Le jour des corneilles (2012)

Who is the game, you or him?
It's him.
It's the one that is chewable.
Understood? So, move it.
And don't fall behind.
It's done.
Did you carve him?
Yes, carved him. Sliced and chopped.
Come eat!
The body must be fattened
if you don't want
the outer-world to take you.
Is the outer-world interested in eaters?
No, never!
Hurry up, swallow.
This is something better than
the toads you roast.
Wrap your legs now, and sleep.
Father, can I?
Wow! Ah, ah!
Who is the game, is it me or you?
And the others?
How does that happen?
No, no toads.
They're too small.
Hey, look.
Wait a minute, you. You'll see.
Wait a minute.
Oh, no!
Did you see? What was that?
It's impossible?
How do you know that there is
nothing after the forest?
I know, that's all.
You tried to go there?
If you set foot outside the forest
you disappear forever.
Yes, I know.
Stop with your questions!
Don't you have work to do?
Yes, yes.
Can it be that some kind of...
who can walk outside of the forest
may not disappear?
Father, where are we going?
Do not be distracted, roll!
There is nothing else
than what you see here, son.
Our forest stands in the middle of the sky.
And the stars turn
around like the beast attached to his stake.
Your mother loved this forest.
Each of these trees.
And each of its scents.
And to you
isn't it enough for you!
You want to harm it, isn't it?
What are you scheming
with your questions?
There is nothing outside the forest,
You hear me?
- Yes.
So put it in your head!
Ah, ah!
It's nothing, it's...
It's true that I schemed questions.
You want me to tell you why?
It's not to cause any harm.
It's because earlier I saw an oddity.
A quirk maximally weird.
They looked like father and me.
And they walked outside of the forest.
Like that.
Do you realize?
They really looked like us, but...
Why are they outside of the forest, huh?
Why don't they disappear?
Do you think it's another kind of species?
A bit like us but not really like us?
So how does that happen?
You don't know?
It's okay. It's quirks.
There. Isn't it right?
Here, this is for you.
You'll see, there will be no more...
No more air draft.
It will be good.
You'll see, it will be fine.
Fetch some ropes quickly!
Don't be sluggish!
Hurry up!
Shake your fat.
They are here!
Back off, dirty monsters!
Bunch of skeletons of the outer-world!
I know it's you.
Turn back!
Leave me alone.
Dirty clowns.
You won't have me, you demons!
I'm not afraid of you,
you bunch of corpse draggers.
I'm not afraid of the outer-world.
Father, watch out! Father!
You will never take me.
Never! Ah, ah, ah!
Father, you've hurt?
Father, father, move!
Shake your fat.
Oh, no!
Stand up, say something.
Hey, ho!
Oh, where are you?
Oh, oh, where are you?
Father fell from the roof,
he doesn't want to move.
The sky cracked.
He believes it was you.
He was on the roof,
a tree burned and made him fall.
Well, can you heal him?
It's his leg.
Do you know how to heal legs?
Hey, where you going?
Oh, wait for me.
What are you doing?
Don't take him to the outer-world.
Why are you going this way?
You should not go there,
it will anger father.
And his leg? What will we do
for his leg?
What, but are you insane?
I don't want to disappear.
I won't disappear if I go?
And father neither?
The two that I saw, like father and me,
there was no weirdness.
Well, gosh?
Is it to find them that I have to go?
They can heal legs, right?
Father, it's to cure you.
This is great.
Where did they go, these two?
Father, father! There!
Lots of weird huts.
Ah, ah!
It is you who stinks like that?
You know to heal legs?
Move over, go away.
- Are you sure?
- It's him, I tell you.
What's he doing here?
Father fell from the roof.
What is this!
Stand back.
It's good, move down.
To the classroom at the end.
Come here.
Take him to the refectory.
You know how to heal legs?
What are you doing here?
They're not with you?
No, I don't know.
I wonder where they come from.
I put them there while waiting, but...
Good morning.
How's your name?
What happened to your father?
This is your father?
You know how to heal legs?
Yes, I know how to heal legs.
This is my job, you see.
I'll examine him, may I?
He fell from the roof.
Where is your mother?
In the outer-world.
In the outer-world.
- What is that?
- I don't know.
It's a triple fracture.
We'll have to operate.
Huh? And the boy?
What do we do with him?
There is no free bed?
Uh... Si
In the back room.
I can put him there.
Come, I say.
Oh, Doctor!
He bit me!
We will manage otherwise.
You will not leave me here?
Already that...
Don't worry.
You'll stay here for tonight, okay?
We'll make you a place on your father's bed.
- Let's go.
- Don't push.
I'm not pushing.
This way.
Come on, hurry.
Look, the branch.
He was there.
I bet he's inside.
Good morning, you slept well?
I present to you my daughter.
She's called Manon.
Go with her
while I treat your father.
It will take a while,
so you will be much better with Manon.
Isn't that right, Manon?
Manon, I'm counting on you.
Okay, okay.
Don't worry.
I will take good care of him.
Well, well, are you coming?
Stop sniffling.
Oh, yuck!
Oh, you're disgusting.
There, I can not do it.
No, it's you who does it.
Rub well.
Do you like blue?
Do you like blue?
No, you, do you like?
You like?
Look, for example, me, I like red.
I hate brown.
And the blue.
Blue too, I like.
Me too I like.
Here. Look at you.
Do you like it?
What's wrong?
You don't think you look good like that?
Here, blow your nose.
This is a M for Manon.
- Manon?
- Yes, it's me.
Wait, look.
You do it like this with the handkerchief.
Go ahead.
What is your name?
Your name?
Your father calls you how?
Well, son.
Son? That's not a name.
He doesn't call you otherwise?
Repeat, repeat.
No, you store it there like that.
- Am I bothering you?
No, of course not.
This is about Courge.
He's here?
Mrs. Ronce, please.
An arsonist, a kidnapper,
a criminal!
This is what he's treating.
- Calm down, Mrs. Ronce.
I understand.
You too, you're defending him?
A monster that burned my brother
in the flames
to steal his daughter!
That's enough!
Courge has not killed anyone.
I'm sorry for your brother,
but it was he who caused the fire
by firing indiscriminately with his gun.
You know it well.
It was to protect his daughter.
You've all known Courge.
Stop saying bad things about him.
Don't you think he ended up badly?
Have you tried to go into the forest?
The last one who did was hit
by a tree trunk.
Courge deserves good care
no matter what you reproach him.
And he has a child.
Courge and the Ronce daughter had a child?
The grubby one that we saw.
The one who was with him.
- And what about her?
And my niece?
Where is she, huh?
What has he done to my niece?
What did he do to the Ronce daughter?
Is she alive?
Well, uh...
Exactly, this kid only has his father left.
If we do not treat him...
There you go, what was I saying?
Courge is a murderer, a wild beast!
You want him back to terrorize us?
No, not here.
Let him go back to his forest.
And stay there!
Go away, cannibal!
A long as I'm here,
nobody will touch Courge.
Is that understood?
There, it's ready?
You can get in.
Well, then, I'll let you sleep.
Good night.
No, look.
you slip inside.
This is good.
You stay there, and then you sleep.
And you, you sleep?
The operation went well.
When your father's leg finishes healing
he will walk like before.
He will sleep more.
When he wakes up, you can come see him.
No, thank you, I'm not too hungry.
You have stunning techniques, my boy.
Well, I hope
you won't be too bored without me.
See you tonight kids.
See you Tonight, Dad.
Do not be afraid. Come see me.
We can do like that too.
Goodbye, young man. See you tonight.
There once was a castle
whose towers were...
Don't turn so fast.
Good morning, my little Manon.
Can I come in?
My father is not here.
I got cakes.
Wait, Mrs. Ronce.
You like squashes, as I can see.
Tell me, Manon.
Is your father afraid?
Afraid of what?
He knows that
the ogre takes away young girls
to lock them in his damned forest.
And what does he do them after?
You want to end like that, do you?
Oh, no.
You want to end up like that, darling.
You will tell your sweet daddy, huh?
Tell him to get rid of him
before it is too late.
Leave me alone. Tell him yourself.
We don't care about your stories.
You will care more when you have eaten you
like his poor mother.
Hop, finished, no more Manon!
What's wrong with him?
Do you think he will spare you?
The ogre does not recognize
his own children.
He hates you.
You, like the others!
- Are you okay?
Don't worry, she's crazy.
Listen, ogres don't even exist
She should look at herself.
Did you see her head?
It's her who looks like a witch.
Is it possible that he hates me?
Of course not, what are you talking about?
Are you sure?
Yes, all fathers love their children.
Are your cakes any good?
You want more?
There, there you go!
These dirty cakes, hop!
Does she still impress you, that old hag?
Here, this is for you.
How do you do it?
No, stop.
Not the poor bird.
Hey, hey?
- Soldiers.
- What are they doing?
- Don't you see?
They shoot birds.
Birds are good to eat.
They don't even eat them.
This is just for fun.
Oh, Manon. Look!
Yes, sir!
At the school.
Well, the hospital.
God knows what he will do to the wounded.
Wait, restart calmly.
I'm so afraid, sir.
Protect us.
You're the only one who can.
Oh, I beg you.
Protect us!
- What is it?
- Oh, no!
Stop. He will jump on us.
- Alert!
This is from the reserve.
Come on, guys!
Mrs. Ronce has lost her mind.
But the attack on us, who was it?
Such a provocation!
And to neutralize one of our dogs,
that's not for everyone.
- It's not him.
He hasn't left his bed.
He did not even regain consciousness.
- Look, sergeant.
Your fellow doesn't look too comfortable.
The little lady's description
did not seem too exaggerated.
Listen, uh...
I know what you're thinking, doctor.
If we eliminated all those
who looked sinister,
there wouldn't be much people left.
Well then, I won't bother you any longer.
Watch the woodsman anyway.
I do not want trouble.
And no mess.
Do not worry, sergeant.
It's arranged.
All is well.
Did you hear?
What happened to your mother?
She can not speak, she's in the outer-world.
Yes, of course.
Your father never said anything to you?
My father? Oh, no.
When he talks about it, he gets all pale.
And he corrects me maximally.
Huh? But why?
I do not know, it's how it is.
It would be nice if she could speak.
If she could answer me like you.
What do you mean, to answer you?
We could talk together, as I talk to you.
You can not talk to her because she's dead.
You don't talk to them,
to those of the outer-world?
What's wrong?
Wait, those of the outer-world?
You're talking to ghosts?
Well, yes.
But you can see them as...
As you can see me here, right now?
And your mother too, you see her for real?
- Well yes, for real.
How else do you want me to see her?
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't think that ghosts existed.
They know that you exist.
That's why they sent me here.
You're in luck.
I'd like to see them.
Would you take me?
Oh, yes.
I also would like them to see you.
If your father wasn't injured,
perhaps we would never have met.
Oh, what am I doing here?
Ah, flayers, scavengers!
Let me go!
Untie me!
Slapped faces, intimidators!
Dung faces!
Plaster leeches!
Plaster leeches.
Good morning, sir.
What is it?
It's Manon!
You're up in my back as they torture me?
What is she doing here?
- I...
- Silence!
Get out of here. Disappear
or I'll swallow you starting with the toes.
Well, look at what you're doing.
Upstairs, in the room...
Let me go.
Nobody is holding you back.
Look at the condition
of your leg for yourself.
When you're on foot,
where may go wherever you see fit.
In the meantime, please keep quiet.
No need for your tinkering.
If your son didn't bring you here
you'd probably be dead.
Relax, buddy. Try to enjoy it.
This is not too bad.
Stop eyeballing me like that!
Are you okay?
Do not worry.
Come, you must run away.
I know where you can hide.
He won't find you and will and go away.
But I will not leave father.
What, father?
You saw what he did to you?
He almost strangled you. Come!
Can't you see, he's an ogre, a real one.
The old Ronce was right.
- And his love?
- What?
You said she was wrong.
That all fathers love their children.
I said that because I did not know.
He's not the same.
If he had love, he wouldn't be like that.
I assure you.
- What's the matter with you,
drooling all over me like a slug?
Don't even think about moving from here.
Just try it and I will tie you by the hair,
even while being plastered as I am.
Do you understand?
- Manon, do not stay like that.
What's the point?
Don't you want to go outside?
There are things against which
we can do nothing.
It's not so simple.
It's his father.
Despite everything.
You should not have brought him here.
Manon, soon,
I'm going to remove
his plaster.
He won't stay here.
You have to be reasonable.
Think about your friend, huh?
It must be difficult for him too.
What is that?
To help him sleep.
It makes him sleep?
It is important that
we help him to keep quiet, right?
I will bring him this then I'm off.
If there is a problem,
you come and get me.
Yes, yes.
Maybe all will be fine, huh?
- He sleeps really well.
Are you coming?
I should't have said that about your father.
This is your father, I know.
So what are we doing?
Soon he will go back to the woods with you.
And everything will be as before.
And we'll never see you again.
Unless I find him again.
What? If you find whom again?
His love.
If he had it like the others,
he would not be like that?
Well, no.
So either he lost it
or has hidden it somewhere.
I'll find it,
and I will slip it back into his the soup.
It that possible?
If I have one,
then he too also has one...
You promise me?
That we meet again, you promise me?
I promise you.
Never deal with these sneaks, son.
Even if a tree flattens me
or if a lightning grills me.
Watch out, Courge.
It is still fragile.
Be careful.
Maybe they'll come back, who knows?
Where is your love?
Tell me.
Where is it hiding?
Dung flies.
I will crush you all.
Get off me! Sneaks!
Tadpoles! Let me go!
Put your pants on, son, there's work to do.
You only know to peck or what?
Quit shaking, let me look at you.
It's nothing.
It will repair itself.
And you can fly as before.
When you walk, it looks like Manon's hair.
He tries to say Manon.
No, Manon.
Hey, but...
If you see a love,
shove it this way.
Be careful.
It can not be right.
There is nothing else?
But where can it be, then?
Where were you?
You brought something to roast?
Hey, hey!
I'll crush you!
Cawing devil!
Give me that.
We don't kill animals when we're not hungry.
- What animal?
The demons sent him.
She's mine, leave her.
You serve the outer-world.
They took your mother and you...
Ungrateful, be damned!
Hey, it's okay.
He will not follow us here.
How will I manage?
What's wrong?
Let me see.
Yes, like that, go ahead!
That's it, you're cured.
Go. You can go.
And most importantly, don't perch on wires.
Damn you!
Demon's son, snake!
This is it.
Oh, this is it!
Did you see?
There's only bones, nothing else.
And father's love, where is it?
It is possible that he has no love?
Is that it?
Is it possible?
Look what I found.
You'll see, there will be no more air draft.
You'll see, you'll be fine here.
Mother, no, wait!
And the doctor?
Why have you not been to the village?
The doctor could have cured you.
- They're up there.
She's with Courge!
Courge, what are you doing there?
Father, stop it!
- I do not want to see you
around my daughter.
Didn't you understand?
I will unplug your ears.
Wait a minute!
This way, come!
I'll put your head in the right direction.
You worthless!
Ah, damn you!
What are you doing here?
I saw mother.
Shut up, outrageous!
I saw the smoke crows chasing you.
And you spoke to me when I was in the womb.
And when she was with me
on the straw mattress.
You wanted her to drink.
- What did you say?
Mother told me everything.
Oh, oh!
She's not here anymore.
- Where is she?
Show her to me, I want to see her.
You see her?
- No.
Why doesn't she come?
- She will come.
I'm sure of it.
Keep your eyes open.
Yes, father.
Little mother.
I beg you, show yourself.
Come on, show yourself.
Father, she's here.
- What? Where?
I see nothing
with this snow.
There, in the middle.
But no, father!
There is nothing here,
we will look elsewhere.
What? You see her?
Father, we searched all the forest.
We must go back.
If you saw her, I want to see her too.
Be careful.
You're heavy.
My legs left me without warning.
The body must be fattened
if you don't want
the outer-world to take you.
Father, you will see.
We will return, and wait for her together.
She'll be back and you will see her.
Oh, Manon.
Did you hear me?
This is the Manon's handkerchief.
The crow shouts "Manon. "
You must bring here back with her father.
Come closer.
Say "doctor".
She tries to say "doctor".
That's it, doctor.
This is so that Manon would recognize you.
Yes, Manon and also doctor.
Go to the village, over there!
We return home
No more discipline
Potatoes evening and noon
We will find our beloved
But what are you doing?
Stop it.
Look, a curse!
This is fate.
The fate that turns against us
Shut up, you moron.
They really believe anything, these idiots.
Manon, doctor.
What, what are you saying?
Manon, doctor.
What's going on?
Something happened to him?
Hey, wait for me!
Do not go too fast.
Wait a bit, I can not fly.
Hey, is someone here?
Oh, oh!
Hey oh!
Don't be afraid, he's not moving anymore.
He doesn't even open his eyes.
You know what's wrong with him?
Should we take him?
We could find help.
You, can't you help me heal him?
How do you want me to do that?
I don't know how.
You've already seen your father do it.
Well, no, not really.
Come look, he's opening his eyes.
What's she doing here?
She's trying to heal you.
You will not take my son, you ogress.
Father, stop it!
Father, stop it!
Get out of here!
Go away, son.
We'll come back to see you, huh?
We won't leave forever.
Goodbye, Mother.
Goodbye, father!
See you soon!