Kiss of the Damned (2012)

I could fall asleep...
With the warmth of you near me.
The sound of your heart sings.
Sings what?
[ phone ringing ]
Tomassini residence?
She's not available
at this moment,
Can I take a message?
Thank you.
It's really coming down.
I'm Paolo.
So do you live here?
My friend is doing
a play in the city,
So I'm staying in her house.
What about you?
I'm here writing a script.
They got me a house, to write.
You know, no distractions.
You're, what?
I translate poetry
and literature into
Different languages.
That sounds like a
pretty serious job.
It's practical.
I have a...Skin
condition...Where I can't be
Exposed to sunlight.
I' m sorry.
This place is huge.
No, go!
This was a mistake.
I'm sorry.
It's not a mistake.
I want you to leave.
I'm gonna leave, but I'm
gonna call you tomorrow.
No, don't call.
Please go.
Through phone:
Hey Paolo, it's donna.
I've been thinking a lot, and I
don't know why I said I needed
I was really happy
with the way things were.
It was stupid.
And I think that's
great, I really do.
Tomassini residence.
Madame is indisposed
until this evening.
May I take a message?
Very well, I'll let her know.
You should try some
of our other scotches.
We've got some great scotch.
You interested?
Yeah, sure.
Here you go.
What are you doing here?
Will you let me in?
I can't.
Is this about your illness?
Look, whatever it is you
have, I will deal with it.
Just let me in.
Let me in.
Get out!
Hey ben.
Hey, how's it comin'?
You love your house?
Alright, don't say I
don't take care of you.
I don't.
How's it coming, p?
I just started.
Of course it's gonna be great,
you're gonna knock this
I know you're not into violence,
but don't be afraid of it here.
It's the right thing.
I won't.
Feelin' good?
Paolo, where are you?
Hey, Paolo!
Paolo .
I'm comin' over.
Answer the door.
Come over here.
Feel my heart.
Find my heartbeat.
It's not there, Paolo.
I can't go in sunlight.
I drink the blood
of animals to live.
Do you understand
what I'm telling you?
You're telling me
you're a vampire?
Are you kidding me?
What do think
happened last night?
There's no such thing
as vampires, djuna.
I'll show you.
I'm not feeling
good about doing this.
There's nothing to worry about.
You're safe.
I can't hurt you this way.
It's happening!
Come here!
Come here!
Holy shit!
Keep your hands
away from my mouth!
Oh god.
Do you believe me now?
Look at me.
Let's make love.
Are you scared?
This is what had to happen.
I would have done anything to
be with you...However insane.
I know.
It's all insane.
And I know in my heart, it would
have been wrong to let you go.
For both of us.
My world belongs to you now.
I will teach you
everything I know.
Very closely knit.
Xenia, the actress who owns
this house, for example...
She designed it
for needs like ours.
Little things,
but very important.
And irene, the housekeeper...
She's got a rare blood
disorder, so she's not a
Temptation for us.
Her mother had it too, so
she's very highly valued.
Extremely loyal.
She looks after the house.
Keeps watch during the day.
You'll start to feel a
pressure in your lower back...
And that will turn
into a hunger...
And that hunger will
grow until you feed it.
And if you don't feed, that
hunger will turn into pain.
You can't let it get to that,
or you'll be out of control.
Will we live forever?
Chances are, we will.
But there are ways to die.
But we won't get older,
and we won't get sick.
And if we get hurt, we
heal almost right away.
It's a different reality.
But I know we can
have a normal life.
You and me.
Not here.
Not yet.
Let's go home.
So you can write those
screenplays you're
So crazy about.
Are you trying to
tell me something?
No, I'm trying to tell you
that maybe it's time to get your
Things and move in.
You got it all?
I'm happy.
I'm really happy, Paolo.
I made you coq au vin.
It smells incredible.
It turned out perfectly.
Can I say something?
Of course.
I just want to get it over with.
It feels weird that
it was so natural.
That it didn't bother me more.
I was surprised that
I knew what to do.
And feel how I've changed.
Even my vision.
What I see.
I can't believe how
much I was missing before.
Everything just feels so...
What are you doing here?
Nice to see you, too, djuna.
I'm staying here for a week
while my new place gets set up.
Well, call her if you want.
Hi, I'm mimi.
Djuna's sister.
It's really not a good
idea for you to stay here.
Where am I supposed
to go, djuna?
To a hotel?
I'm only going to
be here a week.
It's not like I'm going
to hang around you anyway.
Don't worry.
You look great.
What's your secret?
Dog blood?
I take it the two of
you don't get along.
No she's...
She's a disturbed creature.
Where are you coming from?
It was horrible.
The group I was
living with was crazy.
I couldn't take it anymore.
You couldn't take it, or
they couldn't take it?
How long were you there?
Five years.
It was fun at first.
It's a great city, but my
roommates ruined it for me.
People were catching on to us.
I started to be
afraid to go to bed.
I thought I was going to
be torched by a church
Group or something.
What's in phoenix?
Where will you live there?
On a ranch.
It's like a commune.
You make night
blooming gardens, pottery.
You study latin literature.
Basically, it's rehab.
Xenia thinks that's
what I need to do,
So I'm gonna try it.
I guess I don't really
have a choice, do I?
That wasn't so bad.
She's a crazy freak, you'll see.
She didn't sound crazy.
She seemed pretty cohesive.
Crazy's not the word.
She's not out of
touch with reality.
She's sick.
It's only a week.
The clock is already ticking.
She'll be gone soon.
I had a nightmare.
We were at the ballet school.
We were hiding in the closet
and she was trying to find us.
I wonder if she's
still teaching.
Maybe someone got her.
Damn vampire solidarity.
I'm sure they moved her...
I had a dream, too, about mom.
I can't remember
her face anymore.
Can you?
Not really.
It's gone.
Nothing's left.
Look at them.
That looks so fun, doesn't it?
It's interesting to
see you with a man.
It's been a long time since...
What was his name?
What was that?
Sixty, seventy years ago?
A long time ago.
I forget.
Did you turn him or not?
You know I didn't.
Yeah, that's right.
You wouldn't do that to someone.
Well, what made
you turn this one?
The loneliness got to you?
I've been alone a long time.
It wasn't that.
It was just going
to happen with him.
What does that mean?
It means I love him.
Love him?
I just want to say,
for the last century,
You've judged me so harshly.
And it's just strange that
now you turn someone you
Claim to love.
At least I've never done that.
I've never bit
someone I love, djuna!
I wouldn't do that.
You're not capable of loving.
You wouldn't know.
I just know it's not an option.
I'm not the sick one.
Don't romanticize stupid humans,
and watch them through goggles
No, you just leave a trail of
shit wherever you go and get
Off on it!
Speaking of getting off,
maybe you finally have...
Because suddenly, you
don't mind sentencing
To the shit we
have to deal with.
You know what you did was wrong.
Admit it!
Don't fucking judge me anymore!
Hi, xenia, it's djuna.
How is everything at the house?
Well, it's not good.
It's about mimi.
You know she's here?
Yes, she needed a place to stay.
I've arranged a safe
house for her in phoenix,
But it won't be
ready for a week.
Well, I'm worried.
She's not stable,
you know she's not.
Darling, she wants
to change her life,
And I can't turn
my back on that.
She's a monster.
You're sisters.
And the fact that she's
crowding in on this love
Affair you're having...
I was going to
tell you about him.
Darling, I trust
your judgment...
But if you can just
bear with mimi for a week.
Of course.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So, I want to
tell you something.
I have some money and...
I'd like to get us a house.
I was thinking we'd go
somewhere out of the country.
Someplace new, where
we could start again.
Just give me a minute.
I'll take care of everything.
I've never lived
with anyone before.
I think I'm afraid.
I feel so exposed.
I can hear myself.
Hey, wait.
I was gonna offer
to buy you a drink.
Come here.
Sure you don't want
to come back inside?
I'd rather be here.
Ok, well...
Let me know if you change
your mind about that drink.
Come here and kiss me.
Come on.
Taking forever...
You know you don't have
to do that, don't you?
Djuna is completely neurotic.
The possum was dead.
Everyone knows
that about animals.
If it makes her feel
better, it's fine by me.
So, tell me Paolo.
There are really guys
like you out there...
Who want to have the
life sucked out of them?
Go fuck yourself!
Do you think those
guys have problems?
Maybe aren't mentally healthy?
I would say, wouldn't you?
Why the fuck are
you so interested?
I don't know.
Maybe I'd like a
guy like that for me.
Oh yeah.
But you're not destructive.
This is all about love.
Tough guy, huh?
Come over.
It's going to be fun.
Everyone there will be like us.
It'll be good for
you to meet them.
It's important.
It is so nice to meet you.
Djuna's told me
wonderful things about you.
I've heard so many wonderful
things about you as well.
You have a beautiful
apartment, and a beautiful
Home, of course.
Thank you for
letting me stay there.
It is my absolute
pleasure, Paolo.
I've seen some of your films.
No, you are!
You're a very talented writer.
One day you have to
write a part for me.
It would be my honor.
Omar, come meet my
very dear friends.
Djuna and Paolo.
How nice to meet you.
Lydia and omar came
from rome for my opening.
You should see their place.
They may have the most
exquisite taste I've ever seen.
We were just talking
about going to rome.
Maybe even moving there.
Oh, you should.
It's one of the
best cities for us.
Large community.
Perfect for lovers.
Are you new?
No, not at all.
Both of you are beautiful.
The first 100 years
are insufferable,
But they do get easier.
The previews start Saturday...
Night, of course.
Obviously, I don't do matinees.
And why should you?
Good to meet you!
Nice to meet you as well.
So, they tell me
that you're new.
Yes, I'm sure there's
still quite a bit to learn.
Ah, there is, there is indeed.
You're in excellent hands.
Djuna's a treasure.
So you're staying up at
Xenia's place in connecticut?
We are.
I love that place.
A little amuse-bouche, everyone?
Oh, don't worry, it's not human.
I don't know, but whatever
it is, it's kosher.
Xenia doesn't mess around.
Whatever this is, it
is the beluga of
Politically-correct plasma.
Bottoms up!
He's extraordinary.
He would make a great actor
because he's so full of pain.
Not the bad kind.
No, not pain.
Let' say, awareness.
He's extraordinary.
My darling!
So happy to see you!
I have a few cases of this
synthetic blood for each of you.
Try not to go
through it too quickly.
I don't know how long this
army connection will last.
Or how long we'll have access.
The fda hasn't approved it.
Even if the fda approves...
It's not that we'll be able to
get it any more consistently.
It's not like we can
exactly lobby for why...
Prescriptions for us would be a
good idea for the mainstream.
Of course not.
And if they knew we did,
I highly highly doubt...
That they'd deal with it by
selling us synthetic blood.
It makes me so mad!
The way we're forced to live.
I mean this isn't their
world, it's our world!
They're just passing through.
It's not our world.
We may never die,
but collectively,
Well, we're the
ones forced to hide.
We are the monsters.
I can't abide any more
of this self-loathing.
We know what the situation is.
We discuss it all the time.
We're at the beginning of
creating a civilization
For ourselves.
Just like they did when
they realized that...
Killing and raping on a regular
basis was not a fulfilling
Way to live.
I don't want to hear
the term "monsters."
We're all monsters.
Potentially, you
know, potentially not.
Yes, but one has
to ask oneself...
Does the existence of dr.
Jekyll make mr. Hyde any less
Of a monster?
I think that the point we
all have come to realize,
Hans...Is that what civilization
is is a set of moral laws....
And if those laws are broken,
there will be punishment.
Humans still break them...
But for the most part...
These laws have forced
them to value humanity...
To develop sensitivity...
Which is just as real in
them as their baser impulses.
I mean, those laws...
Have freed them to
experience their little lives...
The way we haven't been able to.
I don't like them.
I don't find them touching,
the way you seem to.
I don't find you touching.
They are the best
audiences, I can tell you that.
Vampires are notorious
for "golf applause".
Xenia, jesus.
The ultimate barometer
for superior race,
According to xenia...
How adoring is the audience?
Where did mimi go?
She's home.
What the fuck is she doing?
What is she listening to?
I kind of like it.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry to interrupt.
You must leave!
Who the hell do
you think you are?
Who is she?
I'm Mimi's sister.
You should know that mimi has
a serious medical condition..
And should not be engaging in
any irresponsible encounters.
I do not have a
medical condition.
She most certainly does.
Please wait outside.
I'll call you a taxi, and
leave you money to get home.
Please go!
Oh my god!
It's alright.
Oh my god!
Oh my god!
What did we almost
get ourselves into?
Do you think we're gonna be ok?
Yeah, we're ok.
I want to get out of here, ok?
What's going on?
Your girlfriend thinks
she's the lady of the house.
She thinks she can just come
in here and kick my guests out.
She thinks she can
have friends here,
But I can't.
It's not going to go
anywhere like this.
Did it turn you on?
How long has it been?
I don't know.
Not that long.
This is such a
fucking nightmare.
I can't wait to be
back in our apartment.
We're not kids anymore,
this was so stupid of us.
The only thing that we did
that was stupid was get
In someone's car...
And drive 1
outside the city.
Other than that, we
didn't do anything wrong.
I don't know.
I can't help but think we
brought this on ourselves,
You know?
Who are you right now?
I love you, jack.
I never said that you didn't.
I love you too, now just
stop acting like a child.
What's that?
Did you hear that noise?
Just an animal.
Just stay here.
No jack, don't go over there!
Jack, don't.
Don't go over there!
Jack, don't!
You call for a cab?
Where are they?
Probably at the
clinic, getting tests.
I told you, you don't listen!
You keep coming
back into my life,
Over and over again.
Destroying everything!
Why can't I be free of you?
Xenia would ex-communicate
you, if she knew.
Stay away from me!
Don't interfere with my life!
You'll be away soon enough!
Let me over, prick!
Hey, Paolo, what's going on?
What are you doing man?
You haven't returned any
of my texts or anything.
I'm on my way up to
the house, 'cause...
I'm a little concerned, man.
It's not like you.
It's like you
dropped off the planet.
Anyway, I'll be there
in like 20 minutes.
That's it.
I'll see you soon.
Alright, buddy?
Alright, I'll talk to you later.
Well then don't fucking
put your fucking blinker on!
Good, what can I get for you?
Can I get a vodka-soda, please.
Have you seen a new
guy hanging around here?
Dark-haired, good-looking guy?
Drinks scotch?
Yeah, I've seen
him in here, why?
I'm his agent.
I'm ben rider.
I've been trying to
get ahold of him...
I went by the house I
put him up in and...
Nothing, looks like no
one's living there.
Yeah well, I heard he's been
staying out with a girl
On hansen road.
I wouldn't be too
worried about him though.
He's having quite the affair.
Is that right?
So what's your deal?
You an actress?
You like the way it
feels to hunt, no?
I like a lot of things.
I don't need that.
Me neither.
Son of a bitch!
Oh, it's my fucking agent.
Jesus, it's hard to
find you up here.
How are you?
I'm good.
Good to see you.
It's good to see you too.
Djuna, this is my
agent, ben rider.
So you're the one who
stole my client away from me?
Look at you, you're gorgeous.
Are you an actress?
Well you should be.
Come on in.
Oh, my goodness,
this is fucking crazy!
You haven't been
writing shit, have you?
I have.
Oh, you're full of shit.
I have.
I just printed out some stuff.
I'll show you.
Dude, if you could parlay what
you're doing here out there,
You're going to be huge.
Read it and then
we'll have dinner.
This is all new stuff?
Djuna, this is incredible.
I took a chance on coming
out here and I got
The royal treatment.
And this house is ridiculous.
I mean this is
crazy time up here.
You gotta remember to send
me that information on
Your friend's play.
I wanna see that, so you
gotta e-mail me the information.
I know it's not broadway, but
I really want to check it out.
I will.
I'm really happy to be here.
Hey pal, I gotta tell you, I
can't stop thinking about those
Pages I read.
They're great, man.
Do you feel good about that?
Do you?
Oh come on, man, the action
sequences are unbelievable.
It's the best stuff
you've ever written.
The studio's going to go crazy.
Do you know this guy used to
be impossible to deal with?
He would write all this
artsy-fartsy crap that I
Couldn't get any investors for?
Used to think he was
better than everyone else.
I didn't think I was
better than everyone else.
I just didn't understand why
people didn't expect more
Out of life.
Yeah, well we thought
the same about you.
He used to drive this artsy
car, that didn't even drive.
It wasn't arty,
it was a peugeot.
Fucking peugeot!
A peugeot!
He used to think he
was jean-luc truffaut,
With this silly hat...
Smoking cigarettes
and dirty fingernails.
Look p...
You've joined the human race,
and we're glad to have you.
It's a good thing.
You look good.
It's nice to meet you.
I didn't realize
you had teeth before.
To embracing life.
And all its flaws.
And all its warts, alright?
I'm gonna go use the bathroom.
Are you alright?
Yeah, I had a drinks
meeting before I...
You want some coffee?
Excuse me.
Do you think I could
just crash here tonight...
Instead of
driving into the city?
'cause I...
We work all night, ben,
and we sleep pretty late.
No, I'll be up
early in the morning.
I have a breakfast meeting.
No, of course.
Of course you can stay.
You shouldn't drive like this.
Sometimes you get
speedy, you know?
Get the fuck away from me!
Xenia, do you have a minute?
I have to tell you, bad
things are happening.
It's about mimi.
She's completely out of control.
She's endangering all of us.
She's been out every
night hunting humans,
Leaving them to resurrect.
How do you know this?
I just know.
You just know?
She swears to me
she's not, djuna.
Unless you have proof, I have
no reason not to believe her.
Now xenia, she's
bringing it into the house.
The other night she
brought a couple over here.
If I hadn't come...
What was happening?
The three of them were
in a sexual situation.
They were starting -
Djuna, don't be so puritanical.
When I first gave
up my old life,
No one believed I was clean.
Whatever I did was proof to
others that I was still sick.
I know it's hard to
have faith in her...
But I know where
she's coming from.
I've been there.
Darling, my play is
opening tomorrow night.
Please, put your
differences aside.
In a few days, she'll be gone.
What do you think?
I loved it tonight.
It was beyond words.
Neither of us can hardly speak.
You were magnificent.
Your performance,
djuna is right,
Was beyond words.
Give me more.
I must have words.
I mean, many words,
after you digest
Ms. Tomassini, prof. Ching
would like a word with you.
You're coming to dinner?
Yeah, of course.
Please do.
I love you.
How are you?
Wasn't that amazing?
I need to get some air.
Excuse me.
Always so naughty.
Sorry to make you leave.
Don't worry.
Check out this loon.
My god!
Folks, I told you
twenty times, no autographs.
I need everyone to the side!
You're a fan of ms. Tomassini?
You should meet her some time.
I'm sure she'd like to meet
a fan as devoted as you
Seem to be.
Meet her?
Give me your number.
Andiamo, for Christ's sake!
How old are you?
Lovely age.
What are you doing?
She's not leaving.
So then we'll leave sooner.
Either way, you've got to
stop doing this to yourself.
Why don't we get out of
the house for a while?
Go down the hill, take a drive.
Clear your head.
If a part of you didn't want
me, I could have never
Made this work.
We're leaving
tomorrow night, early.
We're gonna go to Italy.
Stay with the couple from
Cenia's party till our
House is ready.
Xenia arranged for
a private plane.
It's all happening.
She's expecting us, right?
She's expecting me.
I told her I was in the
neighborhood and I'd drop by.
She doesn't know
you've brought me?
Do you think she'll be upset?
She'll be delighted.
Hello xenia....
I've brought someone.
Her name is ann...
Hello, ann.
Hello, ms. Tomassini.
May we come in?
May I offer you
something to drink?
A glass of champagne, thank you.
So, how do you two
know each other?
Ann is your biggest fan.
So our paths crossed.
How have the shows been going?
A wonderful situation.
It's a wonderful play.
It's beyond wonderful.
Mimi, may I talk to
you for a moment?
Yes, of course.
You can't bring a
virgin into my home.
A virgin!
You're around all sorts
of people all the time.
I really didn't think twice.
I thought you'd be fine with it.
Not to have alone in my home.
With the windows closed!
In my drawing room staring
at me like some sacrifice!
You've got to get her out!
I'm sorry, xenia,
I didn't think.
I haven't tasted
human blood for 40 years.
It's almost a hundred years
I haven't tasted a virgin!
It's harder.
You have to prepare
for these things...
To know your limits,
what you can bear and...
What you can't.
This is not acceptable!
I understand.
Finish your glass of champagne
and say you have to go.
May I please have
a glass of water?
Of course.
I'll get it.
You're so beautiful.
Even more beautiful
without make-up.
Oh, well, thank you darling.
That's very sweet.
And what do you do?
I'm a student.
Of course.
Of course, you are.
I first saw you in medea.
It changed my life.
I don't mean to be strange...
But I have always felt that
we were destined to meet.
When mimi picked me out of
the crowd the other night...
And asked me if I'd
want to meet you...
I was surprised,
of course I was.
But part of me wasn't.
Drink your water, ann.
We have to be going soon.
Oh no!
Did you cut your
lip on the glass?
There must have been a chip.
Crystal chips so easily.
Are you alright?
It's fine.
I have another appointment.
Don't leave yet.
You can't leave,
bleeding like that.
Perhaps ann can stay
until her bleeding stops.
But I have to go myself.
Stay until it stops.
It is destiny.
Good-bye, xenia.
Are you sure you don't
want me to take her?
We'll have a glass of
champagne and a nice talk.
No one knows and
no one has to know.
I know how it is.
I can help you
take care of this.
If you have a saw, I
can do it in the bathtub.
I'm happy to help.
But there is something
we need to talk about.
I can't go to phoenix, xenia.
I'm all packed.
Before you get on
that plane with me,
And we do this...
There's something I
need to tell you.
What is it?
I could stay in
the estate for now.
But what I'd really like to
do is have a place here
In the city.
Do you think you could
arrange that for me, xenia?
You're the best.
There's something I
need to tell you as well.
Your agent...
She did?
She didn't.
It was me.
That one was me.
Are you the maid?
Thank god...
Help me...
Help me inside!
Help me!
Help me!
I will, madame.
Have a wonderful performance.
Are you ready?
Thank you, irene.
My pleasure, madame.
I think we've got everything.
Thank you, irene.
Thank you so much
for everything.
I hope we'll meet again soon.
Thank you for taking care of us.
Safe travels, madame.
Your plane is ready and waiting