Le grand soir (2012)

The Big Night.
Hey, Not, where are you going?
Do you care?
There it is.
You know understand me...
I love you,
my mommy, I love you...
Even when the day will come,
your first white hair...
I'll look yet
like a little boy...
It's me!
It's just a matter of money.
Take it or not.
I'm not telling you to lend me money for.
Depends on what you want.
With 3 or 4%, you can get the Panasonic,
a bit more expensive it is true...
But credit will lasts longer,
understand how important it is?
And surrond, whatever they say,
you still have the Dolby Stereo,
But it's really something surrond
completely envelops.
It can be up to 23 +1,
23 +1! You see?
Do you call this bird,
which is kept in a single leg?
I think it's a flamingo,
but not a flamenco...
They are birds
live in Africa...
We had seen a few in a
Lille zoo...
Remember Dad?
We had seen some Zoo in Lille.
Remember? We had a beer,
And you said, "Look, it's going to fall".
Moreover these birds,
than those seen in the gardens.
And so,
I have the entire right leg,
Very hard because...
It depends on what you watch,
"Who wants to be a millionaire?"
remains more or less true.
To change a car race,
if it's bad, you do not see the cars.
The point is that if the sound
completely surrounds you, you're happy.
With perfect surrond, know?
It's just a matter of money.
But between 13,000 and 15,000,
the difference is not so great.
What do you think?
I, in any case,
I have no money.
But if I ask for a loan,
Yes I will have!
Only 3-4% more, nothing else.
And seeing as the sound surrounds you,
To define age...
Press button No. 2...
With finger... many times...
as years...
You want.
Dad do not look good.
I'm fine, as a type,
still working...
When their children,
would have to pay for retirement.
Not only this.
Not rather, your back pain?
It is the disease of the century!
can be for something very simple.
A bad mattress...
A bad mattress...
You know I have to change mattress
least every five years?
Jean-Pierre... for.
Ok. I understand.
Do not talk about work.
Of course with Ben,
to talk about work...
Do not call me that. Ok?
Nobody called me that in 15 years.
Here! My Name is Not.
Not! I forgot, Not!
Not? Okay,
you can go get your mother.
Met happy...
Met happy...
Met happy Lord, Lady...
Met happy!
We can no longer hold real candles,
by the new safety standards.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Happy Birthday Mom!
Happy Birthday!
Thank you.
I dislike... well... birthdays.
I know it is annoying
for all...
But you have to respect rules today
we are not in the Middle Ages.
And he criticizes, criticizes...
But not for nothing,
if life expectancy increases.
Hey, I'm on the street daily.
I searched,
but I've never seen life expectancy!
For, I know your speech.
I guess for you,
this is the enemy?
But notice that there are thousands
of people who come here every day.
And not just because it is cheaper...
But because there is life!
- Life?
- Yes.
Hot for Summer
heat for the winter...
- And round security.
- Ah, the safety!
It is one of the few places in the world,
where you can walk in regulated buildings...
With people regulated...
Surrounded regulated products.
And your stupidity,
be regulated?
That is easy.
It'll take you.
I guess you have your pride.
Safety place.
What are you doing here?
- Eh?
- What are you doing here?
- I need to rest.
- With the dog?
What is race?
- A pastor punk.
- Eh?
A pastor punk.
It has English blood?
- What?
- If the pastor has English blood punk?
I think yes.
- Having English blood, is to have class!
- Yes
I hope your dog will have enough class
not to shit in the house.
- Yes.
- Yes?
- Promise?
- Yes.
Good night.
How not enough orange?
Course is orange,
I checked with the color catalog.
Is the orange Grand Litter, right?
Orange is orange,
Check the graphic card.
Will see which is the corresponding orange.
Nothing to do with the Orange.
It is much more orange
the orange of Orange.
Well, now I have no time,
come rebates and...
I have clients who are waiting.
Well, talk to you later,
it later.
I have to say something.
He had a good weekend,
Mr. Director?
- Bonzini?
- Yes, Sir.
Bonzini are behind.
I have problems with my daughter,
found no nanny.
No, you are behind your target,
very late.
And the assessment meeting is
after tomorrow.
It Bonzini crisis.
Some are not made to survive.
They are easily recognized,
Are overdue.
Oh, enough, enough!
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
Ando cart.
Do not shout so scared the dog.
Ando cart.
8.6 to walk some shopping?
You who know,
know where the shelf "beers and pellets"?
- Do not tease me.
- I kid you not.
I was thinking about what you said.
People come here,
because life comes for.
I thought you were right.
They come to get some cold,
in hot...
Some heat, when it's cold...
And I thought: that's okay!
Because I would be the only fool
to stay in the center?
So I came to buy, you see.
- I warn Benoit, if...
- Hey ..
Not. My name is Benoit,
Not my name is important.
If you mess, do not care if you are my
brother, call immediately to security.
- Is that clear?
- Yes, I am not of this kind.
- Entered into your head, understand?
- Yes.
If you mess-up.
I do not care that you're my brother.
These are the rules,
this is the norm.
I give a shit about the brother.
Security soon!
- Yeah, no problem.
- Dress the guard?
Care. I do not care. A call.
It is a very technical,
called "smart foam"...
Fits every inch
its silhouette...
Which means total comfort,
and sleep for granted.
Look... Squeeze...
The foam takes the form,
and returns to its initial position.
Look: fix, takes the form,
and the same again.
Look: bind, now very strong...
It takes the form,
and the same again.
I do not care.
I did not come to that.
And what came then?
Need bedding?
I come to test the mattresses...
Taking references...
The brands, prices...
So I come home,
buy it online...
But cheaper.
I see.
You know what we do?
You're going to go.
I'm staying.
You go.
I'm staying.
No. I'm staying.
Do not bother and go.
Yes, that's right.
Listen to me please
is important.
I'll have to leave
a little here.
I hear?
Because where I'm going,
do not accept dogs.
They are fools.
Here you are safe, is a roundabout
the safest place in the world.
You will not have bad encounters,
is no longer a little noisy.
I leave a few pellets.
That's it.
And if you're thirsty...
Since I opened...
You push with your leg,
and lean...
So, okay?
That's it.
Do not get mad. Do not get mad.
It takes courage.
We are a family of two.
I will be back soon, okay?
Give me a kiss.
I'm going!
Do not eat all the pellets,
than once!
No, do not do this.
Be back soon, be back soon,
do not worry!
Enough, I feel sorry,
I will return!
Yes, honey, it's me.
Called to say I have to go
coproprietarios a meeting of...
And also tell you...
I'm not stalking you.
I call quiet, no pressure.
I understood that for now,
rather be alone.
I swear I'm in my normal state,
I promise.
Do not get angry.
I'm talking normally,
or am I angry?
Do not get angry.
For I tell you. I'm not angry,
But... To!
Listen to me! I need to talk,
listen to me!
What? But you!
It's you! It's your fault!
They are so used to come.
Always running...
Because obviously no internet,
all you want...
In short, it's your problem,
not mine...
But I will say frankly:
We must take the time
look at this...
Because if seen after
you can eat as much as restaurant...
After shopping,
to account, it is our money.
It's true!
Yes, yes.
- Yes there are benefits on purchases...
- It's true...
Now, this is good to go to the bathroom.
It seems...
- Well, we...
- I wanted to ask...
- What is your name?
- Not.
I wanted to ask...
He spoke of a drink,
or eating something...
Maybe we can make something...
- Not now!
- Why?
When you finish shopping.
Then I finish shopping,
and I can...
Yes, of course!
I can choose my beer?
Sure if you want, why not we.
Because for example, I...
No, it means,
more time to take her home.
Or we can take together...
Of course.
Look, here are the shelves...
I did not want to go to the
shelves of alcohol, is chance...
This is the same...
I realized with bottles...
From appetizer, or anything...
That decreased the dose!
Alcohol? I'll tell you.
No, not of Alcohol,
I talk about the amount.
The amount...
So instead of 1 liter,
There are 3/4.
- They're unhappy...
- Sure!
Look, all there!
Well, that's...
And what is this?
Here... eh...
There are many options here!
I was not expecting that.
I've never seen that.
From this, take me.
Yes, wait... I'm seeing if...
From this, take me.
And it's super...
Because there is the same with...
Not the with...
- The old cap, you know?
- Yes, yes, look...
How convenient!
It seems very intelligent.
But with...
The old bottle...
The new caps, and will not gas.
Yes, that's right.
It's cheaper. I took it.
I give 6 then. Give me 3?
Yeah, okay.
We deserved it.
The carousel the City
I smiles City...
Mom, have to do me a favor.
Sorry but I'm with the girl,
and I can take to the store ..
- But it can not be!
- Yes, you can be a mom...
- So it was really...
- Mom, I beg you, you have to...
- Mom, look at me...
- But how disgusting!
- Disgusting!
- I have to do a favor.
I have a little girl, I can not take with me...
Mom, listen to me!
Listen to me, listen to me!
You see? Pregnant... at age 54!
I understand mom is wrong,
but I'm in serious trouble...
You have to care for the girl.
I can not take to the store.
This is no time.
- Understand?
- But...
We also is our day off!
- Come on!
- I do not know how!
Sure, you did us...
Well, thanks... I leave it... I call.
Take care of the girl!
I'm not your mother!
Salgo two minutes. Two minutes.
I... eh...
Didier, you copy?
Yes, I hear you.
There is a suspicious individual in
the gallery n 2. You can go see?
Ok, I will.
Thank you.
Okay, I'm watching.
Follow it.
Jean speaks, for Central...
I have nothing now,
in the fire via...
You can go see?
Someone pushing a shopping weird...
- You'll see and tell me?
- Ok, I will.
Ok, thanks.
Usually, I see.
What is? Are cheese or what?
Right, are cheeses.
Ok... Stay with an eye on.
Have a penny?
Comes organic, eh?
Eat organic the bourgeois!
And your cancer will also be organic!
And for chemo, I advise
the supermarket La Chinita!
You are very tired, you.
Look, look at them!
Look at the fat there,
the chubby look.
It has a coin for the dog,
is having surgery...
They will operate the dog,
have a penny?
No, it has nothing...
Eat, eat, eat...
They eat "light" and...
Go to mourn in your cereal,
Dress? They eat "light"
but eat 10 times more!
This means no?
We sell things all year, but...
It would be good also buy something,
from time to time!
- I'm sick, I'm sick.
- No, get out of the car!
Out of the car, come on! Hurry!
- I left to shop?
- Yes, but out of the car, hurry!
- Ah! I'm very bad.
- Lie, and out of the car!
- Bought yogurt?
- No, no.
I go if I get a yogurt.
- And for the dog pellets?
- No, no more yogurt.
- Look, what evil is.
- Bullshit!
- Only for the dog pellets.
- Are you crazy!
Now get out. I take a yogurt.
You're crazy!
I can take a little...
What did you see?
What shameless!
- I can not believe!
- Me neither.
Agent Central gallery.
There's a guy in the gallery...
Sounds like a salesman...
is very rare...
It seems a little angry.
You can go and see what happens?
Take an object
a suspicious package...
I fail to see what is...
Okay, I'll check and find out.
Appreciate it.
Go ahead, I'm listening.
I'm in the place.
Indeed, he is very angry...
It addresses all customers.
I'll see what happens.
A baby, please.
- Ice?
- Yes.
Thank you.
Good morning.
I hear your order.
I do not come to this.
I come to retrieve a girl...
That will have to be stopped.
I think it is further,
section deliveries.
In deliveries?
Nothing to do.
He had said.
It becomes totally crazy,
It is the second window.
I believe if I tell you
never eat a hamburger?
Menu "Giant", right?
No, I am a girl who have
have let in a little red.
Ah, are you?
Nothing to do. Awesome.
Thank you. Excuse me.
It's a shame. The last time, my
mother left her in a landfill.
My affection.
It's over, finished.
Ms know: perhaps lived more things today
you throughout your life.
Finished my love.
Mr. Attorney, if all this I have no
tuition, no longer understand anything.
- Smells rich chips!
- What?
Come here!
Come, do not be silly!
Do not get dumber than the product!
It's called smart foam.
Give me your hand.
Give me your hand!
- Let me alone!
- I appreciate!
Look, look!
I know it does not achieve,
but from there to linger, is exaggerated.
Do not want to see more Bonzini.
No way.
5 years ago I started working here.
Do not exaggerate.
- We accept your resignation, Bonzini.
- What?
I quit? Who you think I am?
I want my compensation,
my unemployment insurance.
Yesterday afternoon,
Been there?
This is nonsense. What is this?
It's not me.
Are modified images...
He says many rude,
and I say very few.
Enough Bonzini.
Wait scores a goal bastard!
Where is this?
Course I'm going to leave
your fucking job!
Well, resigns if not happy!
It was a joke.
Waive this shit work...
Jean-Pierre Bonzini.
It's silly.
It is sufficient, or do I?
Renouncing this shitty job,
Jean-Pierre Bonzini.
It was a joke. It's absurd.
I did a little party and...
Goodbye, Bonzini.
I had a dream, 8.6 .
No figurabas.
I do not like this.
I do not like.
I did not sleep enough.
A coffee.
Baila, soft legs.
Not feeling well, Bonzini?
I want my job.
It's too late.
Look there in his office...
It Dupillon Renald,
the son of the founder of Grand Litter.
I would like to open an account
for my daughter: Audrey Bonzini.
It has 8 months.
How much to give?
An initial deposit of 100 euros,
and then 10% of my salary.
Now I'm like "pause"
so are 20 euros each month.
- There is nothing I see in your account.
- What?
But I have 3000 euros in my account.
Yes, but there were several twists.
17h48: 610 euros for shoes...
18h12: 348 euros a hairdresser...
From new shoes for 426 euros...
Then, bodybuilding perineum
in a gym for 769 euros...
1499 euros for a "Black and White
Adventures" in the Dominican Republic...
And automatic transfers
10 euros monthly Tricot Foundation.
His wife is not quite right
Between us: never have
joint bank account...
Love has to save some mystery.
What can you do now?
You can do nothing, eh?
Do not bother me!
Son of...
Son of...
Son of...
Daughter of...
Grandson of...
Son of...
Today, if you're the son of someone famous,
You can not achieve anything.
I do not know why I bother
in making curriculum.
I am the son of a nobody.
Jean-Pierre, just your mother and I,
I want to propose something.
As you know, convey their work...
It is the duty of co-
Returned to France.
And the dream of all parents,
is seeing her son...
Continue your work.
The fisherman, would like
see his son fishing...
The farmer, cultivate your child...
When your child blacksmith forge,
and patatero...
Do not worry.
You are about to rebound.
Sure you're going to rebound.
Because you're...
A winner.
You are at maturity.
What you will achieve, sure.
He has a wife...
He... or rather has a daughter.
He has a house...
It has... several pants...
Many pairs of shoes...
Expect it warm in the house
when he returns from work...
And works well...
But now, is a little bad, see?
Yes, it's there.
He asked me to represent him,
so I'll give...
His... his shorts...
Yes, I really like this.
Here, I can locate.
It's where my parents.
My dad is CEO
the Patatera, there.
Not to speak too fast.
She had a stroke...
Smoking a cigarette...
So better contact me.
If you have a job to Jean-Pierre,
my brother...
Would be nice if it were a
permanent contract well paid.
Because... is a brain. Ok?
Thank you!
You can not, sir.
How it is possible?
My brother works up to 7 hours a day,
you see?
Is sacrificed,
and can not know...
The manager of this store of shit!
No Sir, is the crisis.
- Is the crisis.
- The crisis!
Are you making fun of me?
I see people with cars...
Full of shit products,
very expensive, no crisis!
- Do not tell stories, I know...
- Calm down.
Be right back.
That's it! Go...
Ya, right!
No wonder
if after brain drain there!
Because he school has less...
Watch your penguin!
Dale, go get security!
In any case we never
worked for Chinese!
Long live the Dalai Lama!
What the hell are you doing!
You fool! Come here!
Enough with your safety, okay!
- Good morning.
- Good morning Mr. Bonzini.
I was asked to tell you...
- His two sons...
- Yes?
Not going well.
How not going well?
Well, not going well.
- Not going well?
- No. Not going well.
That's not right.
But... It will go well?
No, it will not do well.
We are not going well at all.
Or if you are walking...
But it will be wrong...
- And you are ...?
- Yes, I will...
This is not right at all.
- And you walk ...?
- Yes.
- Yes .. If I walk...
- Really goes ...?
Well wrong.
- Yes, I'm...
- Go...
I will say that it will do well.
Take this can,
and press hard with your mouth.
Let me do.
That's it. Squeeze.
It may hurt.
You were a cuckoo...
And you're going to become an eagle,
my brother.
You were a dung beetle...
And you're going to become earwig.
You were just a appetizer...
And you will become a main course.
Yes, I know.
You thought your life was over?
But new is about to begin, brother.
I'll put the ink.
Bleeds a little, but it's nothing.
It is normal.
Through this sacred act...
I release you...
Job... Forever.
We tightened, strong squeezes.
You are free! You are free!
Hey! I had a dream.
Danced really well in my dream.
Hey, Diogenes!
Get up, we have to do!
Was born last night...
Between heaven and earth...
never knew my mother...
never knew my father...
'm a butterfly...
not know my name...
'm a butterfly...
What did you do to my hair?
It's nothing. Just a scab.
- No need to touch but will stay.
- A scab of what?
It's nothing,
is because you moved.
And I left behind, no?
No, well behind.
- You cut back too?
- Should get you this thing.
- The tie?
- Yes?
Yes, because if you're a wild dog,
not you stay with your belt.
I can give some advice?
Yes, go ahead.
You should take care.
Because when you live on the street...
And not only, but especially
if you live in the street...
You have to watch,
have to take the time.
- I understand?
- Yes.
For example...
Walk a little to see.
- Walk?
- Yes.
Where do you want to walk?
So later?
Is this okay?
No, not right.
- What is wrong?
- No, not right.
You are very tense.
Feel your neck? It's like cement.
Surely your heart beats.
- Sure!
- Look at me.
I'm relaxed. Is the sun...
I totally loose. And way.
My feet stick to the floor, you see?
My arms are rubber...
My brain is just available. Logical
because I do not know where I'm going.
I am free, you know? I am free.
Give you!
- Path Like you?
- Dale!
You'll see, is very...
- So?
- Yeah, all right, and especially...
You should not stay still.
Never, but you think about it.
And if you think, you die.
In addition, walking is healthy.
Ever see a fat punk?
- You are progressing.
- So?
Dams, for here there everywhere.
Just tame.
No need to scare them.
View our faces?
You have to sweeten your voice...
Reach out and seem miserable.
Lady, have a penny, to eat?
Sorry Ms.
It would have a dime...
No, no!
What did I do?
I did it just the way you said:
I relaxed...
Sorry Ms...
Leave it. Leave it!
Not a hunchback!
No wonder you never
you sold mattresses!
You look like a hunchback!
You have to look miserable,
but not a total idiot!
No, that's enough!
I'll get the dog back.
It's okay. It is the beginning.
It's okay!
Let's find the dog, it will be easier.
- Because the dog knows what to do?
- No, but pitiful dogs, come!
Good morning.
It would have a cigarette?
A cigarette?
A cigarette. Smoking.
Not take two more.
It's for my brother and me.
I can stay with the pack?
Bravo! Dress, I tell you!
I'll introduce a cool guy.
Reads the future in the brandy.
Never was wrong with me.
- Is he here?
- Are here.
He is very nervous.
- I can?
- Wait!
I can ask you something?
Yes I will...
I will find work again?
You will not find work
But... will achieve getting...
a practice...
Without renumbering,
in home care.
All right.
- Y...
- Wait.
Dale, ask your question.
Will I live long?
Less than Sor Teresa...
But more than Benny Hill...
And soon you'll get...
A safe for adults...
Super, then. Super.
Thank you!
Will I meet a woman?
I see...
A beautiful woman...
Very cute.
- Yes?
- With Asian features...
- Oh yeah?
- Yes.
Do not worry, I did not tell the truth.
The truth is too beautiful...
For that you can stand.
Have you heard from the boys?
No, no.
Jo! Off the current, fast!
What are you doing?
Dad, Mom, we are here!
You're our father?
What do you mean?
Well, I am your father.
Is it true?
40 years were delayed to say...
We wanted to tell
when they would be 18 years...
But people never really...
So we did not have the courage.
Retaking Patatera business...
We totally immersed.
That's right!
Both of his parents, because...
I do not know who they are...
Because both times I was drunk...
So... I do not know...
Yeah, okay.
Where can we go?
We had no future,
Now we are not even past.
I told you:
It is best not to think.
Go ahead, live the present.
No one.
The shutters are closed.
It means nothing.
Good morning.
Let's go, let's go!
We walked to the stacker and...
We had a gas corduroy.
There are gas around here?
You know, there...
There are times when one,
not much mind...
Looks like everything is going wrong...
But, it's just...
an impression... actually.
I was not right at all...
And now... See?
I'm much better...
It's something you think...
How to say...
It's a radical solution...
It is a much simpler solution...
A problem,
is surely more complex...
I know your problem...
But surely it is more complex and...
You pretend to be too simple,
against something that is complicated.
Admitting that his idea...
We are not criticizing the concept...
But if I may make a criticism, because...
Lack of originality...
Of happiness...
Of chivalry said...
And no punk...
Could have been a psychologist.
See this?
This is from that I share with you.
Sure! Since I share with you.
I feel more people.
See, you're right. Before...
People were only leads...
To sell mattresses...
But since I'm with you,
I feel more...
I felt that the guy was bad...
And with some keywords...
And it was thanks to you also.
You said "not punk".
I would not have done better.
I swear, you become...
In a doctor of souls...
As the Indians...
It's crazy...
Dress, I'm not that dumb.
In these times...
There is no life for children.
Two children.
Two poor children...
They are tiresome!
They are tiresome,
but even more burdensome when not.
On the other hand...
We achieved what we wanted.
They are free.
With Jean-Pierre, was hard.
But we did not?
And we... What we're bored!
Where are the people?
I do not know.
They're not in the factories...
No longer on the field...
They're not in the churches...
Where are they?
They are at home.
They are alone in their homes.
- Where are we going?
- Come on.
You know, the shortest path to freedom,
is a straight line.
- You mean: right?
- Yes, progress.
- Right, right?
- Yes!
- Ok.
- What are you doing?
- Well, I'm right.
- Stop!
Right is right!
Right, you're right, straight!
What right idea to put a swimming pool!
All that is yours is ours,
Sorry, sorry.
Only we, go straight.
- This is private property!
- No! Your house belongs to the bank!
- I'm calling the police!
- Yes, call the police!
They are just like you,
have nothing to do.
It's us. We are up straight!
We straight. Hello Mrs!
Hey! They're in my house!
- We're not at home!
- This is my house!
I'll tell you something:
Your house is in a flood zone.
Exactly! I fished here!
I caught fish of 10 pounds!
If you listen well here. Come!
- You hear the river!
- Let's go!
And she listens to the river!
With this wonderful day...
That is both the union
among youth...
And experience...
Between my daughter
and my old Latin teacher...
Among Bndicte and Quentin...
Among the distilleries Bougnac and
Gerbaux the liquor stores...
I'm the man...
Dad the happiest.
I appreciate all be present...
It's the start of a day
promises to be formidable.
And they will not hesitate...
All memories.
Caballero, please.
Beer! Beer!
But what made me, Beer?
Beer! Beer!
Like my brother!
Sylvie, wanted to say...
You were right...
I'm an idiot.
But I've changed.
I'm more calm.
More mature, more responsible...
All this got me thinking.
I can not say anything,
is a little secret yet, but...
I'm going to surprise you.
I'll do anything.
And you'll be proud of me.
What I will do for you,
by Audrey, for your future.
To have a cleaner world,
he left it to get...
That's it.
Do not forget...
From watching TV tonight.
You'll be proud.
You'll see what your father will do for you.
Your dad loves you.
Words are nothing.
Come! To act!
Why back here?
If you think about it...
It is in a place like this
we can light the fuse.
As in Tunisia or Egypt.
Let's not be silly a salesman!
I remember you started to burn
and nobody cared.
Yes, but that's because
need convincing...
- Take them to think...
- And how?
With all your groups,
know many people?
- Are you on Facebook?
- Yes.
Well, you could use the network,
and convince people.
How about it, eh?
That would be great fondness.
- What would you do for me?
- Yes.
Then we are at 20h,
opposite the old Sodimac.
- I call it?
- Goodbye, Mrs. Groupiant.
You find it?
"Life before it." Is this it?
Yes, I changed the cap,
look inside.
"Insurrection is coming."
Hey, wait. Discreet.
Now you have everything you need
to do what you want to do.
Always took risks you, eh?
You were the only union
at Grand Litter.
So you do not actually stand.
As everyone.
But it has changed.
- Can we count on you?
- Do they do?
Well, making a mess
at the mall!
Light the wick.
Be the detonators
a great social explosion!
- When you want to do?
- Tonight!
I get people to dinner...
And I think... It's never good
to get carried away by anger.
Anger is a bad counselor.
You have to wait it out.
Coming or not?
'Il Do my best.
Go! Make an effort!
It is only 10 meters...
Former Sodimac.
- Come on!
- 'Ll Do my best.
See you tonight!
At 20h!
At 20h, tonight...
There will be something...
Today at 20h,
there will be something.
Near Sodimac.
In Sodimac tonight.
It would have a yogurt?
And today is at 20h,
in Sodimac.
In the former parking lot.
And you have to tell more people, right?
Advise, right?
- Will come tonight?
- No, we have a drink, do not have time.
We have to go see my mom.
No time.
- Sorry.
- You have the key?
- The things can change.
- Yes, I know.
- It's tonight at 20h.
- Okay, okay.
- In ancient Sodimac.
- Okay, thanks.
I'm going to get stubborn.
It's too much for me!
- And ...?
- Is progressing.
- We're good!
- Eh?
- They are excited!
- Yes, super excited!
Will explode!
I stand: Not my name.
I am the oldest punk with dog
And believe me...
It's not easy.
I'm free...
But it costs...
It's not easy...
It is not easy not to fall to the liter...
It is not easy to beg
poor people...
It's not easy being rejected
by women...
It is not easy
actually be only...
They will all agree
me to say that ..
Now... ENOUGH!
Enough! It has to stop,
because they are just like me...
Underpaid, desconsideraros...
And there is no one above
who cares about you.
It is time that the pack yell!
Because we are all punks with dogs.
So if like me
want to do something big...
To join in the old parking
At 20h. Long live the...
The 21hrs.
Maybe too late to...
Perhaps we had
have done it earlier.
People working late...
Having nanny is expensive...
Well, this is very...
It stands to reason.
We had not have done a weekday.
Yes, but still...
I thought we would be more than two!
Good afternoon sir.
I was an idiot!
I just wanted them away
- For Dad!
- This work made me an idiot.
Hey, Dad?
We did not think for a second
in your story.
My kids good...
My little children...
Had to have warned us,
that life was so hard, you know?
Yes, I know.
- You know what to do?
- Go ahead.
Follow what?
I have a little idea for you.
Not bad!
The Big Night.