Le premier homme (2011)

A film by Gianni Amelio
Based on an unfinished novel by
Albert Camus
What name did you say?
Are you a relative?
My father...
...Cormery Henri,
wounded in the battle of the Marne,
died on October 12, 1914.
Was six months old when he died
That doesn't change a thing
there's still too many dead.
But where are those from 1914?
Row C, D or P?
Excuse me, I'll go and check
25 years...
My father is 25 years old
1957, beginning of summer
- How long has it been since you last
visited Algiers? - A bit over a year.
It changed a lot, don't you think?
- I bought you the newspaper.
- No, thank you.
Already read the forecast and it's
going to rain tomorrow. Algerian summer
Your last interview
caused many disputes.
Some say that your
remarks are ambiguous.
One sentence really impressed us:
"A writer can never
measure up to those that die
Do you know the road to Belcourt?
- That's where I live.
- We'll go straight to the university.
- And then we'll take you to a hotel.
- Why a hotel?
It wouldn't be safe
to sleep at home tonight
And all the other nights as well,
if you plan on staying in Algiers
- Not safe?
- It's just a simple precaution,
to avoid endangering
your mother as well.
Good day, Francois Husson,
journalist from "L'Echo d'Alger".
You declared that you're
not interested in politics,
but in today's Algeria
everything is politics.
What's your question?
Do you see yourself as a
left wing or a right wing man?
Go back home, Cormery!
We don't need people like you! Traitor!
- This is not your home!
- It's best if we go inside.
Long live French Algeria!
Long live French Algeria!
It is believed that the university
forms the nation's elite.
That it is the temple of knowledge.
But, instead of thinking
they insult people
and act as provokers.
Fortunately, considering the times
it's just an isolated minority.
A rather large minority, I would say.
He's about to finish
then it's your turn.
It was necessary for
the French blood
to flow through streets
and homes of Algiers,
for us to open our
eyes and see the truth.
It's no longer time for compromises.
Right now the politics
must have but one aim...
Respond to these murderers
blow for brow!
We now have the honour
to receive someone
who needs no further introduction.
Please give a warm welcome to
Jacques Cormery!
Thank you.
Good day to all of you.
The last time I came to this theatre,
I was still a student.
I used to sit up there,
in the last row.
A lot of time has passed and
a lot of things have changed, right?
For a new Algeria...
What subject could
be more important to us
here and now, than this?
Nothing is dearer to my heart
than the destiny of our country
You're no longer Algerian!
Algeria is not France,
and it is no longer Algeria
Algeria is this forgotten land,
neglected, distant and despised
with its mysterious natives
and exotic French,
left to drown in its own blood.
Algeria is this territory,
inhabited by two peoples,
one of which is Muslim.
Not for long!
We easily accept
to believe that only blood
can make the history move forward.
The duty of a writer
is not sewing those
that create history,
but helping those affected by it
I firmly believe
in the possibility of coexistence
between Arabs and French in Algeria.
And that this coexistence,
between free and equal people
- is the only solution.
- Algeria is French!
Thought wouldn't get involved
...but I was wrong.
Don't worry, there's no danger.
How do you feel?
No, not yet,
I'll go see her tomorrow morning
No, I'll call you
No, I won't forget.
Good night.
The lady is not in.
She went to the market.
- Thank you, Said.
- Welcome home, Mr Jacques.
- Thank you.
- Would you like to wait for her here?
No, I'll catch up with her.
Mr Jacques...
Is it true
that there's a war between us?
Here you go.
Madam Cormery!
I thought you would arrive yesterday.
I made you a stew
with pees and chicory.
I'll eat it today.
- No, it's no good the day after
- Apologise.
I'll make another one
tonight or tomorrow.
How long will you be staying this time?
AH the time you want.
Received the
photo of your little girl
Now that she's all grown up
she doesn't look like you any more
She's the spitting image of her mother.
Is her mother alright?
Ups and downs, as always.
She needs to look after herself.
It's a nasty disease.
- How's it called? I always forget.
- Depression.
You don't have a fever,
you're always tired
and you lose the will to live.
Thank God you're alright.
I haven't told you
how beautiful you are.
I'm old.
I arranged my hair yesterday
and look at it now.
Your hair is beautiful.
Now we'll go for a walk and then
I'll take you to a restaurant.
- Later, let's stay here a while longer
- As you wish.
You started buying newspapers?
CORMERY BOOED "Uproar at the
colloquium regarding Algeria's destiny
can't read,
but can recognize my son
It's a nice photo, isn't it?
Still rummaging?
What are you looking for?
Was my father's name just Henri?
- He didn't have other names?
- Don't know. Can't remember
Do look like him?
He had bright eyes, just like you.
You told me that he lost his
father when he was little
and was put in an orphanage.
He couldn't read either.
You can't learn
anything in an orphanage
But he sent you
postcards from the front.
He learned later.
When he was 20, I think.
I don't know.
It was a long time ago.
When we got married
he was capable of doing any job.
Your father had brains, just like you.
And then?
You came,
and then he died in the war.
They sent me a piece of the grenade.
It's inside the biscuit box.
Aren't you tired?
Go lie down.
I've put clean sheets on.
I'm happy when you're here.
Where are you going?
Go back to bed!
Go back to bed!
Come on, let's free the dogs.
Open it!
Come on, open it
Open it!
You stink!
Please, sir, let me out!
I've got nothing to do with it!
You'll pay for
all the dogs you let loose.
It was them!
Let me out, please!
You'll be inside the cage
an hour for every dog.
Let me out!
Please, sir!
Sir, let me out!
Open the door, let me out!
They're nice.
- Come.
- Bring him here.
Is this the time to be coming home?
Where are your new sandals?
I've lost them
I've searched for them everywhere,
but haven't found them.
In that case, you'll walk
barefoot the whole summer
And you?
Why are you standing there?
Go help your brother.
He's been working hard the whole day.
But first bring me
what's necessary for your son.
Close the door.
Come closer.
Come closer.
The harder the hit,
the bigger the lie.
Go away.
They give this to the
sick in the first wing.
The rich ones.
There was a man outside...
A man?
He's always there
when I come to see you.
He smiled at me today.
I think he knows me.
And if he knows me,
he knows you too, right?
What are you saying?
At school I said
that you work as a nurse.
If you learn how to read
you could become one, right?
The medicines have
complicated names.
- But I can recognize them.
- How?
From the colour.
And I know how to give shots.
Hurry LID
Your grandmother
will be angry if you're late
Dad she beat you
too when you were little?
All the time.
But you never beat me.
If your father was there...
I'm afraid I'll make you cry.
- Who are the poor?
- The poor?
Yes, who are they?
It's us.
Me, you.
Grandmother, uncle Etienne
If we're the poor
then everything is well.
Does your stomach hurt?
Do you want some water?
- I haven't done my homework.
- Neither have I.
But I'm the teacher.
- Is it serious?
- Yes.
- Do you remember what we were studying?
- Napoleon.
And what should we do now?
It's written in the book,
we could look at it together
- You think you could help me?
- Yes, if you want.
Open the book then.
Page 49, everybody.
"Imperial government".
In December 1804,
he crowned himself emperor...
...and under the name of Napoleon I...
...founded the First French Empire.
After the coup d'etat on 9 Thermidor
...he fell into disgrace because
of his relations with Robespierre.
The Imperial Government was
established by the Senate...
...on 12 May 1804...
...and Napoleon was consecrated
emperor by Pope Pius VII...
...at Notre-Dame de Pans
on 2 December of the same year...
...under the eyes of the painter
Jacques-Louis David...
...who was commissioned
to do four paintings of the coronation.
- Have you understood anything?
- No.
Close your books then.
Now we'll tell another story
Each of you must tell me
one word about your father.
One word is enough.
Cat got your tongue?
My father is a dickhead.
Long live Napoleon!
- Why are you always barefoot?
- I don't want to ruin my shoes.
A really nice idea.
Did you find it in some book?
My grandmother told me.
And when my grandmother talks
we stay quiet and listen.
You took advantage because he's a child.
You should be ashamed!
What happened, madam?
How much does it weigh?
400 grams, why?
My grandson asked for half kilo
and he paid for it to the last penny.
He paid for 400 grams,
which is what I gave him.
My grandson never lies.
There's another liar here.
Young man,
have you got something to say?
I asked for half kilo of mutton.
What dad you do with
the rest of the money?
- It would be best if
we called an officer.
As you wish, madam.
To treat a child like that...
It's disgusting!
You must get justice on your own
on this Earth.
The world is full of
people without scruples
- Grandmother.
- What is it?
The butcher...
He was right.
What do you mean?
I didn't have the
money to pay for the meat.
I lost a coin.
What are you saying?
I was in the bathroom...
...and just as
I was pulling my pants up...
...a coin slipped out of my pocket...
...and fell into the hole.
Why didn't you tell
me that straight away?
I was afraid.
Take this to the butcher immediately...
...and apologise on my behalf.
Our Father, Who an in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Ten years ago, the Great War,
as we call it today, broke out
It was the deadliest and most cruel
war Europe has ever known.
Death came in countless forms
...hand to hand combat...
malnutrition or extreme cold
The putrefying corpses
were amassed for weeks...
...in the trenches...
falling prey to rats and worms
...and caused numerous epidemics.
Between 1914 and 1918...
...the war killed or mutilated
more than a million soldiers..
...the majority of which...
...were sent to the from
with no military training.
Therefore they were
destined for certain death.
Nevertheless, they gave their
lives to save the motherland.
Do you know what motherland is?
- What?
- It's France, you idiot!
Maybe hoping that these atrocities
will never be repeated...
My father died for the motherland too.
He saved it from enemy invasion.
...this war was named
"The last of the last".
History will tell us if we
were right naming it that
The circumstances are delaying our...
What are they saying?
Someone is declaring love.
Him or her?
The glasses...
How could have left them at home?
Little one, you must take
comfort from this betrayal
You are left with a great
friend, loyal and...
- An unexpected guest.
- Are they cousins...
...or fiances?
Bligny is her fiance, I think.
No... maybe he's her cousin.
On the other hand...
...she could marry Mr Derblay.
- And then...
- Ignorant! You are ignorant!
Won't take you to the cinema any more
You can't read.
- The lines were disappearing quickly
- Not true.
When does the school end?
In a month.
You'll go to work with
your uncle in a month
It's time for you to learn the craft
My teacher says I should
go to middle school.
Let him send his children
to middle school.
What would you get out of it?
A piece of paper. And then?
Will you put it on the
plate and eat it?
Your teacher hasn't even
taught you any manners.
He thinks you're like everyone else.
But the others have a father,
and you don't.
And I won't live for eternity.
I can't slave away for you forever.
It's night, we should sleep
It's day, we should work.
Ah, yes.
The boss!
- What's that boy doing here?
- His family is poor.
We took him out of charity.
Do you go to school?
What grade are you in?
You can't speak?
Are you good at arithmetic?
Well done, carry on.
- Don't you trust me?
- I'm just checking.
Thank you.
The teacher is here.
I'll open.
Good evening.
- Does the Cormery family live here?
- Yes, at your service.
- Come in.
- Thank you.
Everything OK?
No, please stay seated
May I sit down with you?
Of course.
We're sorry to receive you like this,
but they cut the power for
the entire quarter tonight.
I understand.
You have a very nice house.
You are too kind.
We're here to talk about the
future of little Jacques.
Go outside with your uncle.
I know that Jacques works
and brings the money home.
But, how can I say...
Sometimes we think too much
about what we have today
and we forget about what
we could have tomorrow.
Will you go to the
school for grown-ups?
Yes, middle school.
It's expensive.
Will he paw?
No, I'm entitled to a scholarship.
What's a scholarship?
When you are a good student...
or when you are poor
...they give you the money.
You're both.
So you're rich
Here, smoke.
Like a watermelon.
Your turn Come on
Nice and easy, and inhale
That's it!
You're soiling the floor!
Mr Bernard!
Good day.
The professor went out
fora cup of coffee.
2.50, here you go.
Nice! Are you taking
advantage of me?
- Can someone take my place?
- Yes.
Without you, without the hand
you have affectionately given...
...to a poor child that I was...
without your teachings
and your example...
none of this would've existed
The dedication is too generous
don't deserve that much.
Do you remember what
I told you in school?
You've said many things...
A child is but a germ
of a man he'll become.
It's partly true.
I remember another thing.
Your words about God.
I never spoke about God.
True, but one day you said:
"Some believe, others don't.
Everyone should be free to decide."
It was very brave.
You were like a father to me.
But I came back from the war,
your father didn't.
Sometimes it's hard to
accept your own luck.
Luck is like God, it doesn't exist.
No, I don't agree.
You had the luck
of having two exceptional
women to raise you.
It took me a long time to figure out
in what conditions your family lived
Your face was filled with serenity.
How is your mother?
- Courageous, as always
- She's much too alone.
It's been a long time
since you last came to Algiers
The students almost forced me.
Yes, but you must help
them understand, it's your duty
Things are difficult for everyone.
You should write a book about us.
About our tragedy.
I've written so much
and they insulted me
I'm not talking about an essay
or newspaper articles...
I'm talking about a novel, because
it is there that the truth is found.
Russia is not what you
see in history books...
...it's in Tolstoy's,
Dostoyevsky's books
Give me a subject,
like you did in school
Liberty, equality, fraternity:
"What happened to
France's values here, in Algeria."
It's a difficult subject.
- Even for you?
- Especially for me.
There were two temples in Corinth.
The temple of necessity
and the temple of violence
They were so dose to each other
that you could enter
either one without distinction.
Is that how it should be?
Yes, sometimes.
Do you understand?
The error is not the revolution.
It's when the oppressed
give up peacefully.
The violence of colonialism
explains the violence of the rebellion.
Do you remember what told
you about Rome and the barbarians?
- There's one thing never told you
- What?
You can also side with the barbarians
A farmer has a rectangular plot.
The longest side is 330 metres,
the shortest 118 metres.
Calculate the plot's size
If the farmer cultivates 2/5,
using 18 Kg of grain,
how much grain does he
need for the rest of the plot?
So, calculate the plot's size
8x0= 0.
8x3= 24.
Filthy arse-licker!
You're the teacher's pet here,
but you're nothing outside!
Step outside with me, coward!
You are not a man, you're a sissy!
You should be called Jacqueline!
- Jacqueline!
- Come, they're fighting!
- It's Jacques and Hamoud!
- Hit him harder!
Harder! Harder!
Come on, Jacques!
Hit him, Hamoud!
- Who started it?
- Me!
Would you like some bread?
- Where are you headed, sir?
- To see a friend.
It's not a good place for a stroll.
It's less dangerous than
wearing that uniform.
As you wish.
Good day.
- Do you know where this street is?
- No.
Good day, is this
Hamoud Abdheramane's house?
It's a pleasure to have you here.
Come in.
He was waiting for you.
He's sick.
Only you can help him.
Go ahead, he's in there.
Sit down, please.
It seems you've
become rich and powerful.
- Neither one.
- And a liar, like all Frenchmen.
I'm Algerian, like you.
I know you have two children.
Nine year old boy
and a five year old girl
I only have one.
God didn't want me to have more.
I wanted him to study,
but he prefers using his
hands instead of using his head.
- Maybe he has a point.
- He's 18 and he's a bricklayer
He's a good boy, my son.
And you, Hamoud, how are you?
I need you, Mr Cormery.
If can help
In the name of that
friendship which never existed.
- I respected you.
- I didn't.
- You were calling me "sissy".
- I ask for your forgiveness.
What can I do for you?
My son is going to die.
As you already know,
his name is Aziz Abdheramane.
18 years old, single
...he worked as a bricklayer
in the Arab quarter of Salembier.
Never stopped, never interrogated.
He appeared in the organization chart
of FLNs Algiers section
only after he was arrested
What is he accused of?
Complicity in three bombing
attacks back in October, 1956.
These attacks caused
many civilian casualties
- Did he place the bombs?
- No.
But it was established that
the bombs used for the attacks
were hidden in his house.
Other explosives were found
in his home after he was captured.
It says here that he didn't know
what the bombs were meant for...
...and that he thought they were
meant to cause only material damage.
As a matter of fact,
FLN uses the clandestine cell system.
The making and the placement
of the bombs,
are done by two separate
cells that do not know each other.
Your version is not implausible, but
the court has turned down this thesis
They've sentenced him to death
with no concrete proof
of his intention to kill.
There will be a clemency appeal, but his
release from prison is most unlikely.
You could write a letter
to the minister for justice
and ask him to re-examine the case.
Francois Mitterrand
will certainly try to do something.
Rest assured that he
doesn't like injustice either.
...with your reputation...
Hey, you!
Give me some money if you're a man.
How are you, dad?
How come they made you pass?
Jacques Cormery, the writer...
...has obtained a license for me.
We were schoolmates.
God bless him.
He has spoken to the minister.
He can help you.
They'll understand
that they've made a mistake
They didn't, dad.
What have they done to you, my son?
Nothing, dad.
Don't talk nonsense
You must help me
if you want me to help you
We'll prove your innocence
I'm not innocent, dad.
Don't say that.
They'll hear us.
Let them listen
The only thing that matters to me
is to get you out of here.
Call them names.
Tell them you had nothing to do with it.
How is mother?
She's waiting for you to come home.
I dreamt of her the other night.
She was making me a ton of sweets.
Go home, dad.
Don't leave mother by herself
Give them what they want.
Lie if you must.
When I was little,
you used to beat me if I lied.
Don't worry
Don't be afraid.
Take me back to my cell.
I wasn't expecting you.
- I'll make something for you
- No, don't bother.
I made you some grilled peppers.
They're in the fridge.
They taste better that way.
- Are you OK?
- Yes.
When was little you
were always telling
me that I'm too
intelligent to stay here.
That it was my duty to leave.
Everything I've accomplished
in my life was thanks to you.
If you're happy...
...that's good enough for me.
In North Africa, France
holds a magnificent empire,
comprised of three countries:
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia.
The conquest, which started
as retaliation for the "Fan Affair",
began in 1830.
The locals, Arab nomads and sedentary
Berbers opposed great resistance.
But we mustn't forget
the famous Barbary pirates.
Their frequent incursions
spread death among the local tribes
It was the French providential
intervention that saved them.
The French built roads,
railways and bridges.
They developed agriculture
mines, aqueducts,
hospitals and schools.
Today Algeria,
divided into three regions since 1848,
is a French province.
It enjoys the universal
cultural splendour of France,
our motherland
Next is Cormery Jacques.
Well, Cormery,
they tell me you're a poet.
Me? No.
They told me you wrote a poem.
I just copied it.
Did you steal it from your classmates?
No. From three different poets.
Could you recite it for us?
It's called "Sadness".
The horizon is swallowed by the night
A crying bird announces the time
When morning sun erases
A life so brief...
The life of dreams
- Where were you?
- Around.
Where is your mother?
Did you see her?
No, didn't
Go and look for her.
Tell her to come here at once.
You startled me, stupid!
- Did I hurt you? - No, I'm OK.
- I'm glad.
Headstrong, just like your father.
How was my father?
Intelligent, serious, pleasant?
Your father was always headstrong
Why did my mother fall
in love with him?
Headstrong, gentle heart
They always go together.
Come in.
Close the door.
Come closer.
Come closer.
Come closer.
Come closer.
Come closer.
- Are you tired?
- No, I'm OK.
- I would like to live here with you.
- And you will.
One day... you will.
How old were you when I was born?
I can't remember.
Is the house still far away?
Our house doesn't exist any more
Why all these questions?
Would you be happy if
I wrote a book about you?
I can't read.
Always smoke alone
But a cigarette
is best when you share it.
Thank you.
You're right.
When you ask for or offer a cigarette
a bond of complicity
is formed between people
I never thought about that.
Put it in one of your books:
Uncle Etienne said...
- Why so formal?
- Respect.
What are you saying?
What are you doing in a place like this?
Clean bathrooms.
- But you're not an invalid.
- Never went to war.
Too young, too old...
I'm leaving for the next one!
- I love you.
- Stop it...
Stop being so formal.
Your books here, in the library.
"The last strike", nice.
You know the burden of working.
You know it better than me.
You've worked your whole life
One day didn't want to any more
I said: "enough".
I don't understand.
What are you saying?
Me too going to war.
All alone
Do you think he's happy?
He hasn't changed.
He's innocent as always
- Was it day or night?
- What?
When I was born.
I bet the sun was shining.
It was night and it was raining.
Is that how you're
going to start your book?
What do you think?
I don't think anything.
But don't forget to tell
the truth about your father.
Write thus:
"My father was more beautiful than me."
Help me,
my wife is going into labour!
- What's the problem?
- Is there a doctor nearby?
The doctors are no good.
That's a job for women.
Come in.
God wanted to pamper you.
- Is that your first son?
- Yes.
The first.
Do you think I have nothing else to do?
Take him.
I'm sorry you had to wait.
Have a lamb that
refuses its mother's milk
I'm thankful that you
could spare some time for me.
Are you interested in the farm?
If you want it, I could give
it to you for a piece of bread.
No, but I was told that I was born here,
near your estate.
It was state property.
It changed owners many times.
My parents rebuilt it.
Do you think they
might've met my father?
Could be, many years have passed.
Do you know when
the first colonists arrived here?
The year when France allocated
50 million for financing a colony.
Imagine the success.
There were more than a
thousand volunteers
that dreamed of the
promised land.
Men in the first place.
Women are more cautious.
But the men...
It's no wonder
they started a revolution.
Is there some trace left?
If you're Algerian,
you know how things go here.
Things are torn down and then rebuilt.
People think about the future
and forget everything else.
I'm sorry I bothered you for nothing.
No, I'm pleased to have met you.
I read one of your books. I don't
remember the title, but it was good.
- Do your parents still live here?
- No.
My father doesn't want
to know about Algeria any more
He lives in Marseille,
in a modern apartment
I think he passes his days
walking around in his room.
And you?
I'll stay here until the end
be as it may.
I'M die here.
They can't understand
these things back in Paris.
Do you know who, apart from us,
are the only people that understand?
- The Arabs. - Exactly,
we're made to understand each other.
They are stupid and rough, like us,
but we share the same blood
So, we'll continue
to massacre each other
...tear our guts out,
torture each other...
...and then we'll go back
to living as human beings.
Yesterday, at dawn, a boy died.
He was 20,
and he was my schoolmate's son.
His name was Aziz Abdheramane.
He was guillotined.
His guilt was never proven.
And today feel closer to him
than any Frenchman that talks about
Algeria without knowing it well.
I've never met him,
but know his father well and
haven't seen hate in his eyes
...but sadness and desperation.
A sadness that I share with him.
His face is the face of my country.
The victims of this
Algerian drama belong
to the same tragic
family, whose members
massacre each other in the dead of
night without recognising themselves.
Stumbling in the dark upon the guts
of this clash of blind moles.
Soon Algeria will be inhabited
only by victims and assassins,
and the dead will be
the sole innocents.
Always was,
and always will be, for a just Algeria
where everyone can enjoy
the same rights in equality.
It is necessary to
give back to the
Algerian people what
is rightfully theirs
and give them full democratic laws.
We must unite instead of dividing.
I have always disapproved of terrorism,
so I can't but condemn the actions
perpetrated deliriously on the streets,
that one day could
strike down someone dear to us.
I believe in justice.
And I say to the Arabs:
"I will defend you at any cost,
but never against my mother.
Because she, like you,
has endured injustice...
...and suffering.
And if you ever hurt her in your rage,
I will be your enemy."
ls the tomb nice?
Your father's tomb.
I still haven't seen it.
Now that you're with me,
we could go together.
I'm too old.
It's too far away.
Why do you want to stay here?
France is nice, but there are no Arabs.
You don't like it?
Yes, very much.
The weather is changing.
Will they shut down
the power this winter?
I don't think so.