Le Mans (1971)

Your attention, please.
Your attention, please.
There has been an accident
at Maison Blanche.
lt involved Porsche Number 64,
driven by Michael Delaney,
and Ferrari Number 18,
driven by Piero Belgetti.
Signora Belgetti.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
On this circuit, the world's
most famous motor race is run.
Conceived by Charles Faroux
and Georges Durand
shortly after the First World War,
the course was named
after the nearest town
and the number of hours
that men and machines
are put to the supreme test
of speed and stamina.
The circuit is 13.469 kilometers.
Or 8.418 miles.
Composed of country roads
linked through the main highway,
nearly all of it open to traffic
Along the 3.2-mile Mulsanne Straight,
the cars reach a maximum speed
in excess of 230 miles per hour.
The first race was run in 1923.
The lap record
was nine minutes 39 seconds.
The average speed,
Last year, the lap record
was three minutes 22 seconds.
The average speed,
The race is open to six classes of cars.
From the smallest production models
to the largest sports prototype engines.
All competing at the same time
on the same circuit.
There are 55 cars and 110 drivers
representing countries
from all over the world.
They will drive day and night,
through sun and rain.
Beneath his racing suit,
each driver must wear
fireproof underwear
capable of withstanding
the temperature of burning gasoline,
for 15 seconds.
His blood type must be indicated
on either suit or crash helmet.
Each car has two alternating drivers.
No driver may total
more than 14 out of the 24 hours.
Each driver must have
at least one hour rest
between turns at the wheel.
No one may drive
more than four consecutive hours.
For the first time
in the history of this race...
--at the fall of the tricolored flag,
to test speed of action
for reaching the safe pit.
This year,
the drivers will be securely strapped
into their driving seats
prior to the start of the race.
Yellow flags
and yellow lights along the circuit
indicate the presence of an accident.
Or, as it is called in the racing world,
"the shunt."
Yellow means danger. No overtaking.
The race will start 4 p.m. Saturday
and finish 4 p.m. Sunday.
The car covering the greatest distance
in 24 hours shall be the winner.
ln the case of the faster cars,
this will mean a distance
in excess of 3,000 miles.
And so, ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the most famous
motorcar race in the world.
The 38th running of the Grand Prix
of endurance and efficiency.
The 24 Hours of Le Mans.
We're pleased
to welcome Michael Delaney
back to Le Mans,
after his unfortunate accident
here last year.
And to see that he's in such good form
following his exciting race
a fortnight ago at the Nurburgring,
where Ferrari's top driver,
Erich Stahler, narrowly beat him.
The Delaney-Stahler rivalry
will be interesting to follow
on this very different circuit,
where the endurance of the car
is as important
as is the skill of the driver.
lt is now five minutes to 4.
Five minutes till start.
Will all drivers be in their cars
in one minute's time, please?
Drivers, to your cars, please.
Four minutes to start.
Three minutes to start.
Two and a half minutes to start.
Two minutes to start.
And once again, here are the first men
to qualify in position.
Number 25, driven by Kurt Ahrens.
Number 15, driven by Michael Parkes.
Number 21, driven by Johann Ritter.
Number 22,
driven by Paul-Jacques Dion.
Number 8, driven by Erich Stahler.
Number 5, driven by Lugo Abratte.
Number 6, driven by Vito Scalise.
Number 7, driven by Claude Aurac.
Number 20, driven by Michael Delaney.
Number 14, driven by Georges Marnier.
Over three minutes have passed.
We may expect the cars
through the chicane any moment now.
Will it be Porsche or Ferrari in the lead?
Here's the leading car,
Porsche Number 25,
in for its first pit stop for fuel
and possible driver change.
And here comes
Erich Stahler, Ferrari Number 8,
closely followed by the first
of the Gulf Porsche cars,
Number 20,
driven by Michael Delaney.
And watch out for the red Lola. Lola.
And here comes 20 back on the track.
Gulf Porsche Number 21,
driven by Johann Ritter,
entering the pit.
And Porsche Number 20, Delaney.
Twenty by four.
Okay, thanks.
My colleague
has just handed me a weather report
and it looks as if the possibility of rain,
which was previously forecast,
will shortly be upon us.
Just one more, Mr. Delaney.
- Hello.
- Hello.
You had a very good start.
lt's a long race.
Are you well?
Excuse me.
Thank you.
What will you tell Peter and Erica
when they get old enough to ask
what their father does for a living?
l'll tell them that their father
is the greatest chauffeur in the world.
lf you had a choice, would you like
to tell them something else?
For example:
"Well, this week,
Daddy's flying to Switzerland."
The new motor factory
is almost completed
and l have to interview
various applicants for...
What are you trying to tell me?
Would you like that better?
Only if you'd like it better.
lf they ask me what their mother does
for a living, l'll say, "She lies."
She can look straight into your eyes
and tell the biggest lies
you've ever heard in your life.
lt's the right time to stop.
l can finish quite well in this race.
Perhaps even--
Well, in any case,
it's the right time to stop.
As was
forecast, we have our first touch of rain.
lt's going to be very interesting to see
what tactics the team manages
to outlast the rain.
lf it's only a shower, they won't change
from dry to rain tires.
But if it does continue, they must.
Your attention to the pit area.
The long-tail Porsche Number 25
is coming in
after having been out on the circuit
for only 14 minutes since its last stop
for fuel and driver change.
The team of Kurt Ahrens and Vic Elford
has built up a formidable early lead
on the factory Ferraris
and the Gulf Porsche team.
However, it appears now
that something definitely
out of the ordinary
has befallen the Austrian entry.
You will recall that this is the car
which, for the first time
in the history of Le Mans,
averaged a speed in excess
of 150 miles per hour.
Mr. Delaney.
You know, the white long-tail is out
of the race with a blown engine.
Yeah, well, that's bad luck.
Do you think it will be another
Ferrari-Porsche race?
A little early to say, but l think so.
What kind of race will you drive?
Try to save the machine,
go as fast as l can, try to win.
Do you think it will be like at Nurburgring?
A race between you and Stahler?
l hope not, ma'am.
And what do you think of Stahler?
l think he's probably one of the best
drivers in the world. Excuse me.
What do you think
is the most difficult thing about Le Mans?
To go as fast as possible,
and to keep the car on the road
for 24 hours. That's difficult.
Would this be the same type of race
you had with Delaney at the Nurburgring?
Well, uh, this is Le Mans,
it's a different thing, you know?
Do you think that you and Delaney
will end up having a close race here?
Maybe. He's fast, l'm fast,
so we're always together. Ha, ha.
Good luck.
- How's that German car running?
- Fast.
- Ferrari?
- lt's getting wetter.
- Slipping and sliding.
Michael, uh, the press
is making a big thing about us.
But it's money.
That's American.
Be careful.
Now, don't be a pain in the ass, Erich.
And here are the official positions,
two hours into the race.
ln first place, Ferrari Number 8
finished 35 laps at an average speed
of 144.981 miles per hour.
ln second position
is Gulf Porsche Number 20 at 35 laps...
All cars have come
into the pits to change to rain tires,
with the notable exception
of the three Gulf Porsche entries
and the four Ferrari team cars.
lt is apparent that neither
Porsche manager David Townsend
or Ferrari manager Loretto Fuselli
wants to call his cars in
for an unscheduled pit stop
during this closely contested race.
Looks kind of hairy out there.
ln practice, it didn't rain, so this is really
your first time out in the wet at Le Mans.
Yeah, it is.
Why doesn't Townsend bring them in
for rain tires?
Why don't you ask him?
l'll get back to you. Right.
lt's raining worse at Mulsanne.
- They're due in in 11 --
- Eleven minutes, l know.
Your attention, please.
Your attention, please.
There has been an accident...
lt involves Lola Number 11
and Porsche Number 47.
Fortunately, the drivers are not hurt.
Bring them in for rain tires.
Here we are.
Ferrari's decided to change at last.
And Porsche Number 20
is coming to the pits also.
Now we shall see a race develop
between the mechanics,
and they will determine
who's going to be the first to go out.
Twenty is away first.
Delaney now leads Le Mans.
There goes Stahler, now in second place.
- Well done, lad. Well, done.
He's coming.
Claude is coming.
No problems. lt's nothing.
No problems, yes, yes.
Come on.
lt's going well, Claude, isn't it?
l can feel it. The machine is good.
This might be the year.
Well, let's hope so. lt's a long race.
l know. Don't think too far ahead.
- Lisa?
Would you like some coffee?
No, thank you.
What problems have you got?
Only thing is that off the Mulsanne,
in the middle of the road. . .
--if you stay a little bit to the right and watch
it when you come up over the hump,
has a little bit of tendency
to go this way.
Be a little careful
before you go into the cave,
and you can out-brake the Ferrari.
Let's go fast. Hey, guys, move it.
All right, Michael. You got this one.
How long?
Hello, Mike.
- How are you doing?
Cheese, please.
Seems to be the only seat left.
Can l sit down?
- Where are you living now?
- ln Paris.
l have to watch myself in Paris.
l always get fat there.
l heard you and Erich had
quite a race at the Nurburgring.
Well, he keeps me honest.
Can l--? Can l get you something?
No, thank you.
Were you hurt badly in the accident?
Was it difficult to get back into racing?
Not really.
But it must've been very difficult for you.
Was in the beginning. l'm better now.
l was just wondering
why you came back here.
For myself.
Delaney's on his way.
Dixie, check the rear uprights
on 20, 21 and 22.
All right.
lt is 5 a.m., the 13th hour of the race,
and the Ferrari-Porsche battle
continues unabated
with only 12 seconds
separating the two lead cars:
Gulf Porsche Number 20,
Ferrari Number 8.
As of this moment,
there are 25 cars left in the race.
l shall give you a precise listing
of the most recent abandonments
in a few moments' time.
Watch the handling, Michael.
Just a slight turn
about the rear upright.
Here's the second
Ferrari team car coming in.
Number 7, piloted by Chris Barnett.
Another driver change
should be in order.
Get in.
Yes, Aurac will take over.
Your attention, please.
Your attention, please.
There has been an accident.
lt involves Ferrari Number 7,
Porsche Number 20.
Both cars are out of the race.
l shall tell you about the drivers' condition
as soon as l get word from the hospital.
This way. Come along.
Will you sit down here, please?
Can you tell us. . .?
- Know what caused the accident?
We just want to ask. . .
l don't know.
- l don't know. l don't wanna talk about it.
Over here.
Now that you're out of the race. . .
We really don't know if it's possible.
Do you compare this to last year's shunt?
The one in which this lady's husband
was killed?
I have received
word from the pit boxes that Matra--
That Matra-Simca Number 30,
out of the race due to gearbox problems.
Just got word from the hospital
about Claude.
lt's bad,
but they say he will pull through.
And Delaney?
Nothing serious,
but he's out of the race.
You all right, Michael?
- l'm fine.
You sure?
- Yeah. l'm all right.
- Where are we running?
Third and fourth.
Michael? Are you all right?
Yeah, l'm okay.
lt was a bad shunt.
- Where are you running?
lf you try to nail Scalise,
do it down through Maison Blanche.
He doesn't like it there.
Thank you.
Michael, are you all right?
l'm okay.
Are you sure?
- No, l'm fine.
Then what happened to the car?
lt was my fault. l made a mistake.
l wrote the car off, David.
This isn't just a 1000-to-1 shot.
This is a professional blood sport.
And it can happen to you.
And then it can happen to you again.
When people risk their lives,
shouldn't it be
for something very important?
Well, it better be.
But what is so important about driving
faster than anyone else?
A lot of people go through life
doing things badly.
Racing is important to men
who do it well.
When you're racing, it's. . .
lt's life.
Anything that happens before or after,
it's just waiting.
Come on.
What happened on the Delaney shunt?
There was problem at the mall.
Slower traffic got in the way.
The car is finished?
Yes, the car is finished.
Hey, David, 21 is coming in.
Get the jack.
Your attention to the pit area,
where the leading car,
Gulf Porsche Number 21,
is experiencing something
other than a routine stop.
From the action of the mechanics,
it would appear that there is a problem
with the rear suspension.
Here is
the second-place car, Ferrari Number 8,
coming in for what should be
its last stop for fuel and driver change.
Erich Stahler will take over
for the final driving session,
and, no doubt, will assume the lead
from Gulf Porsche Number 21,
still in the pit.
Stahler, is he in trouble?
The bonnet's up on Ferrari Number 8.
Ladies and gentlemen,
both first- and second-place cars
are in the pits
experiencing mechanical difficulties.
Hello, David.
- Are you fit, Michael?
- A little stiff--
l say you're fit.
My knees are sore.
Stahler's Ferrari
is in the pits with ignition problems.
We've got 21 in
with a broken rear wishbone.
Dixie is fixing it now.
l want you to replace Ritter.
He's not quick enough.
Excuse me.
Michael, l want you to drive flat out.
l want Porsche to win Le Mans.
Your attention, please.
Your attention, please.
Announcing a change of drivers.
Gulf Porsche Number 21 will be driven
by Michael Delaney,
replacing Johann Ritter.
Repeat. Gulf Porsche Number 21
will be driven by Michael Delaney,
replacing Johann Ritter.
The car is running good.
Brakes are okay.
Darling, does it really matter?
Yes, it does.
- But you were going to quit anyway.
- Yup.
But not this way.
Ladies and gentlemen,
through the chicane
and along the grandstand straight,
here is the new leader,
Ferrari Number 5,
driven by Lugo Abratte
with only eight minutes remaining
in the 24 Hours of Le Mans.
And now in second place
is Larry Wilson
in Gulf Porsche Number 22.
Yeah! Come on, come on!
And now, through
the chicane and going into the final lap
is the leader, Ferrari Number 5,
driven by Lugo Abratte.
And in second place is Larry Wilson
in Gulf Porsche Number 22.
And on the same lap,
having made up nine seconds
to the two leaders,
are Ferrari Number 8
and Porsche Number 21
running third and fourth,
Erich Stahler and Michael Delaney,
pushing their cars to the limit in this,
the most closely contested finish
in the history of Le Mans.
Your attention, please.
l have just received word
that the first-place car, Ferrari Number 5,
driven by Lugo Abratte,
is out of the race with tire trouble.
With only two minutes
remaining in the race,
the lead has been taken over
by Gulf Porsche Number 22,
driven by Larry Wilson.
Larry Wilson in 22.
Porsche wins Le Mans.
ln second, Michael
Delaney in Gulf Porsche Number 21.
And third, Ferrari Number 8,
driven by Erich Stahler.
Thank you, Michael.