Kiss the Bride (2007)

? Know that's what good
a second penis?
I can not help oh.
You do not need wedding cake.
I do not understand that this bad with us.
? You and me, us?
? This is a surprising assessment?
? Gonna give an increase?
That's funny.
No, in general we're gay
obsessed with marriage.
Tan masochist.
Quiz is part of its fanta a.
Tell me that I have a home Matthew
you can not have a gay wedding edicin
without a great cover gay.
be great.
We want the right to be just as dysfunctional
that our parents? is too much to ask?
These guys do not seem to be n
happily ever after.
No, seems to be wanting to carry
waiter at the receiving.
That is not love.
Not that we want to sell in this edicin.
Steph and I'm not sleeping
I have to edicin wedding
d a whole in the head.
For that we win enough money.
Not won enough money.
But if you have a lot of mail.
No, no, no.
No more invitations.
Alice Gunter and invite you to
union of their souls, please.
Kate and Missy they embark on their
trip to eternity ... ? Shipping?
Steven Paul and invite you to join
while love makes one.
? Who embarks Really?
Dave and John unite their destinies ...
John and John rhyme.
Jake and Andy are blessed.
Louis and Rachel,
that ugly invitations.
One moment Luis.
Because you think all gays
we cover their weddings?
They are not weddings, they are
commitment ceremonies,
Besides s not just some of the city
are outside and you're an escaped
This sends your mom from Arizona,
Alex Goldsky and Ryan Woods.
Give me that.
? Guys already were lifted?
Dude, contstale.
Yo, I'm busy.
Ms'm awake. Woods.
Matty anyway.
If he is.
Breakfast is ready, "come from?
I did.
Wake up to Ryan.
You may ask Ryan
if you iron your shirt?
That's excellent.
That these nice Ryan
awake, too.
I will leave the shirt at the door
and do not forget that you have
to go to church today.
Matty is so good when
you stay to sleep,
Ryan is always so grn
when you get up.
Cum laude.
Cum again.
Cum laude grade me and I do
charge the concierge.
I would have done but this is your Armani and
Like trousers seem out of the trash.
I could have been a consultant
marketing but not well paid,
say working here for
I feel more proud.
Gramy Ho had reason I volvo
lesbian and sigitysonchopu.
It means garbage collection.
If you do a Gramy Ho
That makes me so happy.
This is Ryan, aydame to find the other
Half need to see this as Alex.
That pretty, is a lucky girl.
By God.
You can not, we will print in a
week, we have not even cover.
Please see, I need to see.
Stress please.
For God so love.
No of course not.
You love him.
Want to come to the wedding
and rob rtelo for you.
You're like Julia Roberts in
The wedding of my best friend.
This is a totally humanitarian task.
I'm as Angelina Jolie at this point that
not draw me to send a baby home.
EL was my first boyfriend,
I was the sack,
was the one who taught me
all about blowjobs.
And any man appreciates that,
but you've seen in 10 years,
? Is no longer part of the past?
But I like that she leaves,
I always sent bad about that.
And now what is happening, it will
be one of those guys.
? Guys? ? What did you see coffee with
raw water? ? What are you talking about?
You're going to be eating dinner or something as
and you see that kid.
He has three sons and a
wife miserable.
You will see with that faraway look
and before you know it you continue
bao of the men and grabs you by the penis.
I think it would be better
for all involved
if someone is putting to one side before it is
late and tells you, you do not have to do this.
That would be the best.
Adem he was trapped s
in our people
Insurance has been drinking a six pack
All of consolacin d ace.
? And you see how big he is?
Look, that is when
we decided to do this ...
When you decided.
I said that at least you
to help to move.
? And that helps to whom else?
? For me or you?
This trip came out of nowhere, sorry.
It is actually better as.
I will have gone when you return.
Ford Focus, new mileage,
What this says to my car?
I do not know who these
Concentrated guess.
? Got something to say come to prevent
Comets that a big mistake?
That's asking a lot for a car.
? But there is much to be desired?
I hope not.
Hey dad, it was time to join you.
Sean, I need the rest
panels for the ceiling.
Something happened to the toolbox
in the van.
We need your help.
It was the failure to pump as
we use the tank of helium.
? And you do that Chris?
If I guess.
That is a terrible blonde who goes high.
Guys I delight to take a beer with
but you please go back to work.
Not so r ask, we have to be
Cassler in the three and a half.
? Are you talking about?
Promet that at least finish this roof.
We can not leave work at half
Pope to start something else.
Son, son, we are fine with this
As we work to complete,
but we have to go to Cassler
not to sue us,
a step forward, you see.
Hi baby, missing few d ace.
How are you?
Better and better.
? Still to you love me?
Well considering the competition.
? still love to me if I say that
I want to pick potatoes?
I've been working Cario
d a whole, reeks of dead.
That's true Alex.
I'm not in shape to see your potatoes.
? You can go to pick them?
Well, that's the problem.
Nor am I in good shape,
? Remember that party
to me that you were going to do?
Time of the experiment.
It's a little crazy.
? Sure that a still
you marry me?
I am a disaster, are the 3 PM, I am
tied to a chair and I'm drunk.
Now I just these exciting.
I'm going to change if
that we finish late.
That's my boy scout,
always prepared.
Sean? Garments water?
Now you extra.
? Thought you hired a plumber?
We will.
I love this holiday season.
? This is the 627 of the street Heaven, no?
Don 't get innocent boy,
seems to know how it is.
? You're the bride, no?
You look like a bad girl.
? That you are?
? You're a bad girl?
Okay, I'm a bad girl.
I bet that your boyfriend does not know this.
Not much.
I bet not.
I bet you can not satisfacerte
as a man of truth.
In fact in this case the
satisfaction is doing very well.
-? Really?
- Yes.
is having one.
normal sex life.
Well I hope not.
That is so boring.
? There anyone you like
a normal sex life?
What is special?
There is this little thing where the ...
I did not mean that.
Okay, we're friends.
Rel jate, these very tense.
? You think?
I'm going to marry,
duty to stay drunk until s Saturday.
It's going to watch a video, I can see you later.
It is so good, you're going to be
with one guy and nobody else
for the rest of your life until
that the death away.
Hell, if you put it that way.
Less talk and more nudity.
If I am going on the binge,
you do not pay to keep you in pants.
? Where is my pepper spray?
I am a friend of the groom, my name is Matt.
No, Mnica hopes that low.
God my whole life pass me by the head,
killed by the bridesmaids.
I misleading.
That is wrong.
Thanks 406.
Yes, I am counting on all
I say congratulations.
And you are the new 406, so if you do not count
I say that twice.
? Wherever you think?
It is often derail because it has the
Alternator rings very weak.
Evelyn Bryan is trying to say here
something but I do not think it is in English.
? Ryan can give me a hand?
- Nice to see you.
- The pleasure is mine.
Not him to my husband,
he can read and Dostoievsky to sleep.
But you can not change a light bulb or
though her life depended on it.
urinating in the trees,
? This is a survivor?
Hi Elly, "as these?
I am bothered by mosquitoes,
I have not Baade in twelve hours
and if you do not give me a cup of coffee at this point,
I do not think that is myself.
I also want one,
? Where is your Starbucks?
This half-hour back to the city.
But there are better coffee in the restaurant
Stay on the street, selling cappuccino.
All right then to Starbucks,
calls gravity.
I do not want to see extra miles on my car.
Thanks for driving.
Every part of my task is humanitarian.
Not the back.
Ryan told me not to come ace.
It was at the last moment in
did not really know that I came.
No way.
You know you are going to move.
Wait, here n est ,
I have an idea.
Lend this a minute.
? Still to work for his dad?
Yes, I will do it
a small joke.
be fun.
I had a d a fun, we had to go back
to the city to find a Starbucks,
then your mother quer to shoes,
as we went to buy shoes,
That gave me time to be alone with
Your dad and then drive up here.
- You are brave.
- I took an express double.
How was your you?
Tea was strong.
If I realized
take one of these.
Thank you.
Hi dad.
I see them inside.
Hi Ryan.
I urinating on the shoe.
? These marking the territory?
What are you doing here?
I mean that good to see.
So sorry.
Aprate me get through the binge.
We need shots.
Alex this is Matt.
Already we know it.
? Really?
How ace?
Matt by God, do not you go to
since you left.
Matthew, "as have you been?
It's good to see you Mr. and Mrs. Woods.
Davis is now, this is Matt
My new husband Dan.
Dan is famous, its commercial
n est everywhere.
The stars are n everywhere.
It hurts to have lost contact.
Been a long time since I had ...
? Sausage?
Contact Matt.
Matt I have not seen in
As time? seven?
Since the two were about ...
Alex, when these two were in
the school were completely ...
? Pigs rolls?
We're fine, thanks.
Totally inseparable.
What happened?
After that mama and papa
moved to Scoastel
I think we never found
a reason to return.
You could come home
at any time.
That's what I'm doing now.
You know ...
Bryan, traveled 2400 miles today, it m mum
you can do is offer us a drink.
Sure,? Want ...?
Whiskey and soda on the rocks,
no rocks, no soda.
Matt this is my papa Geral
and my mom Evelyn.
? Matthew is a bachelor?
You're just kidding.
Of course, kidding.
Matt I think we need
drinks, many drinks.
? Alex gin and tonic?
-? Matt?
- Same.
B rbara, you marry the king of
mattresses, "you can draw your majesty?
Matt, I think it is an honor.
By God, it's just something you say
in TV commercials.
What happens these jealous?
? Jealous? Not even the
meaning of that word.
If you do not know the meaning
of many words.
? Continued to come here?
Not since ...
? She was the sister of Chris
The case here is that?
I think I remember Sean
throwing up our things.
By God, "is the cheese sauce to your t?
If this oh.
Minnie? Remember Matt?
? Matt? Matty hello darling.
I love this? Remembers when
com me a tazn myself?
? It was the time you can not dump a week?
Change now that the recipe is a great
defender of the rights of immigrants.
? It is not as t to Minnie?
Larry a beer here.
? Pica?
It does so with jalapeos now I think it is by
Smoking two packs a d at this time,
lose the sense taste.
It's like swallowing toothpaste.
Yes, times change my friend.
I think so.
I mean, hey you going to marry.
If, quiz started to grow,
quiz started to grow old, do not know.
Alex seems good.
If it is good.
Good ...
? That's all you have
to say about your girlfriend?
D ndote was the reason,
? That deb to say?
I do not know.
Hi Matt, it's good to see you, pulls you.
Sorry, it's good to see you and if you removed.
I need more of these.
Wait, wait,
? n est where the keys of my car?
You will not drive sober.
C llate, c llate, you're not sober.
You know what I mean.
? Sleeps with us?
sleeps here with us.
We have a guest room, you are a
and invited you to stay with us.
You have all your stuff before.
If, when my potatoes are divorced
None wanted these things.
not have an area for storing,
had no sense losing
can serve my son.
I can not believe that your
parents divorce.
You expected, fought all the time.
? Do not you remember?
Since entering the house.
Yes, but this place was so ... Mayberry.
I do not think we expected it.
I'm going to get towels and stuff.
Come make yours.
If I remain in this town in
? We do interesting?
? Interesting?
? If you sink a ship as babies or something?
I was thinking if you sink
a boat you take away something.
? Really?
I saw you naked after the
Practical? which is the difference?
I thought it bamos to go see Sean.
No, do something different.
be fun.
- B-2.
- Missed.
- A-8
- Dist.
- C-2.
- What destroyed.
? Stockings?
- But it's the first.
- You are a llorn.
You gave.
It gets dangerous.
- F-2.
- Le house.
? Are you okay?
? That was very weird for you?
? Are you okay?
I think it's the binge.
? Not gonna throw up, no?
Your blanket is safe.
Be careful with my pillows
also new.
I was just thinking.
It's a little weird to be here again.
It's a little weird to see you here again.
? Raro good or bad weird?
I think just weird.
Hey, I deb ... did not call or come before.
I'm fine now, I am glad you're here.
? Want something?
? Toothbrush, toothpaste, anything?
Okay, we are in the morning.
Hey Ryan, "you remember
of those things, no?
Sometimes I think ...
Good night, we are by tomorrow.
Buenos d as Julia,
? Already ruined your friend's wedding?
Steph, "you do call ndome
to .. 10? Crap.
Barry is going crazy, something
on the publication of models.
There is a folder on my desktop.
? This kid Ryan is?
I'm not sure.
What? ? You can see if your weight?
Come on, you're a gay or you can RME
withholding water from the phone.
Gordo, no, not fat.
You mean if you are gay,
? You can not know?
? It is no longer gay?
I do not know, but last night I
sure to be inclined.
? Sure?
Yes, I swear.
- What are you looking for?
- Aspirin.
In the kitchen.
? That is ...?
Irish coffee.
You can not kill the hangover
if not still drinking.
Normally I'm not as, I swear.
But this has not been a normal week.
-? Can?
- Please.
All of this in the face.
Oh this.
All right.
As that Matt ...
? Ryan knows?
? You know what?
You know, if you and the dismissal before.
And I thought that was
faking good.
That's why you were going? Pretend?
You know there is something called Internet,
you search on Google.
Your photo left in the page
your magazine I just ...
quer you know if I
if the game got a girlfriend
in Canada.
Okay, I will not ask that.
All right? That?
What? Nothing.
We are talking about things.
? Really? ? What things?
Things of the wedding.
We're going to marry.
? You two?
That relief for a moment thought
that you and I are bamos married.
How drank last night?
You're a funny man Mr. Woods.
I apologize if my parents
n come in a few minutes
and you will have to fix their hair before
My dad made the silly joke of the Jedi.
? Pancakes?
Lied, you're a liar.
What if?
Last night, I said that was good,
is not good is excellent.
If it is.
He does not want to be one of those guys that go
saying how good it is his petty
like trying to prove something.
Because when you know the obvious.
Y. ..
What you have with her?
We're going to marry in a d and a half,
dir b which is a serious state.
You two are all kisses and love.
? Do not you say anything, no?
? From our battles Strip, from where I was
to sleep, when to learn that language?
No,? You?
Never left the subject.
to serve me a cup of coffee.
That is a bit ...
A bit perfect.
Matt, Ryan decided that his dad
and I are going to make a tr or,
? Want to accompany
? Golf?
Yes, it is clear to refer to that.
How is the bet?
I thought it was a friendly game.
? There can be friendly with
a small wager?
Pope, not come here to make bets.
? For that, I think
frightening 100 dollars?
Because you are not two hundred?
We do not even know if Matt plays golf.
I played a little in college,
? It has miniature golf?
Sure son.
? And you said three, no?
Bring the sticks.
You have no idea how is my
Pope when he loses a bet.
? Your dad was angry?
? Know the man?
The same guy who brought in a corridor
betting for the championship of soccer.
Yes, that.
It became worse.
What happens to these clubs?
I want to calm things
This weekend,
if you bet with is like putting
something red in front of a bull.
? That's not bad?
These crazy, is bad as Pamplona.
If you win, we will scrub in the
face all weekend.
is that you can stay.
? Keep?
You can keep me well, I am not
Tiger Woods, but against my dad ...
I talk about you not me
go to shame.
If on that ...
what little I played in college, I went capita n
the Stanford golf team.
C llate.
I was seventh place nationally.
C llate.
I have 6 Handicap.
, No way!
Please my grandmother dead
can move more r ask.
My dad needs to pateen ass.
That was thinking.
All right, let's see what the bet.
? Matt go?
Of course, which is just Remember
The Potter and what is the driver.
Matt, I feel obliged to some ensearte
things you learn with the years.
Paste it but did not think much.
Think not hit him too.
I never hab to come as well.
And the game begins.
You dropped something.
Damn it always happens.
I thought he bedr he stopped working for
Your dad and you were in New Mexico.
You know like, work in the summers
college for me was okay.
Back in the winter and compared to
went back to the disaster.
I was very clear that if no
impedance to make tonter ace,
the to be in bankruptcy
before leaving the state.
And I bet that you appreciate everything you do.
We are not going to find this damn ball.
Oh this.
I'm going to play safe.
Come on up there.
Anyway the company to
All right now,
? Matter to whom they give credit?
God, do not make excuses for your dad,
we are no longer in school.
If we were in school
still using as your retainer.
My name is Matt nice to meet you.
C llate tendr not to have used that
quer retainer if not a perfect bite.
, Care Matt this back!
, I got the drinks!
You said you had 11 Handicap.
The grass was a little wet.
How you know? You were
in the sand around the d a.
I will not return to play golf with you.
, Jodanse!
I'm not going to play golf with
those bastards again.
How was the game?
My man hit things with sticks.
As female dress a bit of paper.
? Why do not you gonna buy you something?
Well go shopping.
Matt duty ace to go with us.
If Matt.
I wonder if what they want
match with Elly.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Yes, I think this looks good.
I think it is vulgar.
No, of course, does not look vulgar.
Matt? Wise that Elly moved
to California a few summers ago?
If L.A.
Fuck him to California.
At the Miss them to taste a little of you.
Perdn, I did not see the gentleman with you.
But we have a charming
fruit punch.
That such a charming Martini.
? Vodka or gin?
? Really?
I will bring you the special.
You know that these are not clothes,
costumes are.
Well at least my costume
enter the church.
It is Mrs. Bitch for you.
If Mama is going to be a black cloud,
had not been.
If you are wearing this evil, speak duty as well.
Especially if there are guests.
Matt is the family.
What wrong with you?
Alex is so cheerful and Elly did not.
? Sure you are family?
Elly was not always as, is supposed to
to be married to last summer.
D he was two before the wedding, the groom
I decided I had to be found
or stupid as.
If clear.
That is shit.
That is why we have masters fear of weddings
especially when Alex came and said to be married a.
Whereas people
unusual to take home.
What kind of people he was?
Not the type to marry.
Do not get me wrong,
were good guys.
One was a pilot to take me quer
to fly around the world
had a restaurant and
name was Phillipe.
? Phillipe you believe it?
but we do not want to be someone who had everything
time flying or doing other things.
Quer a normal man.
? As that Ryan is normal?
This is not about Matt.
The people are so obsessed
to be extraordinary,
which is fine if
as you are for real.
I had a student who was happy,
but salt, but to on average.
And pod to see that their parents
bother them that word.
As it pushed
and lobbied
and a year later, poor kid
continues to go out on average
only now is miserable.
As which believe me, average
is a good thing.
, This Ah!
, This Ah!
Ready for the bachelor party.
iMierda. Matthew!
Fuck you.
Wait before entering.
Aprate friend.
? San Francisco, no?
- They must have good grass all .
- Yes, but it also is full of fag.
Ryan oh fit ace.
After what he did was
became the gay village.
- Come on guys.
- No, I or r.
Seriously, once did
community effort.
I told you just built the set.
, Amigo that is so gay!
I think we should look for another word.
A gay man in the group.
We have a homosexual in the group.
In fact if we have one.
I almost think the friend for a second.
? Really? But as the sun exit
with my sister.
When he was twelve.
Me neither.
I had no idea.
All right, and understand.
Charles actually has a t or gay.
If it appears that this medium has breast
Gay's brother who never knew.
Yorke is named and lives in Switzerland
or Sweden, one of those places.
Or of the, and disclpame but it is not normal.
? To live your life as, Yorke call you?
Friend? That you had to say that?
It was uncomfortable somebody had to say something.
? And you're retarded?
You are retarded.
Let me, and you let me loose.
? You realize that these
Both are as retarded?
? You think?
? Dude, this is not your dad?
? She told my dad about this?
- No.
- I do not look.
Look who's oh.
Hi dad.
What are you doing here?
It's Thursday.
A beer, orange juice,
You are my nier.
G Stalo discs.
Das good tips.
Support for the children.
Nothing has been proven yet,
I keep talking to lawyers.
Do not tell anything to Ryan.
Women ...
Sol an be good.
We're a couple singles paranoid.
I love marriage, do not think not.
I think that just a couple
tarados of Washington,
are a bad idea to
defense of marriage.
I see.
? But have you been married three times already?
Yes, yes.
? And exactly which of your 3 marriages
want to defend here at the Bar?
? Know?
Ryan learned a lot
about my marriage.
You know, if you are married to
someone has to be perfect.
? Perfect?
And when I stop being perfect, c mbialo.
I see a lot of me in you.
Come on.
I need a few minutes alone
with the boy inside.
Matty should not be here as.
Okay, I know a guy.
Ryan really have to talk.
All right.
You do not have to do everything
if you do not want this.
Well, I think it is very
late to cancel everything now.
No, it's not.
I know all this pressure.
What you pay your friends?
But you do not have to cede
to the pressures of society.
? Society? Sean and Chris are alone.
? Sean and Chris?
? What are you talking about?
That's private dance,
hab never to state here before.
? Really?
What, if you?
Sure, many times.
Dude, you gotta get out
with lesbians.
Man, that's what I like about you, always
you make me feel ... quiet.
Really pulls you.
God ...
? Have you thought, think
in us?
If you have not forgotten.
Ryan? Sure about this?
is, "and if those trying to lie
potatoes with your marriage?
? Sure that is what married
they really want?
Matt God, "as can be
sure everything? ? Sure?
- Yes, if I think I am.
-? Really?
If these so sure that your life is great,
then? happens to you here, with me?
Because you alone? You're great,
? Where your boyfriend?
- Do not worked.
-? Why?
-? What exactly?
- No, any one of them.
Let's see ... Preston was a nice guy, Zac
quer never Baars to me.
Brett never want to Baars. Corr was
an animal in sheep's clothing.
Carl was just an animal, TOM took
many drugs and not wanting to share.
Michael quer to be Michelle and
Adam quer to be Bjork.
Do not make me start on that.
- And Joey ...
-? Who was Joey?
Come on, tell him. What is wrong with me is what
I was very wrong with all dem s.
I am not Ryan.
You left me for the same reason
that you left the others.
Do not forget the first
Man of you left.
Are you, I'm still a
in love with you. Crap.
Hey, men. Est n running a
special. Hey Ryan? Want to go see?
- No potato.
- Come on son.
Matt? Got 20?
Matt Hey, we just want to tell you that it is
genial everything from the gay thing.
- Sean ...
- And good for you.
- What?
- Good for you.
Thanks Sean.
? You can keep a secret?
When she was 14 to kiss a boy.
Do not know him, he was a child and I do not
taste. ? Think that's weird?
No, this look was an experiment.
Yes, because it was the night
my first feed.
-? Really?
- Yes, the celebration was great.
I g rgaras to draw
that taste in my mouth.
-? Where were you?
- I stopped Sean.
? For the past 10 years?
You have to be quite expensive to say
as something after all this time.
Come on,? Happens?. That is the reason for
which invited me, you know what.
I did not invite you.
My mom had to contact
as you or something.
You think that after all this time,
not even listen to you.
? I was gonna ask you to be the godfather or something?
- Te disappeared.
- It is supposed to you were going to come with me.
Supposedly the two have to be masters
accepted into Stanford, that was the plan.
Out of this city.
? Remember when we made a promise?
When you're not accepted? Know
how hard it was for me leave you?
? Know how bad sent me to know that
you were going to be stalled here?
if I do not stay stagnant? ? And if I liked working
out and meet people passing through the street?
Go to the same church where I e cr? As you know
that is not what I want for my life, Matt?
From what we've talked about. All
things you said, as he is.
People change Matt. You did it,
come here to give you mind? not?
And what you told me. Always be as as always
I always take care as tendr as strength.
not supposed to which I shall have to leave fucking.
This only goes to a d, friends,
Come on, let's celebrate.
? You can keep a secret?
I made a blowjob.
Do not you know it but est bamos
in a camp.
Hey let's go.
? Where are we going now?
Believes it is enough for me.
Come on, "that kind of sissy said that?
You and I will put it at
d the next time.
I know all these places.
? Not gonna throw up, no?
I just fix my seat.
Yes, I think I feel bad.
? It's just beer, no?
No, pizza with anchovies and those
eggs with pickles.
Well, luck with that.
Good evening, sir. Shelton.
You were lucky, because you
to see the next time.
Already wanted.
What you do now?
Not? That you want to do?
You want to stay in my house? Mama and papa be
in the grandmother's house this weekend.
? Saw that exploded as a zombie with the grenade?
Hello Mr. Shelton, I'm Matt Romain.
Already close sorry.
I stayed asleep.
I'm going to stay in a hotel in the morning
night and as we thought let's see ...
Sorry is a great d a.
Well at the moment I am just me.
Well that is fine, accompanied love.
What happened?
It seems that we have a 486-1, that is
vandalism and resisting authority.
What happened?
A girl did that crazy.
? You est n drunk or what?
It is the bachelor party for Ryan.
Friend have an that having invited.
Perdn but someone had
to take care of peace.
That's not good.
Whatever, that's not good.
Matt you are so marivolloso.
I feel so lost.
I thought you do not mind those things.
Well, it was not for those who played the young
girlfriend or soando she spent nights with her wedding,
But the dress, let me
tell you I thought of my dress,
I had to be short, but not much
and had to be strapless.
Already, with these arms.
What I was thinking?
? Are you talking about?
No, no, neither can say.
I always had chubby arms.
If the kids from school sun n
playing drums on my arm
and a sing on Cancino
so fat they were.
Chubby arms, Alex has chubby arms.
Roast beef, roast beef. The arms of
Alex is like roast beef.
If and always sang it until we
learned that meant roast beef
? Really?
If we do not mind d bamos
that the biggest re an.
The entire school sang about my vagina.
? Want to see it?
I love to show rtelo.
? Want to show you ...?
My dress, I love to
show you my dress.
? You think you quer to teach the beef?
Matt were wrong.
? Unless you want to see it?
I'm kidding.
We're going to see my dress.
You can criticize.
What aguantare.
I can see because it wants
marry you.
? Who does not want to?
They say there's nothing more
d the beautiful thing to the wedding.
What happens if d is a
happiest of my life?
It means that from here onwards
every hell.
For the next seventy years
All d as I will be less happy
and less and less attractive.
By God this is so depressing.
Look on the bright side.
Suddenly gives you Alzheimer's and the next
The turtles are nice.
The Enseada you have to kiss,
knew what he was doing.
Come to papa.
You can not see me in my dress.
I have to sac rmelo,
aydame r ask.
What happens oh?
It is not what you think.
Matt was helping me with ...
Help ndote with your chest.
- I do not ...
- C Matt llate.
Because you will have to
help me with my chest?
I got a nice chest.
? These jealous?
Matt is gay because they do not even mind.
? If you are gay because your
This submarine on the surface?
? Matt?
What the hell's going on in my room?
? Want to know what happened?
Right now there is a gay man in the other
ereccin in a room with my name.
That is the biggest fulfilled
that a girl can receive.
And if you think you cry is the best
you can do these wrong.
Without a good support at rest,
the body is affected
causing fatigue in the legs and torso.
We do not want that? Not girls?
As it ll mame Dan Davies
King of the mattresses.
Where it is soft nico
colchn your old one.
I want to apologize.
Because you, by telling me that I loved or
for trying to sleep with my girlfriend?
Both, no.
Est bamos drunk last night
and went over some things,
but I need to be recovered
because we have a crisis.
Elly is in the name c prison.
There was no vandalism
in the bridal shop? not?
It is not true friends, for nothing.
For God is the groom.
- Thanks Charley.
- No problem.
Okay me a little excited.
Okay let you take
no big deal.
But all be n in the church for this
test as that for the sake of the wedding
You can pretend that some of the
things went last night, did not fold.
-? Okay?
- Okay.
Hello cavities.
Elly before you leave at least breakfast.
How these Matthew today?
Not here on Friday and is
before the impresin.
I hate you so much right now.
? Keep your plan to run over
Cameron D az walk with your dealer?
I told you that I
humanitarian work here,
I am like Mother Teresa
but with better skin.
? And because this task is humanitarian?
Well, except the party in the bar when
I told him that I am still in love with him and kiss me,
then went to his house and I kiss with his girlfriend, then
I found toc ndole a tit and a ereccin
Apart from that, everything cool.
Ho has Gramy reason,
gay people are very mad.
- Hello.
- Hello.
? Are you doing here atr s?
A maid of honor made a clean-up
tuber ace last night, but do not want to enter.
Apparently I am not the kind of kind
with which he likes to see it.
Well, can not be everything.
There is free lunch after the test.
Quiz you want to stay as not feel
I am the single that this colando.
Thanks friend.
No, no.
When you decided to come
does not include a guest,
you can not add someone now.
Change believed.
Matt aydame.
? Why not bring to Ryan?
It is normal that you're jealous but I'm
going out with someone and be taken seriously.
Kathy? Sure?
? So that put Karen?
? Karen? Yes, yes I am.
For envestido in my power,
pronounce you husband and wife.
Then we make a sentence,
the kiss and she kisses.
? Are you okay?
No, I left.
? When?
The last May.
I also do an hour.
As that I think you win.
Well, I was arrested last night.
I have nothing.
So I think we win.
I'm just that on the Strip
the farewell single.
I'm just the sister
bitter about Boston.
? First time in prison c?
? Know?
Because it is your first time you do not have
More than a blow to the face.
You know the stress of the wedding and everything
You can plead temporary insanity.
I am a law student.
I do the other to pay my pensin.
? Think you can get me out?
Just dance, not charging for it.
? Think you can get the charges?
Yes, you can probably
make the withdrawal.
I am a better student Stripes.
And I'm very good Stripes.
Many know me I'm Sean
the godfather y. ..
Go back to your site Chris, I'm going to give
a speech, a toast.
I am the real godfather and
I have something to tell the boyfriend
He is not the real godfather.
I am the real godfather this is a
poem I have for Ryan and Alex.
A poem for Alex and Ryan.
For Mnica and Virginia.
Love is a flower that
blooms in spring.
A soulmate is what
you deliver.
Enjoy d Alex,
really enjoyed d a.
Alex, Ryan p senla well.
There was once a man
Valley of the apples
to find a girl named Alex.
Ryan is a ray of sunshine,
Alex is the moon.
Tomorrow is not married
can be so soon.
Because you have built
His love slides into bases.
And for those who work in
construction as they do.
There is no king of mattresses,
I do not think we've had a king
in this pa s in at least 40 years.
They decided to marry and we all accept.
After the Wedding
our tr a do or be.
Now we are alone
with nothing to do.
Congratulations cavities.
Because you never know.
There is ningn
King of the mattresses.
I've been working on this
the latest multimedia presentation d ace.
Well a week, I have been hell
working on this for a month and a half.
Forward Dan.
Oh n is the little Ryan
and Alex? are not adorable?
And oh Ryan of this baby, was a llorn.
I was just quiet when
suck your chupn.
And return.
And oh this Ryan two years with me.
Ryan, 7, it seems it was yesterday
when he got a ride.
Matt? These okay?
I do not think so.
When we were kids me
if you said you as safety
in the village ten years
after you shoot.
It's your wedding gift.
It is a ticket to California,
devolucin without first class.
I want it compensarte
What happened many years ago.
What happens if this is the last
opportunity to do so?
? And what if you had already
and missed the opportunity?
I do not think that we only have the
that give us opportunities,
we also have the opportunities
that we give.
When I thought that admission to Stanford
to lose it in California forever.
But fortunately chose
New Mexico, close to home.
What? ? It true?
? Te accepted Stanford?
Your quer who we were to
Stanford together as boyfriends.
I was not sure of wanting that.
For the past 10 years my greatest
I was left remorse.
I left thinking that I was the
responsible for what happened to us.
Not wanting to hurt.
But like you did.
This is not going well? Why?
Something is not working as a duty a.
You did a great presentation,
a bit sentimental
I did agree that
We had good times.
It was beautiful.
Thank you.
I'm happy for you.
If clear, what these insurance.
It is serious, you have to
someone rich and successful.
I regret not having been as.
An apology from you?
By God, these sick.
How long?
I am not sick.
A man can not repent
without being disturbed.
If a man can, "but you?
Look at those guys,
us as we were.
Ten masters around in front of us.
Everything was going to be steaks and desserts.
Look how close.
Good things ended up better for you.
That is so sweet.
And if you served as a consolation, the King of the
mattress does not compare to you at that party.
You go.
And is going to come my taxi.
Matt let me apologize.
Ryan is fine.
No, not you wondered who nico
if things had been different.
See you again, is extra for me.
? You've been with other guys?
Did you thought about other kids?
No, but I think of you.
Not all of a sudden I'm bisexual.
Bisexual is the latest to say gays
when they find his wife.
I love Alex, but he was
in love with you too.
Sometimes I still think
as things were.
I forget my shoes, my case
morning and I forget my shoes.
Is what you should be thinking now.
You can not know what
I'm thinking now,
because I'm not even thinking.
? As as it may he know?
? For you came?
To tell the truth.
? Know which is worse?
You make a good couple.
Alex I would not want to pass this,
not even invite him.
I invite him.
What I stayed in the house?
? Keep your friends close and
your enemies closer?
No, you're not my enemy Matt.
You are my questions unanswered.
I've seen pictures of you before
Ryan and as he spoke of you.
But I thought I was crazy.
As long bedr that sent to a
part of you that a seemed uncertain.
No matter how things were,
it was always unclear.
We now know why.
They have to throw.
You two have to throw.
Come on Alex do not understand.
If I understand about gays, I love gays.
If I had a penis would be a gay.
I do not want to marry one.
And I'm not going to be a wife
that in ten years arrive,
and say hey that caries
I like surprises.
See if there is any possibility of
I let a man,
I want it now.
And I want you to be you.
No, Ryan.
We're going to get married in 14 hours, no
I can do it if you have that doubt.
You gotta do what you have
to do to solve that.
I remember those shoes again.
? Who is the king of the mattresses now?
It was about time.
? You thought you bamos to wait?
Perdn, I had to do some things.
? Where were you?
We have been waiting for, I do see evil.
? Chris where is the groom?
? Godfather, where the groom?
? still to think you are the godfather?
Ryan got to decide now,
throw a coin or something.
Already decided, Matt be the godfather.
- Come on.
- No.
I knew that this would happen a.
It is for your hair.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I did not think it will come as.
I know, but I realized
that whatever happens
quer to wear my dress.
Let us pray.
The union this list.
If someone has a reason to
that is not married to speak now
or street forever.
No, no, we are okay.
It is usually a
retrica question but ...
I do not want to marry you
if I'm the second option.
And I do not want to marry you if only
I do because I'm afraid of being gay.
Matt, you already know him.
Matthew was my best friend
and my greatest support.
We had difficult times but also dif
is my first love, my first everything.
And I am not ashamed of that.
Confrontacin last night with Alex.
Say find out once and for all
Bowls a bit, I do not remember that.
I was 17 or even shave.
I realized that for more
I do not want to like men
I just like Matt.
And I realized that was not the same
person who pulls all these years.
Last night was a friend who was
going to marry a friend.
Come what may be done through
I notice that.
Extract d ace that kids
write an their marriage vows.
? Someone has a reason
so that these two get married?
She loves him so much that is willing
to live without if that makes you happy.
And Alex I think that even in your worst d Ryan
prefer to be with you than with anyone else.
He has reason.
? Alex as you marry me?
It's a lot of pressure to get married, have the perfect wedding.
Have the perfect dress,
The invitations appropriate
if in the end everything is going to hell.
I do not want this, you just want you and me together.
Because I do not need a piece of paper
or a word to make me happy.
The marriage does not matter as long as
we are sure that we do.
? Matter what you call him?
I want a commitment from me to you.
And from you to me.
Forever, nothing more
and absolutely nothing less.
What say?
- Agree.
- I also agree.
This may well kiss the ...
You can kiss.
Thanks for rescue.
Thank you.
Hey gu rdame a bit.
Hey Joey is Matt,
on leaving the tap today
do not do it, I think that by
It will end some things.
Be at home tonight as I expect
you hear would not it be nice to see you.
Matthew Phillip Romain.
Faced with me. ? Not?
I want you to promise me something,
s not disappear again.
Ryan is not the technical that you enter.
Always think of you as another son.
Tell me if you want one of these
the photos you mandare.
About that? Never think about publishing them?