Law Abiding Citizen (2009)

Are you having fun,
I hope you're doing better
than me, baby,
what are you making?
- Necklace for mom.
Yeah? Let me see.
Wow. Another one?
- That's two today.
- Yeah?
Are you gonna help me
get that?
I thought you and I
had a day off
Go wash up for dinner, pumpkin.
- Okay.
Mmm, smells nice.
Is that take-out?
Mommy, mommy
No, noo.
Noo Noo!
You can't fight faith.
We gotta get the fuck
out of her.
What are you doing?
Come on!
Fucking stop!
Let's go!
Shut the fuck up!
It's cool.
Kids like me.
"Law abiding Citizen"
Transcribed by: anreith.
For inSanos
Bringham, what's happening?
Willis is a rowing
buddy of mine
Where are we on his
kids case?
- Yeah
Oh, I kicked that
down the tube.
Now why did you do that?
Because the case
was a dog
The kid was only 15
years old
when he commited
the murder.
So you didn't want to
jeapordize your
- It's actually 96%.
- Yes,
You know, if I didn't
know any better
I'd say you were
gunning for my job.
You do know better,
and you know that
I'm aiming much
higher than that.
They filed a motion
to dismiss, but
there's no way that
judge Abrams honors it.
I think that we can
get him on RICO
All that time and that's
what you come back with, Sarah?
You might wanna re-evaluate
your research skills,
what else have we got?
- She's right
Mr Rice?
- RICO's designed for this
check out section 901 of the
organized crime control act
and you should let
Sarah try this case, too.
Mr Rice, last I checked
I was running this room.
She's already done the leg
work. I'll oversee it,
Helen Keller could
try this case.
Okay boy-wonder, she
fucks up it's on you.
"Thank you"
Cantrell wants to see you
- Alright, I'll be right there.
No. Nick.
He wants to see Nick.
You're still torturing
Let's just say I'm less
impressed with his
Harvard degree than he is.
We can't all have gone
to Fordham.
I went to Fordham
night school.
You know what I learned
at Fordham night school?
It's that law schools have
nothing to do with law.
Guess you skipped the course
on inter-office politics.
All I need is a jury to like me,
isn't that what you told me?
The Shelton case,
where are we?
It went sideways last night.
Judge Birch.
Bad news. What now?
Let's make the deal.
They killed a little girl, Nick.
It's an imperfect system.
- And we it's imperfect servants.
However, you could win this case.
Can't take that chance.
Some justice is better than
no justice at all.
You need to tell the husband.
- It's part of my job.
Good. Because he is waiting for
you right now.
Do you trust me?
Do you trust me, Clyde?
Yeah, of course.
Darby has agreed to
testify against Ames.
With Darbys testimony,
Ames will go to death row.
What about, what about
Darby then?
Darby will plead guilty
to murder.
In what degree?
- Third.
He serves, what, 5 years?
At best.
I dont understand,
I'm sorry.
We had a setback, Clyde.
The judge ruled that
the DNA was inadmissable.
- What?
Exclusionary rule.
The oposing council maneuvered.
You said this part of the case
was clear cut
We had the blood on his shirt,
- It's covered under the same rule
What about the rest
of the forensic evidence?
It's not conclusive, Clyde.
Okay, thats okay. Because I saw,
I saw their faces
I saw them do it. I mean
they killed my little girl, Nick.
You blacked out, Clyde. Your
testimony won't be reliable.
you get on the stand and
the defense will tear you apart.
No no, the jury is going
to believe me, though,
because its the truth.
We can win
We can lose. And then
we have nothing.
You would have wasted
a whole year,
spent millions of dollars,
and then both of them
can end up going free.
Both of them are guilty,
especially Darby. You know that.
It's not what you know, Clyde,
its what you can prove in court.
Please dont make
a deal with them.
Please don't make a deal
- I'm sorry, the deal is done.
I'm sorry.
I made the deal.
- What?
How could you do that?
This is just how the
justice system works.
Listen, I know you don't
think it right now,
but this is a victory
for us.
Your office has certified
this agreement?
Yes, your honor.
- Mr Reynolds?
Any great insights to share
with the court today?
No, your honor.
No insights.
Good, then I trust that
we can move forward
with Mr Ames' trial
unimpeded by delays
a trial date is imminent.
There's no cell phones
in my courtroom, mr Rice.
We've been over this.
- I'm sorry.
I had some exigent
business I was...
Next time it's mine.
Ahh, you married?
- Excuse me?
Are you married?
Please fuck this up.
So I can destroy you.
I wish ill for no man
but Ames deserves
to suffer for what he did.
I mean you cant
fight faith, right?
Once you make a decision,
live with it. Move on.
In this job your best
asset is a short memory.
Don't beat yourself up,
too many other people
out there doing that
already. Look,
there's some of them
right now.
Isn't this when you tell
me some old favel, wise tale...
Alright, alright. I got one.
Marcus Aurelius had a
servant walk behind him
as he made his way to
the roman time square.
And the servants only job
was to whisper in his ear
when people praised him:
"You're only a man"
"You're only a man"
Okay, man?
That's some bullshit.
- That's good
I don't even think you
know the story, man.
You're missing the point,
Nick, it doesnt matter
what they say.
- Okay. I got this now.
One at a time.
One at a time.
So you'll be seeking the
death penalty?
For Rupert Ames we will be.
- And for Darby?
He has pled guilty to murder
but he is a cooperating witness.
The DAs office has commited
all of its resources
to ensure that
justice will be served.
Did you make any kind of...
I just wanna say thanks
for being in my corner.
It's nice when the
system works, right?
Get away from me.
Come on. Move it.
Let's go.
Uh-uh, what happened?
- What happened where?
What's wrong?
And you call my job boring.
C minus?
- Yes
Well, okay, now,
You gonna tell me
whats wrong?
Can I talk to my daughter
for a little bit?
- Please
First of all, this is your
father speaking
Yeah, she didnt know that.
- You never know.
I want you to stay in there
as long as you can
Cause there's a lot of crazy
ass people out here.
- Your mother is a hardass.
I'm right here.
And daddy wants you to come
out and be daddys little girl...
10 years later
Anybody seen my phone?
Hey, did you see
my phone?
It's not strapped
to your hand?
No it's not strapped
to my hand.
Daddy! Not gonna have
some of my french toast?
French toast, you making
french toast?
I'm sorry I can't,
I'm running late.
Alright, here we go.
Mmmm, taste good.
- Did this is by yourself?
You're better than
your mother.
I heard that. Smells good.
Here, your lifeline.
Morning baby.
You're going to your daughters
recital this afternoon?
Uhm, I thought you were
gonna order the DVDs.
Video is not the same, Nick.
Mom, its okay. Dad's gotta
work, I know
See, its alright. Dad's gotta work.
And what does Dad do?
Lock up bad guys.
- And why does he do that?
To keep us safe.
- Yeah, he wants us to be safe.
Baby, get your chello.
- Alright
Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
What a Julia Child (cook).
- Mmhhmm
You know she's 10
years old, right?
you know that?
- I know that
She doesn't understand why
you're never around.
This good-guy-bad-guy
stuff thats just talk to her.
I can't come today.
You know you have not
been to one recital
- Okay
We'll get the video, we'll sit
down and watch as a family.
I love you. Alright?
Thank you for the toast.
- Love you
Love you too
- Bye
So how's Chip?
- It's Chester
What happened to Chip,
I liked Chip.
There is no Chip. And now
there's no Chester.
He kept calling.
- Sarah, thats a good thing.
I know, but I kept cancelling.
My case load is crazy.
You know you dont have to
go to this if you dont want to.
Yeah, I do. I...
What's it like?
No biggie. Like watching
somebody fall asleep.
Except the not-waking-up part?
Does it bother you?
Not anymore.
Sarah. Your legs are looking
real good in those heels.
What are you doing, Reynolds?
Why are you here? Your
DVD player is broken?
Ames has no family. I felt like
someone should be here for him.
You just getting a little press?
What I did out
there was wrong.
I should have never
been there.
But I swear to God,
I didn't kill those people.
Wrong man is dying
here today.
That's all.
Oh God.
- Take her away.
What the hell is going on?
- I dont know.
Are you okay?
- Yeah
So, somebody killed the guy
you were trying to kill.
What are we calling this?
Clear violation of his 8th
amendment right:
cruel and unusual
Law school.
- Yeah. The machine,
how does it work
on a good day?
It's designed to
be pain free.
Three drugs, administered
in a specific order.
From this moment on we
are assuming that
the machine was corrupted.
We're gonna need
a list of all the people
with access to
that machine.
My people would
not do this.
I appreciate that, Warden, but
I'm gonna need more than
a hallpass and a note from mom.
Detectives. Got something
back on the machine.
Let me see that?
- Right there.
"Cant fight faith".
- What is it, Nick?
During the home invasion
Ames accomplice said
to one of the victims:
"Can't fight faith"
He said the same thing to me
in the courtroom, the prick.
I can't remember his name.
Have a look at this.
Your guy?
Clarence James Darby
- He's a beauty...
You got history with him?
- I put him away.
Ah, 3 years. Is that the going
rate for murder these days?
There was extenuating
The only extenuating circumstance
should be if he didnt do it.
Still, three years at Marion,
fucking gladiator camp,
you expect him to come
back a model citizen?
Well, if you scholars wouldnt
contaminate the crime scenes,
I could keep them locked
up longer.
Authorities have refused to
comment at this point
foul play cannot be ruled out.
The prisoner had been on death row
for the past 10 years
All we know at this point is
what was supposed to be a
painless execution has turned
into something out of a horror film.
Im Paula live on the scene...
- Clarence Darby?
Who's this?
- That's strike three for you,
Coke on the table, bitch on the floor.
Away from prison.
Who the fuck is this?
Look out your window.
South side.
Is this a joke?
Get up.
South side.
Out of the way!
He's outdoor!
Go. Go
- Move it, move it.
What now?
Wipe the prints off the gun.
Get rid of it.
No, no, no
- You fired six times, genius
You bring any ammunition?
Lose it.
Why are you doing this?
- I wanna keep you out of prison.
See the abandoned factories?
Go toward them.
There's a cop car there.
With a cop in it.
What the fuck!
I tazered him, but
he will be waking
up in under 90 seconds.
So better move.
Rise and fucking shine, bitch
Wake the fuck up.
Let's go. Start the fucking car.
Okay. Take it easy.
- Do it. Come on.
Take it easy.
Lets go, lets go!
Get it in gear, shithead. Now!
Do it!
Get the fuck out.
Lets go.
Get the fuck down there.
Hey. What about my
wife, my little girl?
I'll never see them again.
- Fucked up, man.
Ohh, oh oh, you don't mind
if I take this, do you?
My guardian angel.
I am impressed.
You know why I'll never see
my wife and little girl again?
What the...?
Cause you took them from me.
Remember me?
Sure you do.
You came over to my house
once before.
Don't remember?
This Tetrodotoxin should be nicely
in your system by now.
Isolated from the liver of
the Carribean Puffer Fish.
So, it paralyzes you,
but leaves all the other
neurological functions intact.
In other words, you cant move,
but you feel everything.
It does absolutely nothing
to blunt the pain.
And you're about to
experience more of that
than you can ever
fucking imagine.
???, so you dont bleed out.
You may be here a while.
Saline solution, that should
keep us going.
The clamps, nice and secure.
You really are shaking.
Sure you're alright?
You'll love this.
Now this, is so you
don't pass out.
There you go.
Now what we dont want,
is you swallowing your tongue
so bare with me.
Now this is for your penis.
But we'll get to that later.
Scalpel, for your eyelids.
In case you insist on
fucking shutting them.
You see, I know what it
feels like to be helpless,
just like when I watched you
slaughter my whole family.
You can't fight faith,
right Darby?
Oh! And look.
I made this especially for you.
You like it? Yeah, I didn't want
you to miss anything.
Now you have the best
view in the house.
You hear that? Your heart
is beating so fast.
Well, me too. Okay.
Now they get to watch
you suffer.
They'll be the last thing
you ever see.
as I cut off every single one
of your fucking limbs.
See, I wasn't lying,
when I told you I wanted
to keep you out of prison.
That was the truth.
Thanks for the car.
Okay, these are all the
case files on Darby,
I vetted through what I could,
we have crime scene photos...
Don't want to see them.
What's bothering you?
- It's Darby
All the crimes he's committed
have one thing in common,
there was violence, but the
execution wasnt violence,
that was, that was intellect.
- Okay.
What are you thinking?
Was just thinking maybe we
shouldn't be looking at Darby.
Jesus Christ.
- Good news, councellor.
Found Darby.
I gotta say though,
he's looked better.
They found him in about
no arms, eyelids were
sliced off. Gruesome.
Shedding tears for Darby?
- Not quite
So your wheel's turning.
- Think motive. Who has it?
The husband. Father. What
do we know about him?
He owned the warehouse
where they found Darby
What else?
- He's a tinkerer,
little inventionist. Gizmos.
He holds two dozen patents,
that made him some money.
He liquidated most of his wealth
a few years ago, to buy some
industrial properties
around airports, chemical
plants, railyards.
It doesn't add up.
- No, it's weird, right?
Search them all, Sarah,
see what you find.
Down on your knees!
Get down! Go! Knees!
Face down! face down!
The crazy ones scare
the shit out of me.
Is this guy a lawyer?
He's an engineer.
"United States Code Annotated"
Nick, look at this.
"Prosecutor Calls Death
Penalty For Ames"
We have zero evidence.
You better get a confession.
Did he give you any
trouble on the way in?
No. Nothing.
He wasn's too happy when
we took his bracelet though.
Can I help you?
- Package for the Rice family.
Oh yeah. Thanks.
Mom, the video from
my recital came.
Can we watch it? Please?
No, not you.
Denise, we said we would
wait for your father, remember?
- No, not now.
Uhum. Yes
Don't worry, he's just
disarming the guy.
Letting him feel easy.
What I'm about to tell you
I dont want anyone to hear.
As a prosecutor Im breaking
all the rules right now,
and I dont give a damn.
Because Im a father,
I have a little girl.
And what you did
The world is better
without Darby and Ames.
You're not gonna see a tear
shed from me or anybody
in my office.
With that being said,
I have a job to do.
I want to ask you some very
simple and direct questions,
I suggest that you answer
them in the same fashion.
Is your name Clyde
Alexander Sheldon?
Yes, Sir.
And you wave your right
to councel, correct?
Yes, Sir.
You sure you wanna do that?
Did you murder
Clarence Darby?
I wanted him dead.
He killed my wife and child.
Rupert Ames, did you
murder him aswell?
Rupert Ames deserved to die.
They both deserved to die.
So, you arranged both
of those murders?
Yes, I planned it,
in my head,
over and over again,
took me a long time.
Alright. I guess
we are done here.
You might want to cancel your
Excuse me?
In fact, you might want to
cancel the rest of the week
cause you're gonna
be busy. Sit down.
We're done here.
We have your confession.
Oh, you do?
- And on tape.
See, in our profession we
consider that a "slam dunk"
Oh, really? I dont think so.
Lets think back.
What did I say?
That I wanted to kill
Clarence Darby?
Yeah, sure, what
father wouldn't?
That Darby and Ames
deserved to die?
I think most people
would agree with that.
That I planned it over
and over again,
in my head?
Who wouldnt fantasize
about that?
None of these are an
admission of guilt, Nick.
You might wanna
check the tape.
We know you did it.
- Well it's not what you know,
it's what you can
prove in court.
Didn't you tell me
that once?
The only problem with your
theory is that Darby's
body was found on
your property.
One of my many properties.
An old abandoned
warehouse, Nick.
Junkies, they trespass
there all the time.
Isn't Darby involved
in the drug trade?
That's an unsavory world.
I bet you a jury would agree,
or perhaps someone was
trying to frame me.
Go ahead. There's a lot
of assholes in prison
that thought they were
smarter than me.
Let's stop fucking around.
Nick, unless you have
any hard evidence,
then why are we
even here?
Why are we having...
- What you want?
Well, thats easy.
You're the one that makes
deals with murderers, yeah?
So I've come to make mine.
I will give you a confession,
a real confession.
You just have to give me
something in return.
Well, you are a murderer,
so what might that be?
A bed.
But a nice bed.
I want a nice new
one for myself.
I see.
You're gonna have to
deal with that,
because the one I have is
lumpy, Nick,
it's making me crazy.
Clyde, I think you got me
confused with the detail
people, see I dont deal
with prison conditions.
I believe those cots are
bolted into the cells.
Well that's what wrenches
are for, dumbass.
You know one of those
new Duxiana beds with
the adjustable lumbar support
I've seen the commercial.
That's the one I want.
- Those are nice.
Cause really, Nick, I dont
think I can focus on much
of anything until I've had
a good, revitalizing nights
sleep, in my therapeutic
Duxiana bed.
So that's the deal.
Give me my bed, you
get your confession.
Let me think about
that for a second.
How about uhm...
Fuck no?
- What are you doing?
What do you mean what
am I doing?
Why did you tell him no?
- A mattress?
He doesn't make those
kind of decisions.
Take your ego out
of it, Nick.
Shelton's got a point,
this case is shit,
we need a confession
and a mattress for a
murder confession, thats
a pretty good deal
He's playing us, Jonas.
- Well then we will play him.
Nick. Call from the office.
You're not answering your cell.
I need to finish up here,
and then I will be home
as soon as I can.
- Listen to me, that video
Nick, I have never seen
anything like it.
Please, come home.
Listen, you need
to calm down
tell her its not real.
And that I love her.
Come home. Come
home soon please.
Kelly, did you
see his face?
No, it was covered with
something, I couldnt see.
let me finish up here
and I will come home.
This motherfucker sent
a DVD to my house,
of him killing Darby.
- What?
My daughter saw it.
He recorded it, we've got him.
- No, he had on a mask
we need that confession.
You still want to bargain
with this man?
The art of the possible, Warden.
Make the deal.
Back problems, Warden.
The worst.
You got bigger problems
than that.
It's the have-nots
in here, son.
They don't know that
I want to be the one have
Turn around.
I dont think he likes me.
Nice bed.
Thank you.
It's a single.
We can't put Clyde
Shelton anywhere,
not in a job,
not in a city,
not even a country.
So I dug a little deeper,
and I found something
from his missing years,
a couple of contract
payments, to Clyde,
from the Department of Defense.
And his real estate?
- He bought 9 properties
under his own name, then
he transfered them to
some corporation in Panama.
We can't get to the adresses,
lack of reciprocity problems,
we are gonna circle back
to the farmhouse.
That's a waste of time.
He wanted us to find him there.
It's the industrial stuff
thats curious.
Alright, I dont care what
you have to do, or who
you piss off, if we have to
invade Panama again, fine.
Clyde is hiding those
properties for a reason.
Find it.
- Got it.
Baby, did you leave a crack?
- Yeah, I left a crack.
Night light?
- Isn't she too old for that?
Yeah, I left the night light.
I told her that that
video wasn't real.
Some sort of horror film
she shouldn't be looking at.
She'll be okay.
- And you?
- If I'm what, okay? Of course.
Don't I look okay?
Nick is always okay.
Always, I'm extra good.
In light of Mr Sheltons
economic means and his,
potential flight risk, the
egregious nature of both
Mr Ames' and Mr Darbys deaths
The state requestst hat bail
be denied, your honor.
Seeing as you waved your right
to counsel, Mr Sheldon,
do you have anything
to say? Mr Sheldon?
Do you have anything
that you'd like to say?
Yes, yes, your honor.
Should I stand?
Your honor, I'm a
law abiding citizen.
Just a regular guy.
I'm not a flight risk
This is my first alleged offense,
and the prosecution
has not presented
one single piece of
evidence against me.
Now, in these circumstances,
unless the state has obtained
some new information relating
to my involvement in the matter,
then I find it highly prejudical,
even constitutionally offensive,
to keep me detained
without bail.
It's a slippery slope,
your honor,
Haven't we seen the result
of such violations both
internationally and
domestically, case in point,
would be Dave v McDonough
doc #0413825
I am actually inclined to
agree with you, Mr Shelton.
Your honor, Mr Shelton has
agreed to give a confession.
Has he given it, Mr Rice?
- No, your honor.
Well, then in my opinion
the state has failed to
establish a compelling basis
for its motion, and I will
grant bail in the amount of...
Your honor, I will caution
you not to do that.
Thank you.
- Excuse me?
No, I dont think I will
excuse you.
You see, this is what
I'm talking about.
You were about to
let me go,
Are you kidding me?
This is why we're here
in the first place.
You think I don't remember
who you are, lady?
I would tread carefully,
Mr Shelton.
Well, how carefully
should I tread?
Because apparently I just
killed two people.
And you were about to let
me walk right out that door
How misguided are you?
I feed you a couple of
bullshit legal presedence,
and you go jump on it
like a bitch in heat.
- Im warning you
- You folks you all hang
out at the same clubs.
- You will be held in
contempt of this court.
- And everyday you let
madmen and murderers
Back on the street. You're
too busy treating the law
- One more time
- like if it's a fucking
assembly line
- One more time
- Have you any idea of
what justice is?
- You are now in contempt
of the court
- Whatever happened to
right and wrong?
- Remove this man
- Whatever happened
to right and wrong!?
Whatever happened
to the people.
Bail denied!
- Bail denied!
- Whatever happened
to justice?
And I bet you take it
up the fucking ass!
- Bailiff
See you later, Nick.
That's what you're building
your defense on? Insanity?
Nick, I told you I would give
you a confession.
And I meant it.
I saw a movie today.
- You did?
My daughter, saw the
same movie.
Well, you taught your daughter
about good vs evil?
I dont have to.
Well that's what this
movie was about.
Good conquering Evil.
The righteous prospering,
the wicked suffering.
- I didn't get that.
I'm gonna give you one
more chance, Clyde.
And dont test me, cause
I will run you over.
Fair enough.
You did get me my bed.
A deal's a deal.
That was you on video,
killing Clarence Darby.
Yes, that was me.
Fair enough. That was me,
Clyde Shelton, on the video,
killing Clarence Darby.
- Not good enough, Clyde,
I need specifics.
I took his fingers
with bolt cutters.
His toes with tin snips.
His balls with a hack saw.
And his penis with
a box cutter.
How's that for specifics?
And Ames?
Switching the canisters
was easy.
Everything is automated
these days, so I just
hacked in to the shipping
companies server and
swapped a few numbers around
so the package came to me.
Then I switched the
potassium chloride
for something a little
more... deliberate.
Well, I'm tired of
hearing your bullshit.
I got everything I need.
What now?
- I go home. You go to prison.
The righteous prosper and
the wicked suffer.
That ought to make you feel
better about the system.
What if I had another
confession to make?
Call a priest.
But another confession would
mean another deal, Nick, so
you would have to give me
something in return.
You ever been to Del Friscos?
They cater.
So for lunch I would love
a 20 ounce porter steak,
medium, maybe a little charred.
With all the trimmings:
Pommes frites, asparagus,
- Fuck you and your
Pommes frites.
I Tell you what. Can I
have my Ipod aswell?
I'd love a little bit of
music with my meal.
First rule of negotiating,
you gotta have something
to bargain with.
Would the life of
Bill Reynolds suffice?
Open it.
Who the fuck is
Bill Reynolds?
Darbys attorney.
Tell me you located him.
- I've got his wife,
she reported him missing
three days ago.
Thank you, Mrs Reynolds.
Looks like I got something
to bargain with, Nick.
At the moment, Bill
Reynolds is still alive.
I'll tell you exactly
where he is,
just bring me my meal
and my music,
at 1 o'clock exactly.
Hold it right there.
It's five to 1 pm.
I dont take orders
from him, or you.
Iinmates dont know the time,
we tell them the time.
I dont care, we need to stick
to the agreed timeline.
- Fuck him, Nick.
Let him wait.
Christ, he sawed the
guys dick off.
Whether you like it or not,
we are on his time.
Check it again.
Steamed Asparagus.
Macaroni and cheese.
- Wow
Porter house steak,
seared, medium rare.
Napkin, Nick.
- Napkin.
Oh, excuse me, waiter
You might wanna put 30%
down for yourself, my man
What time is it?
- 1 o'clock.
Is that right, Nick?
- It's 1:08.
Well that's dissapointing, Warden.
How can you expect me not
to fuck with you
when you cant even be
honest with me
You have what you asked for,
now where's Reynolds?
Can I have some
silverware, gentlemen ?
You get a spork.
Come on, Clyde.
Okay. Here we go.
You better hurry, Nick.
By anybodys watch but the
Wardens, you're already late.
Open the door.
I'll sit in front of you.
So, I suppose if I dont
share this with you
I'm gonna get the fuck up,
take my right hand,
and split your skull in two,
how about that?
Come on over here, join me
There's plenty to go around.
Enjoy it. Pasta. It's good.
What about some steak?
You like steak?
Big piece for you.
There you go.
Good, huh?
What did you do to
get in here, anyways?
I did what I had to do.
So you got a girl
or something?
It's a long story.
Pilot, how much longer?
- ETA 2 minutes
How about you?
Have a girl?
Got a few broads back home.
- Oh yeah?
You don't have a boyfriend
in here right now?
Get the fuck out of here.
It's his. His briefcase.
Just dig.
Jesus Christ.
- Reynolds! Reynolds!
He's gone.
- Oxygen?
Get something to
get him out.
IV lines going to his...
Fuck. He's got him cuffed.
You got your keys?
To the cuffs.
It's your lucky day, huh?
Get some food.
Here, take a shot at this.
I need a shower, Warden.
Get him out of there!
Dunningan, what time
do you have?
I'm 1:37.
Took us roughly 15
minutes to get here.
Reynolds air was rigged to
shut off at 1:15
If Shelton had his lunch on
time he'd still be alive.
Fuck this guy, Nick.
He wants to play games,
we can play games too.
We need to take the gloves off.
Hey Nick, it's Sarah. Listen.
Clyde murdered his cellmate.
Warden is furious, he's
moving him to solitary.
That's all I know right now.
Found Reynolds.
Well, it was too late,
you are here.
I had to call his wife and
tell her that her husband
had been buried alive.
Well, justice should
be harsh, Nick.
Especially for those who
denied it to others.
And your cellmate, what
was that about?
You murdered a man because
your lunch was late.
No. No.
No, you murdered him because
you couldn't keep your word.
We made a deal
you and I, 1:00 pm.
Now that's an important principle
I'd like you to learn, Nick.
Keeping your word.
- Oh, really?
Well, what principle was
at work when you
tortured and killed
those people?
That everyone must be held
accountable for their actions.
You think your wife and
daughter would feel good
about you killing
in their name?
My wife and daughter
can't feel anything.
They're dead.
Hey, Nick. On Clydes real estate,
judge Stansfeld shut us down.
He's looking for some legal
precedent Im not sure exists.
- But, I think I may have
found a way around him,
I'm gonna call in a favour
from a friend.
- Who's your friend?
You don't name your friends
or they stop doing favours.
Something else Cantrell said?
- No, thats all you.
Jonas. Hi.
She's thinking just
like you, Nick.
Guess you trained her well.
One day she'll have my job.
- Let's get some air.
Clydes government contract
payments were bothering me,
I pulled some old strings.
We're meeting someone.
Who might that be?
Someone who does some
really nasty shit
so we can live the
american dream.
So Clyde finally lost it?
Somebody must have
really pissed him off.
You worked with Shelton,
is that right?
First of all, I was never
here, and we never spoke.
Tell us what we're
dealing with.
Shelton was a spy?
- Spies are a dime a dozen.
I'm a spy.
Clyde is a brain. He's a
think-tank type guy.
His specialty was low
impact kinetic operations.
Just a fancy way to say
that he kills people.
We kill people.
He figured out how to do it
without being in the same room.
It was his gift.
And he was the best.
One time we're tasking
this tricky target.
We were using cruise
missiles, predators,
we even had a B-2 bomber
fly to this guys villa
to jade him. We're burning up
millions in ordinance,
we're getting nowhere
with this guy.
So we call Clyde. We ask
him to solve our problem.
Clyde develops a kevlar
thread, with a high-tech
ratchet made of
carbon fiber.
Puts it in a necktie.
Two days later,
Mrs Bad Guy comes home,
finds Mr Bad Guy
dead on the bathroom tile.
Choked to death.
What I'm saying is, just
assume that this guy
can hear and see everything
that you are doing.
No, we got him locked
under maximum security.
If he's in jail it's because
he wants to be in jail.
He's a born tactician.
Every move he makes,
it means something.
That cellmate that he killed,
you think that was random?
That's a pawn being
moved over the board.
And if I were you, I'd be
looking for the next piece.
Anybody who had anything
to do with that case,
he's gonna be coming
after you.
So what are you saying?
That we can't stop him?
Walk into his cell and
put a bullet in his head.
Aside from that, no,
you can't stop him.
If Clyde wants you dead,
you're dead.
- Sarah, it's me.
Setup a meeting with
judge Birch.
We need her to help
keep Clyde on ice.
Help us with what, Nick?
The man's in prison.
It's worse than we thought.
Chester's your boyfriend, right?
- Chester? Yeah.
Good. Maybe stay a few
days at his place.
And have Dunnigan send
a patrol car to my house.
Sorry about this, Sarah.
I can't supercede the penal
code. You've already got him
in solitary, a half-decent
paralegal will have him
out of there by next week.
- We just want to limit his options.
Give him less contact.
Less access.
Even if it's just rescinding his
mandatory exercise for a week.
Under what cause?
- Whatever cause you want.
Wrap it around whatever
piece of legal doctrine
that helps you rationalize it.
Your honor.
So, let me get this straight.
You want me to violate
his God-given civil rights
in the name of some
murky sense of the greater
good, is that the jist of it?
Okay. I'm game.
Just dont plan on it
sticking for long. Alright?
What, you gonna take that?
After all the grief
you've given me over
cell phones?
Thats one of the benefits
of being a judge, Mr Rice,
I can pretty much do
whatever I want.
Oh my God.
Back up.
So you're killing
judges now?
In my experience, Nick,
lessons not learned in blood
are soon forgotten.
And vengeance keeps
you warm at night?
That's what you think this
is about? Vengeance!?
What else could it be?
- No, Nick,
I had ten years for vengeance,
if that's what I wanted.
You don't think that
I watch you go to work,
every morning 8:00 am?
Or that I watch Ellie take
Denise to school 8:15?
No, I could've slaughtered
you or your family,
anytime I wanted, Nick.
- If you even think about
touching my family.
If you even think about
touching my family.
I do my job.
I'm the best at it.
It works.
You were doing your job,
the way it best served you, Nick.
The way it best served you.
That has to change.
- What do you want, Clyde?
Your war with the world, It's not
gonna bring anybody back.
No, Im at war with this.
This, this broken thing.
This thing that brought
you and I together.
This broken thing works,
for people that are sane.
You think doing what you're
doing is gonna change anything?
You, and whoever you have
helping you, are gonna pay.
I don't think you have any
idea who's helping me.
Or what I'm doing.
- It's a matter of time.
You see the bodies,
you see the smoke.
But the larger picture
still eludes you.
Do tell.
I would like to, but
I would rather show you.
I have faith in you, so I will
give you one last chance.
Here's the deal:
Release me. And drop
all charges by 6:00 am.
- Or what?
Or I kill everyone.
- Yeah, Sarah,
He has to have an accomplice.
Probably somebody inside
the prison. We have to go
through all the prisons files
to find some connection.
- Do you want the files
run to the office?
No, there isn't time.
Get everybody together,
and bring them to the prison.
We're moving in.
Stop looking at your watch.
Anything from your friend?
This treaty with Panama
is a mess. We cant access
anything about property
holdings, but my friend found
this loophole for access to
clients corporate expenses.
Does that help?
So match sell prices of industrial
property sold in Philly,
up against purchases made
by his corporation.
Okay. I got it.
Hey, Nick, can I ask
you something?
Would you do it the same
way now, would you still
cut a deal for Darby?
This is a job, Sarah.
We have to make choices.
Did you make the right choice?
- We made the right choice.
I don't know. I'm 35, Nick,
and there are things,
possibilities that I'm not
gonna have now.
And it's okay. And it was
part of the deal.
Don't get me wrong,
I love working for you.
But I just wanna know that
I gave up those things for
more than just a high
conviction rate.
Alright, lets just get focused.
This guy is not God.
He's not the all-powerful,
he's just well prepared.
We need to be equally
well prepared.
Take a couple of hours,
go home, come back,
and we'll get a fresh start.
Hey Nick. Get some rest.
- Give Chester my regards.
When do I get to meet him?
- Oh, he's not ready for that.
Good night, Jonas.
I don't know how this one's
gonna turn out, Nick.
We're gonna stop him, that's
how it's gonna turn out.
Noo! No.
In the past 48 hours,
Justice Department
have been killed in
a series of vicious and
premeditated attacks.
This marks the first time
in the history of the US
where government officials,
have been, by all appearances,
Systematically murdered.
Nick, I'm sorry to have to do this,
but we got something here.
Found this.
Right outside the wall.
Radio beacon.
Sent an arming signal
to the car bombs when
they went through the gate.
- Security said they checked
every car before they
got here.
Better check the gas stations.
Real precise stuff too.
Could have taken out a
lot more if he wanted to.
What about Nicks car?
- That's the weird thing.
It's clean. Haven't been touched.
I gotta go.
Jesus Christ.
- Yes, ma'am.
So let me get this straight.
Not only do we know who did it,
We have him locked up and
he's still killing people?
You boys sure fucked
this one up.
The press is gonna kill us.
Can someone explain
this to me?
We can't yet.
How did this get away
from you, Jonas?
It's complicated, April.
He's very smart.
He's very angry.
We assume he has an accomlice
helping him on the outside.
I'm not having this conversation.
I don't care how smart he is,
or who's helping him.
Release a statement saying
we have suspects,
we're following leads,
nothing alarming.
Mayor, you have my word.
We are gonna stop this guy,
he's not gonna hurt
anybody else.
I'm assigning security to
each of you from now on.
Get this situation under
control, gentlemen.
No phone calls, no credit cards,
no computers. Just cash.
Daddy, are you coming?
Of course I am.
- You better, Nick.
Need to go.
- I love you, Nick.
Come on baby.
Love you, daddy
- Love you too.
Nick, phone line's clear.
Nobody has been tampering,
Should have taken my deal.
Six fucking innocent people,
that's how you wanna play it?
It's okay. It's okay.
I know you're angry.
That's good.
That's what it takes.
That's how is has to be.
What if I said you fighting
them was wrong?
What if I had said let's
take them to trial.
I would say you're
making progress.
And we might have lost.
And Ames and Darby
would both go free.
Don't you get that?
You didn't care, Nick.
You didn't even try.
You could've walked
out of court
with your head held high.
I could've lived with that, Nick.
I keep my head high,
and you will end this.
I've just gotten warmed up.
This is when it turns into
a shit total fucking war.
I'm gonna pull the whole
thing down.
I'm gonna bring the whole
fucking diseased
corrupt temple down
on your head.
It's gonna be biblical.
Jesus, Nick, she was
a good kid.
Did we bring this all
on ourselves?
Absolutely not.
You don't actually believe
that, do you?
Alright, gentlemen.
Sorry, we need to get going
to the press conference.
Stay sharp.
We're on the move.
We alright?
- It's dead.
Electrical system fried.
What's going on back there?
Dunningan, tell them to
get Jonas away.
What the fuck is that?
Get down! Get down!
No, Nick!
You can't.
Please, listen to me!
I told you to handle this.
You didn't.
Now we have a jailed
psycopath who's managed
to bring this entire
city to its knees.
One of my friends was
just murdered.
More than one of my friends
is gone, Mayor.
What I should do is fire you.
Right now.
I resign.
Is that your real answer?
- I think that's best.
No. I'm not gonna
allow that to happen.
Bring me the bible.
I wont let some criminal
decide whether Philadelphia
has a DA or not.
As of now you're acting
District Attorney.
We'll have a formal
swearing in later.
For now, this will
suffice. Stand up.
Put your left hand on the
bible, raise your right hand,
Repeat after me:
I, Nicholas Rice
Do solemnly swear,
That I will support,
And defend the
constitution of the US
People aren't going to work,
kids aren't going to school,
They're scared.
And I dont blame them.
So I'm implementing the
emergency provision
of the Philadelphia code,
we will lock this city down.
Starting now noone moves
in this city unrestricted.
I want a show of force
for the public.
Uniforms, detectives,
Put an armed cop on
every corner.
If you have to give shotguns
to the meter maids, do it.
There should be no doubt
in peoples minds that the
city is secure and under
our control.
Okay, Clyde. I get it.
Listen, that contraption
that killed Cantrell,
it was a weaponized
bomb disposal robot.
Can you believe that?
Damn thing had video,
night vision, you name it.
It fired military API
for christ sake.
That's anti-tank rounds, Nick.
I think he's saving you for last.
Nick, I'm serious.
Appreciate the insight.
Nick, get in front of this guy
if you want to stay alive.
I may have a way.
Something a friend is
helping me out with.
Your friend?
Man named Chester, I'll
call you back.
Thank you, Sarah.
"Hope this helps. -C"
It's Nick.
Give me the real estate listing
of every industrial property
sold here in the last
You're kidding me, right?
You're saying Clyde
owns this place?
Something about it
sticks out, right?
Uhhh, you'll do what
I think you're gonna do?
What about his civil rights?
Fuck his civil rights.
There's gotta be
something in here.
Remember this, from
outside the house?
Un-fucking believable.
Look at this.
Watch your step.
This guy tunneled
into prison?
Holy shit.
Fuck, Semtex.
Police uniforms,
other disguises.
He tunneled into
every cell.
Over here.
Oh shit. He wanted to be
transfered to solitary.
Surprise, motherfucker.
He's not here.
- Then where is he?
Nomos, what happened
to your eye?
Ah, long story.
Step right here, Sir.
Lets see your ID, please.
- Yeah, sure.
Turn around, Sir,
extend your arms.
Something going
on tonight?
The Mayor.
Look at this.
He tapped into
the prison cams.
Jesus, he's got
cameras everywhere.
Von Clausewitz.
"City Hall Access Card"
He's at City Hall.
Free to go, Sir.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Don't worry about it.
Better be safe than
sorry, right?
Get ready to evacuate
the building.
We'll need a tactical unit
and a bomb squad.
Bad idea. Have them
come in soft.
If Shelton spots them or
any of us we're fucked.
Where's the tactical team?
- Coming in soft, no sirens.
Bomb squad?
- You're looking at it.
Great. Okay.
We'll take the north
stairs, you take the west.
Woah, woah, woah.
ID's please.
He's the fucking DA!
- Good for him. ID's please.
What's going on here tonight?
Judy meeting with
all the press.
What floor?
- 6th floor, Caucus room.
What floor is this?
- That's the 5th floor, Sir.
Directly below the
Caucus room.
If we catch this
motherfucker red handed,
we gotta take him alive.
Where is he?
What the fuck are
we looking for?
Wait, wait wait.
Right there.
Stand back, dont
touch anything.
Wasn't exactly
my first instinct.
It's napalm, basically.
This will take out this
floor and the floor above.
Looks like it's triggered
by this cell phone here.
What, so, an incoming
call arms it?
Yeah. Maybe 30 seconds
until boom time.
- Dunningan, what are you doing?
I'm calling the Mayors security.
- We can't
Clyde is watching. If he sees them
evacuate he will detonate.
We don't tell the Mayor
So, what do we do?
Wait a second.
We got something.
- He's pulling up.
Thank you for coming in
on short notice.
I have one simple question.
Why is Clyde Shelton
still in my city?
Now I refuse to believe,
that one man
is smarter than homeland
security, the FBI,
the Sheriffs Department,
or Philly PD.
I don't care how we do it,
or what kind of
obscure legal justification
we have to invoke.
I don't care what laws
we have to bend.
I am sure there is a provision
of the homeland security act
that we can activate.
Just get him out of here
by tomorrow.
I wasn't expecting company.
Yeah, would've cleaned
up a little.
Never seen anybody
tunnel into prison before
And the solitary confinement
was clever.
Well that's how winners play.
We convince the other guy
he's making all the
right moves.
So did you ever catch
my accomplice?
Yeah, I did. It's the end
of the road for him now.
You played us, Clyde,
you played us real good.
Thank you. Yup.
Im glad you finally get
to appreciate
some of the effort I put
into all of this.
Well, you set out to
make a point, Clyde.
You made it.
- No, people still don't get it.
They dont appreciate what
I'm trying to say, Nick, but...
they will. Soon enough.
A man I cared about once
told me that we can't
retract the decisions that
we've made, we can only
affect the decisions we're
going to make from here.
What, are you trying
to save me now, Nick?
I'm giving you a way out.
Big difference.
Stand up for those principles
you've been preaching,
we're all held accountable
Clyde, that includes you.
Why don't we do
the right thing here.
I'm doing the
right thing, Nick.
You just have to see
it that way.
By murdering all those
people, all you're doing is
destroying the memory
of your daughter.
And causing the same pain
that you're suffering from.
So what do you suggest, Nick?
Make another deal?
One final offer,
is that what it is?
I don't make deals with
murderers anymore, Clyde.
You taught me that.
- Finally.
Well done. Bravo.
Maybe I wasnt such a
bad teacher after all.
If you go through
with this, Clyde,
it's a decision you will
have to live with
for the rest of your life.
I'm sorry, Nick.
Me too.
Like I said, Clyde, it's a
decision you will have to
live with for the rest
of your life.
Which I figure by now is
about 25 more seconds.