Lea and Darija (2011)

The author wishes to thank
Branko Polic, Zlatan Gefb
and Relja Basic for supplying
facts on Lea Deutsch.
Thanks also go to Alica Petrac,
Nada Kobali, Sonja Kastl,
Visnja Barac, Beata Devcic Domic,
Vesna Ljubicic, Bozidar Sirola and
Nika Grgic without whom this film
would not have been possible.
Where the imagination
falls silent, facts speak out.
I believe it's here.
It's a bit heavy.
Yes, this is it.
I'll take this and,
perhaps, this as well.
I'm not sure what exactly
it is I am doing, but...
Hello! Hello!
Has anyone ever filmed you?
- No.
For a journal, or newsreel?
- No.
But who made this film?
Sonja's father.
This is all that's left.
- Sonja Kastl. Do you remember?
Beata, Blankica, Vesna.
It's so long ago.
Hansel and Gretel.
I've forgotten everything.
I've even forgotten Zagreb.
I don't remember anyone filming us,
except perhaps that time in Berlin.
Do you remember Berlin?
Do you know the song:
Zagreb enjoys song and dance.
There's a smile on all the faces.
Who are you? A ghost?
I can't see you.
There's no one else in the room.
Darija. Remember Darija.
I can't. I've forgotten
Croatian completely.
I've forgotten everything.
Written by
Directed by
Zagreb, 1939
Galant and charming.
Beloved by women everywhere.
A second father to me.
The great Tito Strozzi.
Today is his day.
Tito and Mr. Deci have completed
work on the Child Prodigy.
They have written and
composed it solely for me.
Here comes the soup.
- Soup! - Who's hungriest?
- Me!
Let's see your hands.
- Hmmm. I'm not too happy.
Someone hasn't washed his hands!
Who could that be?
- I don't know. I'll get it.
Mr. Strozzi.
- Sorry, Stjepan.
Where are Lea and Ivka?
Ivka, come quickly!
It's finished!
What's the rush about!?
- The score's finished.
Great! Let's hear it!
- This is for you. Here you go.
Here you go, Deci.
- I'll cue her.
Lea, you come in here.
Pardon me for coming
before you all weepy eyed.
But out onto the street
we are being turned.
My father is out of work.
The fireplace is cold.
To blame it on the crisis
Is I think far from bold.
My small body is so thin.
For three days now
no food have I seen.
And so rehearsals started.
They went from dawn till dusk.
Our theater was called:
The Children's Kingdom.
Auntie Sirola supplied the
sandwiches and kept us in order.
Total chaos ruled.
Francek! How did you...
Get down immediately!
You're not allowed to do
anything in this house!
My dear, how much longer
do you plan to endure this?
This children's hell?
- Kingdom, my dear Tito, children's kingdom.
We love it.
- Let's go!
My third father was Mr. Sirola.
We used to call him Uncle.
We practiced in his flat
in Vodnikova Street.
Only one more thing remained.
To see if the stern manager
at the state theater would
accept The Child Prodigy.
Bravo Lea! Excellent!
He can't say no!
Zagreb, Tuesday, 8 January 1935,
Lea Deutsch sings and dances
And then we traveled,
performed and traveled again.
You did not tell me you saw
a man in your sister's room.
Come here!
Oh dear, papa,
you have wounded me! Wait.
And I was the star
- Lea Deutsch.
My poor child!
- Don't cry, papa.
I haven't wilted completely.
The child prodigy.
Belgrade, Ljubljana, Split,
Sofia, Osijek, Koprivnica, Bjelovar.
Only I played to a full house.
Karolina, are you
completely out of your mind?
Who are you curtseying to?
The man has no eye
for his business whatsoever!
Let's go to Mama!
We had our own show
on Radio Zagreb.
All the children knew Emperor
Talkalot and the Great Vizier.
I'm in love.
Our mothers sewed our costumes.
Our fathers smoked fat cigars.
This was The Children's Kingdom.
I can clearly see
what makes me happy.
Thank you, my heart
for knowing this feeling.
Show me if you would another
city with a children's kingdom.
Find it on the map and point it out.
What now?
- Here they are.
Miss Ungar. Mr. Riffler.
Everything's ready.
Welcome on behalf of
The Children's Kingdom.
Sirola. But everybody
calls me Uncle.
Thank you. After Berlin and Paris,
Zagreb must seem very small.
On the contrary, I adore Zagreb.
I have fond memories of Zagreb.
My friend and companion, Louis.
Perhaps you'd like to have a rest?
Everyone is eager to meet you.
Allow me to introduce the mother
of our child prodigy, Mrs. Deutsch.
When uncle and Tito brought Rod
to Zagreb to teach us to tap dance
you also came, Darija.
With your golden locks.
Our Lea! Go on!
I'll admit it. You confused
us all right from the start.
That evening Rod
and Miss Ungar
showed us what they
knew at the Illyrian Hall.
Everybody was happy-
Except for my mistrustful, perhaps,
even slightly jealous, father.
Riffler? Is that a German surname?
The way he dances...
- That's why we brought him to Zagreb.
His partner is his wife? - Miss Ungar?
- Yes. - No, I don't think so.
Shame on you!
I hope Louis doesn't understand Croatian.
- So do I.
But everything was soon explained.
Louis couldn't make his mind up
between Rod or Miss Ungar.
Rod loved Louis.
And my mother would never
have a better friend than Rod.
Because my father was
the man of my mother's dreams.
Our children need proper
tuition in modern dance steps.
Rod Riffler has experience in
Europe and all over the world.
I wouldn't think of slow fox as
a modern dance.
- Be patient.
Esteemed director,
colleagues and friends.
I am aware that childrens' musicals
are rarely staged
at The National Theater.
But since The Children's Kingdom
is part of The National Theater,
I believe we have
a great piece worth staging.
Mr. Deci, a talented composer,
has written the music.
I wrote the libretto and our great
star Lea Deutsch is performing.
The title: The Child Prodigy...
Mr. Strozzi. Let us decide.
Show us what you have prepared.
Pardon me for coming
before you all weepy eyed.
But out onto the street
we are being turned.
My father is out of work.
The fireplace is cold.
To blame it on the crisis
Is I think far from bold.
Have they started?
- Yes. Quite a while ago.
Come with me, Mrs. Deutsch.
I'll come with you. I'll can't wait.
Oh dear, I've forgotten the actor!
Which door?
- On the right!
Yes, well, Mr. Strozzi,
Mr. Deci, Mr. Sirola.
I can see that a lot of work
and effort has gone into this.
But, above all, talent.
It'll be sensational.
I congratulate you all sincerely.
And for you,
my dear Lea, a big kiss.
You can continue
practicing on this stage.
The opening night is in 20 days.
The Croatian National Theater
is now The Children's Kingdom.
Thank you.
Congratulations princess!
Good afternoon!
- Sit down, please.
Lea's opening night is coming up.
As always, she has tickets for you.
Let's see. Who would like to go?
Give me one! Thanks!
Hey! Don't give Barbara one.
I can't stand her.
Me! Me!
I don't have enough for everyone,
but I promise to get more.
Excuse me...?
Here you go.
Mr. Deutsch?
- Yes?
I'm Melita Gasteiger. This is
my husband, engineer Gasteiger.
Pleased to meet you.
The girl over there.
In the dark red coat.
That's our Darija.
- Darija?
Is the famous Lea your daughter?
- Famous...
Perhaps you shouldn't
make her do so much.
School, skating, opening nights...
- She loves it. She makes time.
We didn't get tickets for
the opening night, unfortunately.
Our Darija also danced
before we came to Zagreb.
- Really?
The Children's Kingdom...
What I actually wanted
to ask you about is Pathhe.
Word has it they're coming to film your Lea.
It's a joke, right?
It seems that they are coming.
As far as The Children's Kingdom
is concerned, ask my wife Ivka.
She'll be able to tell you more
about it. Just a moment. Lea!
Lea, my dear.
Have you got any tickets left?
Darija, yes. She also danced.
Thank you.
Darija dear, say thank you.
The Croatian Shirley Temple.
With dark curly locks.
Miss Lea! Where have you been! You're late.
- Evening, Mr. Mirko!
- Don't look at them!
Flowers before an opening
night bring bad luck.
So, what is it that you want?
- Nothing much.
Only that you let a few of my
classmates up onto the gallery.
My brave father.
He could face anything,
except watching me on stage.
The opening night.
The whole of Zagreb was
in the audience that evening.
I was the center of the world.
Do you know that feeling, Darija?
Everything had been written for me.
Both the music and the libretto.
Everything revolved around me.
Mum was hoping in vain.
Only I knew where dad was.
His seat remained empty.
Pardon me for coming
before you all weepy eyed.
But out onto the street
we are being turned.
My father is out of work.
The fireplace is cold.
To blame it on the crisis
is I think far from bold.
My small body is so thin.
For three days now
no food has it seen.
With everyone I had to part,
I beseech you with all my heart.
Spare a coin or two,
so that some bread I may buy.
People say that
actors are big children.
This is probably why
they all loved me so much.
I was a child.
And I was famous. Adored.
Did it go well?
- Yes.
- Are you happy?
Please take her backstage.
Miss Deutsch, do you have
stage fright before a performance?
Not when the performance is a hit.
Has Pathhe confirmed whether he is coming?
- I don't really care.
Why is the piece entitled
The Child Prodigy?
You're no longer a child, young lady.
- No, I'm not.
Give your sister a kiss!
- You were excellent!
I don't have any more photographs.
I don't need one.
Give me something that brings you luck.
You're not getting this!
It couldn't be avoided.
A final showdown.
Shirley Temple vs the Child Prodigy
So, let's see it!
Bravo! Excellent girls! You're great!
Let's dance now, little brother.
Grab my arms, I'll show you how.
Tito and uncle searched and searched.
And finally found
what they were looking for.
Hansel and Gretel.
A show with two stars.
Braco was unhappy.
He'd lost his partner.
It was a hit. Everybody kept
talking about Lea and Darija.
The Darija who dances with Lea.
The Lea who dances with Darija.
To the left and to the right.
This task is Oh so light!
Well done little brother mine,
Your steps are now just fine.
Who'd have thought
that you might be taught.
I don't know what it is.
I know there's a name for it.
Is there a name for it at all?
But it fulfills me completely.
Unbelievable! How could
you forget to mark the reel?
Now they're all mixed up!
This isn't professional!
This is the fifth time
we're filming the same thing!
Tell me. Which film can I use?
Gentlemen, it'll be fine.
Take a fresh roll and put the rest away.
Start over!
No class today?
- No. I informed everyone.
They're filming our Lea.
Pathhe from Paris.
Only Lea?
What about the rest of the children?
What is the lady saying?
Please translate.
Madame is asking about filming
the other children.
- Why not?
What is your name, young lady?
- Darija.
I should tell you that I am
well-versed in urbane matters.
Will you be filming the entire
cast of The Children's Kingdom?
Darija has brought
a wonderful costume along.
You're German? Then...
- No. She is just of German descent.
She is Croatian.
She's a Volksdeutscher.
Terribly sorry.
We don't have time.
Our unused film is at the hotel.
Another time, perhaps.
We're only filming Lea this time.
We've come all the way
from Paris to film Miss Deutsch.
I understand.
I understand, all too well.
Darija, we're leaving.
Mama, I'd like to stay with Lea.
- My dear, we are leaving.
We're not welcome here.
If Paris won't have us, Berlin
will welcome us with open arms.
Good bye.
Where are you two going?
You've seen five films in two days.
Night and Day said Fred to Ginger
The film's six years old.
- But the theater is full.
I'd charge you double.
But the owner, Mr. Simone, is
giving you free tickets.
- Thank you!
- Good morning.
Girls, girls. Stop fidgeting.
Stand still or you'll end up
with a pin in your bottom!
Be good Darija, or you'll
get a pin in your bottom!
Auntie Margita, can I please
have a pin in my bottom too?
Stand still for a moment.
Pin this pleat down.
Go and show your mother.
Simply beautiful, Mrs. Jaksic.
Do you like it? Good.
And now you, my beauty!
How could you do this
to my Darija, Mrs. Margita?
What's wrong, Mrs. Gasteiger?
She's beautiful.
Darija, take it off, immediately.
- But, mum!
- What?
Mrs. Melita...
- You keep your mouth shut.
This must be your doing.
I beg your pardon? -Yes.
- Mum, don't. -Don't what!?
Ladies, please. Katarina!
You're to blame for this.
Agram is not Berlin.
No, it isn't.
New ideas are spreading from Berlin.
I thought you'd do
something like this,
so I gave instructions
to your assistant this morning.
My assistant is a silly goose.
And you have no right to insist.
The dress was made as
requested by Mr. Riffler.
The gentleman decides
and we pay, is that it?
That's none of my business.
Identical dresses!
- Right then.
No ball. Lea, take the dress off.
Take it off!
- Come here, please.
- Where?
Ladies, they're performing...
Lea! Lea!
Darija, what's the matter?
Open the door, right now!
Lea, you're wanted.
Lea, open the door.
The two of them
really get on my nerves!
Darija, please! Open the door!
Lea, open the door!
Mum, everything's OK.
Wait up for us in the salon.
My dear, you can keep the dress.
Darija, please! Open the door!
In accordance to Jewish Laws
65-68, as of 30 April 1941
all Jews, both women and men,
of all ages and denominations
are ordered to display the
yellow cross on their left side
immediately after receiving it.
Listen Ivka.
This is not important...
Here it is...
Since, for obvious reasons,
the piano is important
for our daughter Lea, and not
a necessity for the future tenant,
I would kindly ask you
to allow us to keep it
and remove it to our new
address. Stjepan Deutsch.
I believe they'll
understand the fine irony.
I'll get it.
It's probably Darija.
We've got to go to rehearsals.
- Go on then.
Good afternoon.
Are your mother and father at home?
Lea, who is it?
Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
How can I help you?
- This flat has been allotted to me.
Allotted to you?
We've received an eviction order,
but I haven't even had a chance
to see the flat on Tresnjevka.
- You don't have to move.
We'll certainly need
a couple of days to pack.
I presume you don't need the piano.
- You don't have to move at all.
All I need is a room and the use
of the kitchen and bathroom.
I suggest we arrange things as follows.
I hope you won't mind, Sasa...
Is that your name?
- Yes.
If I move in to the room next to yours?
- No.
Only if you don't snore at night!
- I don't.
- Good.
The rest remains the same.
I get up first, so you won't
even see me during the day.
It would be good if we were all
in at night. Such are the times.
All kinds of riff-raff
is out and about after dark.
Lea, do you two know each other?
Right, young man. You seem
to know Lea from somewhere.
And, for some reason,
she has fallen silent.
However, you have barged
into someone else's flat,
and rearranged everything.
I don't know how it is you know
so much about the flat, but no
matter. You've allotted chores.
Now all that remains is for you to
tell us who you are.
- Tadija Kukic.
Lea knows me by sight.
From the skating rink.
It states here who I am.
You're a lawyer, am I right?
- Yes.
What it says here is:
The above mentioned is
called to evict Stjepan Deutsch
from 29 Gunduliceva Street and
the same, including all furniture,
is to be allotted Jarnjus Janko.
Since I was able to aid
Mr. Janko in finding a larger flat
in Palmoticeva Street,
I am moving in with you.
Girls, you have 45 minutes
to write this essay.
Can it be something funny?
- It is funny. Today and here.
Write what you feel.
Lea, the principal wants to talk to you.
You'll come to the new opening
night? I mean, you always come.
You'll like it.
Teacher! Has Lea been expelled?
- No one's been expelled.
Lea won't be with us for a while.
Until the end of the school year.
It's only a temporary decree.
She'll do the exams. We'll help her.
Who lives close to Tomislav Square?
So, we're agreed. Zdenka, you'll
bring her maths and physics notes.
Visnja, you'll bring her
Croatian, Latin and French notes.
Elica, you'll bring her history notes.
Lea, it's only temporary.
It's only for this term.
We'll bring you all
our notebooks every day.
I'll be bring you history!
Bye, Lea!
- Come back soon!
Keep some tickets for
us for the opening night.
Put these two books
into a separate box.
The cardinal will inspect
them more closely personally.
Books are a red rag to a madman.
Because he cannot understand them.
Even worse if he can. First the
book, then the man is destroyed.
You asked the cardinal personally?
No, the cardinal offered to
safeguard these books at Kaptol
without having to be asked.
Until this madness passes.
You may rest assured that they will
returned. All of them. Undamaged.
Tell me, if we agree to this,
then we have lost the support
of the Jewish community, is that not so?
What are our children supposed to eat?
Are we expected to live off
the mercy of our friends?
I am but the rabbi of our small community.
It is not for me to advise you on this.
If we all convert, who will remain?
We need to think of our children.
We need to save the children.
If we christen only Sasa and Lea,
will we continue receiving food?
Hold it. We don't know any priests.
In his secret letter, the cardinal
recommends that all his vicars help
those people who wish to convert
When these times of
madness and barbarism pass,
only those who have converted
through true faith will remain.
Others will return to their own faith.
They will return to their own faith.
The children are important.
It's too late for
Palestine or Switzerland.
Maybe it's not too late for you.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'm not leaving as long
as there's a Jew left in Croatia.
Lord, allow our chosen ones,
instructed by the holy secrets
and the christening font, to join
your church. In Christ our Lord.
Do you renounce Satan?
- I do. And all his works.
- I do.
And all his empty promises?
- I do.
Do you believe in God,
the father Almighty,
creator of heaven and earth?
- I believe.
Receive the sign of the cross on
your forehead and on your head.
Relinquish Judaism
and Hebrew superstitions.
Honor the Almighty and his only
Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Come closer now.
I christen you in
the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Darija! Darija!
It's arrived! Darija!
It's finally arrived!
This is an invitation for Darija.
UFA wants to film her.
We're traveling to Berlin!
Mr. Riffler, I have
a great favor to ask of you.
I'd like you to travel with us to Berlin!
Berlin is the center of the world today!
Berlin! I dreamt about
the floodlights at the studio.
Paris was mine.
Berlin was yours.
Or we could divide
the whole world between us!
America for me.
Europe for you.
Or you could have
mine and I'd have yours.
Here's the cheese...
- Thank you.
Notice of the
Command of the Ustashi Youth:
As of this day,
The Children's Kingdom is to be disbanded.
In future, The Children's Theater
will be placed under The Croatian
National Theater of Ustashi Youth.
Let's see...
My mother Ivka, born Singer,
was also born in Zagreb.
Both my parents have lived
in Croatia since my birth.
As a lawyer, my father
only had Croatian clients.
Since I have only associated
with Croats in my home,
I have converted to
the Roman Catholic faith.
Yes. I've noted it down.
The ophtamological department
at the Sisters of Mercy Hospital.
Lea, my dear, are you listening to me?
- Yes.
All our theater managers
and critics say that I am talented.
I trust that I will continue to be
an asset to the Croatian theater.
I therefore ask that my
application be taken into account.
I will continue to apply myself
for the good of Croatian,
who took me in so warm-heartedly,
even though I was but a child.
I'll continue reading.
Listen to me carefully.
In view of the above, I ask
that article 6 of the Law on Races
be applicable to me and my parents
who raised me as a Croatian and
patriot because they felt this way.
I ask that my application
be taken into consideration.
I will proudly do my utmost
for my homeland Croatia
and for the creator of its independence.
Alright? Have you understood
everything? Then sign here.
I hope this isn't the reason
why you're avoiding our home.
Our friends still keep coming.
But I do understand.
Sasa, let's go and revise the texts.
Would you like some coffee, Rod?
Don't worry. We have enough.
I'll make some anyway.
I can't understand it.
Not even a letter.
What about his things?
- Empty wardrobes.
Perhaps, things are not
as bleak as they seem.
Louis meant everything to me.
You understand me, Ivka.
I understand.
- People like me are not only
a disgrace in these times.
My life is in danger.
Louis and Nada will come back.
- They'll never come back.
They've left me here alone.
The two of them is
all I had left in my life.
But you've got your work, Rod.
No one can take your an away.
Don't call me Rod.
My real name is Robert
Excuse me!?
- I lied.
My European career, my successes.
It was all a lie.
I was never at the top.
My real name is Robert Ungar.
A second-rate dancer.
A homosexual.
- A Jew.
Welcome home, Mr. Ungar.
Could you repeat that, please.
Deutsch has been stricken off the list.
It's been replaced by Boziica Spoljar.
I don't need to repeat it to you.
- Do you know who...
- No, I don't!
Even if you were the Virgin,
I can't let you in.
- You're not on the list.
Where's Mr. Mirko?
I have a performance...
We don't have time.
- You don't have time?
What's happening, Mr. Dujsin?
- I phoned your father.
There's obviously been a mistake.
You're banned from the theater.
Mr. Mirko?
Go home, Lea.
- No, I won't! I want
to talk to the director, this minute!
I have to...
- You don't have to anything.
Help me, Vjeko.
Miss Deutsch, some of our
colleagues have also been banned
from entering the theater building.
There must be some mistake.
- That's what I think.
Leave the door open.
When I became the new director,
I was certain that it was my job
to oversee performances, the repertoire...
But as you see, in our lives,
everything boils down to politics.
But, Mr. Zanko,
Lea cannot be a political issue.
She's a child.
Lea is no longer a child.
Yes. But she was, when she signed
the contract with this theater.
Lea is extremely talented.
I've seen her on several occasions.
But I don't make the decisions.
You know the new decrees on race.
Lea is a Croatian child prodigy.
Her success came
playing in Croatian dramas.
Is Croatian willing to simply throw
away its most devoted talents?
Let's say that this Croatian custom
contradicts the decree on races.
But let's ignore that for a moment.
You are familiar with
paragraph 6 of the Law on Races?
Aryan rights will be awarded
to all non-Aryans who have proved
themselves meritorious
for the Croatian people
before April 10, 1941.
Is that what you were alluding to?
Write an application to the Race department
at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Your arguments are valid.
Lea has already written
an application and sent it.
It has been supported and signed by renowned
artists from the theater
and the music scene.
Nina Vavra, Jakov Gotovac...
Mr. Zanko, I've come for your
personal support, not advice.
Good bye.
Mr. Deutsch, you don't know me at all.
I have never willingly
wanted to insult anyone,
let alone harm them.
I will do whatever is
in my power to get Lea back.
The blue tram
speeds through the city...
No. Let's do it again.
From here. The blue tram...
The blue tram speeds
through the city...
Tadija, come and sing with us.
Well done. Once again.
Mr. Deutsch, are you leaving?
Ivka! Tadija has asked
for Lea's hand in marriage.
What did you say!?
Mr. Tadija has asked
for Lea's hand in marriage.
Mrs. Deutsch, believe me.
How else can I help you?
She's only a child.
I have to hide. They won't
touch you. It'll soon pass.
Tadija is a gift from God.
Lea's underaged.
- We'll ask for a permit.
- And what if we get it?
We'll be man and wife
on paper until Lea comes of age.
And then let Lea decide.
Stroll by under my window now and again.
Just so that I can see that
you're still alive and well.
- Daddy!
My sweetie!
Don't worry, dear.
Sasa! Look after the plane.
Tadija, thank you.
Is this the Riffler dance studio?
Yes. I'm Rod Riffler
and this is my dance studio.
This studio has been
closed down as far as I know.
Riffler? Are you sure
that's your surname?
It's the name I go by as an artist.
Robert Ungar if I'm not mistaken?
- Yes, Robert Ungar.
- From Osijek?
That's right.
- Come with us, Mr. Ungar.
- Just a minute.
What's over here? - The kitchen.
- And over here? - My study.
The studio will be closed
until further notice.
- Closed?
Mr. Ungar, I see you're not wearing
your obligatory race badge.
That is punishable by law.
You may enter this room
at your own risk.
Why is that, Dr Panac?
The patients have trachoma.
- This is only a routine check.
Yes, but it's a dangerous
and contagious disease.
If you really insist, then go ahead.
I love you all!
Have you brought the film?
- Yes I have. You'll see!
Quick! Hurry!
I can hardly wait!
This is in Berlin?
At the UFA studio?
- Yes.
What about the crystal throne?
The velvet stairs?
Come off it!
Good evening.
May I come in?
Please do.
Take a seat, Mrs. Gasteiger.
- No, thank you.
May I?
- Of course.
I'll keep it short.
My husband's waiting for me.
Your husband is with you?
- Your husband's not at home?
No, he isn't. He's away on business.
We returned from Berlin
the day before yesterday.
Lea paid us a visit yesterday.
She was at your flat?
- Yes.
I decided to talk to you...
- No need.
I'm sorry, it won't happen again.
For God's sake, Ivka! You
didn't think I came because of that!
Lea can come and visit
Darija whenever she wants.
It's terrible what's happening.
The children are not to blame.
I came to say...
If there's anything you need.
If we can help.
If there's anyone we can talk to...
If there's anything we can do to help...
Anything within our power.
Darija! Hurry up!
We're about to start!
It's so provincial.
Look! That's Lea Deutsch!
- Yes, that's her!
Good evening.
It's alright.
You can turn the radio back on.
But keep it tuned in to
Radio Zagreb, alright?
Let's go through it once again.
When you get off the train,
don't stay on the platform.
Go into the city park.
You can eat, rest and do
whatever you want there,
but don't leave the park.
The contact will approach you.
We don't know who it will be.
Have you remembered all this, Ivka?
- Yes I have.
It's all clear.
They're all at Borongaj.
A diversion. They say a warehouse
full of ammunition has exploded.
We've received two cards from Grga.
- From Jasenovac?
Yes. Read them, Nina. Anything
coming from the camp is censored.
This hasn't been
censored well enough.
My dear, I've been receiving
your packages on a regular basis.
If necessary, find someone to send
them. Best regards to our relatives,
aunt, and the rest of the family.
Love and kisses to you.
What's that?
- That's important.
It needs to be read backwards.
Our race is dying of hunger.
I've heard actors say that
death has a thousand faces.
Actors say all kinds of things.
They like to talk.
They don't know when to stop.
The only person who came in
Karlovac was a man with balloons.
The man who was supposed to come
and take us to the partisans
didn't come. We waited all day.
They told my mother to be patient.
To wait another day.
When the next day came,
they said the same thing.
And then nobody else came.
Cheering in the streets as people
await the arrival of Ante Pavelic.
The procession will pass
through the streets of Zagreb.
He then bade farewell to volunteers
heading off to war and victory
against the Bolshevik threat to a
New Europe on the Eastern Front.
Mrs. Deutsch!
Are you off to the front, Tadija?
To Russia?
To the east.
Goodbye, my friend, goodbye...
I'll come back.
He said he'd come back.
But I knew I'd never see him again.
Early flowers blooming before the
spring on the streets and squares
of Zagreb are the first sign
that winter is almost over.
The square around the National
Theater takes on its customary role.
Mothers in Zagreb take their
children out into the sun and air.
What is it you want?
- Is Lea at home?
- Lea Deutsch.
I'm a friend from school.
I've brought her her homework.
Oh, right! Lea Deutsch!
No, she isn't at home.
The whole family
has gone on holiday.
On holiday!?
- Exactly. On holiday.
And then even you disappeared.
You ran before the partisans.
All the Croatian Germans did.
You escaped to Vienna.
You Volksdeutschers were
always so well organized.
Do you recognize anyone, Darija?
There they are!
My mother, my father and I.
But you? Who are you?
I'm Lea.
No. I don't remember.
Lea Deutsch. Your Lea.
No. I really don't remember.
I'm Gretel. You're Hansel.
Hansel and Gretel.
Listen to this, Darija.
Look, my dear!
Look how clean our Lola is?
Do you have anything?
Even the smallest of keepsakes
to remember me by?
Or don't you want to remember?
No. I remember everything.
But you, you I don't remember.
Let's sing, shall we?
Zagreb enjoys song and dance.
There's a smile on every face.
The blue tram speeds through the city
and planes land on Dolac.
Zagreb enjoys song and dance.
There's a smile on every faces.
You fly off with an umbrella from Sestine.
And fly out over Kaptol.
Youths tap dance through the streets.
Where all the world
is smiling and beautiful.
The Gasteiger family
fled to Austria in 1944.
Darija still lives in Innsbruck.
Stjepan Deutsch died
in Zagreb 15 years later
Ivka and Sasa arrived in Auschwitz
but all trace of them was lost.
Lea Deutsch died
on the train to Auschwitz in 1943.
This film tells the story of those
dead and those living only in part.
The rest is fiction.