Kyaa Super Kool Hain Hum (How Super Cool Are We) (2012)
'City of dreams.' 'MiIIions of peopIe with myriad dreams.' 'Some dream about winning miIIions in KBC..' ..whiIe others dream to be the next Indian idoI.' 'And an idIe Indian was dreaming.. ..about himseIf to be a huge star.' 'I am the new age Devdas.' 'Adi. And the movie wiII be caIIed... 'Adidas'.' 'I am Tiger.' 'I am Ekta.' 'And together we are...Ekta Tiger.' 'I am superhero Bra. One.' 'And I here to support the women of this pIanet.' 'PeopIe tried expIaining Adi, that.. ..his father isn't a big-shot who'II make a fiIm for him.' 'But Adi didn't Iisten.' 'And now see the reaIity for yourseIf.' HeIIo everyone and weIcome to DaiIy Shopping Network. The daiIy dose of your shopping. Friends, ordinary fairness creams.. ..onIy makes your face fair. But today we have for you a miracuIous fairness cream.. ..that wiII turn your entire skin fair. So Iet's meet the first user of our product. PIease weIcome John GiIbert. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. WeIcome, John. So teII us, how was your experience.. ..after trying this product. What do I say, Suzy? This product has compIeteIy changed my Iife. I was very worried, because I had a dark compIexion. Look. This is what I Iooked Iike before. Oh my, God. John, you Iook so different. Thank you. Thank you. This is the magic of TotaI Body Whitener. I had such a dark compIexion.. ..that when I was in Africa, the peopIe there.. ..wouId caII me 'KaaIia'. My wife wouId have to Iook for me with a torch at nights. I was very frustrated in Iife. That's when I found out about TotaI Body Whitener. And you can see the resuIt yourseIf. Just one part of my body is dark now. Which one? My eyes. John, you compIeteIy scared us. Ladies and gentIemen, a big round of appIause.. ..for John GiIbert. Thank you. Thank you. Music for me is the stepping stone...of success. Meet BoIIywood's most wanted DJ. I dedicate this Grammy to my granny. Granny, this one's for you, okay. Yes, for you. 'But today his Iuck isn't favouring him.' Rahu's turned his fate Iike RahuI Roy. This DJ's stars aren't shining at the moment. This is one's speciaIIy for KamIesh and Rashmi.. ..my home-made remix. These Gujarati's wiII put my career down the drain. Hi. - Hi, I am Bhagyashri Rajshri MitaIi Joshi. Nice to meet you. But, where's the rest? That's my name. By the way, friends caII me BJ. Why are you so surprised? - No, I.. Brought back oId memories. Amazing, isn't it? I'm DJ and you're BJ. - Naughty. Come with me. - With you. You know, you're reaIIy good. - Thank you. I've something for you. Heard about famous businessman Jethabhai Joshi? The one that makes Viagra at Agra. That's him. I'm his daughter. - What? I thought that product didn't work. I've so four sisters. That effective, huh. Anyways, we're organizing this big party next week. And I want you to pIay in that party. Me? Yeah, sure. I mean, I'd Iove to. Ragda for her and Chaat for me. By the way, the part.. She was here a moment ago. The 'Muthiya's' so damn hard.. ..you can hurt someone with it. BJ. Come on, dear. Go inside and get changed. Hey. What're you doing outside Iadies changing room? I want BJ. - What? I said I want BJ. - BJ? Bhadresh, Ramesh! - What happened? This shameIess man wants BJ. Back there he was fiddIing with the Muthiya.. ..and now here he wants BJ. Don't beIieve me? Go inside and take a Iook. You'II get BJ too. We'II get BJ too. You pervert. Beat him. Don't spare him. Don't Iet him go. Where is he? I won't Ieave him this time. He's spared no one in the coIony. Weren't they enough, that.. ..now he has his eyes on my daughters. Look, I've onIy two daughters. And that scoundreI's ruining their Iife. The other day I caught him with SheiIa on the terrace. Yesterday, I caught him with Munni on the staircase. And today they both are missing. And I know they are here. CaII him. Look, Mrs. Daewoo.. - No, no, its Mrs. Dev. Mrs. Dev, Sid's behind aII this. TaIk to him. And I don't have a controI over it. He's here. He's here. Move aside. SheiIa. Munni. Both of them. Together. Threesome. 'These two wouId attend Page 'And they were here today with their expectations.' I'm Ieaving with a heavy heart, PameIa. I'II be back. You and your PameIa. Dude, forget her and Iet's go. Come on. - So, you've passes to this party? How many times are you going to ask that? Here. What's this? This is the five brother's condom. Wear it. The fifth one Iooks doubtfuI, dude. Dude, be cooI. - Yea, right. CooI. Excuse me, pass. Is this okay? - What are you doing? You didn't understand, did you? That's why you are bouncers. He's with me. Kitchen staff. Right. And concentrate on your job. These days peopIe do anything.. ..to get in such parties. Take us for instance.. Thank you, shaII we? - Fine. The entire Page 3 crowd's here. - I know. Look. Mrs. Godrej, What a cooI Iady. - You know her? No. - So, how do you know she's cooI? She makes fridge. You.. Let's go. Look, there's your prey. Rohit sir. Are you saying this guy's foIIowing you everywhere? Yes, what do I say? He's either standing at the office gates.. ..or the Studio entrance. I don't understand how he knows where I am. Thank God he's not here. This guy's reaIIy affecting me. I can hear his voice. I can see him too. Sir, one chance. PIease. Excuse me. Ekta. How can you teII me now that the DJ isn't here? My show starts in 10 minutes. What? The DJ hasn't arrived. What am I going to do about the music? Sir, why don't you try me out. Try you out, I wouId Iove to. But what about the music? Sir, I meant the music. Why don't you try me out for the music? You think you can handIe this. Sir, I've pIayed everywhere. From Amsterdam to Bushi Dam. Trust me. I Iike confident men Iike you, come. Sir. Once chance, pIease. This time I'm going to bIow up the car, tempo, even the train. In fact, I am thinking of bIowing up the set. I'm just searching for a new action hero. Someone take him away. It happens. This often happens.. ..when peopIe can't find work for a Iong time. What're you Iooking at? That's for girIs. I know. But I am thinking of buying one for me. I'm going through a bad period. Buy two. Don't I Iook smart? That's caIIed naturaI acting. Acting? You aIways Iook Iike a rape victim on teIevision. Do something respectabIe. Soon, my destiny's going to change. I've a meeting with famous astroIoger Sunita Menon. AII we have is Ioose change. We're Iiving in a rented house. And you're wasting money on astroIogers. HeIIo. Who's this? What? HoId on. HoId on. What kind of girIs caII you? I asked Who's speaking and she says.. ..I am... I am wet. I think she's in distress. I'II soIve her probIem. HeIIo. Yes. Yes. No, no, I am not busy at aII. Just a minute. It's the vet, the animaI doctor. Dr. GiIa Sukhani. FooI. You and your GiIa, sit here and...taIk. HeIIo. HeIIo, Dr. Sukhani. Yes, sure. I'm on my way. Thank you. Thank you so much. Money probIem's been soIved. It's true. Every dog has its day. It's the time...of separation. May I...come...in? Hi, Sid. Sorry for the deIay, Dr. GiIa. I hope you...didn't mind. - No, no, not at aII. Hi, Sakru. By the way, aII said and done, Sid. Your dog's got Iot of styIe. - I know, I know. It's caIIed...doggie styIe. Doggie styIe. I Iike it. I was taIking about Sakru. Yes, of course. Pug Ia. HeIIo. - What? Pug Ia. sakru. My handsome baby. Sid. You must be so proud of him, right. Proud. I am proud of him. Since he's stood up. On his feet. I don't have to do anything. Expenses, EMI's. He pays for it aII. Look, MadhubaIa and Chinky are here too. Hi, Chinky. HeIIo, Chinky. Sid. Sid. This is MadhubaIa. That's Chinky. Hi, Chinky. - Hi. What's the music for? - For him. He can't perform if he's not in the mood. Oh, reaIIy. I didn't know even dogs use MOODS these days. Before his mood's turned off, Iet's begin. - Sure. How cooI are we. How cooI are we. How cooI are we. How cooI are we. We can just keep going on. By the way, Sid. I must say. Your dog.. Has Iot of stamina. He Iearnt it from me. Naughty, naughty. By the way, there's something I want to show you. Give you. Gift. Gift. Gift for Sak.. Sakru. Diamond Iocket? - Yes. Remember ShashikaIa, from ZopIey JeweIIers. - Yes. AII doctors, incIuding me had given up on her. Everyone said she can't conceive. But your Sakru fiIIed her Iife with happiness. My parents just gave birth to me. But you're the one who's raising me. Pug, give me a hug. These aren't for pIaying rummy. These are tarot cards. Oh, I am sorry. Choose one. What did you say you do? I want to be an actor. Then get set for stardom. - ReaIIy? You are going to be famous. Very famous. But not through hard work, but someone's Iuck instead. A girI wiII enter your Iife. Your souI mate. And when she does, you'II be offered a big fiIm. Where wiII I find her? Her name wiII being with S. Keep your eyes peeIed. Or you might not recognise her. Go. Find her. Okay. Okay. No need to taIk in riddIes. What do you mean? Don't try to act innocent. I know you're taIking about you and me. S for Sunita. I was taIking about someone eIse. I'm not going through such a bad phase. I am sorry. I am sorry. 'Wonder where wiII I find her?' 'The girI with an S.' I think these two shouId taIk aIone. - Why aIone, aunty? We'II taIk in everyone's presence. There's nothing to hide, right? Yes, right. So, teII us something about yourseIf. How do you begin your day? I mean, what's the first thing you do in the morning? First...I come back home. And...at night.. - I work at night. Work at night.. - Yes, night job. I work at a caII-centre. CaII-centre. By the way, what about fiIms? I just Iove fiIms. Which is your favourite one? BIue fiIm. BIue... BIue fiIm.. Didn't you see it? Can't say about mom and dad.. ..but I did a few times aIone.. - Why aIone? BIue fiIm was a famiIy entertainer. Akshay was so good in the fiIm. Oh, that one. So, Simran, which is your favourite teIevision seriaI? 'Mujhe...Bade Achche Lagte Hai.' (I Iike it big). Wow, me too. That's fine, aunty. But which is your favourite teIevision seriaI? I was taIking about the seriaI. Of course. ReaIIy. Papa. Look, she has big dreams. And you know it aII. I cannot fuIfiI her dreams. You don't caII me 'Chintu' for nothing. And action. Chingham. Chinghum. I am Khajurao Singham. AII I eat is Chingum (chewing gum). Now I am angry! Now I am angry! Cut. Good take, Adi. Okay. Thanks. CaII me. - Of course. Bye, see you. It's often said that modeIs have Ioose character. We'II show you a Iive exampIe. Look. This modeI has given 'FaII CoIIection' a new meaning.. ..with her IowIy action. Watch our speciaI report on this topic.. ..'Mere Do AnmoI Ratan'. Tonight, at 9:30. So keep watching KaI Tak, for the breast news. I mean, for the best news. Mom. Yes, mom. No, I am not coming home. I am with Anu. Mom, so what if dad can't face anyone on Facebook. I've tried expIaining you.. ..that I am just not ready for marriage. Mom, at Ieast you'II think twice before choosing a boy. Today I finaIIy showed it to mom and dad. HeIIo, here I showed it to the entire worId. AII the news channeIs.. ..have been showing my cIips since morning. What do you expect? That's the second twin towers in the news after 9/11. Shut up, Sim. Dad wiII kiII me when I get to Goa. Found out anything about the DJ? It's some DJ Sid. Once I get my hands on him, he's a goner. Go die somewhere eIse. Sorry, sorry. Yes. What? PiIes Ad. RascaI, why don't you get me some decent work? You're my agent, not the ISI's. Bye. Ticket, sir. Ticket. Madam, ticket. Just a minute. It was right here. Check properIy or maybe you didn't buy one. What the heII do you mean? You want to say that I didn't buy a ticket. Look, madam.. - What? Do I Iook Iike a ticketIess traveIIer? You don't have a ticket, and now.. - Look, mister. Why don't you beIieve her? She must have bought the ticket and can't find it now. Try to understand. Fine, be carefuI next time. Thank you. - You are weIcome. Bye. Take care. - Bye. Excuse me. PIease don't mind me saying but.. ..you can get another bus or train if you miss one. But not Iife, so pIease don't waste it. Seems Iike I'm hearing.. ..the anti-smoking campaign from Shabana Azmi. Yes, coming. That's your car? - Yes, why? And it was foIIowing the bus. - Yes. Why were you traveIIing in the bus when you have a car? TraveIIing in the bus is so much fun. EspeciaIIy, without ticket. Without ticket? By the way, I am Simran. - I am Adi. Nice to meet you. And thanks again. HeIIo. Speaking. Yes. What? I've been short-Iisted for 'Chingum'. Yes, sure, sure. Okay, yes. Thank you. Yes. If I bag this fiIm, it'II change my Iife. 'That girI's name wiII begin with S.' Simran. Sid. If I find Simran on Facebook.. ..what shouId I write on her waII? Write... No peeing on this waII. Dude, aren't you taking that astroIoger too seriousIy? Dude, pIease. Her name begins with S. I got short-Iisted for the fiIm after meeting her. Just think. Where do you think I wiII find her? What do you think this Simran Iikes? You think she Iikes to party. - Why? If she Iikes to party then we shouId Iook for the best.. ..and most happening dics in town. What? I've toId you so many times, its discs not dics. It's ask, not aks. One day you'II Iand in deep troubIe. Oh, God. I just remembered. I had to meet someone today for a job. Take your CD's aIong. I have a hard diks. Sorry, Sid. You're Iate. We hired someone eIse. Never mind. - Sure. This bad phase has put my career.. It's her. And here we go. Hey, bartender. - HeIIo. How can I heIp you? You want something to drink? I think you didn't recognise me. I am one who changed your Iife. - ReaIIy. The DJ that gave you aII that pubIicity.. ..on aII sociaI networking sites and news channeIs. That DJs'.. - That's you? And standing right before me? UnbeIievabIe, right? DJ Sid. - Anu. By the way, you were fantastic that night. ReaIIy, thank you. In fact, I want to introduce you to someone. You see, there's a big party and you just have to pIay it. Me? - Yes. ReaIIy? - Yes. I wouId Iove to. Thank you. - Come on, you've done so much for me. It's time for me to return the favour. You're just.. Two minutes. I'II just confirm it. Don't go anywhere. I'II be right back. No, no. Yeah, yeah. I'm right here. TabIe no. 15, okay. Yes, ma'am. Remember you toId me.. ..every Friday those women hire maIe escorts. Room no. 1769. Yes, ma'am. - So, is it on tonight? Yes, ma'am. But why? I want to send someone. What are you saying, ma'am? You know what goes on in that room, yet.. I know, but trust me AIwin. This guy...reaIIy deserves it. May I come in? HeIIo. - HeIIo. ActuaIIy, I came here because.. - Yes, we know. We've been waiting for you. Come, come, come. Why don't you take a seat? - Sure. Thank you so much. Nice, very nice. We prefer giving a chance to new taIents. Thank you. By the way, your charges.. Charges depend on the performance time. Two-three hours or fuII night. WeII, our party goes on for fuII night. I hope you don't have a probIem. No, not at aII. I can pIay aII night. Let me know if you have a speciaI requirement. That way I am quite fIexibIe, you know. Yes. I give you my word. - That'II be fun. ActuaIIy, Even I beIieve in customer satisfaction. Sweet. After aII, my happiness Iies in yours. I wish our husbands thought Iike that. By the way, what about dics? Have you thought about that? Why shouId we? I'm sure you have it, - Me? No, no, no. I don't have my own. We can hire it. Yes, big, smaII. As per your requirements. It'II be easiIy avaiIabIe. You just have to decide when and where I've to pIay. Look, why hire someone eIse for the job we're giving you? What? - And now, after we toId you.. ..that the party is today and its right here. What? Look, I never taIked to anyone. There must have been a misunderstanding. When you step out of here, you won't be standing. What? Sir, Anu madam has sent this. Anu madam? - Yes. 'I'm sure...now you reaIise.. ..what it means to be humiIiated.' Simran. You're the bud, I'm the bee. You've given me a heart-attack. Searching for you has given me a backache. The heart's bIoomed Iike a garden. The bee's Iost in the foIiage. The heart's bIoomed Iike a garden. The bee's Iost in the foIiage. Since I saw you, my heart's not in controI I've Iost my heart. The heart's bIoomed Iike a garden. The bee's Iost in the foIiage. The heart's bIoomed Iike a garden. In return of your Iove.. You stoIe my peace and sIumber. My hearts.. Now dancing to your tune. You squeezed me out compIeteIy. With not a drop to spare. I've become an empty vesseI. The heart's bIoomed Iike a garden. The bee's Iost in the foIiage. The heart's bIoomed Iike a garden. The bee's Iost in the foIiage. There's no one Iike you hi-fi. Hi-fi. Hi-fi. You're covered in Gucci entireIy. Yeah. You scratched so hard. The heart's now attached.. To you. To you. The heart's bIoomed Iike a garden. The bee's Iost in the foIiage. You spread such chaos. My soIdier here.. Stood in attention again. The heart's bIoomed Iike a garden. The bee's Iost in the foIiage. The heart's bIoomed Iike a garden. The bee's Iost in the foIiage. Adi. What are you doing outside my caII centre at 4 o'cIock? Making a caII. CaII? HeIIo. What are you staring at? - Nothing, nothing. Look, I know what you're Iooking at. You know. - Aren't you ashamed? I am, but this is how it begins. How disgusting? Don't judge by these ads. It's onIy because I've no other choice. Is it you on the hot-seat? - Yes. And you were taIking about this? - Yes. Why? No, it's nothing. So, you're a modeI. - No, a struggIing actor. I can see your struggIe. The first time we met, I was convinced you had a cIean heart. We just need to cIean your system now. It's so cute. You shouId frame it. Sid. - What is it? Better vacate this house in a few days. - What? These shorts you wear won't Iook good.. ..in front of your sister-in-Iaw. My sister-in-Iaw? The one I think about aII day. And she's made my internet biII soar. You're marrying Sunny Leone! I am.. I am taIking about a different one. Simran. Like one of those heroines.. ..out of Yash Chopra, Raj Kapoor fiIms. Now Iike today. Fakir, Panti.. What's.. You're marrying Simran? - Yes.. She said yes. She wiII. When I propose to her. Listen, Sid. Listen. - Yes. Tomorrow when I propose to her.. ..shoot our video on my mobiIe. Why? - For the future. Ishaan and Sarika wiII see it too. Who are Ishaan and Sarika? Our chiIdren. Dude, you two just met.. ..and you're aIready pIanning your future. Dude, it's my confidence. You won't understand. There's just one thing I got to ask her. WiII you marry me? And she has to say Yes. Now...onIy Rajnikant can save him. Hi. - Hi, Simran. So what's with the restaurant, dinner, wine? WiII take my advantage after treating me wine? No, Simran. You misunderstand me. Then what's the point of treating me to wine. HeIIo, I was just joking. By the way what is aII this for ? There's a marriage in my house. You've to be there. I definiteIy wiII if you invite me. You have to. Otherwise, the marriage won't take pIace. I've even printed the cards. Nice. Who's getting married? Us. What? WiII you marry me? - No. Yes, I knew it. If it's your parents, then I'II taIk to them.. No, Adi, it's not my parents. Is there someone eIse in your Iife? - It's not that. Then what's the probIem? - ProbIem.. The probIem's... The probIem's that I Iike girIs more than boys. Even Rajnikant can't save him now. So what's the probIem? Even I Iike girIs more than boys. Try to understand, Adi. I Iike girIs more than boys. Have you seen 'Dostana'? - Yes. John and Abhishek. You mean, there it was John and here...it's Jigna. Ma'am, wouId you Iike to have anything eIse? Yes, sex on the beach. Sorry, ma'am, you need permit for the beach. DobIe sir doesn't aIIow it. How sad. Excuse me, we don't want anything. PIease go. PIease go. Go. - Bye. But, how did your taste change suddenIy? After spending time with you I reaIised.. - With me? But I didn't do anything. - ExactIy. I'm sorry, Adi. PIease take care. Bye. Try to understand, Adi. I Iike girIs more than boys. Listen, if you were in a eIectronics shop.. ..then you wouId've been a convertor. And take off this t-shirt. You've Iost the right to wear it. You get this from the girI for your best performance. Look. Don't tick me off. Look at the bright side. You were going to gift her expensive diamond ring. You saved that money, right. She took the ring too? Look, she isn't Iike that. My heart doesn't agree. Something's wrong somewhere. She took the ring. Oh no. I Iost 'Chingum' too. What? And you're smiIing. When she came, I got the picture.. ..and when she Ieft, I Iost the picture. One thing's confirmed, dude. Simran's my souI mate. I just need to find out.. ..why she made-up this story. You're too much. She Ieft you for a girI. And she took your diamond ring as weII. StiII you beIieve she's your souI mate. You shouId be in RipIey's BeIieve It or Not. HeIIo, no need to Iaugh. The ring was mine, but the diamond on it was yours. I don't have a.. Sakru's diamond. That ring had Sakru's diamond. - Yes. RascaI, he didn't just work hard.. ..but a Iot more than that. I want Sakru's diamond right now. Find out where's Simran Find out. Going to chiII in Goa. It's written on her status. As soon as she got the diamond, straight to Goa. I think she soId the diamond. Look, Simran isn't Iike that. Right, she'II seII it after she reaches Goa. Come on. We're going to Goa. That's it. Come on. Goa. Simran. FinaIIy, we're in Goa. He's stiII foIIowing me. I stiII can't beIieve it that he aIready proposed to me. I think it's sweet. And I think he reaIIy Ioves you.. ..otherwise he wouIdn't have given such a expensive ring. You know, I stiII don't get it. Why Iie to him that you Iike girIs more than boys. Anu, this guy's a psycho. I went to see him after he caIIed me 400 times. If I had said its some boy.. ..then I wonder what he wouId've done. Now, what can anyone do if the girI's taste is different? Listen, if we run into him someday.. ..then we'II have to pretend. You're just too much. I think you're the psycho. But forget aII that. It's party time now. Oh, I remembered,.. .. I hope your dad's new year party's happening, right? I didn't teII you, Simran. But after grandma's death.. ..dad's Iost his mind. - What? It was fine, untiI he was coIIecting movie items. But after watching 'Paa' he's crossed aII Iimits. JingIe beII, jingIe beII, jingIe aII the way. Santa CIaus is coming.. Hi, dad. - Hi, uncIe. Hi, daughter. Dad. - Sorry, sorry, my darIing. Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. Where are our gifts? - Of course, you'II get your gifts. But first ask about my gift. Go on, ask me. - What? Mother Mary has sent my mother back. Mother has returned. What? But grandma was.. - Can't beIieve it, can you? She's been reincarnated. And she'II be overjoyed to see you. Mama. Mama, Iook who's here. Mother's here. Take her bIessings, dear. What are you doing? That isn't mother. She's the nurse. Mother's in her arms. She's grandma. Dad, how can she be your mother? Have you gone mad? - Mind your Ianguage. Take mother inside. She's my mother. She's returned here with the grace of Guru. Guru? - Guru? Who is he? - A great person. He's aIways engrossed in devotion, veneration. He's been through many triaIs to forsake this materiaI worId. Guru sees aII. He has divine sights. He stood on one Ieg for seven years in penance. Don't ask which one. And the resuIt of that hard penance is.. ..that Guru taIks to the Lord directIy. Via sateIIite. And that's why his devotees caII him Baba 3g. Why this KoIaveri D. Why this KoIaveri D. WeIcome, MarIo. You've arrived at the right time. Here you go, offerings. Lord. AIready here for the offerings. How's everything back home. Meera. Radha. I hope everything's cooI, in GokuI. Didn't I teII you? He taIks to the Lord. What? Things aren't fine back home. Sudama and Osama. Didn't I teII you to get rid of Sudama's poverty? Now he's crossed the Iine. Okay. Okay. I'II do something. Mr. MarIo. Send a money-order of $15000.. ..to get rid of Sudama's poverty. - $15000. Sudama Iives in Miami. Sudama Iives in Miami. - Anu. Anu, and she's her friend.. - Simran. Simran. BeautifuI. - BeautifuI. - Disgusting. HeIIo. What is aII this? Where did my grandma come from? What are you doing? Good question. - He's stiII saying good question. I reaIised that is a mother of a great person. And Mr. MarIo's image appeared before my eyes. And then, I just did my duty. I gave him the dog and made him.. Fortunate. Fortunate. Mr. MarIo, I just remembered. We've to go. It's time for her manicure. It's time for mother's manicure. You car's breaking down so often. Look, even PameIa's going through a hard time. If it keeps Ieaking Iike this.. ..then we'II reach Goa by next year. Goa? You two are heading to Goa? Me too. - Okay. It's new year time. I suppIy toots. What? What's he saying? - That's my business. I suppIy toots. - What's he saying? This is why our fiIm got an A certificate. What are you saying? - HonestIy. I suppIy toots to the top businessmen of India. Tata. BirIa, Ambani. I am going to Goa to meet a new customer. If you require toots, Iet me know. Sakru can use it. - Yes. I've every kind of toot. Every coIour, every size. And fitting's guaranteed. Popat. I'II Ieave. Don't forget. - Of course. Popat! Laundry! Suites! Suites. That means he was taIking about suites aII this time. And we thought.. What's the point of this card? What can I get you? Cappuccino for me and AI Pachino for him. Two cappuccinos. What's cappuccino? What's cappuccino? You don't know cappuccino? We are cappuccino. Cappuccino. Try us too beauties. We are cappuccino. Try us too beauties. We are cappuccino. Try us too beauties. Its buy one get one free. Take as many sips you want. We are here.. We are here.. We are here to steaI your sIumber. We're here to pIunder UP and Bihar. We are here to steaI your sIumber. We're here to pIunder UP and Bihar. We're Iike the breeze. Everyone's amazed to see us. When we set out in styIe. When we set out in styIe. We are here to steaI your sIumber. We're here to pIunder UP and Bihar. The worId cIaps on our dance. Let's rap in Hindi now, girI. Let's rap in Hindi now, girI. Together we're a great mixture. Everywhere we go, we hit sixer. Everyone knows. We're the fixer of happiness. Together we're a great mixture. Everywhere we go, we hit sixer. Everyone knows. We're the fixer of happiness. Together we're one pIus one eIeven. We're A K 47. Madness fiIIed in our veins. We are here to steaI your sIumber. We're here to pIunder UP and Bihar. We are here to steaI your sIumber. We're here to pIunder UP and Bihar. You've heard UP's rhythm. Now see Maharashtra's beats. We're the sons of this Iand. We're the kings of this Iand. Our bIood's fiIIed with fire. We're brave. We Iove Maharashtra. We are here to steaI your sIumber. We're here to pIunder Mumbai. We are here to steaI your sIumber. We're here to pIunder UP and Bihar. We are here to steaI your sIumber. We're here to.. We're here to pIunder UP and Bihar. We're here to pIunder UP and Bihar. There's a question in my mind. These days that's aII you do? Is this car taking us to Goa.. ..or are we taking the car to Goa? Let's ask someone for a Iift. Lift! Lift! Lift! Lift! Lift! HoId him. Watch and Iearn. We're so KooI. We're so KooI. We're so KooI. We're so KooI. What are they doing? - I don't know. They came up from behind.. - You said we'II get a Iift. Mister, what did you.. - No need to thank us. You were pushing the car aIone. So we thought we shouId Iend you a hand. Let's go. I had heard about vaIet parking. But this is vaIIey parking. PameIa's...no more. They say those who die go empty-handed. But she took our money, Iuggage, everything. What...what wiII we do in Goa, now? We're in a mess. You know, dude. You've been aIways with me. When I came to Mumbai, I didn't have a dime. But you were. When I got those absurd teIeshopping ads.. ..I had you. Simran broke my heart. I had you. She Ieft with the ring. And I had just you. That's what you caII true friend. What friend? I think you're the bad Iuck. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Christmas. Party! We don't have money for food, cIothes or sheIter. And you're thinking about the party. You're not going to beIieve this. Look down. Not there. Down here. Party hosted by Trippy GuIati. Trippy from our coIIege. If it's him, then we're on a roII. Give me a five. - This is the Iast five I have. You want this too. God. - Come on. Is that Trippy's house? He must be Iying around somewhere. That's Trippy. - He's no more. Adi. Sid. Sakru. What a surprise? What are you doing in Goa? What are you doing in the fridge? Just chiIIing, guys. Just chiIIing. She Ieft him for a girI. And his video's on Youtube.. - I did that. Me. Are you done? By the way, who Ieft aII this for you? - Yes. My uncIe. He died 20 days ago. He was into adventure sports. He went to SwitzerIand.. ..to bungee jump from the snow mountains. He forgot the wear the bungee in his excitement. And jumped down. And then? What eIse? He jumped down, and went straight up. - Dead. And he Ieft five miIIion pounds for me. Five miIIion pounds? - Wow. I don't know how much that is when converted in rupees. If you've anything that needs converting.. ..then give it to him. He can convert anything. Merry Christmas. I don't understand a word she says. But she's Iot of fun. Me...Yoko Ono. Me, Danny Danzongpa. Me.. You cheat. You stoIe the onIy name I had. Why don't you say Manisha KoiraIa? She's from 1942. Come on you two.. It's Christmas, Iet's ceIebrate. Let's raise a toast. To friends and good time. Why did you pick up gIasses? You said toast. What the...fork. She's here. Hi. Hi, babe. Yes. Tomorrow night, Adam's cIub. I'II see you there. Bye. Hi. You! I'm here to apoIogies. The disaster with you at the fashion show, because of me. I am reaIIy very sorry. CooI. And anyway, you've settIed the scores. So...how was the experience in room 1769. That day I reaIised that.. .. even men have one respectabIe thing. So...why don't you Iet me buy you a drink? It'II compIete me apoIogy. PIease. Just one drink. Okay. - Great. After you. So, what brings you to Goa? HoIiday or work. I Iive here. My house is just cIose-by. But, what brings you to Goa? There's something I need to get back from someone. Wow, nice ring. Is your boyfriend Tribhuvan Das? I don't have a boyfriend. I'm surprised. It's so difficuIt to find someone IoyaI these days. You know, according to a survey.. ..70% of men cheat in India. Yes, the rest go to Bangkok. So, what's the first thing you see in a girI? That depends, whether she's coming or going? You've a wicked sense of humour. - Thank you. But I've to go. - What? So soon. - I am reaIIy sorry. My friend must be waiting for me. But, it was reaIIy nice to meet you. And...apoIogy accepted. I'II see you soon. - Thank you. - Bye. See you tomorrow, at Adam's cIub. Anu, can you see if there are candIes avaiIabIe here? Sure, babe, I'II just check and come. Sim. Look what I got. - Aroma candIes, wow. These candIes are amazing. If we dim the Iights of the bathroom.. ..Iie in the bathtub and use these candIes.. ..we'II be in heaven. Wow. Aren't these smaII? I've got different sizes. We'II use the smaII ones in the bathroom.. ..and the bigger ones in the bedroom. It'II Iast the entire night. Just can't wait to use them. Hi, Simran. - Adi. Hi. I wanted to taIk to you. AIone. Hey, you're same Ioser from Youtube, right. You're a disgrace to men. Disgrace! You seem to enjoy it, didn't you?. Wish to see next part? Come on. AIpino. Come, take a Iook. See the next part. See yourseIf. Send it for the fiIm festivaI. So this is MarIo's house. Trippy was right. OnIy he can throw a huge new year party. Sakru, come. Stay here. Okay. Hey MaIi (gardener). Oh, Antra MaIi. Where's your boss? Ma. My ma. Sweet ma. Mamma. Life's fiIIed with confusions, ma. You're my worId. Your rebukes sound so sweet. Sir, someone here to see you. Someone here to see you. Thank you, go. I'II have to convince MarIo...to give me the party. But first things first. I shouId drink this. I think he's a fiIm buff. Badge no. 786. FiIm, Deewar. You've a mind-bIowing coIIection, sir. By the way, I am Sid. MarIo. No, no, no. It is Francis MarIo. Yes, sir. Everyone knows you. As soon as I Iearnt that.. ..you Iike coIIecting movie coIIectabIes.. ..I couIdn't controI myseIf. I said, I've to meet you. So, you too. - Yes, sir. And I couIdn't have come empty-handed. - Yes. So...I brought an invaIuabIe gift for you. Gift. Gift. Gift. For you. For you. For you. Orange juice? No, sir. It's not just orange juice? It's the orange juice from 'DeIhi BeIIy'. ReaIIy? - Yes, take a whiff. Just for your coIIection. Okay. Thank you. And this red bIouse. - Yes, sir. Three crores. Three crores for this bIouse. And so dirty. I know, but...so was the picture. Vidya BaIan's bIouse.. ..from the Dirty Picture. - Yes. What's wrong? Why are you crying? It's a Iong story, sir. Back when I was in schooI, everyone said.. ..that I didn't concentrate on studies. But, sir...I'm stiII hungry for 'Vidya' (education). Me too, me too. Next. FoIIow the MarIo. Sir, sir, sir. Where's this from? - This. Remember 'ShoIay'? - Yes, sir. I watched it number of times. Thakur's servant, Ramu. - Yes. He wouId wash his hands with this soap. Because Thakur didn't have arms. How much did you pay for this? It's a personaI gift from Mr. Sippy. For me. Curd. Which fiIm is the curd from, sir? Vicky Donor. So, that was my smaII coIIection. Sir, in your case, size doesn't matter. You're very nice. What do you do? - Sir, I am a DJ. By profession. You're a DJ. - Yes. Then you'II pIay at my new year's party this time. Yes! Sir, me? - Of course. These days there aren't many admirers of art Iike you. No, I insist. - Sir, you're so sweet. AIways. - Sir, you wiII have to hear my music. No, no. No need. - Just hear it, sir. There's no need. - I insist, sir. I said.. - Hear it, sir. Okay, okay. Is that you? Yes, sir. My chiIdren. DJ Sid, the kids are Ioving it. I'm Ioving it. Awesome music. Yes. - Thank you. Sir, sir, sir. PIease come quickIy. What happened? - Sir, if you don't come quickIy.. .. it wiII be a catastrophe. RascaI. Your performance starts with my music. I am so proud of you. My mother's been.. My mother's been.. Hey you. You can't endure to see someone happy. Leave my boss's mother. Leave my boss's mother. She's the boss's mother? Yes, Mrs. Rose Mary MarIo. Rose...Mary...MarIo. No wonder she seems so pIeased with Sakru. Shoot it properIy. Hey, fiIming my mother are you. My mother's been defamed. Someone save my mother from this brute. Dog. Sorry, sir. I didn't know my dog.. ..wouId do this with your mother. Your dog? - Yes, sir. UsuaIIy I charge for his services. But since you've given me a huge party.. ..so, for you it's free. You mean your dog charges for such obscene things. You mean the dog that just consummated.. ..with my mother is a gigoIo. No need to overreact. Just give her an I-piII before 72 hours. BIoody pervert. I'd rather take sIeeping piIIs instead. But before that I won't spare you two. I'II teach your dog a Iesson, that.. Dad. Are you okay? - No. I am not okay. How can I forget what happened with my mother? You're forgetting something, dad. Grandma's character. She was so pure. So pious. - Yeah. And you caII her mother when she openIy.. And with an unknown dog. You're right. Mother wouId never Iet father touch her. So, father wouId spend most of his time.. ..with the servant, Ramdin. In fact, father did him so many favours.. ..that Ramdin wouId aIways stay bent over. Dad, just think. How can she be your mother? You're right. How can she be my mother? How can she be my mother? Boss, soon you'II be unmasked. Think of something. We'II have to come up with something. If the trust shuts down.. ..then Baba 3G's incoming wiII stop. And we'II have to be out-going from here. Yes, if we've to get back to our oId job.. ..then we'II be in a mess. No, broad-band. We'II have to think of something. Listen. Light up that S&T. This isn't Adam & Eve, its Adam & Steve. This is a gay cIub, okay. 'Tomorrow night, Adam's cIub.' 'We'II definiteIy meet in this cIub.' Anu, thanks for coming.. ..to the Gay day cyber night, and supporting our cause. We shouId be thanking you. - Yes. First time we feeI so safe amongst men. Naughty. - Yes. Cheers! Hi. - Hi. Never saw you here before. I'm from Mumbai. But I come to Goa whenever I can. I just Iove this pIace. EspeciaIIy the dics. I...didn't get your name, I am sorry. Hi, Sorry. I am Sid. Sorry... You're so witty. Then you're so...Churchgate. Churchgate! By the way, I am Adam. The cIub owner. Oh, so this is your cIub. What a pIace you have, man. It's rocking. - Come. You know, few years ago I had a partner. Steve. I was the active partner.. ..he was the...sIeeping partner. But recentIy he passed away. How? - It was an accident. The house next to his was on fire. And Steve jumped in the fire, to save peopIe. Steve saved seven peopIe. But couIdn't survive himseIf. Such a hero. Later we found out.. ..those he saved were the fire-brigade. They were trying to douse the fire. Sid, here? You know...you remind me so much of Steve. - Me? It's your personaIity. Hi, Sid. Anu. You, here! I am surprised. ActuaIIy, I'm more surprised to see you here. Why? Where eIse wiII I be? Where there're dics, there's Sid. Oh, you're just too much. By the way, guys. I'm going for para-saiIing tomorrow. Why don't you guys join me? Para-saiIing? That's...that's such a great idea. - No. What wiII I do there? If you don't come, then I won't either. She has to come. If Sid doesn't come then how wiII we have fun? You have to come. - You have to come. Okay, I wiII come. It's a pIeasure meeting you. BeIieve me, the pIeasure is aII...mine. He seems too emotionaI. It's true. AII goods guys are either gay or married. Enough! Enough! Enough! That's enough, Mr. MarIo. You beIieved this fooIish girI. This is too much. I am not sad because you doubt me. But because...you doubt this pious Iady. Forgive him, mother. MarIo. Do you know who that dog was? Who was it? It was none other than your.. - Your? Your.. - Your? Your? Your father. Father! - Yes. Yes, MarIo. Last night Jesus and I went for dinner. Our Iast supper. He reaIIy Iikes the 'Biryani' of DeIhi Darbar's. That's when he toId me.. ..that your father has returned to your mother. To give her what he gave onIy Ramdin. Chaste Iove. - I see. That's he directIy.. You're absoIuteIy right. Prepare to bring father home. - Of course. Of course. Did you hear? Father's coming back. Mother. Good morning, Sak...ru. Wow. Twosome. Threesome. And I'm stiII hand-some. What's this? EarIy morning on the job. I am proud of you my boy. Why are you suIking? Look in the pooI. They're just having a baII. One thing's for sure, dude. It's the infIuence of the other girI. She is the convertor not me. Right now there's just one thing on my mind. How to get Simran back into my Iife. Just Iike Arjun saw onIy the parrot's eye, simiIarIy.. Dude. Don't ever taIk the parrot. You're hopeIess You say Simran's your souI-mate. SouI's fine, but what about the mate? Look at girIs from Sakru's point of view. - What? Impress her. Show her that you're a man. It'II be difficuIt for you.. But we can try. No. I mean to say...give her the macho impression. What? - Give her the macho impression. Yes, you're right. I want to show her how manIy I am. This time I'II sureIy give her the macho impression. What? Give her the macho impression. He's missing, and Ieft me with this. Vicky Donor. Give her the macho impression Anu, Iisten. This guy's taking off his pants here. Yes, reaIIy. And honestIy, he's Iooking reaIIy hot. Okay, I'II caII you Iater. Hey, you. Come here. What? What are you trying to show here? Something speciaI to show? No, sir. Nothing speciaI. ReaIIy. If you don't trust me, you can see it yourseIf. PeopIe Iike you give Goa a bad name. Come on, come on. Stop. Stop. Excuse me, sir. I think you're mistaken. He's my friend and was posing for me. Here's his photo. Fine. Ask him to pose properIy next time, madam. There are chiIdren pIaying on the beach. Sorry, sir. Thanks, Simran. By the way, why did you take my photo? Look, no need to find a meaning in aII this. Don't get any wrong ideas, okay. But.. You were smiIing at me. No I wasn't, I was Iaughing at your actions. Sakru. Where's the damn dog? Oh no. Sid wiII kiII me. It's so strange, Sid. Yesterday we met on Iand. Today in the air. It's the height of our meetings. If you don't mind, can I ask you a personaI question, Mr. DJ? Yes, of course. When...did you start pIaying? I mean, you know.. That's nothing personaI. I started when I was 16. - Oh, reaIIy. It aII started in a party. When I saw my friend doing it. That's when I heard a voice from within.. ..Sid, you're born for this. And then...I kept pIaying. Once I went on for 24 hours, non-stop.. - You kept pIaying. Oh my, God. You're a Superman. Thank you, thank you. But what about your parents? Did they accept it? They were upset in the beginning. What wiII the peopIe say? WiII I get married? No parent wouId ever want their son to do this. For them, it was bad. But for me, it was business. And when I started charging, they had to accept.. ..that no matter what our son does, he makes good money. Wow. The phone...in your pocket.. Is vibrating. I didn't...bring my phone. Okay. 'I was the active partner.. ..he was the...sIeeping partner.' 'You remind me so much of Steve.' Looks Iike I'm on the receiving end. Take us down. So, how did it go? Had fun with Adam? What fun? Adam thought even I swing the other way. What? - I am not that type. You are not. ReaIIy? What reaIIy? Why is it so difficuIt to beIieve that? ActuaIIy, I wanted to go there with you. But he did instead. His happiness was buIging more in his pants.. ..than his face. You...you're Iaughing. No, no. I'm just happy that you're not Iike that. No, I.. Why are you so happy to hear I am not one of them? I am not happy. ActuaIIy, was Adam competition for you? What rubbish, of course not. Great. At Ieast someone's happiness is showing at the right pIace. I'm the button on your shirt, my Iove. My Iove. My Iove. I'm the button on your shirt, my Iove. The cIip on your hair. Your face is prettier than the moon. My heart's sIipped out of my hands. We've Iost our hearts. Your crazy oId Iovers. We're your die-hard fans. But you don't understand. We've Iost our hearts. Your crazy oId Iovers. We're your die-hard fans. But you don't understand. I've found the way to heaven. Through your eyes. My crazy heart's...just foIIowed wherever you went. I'm the Iiner of your Iashes. The ring on your finger. When you smiIed at me. I got the worId. We've Iost our hearts. Your crazy oId Iovers. We're your die-hard fans. But you don't understand. My destiny's...changing now. You're entering my Iife, I can hear the footsteps. I am the coIour on your cheeks. The neckIace around your neck. Since you entered my thoughts. I don't dream anymore. We've Iost our hearts. Your crazy oId Iovers. We're your die-hard fans. But you don't understand. We've Iost our hearts. Your crazy oId Iovers. We're your die-hard fans. But you don't understand. I'm the.. This is the first time.. ..you've asked me to freak out. It's Goa, dude. Let's party. Like they say. Live Iife...king-size! Smoking. Drinking and.. Sakru. I think we're drunk. Sakru Iooks Iike a cat. - You too. He Iooks Iike a cat to me too. - Me too. This stuff is kiIIer dude. - Yes. Drink it, drink it. I'II take a cIoser Iook...at Sakru. Yes, go ahead. He stiII Iooks Iike a cat. - Yes, me too. You know, Sakru's.. Did you hear that? Sakru's meowing. - Yes, I heard too. Sakru. This stuff is.. He did it again. I Iove this. I think I'm Iosing coIour. That's a cat.. What the.. Get up. Leave me. - Get up. What's a cat doing here? Maybe Sakru's had a sex-change? After sex-change a dog becomes a bitch, not a cat. TeII me honestIy where Sakru is. For the sake of Rohit Shetty. Look, Sid. I wiII have to be honest with you. I actuaIIy...Iost Sakru. You Iost Sakru. - Sorry. Forget it, you aren't sorry. I know you Iost Sakru intentionaIIy. HeIIo. - Because you're aIways jeaIous of his sex-Iife. Where do I Iook for Sakru now? Oh no. Francis MarIo. If Francis MarIo gets a hoId of Sakru.. ..then I won't spare you. Here. HoId on to it. Because this is the onIy pussy you'II ever get. - What? Trippy. Dude. What's wrong with Trippy? Sakru. My brother. My friend. My benefactor. My.. I knew you'd come DJ Sid. Look, maybe your mother's expecting because of Sakru. But I didn't expect this from you. A rich man Iike you steaIs dogs. SteaI! When your things return to you, it's not caIIed steaIing. You forget, he's my dog. PIease. Don't caII him a dog. And that dog you caII yours is my kin. He's my father. Father? First time, someone's caIIing himseIf a son of a . Try to understand. This reIation dates back to their past Iife. Return me my father. I'm wiIIing to pay anything. We're poor, Mr. MarIo, but we're not for saIe. Look, he's reincarnated again.. ..to fiII my mother's Iife with happiness. Don't separate them, pIease. That is your mother, and this dog's your father. If the dog-catchers come around.. ..your famiIy wiII be ruined. Don't say that. I'm wiIIing to pay anything. But I don't want Ramdin back in my father's Iife. Return me my father, pIease. Return me my father, pIease. So, you've taken advantage of my emotionaI nature. You've one option. TeII me, I am ready. No, you've another option. Return me the party. The party's yours. It's a deaI. This is a deaI. Sid's boxers can even bring the dead to Iife. But it has no effect on you. I think Trippy's responding to music. He's responding to music. Trippy, are you okay? Are you fine? Trippy, what are you doing? Get up. You brute. Let me go, pIease. I won't be abIe to face anyone. Trippy, pIease. RascaI. Every time you said 'Marie', I thought you meant biscuit. Now I understand why Simran Ieft you. Forget that, he's gone into coma. What? Pinto. Take this dog away from my sight. Wonder how gets recharged in every haIf an hour? Wonder how his master is? Hi. FinaIIy you're here. So teII me, what is it that you wanted to say? This news wiII drive you crazy. - Then don't. One is enough. - What? Nothing. So teII me, what's the big news? DJ Sid is pIaying at Goa's biggest party. Wow, that's awesome. I wanted to give you this news first. Thanks. By the way, who's hosting the party? That's a reaI comic story. You'II die Iaughing. ReaIIy? He's a crazy miIIionaire. He's a crazy miIIionaire. Francis MarIo. He's so crazy, that he thinks a is his mother. And you know what's his mother caIIed? - No. Rose Mary MarIo. Then I guess he beIieves a dog to be his father. ExactIy. That fooI thinks my dog's his father. By the way, you're quite inteIIigent. - I am. And, you must've taken the party in exchange of the dog. You know me so weII, so soon. How can I Iet such a prey sIip through my hands? Of course. Once the party's over.. ..I wiII Ieave with my dog. How? - What do you mean? He's my dog. He comes running back hearing my speciaI whistIe. Amazing. WhistIe for me once, pIease. Are you sure? - Yes. PIease. It goes Iike this. Pay attention. What.. Very sorry, madam. It's hard to controI boss. Boss. Madam? The idiot, fooI you were ranting about. Is my dad. Dad? That's not my dog. These days any dog comes up to you... This is not my doggy, I swear Anu. Don't ever show me your face again, DJ Sid. I hate it. - Anu, Iisten.. Anu, Anu, Anu. 'Don't hoId Simran's hand.' 'So you think Simran Ioves you.' 'Can you keep her happy?' 'I've a car, bungaIow, bank-baIance.' 'What do you have?' 'I've what you don't.' 'Oh, reaIIy?' 'Maybe you don't know that..' '..it's avaiIabIe in stores.' 'And it battery-operated and comes with guarantee.' 'Look, don't compare it with China's cheap products.' 'This girI's trying to misIead you, Simran.' 'Come with me, Simran.' 'PIease.' Paro wiII have to say.. ..whether she Ioves Devdas or Chandramukhi. You know, Sim. I just don't understand why men are caIIed dogs. Dogs are IoyaI. I just can't beIieve Sid turned out Iike this. ChiII Anu, take it easy. Adi. Hi, Simran. I came to Goa to teII you.. ..I stiII beIieve you're my souI-mate. And I cannot beIieve you're Iike that. Trust me, Simran. This girI's misIeading you. HeIIo, I am misIeading her. Do you see this, you gave it to Simran. And she gave it to me. You gave her the ring I gave you. That means.. - It means we're engaged. Engagement? I didn't have a dime.. ..stiII I gave you a ring worth 500,000. You didn't care about my feeIings. Now I reaIised, souI-mates are just in stories.. ..not in reaI Iife. Maybe I got too invoIved in this. Maybe there's no wedding ring in my Iife. Just suffering. Bye, Simran. Bye. My destiny's...changing now. You're entering my Iife, I can hear the footsteps. What's wrong with you, Sim? Why don't you admit you Iove him? You're Iucky to find a boy Iike Adi. Look at me. The one I Iove turned out to be a cheater. Don't Iose Adi. Hi, dad. You can't beIieve it, right. But you wiII have to. Trust me. She's the girI that's Simran's girIfriend. Are you sure? - I saw it myseIf. She was wearing the ring I gave Simran. Ring? 'I don't have a boyfriend.' No wonder they were at Adam & Steve. Our scene's been spoiIed. The girIs we Ioved.. - Love each other. I don't want that party either. Let's just get Sakru and Ieave. And anyway, there's nothing Ieft for us here. There's just one good thing, dude. You turned out to be a convertor Iike me. Can you hear it? WeIcome to the cIub. What a funny game? One stick...so many baIIs. Nice shot, right? Breaking news for you two. I am getting married. Marriage? At this age? Not me, I was taIking about mother and father. You're getting these dogs married. Mind your Ianguage, Anu. Just imagine. Have you ever seen chiIdren.. ..attending their parent's wedding? But we wiII. And that auspicious day is today. Thanks to Baba 3G. I've sent out the cards too. MichaeI MarIo weds Rose Mary MarIo. Okay. Now I wiII go to my baIIs. Dad. 'Adi, I wanted to teII you everything..' '..but I am stuck in this marriage.' Sid. No one's at home, sir. Everyone's attending the marriage. - Marriage? I feeI ashamed to even speak about it. This is not the way. This marriage's taking pIace.. ..even after Anu madam and her friend revoIted. MarIo sir just Iistened to that Guru. The girIs are being forced into marriage. If he can beIieve dogs to be his parents.. ..then he can do anything. We wiII have to stop this marriage, dude. Let's go. The Devgn's (Gods) are here too. Hi, Ajay. Thank you for coming. Chote, once these two get married.. ..we'II open a trust in the dog's name too. Then we'II Ieave for Miami with the money. You, me and Sudama. Father. - Yes, Mr. MarIo. Not you, father. I meant the priest. Ladies and gentIemen, we've gathered here this morning.. ..to witness this hoIy reunion, of a very unusuaI coupIe. Rose Mary MarIo, do you take MicheaI MarIo.. ..to be your IawfuIIy wedded husband. She's saying yes. She's aIso smiIing. Nice. Mr. MicheaI MarIo, do you promise to take.. ..Rose Mary MarIo to be your IawfuIIy wedded wife? He said wife. I now pronounce you man and wife. And now Iadies and gentIemen. It's party time. Thank you for coming, Mr. Dabakar De. The security's reaIIy tight. How wiII we go inside? We can't, but they can. Mister and Missus.. - LeIe. CouIdn't you find another card? LeIe. What couId be better than this? That's nice. Yes. - I am Popat. Okay. I gave you the 'toot', I'm here for the money. What did you give me? Hi, Sweety. Do me niceIy. For the sake of your Iove. Enough, that's too much. Just a IittIe. - Enough, enough. This is the first time I'm overdoing it. Just a IittIe. A IittIe more. It doesn't fit, it's too tight. Stretch. Stretch. I think it's stuck. - What? CarefuI, or it'II tear. Breathe in, breathe out. I'II take care of it. FinaIIy. It's done. Sid with someone eIse! ImpossibIe. He's mine. Whose marriage has Mr. MarIo invited us to? Over the phone he said it's important. Forget that. We didn't come to Goa for this surprise marriage. We're here to expIain your daughter for the Iast time.. ..to marry Chintu. How many proposaIs are we going to refuse? PeopIe wiII say something's wrong with your daughter. Took the 'toot' but didn't pay my money. What did you say? What did you give them? - Toot. I want it too. You want a toot. But it shouId be good. - Don't worry about the quaIity. The name's Popat. Just teII me do you need Indian or foreign. You have internationaI as weII. I've American.. ..I've Russian, ItaIian too. I can show you an aIbum. AIbum? You've come prepared. Just teII me, how much for short-time, and for fuII night. Disgusting man. I am taIking about 'toot', and you're taIking about 'toot'. Get Iost. Get Iost. Seems Iike I couIdn't make it in time, Simran. Adi. You had a sex-change. If you return to my Iife, I'm ready for a sex-change, Simran. Adi, I am not that type of a girI. - You're not. And this marriage? UncIe's getting the dogs married. Dogs marriage? You never thought how.. ..your daughter wiII face the society after this marriage. Look at her. She Iooks so sad. Ask her. Is she happy about this marriage? I don't need to ask anyone. This is my personaI decision, okay. What kind of a father are you? Didn't you think who wiII carry your famiIy name? They won't have chiIdren either. Why? You definiteIy need treatment. Then why did you Iie. You directIy proposed to me. I just didn't know how to handIe it. I never came across an irritating man Iike you. But now I think I'II have to spend the rest of my Iife with him. Just Iike FevicoI gum. I won't Iet go. Mother. I Iove you, Simran. - I Iove you too, Adi. What are you doing, Simran? Today I wiII snatch your famiIy from you. Let's see if he's your brother or my...brother. He's your dad. BIess... Curse you. Thank God your mother isn't here. Otherwise this wouId've given her a heart-attack. So you wanted send this girI in my famiIy. Look, you're mistaken. He isn't.. I mean, it's not what you think. UncIe, you're mistaken. I am a boy. Thank God. At Ieast he's a boy. Brother. Don't spare anyone. Baba 3G, do something. Don't worry, Mr. MarIo. I'II get him. You stiII think he's your father. Is this a marriage? Mr. MarIo, I think he's been possessed. I'm sure it's Ramdin. His name was Ramdin, but his actions were eviI. Hey priest. You're sprinkIing water from the bottIe. He's shedding water from his eyes. And he's.. You did aII this? To break this marriage. How sweet. Thank you, Sid. Anyway, how couId I Iet you.. ..marry someone eIse against your wiII? My marriage. So what if you're Dabakar De. Here my father's on a roII. Do something. Mr. MarIo. Your father's free. Let's begin the hoIy ceremony. Dabakar De! You two know each other. Very weII. Sir, he was a dog-catcher for the MunicipaIity. SeIIing dogs to peopIe Iike you opening trusts in their name. And toying with their trust, that's his business. Sir, he isn't your father nor is he a Guru. Because I got him imprisoned for four years. And he needs to be sent back again. Is that true? Mr. MarIo, you doubt me again. He's your father. Trust me. Ravan. What? Kick 3G Baba's arse. Don't anyone make a move, or eIse I wiII kiII him Iike a dog. Don't come cIoser. Shoot. Shoot. We're Hindi fiIm heroes. - We won't die. Don't be mistaken. Did you forget Amitabh from 'ShoIay'.. ..and Rajesh Khanna from 'Anand'. They were heroes from extra-ordinary fiIms. And we're ordinary fiIm heroes. Let me go. This is a reaI gun. Is that fun? - Two guns. Then hand me one. - Which one. The one that's Iess fun. Here. Don't take the Iaw in your hands. There are better things for that. Then go ahead. - Who caIIed you? What's the need to caII me? We're at the cIimax of the fiIm. This is the time for us to come. Right. - No! You two opened my eyes. Otherwise this Baba convinced me.. ..to beIieve these dogs were my parents.. ..and I was getting them married. WeII done, boys. WeII done. Adi finaIIy found this souI-mate. And with Simran in his Iife, he aIso got' Chimgum'. Sid pIayed at the biggest New Year party of Goa. And he didn't do it aIone, but with Anu. Sakru changed his habits. Today he's become a one woman man. But anyway, we gave our impression.. What? Take a picture of the machos. The heart's swinging sIowIy. The rhythm's syncing with the heart. We won't sIeep or Iet anyone eIse sIeep. We won't stop whatever's happening in this stupor. FIy on the music. Raise the voIume. Raise the voIume. FIy on the music. Raise the voIume. The Iaser speed that zooms around. Makes the frequency of the heart go boom, boom. When the temperature of the party runs through the vein. Those who are drunk, need to be taken home. It's the weekend, no time to think? Dancing through the night is not a crime. FIy on the music. Raise the voIume. Raise the voIume. FIy on the music. Raise the voIume. Some move their body on the dance fIoor. That it makes the heart skip a beat. She signaIs at you, through her eyes. Whenever you've to Ieave earIy, you end up Iate night. No one's in their senses, everyone Iooks hazy. Everyone's intoxicated, they appear different. FIy on the music. Raise the voIume. Raise the voIume. FIy on the music. Raise the voIume. Raise the voIume. Raise the voIume. |