Le Temps Qui Reste (Time to Leave) (2005)

Will you be ready soon?
Half an hour.
Look. We must show this.
No. It's too ugly.
I'm telling you, it's super important.
I can't shoot this crap.
Romain, let me introduce you.
One last light check.
Come on in.
Good morning, doctor.
Please sit down.
How are you feeling?
How did the tests go?
A bit painful,
but I was expecting worse.
Feeling better now.
I asked you to drop by
because I got your results,
And I must say they're not very good.
I got Aids?
...Nothing to do with Aids.
You have a tumor.
A malignant one.
A kind of cancer, yes.
That's the lesions to my liver and lungs?
Yes. Same cause.
What does that mean?
Has the cancer spread?
We'll do everything to cure you.
I will not lie to you.
There's a high risk...
...that the tumor will resist treatment,
and keep growing instead.
Can't it be taken out?
As I told you,
the tumor is spreading in multiple organs.
It's inoperable
What's more, the tests have not identified
the point of origin.
What about treatment?
Drugs, radiotherapy
Drugs, as in chemotherapy?
Out of the question.
A friend of my parents'
died from cancer 2 years ago.
He had chemo, lost his hair,
stopped eating, suffered horribly...
Do not compare.
Each cancer, each chemotherapy is different.
What are my chances for remission?
There's a slight chance,
but it exists.
You are 31. You will fight.
'Slight', does that mean 50%
or 5% odds?
Yes, roughly.
Even less than 5%?
Unfortunately. Yes.
Without treatment,
how long do I have?
Difficult to answer.
We're talking averages here.
In similar cases, 3 months.
But it could be 1 month. Or 1 year.
I don't see the point of heavy stuff
like chemo.
It won't work anyway.
I do not judge you.
You are young;
I would rather you fight.
Even if your chances are small,
they are not nil.
You should grab even a single chance.
But it's your decision,
and I shall respect it.
You fly to Tokyo on the 15th,
you land in the morning.
You shoot the 2pm Vogue swimsuit issue
the very same day.
You take the evening train for Kyoto.
Romain, are you listening?
You sure you want to go?
Of course. Why do you ask?
I don't know.
Lately I find you strange.
It's like nothing interests you.
Of course not. Don't worry.
Maybe you should take some time off,
we cancel the shoots,...
...and you come back in great shape.
You've been telling me how
this is great for my career,
That the financial stakes are high.
Not if you mess the shoots up!
Do you think I'm capable of that?
Sometimes it is best to turn down offers,
so as not to disappoint.
You already approached someone else?
I told Jean-Baptiste.
He'd agree to go, just in case...
Tell him to get fucked.
I'm going to Japan.
Well, I want to tell you I love you.
I'm very ill and will die soon.
Romain. food's ready!
I'm coming.
Why do you lock up?
Last time you used to always let me in.
These days are over.
I want to ask you something.
What, this time?
Be nice to your sister.
You know she and Alain are not doing great.
Ok. Don't worry.
I know it's not my business,
and I don't want to meddle,
It hurts your sister that you don't show
an interest in her.
You never call her,
you don't talk to her...
You already told me,
you keep repeating yourself!
Then make an effort, that's all.
Thank you.
See how much he's grown?
He's truly adorable.
Amazing how much he looks like you!
Like whom?
Romain. Same nose.
Don't you feel like having one too?
Stop it mum, please...
You already have 2 grandchildren.
Isn't that enough?
You know your mother,
strong maternal instinct.
I only say this because I know...
...Romain always liked children.
Isn't that true darling?
Too bad your son is a fag,
no offsprings from me.
Romain, in a few years...
...I'm sure adoption will be possible,
whatever your sexual orientation.
Shall we eat? I'm starving.
We're signing next week;
hope it works out!
You're very well prepared.
I know but I'm stressed out.
I know the guy is very
difficult to convince.
I'm not worried for you.
And you, Romain, what's up?
Nothing in particular.
Everything ok, work-wise?
Yes, it's ok.
Japan is canceled?
Yes, not too interesting, and
lots of work in Paris right now.
Such a shame...
I would have loved going there...
You were not invited.
That's what is sad.
I don't have your talent.
Do you realize we have a photographer in the family,
and he's never shot a picture of my kids.
That's true,
and I'd love for you to take a portrait of
your dad and myself...
Just like in the English magazine you showed us.
That would be fun.
Don't waste your breath,
he's not interested,
we're not fashionable enough for him.
He prefers actresses and top models.
Don't say that Sophie,
there was no opportunity,
otherwise I'm sure Romain
would have done something.
No. She's right
Why do you say that?
I don't feel like taking her kids' picture.
Romain, please.
Leave it, dad.
You want to know why I don't feel like it?
they are your things, they belong to you.
I would have seen your face in them.
Just thinking about it I feel like puking.
Romain. stop it!
Not surprising your man left you,
I understand him.
You give him no space,
feels like you made the kids on your own.
Stop it.
Romain, you stop it too.
She's mad!
That's too much, Romain!
Why do you talk to her that way?
She's not well, she's fragile.
I'm fragile too
What's wrong with you?
Drive me home please; I'm drunk.
I broke my spectacles.
it's ok, calm down...
Are things ok with Sacha?
Normally, neither good nor bad.
We're gonna split.
Shit! Why?
Like all couples, passion dies,
routine takes over...
Does he still live with you?
He's out of work, no money.
If he needs a place,
tell him about your aunt's spare room.
It will be cheap.
Ok, thanks.
What is it you bought?
Nothing. Just a bit of coke.
I thought you stopped taking that shit!
It's just once in a while.
Helps me get a hard on.
Good night
You know, Romain...
Don't do anything foolish.
Your mum cannot take it.
How about you?
I cannot either.
Why do you always talk about mum,
her reactions,
as if nothing can hurt you?
I don't know.
A habit.
Pity, isn't it?
Maybe I never learnt to talk about myself.
There's something I always
wanted to ask you...
Why didn't you and mum get a divorce?
Because we always loved each other.
But you cheated on her...
A few times.
So what?
I don't know.
One night when I was a kid, I woke up
and spied on one of your conversations in the kitchen.
Mum had found a letter from a woman.
She was crying.
You were not consoling her.
I always thought you would separate.
See? We're still together.
Do you regret it?
Of course not. Why would I?
Is it because of Sacha you're telling me all this?
Yeah, maybe.
Do I scare you?
Good night, son.
Still playing that crap?
You're not 12 anymore.
Where were you?
At my parents' place.
Was it good?
Yeah. The usual.
You don't love me anymore, right?
I don't know.
I don't love you either.
What game are you playing?
I'm not playing.
I'm telling you the truth.
I don't feel anything.
Just a bit of lust.
Some tenderness at times.
Why do you tell me that now?
It's nice to tell the truth, no?
Don't tell me it's painful.
I won't believe you.
Do you want us to stop?
Do you want me to leave?
Where will I go?
What will I do?
I don't care, just beat it.
What's wrong?
You never spoke to me that way.
I'm fed up with this shit situation.
You do nothing. You live off me.
Who do you think you are?
You think you are better,
with your shit photos,
your self importance?
At least I don't need you to live on.
Take your stuff and clear out!
You're the strongest. Happy?
Now kill me.
One of these days...
Sorry. Sorry.
Are you finished?
Few clients today.
Business is slow.
You work here everyday?
Yes, five days a week.
Tomorrow is the week end.
I can rest.
Are you going back home?
No, going to visit my grandmother.
Is she ill?
No, she's in great health.
You'right, often if we visit our grandmother,
that's because she's about to die.
For me it's just to tell her I love her.
That's nice.
No. I'm not a nice person.
Do you have children?
Beg your pardon?
Just making conversation.
No. No children.
Single, no kids?
That's right.
You should tell your parents.
I tried, but I couldn't.
I think no one wants to hear that.
And it stresses me too much:
Mum would smother me even more,
and dad would disappear at once...
I think that, deep down,
I like it that no one knows.
To imagine the look on their faces
when they'll hear the news.
Did you think of the remorse,
the guilt you are going to cause?
Yes. Sometimes.
I don't mind.
I won't be around to see it.
It's childish. Selfish.
Give me a hand.
You're not finishing your food?
No. I'm full. It was very good.
Make an effort. You must eat.
Is that allowed?
Everything is allowed now.
Can I have one?
Who did you tell?
No one. Only you.
Your friends, colleagues?
No. I didn't say anything.
I distanced myself, said I needed a holiday.
Your sister?
Are you crazy? I didn't tell her.
She would be too happy,
she would love to pity me, just like
she does her children.
There's no shame in inspiring pity
or tender feelings.
It could be an opportunity for you
to talk to each other.
I don't feel like it.
Not with her.
And Sacha?
I didn't have the guts.
Why did you tell me, then?
Because you are like me.
You will die soon.
Did you take your medication?
I'll prepare my vitamins.
We didn't go for a walk in the woods.
We could go tomorrow morning, before you leave.
Never mind.
I just wanted to see the spot where
we built a hut with Sophie.
There are a few bits of it left.
Look at all I have to take:
anti oxydation.
this is for the skin,
this for the hair,
this for bones, against osteoporosis.
this is some type of Omega,
You see, with all this,
I will die in excellent health.
Don't talk nonsense.
That's true.
You know, Romain...
Tonight, I would like to leave with you.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know what's good.
I follow my instinct.
After your grandfather's death, I was
a wreck. I thought I was gonna die.
So I left, I fled.
I abandoned my child. Your father.
I could not take care of him anymore,
it was not possible.
I kept seeing Jacques in his smile,
in his eyes.
I was called a bad mother, a whore even.
Your father never forgave me.
But I know I was right.
If I had not left,
if I had not had all these lovers,
I would have died too.
You may call it selfishness,
but it's only survival instinct.
Why do you tell me all this?
Because we are alike.
Knock Knock, madam.
Would you by chance have any food?
What for?
I have not eaten in two days.
I am very poor.
But I did not invite you.
Romain. Have a look.
Look here!
A rabbit!
What's wrong? Why doesn't he move?
He must be sick.
Can I bring it home to cure it?
It's no use. They can pass you lots
of diseases.
Please, dad!
Don't insist!
Put it down.
If we leave it,
it will be eaten!
Nature's law, Romain.
Come on.
Come on.
Did I wake you?
What's the matter?
You cannot sleep?
No. I cannot.
Do you want to talk?
I just want to sleep in your bed.
You know I sleep naked.
It's ok - I won't peek.
Ok. I'm ready.
You don't want to stay for lunch?
I'm not hungry.
On the road, if you are tired,
make sure you stop.
This is for you.
Picked them early this morning.
For my funeral?
When you don't want them anymore,
throw them away.
I love you.
Me too.
Don't cry, or
it will be too tough.
Wouldn't you try chemotherapy,
just for my sake?
You know perfectly well
it won't work.
You never know. Things can happen like...
You don't believe that yourself.
I believe in you!
You are sweet.
Too bad we didn't meet earlier,
I would have married you.
Where will you go when you get back?
I'll stay home.
Call me, ok?
Let me take a picture.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
Do you recognize me?
Can I sit down?
I work at the gas station across the road,
I came to see my husband.
I see.
We would like to ask you something.
Well, my husband has problems.
He's sterile.
We both find you very handsome...
we would like to ask you...
if you would accept to sleep with me.
Since you are young, we thought
you probably wouldn't mind too much.
He's ok with it, don't worry.
Well... I...
You don't have Aids?
We could try, if you want.
We saved a bit of money,
we could pay you.
No. Don't bother.
You do not want?
I'm not interested.
I don't like children.
Romain, the place is clear.
I took all my stuff. Bye. Sasha
Strange, I dream a lot.
You were in my last one.
We were sleeping together.
It was sweet and very sexual
at the same time.
It was making me feel good.
Funny, cos you're not my type at all.
Actually in my dreams I sleep with anyone.
My father, my mother...
even with myself as a kid,
I guess I'm enjoying it before I die.
Time heals everything, except for us.
Lately you've been aggressive, violent,
full of disdain towards me.
while I was making efforts, trying to
understand you.
Trying to make overtures, maybe awkwardly
but I was trying.
I don't understand your attitude,
what it is you hate so much in me.
I often remember the games we played as children,
that complicity that brought us together,
our quarrels, our enthusiasm
and that brotherly love that has disappeared
and which I miss so much.
I hope to hear from you. I've taken the first step
and I now wait for yours.
Your loving sister, Sophie.
It's me.
It feels strange hearing your voice...
I wanted to let you know
I received your letter.
Do you find it ridiculous?
No. It moved me.
It was good for me.
That's great.
You know Sophie, I'd like to come and visit you
but I don't quite have the strength lately.
Working too hard?
Yeah, that's it.
I understand.
I'm already very happy that you called.
I wanted to let you know,
it's not your fault.
I'm the one not feeling too well lately,
the one going a bit mad. Don't worry.
Alrite, I'm gonna leave you now.
Anyway, if you want to see the kids,
don't hesitate to call.
Ok, but you're the one
I'd like to see. Not your kids.
Kisses. And I'll be waiting for your call.
Thanks, Romain.
We're too short.
Let's take a chair.
Have you been waiting for long?
No, I just arrived.
You don't look too good - Are you ok?
You should get some sun.
And you, how are you?
They finally hired me!
Yes, I am happy.
It's all thanks to you.
I know you called to recommend me.
Well, if you know...
Anyway, if they hired you it's because
you had the right profile.
And you? I hear that you stopped working?
I needed a break, and...
...You met someone, didn't you.
Why do you say that?
I know you.
Incapable of staying alone!
Do I know him?
How old?
My age.
Good, that's what you needed.
Did you meet anyone new?
Nothing serious,
one night stands.
That's what I need now:
no complications!
See you soon. You'll call me?
Yeah. Well, no...
Why do you say that?
What's wrong?
You're not feeling well?
I forgot to tell you something.
It's not easy to say...
Can you walk me back?
Do you want a vodka?
You drink during the day now?
Yeah, occasionally.
Ok, one vodka.
Wel... I miss you.
Is that so?
It's a bit late now, isn't it?
Yeah, I know.
I'd like to ask you one thing.
I would like us to make love
one last time.
I want to touch you, feel your skin.
I don't feel like it.
Do I disgust you?
No, I just don't feel like it anymore.
It's over.
Just once. One last time.
Whatever for?
Whatever for...
Funny you should say that,
It's a phrase I keep repeating lately,
It's stuck in my head.
Except today I didn't think about it,
you were the one who said it.
You know what?
I would feel like a whore,
like I'm doing it to thank you for the job.
I don't want that.
I understand.
Give me your hand.
Can you feel my heart?
It's still beating.
Good morning.
Good morning.
I'm ready.
You don't want anymore,
it's too late?
Too late?
For the kid?
No, it's fine.
If you still want, I accept.
We do it now.
Maitre Dargot, Notary public,
in the presence of Jeannie and Bruno Charron,
witnesses as required by articles 971 and 972
of the civil code,
chosen by the requester, Mr Romain Brochant,
single, photographer,
born in Paris, Mars 30th, 1973,
has received the following will:
the requester, sane of mind according to notary
and witnesses, dictated the will as follows:
This is my will.
I recognize the child Mme Jeannie Charron is bearing
whose birth is scheduled for April 9th, 2005,
and make it my sole heir.
Which means it will inherit my entire wealth.
Have I expressed your wishes entirely?
Yes, perfect.
For the funerals, any particular wish
you would like to include?
Any religious ceremony?
That's not necessary.
Here's the act. Initial the first page
and sign the second page.
Same thing for the witnesses please.
I don't ask you out for lunch.
I'm exhausted. And not hungry.
Neither are we.
I'll take my leave now.
Do you want us
to give you a lift?
It's ok; I'll take a cab.
Thank you for everything.
I should be the one thanking you.
We'd like to ask you something.
But we do not dare.
Do you know if your illness is hereditary,
for the kid?
No, don't worry.
It's a cancer. Incurable.
Ah, ok.
Call us if you want to see us,
or if you need anything.
I would like to ask you something too.
Is he moving?
No. It's not even two months yet.
As soon as he moves, let me know.
I'll come and touch your belly.
Ok. Good bye then.
Will you be alright?
Yeah. I hope so.
Good luck.