Left Handed Gun, The (1958)

Come here.
Mr. Tunstall!
Put that down, Tom. Put down your gun.
Now, lad, put down your hands.
Put them down.
Do you belong to Mr. Morton?
Are you one of Morton's men?
What's your name?
Say your name, boy.
- The name's William Bonney.
- What happened to your horse?
Where are you from?
- Up north.
- From Lincoln?
- Denver?
- Kansas City.
You're a long way from home.
What do you want?
- Work.
- Are you hungry?
I can do with a man.
I pay a dollar a day and meals.
- Give him the blue mare, Tom.
- The blue mare?
Mr. Tunstall...
...how do we know he
ain't one of Morton's?
He said no.
How do we know he ain't a liar?
Mr. McSween?
Well, he says he wants work.
He's with us till he
shows he's against us.
Tom will take you to the men...
...give you a canteen and
assign you to a quarter boss.
- See that he gets the blue mare, Tom.
- Yes, sir.
We'll make camp here.
Her name's Buster.
Ain't much of a name for a female
but it's all we could think up.
Hey, Charley.
Charley, this here is...
What did you call yourself?
- William Bonney.
- William Bonney.
This is Charley Boudre,
and I'm Thomas Folliard.
- Yo, William.
- We best call you Billy for short.
Well, make up your mind.
I just got myself all
set to call him William.
- My name's Tom.
- Tom?
Ain't that a dumb name.
You old blue-lady dog, you.
She aims to turn around and bite
you in the fat part of your leg...
...so you gotta kick her in
the jaw some, make her mind.
I'll say one thing, she don't
take sass from them bonehead bulls.
You feed her and give her
a kiss every now and then...
...she'll love you for life.
He don't exactly talk your head off.
Hey, Charley, did you notice
the way he strapped his gun?
Yeah. Ties her down too.
That don't mean he's a bandit.
Well, it don't mean
he's a preacher neither.
You like him?
Yes, sir. I know him from El Paso.
His pa run off and
deserted the kid and his ma.
Kid got himself in
some real bad trouble.
Street drunk said a word against
his ma, and the kid stabbed him.
Killed him.
- Killed him?
- Yes, sir.
Of course, it was a long time back.
Folks talked a lot about the kid...
...being an 11 -years-old
child and committing a murder.
Well, he says he's from Kansas City.
No, sir. El Paso. William Bonney.
That Mr. Tunstall,
is he an Englishman?
That's what they say.
I can't hardly understand
the way he talks.
He hails from Ayrshire.
From Ayrshire?
Sure come a long way to push beef.
He's the only small
rancher hardheaded enough...
...to push a herd into Lincoln.
- He expect trouble?
- Maybe.
He sure don't think
much of a gun, does he?
No, he's funny about that.
He thinks the only way to avoid
gun trouble is to go without.
The Englishman is bringing
his herd into Lincoln.
He undercuts our price to the Army...
...every stockman with six
cows will come driving in.
Well, we'll stop him.
Drive his heard along the
hills and join onto ours.
This Englishman don't stop easy.
You got a badge, Sheriff Brady.
- Arrest him?
- Unauthorized trespass.
Lock him up. Confiscate his herd.
- Right, Hill?
- You got the right to arrest him.
- But he's a long ways out.
- Well, meet him.
When he gets to Valley
Pass, you'll arrest him.
Hey, Hill.
Probably camp down there tonight.
Early in the morning,
that English fellow...
...come through the pass
on the way to Lincoln.
We'll sit here and wait for him.
Yes, sir, they'll be strung
out down there for a mile.
- It's Gitanos.
- What?
It's Gitanos. That's the
Mexican word for "Gypsy."
Well, Gypsy comes from Arabia, Egypt.
Well, they come from Mexico.
Mexico, Spain, Hungary.
All over the world.
Do you speak Spanish?
I picked it up.
Not in Kansas City?
No, I lived south.
Them Gypsies, they's on
their way down to Madero.
- For Pascuas.
- Pascuas?
Yeah, it's a religious week.
The Mexican people build
a man out of straw...
...and then they set fire
to him, they burn him up.
All those ashes blow away.
Why do they do that?
Well, do you want something?
- You reading in that book?
- Aye.
Do you know this book?
Well, it ain't the Bible.
When you read you don't
speak out the words.
Either way.
Are you interested in reading?
Oh, why, it's not so hard.
I could teach you to read.
Hey, see here.
Now, you see this black print here?
"Through a glass darkly."
Through a glass darkly?
That's a quote from the Bible.
Can't get away from the Bible.
Do you know the Bible well?
- My ma.
- Your mother read it to you?
Well, she knew parts of it.
See, now what does that mean?
I mean, for sure.
Through a glass darkly?
You might say it's the
way some people see things.
Like looking through a
piece of colored glass.
All dark and twisted up.
- Like a whiskey bottle?
- Aye.
Or it might mean a mystery.
Or something you see that
you can't quite make out.
- An enemy.
- Or a friend.
You can take this book if you like.
I have to ride on into
Lincoln in the morning...
...so I won't be needing it.
Do you want a rider to come with you?
No, I don't want an
armed man, William.
Why don't you take the book.
I might look over some words.
- Everything all right, William?
- You gonna ride in, Mr. Tunstall?
Aye, I have to set a price
for the Army quartermaster...
...before we bring in the herd.
- I thought I heard something.
- Where?
I don't know. Out there.
I have to ride in, Billy.
I'll go with you. You need a gun.
No, I don't want you.
Front and back.
Guess we should take him into Lincoln.
His horse is dead.
Put him over my horse.
It's past midnight.
Billy can stay in the side room.
I'll stay here.
He liked you, Billy.
Said you had a good mind.
Said you were quick.
Asked good questions.
He gave me this. See?
I can't read.
Lord God...
...this was a quiet man.
He lived the way a man ought to live.
He did not lie.
He did not hurt.
He listened to any
man who spoke to him.
I told him.
I told him I heard something.
He had to go to Lincoln.
Mr. McSween, I gotta do something.
You'll find work.
No, not work. Something...
It's not your place.
I got to...
You're not his kin.
- You didn't know him.
- I knew him.
Nobody did.
Not close. Not even me.
- I knew him.
- He was a man to himself.
Billy, you can stay with me.
I'll be bringing in the herds.
Listen, Billy.
Listen to me.
The other way is against God.
When I was a child,
I spoke as a child.
I understood as a child.
I thought as a child.
But when I became a man,
I put away childish things.
For now, he sees
through a glass darkly...
...but then, face to
face, now I know in part...
...but then shall I know
even as also I am known.
Go! Get up there!
Get up there!
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Got no sorrows!
Your worked for Mr. Tunstall.
- No sorrows.
- Nice funeral.
There, keep it coming. One for
the machine and one for a drink.
One there, one here.
Mr. Bonney, you can
depend on Mr. Moultrie.
Mr. Bonney.
I want you to know how sorry I
feel about your late employer.
He was a gentleman. We had
men like him in the South.
I didn't fight in the war.
I was sickly.
Keep it coming. I want
to hear it up in my room.
- How far to Madero?
- One night.
- State your name.
- Garrett.
- How's that?
- Garrett. Pat Garrett.
Little case of the quick jump.
Somebody gonna get
his head clipped off.
Garrett. Pat Garrett.
- Who's he?
- William Bonney.
One of the Tunstall boys.
- You'd think they'd have more respect.
- Respect?
Mr. Tunstall was laid
to rest this morning.
Cut that thing off!
Rally around the flag!
Tie me down!
- Rally around the flag!
- Rally around the flag!
Oh, man, you really
took a bite out of me.
Draw a woman.
At that funeral, I listened.
I heard flies on the window pane,
and then I heard voices mumbling.
Brady and Morton.
I got all four names.
You don't know?
I know.
Sheriff Brady, Mr.
Morton, Moon and Hill.
The sheriff?
- You can't.
- I can.
You can't shoot a sheriff.
- They call in the U.S. Marshal.
- They hang you.
They shot Mr. Tunstall,
nobody hangs them.
Oh, I don't want to.
You go. Go on. Blow their
heads off, I don't...
I got me some money. I got a
belly. I wanna go to Madero.
Charley, Mr. Tunstall was your friend.
- He was my boss.
- Tom?
He was my friend.
But he hardly said more
than 10 words to you.
He gave you that book
that you always read.
I read it. I can read.
I know that. But
that's all he gave you.
No, we belong to him.
He paid our wages.
Wages don't make it right
to go out and kill for a man.
Go to the law.
Go to Brady?
Go to Sheriff Brady?
- You ain't the law.
- Now I am.
They used their law to keep
Mr. Tunstall's herd out.
They shot him down blind.
- Charley?
- No.
It's still murder.
- It's against the Bible.
- No.
They did the murder.
- Now, wait...
- Mr. Tunstall was unarmed.
Never carried a gun.
That's right.
No, sir.
No, sir.
You gonna let them go free?
Ought not to.
No, sir. Ought not to.
Here's the sheriff's office.
Brady and Morton
gonna ride down here...
...to check the prisoners.
There's McSween's house over there.
We wait here and here.
When they get there, we stop them...
You there, get back!
Get back.
I know you. And you too, Morton.
You killed Tunstall.
You sat up there in the
rocks and you murdered him.
Well, I'm calling you, you hear me?
You been called.
Throw that away. What
did you touch him for?
Get Bucky. Ride out to the
herd. Get Bucky and tell the men.
- Come with me, Billy.
- I gotta get McSween.
Come on. Go.
I saw that kid from that
hotel and Tom Folliard.
- Where? How many of them?
- More was behind the fence!
Tunstall's men. They must
be holed out at McSween's.
They gotta be at McSween's.
We'll get every one of them.
Don't kill the sheriff
and get away with it!
They're all holed up at
McSween's! Let's burn them out!
- Burn them out!
- Everybody get a torch.
We'll burn them out.
William, Hill, get some
more men on the way.
- Come on, burn them out.
- Where's McSween?
- Where's McSween?
- He's in the house.
- Come on, burn them out!
- Burn them out!
Burn them out!
- McSween.
- What's wrong?
- Get out of here.
- What happened?
They're coming here after us.
- Brady, I shot him.
- Shot Brady?
- And Morton. Got them both.
- Killed them?
You murdered them!
Get back!
- Get down! Get out of here!
- Get away from me!
Get away!
The piano!
The piano. Her piano. My wife.
- Go! Get out!
- Leave me be!
My wife! My wife!
Ben! Ben!
Oh, God, Ben.
Ben. Ben.
What are you doing? Let go of me!
Let go!
Ben! Ben! Ben!
Help me! Ben!
I'm sorry. Oh, God.
Oh, Ben. Ben, I'm sorry!
Where's the law?
Oh, Ben.
- The boy?
- The floor caved in.
Hey, Billy.
Bucky wouldn't come.
He wouldn't listen.
None of them.
Your arm.
McSween's house.
I got some clothes in my pack roll.
I got two of them. I got two of them.
You lay still, now. I'll get
some grease for that burn.
Don't touch it, now.
It's stuck to your...
Stuck to your arm.
We got two of them.
We got two of them.
Just lay still.
We'll hide out for a couple of days, then
we'll head north for the farm country.
No. Get me to Saval.
- Who?
- Saval. He's a gunsmith down in Madero.
Charley's down in Madero.
I'll take you to Madero.
Garrett. Pat Garrett.
- Looks like you got nine lives.
- Got eight left.
You're hurt bad. Come on,
let me give you a hand.
- No, you get me to Saval.
- The gunsmith.
- We got a doctor.
- He don't want no doctor.
- He just wants Saval.
- I saw his wife around here a while ago.
- Celsa?
- Yeah, come on.
Billy. Billy.
Your arm, your neck. What happened?
Celsa! Celsa!
Celsa! Celsa!
Celsa, come here.
Be careful. His arm.
Look at him. Hey.
- Watch his arm.
- Easy, easy, easy.
You find Charley and get you a room.
You can stay at my place.
Let's go.
You don't kill a sheriff.
- You see anybody?
- Not yet.
You best keep him out of sight.
Two years, he run away.
Do you see his eyes?
He's old in two years.
He's in a bad way.
Run away, run back.
Sew his clothes, give
him food, he's gone again.
Look, his shirt is all burned.
I tried to take his gun belt.
He grabbed my hand.
It's under his pillow.
It's the same as
before, wherever he goes.
- What?
- Pain.
This here's Charley Boudre.
He's a friend of Billy's.
This lady takes care of Bill.
- Is he bad off?
- Well, he sleeps a lot.
Could we come in?
- lf you don't stay too long.
- Oh, we won't.
Hey, Billy?
Hey, Tom.
Look what crawled out
from underneath a rock.
Hey, Charley, you old
horse's blanket. Come here.
Why, it's that poor boy
that got hisself killed.
Newspapers said that poor outlaw
youth was fried to a grease spot.
I'd like to lay this little
offering on that poor soul's grave.
Wait, what is that?
A little friend to keep him company.
A horny toad.
Oh, what a weeping shame
to die so young and so fair.
Why, the whole town of Lincoln
is draped in solid black.
All them red-eyed widow women...
...is weeping and throwing
their selves off the roofs.
The sight, I tell you.
- Oh, you'd say.
- Hold on, Tom.
Tom, my heart is near broke.
- Best thing we sing a little hymn.
- I reckon.
A flock of angels
Shall fly him up to heaven
Stop it now. Stop it! Stop it!
I reckon we better go now.
Hey, Billy.
Need anything, we'll be hanging
around outside in the street.
We'll come back tomorrow
and put some flowers on him.
Hey, did the governor ever figure
out how to stop this cattle war?
You ask me, I'd string
them all up to a tree.
That boy I saw across the street
carrying his arm stiff by his side...
...does he live around here?
- Not as I know.
- Who is he?
I don't know, Joe.
You coming to Pete Maxwell's party?
- I seen you talking to him.
- Let you meet my girl.
You see why I work up a sweat...
...and mind my business.
Hello, Pat.
You don't wanna sit out here.
The sun eases my arm.
Yeah, I know.
But somebody not from here,
some peddler passing through...
...he'll go right back to Lincoln
and tell them you're still around.
No, ain't nobody bothers me.
Look, Billy, you gotta keep down.
I know.
I hid.
I was a kid.
I hid half my life.
You just gotta dig a
deep hole and get in.
I mean it.
Now, how come you care so
big about me, Pat Garrett?
I guess I'm just naturally
soft-hearted, Billy.
Be careful.
Hey, Pat, when's the wedding?
Sunday, a week.
You be careful.
Hey, Billy.
Get out there, see what they want.
Hey, Tom, Tom, we gonna clean up.
Hey, Billy.
Hey, Celsa, come out here.
Look at this.
What do you make out of it?
Sergeant says it's the general's orders.
He's the new governor of the territory.
"General Lew Wallace, governor."
Governor, I saw that.
Well, that must mean us too.
How do you figure?
Well, amnesty.
Nobody gets hung, nobody goes to jail.
We're all forgived for our sins, man.
We can stay here.
We is forgived for
shooting Brady and Morton?
It must mean us.
Boy, you believe that?
Well, it's one way to settle a fight.
Now both sides lay down their guns.
Well, that's the order.
All is forgiven, provided
you don't break the peace.
If you do, the general
will break your head.
You don't have to hide.
No hiding, no running!
We can stay here.
You can stay here. You stay here.
Yes, sir, we're gonna stay here.
- We're gonna kick up some dust.
- Now, come on, quit now.
- That's $4, boy.
- Pig's foot.
Pay the man $4.
- He bet the yellow.
- I bet the black.
- Get up the money, boy.
- Hey, Billy!
Get up the money, boy.
Look, them brass buttons
don't make you General Grant.
- Four dollars, boy.
- Four dollars, my eye!
He tried to grab off the money.
I'm gonna grab you off.
Now you gonna grab somebody, soldier?
Or you a general?
Who told you to butt
your head in here?
You wanna break up
the peace a little bit?
Well, you take the money, general.
And you hold the money up
for the general to take.
Come on, general.
Let's see some cavalry.
Put them down!
Put them down!
- Billy.
- Hey, Pat. Pat Garrett.
Hey, you see them...?
Them posters, "General
Lew Wallace, governor"?
You should have seen what we
done to one of his regiments.
We dipped them in flour and
fried them for breakfast.
You best slow down, I'm warning you.
Yeah, I can see you
slowed down some yourself.
- When is that wedding?
- That's Sunday.
You Celsa's cousin?
- That goes for me too, ma'am!
- Quiet.
- Now, she invited us to the wedding.
- We'll be there.
What about tonight? Coming
to Pete Maxwell's party?
- Party?
- Party?
- There be whiskey and women?
- All you can drink.
We're gonna get drunk!
- Boys.
- Yep?
Hey, knocking them soldiers together
sort of eased up my shoulder.
How about that, huh?
Come on, Charley.
I'll draw you, come on.
I'm stiff as a board,
I bet I beat you.
No, we're going to Maxwell's party.
No, he don't wanna grab no
gun. He wants to grab a gal.
Come on, we'll draw. You
too, Tom. Come on, let's go.
I'll bet I beat you,
and I'm stiff as a board.
One, two, three, go!
Come on.
We're gonna go fiesta.
Mr. Maxwell.
My name is Moultrie. I
come over from Lincoln.
We heard about your
generous open house.
- Drinks are in at the bar.
- Most generous.
Perhaps we can drink to the amnesty.
- Billy.
- Manuel.
Mr. Bonney, you gave me a start.
I suppose you know your name
has been prominent in the paper.
I cut out the articles.
Here. I think this
one might interest you.
Your death notice.
Let me see.
"William Bonney, outlaw youth, dead."
Well, now, how you like that?
"Billy Bonney was burned to death,
leaving no surviving relatives."
That's not necessary, Mr. Bonney.
I knew you weren't dead.
All right!
Knocked my feet right
out from under me.
- Know who that is?
- Who?
Name was in the Santa Fe paper.
- How come?
- Killed some men.
William Bonney's his name.
I thought he was dead.
Billy, why don't you go in and dance.
There's a little girl in there, Nina.
Wear her hair hang down like a horse.
Come on, take her out on the
porch. Her papa owns a mill.
Take her out on the porch.
There is nothing wrong
with you that a woman...
That a young girl can't fix.
Come on, Billy, let's go.
We're gonna stomp some.
Go on, her name is Nina.
Hey, Billy.
- How about one for the wedding?
- Well, well, name in the paper.
- How's the arm?
- I'm working it.
- Getting up your speed?
- Yeah, I'm getting it.
Joe used to wear his gun tied down.
Remember back in Laredo, Joe?
Yeah, we knew what a fast gun was.
That was a hundred years ago.
Boy, you must be hot grease.
He's fast, Joe.
Yeah, I know. Got
his name in the paper.
Joe works for the government now.
Goes through the country to
see how the amnesty holds.
- Amnesty?
- That's right.
You say you turn in a report to
the governor, is that right, Joe?
- We keep our eye on the
hot-grease boys. - Yeah.
Are you a law officer?
I carry papers.
Like to shoot?
When I have to.
Pearl inlay.
That must have cost you.
That gun was made in Chicago.
Could I see it?
Gee, I'd sure like to
see your gun, mister.
United States eagle.
Joe Grant.
Why, it lays right back of your thumb.
Does that notch...? Does
that stand for a man?
That's what it stands for.
You had to put that in
there so you'd remember?
That's right.
Was he asleep when you shot him?
I'm just fooling, Joe Grant.
Come on, let's get
back to our drinking.
Where's Tom?
My friend asked you to have a drink.
- I'll see you, Pat.
- Sure.
Asked you to have a drink.
Gonna have it or not?
Come on, Joe, settle down.
See you.
You so fast?
Why don't you shut
your big amnesty mouth.
- Hey, boy!
- Billy!
Oh, you had to try.
You had to show what a
fast son of a buck you are!
How come it didn't fire, Grant?
Pearl inlays, Chicago-made, amnesty.
Maybe I got my speed, maybe I
don't, but I got you, Joe Grant.
I got you dead, you big mouth!
You wanna try again, huh?
How many cartridges I
take out? One or two?
- Billy.
- Go ahead.
Come on, pull it off, Joe Grant.
It'll fire or go click.
Come on, squeeze it off.
Joe. Drop it, Joe.
He'll kill you.
Billy, let him go.
I'm asking you now, let him go.
I'm asking you as a friend.
You say your thanks...
...to Pat Garrett.
You're smart, Joe.
You're smart as a whip.
You drive your luck
right in the ground.
I want you to get out of here.
I'll split your sleeves off!
You don't know, Joe.
You came that close.
That kid could drop you. Five
shots up and down your buttons.
He kills you, he kills the
amnesty. But you are smart.
Now, get your horse
and get out of here.
One shot.
One 10-cent bullet, and that's it.
Look at that. You see that?
What does it say?
"Outlaw youth, dead."
Keep it for a souvenir.
I ain't dead no more. I come awake.
No, Billy, don't go after them.
They had me dead. That
amnesty, that's for them.
For Moon and Hill and Grant.
They walk around, I'm buried.
They put dimes in my eyes.
Stop it.
You're shaking like a pony.
Here, you'll catch cold.
No, I'll catch fire.
I got it back. My hand, my arm.
And no one ever gonna
take it away from me.
I'm a-coming to life.
You got a fever.
- Come with me.
- No.
I don't stop now. No more stop.
- I have to go back inside.
- Go.
Go, go, go.
Stay here. They'll kill you.
They've been killing me.
Now I don't wait. I go first.
What are you going to do?
I don't run, I don't
hide. I go where I want.
I do what I want.
Don't, Billy. Don't do that to me.
Don't look at me.
I'll get them, all
of them. I want you.
You're choking me. I can't breathe.
With me.
With you.
With you.
Don't do it, Billy.
- With you.
- No.
- With you.
- No.
- No. No.
- With you.
Mr. Bonney.
Enchilada! I want an enchilada.
- Get up.
- I want an enchilada.
Go on, get in there. Get Tom.
Tom, you're drunk. Get up here.
Tom, get up here.
Get up here.
Tom! Now, loose that shoulder.
Now, hook. Hook and
draw. Hook and draw!
- My thumb is bleeding.
- Let it bleed!
Tom, hook and draw!
- Why? Why?
- We're gonna get Moon.
Hook and draw!
Hey, Charley, come on.
Go on.
- Hey, boy.
- Yes, sir?
- Do you know a deputy named Moon?
- Yes, sir.
I want you to run down to his house...
...and tell him there's a U.S. Marshal
waiting for him at the sheriff's office.
Yes, sir.
- You go against government.
- Don't tell me.
We get even first, then
we do what they say.
- He's coming.
- Come on, sit down.
- Act like a deputy.
- Act like a deputy?
Where's your gun, deputy?
Pick it up.
U.S. Marshal don't shoot
a man without a fair draw.
Don't draw on me. Bonney, don't shoot.
What did you do to Tunstall, Moon?
Sheriff Brady gave the
orders. I didn't hit him.
I never hit him.
Bonney, don't shoot.
I didn't hit him. I never hit him.
You don't have to kill me, Bonney.
It's over and buried.
You see them amnesty posters?
You see them? You see
what the governor did?
Call anyone. Ask anyone.
No one here wants to hurt you, Bonney.
You don't want to hurt anyone here.
Let him go, Billy.
I swear to God, Bonney.
Bonney, no one here wants you boys.
Call anyone, ask anyone.
See if I don't tell you true.
Let him go, Billy. He
ain't worth shooting.
Get them out here. I
swear to God, Bonney.
Get them out here. You see? See?
See? See? See, nobody
wants to hurt you.
See? See, Bonney?
See, Bonney? Bonney.
You broke it, the
amnesty. You dumb jackass.
Dumb, dumb jackass.
Come on in here.
Billy, look at this. They don't
let us get away with Moon, you hear?
Shirt half out.
- Where is Moon?
- He's buried.
Will you quit blowing
that like nothing happened?
They don't let us get
away with this one.
We broke a big law this time.
They put a government
price on our heads.
We got Moon, we gonna get Hill.
Not me. No, sir.
I don't go no more.
One more, it's all over.
What's wrong with restful?
Now, you tell me what's
wrong with restful?
Ain't nothing wrong with restful.
That's what we do.
Leave old Hill to rest.
You mean, let him be?
Leave him wait.
We gonna let old Hill set out
there and rest himself to death.
- See you?
- Sure, come on in.
Go on, sit down.
I'm Hill.
Moon is dead.
There goes the amnesty.
I talked to Judge Davis.
He said to get you.
- Me?
- He wants you for sheriff.
- I'm getting married, and the clothes...
- You're the best gun in the county.
- Oh, no, I don't want it.
- You fill in the wages yourself.
- You're hereby appointed with power...
- I don't want it, Hill.
Look, you killed Tunstall. Maybe
you got what's coming to you.
I went with them to arrest him.
I was part of it.
But I swear to God I
don't want killing...
...any more than you.
I used to see one of
these things and run.
- No.
- I got a wife too, Mr. Garrett.
- You gotta help me.
- Come on.
He's got me marked.
Brady, Morton, Moon and me.
- I don't want it.
- I can't run.
I need help.
Well, I'll help you all I can.
All except this.
Fourteen, 15, 16...
...17, 18, 19...
...20, 21, 22...
...23, 24, 25...
...26, 27, 28...
...29, 30.
Hey, Pat.
- Hey, let's see the new missus.
- Hello, Pat.
Billy, we heard about Moon.
I don't want you to
try anything. Anything.
Oh, Pat, now, we
come for your wedding.
- We would have come to the ceremony...
- No trouble. Understand?
No, we don't even get drunk.
Show him the present.
Made out of silver.
You can wear them tonight.
For the little woman.
Cost $ 7.
Well, say, I appreciate
this very much.
I really do. I'm very
grateful for her and myself.
What I'm trying to say is...
I swear to you, Pat, I didn't
know. I didn't know he was here.
This is my wedding, Billy.
You try to start something,
I'll take it hard.
Well, we don't want no
trouble at your wedding, Pat.
Not here.
Well, later, then. Someplace else.
What you do is your business,
but this is my place.
This is my business here.
I won't do a thing, Pat.
We don't want no
trouble at your wedding.
Charley and Tom, they
don't want no trouble.
- No trouble.
- Right.
Give you my word.
Come on.
Bravo! Bravo.
He keeps looking at me.
- He gave me his word.
- He's got no word.
Hey, Billy, I got a pig full of wine.
What? Oh, stop.
Hey, come on, quit
that. Come on, quit it.
You're gonna get
everybody all wet. Quit it.
Hey, Billy. Billy, come on
and get your picture took.
Oh, no.
Come on, it don't hurt. He
clamps your head. Come on.
He put your head in the clamp.
Sit up on that table. Here.
Then, in half a minute,
an exact likeness.
Eyes, nose, ears, teeth,
everything. Like an oil painting.
You will hold this rifle.
It's not dangerous. The
bore is poured full of lead.
There's absolutely
no danger. Now, here.
Now... Now, all of you move back.
Now, you will remain
in a fixed position.
You want me?
I don't look for a fight.
I never set out to kill.
I set out to arrest the Englishman.
You ask Pat. Ask anyone.
I don't use a gun without
a man drawing on me.
You draw on me, I use it.
We're trying to take a picture.
Now, please, don't blink.
Look right at the camera
with a pleasant expression.
- Pat!
- Billy!
Back up.
It is over. It is all over.
Hill, the last one.
But your word. Your word.
You said here, Pat.
Here's your wedding.
But he went out,
outside. It's all over.
Poor Tom.
My wedding.
It's here.
It's here.
Here. Here.
This wall, this street, this
town. I married all of it, all.
Look at my wife. Look at
her, look at our friends.
Look at those kids.
He begged me to help
him, and I said no.
He wanted me for
sheriff, and I said no.
Now I say yes.
I'm writing my name "sheriff."
And I swear by the living God
that I'm gonna put you away.
I'm gonna hunt you
down and put you away!
I'll soak these in water.
Is he bad?
His side is red.
You had to go for him, didn't you?
- You wouldn't stop.
- It's all over, Tom.
It ain't ever gonna be over.
Well, it's done. We're free of him.
You don't know.
You heard what Pat Garrett said?
He's gonna come after us.
You don't know a thing.
All I know is how I feel.
I can breathe.
All this time my head was like to
split, all I could see was four men.
But now it's done and I am clean.
Go by the salt flats, then
through the back country.
Now, you won't want that shotgun.
I can use it.
Let's go.
This is money.
Men want this kind of money.
They come after it.
They're gonna get it.
Leave off.
All right, Charley,
you stay on with Billy.
End up on your back
with your jaw dropped.
I'm going home.
Visit my folks.
My ma, she knows how to
ease this pain in my side.
You let him go?
He don't stop me.
You don't stop me.
There ain't nobody gonna stop
you. Why would I wanna stop you?
You got your blanket, your pack roll?
Take some more cartridges.
- No, I got enough.
- No, come on, take them.
- Anything to see you through.
- Look, I don't want any more.
You best be going.
You got a long way to go
and you got a bad side.
Best not ride too
much in the daylight.
Done run out.
That skinny dog run out.
Takes his pack and
he leaves us to go on.
Go on, run.
Scared to death.
I don't want you. Go on.
Hey, Tom.
Tom! Tom!
Come on. Get in here.
You see? You see that?
A shotgun!
We got food. We gonna wait till dark.
- You see them?
- Yeah, up in the hill, below the ridge.
Now get back.
- lf they come around back?
- We got enough to stop them.
You see Tom?
- Come on now, get back!
- Did he move?
Did you see him move?
Maybe he ain't dead.
Well, they hit him with
a shotgun. He's dead.
He's not dead. He's
begging us to help him.
- No.
- I heard him.
- Keep down!
- Billy, we gotta help...
My chest.
Billy, I can't move my head.
Billy, my neck.
Charley, I told you.
I feel my blood.
Billy, help me up. I can't move.
Stay down. Don't move.
Now, help me up.
Billy, help me.
Help me up.
Help me stand up.
Oh, for the love of God.
I'm all right standing up.
I don't die standing
up. Help me, Billy!
Help me...
You wanna go?
I don't care.
Come on, stand up!
You wanna go?
Go on. I don't want you. Go on!
Bill Bonney, come out!
Come out that door.
I'll let you live.
Drop your gun.
Come out with your
arms at your shoulders.
What do you figure the judge gave him?
Hang him.
He was a wild boy when we caught him.
Yeah? Well, he's had a
couple of days to cool off.
Watch is all sweaty.
Hang him, huh?
Hey, Ollinger, what did they give him?
A hanging. We're gonna hang him.
All right, you guys, get back.
Get back in there. All right.
- Get those people back there, let's go.
- Back in there.
Get them back.
Get in there.
All right, Billy, up the
stairs. Get up from here.
Go ahead.
Down that door.
Judge said Friday.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...
That's your day.
That's the day we gonna hang you.
- Bring him out!
- Get me the boy!
Get him for me!
Hang him! Whip him! Make
him tell. Where is he?
Where is my husband?
You. You boy, I take your gun.
- Who is that?
- Husband!
- Husband!
- Mrs. Hill, it sounds like.
- Hill's widow?
- I want that boy!
I'm gonna break the door!
You'll never try that again, Mason.
Next man who starts
up is under arrest.
Now, go on, get home. Take her home.
Go on. Get off the streets.
But I want him. I want
the boy. I want him!
I want the boy!
Get me the boy! I want him!
Get him for me!
I want the boy! I want him!
You murdered somebody?
Sure, I know you.
You murdered four men.
Well, I killed them, maybe,
but that ain't murder.
Hey, you better get out of here,
kid, before you break your neck.
Hey, you kids, get out of here!
I catch you, I kick you.
They're coming from other towns.
Why do they want to see?
They think they know him.
They heard his name.
His name has spread east, cities east.
They've never seen anyone famous.
How soon is it over?
Friday, in the morning.
Do you have to do it?
I thought I wanted it.
But when the judge said hang him...
...he looked surprised.
There ain't nobody allowed in there.
But I know him personally.
You and about 10,000 others.
I brought him some comforts.
Can I talk to him?
He won't answer you.
He'll answer me.
Mr. Bonney? Mr. Bonney?
It's me, Moultrie.
Remember? "Rally
around the flag, boys."
Mr. Bonney, I gave you your
death notice in the paper.
Do you recall?
Well, I'm set up in business now.
Souvenirs of the West.
You helped me...
...so I brought you some
comforts, Mr. Bonney.
Box of shortbread.
Some clean linen.
The guards may inspect it.
You care for reading matter, Mr.
Bonney? I have lots of books from you...
About you from the East here.
Outlaw King: The Life
of William Bonney.
Billy Bonney: Killer of the West.
The Luck of Billy the Kid.
The Luck of Billy the Kid.
Bell, I wanna go out back.
Do you read all them books?
You can read?
Yeah, I read.
What do they say?
They say I'm a figure of glory.
Oh, come on, Billy.
Billy, stop.
Billy. Billy.
Billy, come on. Now, don't
go... Billy, don't go for a...
Don't come up, Bell!
Don't, Bell, don't!
I've gotta, Billy.
Hey, Ollinger. Bell
just killed the kid.
Hey, Bob.
- Ramirez?
- Yes, sir.
You know him?
- Billy the Kid?
- You know him?
I know who he is.
You say he's run to Mexico?
That's my guess.
- You seen him?
- No.
You seen him, mister?
No, sir, I did not see him.
We're going back to Madero.
He'd never go back to Madero.
Well, that's where we're going.
I knew I'd find you.
I was in Lincoln when you shot
Ollinger. I saw you break out.
I brought you those books.
Wait, wait.
You remember the
photographer at the wedding?
Well, I met him Lincoln.
He gave me your picture.
I have another here.
I made him go over with
me to the courthouse.
Your two friends,
before they were buried.
You can see the wounds in Charley.
- You take anything from them?
- No, no. I didn't touch them.
- Did you?
- No, I didn't.
You stay away from me.
You stay away from them.
I'll tell people. I'll
tell people how you live.
I write letters about you
to the East, to Boston.
Stories for books.
What is it?
What's wrong?
You all right?
You're not like the books.
You don't wear silver studs.
You don't stand up to glory.
You're not him.
You're not him.
You're not him.
You want anything?
I'm wore-out.
Get some sleep.
We'll try the west
hills in the morning.
Maybe you ought to let him go.
Maybe, maybe, maybe.
Mr. Garrett.
He has got to be stopped.
I don't want the reward.
People will take it
away from me anyway.
Go on.
- Billy.
- Open the door.
You do not want to come back here.
- No, open the door, Saval.
- Go away, please.
Go away. I give you some money.
- Help you get a horse.
- No. No.
I stay here.
They chase you. They
know you will come here.
I got no place else.
- Mexico?
- No, no, right here with you.
I'll stay here.
- I have to.
- Like after the fire.
I have to, Saval.
I'm gonna sleep.
- The Mexican people, they see you.
- They will not tell.
He's all fever.
- He can't stay here.
- In the back.
No, not now.
You can't stay here.
I have no place else to go.
- Not with us.
- Celsa, what do you want him to do?
- Stay with you.
- No!
What is it? What?
- With me. With...
- Not to him.
Don't kill him.
Celsa, you...?
You and him?
Oh, no, no, no, Saval.
Saval, please. I don't want him.
Get out.
I come here not to kill.
Not to kill him.
I lost Tom.
I lost Charley.
I can't read.
I got myself all killed.
Saval, you help me.
We don't want you.
You help me.
Don't go for your gun.
Keep your hands away from your sides.
He's here.
Don't move, Billy.
I don't wanna kill you.
Not by him.
Please, Saval.
Come to me.
Come to me.
He went for an empty holster.
I couldn't see.
You come home now.