Leftenan Adnan (2000)

Ground Forces HQ, Ministry of defense
Sub edited and synced by: PEEAN91
In association with:
A film by: Aziz M. Osman
Leftenan Adnan
Cast By:
Script by:
Photography Director:
Art Director:
Music Director:
Film Director:
Image Director:
Special Effects by:
Fight Calligraphy and stunts by:
Presentation and equipment by:
Military war tactical adviser:
Film Director Assistance:
Publication Coordinator:
Publishing Executive:
Publishing Assistance:
A Film By:
- Adnan, I'm scared.
- Don't be afraid.
Mail, you move there.
Malik, you there.
Ahmad, you wait here.
If you spot any enemy you scream.
Ahmad, you cover the rear.
Adnan, the enemy!
Adnan! You brat.
I asked to take your
brother to take a bath.
Where have you gone?
- Ramlah, Adnan is here!
- He spot us.
Oh my God, what's the matter?
I asked to take your
brother to take a bath
and asked him to
play war with you.
Boys Ramlah.
Where are you going?
I'm going to send some
food to Safiah's father.
Tumira just tagging along. She
and Safiah can't be apart.
Just like us in the olden days.
Okay, I'm going home.
Sungai Ramai Village, Kajang 1927
Village leader,
there are girls watching.
Girls, you can't watch
Who want to go first?
Don't want..
Who want to go first?
Adnan! You're first..
Adnan, yesterday you
aimed your weapon at me.
Today I want to see your 'gun'.
Don't worry, after this
you'll be a grown man.
Drink the water
Drink it
When you grow up, you can be a
warrior of our nation
You must protect what
our forefathers inherit
Fight for our race,
religion and our land
Remember adnan, don't waste
mandate which is given to you
10 years later
- Good Morning Sir.
- Good morning
Good Morning Sir
Where is Saidi?
He never came
Good Morning sir, yesterday you
given a day off to Mr Saidi.
His son just got
back from England.
England is my country,
I hardly go back.
But this village kid easily go to England.
What is he doing there?
He became a soldier.
He's giving honors to
Sultan of England sir.
Sultan England?
Sorry, King of England. The king.
Ismail, are you acquainted
with Mr Saidi's son?
I know him well sir, his name is Adnan
When we were kids, we
always play war together.
Now he become a soldier, I've
also applied but unsuccessful.
Malays become soldier?
You think Malay soldier can
become a good soldier?
Why do you make up in
front of the mirror?
Go out, entertain the guest.
Yes, I'm looking for Ahmad.
I can't seem to find him
Never mind, you get out first,
let me search for him.
This kid, where have you gone?
Go help in the back
- Yes father.
- Hurry!
Oh my God
You look good together
Hurry Tumira
Now a Malay has become a high ranking
officer in the English army.
They prove that Malays can thrive and
matching soldiers all over the world.
This is why the meeting
was held today.
We have to unite together with
the Malay Youth Unity (MYU).
Don't be like Dato'
Maharajalela, Dato' Naning,
Dato' Bahaman and Tok Janggut.
It is true that they fought.
But they fought without
any help from the people.
Yet they were labelled as
rebels and devil by the British.
Gentlemen, a colonist is
still a colonist.
They intentionally clouded our
eyes by twisting history facts.
On that I plead you gentlemen, rise!
Rise with the Malay Youth Unity.
Let us create a path to independence
with one goal, a fight to freedom.
We freed Malaya from
the British Colony.
Rise with the Malay Youth Unity.
Ah Seng, please hurry
repairing my bicycle
Yes, it's done.
How much?
Never mind, it's
just the off chain.
- Free of charge.
- Thank you
Adnan, you brought a
nice English cigarette.
It's an advantage our kids joined the army
What are your ranking Adnan?
- A Col Sargent
- What?
- How long have you been there?
- 3 weeks.
It's not long but since
he was away to Britain,
I feared I have just lost a son.
Once a while he mail us money
Your father misses you very much
Once in a while, visit
the villagers Adnan.
Don't go too long.
Thank you for assisting Japan Ibrahim
Mr Fujiwara, I
agreed to help you
because you promise
to help my people.
The Japan Emperor agree to give
18,000 to fund your cause
Japan will pick your
people who be the guide
and spoke person when
the military arrive
Malaya will be freed,
your king will rise.
Islam, the Malay women and
welfare we will protect
How are we going
to tell all the Malays?
Don't worry Ibrahim, everybody
can hear the Japan radio.
You put in the papers
compliments the Japan.
Japan has won against
China and Russia.
Now Japan and British
are no longer friends
- No more coalition
- I'm afraid being label as Japan's spy
Don't be afraid Ibrahim,
when Japan have conquer Malaya
and disperse of the British
All Malays will realize
Ibrahim Yaakob is a hero.
Hero of Malaya.
I don't want to be a hero
I just don't like Malay to be
fools to the foreigners
- Peace be upon you
- And upon you too
I'm glad, I thought you
don't you see me again.
I thought it was you
It was expected you just
came from overseas,
are you bored you seeing
pretty girls there?
I'm not denying that there
were pretty girls there,
but not as pretty compared
to girls in this village.
You guys are good with words
- Then what do you want me to do?
- There is a way
- What?
- You think for yourself.
There comes a time when a man search
for a woman to get married (Malay Proverb)
Adnan, sit.
Your siblings are all interested
to be a soldier like you.
Moreover your brother Ahmad.
You give your permission?
You all are grown up.
I believe you can choose
your own path
Only you, when are
you getting married?
You have a job, position, it is the
right time for you to get married.
Have you found the right one?
Who would want me father?
You're more worst than raising a girl.
Let me search for you
What are you thinking?
Father have told me of your intention
I'm on 2 junction.
I don't whether I should follow your
foot step or should I stay here
Your tone as if you're heartbroken.
- Safiah.
- What?
I heard our parents
are marrying Safiah to you.
Are you shocked?
You must have known
How about you?
It never came to mind,
maybe after I become a soldier
I don't mind if you
decided to join.
In the past we entrust others
to watch over our country,
we let the english defend it without
knowing their intention. This is my land.
I am suppose to protect it, defend
it that's why I chose to sign up.
I'm glad you're
following my foot steps
but this passion you must have it
here if you want to be a true soldier.
I vow to be a true soldier thats protect
our religion, race and the nation
4 years ago
Adnan, your brother is still young.
We're still depending on you
Your father and I are old.
If you want to defend the nation,
you can without joining the army.
I don't want you to
disobey your parents
but what you've achieve here
is not enough to face what out
there which are well equipped and
great knowledge of the battlefield.
We must learn their knowledge despite
who they are even from a colonist.
Knowledge from the enemy
can give us an advantage.
What's important fight
for your rights.
Martyrdom is sacred to
instead of doing nothing
for the nation, race and religion.
- Ismail!
- Not like that
We got to hurry
You, step ahead.
- Excuse me sir, can I borrow a pen?
- Is this correct?
You came unprepared and
you want to sign up.
- Yes
- You can get in
- Fill the form
- Yes sir
Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.
Turn around and face me.
Now cough. Cough.
- Name!
- Ayob
- Adnan
- You wait there
- Talib, Hassan, Kumar, Malik, Abu.
- Slow pokes
Come on. Come on. Move it. Move it.
Now I will announce the
result of recruits.
On the left you're successful.
On the right you can
pick up your things
and claim you warrant ticket
home at the office after this.
Tomorrow a truck will send
you to the train station
Looks like you two are the
only ones that make it.
Take good care of each other.
What are you going to
do after this Ismail?
I want to go back home first
then I will go to Kuala Lumpur
Don't worry about me.
I can take care of myself.
Ismail, can you pass this
letter to my parents.
This, I think you know to who.
- Peace be upon you
- And upon you
Wake up!
Hurry! What's the
matter with you?
Why are you late?
- Numbers
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
You there, wake up man.
No sleeping in the
parade ground.
- Sir!
- Stand ease!
Ayob, do it properly
Alright, this is an
MG support weapon.
You place the
magazine on the top,
lock it in and point in the
other direction and shoot.
Ayob, hurry! You can do it.
- How long can we do this?
- I don't know
We have to sleep tonight
Must we continue tomorrow?
- Darn!
- What will become of us
See my shoe, it's torn
Hey squad
Aren't you aware
There a dummy in our platoon
Are you blind?
Can't you notice?
Hey you...
Wake up man
No sleeping on the parade ground
Do you understand
If it were me, I would go home.
Take care of the livestock is better.
He has no talent being a soldier.
I think they're drunk or blind
because they let him sign up
Hey Abbas
Do you smell poop?
Yeah you're right
Whose the cause of this?
Somebody wet his pants
in the drill this afternoon
Why are you looking at me?
We didn't say it was you
Ain't I right?
You don't believe me?
You can check his pants
It gotta be him
What did you said?
What's this?
Hey that's enough
What's the matter with him?
What's going on here?
Just rehearsing our fight
That's good
But not in your dorms,
practice outside
Who's your teacher?
Adnan Corporal
I know some of you may not get along
But remember
You sign up not for selfish reasons
If you can't sacrifice being selfish
You can't sacrifice for your country
- Understand?
- Yes Corporal
To my dear father: Saidi.
Mother and my siblings:
Ahmad, Amirullah, Hashim, Fatimah
and Dahlan that I love..
May you be in health,
your son here is healthy.
Thank to god, after 3 month my comrades
and I were given much military training.
Then we may call ourselves
trained Malay soldiers.
In that historic day, your son has been
awarded the best recruit
I trust it's the cause of
your prayers and family
May you continue your payers
as long as I am here
Based on your abilities and effort
I shall announce who will go to London
for the crowing of King George the IV
There are Lt M Ismail Taha
Lt M Arifin
RSM Hussin
And Sargent Adnan.
You've been promoted to
Colonel Sargent effective now
Gentlemen, this is a great
honor for your country,
for your regiment
and for yourselves
Hey you kids, don't touch
the car. Go away
You! Out of the car.
Who said you can enter.
I will circumcise you. Get away!
- Malik?
- Yes I'm back
You come back
What are you doing?
You look cool
Hey how are you?
Me? You know me
That's my car
Malik,you and I are still single
Adnan is out of our league
What do you say I brought you
around Kuala Lumpur with my car?
Peace be upon you
And upon you
Adnan have asked me to stay
with him in Port Dickson
You are very lucky Safiah
I glad
My own friend has always been lucky
It's god's gift
I'm grateful
Don't be so sad
If you want..
I can ask Adnan for Malik
Where would I put my face
If it spread through out
the village it's your fault
Malik is a match for you
If you guys were to get married..
We can be neighbour in Port Dickson
Let it be
If he wants me
Let him ask me
Who ever is my partner, I hope
I would be happy like you and Adnan
Good Evening ladies and gentlemen
Even though we are facing
the possibility of war
We take this opportunity
today for a simple occasion
to celebrate two of our fellow
officers who have been promoted
There are 2nd Lt Adnan Saidi
And 2nd Lt Abbas Abdul Manan
- Very well done
- Thank you
Congratulation Lt
- Congratulations
- Thank you
There are 22 bridges that has to be
cross from North to South
The northeast monsoon
bring the rain.
The downpour is during
October to February.
Rough seas are expected
During the downpour,
rough wind is expected
Wave as high as 9-18 feet
The downpour is dangerous
During that time the local
prefer to stay indoor
Our spy have intercepted MATADOR
plan for our conquest
The Thai has agreed to be no
participation in this war.
They allowed us to land
in Singora and Pattani
Field Marshal Count Terauchi
has prepared 5 divisions
of land forces to carry
out our duty in 100 days
Information from F KIKAN,
I believe we only need
4 division to conquer
Malaya and Singapore
The Japanese army will come
Malay must prove to be a true
heart to accept Japan in Malaya
Now the 2nd world war has started
We have been ordered to
Singapore as soon as possible
Gentlemen, be prepared for
movement by this evening
- That's all
- Sir!
Company officers dismissed
- Sir!
- Good morning sir
- Morning
Your wife is sick at home
- Why?
- I don't know sir
My wife came to the
office and inform me
- Can you help me?
- Yes sir!
You go to my home
and tell my wife,
I'll be home as soon as
possible after my work is done
Yes sir!
Safiah just slipped in the bathroom floor,
thank goodness nothing happens
The baby is strong like his father
- Safiah?
- Yes?
- We'll see ourselves out
- Thank you Kak Munah
Forgive me because
I can't come back earlier
I understand
It just a minor incident
Never mind you just rest
Let me pack up
Pack up?
Sabak beach, Kota Baru.
8 December 1941
Sir, if it's true this
country is at war.
What will become of us
who has worked here sir?
Don't worry I have faith
The English will fight the
Japanese till the last man
There's no chance for the Japanese
Why can't we activate MATADOR?
I'm sorry I cannot make this
decision now.
Our air reconnaissance was unable to
locate the enemy warship
since our first sighting
due to bad weather
We're only managed to trace
them yesterday afternoon
But it was too late
Allow me to cross the border then
No, I'm yet to receive another
telegram from our minister in Bangkok
What for? They weren't allow
me to occupy even 1 inch of
siamese territory before the
japanese strike the first blow
When we had our first blow
There's nothing much you can do now
except rely fully on our ground troops
This is absurb
Calm down Percival, I've instructed
Major Chapman to active a stay behind party
Major Chapman, you white people
cannot the japanese on your own
We too want to help
But you British must help us first
What do you want Lai Teck?
I have gathered many people,
many are ready to fight the japanese
But the British must help us
in becoming an independent army
- What?
- Be patience
I didn't finish my sentence
My men are all Chinese
The japanese don't like us
That's why we must fight
them till the last men
Boseng, what do you think about that?
I think sir we bring this
matter to the Governor
Is it true your soldier assist British
defeating the japanese
No doubt, we have gathered many
men since 1927. We will help
Ibrahim, I want you to follow me to Johore
Why, isn't the japanese army
will be in heart of Malaya?
The army want to move south,
I must check what lies ahead
Hello how are you?
I want you to gain information
regarding the Japanese army
Now the japanese are
arriving near Sungai Bakap,
can you sabotage food
supply in Gurun, Kedah?
Yes, of course we can.
I will inform my people there
We caught this man spying
Stop, what are doing?
Oh my god.
This man is a Japanese spy
You were wrong to be too
trusting in a person
So, does the communist working
together with the British?
We found them very resisting in China
Now we found them here.
This land will be their grave
Don't you worry, Malays will never
cooperative with the communist
Because communist believe in no religion
Malays believe in Islam
as their religion and
they fight for their
religion, race and nation
for freedom and independence
Hey, what about this?
There many fliers in our boot
Hurry out
How are you sir?
Where do you come from?
I'm from Kuantan to Johor Bharu
Did we do anything wrong?
Who are you?
I'm Ah Seng, Mr Ibrahim's driver
What is your occupation?
I'm a businessman
I heard that the Japanese
army are approaching,
that's why I'm saving
my business in Johore
Open your boot
It seem like the Japanese are more
daring to face the British.
- Cigarette?
- No
When the Japanese arrive here,
you suppose to fight them right?
Ah Seng
Open the boot
Is it broken again?
I told you to fix it right?
I think it's jammed
Let me open it
What about us sir?
Sir, the troops are ready
for your briefing
Let them sit properly
Sit easy
- Peace be upon you
- And upon you sir
- How your training today?
- Tiresome sir
You're suppose to
You must understand
Let us bathe in sweat today
So not to bathe blood in the battlefield
The Japanese are getting closer
If are not prepared
In the pass
we thought the white
people will look after us
Our race
Our descendent
And our land
We thought
nobody could defeat them
But today
Many of them have retreated
We can't blame them for
why have them retreated
Why waste their lives
on someone else's land?
This is the time for us to prove
- That we can take care of our country
- For what reason sir?
Why do we need to waste men
Ain't it better we retreated
like the British
No energy wasted and lives are spared
So do you want our race to
continue being dependent?
Aren't the colonist also
gave us this weapon?
They taught us to fight
We are grateful that the
British assists us
But are not blind to depend
on their continual guidance
Do you want us to stand
on our own feet?
Who are we?
For wanting freedom, independence
If we achieve independence
Can we preserve it without
the British help?
That coward's talk
Forgive me sir
Is there anything else Ayob?
No sir! Thank you sir!
- Anyone share his thoughts?
- No sir
History proves
We conquered archipelago
We could build a large empire
We build large ships
Bigger than what the Portuguese had
That was before we were conquered
Others saw what we can do
Our strength
That's why they're afraid
When we want to claim our rights
How hard it must be for
the late Sultan of Perak
King of Chulan
Fought for Malays to become soldiers
Because they know a free
Malay can shock the world
The Malay race is a free
and independent race
And it was Malay proverb that said
"Don't Give up"
Long live the Malay soldiers
We can't see this scenery back home
I'm very fortune to married a soldier
I can see this scenery
I want our child to be born back home
We can go home?
- You and the kids
- You?
I have my duties here
What's the matter with you
Let us be with you
I pity this child to be born
when his father is far away
We are in the brink of war,
things are getting complicated
The Japanese is
approaching Perak.
That mean the japanese are nearing our
home than here in Singapore?
Colonel Andry told me the Japanese
wouldn't dare coming here
They once said the Japanese will
never attack Malaya
Hear that? That explosion could
have easily reach here
I am not afraid
I know you and your men
will defend this place
You're right
But it would be a great battle and I don't
you and the kids to be trap here
Death awaits us no matter
where we goes
You'll be dead staying here
Then what will become of our
kids and the unborn baby?
I don't want to
- Safiah
- I don't want to
Let go of me
felt your love and anything
that touch my heart
Only times will tell your true
love that know no boundaries
You scarifies everything
My sacrifices has no boundaries
Your love echoes.
You are everything, a light of hope
Your true love is
your ultimate sacrifice
My love, that is our fate from Him
I await your calling
Even without you by my side
Your sacrifices are no match
your loves still echoes
You are everything. A light of hope
With high hopes to see you again
I really appreciate for having you
Like a light of your sacrifices
Reciting the azan to baby
- Peace be upon you
- And upon you
Can you call for your father?
Father, Ismail asked for you
Ismail, what's the matter?
Tok Sidek's house has been
ransacked by the japanese
Is that so?
- What are going to do Mr Saidi?
- We only can pray
This is him. He's the one responsible
What have you done
You said the Japanese will free us
See what they have done to us
Patience gentlemen
We're not doing this to
become Japanese Dogs
But for the sake of our country
Our association exists to free
Malaya, that is our goal
What goal? Now we are being
invaded by the Japanese
Humans wanted to live and fears death
But if we died today,
it is very unfortunate
as we have the strength to fight
If we die here today let it
worth conquering Singapore
It's a month since we are here
The Japanese are in Johor Bharu
and will strike at anytime
What about your preparation Lieutenant?
I've place OP on that hill
- Yes sir
- He's the leader
How about the preparation here?
I've place all support gunner to the front
Over there and there
- Malik
- Corporal
- You monitor the front
- Yes corporal
Observation Post Tanjung Penjuru
Hey, see that
Corporal, there's a boat
approaching toward us
Hello sir, I seeing a light
from the sea heading towards us
I believe they're the enemy
- Make sure they're the enemy
- Sir
- Awie, Jaakob head to the shore
- Corporal
Investigate the light but be careful
Yes Corporal
- Ngah!
- Sir
Send one section to investigate
- Assist them, go now
- Yes sir
Corporal Ibrahim, take a
few of your men to the OP.
Investigate the situation.
Go now
Ayob, you with me
Ayob, help me
Sir, they're here
Sir, our OP is compromise.
Only 2 of our men make it
Ngah, you attend to the wounded
Yes ir
Open his clothing
Give me the first aid
You Japanese bastard
Ayob, calm down
- Let me go
- Ayob!
Calm down
Let me go
Why us?
- Calm down
- Why not the British?
Calm down Ayob
We should have
wasted our lives
- We shouldn't die
- Calm down Ayob
- Sargent Ngah
- Sir
Give him water, watch
him until he calms down
Yes sir
- Corporal Ibrahim
- Yes sir
Command the troops to be ready
- Azmi, request artillery and mortar
- Sir
Sir, your request for artillery
and mortar are denied
- Malik
- Sir
Follow me
Sir, the situation
is getting worse.
There are many wounded and
we are low on ammunition
Alright Ngah, inform
Corporal Ibrahim.
Take section 3 and
the wounded to
retreat 5 minutes from
now to Sungai Pandan bridge.
Have you arrive, fire green flare
Yes sir
- Corporal Md Noor
- Sir
You to Corporal Ibrahim position.
Replace the empty trenches
Yes sir
Holer 00 this is 31, my
defense position captured.
Request artillery fire, out.
Move! Move!
Sungai Pandan Bridge
- Good morning sir
- Morning
- Where's Lt Stephen?
- He's on the hill up there
You all rest here. One group to
the left and one to the right
Yes sir
Welcome Malay soldier, how are you?
I'm fine thank you, how about you?
I've been waiting 3 days here to
blow this damn bridge
I understand that you are to provide
security for my mission here
Yes, where's my area?
Good morning sir
Ngah, provide support gunner
over there and there
Yes sir
Take cover
Hey Malay, keep your head down
Stephen, there's some
movement in front
Alright, theyre dead
- What the hell?
- Stop
There's only 2 Japs, why can't we
wait for more Japs to cross
That's not my problem, my mission is
the blow the damn bloody bridge
I'm finish, I'm done now
The Jap troops are coming
We should fight them together
Sorry that's not my problem
- Malik!
- Sir
- Ngah
- Sir
You try to defend over there.
I will defend here
Yes sir, you're with me
Help, please sir. Help
Help, help sir
Move. Move
Please, help. Help
It's the enemy, shoot
Ayob, shoot
Ayob, where are you going?
Sir, this is wasting time
Ayob, back to your position
They're too many. We can't win
Maybe they will win but not
because we didn't fight
Now back to your position
Yes sir
We have no choice. Inform Sargent
Ngah, leave me one section.
Take the others and
retreat to the Gap House
Yes sir
Sargent, you have been ordered to retreat
Alright. Section, retreat
Please someone
Please help me. Why you leave
me here? You see my leg
Please, help me
Thank you.
- Samad, assist Malik
- Yes Corporal
Retreat. Retreat
Everybody retreat.
Retreat! Hurry
Hurry Malik
I can't bear it sir
We rest here
It been a long time since we hear
news from home sir
At a time like this,
news are hard to get by
Did you remember?
When we were kids
We played fake war together
Now we are fighting the real one
We always win
We always managed to defeat the enemy
I think..
We prove that Malay soldiers
are even to English soldiers
and Japanese soldier
- The enemy are getting closer
- Retreat
Because sir I think
this is where my war ends
I will never leave you
There's no difference if I follow you Sir
I must surely repay
the one that shot me in the back
This is not a game anymore,
you must follow me
No Adnan, I'm not important
You're more important to
continue our battle
Go! Go!
Good evening sir
Sir help sir. Help us
- Ngah, take care of the wounded
- Yes sir
Gap House
Good evening sir
How are you Adnan?
How is your platoon?
Not too good sir, I've
lost 18 of my men
10 wounded but we kill many Japs
Yes I know, you fought very well Adnan.
I'm very proud of you
Considering your platoon,
I've already ordered replacements
They will report to you in the morning
Now go and get some rest
This is not a game anymore Malik.
You must follow me
No Adnan, I'm not important
You're more important
to continue our battle
Sir, the overall situation in
Singapore is very critical now
We have the 18 infantry division
moving down along Jurong road
The 5th infantry division
is pressing down along
Bukit Timah road
and the Japanese Imperial
Guard is using Mandai road
Our 12 and 22 brigades
are currently
confronting the 5th
Japanese infantry division
We have the 22nd Australian brigade
The 15th and the 44th Indian brigade
as well as our brigade
are facing off against the 18th
Japanese infantry division
The 15th and the 44th
Indian brigades are forward
whilst our brigade is in depth
We expect the enemy to be
in contact with the 4th
brigade location within
the next 24 hours
If they manage to breakthrough the
forward locations we can expect them
in our area within the next
48 to 72 hours. That's all sir
Gentlemen, our mission is
Bukit Pasir Panjang
- Charlie company, Capt Riggs
- Yes sir
I want you to occupy
Bukit Pasir Panjang
Yes sir
Section 1,2 and 3 are
ready to move sir
We move now
- Ayob and Darus has fled sir
- When?
Maybe on the way here
from Gap House sir
Ayob, any further?
I'm tired of walking
Not far, just through there
It's the Japanese, run Darus
Ahh its hot
Ngah, binocular
Strength of enemy: 1 company
Looks like the Japanese are getting
cocky, they've no bother hiding
What? Do they think we are cowards?
Yes sir, I think they are too confident
to conquer Malaya in only 54 days
Ngah, inform all the men
I will call mortar strike,
wait for my signal
Yes sir
Platoon, fire at will
Sir, Sargent Ngah is hit
Sir, 5 KIA
2 lightly wounded
- Ibrahim
- Sir
You take Sargent Ngah's position
- Yaakob
- Sir
You take Sargent
Ibrahim's position
Major Kimura, you've fail
They fought till the end. They didn't run.
We are taking casualties
- How about you company strength now?
- 70 dead, 24 wounded
We must produce other tactics
There a group of indian soldiers
advancing to our position
There's something odd
- Ibrahim
- Sir
Watch carefully the indian soldiers
They appear to be friendlies but
there's something odd to their rear
Look at their weapons
Those not British guns
Those the Japanese type 44
- Inform our men to be ready
- Yes sir
- Wait for my command
- Yes sir
Sir, we're British soldiers
from the 4th Indian Brigade
What happen to your brigade?
We were capture by the
enemy at Pasir Laba Sir
Well, you're going to be
with me at the moment
- Ibrahim
- Sir
Escort these Indian
soldiers to section 2
where we lost much of our men.
Inform our men, not to be excited
We may be facing a greater threat
Follow me
Saburo! What is taking too long?
Our enemy at Bukit Pasir
Panjang fought well sir
We devised many tactics but unsuccessful.
We've lost almost 2 company lost
Idiot! One Malaya was taken
in a blink of an eye.
Why that small hill
can't be conquered?
We are facing a tough enemy sir.
They have strong will
Our forces fail to penetrate their position
My company only left with 5 men sir.
Others are either hurt or dead
There are no British's soldiers that
strong-willed. Who are they?
Based on our intelligence,
they're not white British soldiers
These soldier are consist of Malay soldier
which the British form before the war
Bukit Pasir Panjang are defend by the
C company of the First Malay Regiment
In my record, there are 2 Malays that
become officers in the company
One named Lt Abbas
and the other Lt Adnan
Good evening sir
Good evening sir
How are your men?
7 are dead during the morning strike
3 wounded but they didn't
loose their strength to fight
In the pass we thought you
Malay can't become good soldier
But now
Actually other soldiers
didn't fought as hard
Especially the British
But sir, you've train us so well
Looks like the rain stop
We better get some rest
while we still can
Yes sir
Thank you sir
It looks like I'll be getting my rest
for good Adnan
I didn't regret to be in Malaya
- Ibrahim
- Sir
Take care of his body
back at the quarters
- Sir
- CO want to have a word
- 31 send over
- Yes sir
This place is compromise.
We are ordered to take a new
position in Bukit Chandu
Bukit Chandu, Singapore
It's the enemy. Take cover
We've just got word
from air reconnaissance,
the enemy has change position
Good! No more delays
Welcome Abbas
There a big possibility the
enemy will strike here
How many am I going to expect?
Based on intelligence, 1 Battalion
Then, we must hurry
You defend that hill
- Sargent
- Sir
- Order all the troops there
- Yes sir
I can't defend that hill.
I took many casualties
The enemy are closing in.
You and your troops assist
me, defend the right flank
Ibrahim, order the troops to be ready
Sir, someone is hit
- Ibrahim
- Sir
Ibrahim, we are facing a large
force of the enemy.
Order the troops to be ready.
We will fight to the last man
Yes sir
Hello 0 this is 3, requesting
artillery fire over
Azmi, mortar fire to
forward position 1 and 3
Yes sir
- Ibrahim, you stand guard here
- Yes sir
Take cover
You defend here, I'm going there
Yes sir
- Ammo. Hurry.
- No Ammo sir
What are we going to do?
We can't defend this
position any longer.
We must retreat
Let's retreat Adnan
You go first, take my wounded
- How about you?
- I will cover your escape
Alright, right after you cover me,
you must also retreat
Squad, we are out of ammo
Retreat with Leftenan Abbas
I order you to retreat
Don't sacrifice a man that have strong will
If there were 10 men like him,
the Japanese may need 10 more
division to conquer Malaya
The Japanese army finally take
Bukit Chandhu on 14 February 1942.
The British surrender
on 15 February 1942
Battle which have Malay
soldier involvement on
1942 have kill 158 Malays
and 1714 Japanese.
This include leftenan Adnan bin
Saidi being captured and tortured.
Torture include hanging to a
tree and being stab with bayonet
Safiah experience hardship and pressured
with the death of her husband.
Her youngest, Fatimah died
during after 49 days of birth.
Her other children, Mokhtar and Zainuddin
are raised by their grandmother
After the war has ended, Safiah become a
teacher. She died on 29 May 1947
Mr Mokhtar bin Adnan stay in Seremban
while Mr Zainuddin bin Adnan in Johor Bahru
Lt Adnan B Saidi bravery
and service are recognise
by the British,
Japanese and Singapore.
May god bless his soul
Sub edited and synced by: PEEAN91