League of Their Own, A (1992)

- Come here, Bobby.
- Come on. Give me...
You might need that.
Where'd you find this?
It was in one of those cartons.
- Needs oil.
- Who doesn't?
You ready?
- I'm not going.
- Mom!
I already got two children,
I don't need a third.
Why is it so important that I go?
Well, for one thing, it'd be nice
if you just left the room.
Besides, these are your old friends.
They probably won't even
remember me.
The "Queen of Diamonds,"
Dottie Hinson?
I just don't think this is a good idea.
Oh, come on, Mom. I mean,
you're gonna get to see Aunt Kit.
- You hardly ever see each other.
- We still won't.
She'll be traveling around
with that husband of hers.
- Frank. He has a name.
- Frank.
And he's always been
very nice to you.
He makes me nervous.
- There's a lot of reasons why I can't go.
- Mom.
...l'm not comfortable about this.
I'm not really part of it.
It was never that important to me.
It was just something I did.
When are you gonna realize how
special it was, how much it all meant?
Yeah. I know how you feel.
I really do.
But you're going.
- A car, a train, a bus. I'm tired already.
- Sleep on the plane.
- Grandma's out. Is there a fire?
- Wisenheimer.
Julie next door is watching you.
I don't want any bad reports.
- Okay. Bye, Grandma.
- Bye.
Jeffrey, come here.
No matter what your brother does,
he's littler than you are.
Give him a chance to shoot. Promise?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Bobby, come here.
Kill him.
Come on, you'll miss your plane.
Well, I still think I shouldn't go.
Get a hit, Beans!
I'm coming, Mae! I'm coming!
This week in the world of sports.
With the boys overseas
and off to war...
...baseball pitches in
for the war effort.
Trading bats for bullets,
Yankee Joe DiMaggio...
...promises to give
those Nazis a jolt.
Ace fireballer Bob Feller...
...has traded Cleveland gray
for Navy blue.
Baseball's biggest stars say:
"Look out, Mr. Hitler.
The Yanks are coming."
Not to mention the Indians,
Red Sox and Tigers.
And they won't come back
till it's over, over there.
Meanwhile, Chicago club owner
Walter Harvey, the candy-bar king...
...met with other team owners at the
Harvey Mansion as rumors persist...
...that baseball may be shut down
for the duration of the war.
Harvey's promotional whiz kid,
Ira Lowenstein...
...has been given the job of figuring
out how to keep baseball going.
Good luck, Mr. Lowenstein.
Strike 2!
- Hey, fatso!
- Come on!
Get the hell out of the way!
What are you, crazy?
Strike 3!
Kit! Kit!
- Sis, don't swing at that high pitch.
- I can hit it.
- You can't.
- I can.
This bat's too heavy.
You'll never get it around.
I will!
Kit, Kit. Listen. There's a big hole
on the right side. Don't look.
- Unless she pitches inside, pull it.
- I know.
Batter up!
No high ones.
I like the high ones!
- Mule!
- Nag!
Come on, one more.
Easy out, easy out.
Come on, Kit.
Keep your eye on the ball.
Right in here, right here.
Strike 1!
Strike 2!
Too high. No.
All right, Kit. Look it over!
Look it over there!
Strike 3!
All right, two out, everybody.
That's two away!
- Better luck next time!
- Come on, Dottie!
- Knock it out of here!
- Okay, Dottie!
Two outs. Batter up!
- You can do it.
- Play ball.
Right in here, Becky.
Bring them in, bring them in!
Bring them in there, Dottie!
- Keep your eye on it, Dottie!
- Come on, Becky.
Come on, Dottie! One hit and we win!
That's it, Dottie! You did it!
That's the ball game!
Dottie, Dottie, Dottie.
That was a swell hit. Good job!
Hey, Kit! What are you swinging
those high ones for?
Good thing your sister bailed you out.
How about the two bucks you owe me
for this game?
Kit! Wait up, I'll give you a ride!
- Would you stop kicking the rocks?
- I'm sorry.
- That game just made me so mad.
- Kit, we won. Get mad if we lose.
That last pitch was
right down the middle.
If I'd have swung at that,
I'd be the big hero.
- You got me so crazy...
- All I said was lay off the high ones.
"Good thing your sister
bailed you out, Kit."
"Kit, why don't you get your sister
to teach you how to hit?"
"Why can't you be beautiful
like your sister?"
What idiot said that?
No one.
- But that's what they were thinking.
- No, it's not!
You ever hear Dad
introduce us to people?
"This is our daughter Dottie.
This is our other daughter,
Dottie's sister."
Should've just had you
and bought a dog.
- Mitch Swaley likes you.
- He's one step up from dating pigs.
But an important step.
- Why are you walking so fast?
- Why are you?
- Because you are.
- Can't even let me walk faster than you?
Girls, you got chores to do.
Don't run! You'll scare the chickens!
I don't have time for these games.
- Why are you running?
- You can run faster.
Your legs are longer.
- I win!
- Barely.
Hey, yourself.
Doesn't that hurt them?
It doesn't seem to.
It would bruise the hell out of me.
Who are you?
I'm Ernie Capadino, baseball scout.
I saw you playing today.
Not bad, not bad.
Ever hear of Walter Harvey?
Harvey Bars?
You know, the candy?
Yeah, we feed them to the cows
when they're constipated.
He's starting
a girls' baseball league...
...so we can make a buck
while the boys are overseas.
Wanna play?
Nice retort. Tryouts are in Chicago.
It's a real league, professional.
Professional baseball?
They'll pay you $75 a week.
We only make 30 at the dairy.
Well, then, this would be more,
wouldn't it? You interested?
Come on. Seventy-five dollars a week?
Pull her leg.
Mine are long enough already.
Look, your country needs you.
And you can not only play ball,
but you're kind of a dolly.
Oh, now I get it. Listen, mister.
I'm a married woman.
My husband's overseas.
Oh, relax!
I'm talking lookie, no touchie.
We want girls easy on the eye.
I'll go. I'm ready right now.
I gotta sign something?
I don't want you! I want her!
The one who hit the ball!
You can climb back under the cow.
She's good. She's very good.
She pitches. She didn't today,
because she did yesterday.
Thanks for that special glimpse
into her life.
I want you.
You I saw, you I like. What do you say?
The train leaves for Chicago tomorrow.
- What do you say? Are you in?
- No, thanks.
"No, thanks"?
Hey, no skin off my Ashtabula.
If you wanna pluck cows,
that's your business.
You know something?
You're not nice.
That one hurt. So long, milkmaids.
No, wait!
Just watch me pitch. Dottie,
get your mitt! I'll throw a few.
- I'll show you some pitches...
- No. No, no, no.
Now look...
...I know the goods when I see
the goods, and she's the goods.
I'm sorry.
Will you shut up?!
- You're a pitcher, huh?
- Yeah.
I'll tell you what.
If she comes, you can come too.
If you stink, it'll only cost us
a train ticket.
Get these wild animals
away from me!
Haven't you ever heard of a leash?
Come on, Dottie.
You got the whole rest of your life
to hang around here.
Never go anywhere. Never do anything.
I'm married. I'm happy. It's what
I want. Let's not confuse things.
But can't you just have this first?
Just so you can say you once
did something? Something special?
Goodness sake, Kit!
Keep your voice down.
Your father's listening to the radio.
Please, Dottie?
I gotta get out of here.
I'm nothing here.
In the Pacific Northwest,
my territory...
...we have increased sales 106 percent
in the last 12-month period.
And this with a war on!
You know, if I had your job,
I'd kill myself.
Sit here. I'll see if I can
dig up a pistol.
Every trip I take, I gotta sit
next to one of these guys.
I'm just too friendly.
Hey, isn't that...?
- I'm coming!
- Let me in!
Well, I'll say one thing for them.
They can run.
Mr. Capadino! I got her! Look!
- Sir, your knee.
- Like it?
Stop the train!
Come on! Come on!
Give me that bag!
Come on.
Come on, here.
Did you promise the cows you'd write?
When do we get to Chicago?
We gotta make a stop.
Fort Collins, Colorado.
Gotta look at another girl.
Hope you're not jealous.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay, honey. That was good form.
Good, honey. Good, good.
Nice, nice. That's a rope, honey.
Good girl. Good, good.
Right, too high.
She's got an eye like DiMaggio.
Good. Good, good.
Okay, Marla. Now lefty.
She's really good.
- She's your daughter?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Her mom's dead.
It's just the two of us.
Coach said if she was a boy,
she'd go to the state tournament.
I said, "If she was a boy, I'd talk to
the Yankees instead of living here."
That's enough.
You can bring her over.
Okay, Marla. Come here.
Boys! Hit the showers!
- You did good.
- I threw everything I had.
Take off your hat, honey.
We'll let you know.
Daddy, I'm sorry.
Come on, let's go.
We'll miss the train.
Let's move, move, move!
What's the matter?
I can't use her.
She's great. Why not?
What's the problem?
You know General Omar Bradley?
- Yeah.
- There's too strong a resemblance.
You ain't taking her
because she ain't pretty?
Well, look who just caught up!
All right. Come on, let's go.
Pick those suitcases up! Come on!
I'm not kidding. Let's go. Move!
- One foot in front of the other.
- Hey, mister?
I know my girl ain't so pretty
as these girls.
But that's my fault.
I raised her like I would a boy.
I didn't know any better.
She loves to play.
Don't make my little girl suffer
because I messed up raising her.
- Come on, get on the train.
- I wish you had a decent mitt.
I think maybe I'd better not go.
No, you can relace it.
It'll be okay.
No, I mean, who's gonna
take care of you? Cook?
Help you take care of the equipment?
Don't you worry about me.
You're gonna play baseball.
I'm not gonna know anybody.
Nothing's ever gonna happen here.
You gotta go where things happen.
I love you, Daddy.
- All aboard!
- Daddy.
- Let's go, let's go.
- All aboard.
Come on, honey.
Are you coming?
See, how it works is, the train moves,
not the station.
Bye, Daddy.
This is making me sick.
Write to me, honey.
I love you.
Hey, cowgirls, see the grass?
Don't eat it.
Come on.
Okay, girls, this is it. Harvey Field.
Tryouts. Get out there.
Show them what you got.
Don't embarrass me.
It's been a thin slice of heaven.
Wait. You're going?
Dry your eyes.
Yeah, I'm going home.
Grab a shower and a shave.
Give the wife a pickle-tickle,
and I'm on my way. I'll see you.
- But...
- But what?
Field! Tryouts! Play!
That's it! Get lost!
Come on, guys.
I hate when they get
attached to me like that.
You've got an arm.
- Hey, Mae.
- What?
- Come look at this.
- Wait a second, Doris.
I can't wait much longer, so get up.
Yeah, so?
Yeah, so I ain't done yet.
Watch this.
- That's it?
- You can't do it, Mae.
I could do it. How long you been
working on that, Doris?
- That? Took me a year.
- Yeah.
Not counting the two months I was in
the hospital. Bat hit me in the head.
- Really?
- Yup.
Your head and not your behind?
That looks really swollen.
- What kind of thing is that to say?
- I'm joking. I'm nervous, all right?
I don't...
- What are you looking at?
- Yeah, what?
- Yeah, nothing.
- That's right, nothing.
All these girls gonna be in the league?
- You wish.
- You do wish.
- Four teams. Sixteen girls to a team.
- That's right.
Sixty-four girls.
Yeah. What are you, a genius?
They got over 100 girls here,
so some of youse will have to go home.
- Yeah, sorry about that.
- Come on, Doris.
- What do you mean, "some of us"?
- Do it.
- Okay, some of them are going home.
- Hey. How did you do that?
Excuse me. Hey. Hey.
- You caught that. Hello?
- Doris.
Did you see? Jeez. Let's go practice.
- She caught it with her bare hand.
- Okay, okay. Be quiet.
And now, from Chicago,
The Mutual presents...
...another social commentary
by Miss Maida Gilespie.
Careers and higher education...
...are leading to
the masculinization of women...
...with enormously dangerous
...to the home, the children
and our country.
When our boys come home from war...
...what kind of girls will they
be coming home to?
And now, the most
disgusting example...
...of this sexual confusion,
Mr. Walter Harvey, of Harvey Bars...
...is presenting us
with women's baseball.
Right here in Chicago, young girls
plucked from their families...
...are gathered at Harvey Field...
...to see which one of them
can be the most masculine.
Mr. Harvey, like your candy bars,
you are completely nuts.
Come on, come on, come on.
Heads up, heads up.
Very good. Try another.
Nice throw!
Come on!
Your name will be on
one of those five lists.
Okay, find your name.
If we could just form
two or three parallel lines...
I'm a Peach!
- What?
- A Rockford Peach!
I made it! I can stay!
Are you a newspaper guy? This is
my friend Mae. She made the team.
Hi. Pleased to meet you, Mae.
Okay, come on, we got a lot to do.
Let's settle down.
Now, you're the first...
Honey, are you supposed to be here,
or are you on the cut list?
Look, I'm sorry.
If you're on the cut list,
you have to leave the field.
Well, are you cut?
Look on the list. It's either Rockford,
Racine, Kenosha or South Bend.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Can you read, honey?
All right, what's your name?
- Shirley Baker.
- Shirley Baker.
Shirley Baker. Let's just take a look.
This is you.
You're with us.
You're a Rockford Peach.
Go join your team.
Okay, ladies.
Let's settle down.
We got a lot to go over.
First, congratulations.
You are the first members...
...of the All-American
Girls' Baseball League.
I'm Charlie Collins.
I'll be managing the Racine team
when the season starts.
The other teams will have
managers soon.
At the end of practice today...
...y'all will have to get fitted
for your uniforms.
And this is what they're gonna look
like. Pretty darn nifty, if you ask me.
You can't slide in that.
- Hey, that's a dress.
- It's half a dress.
That's not a baseball uniform.
What do you think we are,
ballplayers or ballerinas?
It's awfully short.
Short? I'm gonna have to squat
in that thing.
I can't wear that.
My husband will kill me.
- Ladies! Ladies!
- Excuse me, sir.
Excuse me.
If you can't play ball in this,
you can't play ball with us.
There are 38 girls
getting train tickets home...
...who'll play in a bathing suit
if I ask them.
There's no pockets for my cigarettes.
There is no smoking.
There is also no drinking
and no men.
Your social engagements will be cleared
through your team chaperones.
Plus each of you will have regular
classes at charm and beauty school.
- For what?
- Every girl in this league will be a lady.
And gracefully and grandly.
Gracefully and grandly.
All right, girls, now go back!
And sip.
Down. Don't slurp.
Down. Don't slurp.
Down. Don't slurp.
- Stop that!
- Why?
It's good.
Heads up.
Backs straight.
And sit.
Right over left.
Legs always together.
A lady reveals nothing.
Stop it.
The hair. Soften and shorten.
The eyebrows. Thin and separate.
There should be two.
Very nice.
Very nice!
What do you suggest?
A lot of night games.
Come on, I wanna show you
the grounds. You know, I always...
Jimmy, come on.
I'm showing you around.
Beautiful, huh?
Place used to be a golf course.
I never cared for the game myself,
but I love grass.
It costs a fortune to keep like this,
with the mowing and trimming.
But I grew up in an apartment.
I had one lousy plant in a cheese box.
Now look. I got a park.
These are my in-laws. Hello!
They can't hear nothing.
Enough socializing.
Jimmy, I'm thinking of giving you
another managing job.
Oh, well, Mr. Harvey...
...I guarantee I'll do a better job
than last time.
You kind of let me down
on that San Antonio job.
Yeah, yeah. I had no right to sell off
the team's equipment like that.
- That won't happen again.
- Let me be blunt.
Are you still a fall-down drunk?
Well, that is blunt.
No, sir. I've quit drinking.
You've seen the error of your ways?
No, I just can't afford it.
That's funny to you?
Your drinking is funny?
You're a young man, Jimmy.
You still could be playing...
...if you just would've laid off
the booze.
Well, it's not exactly like that.
I hurt my knee.
You fell out of a hotel.
That's how you hurt it!
There was a fire.
Which you started,
which I had to pay for.
I was gonna send you...
...a thank-you card, but I wasn't
allowed anything sharp to write with.
Look, Jimmy, I want you to manage
one of the new girls' baseball teams.
Don't look so stunned. Face it.
You're still a name. You step
out of the dugout before every game.
You wave your little hat.
You give the people a thrill.
Why not get an organ grinder?
I can hop around and dance.
If your knees are up to it,
go ahead.
Mr. Harvey...
...I hit 487 home runs
for your baseball club.
Three in the World Series,
two in Game 4 alone.
I know that.
That's why I'm giving you this job.
Take it or leave it.
I gotta feed the fish.
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the first game...
...of the All-American
Girls' Baseball League.
The South Bend Blue Sox
against your own Rockford Peaches.
- Where is he? It's game time.
- I can't believe he's our manager.
I was listening to the radio when he hit
that home run to win the pennant.
Oh, yes.
I'll get him to sign
my husband's baseball card.
Do you mind?
Could I take a look at that?
All right, but just be careful.
If anything happens to that, George'll
come back from the Pacific and kill me.
- Mr. Dugan...
- Mr. Dugan, I'm simply...
- Get down from there.
- I can't believe he's doing that.
- Do something, Mae.
- Oh, yeah.
- Time him at least.
- Give me your watch.
Could be a record.
That counts.
How long?
I ain't gonna ask you again.
Shut up, Doris.
Keep timing.
- Hey. Hey. Hey, Mae, how long?
- Doris.
Boy, that was some good peeing.
Hey, coach.
Mr. Dugan? Could you sign
my husband's baseball card for me?
Hey, great to meet you!
What'll we do?
He didn't give us a lineup.
- We can't play without a lineup.
- I'll pitch. I can pitch.
- I thought I was playing center field.
- No, I would like center field.
Hey, hey. Hey, you guys. Come on.
How hard can it be to make a lineup?
Oh, yeah?
Why don't you do it, Oregon?
- Me?
- Yeah, you.
All right.
Mae, center field, lead off.
She's good.
And now, the manager of the Peaches...
...former six-time
National League home run champ...
...Jimmy Dugan!
Yeah, Dugan! Dugan!
Hey, Jimmy, look up here!
We love you!
Bullshit. You can all kiss my ass.
That's right.
Kiss my big hairy ass.
You're the best, Jimmy!
And the Rockford Peaches!
Doris Murphy takes the field!
Hey, lift up your skirt!
This should be something.
Ain't too many people here.
- You nervous, Doris?
- Yeah.
I ain't.
- Are they laughing at us?
- Yeah, they're laughing at us.
What makes you think
you can play baseball?
- They hate us.
- Just keep smiling.
Hey, glamour puss!
Can you throw the ball?
All right, ladies, let's play ball!
- Let's play ball.
- Dirt in the skirt!
- Let's go.
- And now, the lineup for Rockford:
Leading off and playing center field...
...number 5, Mae Mordabito.
- Thank you, thank you.
Batting second and playing third base,
number 22, Doris Murphy.
Batting third, the catcher,
number 8, Dottie Hinson.
Batting fourth and playing second base,
number 32, Marla Hooch.
Girls can't play ball!
- Batting fifth and playing left field...
- Look at me! I'm a ballplayer!
- Get a load of that.
- Hey, girls, look at these legs!
Better look out,
I might break a nail!
Number 1, Ellen Sue Gotlander.
...number 17, Evelyn Gardner.
- Good throw. You nailed him! All right?
- It slipped.
- Batting ninth, pitcher...
...number 23, Kit Keller!
- Fresh roasted peanuts!
Get your peanuts!
Count's 2 balls and no strikes to
Rockford's big catcher, Dottie Hinson.
And it's in the dirt. 3 and 0.
Let's see if Jimmy Dugan gives her
the green light on 3 and 0...
...or gives her the take sign.
Game's tied 2-2,
the bottom of the 9th...
...with two runners in scoring position
and only 1 out.
From the belt, here's the delivery.
Oh, baby! She hit the cream cheese
out of that one!
Jimmy Dugan, master strategist,
had her swinging away!
Boy, he sure knows his baseball.
Come on, Dottie!
Come on, make me proud!
A 3-run clout for Dottie Hinson...
...and Rockford wins it, 5 to 2.
- Hey!
- All right, Dottie!
That's the way to play!
Dottie, ladies and gentlemen! Dottie!
I couldn't believe you hit it
right out there!
- Jimmy, can we have your autograph?
- Can we have your autograph?
- Jimmy, please?
- Not today, boys.
Come back next game.
Nice piece of coaching, Jimmy.
Especially in the 5th inning when you
scratched your balls for an hour.
Yeah, well, anything worth doing
is worth doing right.
Yes, indeed.
Until you did that, I couldn't tell
if you were drunk or dead.
It was made very clear to me
what I'm supposed to do here.
I smile...
...wave my little hat, and I did that.
So when do I get paid?
You have some good ballplayers.
If you'll only give them...
I haven't got ballplayers!
I've got girls!
Girls are what you sleep with after
the game, not what you coach during it.
If we paid you more, could you be
just a little more disgusting?
Well, I could certainly use the money.
On the home front...
...they find them everywhere...
...North, East, South and West,
and even Canada:
Players for the new
All-American Girls' Baseball League.
After a month of league play...
...the shine still isn't off
these Diamond Gals.
Alice "Skeeter" Gaspers says:
"Legging out a triple is no reason
to let your nose get shiny."
Betty Grable has nothing
on these gals.
Helen Haley has not only been on
several championship amateur teams...
...she's also an accomplished
With her husband in the Pacific...
...Betty Horn enjoys
cooking spaghetti and knitting.
Her teammates call her
"Betty Spaghetti."
Ellen Sue Gotlander is
a former Miss Georgia.
Then there's pretty Dottie Hinson...
...who plays like Gehrig
and looks like Garbo.
Fellas, keep your mitts to yourself.
She's married.
And there's her kid sister Kit,
who's as single as they come.
Enough concentrated "oomph" for
a whole carload of Hollywood starlets.
And how about Marla Hooch?
What a hitter!
What a league!
- But girls playing baseball?
- She's out!
She's out!
Game ball!
That's good work.
She can hit that ball.
- Enjoy that?
- Yeah!
- Good. Come back next game, will you?
- Good hitting. Good hitting. Take care.
- Take care.
- Mr. Dugan?
I'm Evelyn Gardner.
Yeah. I play right field.
For us.
I see...
I just spoke to my husband last night.
He says I can't leave our son
with him at home anymore.
See, he says he's too busy
reading the want ads...
...and... And...
...I should just take him with me
and shut up about it. So can I?
Take my son with me on road trips?
Well, he's the sweetest little boy.
Everyone's just gonna love him.
What's going on? Hey!
Get this brat off of me!
- Oh, thank God.
- Are you all right?
That's it! I quit!
- Stilwell, come to Mommy.
- That kid is trouble.
- You're too young to drive.
- I will. Watch.
Evelyn. Evelyn!
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to
kill your son!
No, Mae! Mae!
Wait! The girls have a game!
You can't leave like this!
Please, Mr. Goosatelli!
Get over here, Stilwell!
I'm gonna kill you!
- Mae!
- You can't catch me!
Don't use my bat, use Marla's!
It's heavier!
- Evelyn, why is he so wild?
- I don't know.
Stilwell, angel,
have another chocolate bar.
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
You can't. You can't leave us like this.
We're in the middle of nowhere!
- We can't be here! Please!
- No!
Keep him away from me.
He's really a sweetie, Dottie.
- I hope I have five just like him.
- Don't eat the wrapper, honey.
- You gonna come with us?
- Where you going?
A roadhouse called the Suds Bucket.
No, you know, I'm married. I'm...
Come on, Dottie, you ain't on the farm
anymore. Live a little bit.
Girls! Girls! Please!
Mr. Goosatelli shan't be returning.
How are you gonna
get past Miss Cuthbert?
- Mae's gonna poison her dinner.
- What?
Mr. Dugan.
- Mr. Dugan!
- What is it, baby?
What the hell is going on?!
- Why are we stopped?
- Lou quit.
Who's Lou?
The driver.
A car could've came by now.
- Come on, you girls!
- What?
- Get on the bus!
- What did he say? Was that English?
I loved you in The Wizard of Oz.
Hey, who's in my seat?
In the 43 years I've practiced medicine,
never saw a woman throw up that much.
Maybe that's how
she entertains herself, doc.
Oh, yes, yeah. There we go.
Good, good.
Hurry, come on.
- Mae, what did you give her?
- Oh, now, what a shame.
- Who cares? It's working.
- I wouldn't wear those shoes again.
I'm going, baby!
Come on, way to go, Mae!
I'm coming in, Mae!
- Come on, doll.
- God.
Catch me!
Did you see me, Kit? I pretzeled!
Doris. Look how Mae is...
- How did you learn how to do that?
- She taught me.
My father owns a dance hall, upstate.
Vinnie's Dance Girls Deluxe.
She was one of the dancers,
I was a bouncer.
All right, let's go.
You were great!
- Thanks for the ride, kid.
- What's your rush, dollbody?
What do you say we slip in the back seat
and you make a man out of me?
What do you say I smack you around
for a while?
Can't we do both?
- I'm not hot. It's fine.
- That's the one I like right there.
It's really cold.
- That's better.
- Where's Kit? Hi.
I think she's on the dance floor.
There she is.
I got my truck parked outside.
Kit. Hey.
Sorry, we gotta go. Come on.
Alice, come on.
Guys, we gotta go. We got trouble.
- I knew it. You killed Miss Cuthbert.
- We'll bury her. I know a guy...
It's Lowenstein. He's on his way.
He catches us, we're out of the league.
Let's make like a bread truck
and haul buns, ladies.
- See you, Mae.
- Let's duck out the back door.
Is this all of you? Marla didn't come?
She came.
Yeah, well, where is she?
- What did you do to her?
- Nothing, we just gave her a dress.
And a lot of liquor.
That's right. You gave her liquor.
I'm saying...
All right, you guys go ahead.
I'll get Marla.
Hurry up.
- Dottie.
- Hurry up, ladies!
Marla, honey? We gotta go.
Come on.
I'm singing to Nelson! Ain't I, baby?
You sure are.
- Marla, come on.
- No!
I could take her home.
- It'd be an honor.
- Ain't he something?
That's the second time he dropped
that Bible since she's been in there.
Come on, girls.
- Mae, what'd you say?
- Everything.
"Here's a good job for you, Jimmy.
Managing girl ballplayers.
You just go out there and you wave
your little hat around.
Don't drink!"
Why would I want to drink?
I'm a goddamn Peach!
Double play.
Now I'm hitting like a girl.
"But be nice to them.
They're good ballplayers."
There, catch that, blondie!
Now batting for the Rockford Peaches...
...number 5, center fielder...
...Mae Mordabito!
- Come on, no hitter, no hitter.
Here's the pitch.
There's a shot into right center!
It's up the alley!
- Go to third!
- Turning around first! Digging up dirt!
She's heading past second.
- Go to third!
- Heading into third!
Dirt in the skirt, Mae!
Dirt in the skirt!
- Safe!
- In there with a triple!
Boy, did she smack that one
right on the kisser.
No wonder they call her
"All-the-Way" Mae.
Next batter...
...number 32, second baseman,
Marla Hooch. Hooch.
Evelyn, look at this!
I've got Stilwell's snack on my cleat!
- What's the signal?
- Keep your eye on it, Marla.
What are you, stupid?
Somebody's gotta run the team.
Someone who actually watches
the games.
You're gonna squeeze bunt
with our best hitter?
What's the sign to swing away?
Hey, blond girl! What's the sign?
It's the letters. A squeeze'll work.
Stop thinking with your tits,
you want a big inning. Batter!
Come on!
Hey, who is the goddamn manager
here? I am!
Then act like it, you big lush!
- You tell him, Dottie!
- About time someone told him.
- I'm ready now.
- Play ball!
Oh, goody.
Show her something.
Put it by her.
Way to go, whatever your name is!
Good bluff!
But I still say you're not ballplayers.
Cemetery boneyard! Cross your fingers
or you'll never get another hit.
Sound it out.
Kimono off and...
...milky... Milky...
...white... Milky white...
What are you giving her to read?
What's the difference?
She's reading.
That's the important thing.
Now go away! Go! Shoo!
- Go ahead, Shirley. You're doing good.
- Thanks.
It gets really good after that. Look.
- A delivery boy walks in.
- What you doing?
Oh, I'm writing a song.
- Really? What's it about?
- Yeah.
About us.
Could you teach it to me?
- Doris, is this your boyfriend?
- Yup.
- Is it out of focus?
- No, that's how he looks.
Looks aren't the most important thing.
Right. The important thing is he's
stupid, out of work and treats me bad.
Then why?
Why? What do you think? Because...
...none of the other boys ever...
Always made me feel like I was wrong,
you know?
Like I was some sort of a weird girl
or a strange girl...
...or not even a girl,
just because I could play.
I believed them too.
But not anymore, you know?
I mean, look. There's a lot of us.
I think we're all all right.
We are.
Hey, give me that.
So long, Charlie!
So with two runs in the 6th,
South Bend gets even.
- I've gotta go! I've gotta go!
- We'll get it back.
You shake it off. Shake it off.
Say, Evelyn, can I ask you a question?
You got a moment?
Which team do you play for?
- Well, I'm a Peach.
- Well, I was just wondering...
...because I couldn't figure out why
you'd throw home...
...when we've got a 2-run lead!
You let the tying run get on second,
and we lost the lead!
You start using your head!
That's that lump that's three feet
above your ass!
Are you crying?
- No.
- Are you crying?
Are you crying?!
There's no crying!
There's no crying in baseball!
- Why don't you leave her alone?
- Oh, you zip it, Doris!
Rogers Hornsby, my manager,
called me a "talking pile of pig shit"!
That was when my parents came
from Michigan...
...to see me play the game! Did I cry?
- No, no.
- No! No! Do you know why?
- No.
Because there's no crying in baseball.
There's no crying in baseball!
No crying!
- What's the matter, Jimmy?
- She's crying, sir.
I didn't mean to do that.
Perhaps you chastised her
too vehemently.
Good rule of thumb: Treat each of
these girls as you would your mother.
Anyone ever tell you you look like
a penis with a hat on?
You're out of here!
- I heard that!
- You misunderstood.
- Ten seconds!
- You misunderstood!
You can't throw me out
knowing you've got a strike zone...
Off this field!
- Get in that dugout! Get off this field!
- You're out.
I can't believe no one ever
called you that before!
That's where you belong.
I'm in charge now.
All right, who's up here? Who's up?
The crowd's light today,
what with the tractor show in town.
If you're nearby, and you must be, since
this isn't a powerful radio station...
...come on down to the ballpark
and bring the kiddies.
People better start showing up.
We don't have fans,
we don't have a league.
- Ladies, you all look wonderful.
- Mr. Lowenstein.
- Hello.
- Hi.
There's a reporter and a photographer
in the stands from LIFE magazine.
- We're famous!
- LIFE magazine?
Don't waste your time, Doris.
- We get that in Saskatchewan.
- Dottie...
...I'm trying to get them to do
a story about you.
Me? Why me?
You're the "Queen of Diamonds."
That's what I'm calling you.
Did you tell them about me?
I told them how at first,
the scout didn't even want you...
...but how Dottie wouldn't come
without her kid sister.
They loved it. They really loved it.
A real human-interest story.
So will you just try to give them
something spectacular out there?
Why, what's the matter?
Well, Mae, we're not doing so well.
Harvey and the other owners
think they've made a mistake.
They're talking about
closing you down.
- What?
- What are you talking about?
They can't close us down here.
- What kind of a thing is that?
- What's it mean?
They're businessmen.
No profit, no product.
And what am I supposed to do, huh?
Go back to taxi dancing?
Ten cents so some slob
can sweat gin all over me?
I'm never doing that again.
So you tell old rich Mr. Chocolate Man
that he ain't closing me down!
They can't keep us from playing!
We'll show them how we play.
I'm sorry. I'm very sorry.
I am trying my best.
So will you just give them
everything you've got?
We always do.
A slick play by Alice Gaspers
and there's 2 gone...
...here in the 3rd.
That'll bring up Dee Lynch.
Lynch is the most consistent
Belles hitter this year.
- Okay, burn it in.
- Settles in.
Pops it up! Foul.
Hinson should have
no trouble with this.
She's under it.
- Out!
- Uncle Elmore's socks!
What did she do?
- I can't do that.
- Who can?
- What is her name?
- Dottie Hinson. D-O-T-T-I-E...
- Good play.
- What the hell was that?
I just thought it might
help the league.
I'm in a goddamn circus!
A triple. A double would be nice...
All right!
God knows we have a game.
It's not like any of this helps,
believe me.
That was really nice!
All right, all right. Let's go, girls.
Dozens of people are waiting
for the game to start.
What is her name?
Hey you, tall girl!
- Beverly.
- Beverly!
Look sharp, tall...
What is her name again?
- Beverly.
- Beverly. Good. Good.
Yeah! Five bucks! Five bucks!
What if, at a key moment in the game,
my uniform bursts open...
...and my bosoms come flying out?
That might draw a crowd, right?
Think there's men
who ain't seen your bosoms?
Thank you.
- Marla, what you got?
- What about me?
I got a letter from Nelson!
Fly ball as Dottie Hinson brings...
...the crowd to its feet
with a home run!
- Twenty-two!
- Twenty-two!
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- We love you, 22!
- Hey.
- Come on!
- Open your mouth!
- Evelyn.
- Kid! Kid! The kid ate the lineup!
Right here.
I'm so happy! Thank you.
Thanks so much. Thanks.
Thanks. Thank you.
- I love you.
- I'm so happy.
- I'll be back next season.
- Marla.
- See you next season!
- Bye, Marla.
Bye. Bye!
Slide! Slide!
Thank you!
Let it up. Let it up.
That was a good one.
- There's a fly ball to left!
- Get under it!
Betty Spaghetti makes the catch!
Brock tags up. Spaghetti makes
the throw! It's gonna be close!
- Aunt Edna's bridgework! She is out!
- Out!
Dottie Hinson held onto the ball!
Oh, doctor!
A lot of ballplayers use it.
High foul pop.
It's coming back! Coming back!
She caught it! Unbelievable!
Full house on its feet
cheering Dottie Hinson!
- That sounded good.
- Yeah.
- You haven't got a curve ball left.
- I don't?!
- You haven't had a curve ball since...
- Have you been watching?
He's good-looking.
- What's he do when not in the Army?
- Dairy assistant manager.
He's gonna be manager someday.
He's real smart.
So he's good-looking and smart.
There's so few of us.
Where did you say he was again?
Yeah, I think. I haven't got a letter
from him in three weeks.
I used to get one every week.
Well, that doesn't mean anything.
If he's in combat, it's not like there's
a mailbox on every corner.
Besides, if something happened,
you would've got a telegram.
- Oh, God, don't...
- But he's fine. No, he's fine.
How come you're not in the Army?
I have no cartilage...
...in my knee. Not that you
need cartilage to shoot Nazis.
You need this, right? Trigger finger.
I could do that.
How did I get so useless so fast?
- Boys really like this on your fingers?
- It works for me.
Your sister's not gonna be mad?
I don't care.
Listen, when...
- Bob.
...Bob comes back...
...are you gonna keep playing?
- Oh, no.
- You could just quit like that?
- Sure.
You play like you love it.
No. No.
- Does he know how good you are?
- Bob?
No, Hitler. Yes, Bob.
How good am I?
You stink.
You're lousy.
You're only the best player
in the league. You don't know that?
You ever been married?
Well, let me think. Yeah, twice.
Any children?
One of them was, yeah, yeah.
- Is she out?
- Yeah.
Well, I think it's time for a drink.
Hang on, hang on, hang on.
- These really don't mix.
- Here.
- Good, huh?
- Oh, yeah. It's great.
Fair ball!
Jimmy Dugan pops his head
out of the dugout.
He's on his way to talk to his hurler.
Kit Keller looks mighty tired.
Game's getting pretty exciting.
I'll finish it right here.
I'll strike this turkey out.
Betty's ready to come in.
Come on. I've never been
taken out before.
Ask Dottie.
I really wanna finish this game,
Jimmy. Please?
What do you think?
Well, you know, she's battling.
- What do you think?
- She's done. She's throwing grapefruits.
It looks like Keller's coming out of the
game, and she is not happy about it!
Nice job, Kit!
Betty Horn sprints in
from the left-field bullpen.
Look at this crowd. This is great.
They're jumping, hopping, cheering...
...and they paid to get in.
You did a fabulous job.
I won't forget this.
Thank you very much, Mr. Harvey.
I appreciate it, coming from you.
But to be perfectly honest, I think
the girls deserve most of the credit.
Oh, they're great.
Fortunately, we won't need
them anymore. Do you want a peanut?
No. What do you mean?
What do you mean, what do I mean?
We're winning the war.
Our situation changed.
Roosevelt himself said,
"Men's baseball won't be shut down."
So we won't need the girls next year.
Bases loaded. Bottom of the 9th.
Rockford up 6 to 2. Two men out.
- No balls, 2 strikes.
- Okay, Betty, right here.
Strike 3!
And that is the ball game!
Rockford is in the playoffs!
I love these girls.
I don't need them, but I love them.
Look at that. Come on. Let's go.
Oh, look at me. I'm full of peanuts!
I've got peanuts all over myself.
This is what it's gonna be like
in the factories too, I suppose.
"Men are back.
Turn in your rivets."
We told them it was their patriotic duty
to get out and go to work.
When the men come back,
they're sent back to the kitchen.
Should we send the boys returning
from war back to the kitchen? Come on.
Excuse me.
Do you know how dedicated they are?
What they go through?
They play with sprained ankles,
broken fingers.
They ride a bus all night to play
a double-header the next morning.
I'll make it up to them.
What? With Harvey Bars?
I'm getting tired of listening
to you, Ira.
I'd like your permission
to take over the league.
Do you understand?
All of the owners are getting out.
There's no point to it anymore.
Just let them finish the season,
and that's it!
I sold your product when there
was no product. This is a product!
There is no room for girls' baseball
in this country...
...once the war is over.
They're through.
I think you're wrong.
And I'm gonna prove it to you,
Mr. Harvey!
Hi, my name's Mae. That's more
than a name, that's an attitude.
Here's my friend Doris.
Best player on the team.
Smile for the camera.
- Thank you, Mae.
- You're the best.
- The game put us in the playoffs.
- I could have finished.
Stilwell could've hit off you.
What's the matter?
Too big to finish your own games now?
Don't start with me, Kit.
Don't you start with me. Don't start!
Kit, come on, cut it out!
What the hell are you doing?!
- Hey, you guys.
- Get off of me!
- Jimmy!
- Stop it!
Get off of her.
- Get your sister off of her!
- Stay out of it!
- You stay out of it!
- Doris!
You just wait, Doris!
Let me down!
You stay down there and you cool off!
- Why'd she do it?
- She was vulnerable. You provoked her.
- Shut up, Helen!
- You're making her more upset.
- I don't need it from Helen too.
- Take a shower.
- Leave me. I'm not taking a shower.
- She reminds me of my husband.
Save some hot water for me,
you guys.
You okay?
My rear end hurts
where Jimmy dropped me.
- You acted like a baby out there.
- You treat me like a baby.
I treated you like a pitcher
who'd lost her stuff.
When Betty's in trouble, you nurse her.
Every pitch, you're backing her up!
I seem to remember last week...
...somebody throwing
a rosin bag in my face.
Told me to get my fat ass behind
the plate. Was that you or the umpire?
You could've backed me up today...
...instead of holding me back.
I hold you back?
It's like at home.
It's like if you're here,
then I'm not here.
What does that mean?
I don't know what I mean.
I know I'm wrong.
I know you're right and I'm wrong.
I know that. I just... You...
I just get so mad!
Why do you gotta be so good, huh?
Hey, Kit.
Dottie, there you are.
You weren't on the bus.
Could I speak to you a minute?
I have to leave.
Don't worry.
The bus wouldn't leave without you.
No. I'm going home.
I'm leaving the team.
- Why? What...
- I have to go home.
Home? You can't go home now.
No, it...
This couldn't come at a worse time.
You see, we're in a bit of a crisis,
and I have to try to pull something off.
It's not a good time to lose
our most popular player.
- What's the problem? Maybe I can help.
- I don't wanna talk about it.
It's personal?
It's one of the girls, isn't it?
It's Mae, right?
No. Kit, that's it.
I've noticed there's some friction.
That's fine. That's no problem.
Doesn't mean you have to quit.
I can arrange a trade.
Like Racine? Kenosha? South Bend?
Trade me or whatever.
But figure it out by tomorrow.
Otherwise, I'm going home.
Tomorrow? Fine! I'll work
everything out by tomorrow.
You really gave me a scare there
for a second.
Hey, does anybody have
any extra hose?
- Does anybody have any extra hose?
- Mae, your date's here.
- How do I look?
- Where'd you get that dress?
- Borrowed it.
- It don't fit. It's too tight.
I don't plan on wearing it that long.
I don't know why
you get dressed at all.
- Where's Dottie?
- In there.
- Wanna go to the movies with me?
- You wanna go with me?
- You bitch!
- What?
I've been traded to Racine!
You? I told them to trade me.
Oh, yeah, they'd really trade you.
Miss Star, Miss Perfect.
You knew what was gonna happen!
- I didn't!
- This'll be better than the movies.
- I'll quit. Is that what you want?
- Then they'll blame me for you quitting!
What do you want me to do?
Stay away from me. Leave me alone!
That's what I want you to do!
Kit, listen to me.
It was all a mistake, okay?
A big mistake.
- I was getting too good.
- You won't listen.
I knew if I did too good,
you'd do something to push me down!
Blow it out your rear end! I'm sick
of being blamed for everything...
...bothering you.
I got you into this league!
She got her in the league.
- I didn't even wanna be here!
- Then why are you still here?
Kit wants to know
why she's still playing.
My train leaves at 8:00.
I got 10 minutes to pack.
If you have trouble,
you know who to blame.
- I'll see you in the World Series.
- Yeah, you bet you will.
Don't look at her. Don't look at her.
Has anyone seen my new red hat?
Oh, piss on your hat!
- Well, that seemed uncalled for.
- Mommy!
Just keep it down, okay?
- Kit's off our team.
- She's not!
Yes, she is. Are you deaf?
Kit, you need any help in there?
Don't act like this.
You're still in the league.
You're just on another team,
that's all.
Batter up
Hear that call
The time has come
For one and all
To play
For we're the members of
The All-American League
We come from cities
Near and far
We got Canadians
Irish ones and Swedes
We're all for one, we're one for all
We're All-Americans
Each girl stands
Her head so proudly high
Her motto, do or die
She's not the one to use
Or need an alibi
Our chaperones are not too soft
They're not too tough
Our managers are on the ball
Now, Miss Cuthbert...
You gorgeous stack
of pancakes, you!
Man on the floor!
Already dressed.
Get Stilwell away.
I don't know what he's doing.
Get him away from the tape!
- Stilwell, angel, come here now.
- All right.
- Come over here.
- All right, everybody, let's listen up.
I was in the toilet reading my contract,
and it turns out I get a bonus...
...when we get to the World Series.
So let's play hard! Play smart!
Use your heads!
That's that lump three feet
above our ass, right, Jimmy?
Well, some more prominent
than others there.
Come in.
Excuse me.
Excuse me!
I got a telegram
from the War Department.
Oh, my God! Ernie!
Let's see.
Boy, I hate these.
These are the worst.
The Army could at least
send someone personally...
...to tell you your husband's dead.
Darn! I had the name right here.
Well, I gotta go back
and get this straightened out.
- Sorry.
- Hey.
- Just give me the telegram.
- I can't. I don't have a name.
- Just give me the telegram.
- Hey.
This is official.
This is from the War Department!
Come on! That's official business!
I'm coming...
Miss Cuthbert. Miss Cuthbert.
- I'm sorry, Betty.
- No, it's George!
No, no, no!
It's okay.
- Jimmy, you wanna take her?
- All right.
- It's okay. It's okay.
- It's George!
It's okay.
It's George. No.
All right, come on. Come on.
We still got a game to play.
Come in.
Hi, cutie.
How did you?
Bob! Oh, my God!
Bob, what happened?
- Oh, I'm fine.
- What is it?
It was a sniper.
I was lucky though.
He got seven of us before we got him.
Oh, sweetie! Oh, sweetie!
It's all right. I made it.
- I missed you so much.
- I've been discharged.
I didn't think
I'd ever see you again.
- It's all over. I'm here, baby.
- Yeah. Okay.
Well, listen.
You have to sit down here.
I'll clear all this stuff off.
I almost forgot how beautiful you are.
- Oh, no. I look terrible.
- You look beautiful.
You're the most beautiful thing
I've ever seen.
I love you.
Can we just hold each other
for the rest of our lives?
That's my plan.
Why am I the only person on this bus?
What are we waiting for?
Are you physically unable
to show up on time?
- Coming, Jimmy.
- Bye.
If you think you can do without
the batting practice, think again.
Not with the way you've been hitting.
Oh, let's not go to the World Series
without Stilwell's toys!
- Alice, what time is it where you live?
- Don't yell before a game. It's bad luck.
- Mr. Dugan?
- Yeah?
- Could you sign my baseball?
- Sure.
"Avoid the clap. Jimmy Dugan."
That's good advice!
Dottie. Write to us. We'll miss you.
We will. Thanks.
Good luck in the World Series.
- Bye!
- Bye, girls. Bye, girls.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Molly.
So lovely. We'll be back.
- Taking a little day trip?
- No.
Bob and I are...
...driving home...
...to Oregon.
I really thought you were a ballplayer.
- Well, you were wrong.
- Was I?
Yeah. It is only a game, Jimmy.
It's only a game,
and I don't need this.
I have Bob. I don't need this. I don't.
I gave away five years at the end
of my career to drinking.
Five years.
There isn't anything I wouldn't give
to get back any one day of it.
Well, we're different.
That's chickenshit! You wanna go
home and make 100 babies, great.
I can't tell anyone how to live.
But sneaking out like this,
You'll regret it for the rest of your life.
Baseball is what gets inside you.
It's what lights you up.
You can't deny that.
It just got too hard.
It's supposed to be hard.
If it wasn't hard,
everyone would do it.
The hard is what makes it great.
Everything all right?
Yeah, fine. Fine.
Bye, Jimmy.
First game of the first
women's baseball World Series.
This is history in the making.
History in the making!
- This is for you.
- We brought you these also.
- For me?
- Thank them!
- Cut it out!
- I'm sorry.
You're out!
Two box seats on the third base line.
Anybody want them?
I got two box seats. Who wants them?
- One of them.
- Ten bucks.
That's my daughter, third baseman,
Doris Murphy. Best one they got.
- Where you from?
- Staten Island.
After the game, I'm gonna
take her out for a steak dinner.
All right, all right, all right!
Time for the song and dance.
What is that smell?
Alice thinks it's bad luck
to change her socks.
So we all have to suffer?
Get away.
Outfielders, play deep a couple steps.
Don't give up anything long. Alice?
If the lead-off hitter gets on,
they're gonna bunt. Be ready. All right.
Now, I'd like to...
I'd like to lead you all in a prayer.
- Come on.
- A prayer?
- A what?
- Come on.
- Yes, a little prayer. Come on!
- Is he serious?
- Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost.
- Okay, good, good.
...hallowed be thy name.
May our feet be swift.
May our bats be mighty.
May our balls...
...be plentiful.
And, Lord...
...I'd just like to thank you
for that waitress in South Bend.
You know who she is.
She kept calling your name.
And, God...
...these are good girls,
and they work hard.
Help them see it all the way through.
Okay, that's it.
- Let's go.
- Amen.
Last game. Now or never, ladies.
Alice, you're killing me.
You're killing me, Alice!
You're goddamn killing me!
Well, this is it, folks.
One game for the whole ball of string.
There is no tomorrow.
Someone will walk out
league champions...
...and someone else
will just walk out.
You're gonna lose!
You're gonna lose!
Stilwell! Come here!
You keep that kid away from me
for just one game!
- Stilwell, come here.
- Ellen Sue, how's it looking?
- Good.
- Feeling good? Looking good!
- Nice and warm?
- Warm.
Good. Alice, if Ellen Sue doesn't have
anything, don't keep it a secret.
You tell me. You tell me right away.
You understand me?
Do you hear me?!
Yeah, you're screaming. I hear you.
Where'd you come from?
We got as far as Yellowstone Park
and turned back.
Have trouble with the bears, did you?
I was fine until that scout
walked into our barn. I'm no quitter.
Wait. Wait a minute! Hold it!
Who said you could play?
Alice has been catching
for us the last six games.
She looks pretty good.
You don't want me to play?
Well, you're already dressed.
Hell, if you want to play...
...I don't care.
You can play.
- Well, then, I'll play.
- Okay.
- Fine.
- Fine. Go play.
Hey, Jimmy.
You look like shit.
Don't you ever shave?
- You're gonna lose! You're gonna lose!
- We're gonna win.
- We're gonna win!
- You're gonna lose!
You're gonna lose!
You stink!
You're gonna lose! You're...
Got him!
Blue! Lineup change!
- It's okay. He's okay.
- Evelyn, he deserved it.
Stilwell, you gonna stay out here
or come in the dugout?
Okay. Let's go, let's go, let's go.
- You're out!
- All right!
Come on! Come on, Evelyn!
Three! Three!
You're out!
- You're out!
- You're out, Brenda! You are out.
Go! Go! Go!
Heads up! Heads up!
- Yes.
- Good, Mae! Good catch!
Thank goodness.
- Go get them!
- All right, two down! Two down!
Base hit, right field.
Gardner's up with it.
Wallace'll stop at third.
Gardner's throw is way off line!
Evelyn! What are you do...?
Go, go, go! All the way, all the way!
I'm sorry! Shoot!
Wallace scampers home, and the Belles
take the lead, 1 to nothing!
They're dancing in the aisles
here in Racine!
Go Peaches, go Peaches!
I know. I know.
I know.
You're still missing the cutoff man.
That's something I would like
you to work on...
...before next season.
Right. Okay.
All right. Thanks.
Thank you, Mr. Dugan. Thanks.
All right, let's get this one!
All right, come on!
We need some runs out there.
Come on, we need runs.
Make something happen, Mae!
All-the-Way Mae!
- They love her.
- Come on, now, let's go, let's go!
- Come on, now.
- Very cute. Thanks.
Come on, Mae. Come on, bring her in!
Come on, Kit.
- Safe!
- She's safe!
Way to play! Way to run!
Way to make something happen! Yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
You get a hit, I'll baby-sit
that little porker! Come on!
You're out!
Come on! Bring me home, Helen!
Bring me home.
- Out!
- Yes.
Peaches are down to their final out.
But with tying and go-ahead runs
in scoring position.
Big Dottie Hinson striding
to the plate.
Okay, let's get out of this inning!
Come on!
Let's go.
Throw smoke, Kit! Throw smoke!
Here's the pitch.
Bite me on the butt
and call me an apple!
She nearly took her head off!
- Get it in!
- Mordabito scores!
- Murphy, she will score!
- Throw it!
And Rockford has taken the lead,
2 to 1! Oh, doctor!
That's my wife!
It's okay, Kit! It's okay!
One more!
Keep it going!
Put it past the little queen here.
Put it past her.
Right past her!
There's a fly ball to left field.
On her horse. She'll have to
go for this one to the stands!
For the final out to retire the side.
But the damage has been done.
Right here in Racine,
Rockford leads our Belles, 2 to 1...
...as we go to the bottom of the 9th.
Come on, it's okay.
You gotta bat now. Relax!
Kit, one run and we are back
in this ball game.
Shake it off. You gotta hit.
It's okay, Kit.
Okay, come on now.
Make her pitch to you. Let's go.
Hey, come on. Strike her out.
Strike her out!
Bear down! Bear down now, blond girl!
Come on!
First pitch, she drives it
to deep center!
Mordabito goes back to the wall...
...and makes the catch!
Oh, beautiful catch!
Gotlander's pitch...
...and it is in the dirt! Ball 1!
Ellen Sue, Ellen Sue, Ellen Sue!
That looked good to me, Ellen Sue!
Shake that one off now!
Shake that one off!
That ain't nothing!
That ain't nothing!
Gotlander, she delivers. And...
There's a ground ball
between first and second.
This ball has eyes.
Hendricks will go up at first
with a base hit.
That's all right. One down!
We got one down! Let's go!
Foul ball! Hinson's chasing after it.
Don't touch it!
Did she get it?
She got it! She got it!
There's no question who the star
of this game is.
Dottie Hinson has her team
one out from the title.
There you go. There you go!
Come on, Kit, you're up.
You're the hitter now. Let's go.
The last batter standing
in Rockford's way is Kit Keller.
Kit is 1 for 3 today.
- Can I have time-out?
- Time!
High fastballs. She can't hit them,
can't lay off them.
All right.
All right, if we just hold them now,
we got it! Come on!
Come on, Ellen Sue!
One, two, three! One, two, three!
Play ball!
- Strike!
- Swing and a miss. Strike 1!
Oh, yes! Yes! Thank you, God!
Lay off the high ones!
Here's the pitch.
Swing and a miss! Strike 2!
Ellen Sue!
One more! One more!
Here's the pitch.
And it's a long fly ball.
Back, back, back.
It falls in there!
No one'll get to this ball!
This should tie it up!
Hendricks is rounding third!
She will...
Keller is heading for third!
Gardner hits the relay man
with a frozen rope!
The coach is giving Keller the stop sign
at third! But she is not stopping!
She runs through the stop sign!
She is not stopping!
Here comes the throw!
It should be in time!
She is safe! I can't believe it!
Hinson dropped the ball!
The ball game is over!
Racine has won the game, 3 to 2...
...and the World Series!
Take me home, Mama,
and put me to bed!
I have seen enough to know
I have seen too much!
Kit, Kit, Kit, Kit.
Come on. You played a good game.
Well, what do you say?
All right, Ira.
We'll stick with it.
My mother always used to say,
"If at first you don't succeed..."
You don't have to spend the next
six months in Saskatchewan.
- Alice, you told me it's lovely.
- Yeah, if you like ice fishing.
I thought we were gonna win,
I swear.
- Well, we didn't.
- Up to that last inning, we had it.
I'm so depressed, I could eat a cow.
Hey, Dottie. It's all right.
You know?
You did good.
Get dressed. See you on the bus.
Thanks, Mae.
Here. Thanks.
Wanna be a ballplayer
when you get big?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- What's your name? Angelina.
- Angelina.
Here you go.
You gotta practice really hard.
What's your name?
- Hi. How much are these?
- Help yourself.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
- Hitting!
- You all like hitting better?
- What's your name? Mary.
- Mary.
- Who you rooting for?
- Racine!
That's what I thought you said.
Okay, well, you guys be good.
Get dirty.
- Bye!
- Bye, Kit!
Dottie, look...
- I'm sorry I knocked you over.
- No, you're not.
You blocked the entire plate!
How do you expect...
You did what you had to. You just
beat me. You wanted it more than me.
I jammed my shoulder,
if it makes you feel any better.
A little.
Bob and I are driving back to Oregon.
You're welcome to come with us.
No. You two should be alone.
I'd just be in the way.
When do you think
you'll be coming home?
Well, some of the girls talked about
staying around here and getting jobs.
I really like it here.
I... I don't know. But you're
coming back next year, right?
I wanna have kids.
We wanna have kids.
Dottie, you got plenty of time
to have kids.
You couldn't give this up.
You'd miss it.
Miss it?
Miss putting on all this gear?
Catching a double-header in 100-degree
heat? Pushing the bus in mud?
Getting slammed into every other day
by a base runner?
Think I'm gonna miss that?
- I'll tell you what I'll miss.
- What?
Well, I'll miss the girls.
I'll miss you, Kit.
Yeah. How many sisters
do you think I have?
I love you, Kit.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Just when I want you to stay,
you're leaving.
Well, thank you for getting me
into the league, Dottie.
You got yourself in the league.
I got you on the train.
Play great.
Like you.
You stay in touch, you hear?
Come home every once in a while.
If you don't, I'll come back
and hit line drives at your head, okay?
Go on.
I love you.
And you are gonna miss this.
- I don't care what you say.
- Yeah.
- There's the winner!
- Good game, Jimmy.
- Good game, good manager.
- Jimmy Dugan.
- Hi, I'm a big fan of yours.
- Hi. Yeah?
I'm Dottie's husband.
Oh, hey, hey.
Well, then I'm a big fan of yours.
- Yeah.
- Well...
Old man Harvey just...
...offered me a job managing
next year in Wichita.
Triple A? That's great. Good luck.
I turned him down.
- Why?
- What do you mean, why?
I already got a job.
I'll see you.
- All right.
- Okay.
Miss Cuthbert, save me
my special seat, now, cutie!
Meet you at the hotel.
Really, Dad, thank you for coming.
It was such a surprise to me.
Hey, did you see Mae's catch, Dad?
I'd rather see you play ball
than that other stuff you used to do.
What are you saying that for?
You make her feel bad! All right.
Steak dinner.
On you. All right, I'll see you later.
Kit, over here! Come on, let's go!
Kit, come on!
Come on, let's get going!
- Bye!
- Goodbye, sweetie!
- That was Bob, huh?
- Yeah.
Nice guy.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Well...
Hey, Kit.
Lay off of those high ones.
I like the high ones.
- Mule!
- Nag!
- Hey, Mae. Come here.
- What?
- What do you want?
- Come here.
- Come here, come here.
- What?
- What is it?
- Look at her.
It's Dottie.
Hey, Doris.
- Dottie!
- Hi.
Mae? All-the-Way Mae?
- No one's called me that since...
- Last night!
- I'm a married woman now.
- Yeah, about eight times.
Hey, girls! Look who's here!
- Oh, Shirley!
- Dottie.
Helen Haley!
- It's Dr. Haley now. I'm a doctor.
- I always knew you would be.
- Who's that?
- That's Dottie Hinson.
Betty Spaghetti.
- Oh, hi, Betty.
- Best ballplayer in the league.
- I don't remember her.
- She only played one year.
Oh, Ellen Sue!
- Hi!
- You haven't changed one bit.
Dottie, I married a plastic surgeon.
Dottie, having you here is good luck.
Thanks, Alice.
- Oh, Marla.
- Dottie.
I'm so glad you're here.
- How's? Yeah.
- Nelson? He's good.
He's retired.
Our son runs the business.
How's Bob?
Oh, you know. He's...
- When?
- Just this winter.
I'm sorry.
- We finally made it.
- Oh, Shirley, I'm so excited.
I've got butterflies in my stomach!
They've got a "Women In Baseball"
thing up there. Isn't it neat?
Baseball Hall of Fame.
I'm shaking.
Wait a minute here. Dottie?
- Guess who that is.
- Who?
Hi, Dottie.
You remember?
You're gonna lose.
Stilwell, angel!
My goodness!
Where's your mom?
Mom died a couple years ago.
Oh, I'm sorry.
She was a real nice lady.
And a damn fine ballplayer.
When I heard about this, I...
...just felt like I...
...owed it to her to be here.
She always said it was the best time
she ever had in her whole life.
Stilwell, come here.
You recognize yourself?
- Can I get one of these?
- Sure. Of course.
Ladies! Ladies!
It's a pleasure to welcome you
here today.
It's taken years,
but you are the first women...
...ever to be inducted
into the Baseball Hall of Fame!
- And now...
- Wait. Wait a minute.
This really isn't right.
Mr. Lowenstein...
...since you kept the league going
all those years...
...well, you do it.
- There you go, Ira.
- Thank you, Bob.
...it's my honor.
Mr. Capadino, look! That's when you
changed my life, honey!
And, oh, that's great!
Stilwell, angel, smile!
Batter up
Hear that call
The time has come
For one and all
To play
We're the members of
The All-American League
We come from cities
Near and far
We've got Canadians
Irish ones and Swedes
We're all for one
We're one for all
We're All-Americans
- Look.
- Is that you, Grandma?
Her motto, do or die
She's not the one to use
Or need an alibi
Oh, Kit.
I'm so glad you came.
Hi, Aunt Dottie.
Take a picture.
Let's take a picture of the whole team.
The original Peaches!
Hey, come on, come on. Okay.
That was clear inside.
It was clear inside, clear inside.
- That's three times.
- That's my opinion.
Yesterday or tomorrow,
that might be a ball...
...but today, it was a strike!