.
The work came to a standstill.
And then the community
centre was built here.
It means nobody knows anything
about this place!- No.
Are you like sure about this?
- Very sure!
Do you know how fantastic you are!
Do you know, you are my most
favourite.. favourite girl!
Do you know that? Say yes or no!
What are you doing?
Sir, this foundation is really
advantageous for us.
Our material and labour cost
will reduce by 20%., sir!
- 20%
Not just that! Now this building
will be ready before time!
And because this structure
can take more load.. we can construct
it bigger than before.
Wonderful! Wonderful!
Did you see?
That foundation has been
present on that site..
..for the past 30 years
and we don't even know.
Those who submitted the plan,
they too don't know.
Only he knows.
Excuse me Sir, I am not worthy
enough to say this.
But in your office, there are very..
..few people who are
loyal to you, sir.
I like your approach.
- Thank you sir.
When I saw this young man
I knew that he is capable.
My judgement is not wrong.
Correct, sir! Your judgement
can never be wrong!
Especially about me!
Don't remind me!
I can never forget Sinha's face!
Shall I consider this
project confirmed?
Of course!
- Thank you, sir!
Sir, before we take any
final decision board..
..has to be shown a presentation
to take their final approval.
That's just a formality.
As far as I am concerned
this project is theirs.
Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you, sir!
I really appreciate it!
I love you.
- Love you too.
Isn't love a great thing?
I know! Don't you envy them?
When your dreams come true,
then you like everything.
They are looking so happy together.
Do you know..
By the time the mall will be ready..
..they both must have got married.
Can you believe that?
- Yes!- Wow!
Then Priya!
- Yes!
What do you think about all this?
About what?
You know, I mean, marriage
and all that.
Nowadays you don't
get nice guys, Raj!
You are absolutely right!
Nowadays you don't get nice guys!
By the way, what kind
of a guy do you like?
- Okay!
- Like me! Okay! Go on!
The most important!
His height should be 6' feet!
5'1 0 won't do?
No! 6' feet!
5'1 0 is a really good
height! Trust me!
- Yeah!
Let me check!
Not so bad!
Excuse me! Excuse me!
Haseena! Haseena!
Hang on! What are you doing here?
I have been searching
for you since long!
I am preparing for the carnival.
And we are dancing.
I need to.. I need to..
- Why don't you join us?
No, no! I don't want to join you!
Please! Come on! - Please!
Let's dance!
Shake those booty, baby!
You don't understand! I..
- Yes. You are in love.
- Yes. I am in love with Priya.
I.. I.. I really can't live without
her. I want to talk to you..
Love! Love! What a great feeling!
When you fall in love, moon, stars, breeze,
clouds everyone finds out.
By the way, you dance well.
I can't talk to you here like
this. Please! Please!
Come with me for two minutes!
Please! Please! Please!
Come! Come! Come!
Haseena, one second! Please
try to understand! - Yes.
I love Priya a lot!
And now I can't lie to her anymore!
So what's the problem?
Go and tell her the truth.
What do you mean?
Then last time why didn't you
stop me from lying to her?
That was the truth of the past.
This is the truth of the present.
Truth of the past! Truth of the
present! Truth of the future!
You know what! I don't
understand all this!
I just know that I love Priya a lot
and I can't lose her! That's it!
That's the truth of the present.
Truth of the heart.
Now you must go and
tell her the truth.
True love?
I gave it to you on credit!
Go. Tell her. Good luck.
Listen, mister! What are you saying?
We don't believe such
notices! Got it?
This is the court's notice.
You will have to accept it!- What?
If you remember, two months ago too
you received a similar notice!
Excuse me. What is going on?
- Priya, look!
This man is saying that we have to
vacate this place right now.- Yes!
There seems to be some
This matter has been resolved.
Raj convinced Mr. Gill
in front of me.
Here the shopping mall and
the community centre..
..both will be constructed! - Yes!
A special design too was made.
Which plan are you talking about?
Either he is fooling you
or you are fooling me!
There is neither any plan
nor any proposal!
Now you people quietly
vacant this place!
Hey! Hey! What one week!-
He just giving us one week!
Uncle! Uncle, just calm down!
There is a problem!
Priya, are you sure that..
Yes! Let me meet Raj once.
All the confusion will be cleared.
Please! Please everyone! Calm down!
And just trust me!
Are you searching for this?
Your shopping mall's design.
Didn't you submit this plan?
Priya, I know that whatever
I say now, you won't believe me.
But the truth is that I was going
to come to you with the file.
To say what? That you are a liar!
And you committed a fraud!
No Priya...Just.. just let me explain, please.
What you are thinking,
it's really not as simple as that.
It is simple, Raj!
You have cheated all of us!
You have played with our
emotions and our lives!
Actually community centre was
never a part of your proposal!
Why, Raj? Why such a big lie?
Because Priya, you don't want
to understand the truth!
Before too I tried
to explain to you..
Priya, your community centre can't be a
part of this shopping mall!
It's just not possible!
I must say.. you are such a player.
You didn't let me know even once
what your true intentions are.
And I thought you loved me, Raj.
I do love you, Priya. I do.
But you know what? Come on!
Let's get serious!
This is the world of business!
The world of real estate!
People only see profit
and loss, Priya!
In the big schemes of big people..
..small people's emotions
are not counted, Priya.
Even if I had tried.. even if
I had tried countless times..
Not countless times! But you
could have tried once, Raj!
Just once!
Then what would have
happened, Priya?
Our project would
have been rejected!
And somebody else would have
got this project, Priya!
Yes! But I didn't
love that somebody!
I loved you, Raj!
How can you do this, Raj?
Do you see this, Priya! These
medals, the certificates!
It's all mine!
Best actor! Raj Malhotra!
Best athlete! Raj Malhotra!
Gold medalist, student of the year,
three years in a row, Priya!
Three years! Raj Malhotra!
In fact the entire college
said that within three years..
..Raj Malhotra will be on
the cover of Time magazine!
It's been five years, Priya!
Five years!
And today where am I? Nowhere!
I am a nobody!
Bad luck and sharp mind!
It's a dangerous combination, Priya!
And it makes you do anything!
If you were struggling
then who gave you..
..the license to cheat others, Raj?
You should have built
the shopping mall!
What was the need to use me?
Because Priya, whenever
you were with me..
..all my work would go smoothly!
You were just lucky for me!
Lucky? What the hell are
you talking about, Raj?
Exactly, Priya! When
somebody told me..
..then I too reacted
in the same way!
But I had to admit it!
That day you threw away
my card and I got a job!
You pushed me and that impossible
shot became possible!
And the other day.. Mrs. Gill..
suddenly she saw you..
..and she remembered her daughter!
And that five year clause,
you remember!
And that five year clause, it just..
just went away, Priya!
Every time, every time that
you were with me, Priya.. every work would go smoothly!
So what am I supposed to believe?
You tell me!
I don't believe this!
I just don't believe this!
Okay, let's assume that your work went
smoothly because I was with you!
But what was the need to cheat
in our proposal, Raj!
You should have let it happen!
I was with you!
Raj, the truth is that.. didn't even have
faith in your beliefs!
But I trusted you, Raj.
I loved you.
I loved you, Raj.
And you lied to me.
You got the contract.
Your work is done.
Now shall I leave?
Don't go, Priya. Please.
I just want you. Nothing else.
And here is your cheque.
Thank you very much.
What have you done, Raj?
You just had this house.
And you..
Here is the cheque.
And repay everybody's money from
whom we have taken a loan till date.
And I want to free you
too from this tension.
Take care, bro.
What? Raj! Listen to me, Raj!
Community centre can't
be a part of the Mall.
You will be ruined.
Hiten, now whatever happens..
its my luck.
Hi uncle!
What happened?
You didn't wave at me today.
Sorry. I was thinking
about something else! I forgot!
Give me a hand! Give me
a hand! Let me come down!
You are saying something but your
eyes are saying something else.
Love problem!
Tiff with the boyfriend.
He betrayed me for his ambition!
I trusted him a lot.
That boy has made you cry..
..I say, forget him.
Forget about him.
I have heard that he
has changed, uncle.
He has taken everyone
along with him!
That's wonderful! Great!
Then forgive him!
But what if he is lying again!
But just think, if this time
he is telling the truth..
..then, will you be able
to forgive yourself?
Look, it was he who made
the mistake earlier.
And if you don't go today, then you will be
the one making the mistake.
So come on, let's go.
Come on, I will come along with you!
You will come along too!
- Why not?
Come on, don't waste time.
Come on. Careful!
Thanks, uncle.
- Forget about the thank you.
The waving relation that we have
it must have some meaning.
We have to go to City Council hall
City Council hall!
He has a very important
presentation there.
And he wants me
to be there with him.
Because he thinks
I am lucky for him..
You won't understand. Please.
So this way, by using the
existing foundation..
I ..we can earn profit
of about 1 8 percent.
A nice boy!
Thank you!
Thank you ladies and gentlemen!
But what I am going to say now..
..please listen to it carefully.
This is the new revised design
of the shopping mall.
Where there will be
the shopping mall..
..and on the other side, the Community centre
will be accommodated.
Oh! My God!
Gill, what is this joke?
There must be some misunderstanding!
Raj, what is this?
What are you saying?
Gill, if this is your
I want this architect out.
Which company is he giving
the presentation for?
Some Batra and Gill!
- Batra and Gill!
Everyone is after money,
to hell with the common people.
Everyone is a measly miser!
Yes, I know the type!
Uncle, left!
- Yes! I know.
How did you accept this plan?
Mr. Gill, what is this?
This sounds ridiculous!
Mr. Gill, I don't think you
can handle this project.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't think
Mr. Gill can handle this project.
You won't be able
to do this project.
Excuse me! How dare you talk
to Mr. Gill like that?
How dare you talk to my husband..
- Excuse me, madam..
Lower your tone.
Excuse me madam, kindly..
- You lower your tone, mister.
Darling, sit down, sit down.
Sit down, you don't know her.
Raj, show the right design!
Or else you are out!
These are the right designs sir.
Right for everyone.
Ladies and gentlemen, please.
Please, before taking
any decision..
..just listen to me
for two minutes.
I am just asking for two minutes.
Uncle, here! Stop! Stop!
I hope everything is fine.
Wait. - Uncle, thank you so much!
- I will see you inside. - Ok.
They have been living
there for so long.
In removing them from there,
legally you might be right sir.
But morally you are wrong. - Know that
young man and we sympathise them
But we are investors.
We invest our money and we care only
about the profit. That's it.
What do we care about anything else?
You are absolutely right,
sir, what do we care.
Global warming is melting
the icebergs.
Mountains, rivers.. the world
is getting destroyed!
Keep quiet! What do we care?
That's why, sir.
The powerful countries are
suppressing the weaker ones.
Millions of innocent people
lose their lives.
Keep quiet! What do we care?
We need business.
Earlier I used to think
like that too.
But then one day, someone
forced to think..
..that, to move ahead in life,
I have fallen so low.
So, what do you want to say?
This business expansion
shouldn't take place.
If there is progress, it
will benefit everyone.
I am not against progress, ma'am.
But progress for whom?
But getting rid of whom
and at what cost?
And who will decide the cost.
You will decide it, Mr. Gill!
And you, Mr. Mathur!
Fine. Let us forget
the humanitarian grounds.
Let us take the business advantages
of this project.
For 1 0 seconds of publicity,
how much do you spend.
Just think, tomorrow morning..
..the television and
newspaper headlines..
Construction company
helps the helpless.
It will create a chaos.
By constructing houses
for 1 00 people.. will get publicity
worth 1 00 crores.
It's a cheap deal.
You will benefit by helping
them too, sir.
You just have to change
your point of view.
In the race for profit, where
manipulations, calculations..
..profits, balance sheets,
lawyers, money..
From high to higher to highest.
And we are still aiming
for higher than that.
This way we never stop running
and one day we run out of life!
Ladies and gentlemen, of all the
designs that I have made..
..this is the best amongst them.
Because it has a heart.
It comprises of everyone's benefit.
Everyone's betterment.
And you know what, all
that I said here..
..I know it will harm me the most.
But someone.. sometime
will have to think..
..beyond profit and loss!
Such decisions are not
taken everyday in life.
I hope you take the right decision.
It was a very nice speech!
Very nice!
But you presented the wrong speech!
Therefore, you are disqualified!
Excuse me.
I recommend that this contract should be
given to Dev Kataria!
- Thank you! Thank you!
I am sorry Priya.. I couldn't
save your Community Centre.
No Raj.. you did try!
And you know what..
I am really proud of you.
I am really very proud.
I love you, Priya!
- I love you too!
Just a minute, think about it,
now I am not lucky for you anymore.
You think about it yourself.
I am an out of work architect.
Will do.
Ladies and gentlemen please wait..
please... if you don't mind
Yes, all of you! Please sit down
Thank you! - That's my waving friend.
Yes, thank you!
Those who don't know me,
let me tell them.. name is Rajiv Batra!
Batra and Gill's, youngest founder..
After listening to the
entire discussion..
..I have come to the
conclusion that..
This young man, Raj Malhotra..
..has said a very intelligent thing.
He has given a new point of view
to look at the business.
The human touch!
I don't want that today's
generation calls us..
What do they say, stubborn..
..measly misers!
So today, I use my veto power.
I give the contract of this
shopping mall cum.. centre contract to
Raj Malhotra!
Yes! Did you hear that?
Uncle John, look how lucky Raj is.
The chairman has come himself.
Who brought him?
- Priya!
Priya! Priya! Priya!
Cheer up!
That's right.
Clap your hands, man!
I'll make you want to dance!
I'll make you want to move!
Come on sweetheart!
I can get you in the mood!
This is the party now.
Shake your body now.
Sway, dance and hit the party now.
Let me hold you in my arms,
hide you in my arms.
Come on closer to my body now.
This is the party now.
Shake your body now.
Sway, dance and hit the party now.
Let me hold you in my arms,
hide you in my arms.
Come on closer to my body now.
You are my heart. I have
become breathless.
You are the girl with whom
my eyes met today.
Darling lets party.
The girl looks naughty!
It's a freaky, freaky night!
Darling lets party.
The girl looks naughty!
It's a freaky, freaky night!
Girls are going crazy!
Boys are going crazy!
Baby, dance with me!
Let's get down!
Girls are going crazy!
Boys are going crazy!
Baby, dance with me!
Let's get down!
You call without any reason.
You signal me.
Or else due to any reason,
you say..
Why are you confused?
What did you just say?
Love has no meaning
when you fear the world.
Darling lets party.
The girl looks naughty!
It's a freaky, freaky night!
Darling lets party.
The girl looks naughty!"
It's a freaky, freaky night!
Enter my love, girl.
You are a thief because
you stole my heart.
I keep talking to myself.
I keep thinking only about you.
There is an unknown
pain in my heart.
You have fallen in love.
You have completely
immersed in love.
Hearing your acceptance, happiness
brimmed in my eyes.
Darling lets party.
The girl looks naughty!
It's a freaky, freaky night!
Darling, lets party.
The girl looks naughty!
It's a freaky, freaky night!
This is the party now.
Shake your body now.
Sway, dance and hit the party now.
Let me hold you in my arms,
hide you in my arms.
Come on closer to my body now.
You are my heart.
I have become breathless.
You are the girl with whom
my eyes met today.
Darling, lets party.
The girl looks naughty!
It's a freaky, freaky night!
Darling, lets party.
The girl looks naughty!
It's a freaky, freaky night!
Okay, that's it!
I know, young man, and we
sympathise with them.