Legally Blondes (2009)

Come on, Annie.
Don't be such a slowcoach.
I'm going as fast as I can.
Excuse me. So sorry.
- Excuse us.
- Slow down, Izzy.
We're shopping, not playing a rugby match.
There's Iess bruising in rugby, Annie.
We're talking summer clearance.
Things can get a bit brutal.
I reckon it's worth it.
Imagine, summer clothes all year round.
No more jumpers and wellies for us.
And I've heard that in LA,
we'll only need these to block out the sun.
The sun? Living in this country,
you wouldn't know there was a sun.
Blast! Some twit put this on the wrong rail.
It's not half-price.
Blonde rule number one.
Pink Iooks good with anything.
Blonde rule number two.
Never pay retail.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- Flip.
- And wave.
Excuse me.
- Yes?
- Nigel.
Such a regal name.
But this garment
seems to be hung incorrectly.
- It was on the half-price rail.
- Oh.
I do hope we can make right
what is clearly an injustice.
Brilliant! You're a natural barrister, Izzy.
Even I almost bought your argument.
I don't argue, Annie. I persuade.
Have you Iovelies finished packing?
Annie, I can't believe we're Ieaving
for cousin EIIe's tomorrow.
There. Everything color-coded.
Me, too. This box is Iabeled...
I miss Mum, Izzy.
I can't believe it's been two years
since we Iost her.
I miss Mum, too, Annie.
I wonder how we'll get on in California.
Things have been so gray in this flat
since Mum died.
I hope the sunny climate
will help Dad move on.
And up. He'll be running the entire
LAU English Department in no time.
Talking behind my back, are we?
No, we're just excited for the move.
Look, I know this move isn't easy.
And I appreciate your support.
It'll be fun. We'll see movie stars,
drink those mocha-Iatte-ccinos,
and get authentic Beverly Hills nose jobs.
- What?
- Just joking, Dad.
I'm partial to the English nose I have,
thank you very much.
Me, too. On both of you.
And have no fear.
The Woods team will fit in the LA Iifestyle
Iike fish fit with chips.
This is my Iife
I'm on my own
Don't need anyone
To guide me down the road
I'm finding out who
Yeah, who I wanna be
This is me
This is my Iife
I'm in control
Moving so fast
To where I wanna go
I'm shouting out
Who, yeah, who do you see?
MR. WOODS: Wow, Iook at that!
These are houses?
Are you sure
this is the way to EIIe's house?
MR. WOODS: Those Yanks Iove their horns,
don't they?
Anyway, girls,
I start teaching tomorrow at university
just a mile
from EIIe's Hollywood Hills mansion.
Wow, Izzy, Beverly Hills
sure is different from back home.
Look at these cars.
Speaking of cars, tell us again
why we shipped in our Mini
from across the pond?
What? She's a peach.
Wrong side of the road, Dad!
Wrong side of the road!
AII right.
I'll have to try to remember that.
MR. WOODS: Here we are, girls!
It's a palace.
Welcome to your new home, girls.
My, this place is awfully pink.
So, it is quite a step up
from the old, musty flat back home, eh?
This is a step up from Buckingham Palace.
Best of all, it doesn't cost a penny.
Cousin EIIe spends most of her time
back in DC, Iobbying.
So she's Iet us, for now, squat here.
Take it over.
- It's Iike a dream.
- Oh, I suppose I can get used to it.
Do you think you could get used to this?
EIIe has quite the view, eh?
Can it get any better?
That sounds Iike Bruiser.
Bruiser! Times two.
They're so sweet.
Hello, pretty boys. Hey.
Oh, Iook. From cousin EIIe.
"Dear Isabelle and Annabelle,
"sorry I couldn't be there to greet you,
"but Bruiser's Iittle nephews,
Spike and Butch,
"will welcome you with open paws.
"Always blonde, cousin EIIe."
Oh, how thoughtful.
Well, I'm sorry, girls,
but under no circumstances
are either of you to even consider
returning those dogs.
We'll walk with the dogs
and explore our new hood.
And we'll shop
for our first-day-of-school ensembles.
Girls, there's something
I've been meaning to tell you.
It's amazing here, Dad. Love you.
Love you. Bye.
Oh-oh, oh-oh, one, two, three
- Annie, Iook at all these stores!
- It's fashion paradise.
It's so different from Kentfield.
That dress is perfect.
Rockin' to my own beat
Never stuck on repeat
I'm singing my own song
Beverly Hills isn't very hilly.
But the sun is sunnier.
The hunks are hunkier.
And the junk food's organic.
- Oh, my God, it's Karen!
- Who?
The Karen Glass Studio.
I've read about it
in the finest couture magazines.
The holy grail of high-end runway apparel.
And now it stands before us, beckoning.
Posh practically summers inside that shop.
Last time I checked,
Becksy's shopping budget
was north of ours by about 40 zeroes.
A salesperson's a salesperson, Izzy.
Do what you do best. Persuade.
Therefore, Evette...
Such a dynamic name.
...even though the stitching is subpar,
the color is off by at Ieast one shade
from the designer's runway prototype,
I'm still willing
to negotiate a reasonable price
on behalf of my sister
that would benefit both parties.
I can see you're a very reasonable person.
You'll have to forgive me, Iadies.
We get an awful Iot
of television celebrities in this store.
- Oh, oh, we're not...
- Oh, no, no. Oh, wait.
Yes, yes, of course.
You're the Riffraff Twins.
Loved the show.
We always say that the world
can certainly use a Iittle more riffraff,
but I'm afraid in this store,
sadly, you're canceled.
Come back when you can pay full price
Iike big people.
- Well, that went swimmingly.
- Like the Titanic.
Evette just did us a favor.
I mean,
she's just telling us we can do better.
We're in the greatest fashion shopping
postal code in the world.
Somewhere on these hallowed streets
is a school wardrobe
that's gonna make the world
stand up and say...
MR. WOODS: I'm sorry, Ioves.
You never gave me a chance to tell you.
Pac Prep requires uniforms.
This is as scratchy as tweed.
A sack of potatoes has more panache!
And not a thread of pink. It's criminal.
Downright oppressive.
What sort of school are you sending us to?
LA? More Iike we Ianded in Oz.
MR. WOODS: This is
one of the best schools in the States.
And now, of course,
it's an even better school
because you two are attending.
Forget it, Dad.
These posh kids Iook Iike
they just came off an assembly Iine.
MR. WOODS: Come on, girls,
I'm trying hard here.
Let's see some smiles.
Anything for you, Dad.
AII right. Here we are.
Okay, Iovelies. Stiff upper Iips.
And Iet's see some cheery faces, eh?
Give us a kiss. Oh, thank you.
Now, just remember,
be your Ioveable, adorable selves,
and I promise you that, by my watch,
you'll have met
your first friend in three, two...
I'm not here to be your friend.
I'm only here to educate you.
Welcome, Iadies, to Pacific Preparatory.
I'm Headmistress Higgins.
I see here that, from past performance,
as well as your father's
somewhat Iimited financial resources,
you've both been admitted on scholarship.
Partial scholarship,
Congratulations, I'm sure.
Here at Pacific Prep,
we hold our students to a higher standard,
as well as a strict code of honor.
And such being the case,
I will need you to sign these.
- Oh, I'm not a barrister.
- Yet.
But I'd rather not sign
something I can't read.
Then Iet me give you
the gist of the agreement.
The document merely enumerates
the myriad ways
in which students
might be tempted to plagiarize,
Iie, cheat, and/ or steal.
Failure to avoid
these temptations results in expulsion.
But how do we know what to avoid
if we can't read the fine print?
The Pacific Preparatory handbook.
Read it, Iearn it, Iove it,
and we'll get along just fine.
Now, your signatures, please.
Christopher Lopez!
Yes, ma'am?
Please print out the Iadies' schedules
and show them to their first class.
I'd Iove to show them around. Come on.
Ms. Chang!
Keep an eye on those two.
The Woods twins? Why, they seem Iovely.
They possess the same perky DNA
as EIIe Woods.
EIIe Woods made a mockery
of these hallowed halls with her
Fashion Arts elective.
Which you got rid of two years ago.
And her Tai Chi Tuesdays.
Which you might consider reinstating.
You really would benefit.
I finally got this institution back on track,
and I refuse to Iet the next generation
of blonde Woods nymphs
destroy what I've created!
Tai Chi Tuesdays. I'm just saying.
Aren't you a Iittle young
to be a school administrator?
Oh, yeah, well,
I do data entry and IT in the main offices
as my work study.
Well, yeah. On full scholarship at Pac Prep,
you need to work to pay off your tuition.
Ergo, work-study.
It's a good thing
we're only partial scholarship, then.
Inputting data makes me nod off.
Not me. I can input data all day Iong.
You into computers?
I faff around a bit.
- Faff?
- What Annie means is faff.
It means dabble.
Good to know. Well, here we are.
This is first-period American History.
I'm in the same class,
but I need to swing
by the computer Iab first.
So here, Izzy.
I'll see you in class, Annie.
- Annie?
- Sorry.
Hello? Come on.
It's an Uber Electronics phone.
My daddy's company isn't even
releasing them in stores till next year.
It's a phone, video game console,
MP3 player, PDA, all in one.
It even has
HD hologram technology.
- Oh!
- The coolest thing ever.
I've gotta have one.
Well, I might be able to convince my daddy
to get you one.
Whoa. Hottie airlines taxing into the gate.
I'll check us in with the teacher
while you find us seats.
Oh, my...
Goldilocks make Justin Bear happy.
What are you two going on about?
Hi, Mr. Golden, I'm Izzy,
and I was told I'm to check in with you.
Excuse me.
What do you think you are doing?
In my chair.
Literally, that's my chair.
My daddy paid for it.
Oh, I'm sorry. That plaque is beautiful.
You have a Iovely seat.
Everyone knows, front row,
three across, in every classroom,
my seat.
Do I need to send out a memo
to every newbie dweeb that...
Are you, Iike, a frosted flake or what?
I beg your pardon?
I just told you that's my seat.
Well, this is a bit awkward,
considering I've never even met you.
- I'm Izzy...
- Oh, okay! Am I being punked?
Is this a joke? 'Cause I'm not Iaughing.
Izzy, I saved you a seat here.
Excuse me.
There's two of them?
Look, Brad, be a sport.
Sharpen my pencils.
Justin, the sharpener's three feet away.
You know that sound drives me crazy.
Welcome back.
I am Mr. Golden, your history teacher.
I would Iike to extend a special welcome to
- Annie and Izzy Woods.
- Hi.
- They're new here to Pac Prep.
- Hi there.
And they are...
From the UK, Mr. Whitley,
which is actually quite ironic
when you consider how much class time
we have spent discussing
one of their country's greatest upsets.
Would you care to guess
what that subject is?
How about you, Annie?
The... The...
Don't be shy, Annie.
You know the answer.
America, England...
Everybody was upset.
David Beckham joining the Galaxy?
No. No, Izzy. No, actually.
We were actually talking
about the American Revolution.
Now, does anyone have any thoughts
about what advantages the Patriots had
that allowed them to defeat the English?
Miss Donohugh.
Our forefathers' biggest advantage
was to keep the war well inland,
where Britain's massive navy
posed Iittle threat.
My forefathers crossed
"the pond" on the Mayflower,
so we know a Iittle bit
about this sort of thing.
Yes. Well, thank you.
- Uh-huh.
- Well, anyone else? Any thoughts?
Yes, Izzy.
Well, we came across recently
on Virgin Atlantic.
But I once read this brilliant paper
that claimed that the arrogance
of the British military
may well have been the colonists'...
I mean, the Patriots' greatest advantage.
You see,
our daft ancestors totally underestimated
the keenness of you Yanks'
mostly civilian force,
and so failed to dispatch
England's best soldiers.
Well, that's wonderful, Izzy!
Thank you!
Well, now, you see, class,
this is exactly the kind of fresh insight
I'm always Iooking for.
You never told me you thought
my colonies paper was brilliant.
And it was.
Not my fault you can't speak up.
We just find that this dress code
makes us all Iook Iike flight attendants.
Did you really sit in Tiffany's seat?
What was it Iike?
Bangers and mash sounds Iike hurl. Is it?
Where'd you get those matching bracelets?
They are so high-end.
Donatella... No, Ron Herman.
- Covent Garden.
- At a flea market.
- Who does your hair?
- Us.
Well, why wouldn't she
wanna do my homework?
- Who does your nails?
- Us.
Just who do those
bottle-blonde bimbos think they are?
Actually, the buzz says
their summer-wheat-number-four
hair color is natural.
Not a single highlight.
And even more sick, their noses are real.
Come on.
That's a Dr. Feldman number seven
if ever I've seen one.
Or two.
Hey, what's up?
And Justin is totally digging them.
Are you actually suggesting
that those Brit twits
pose a threat to moi?
Well, Iike, reality check, Tiff.
They seem to be doing pretty well.
Don't think I didn't notice.
As Sun Tzu said,
"Keep your friends close
and your enemies closer."
Sun Tzu?
You mean, Iike, the sushi chef at Nobu?
Tiffany. Scram!
Hi. I'm Tiffany. Mind if I join?
If you don't mind sitting
with a pair of frosted flakes.
I'm so sorry I was a jerk earlier.
I really think that you got
the wrong first impression of me.
It's just I have this vision thing,
see, where I need to sit in that same chair
in every class to see the board.
My vision is, Iike, 20/ one zillion.
I'm really insecure about it.
But, well, I was rude.
I'm sorry. Can we, Iike, rewind?
Of course.
I was a bit rude myself.
It's Isabelle, right?
- Izzy. And this is...
- Annie.
Oh, hi, Chris. Take a seat.
Yes, please. Take a seat.
Over there with your friends.
I think they're waiting for you.
But wait a minute. Chris is really nice.
- Oh, and cute.
- Yeah.
And that's what makes it
that much more tragic.
If you want to make it at Pac Prep,
I'd better bring you up to speed
on the dos and the don'ts.
For example,
the saddest members of the FCC.
Don't stare at them!
Financially Challenged Club.
Scholarship kids.
Poor unfortunates who wander these halls
Iike cash-strapped ghosts.
I see poor people.
They're so ashamed of their situation.
Well, they give us our space,
we give them theirs.
And never the two shall meet.
I mean, why shove our obvious advantages
in their faces?
I mean, it's just so disrespectful.
Who is that cruel?
Just one tuition check away
from hopping on to the...
Big, yellow, public...
School bus.
I mean, the stories that I have heard
about this kind of Iifestyle
is just so...
Look, we should tell you that...
That we completely understand.
We'll do our best to respect others
who have Iess.
Delish, then.
But come on. It's your first day.
Let's talk about something
more relevant to humanity, Iike...
Lip gloss.
We could've just told her
we're on scholarships, I guess.
And commit social suicide on our first day?
We're EIIe Woods' cousins.
We have a reputation to uphold.
And think of Dad.
We need to make a go of it here
for his sake.
I guess you're right.
But it was really kind of Tiffany
to Iet us come under her wing Iike that.
We could've really mucked things up here.
She has got amazing style.
I've only seen shoes Iike that in magazines.
They should've just named
the whole place Tiffany Prep.
Pretty cool, huh?
Tiff's dad is the CEO of Uber Electronics.
Uber Electronics?
As in one of the biggest
computer technology companies
in the world?
The biggest.
Not a brag, 'cause I'm not Iike that.
Just a fact,
in case you find yourselves
in a conversation
about my family's incredible wealth.
Wouldn't want you to not have the 411.
- Your car, Miss Donohugh.
- Oh! There's our ride.
She drives an aircraft carrier.
You two need a Iift?
No, thanks. Our dad's picking us up.
Another time?
Definitely. Like, tomorrow?
Mmm! You are on. Tomorrow, then.
Bag, Charles.
Certain days you wake up
And it's Iike all the world's...
So I said,
"Hello? What part of 'decaf soy Iatte'
don't you understand?"
Hola, Sylvia.
Good morning, Miss Donohugh.
Right after Iunch, Ash and I took the time
to stack those trays for you.
We thought you could use a hand.
Have a beautiful day.
Poor woman. She works so hard.
So sweet of you to help her.
Although, I have to say
she didn't Iook too happy about it.
Well, often,
when supporting the Iess fortunate,
you're only met with scorn.
Gum? I have pink and green.
Uh-huh, that's right
This is the place to be tonight
Welcome to the party
Aw, yeah
Welcome to the party
Aw, yeah
This is my party
And it's all about me
This must be Iike
Iiving in the Victoria and Albert Museum.
We actually studied this piece
in our art appreciation class Iast year.
This is a beautiful reproduction.
Welcome to the party
Aw, yeah
Welcome to the party
Aw, yeah
Your estate is amazing.
Stables, pools, helipad, tennis courts.
The only thing missing is...
Two trampolines?
One for me
and one for my personal trainer.
Dolph swears that it is the best workout
you'll ever have.
You ever been on one?
- When I was younger, I, you know...
- "Dabbled."
Come on, silly.
I'll teach you a few things.
Nothing too scary.
Let's try something easy Iike this.
Brilliant, Tiff.
Like this?
Okay, that was pretty good. Try this.
Wow! Let me try.
Oh, gee, you're pretty good.
How about this?
Wow! How about this?
Isn't this fun?
How about this?
Tiffany, are you all right?
I'll have my driver take you home.
And now, class, your quiz results.
Annie, here's yours.
I did great.
Don't worry, Izzy. I'll tutor you.
The constitution is pure poetry.
And now, each one of you
is going to have the chance
to recite this patriotic work of art
up here in front of the entire class,
beginning with the student
with the highest grade-point average.
Ladies and gentlemen,
all the way from the UK,
Miss Annabelle Woods!
You'll be fine.
MR. GOLDEN: Miss Woods?
We... The...
- We the people...
- MR. GOLDEN: Okay. Okay.
Everybody, settle down.
- Please continue, Miss Woods.
- Oh...
Hey, beautiful. Which one are you?
- Excuse me?
- Which twin? Iggy or Annie?
My friends just call me Izzy.
Yeah. Yeah.
It's that whole, you know,
Iost in translation thing,
since you speak... The Odyssey again.
We've read it the Iast two years.
You know, because you're from England
and you speak...
Hey, nerd, get another irritating habit.
So, where was I?
Oh, you got a date
for the silver bells dance?
Hey, shouldn't you be asking Tiffany?
Everybody says you're an item.
Well, some of the time.
Hey, Tiffany Donohugh doesn't own me.
You're keeping your enemies really close,
if you ask me.
I'm paying them a Iittle visit tomorrow
to "study."
The only thing I'm going to "study"
is them.
There's gotta be a skeleton
in their pink perky closets.
You're in a mess
You should see yourself
Listen to you
You sound Iike someone else
- Hi!
- Come on in.
We were just getting
to the battles of Concord and Lexington.
Mmm, I'd rather hear about the battles
between Armani versus Versace.
I barely passed British history.
Now I have to slog through American?
It's too much. I give up.
It's still early in the term.
You're a great debater.
You need to use
that confidence for the test.
Easy to say when you're getting an A,
and I'm barely passing.
MR. WOODS: Tea time.
This is our handsome, scholarly,
and currently Iess-than-well-dressed dad.
Dad, this is Tiffany.
- Hello.
- Hi.
I Iove the apron.
I wish my own father could just relax
and enjoy being common.
No offense.
None taken, I think.
Oops! Nature calls.
Bye-bye, fellows.
Your daughters are awesome.
And they're already so popular.
- Well, wish I could take credit. I...
- Is that your wife?
Oh, yes.
She's beautiful. I can see where the girls
got their good Iooks. No offense.
Well, that time maybe a Iittle offense.
And I Iove that painting.
Oh, no. That is EIIe Woods.
Oh, yes! EIIe Woods.
Actually, I've heard of her.
Headmistress Higgins
speaks of her often and fondly.
Yes, she is a Pac Prep graduate
and a favorite cousin.
This is her house, actually.
I certainly couldn't afford a palace Iike this
on my professor's salary.
- Oh, sure.
- That's why I'm so glad that Izzy and Annie
have a good friend Iike you to study with,
because it's very important
they work hard to keep their scholarships.
Well, then, it is very Iucky
that the girls have scholarships.
So, until we meet again,
which I guess will be tomorrow
at the alumni dance, hmm?
It promises to be the hottest in years.
Alumni dance?
We actually weren't aware
of any school dance.
- Are we invited?
- Of course.
Oh, my God. You have to come.
It's a Pac Prep tradition
on the pool deck of the Queen Mary.
You know, swimming,
hot dogs on the grill, fireworks.
It's just all-American beach boy stuff,
which sophisticated British folk
might find too common.
- Oh, stop it. It sounds amazing.
- Okay. So, what's everyone wearing?
I'm just wearing my white Armani bikini.
If you wear a hot bathing suit, I promise...
- Yeah.
- Okay. are gonna make a splash.
- Welcome to the Pac Prep reunion, Iadies.
- Thank you.
Maybe you and Chris can play ball, Annie.
Only in LA
could you have a pool party on a ship.
- Why didn't we move here sooner?
- Here's your program.
Thank you.
I wonder what Chris Lopez
Iooks Iike in swimming trunks.
It's fascinating.
Since when did you care about ships?
Since the brochure came in pink.
Ladies, you must absolutely
be Annie and Izzy Woods.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Is that the way to the pool party?
Actually, Miss Donohugh
sent me personally
to direct you Iadies to the event.
- Right this way.
- Really?
She insists upon the VIP entrance.
- Okay. Thanks.
- Thank you.
He was nice.
VIP entrances are so dark.
That Tiffany,
always Iooking out for her friends.
It's as bright as the sun.
I think I hear people swimming.
Annie, Izzy,
your faces are almost as pathetic
as your scholarship applications.
Do you care to explain yourself, Iadies?
I'm sure there's a Iogic
to this wholly undignified display.
- How humiliating. Totally exposed.
- In so many ways.
I can't believe Tiffany turned out to be
a total snake in the grass.
There's only one thing to do.
Hello, Ioves. You're home early.
Hmm. My paternal instinct
tells me something's wrong.
We have to move.
- Pardon?
- We're moving back to England.
Everybody at school thinks we're Iying gits.
'Cause we are Iying gits.
Professor Dad confused.
We just wanted to make friends,
and Tiffany made it so easy.
Till she found out
we're scholarship students
and ratted on us
in front of the entire school.
In our swimming costumes.
Wait. She didn't know
you were scholarship students?
No. We kept it a secret.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm afraid I Iet that one
out of the bag myself, girls.
- You told her?
- Yeah, guilty. Why shouldn't I?
AII that matters at Pac Prep
is how much money you have
and what kind of car you drive.
If you're not Iike them, they shun you.
We just wanted to fit in, that's all.
And Iook where it got you.
For two girls who couldn't be more alike,
you are 100% originals.
Don't Iet Pac Prep change you.
You change Pac Prep.
But first, we have to admit...
We are complete and utter idiots.
Chris, you were nice enough
to reach out to us.
We were too blinded by Tiffany's bling.
Can you ever forgive us?
I think we have room for one... Two more.
Annie and Izzy, this is Vivek. That's Marcie.
You two are
the most freakishly flaxen human beings
I've ever Iaid my eyes on.
Thank you.
And that's Rainbow in the middle.
I take it your parents were very creative.
No, they're hippies.
We Iive in a yurt in Topanga.
Got me in the eyes. Oh, why in the eyes?
Just be yourself, Chris.
Annie's kind of shy.
Izzy, I just... I get so tongue-tied.
Look, if you want to go out with Annie,
find the confidence.
That's what girls go for.
- Chris...
- Thanks.
Chris, you're so funny.
Okay, help me out. Pretend to be Annie.
Hi, Annie. Okay, just...
In case you haven't noticed,
I kind of, Iike, dig you,
and I think you have
the most eyes ever.
Chris, most beautiful eyes.
- It's okay.
- I know.
The good news is Annie Iikes you, too,
so go for it.
But you hurt her, I break your neck.
AII right. Soup's on.
I never knew the Boston Tea Party
was all our fault.
Why do we have to Iearn
so much about history?
I mean, what's wrong with the future?
As Iong as Mr. Golden doesn't make me
speak in public, I'm happy.
You know how to get rid
of that fear of public speaking, don't you?
Avoid the public?
Transport yourself.
Come on, Annie.
AII right, now. Close your eyes.
And open your mind, and go to a moment
that you were happiest in your entire Iife.
Where are you?
I'm in our Kentfield cottage.
It's autumn.
The Ieaves are just starting to turn.
Having a cup of tea with Dad,
and Izzy.
When you're feeling the pressure,
just go to that happy place.
Thank you. I'll definitely try that next time.
It's a humiliating affliction.
I know what you mean.
Every morning, I gotta go through
that big, white gate at Pretentious Prep
to take another week's
worth of punishment from those snobs.
It's just so humiliating.
Maybe there's a way we can
make it better for all of us.
Yeah, doubtful.
Tiffany's turned everyone against us.
Whenever we try and get involved,
they just rag on us
for being Iess fortunate.
There's strength in numbers.
We just have to be ourselves,
stick together...
- Strength in numbers.
- ...and refuse to be intimidated.
Well, that sounds good,
but I sure don't feel Iike myself
in that stupid uniform.
Yeah, me, either. They call me Rainbow,
but I'm just another drab
blue blazer in the crowd.
Maybe we could change that.
Hey, you there
You stand out in a crowd
Yes, yes, yes.
Nothin'about you is ordinary
Hey, you there
I hope you feel proud
It seems you settled the score already
I Iike this one.
You're the hands-down winner
You're the champion
You're the record taker
Record breaker number one
Another day for an ordinary superstar...
Hello, Mutz. These are so sick.
Only Justin has a pair,
which, of course, Tiffany bought for him.
These are, Iike, my dream shoe.
$400 for a pair of trainers?
Seems more Iike a nightmare.
Again, this was on the sales table,
but it's clearly not on sale.
- Flip...
- And wave.
Excuse me,
but this material
was erroneously placed on the sales table.
So we shouldn't be penalized
for the mistakes made by your employees.
We desperately need this material.
Won't you help us? Ruth?
Okay, okay, you win, you win.
I'll give you the sale price.
Just stop that hair-twitchy thing.
- It's creeping me out.
- Deal.
You're the hands-down winner
You're the champion
You're the record taker
Record breaker number one
Well, uh-oh
Ready, everyone?
Let's show our true colors, shall we?
Let's do this thing.
Another day
for an ordinary superstar
We are ordinary superstars
We are ordinary superstars
We are ordinary superstars
We are ordinary superstars
My office. Now.
Article 6.2E does not forbid
accessorizing said skirt.
An oversight that will be corrected.
However, article eight, paragraph three
expressly states the uniform shirt
must be monochromatic.
Therefore, I have no choice
but to order detention.
With all due respect, Headmistress,
I think you're confusing
article eight, paragraph three
with article three, paragraph eight.
Article two.
Tights must be worn in solid colors.
Article seven.
Male students must wear neckties.
Which they are.
I heard the headmistress
almost called SWAT.
- You didn't get detention?
- Why should we?
Technically, we're not breaking any rules.
See, we're dressing around the code.
Okay, I don't know how it works,
but it does.
I wanna dress around the code.
Hook a sister up!
Yeah, me, too.
Fake bag. Fake. Fake. Terribly fake.
I am just so tired of everybody
Iooking to me to set trends.
It's exhausting, you know?
Looks Iike you're getting a break.
What are you gonna do?
Divide and conquer.
What happened
to keeping your enemies close?
Just go get my Iunch.
- We'll see you after class.
- Great.
Okay. Bye.
Wow. Your new outfits Iook terrific.
Thank you.
Do you know who Sylvia's crush is?
Mr. Golden?
Girl has got it bad.
But she can't get up the nerve
to talk to him.
Well, we've got a cure for that.
Sylvia, if you want to catch a boy's eyes...
I'm all ears.
- AII it takes is a Iittle flip...
- And wave.
- Works every time.
- What?
Senor Golden.
I couldn't help but overhear your Iecture
on the US Constitution.
I have often debated the influence
of the Magna Carta on our Bill of Rights.
I'm Gary.
Yes! Yes!
Where's your dad?
Oh, he was giving a Iecture
and he warned us he'd be Iate.
Brad, I never could have
finished in time without you.
No problem.
Hi, Sylvia.
Hey, guys.
What are you all still doing here?
- Oh, our Iift is Iate. What about you?
- Same here.
Oh, Pop must be doing the all-night
Japanese stock exchange.
Sent the gardener. Hate that.
Well, good night, everybody.
- Good night, Brad.
- See you Iater.
See you, Brad. What was that about?
- You can trust us.
- We wouldn't dare say anything.
Come on, Sylvia,
we're cool with him.
Brad's on scholarship just Iike you.
He is?
He always asks to work
the Iate shift with me
to keep it on the down-Iow.
Nobody knows but me, right?
Yeah, yeah.
I got a hot date tonight
with a moldy old stiff.
MR. GOLDEN: Sylvia?
AII Iocked up. Ready to go?
We're going to see the mummy exhibit
at the city museum.
I'll go warm up the car.
Come on now, baby
Maybe tonight we'll make a Iittle history.
Flip and wave always works.
History. Oh, no!
I Ieft my history notebook
in Mr. Golden's classroom.
Never fear.
Triple-zero key.
It's a master key that unlocks
every door in the school.
Come on, I'll Iet you in.
Is that allowed?
Well, technically,
it's only for my work-study,
but, hey, if this key doesn't work,
you can't study.
We need those notes.
I need those notes, Annie.
I don't know, guys...
It's cool, Annie.
I'll go. What's the worst that can happen?
Watch your step, Izzy.
I thought you said this was allowed.
Technically allowed, but who wants
to explain technicalities to him?
It's not here.
He probably just Iocked it in his office.
Come on, Iet's Iook in there.
- Is that it?
- Yes!
Mission accomplished.
It was a no-brainer, Annie.
You two make quite the team.
You have no idea.
Oh, there's Dad. Good night.
Good night.
- Girls!
- Hi, Dad.
- How was school today?
- It was fine.
MR. WOODS: Excellent.
Paying full price for an Armani
or Prada three-piece.
Immunity of States to foreign suits.
- Yes!
- Yes! Okay.
Second Amendment.
Picture Annie in a sleeveless top.
Right to bear arms?
- Yes!
- Oh!
Fourth Amendment.
Annie's shopping
at a half-price sale at Harrods.
- Searches and seizures!
- Yes!
Annie's notes really work.
She is really clever.
- Izzy.
- You're welcome.
Annie. Izzy, Annie.
Izzy. Izzy!
- What's up, backstabber?
- I beg your pardon?
I saw you and Chris
behind the bleachers at Iunch,
exchanging breath mints with no hands.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Drop the act, Izzy!
But I'm not...
Only a troll would steal
her sister's boyfriends.
Now, 13th Amendment.
Just Iook how happy Annie is with Chris.
I've done some awful things in my day,
but that is the worst.
The Iowest of the Iow.
Do you understand now?
I got it. I got it.
In just a few moments,
you fortunate people
will be embarking upon
an amazing journey...
Hey, don't worry, Izzy.
At Ieast there will still
be one Woods sister Ieft
when you flunk the final
and Iose your scholarship.
- What do you mean?
- Nothing.
It's just that, well, I overheard Annie saying
that she wasn't gonna Iet you
drag her down with you, is all.
You done with the sharpener?
The test is getting ready to start.
MR. GOLDEN: At the count of three,
you may all turn over
your test papers and begin.
One, two...
No! Not a fire alarm!
Not now!
I just want to get the test over with.
I was about to bring my A-game.
- Oh, no!
- What?
My bracelet. Annie gave it to me
and I've never taken it off.
It will break her heart if I Iose it.
It's probably in the courtyard.
Come on, I'll help you find it.
- Thanks.
- Come on.
AII right, kids, false alarm.
Everybody back into the classroom.
We still have time to take that test.
That's not fair, Mr. Golden.
I mean, we prepped hard for this exam,
understanding we'd have
a full hour to enjoy it.
Good point.
Tell you what we'll do just this once.
We'll use the rest of the hour
to study for the test,
which we'll then
take tomorrow in all its glory!
- Yes!
- MR. GOLDEN: Yay!
- It'll be great.
- That's so cool.
Three, two...
Please begin.
Dude, stop with the pen.
You're driving me nuts.
I can't believe how fast you finished.
Oh, I probably missed some,
but it will still be my best grade yet.
We'll know tomorrow.
This Uber phone is so cool.
Dude, this thing has a GPS system.
- Look, we're right there.
- Let me see.
Did I say you could touch it?
Hey, Izzy.
If you ever get tired
of being treated Iike that,
we know some Iess fortunates
who would be fortunate to have you.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I think this has been
a Iearning experience for all of us.
How on earth did you do better than me?
Well, I won't say it's in my genes,
but I worked hard for it.
You all scored very well on this test,
and I would Iike
to congratulate those of you
who were able to do it
with a Iittle integrity.
I'm disappointed
to have to announce we appear
to have cheaters in our midst.
Miss Woods, Mr. Lopez, please stand.
Just the one Miss Woods.
I'd Iike you both to recall
the honor code you signed
upon enrolling at Pac Prep.
What is the punishment
for cheating, Miss Woods?
Mr. Golden discovered a triple-zero key
broken off in the Iock
to his office yesterday
after the false fire alarm.
Chris, you are the only person
in this institution trusted with such a key.
If you can produce yours,
I'm sure we can clear the whole matter up.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's right...
Yours is broken, too.
Miss Woods, you and your sister
seem to share a great deal.
She's my best friend.
You also share a pair of bracelets?
Yours being slightly more pink?
Yes, ma'am.
But recently I've misplaced it.
- Mr. Golden found it in his Iocked office.
- That's it!
The same Iocked office
where the answers to your tests
were stored in his computer.
The same answers that we found
taped beneath your desk.
Oh, Izzy.
It was all my fault. I was the one...
Unfortunately, I have no other option
than to pronounce the two of you...
Sorry. I couldn't stop her.
Excuse me. This does not concern you yet.
It does.
Not as a sister, but as a student.
And every student at Pac Prep
has certain rights.
"No student may be expelled
without a fair hearing
"before a jury of their peers."
Something called the...
"Student Jurors Council."
She's right. I double-checked.
You had some spare time
while you were blocking the door?
It's right here in black and white.
"No matter how guilty
the accused may seem,
"they do have a right
to defend themselves."
Very well, Miss Woods.
If it's a public spectacle you want,
a public spectacle you will get.
Annie, we are so sorry.
Everyone knows about Chris and Izzy.
- What?
- Well, I guess not everyone.
Just never would have believed
they'd cheat to make you Iook bad.
It is so gross how a guy can break up BFFs.
Even sister BFFs.
Annie, wait!
If you need to talk,
we're here for you.
Please stop!
Annie, you don't think we did this, do you?
Let's just say I've heard enough!
Did you do this so we'd have
to move back to England?
- I didn't do it, Dad.
- Then tell me what happened.
There's nothing to tell.
I studied my backside off,
and I scored well on that test!
But since even my own sister
doesn't believe me,
I know I'm in massive trouble.
Annie, say something.
I don't speak to Benedict Arnolds.
Do you know who he is, Izzy,
or do I need to print up
a crib sheet for you?
That was uncalled for, don't you think?
She's never scored higher than me.
She studied hard for that test, Annie.
And she had
the best history tutor in the world. You.
Are you certain there might not be
a Iittle bit of jealousy
involved here, perhaps?
She stole my score! And the boy I fancy!
Look, I know this move
has been difficult for the both of you,
but I don't buy Izzy doing
either of those things,
and I don't think you do, either.
Izzy is your sister, your built-in best mate.
Talk to her.
Before it's too Iate.
Do you swear you didn't do it?
I swear on my BCBG dress.
The one I found on sale with a pink...
Halter neck.
Yeah, that one.
I've never Iied to you, Annie.
I will never Iie to you, ever.
Chris, I swear I never...
We don't have to talk about it.
Tiffany thought I was you,
and told me I was a troll
for making out with Chris
behind the bleachers.
I know now.
It's fine.
It's not fine because it's not true!
I'm not with Chris! That never happened!
Oh, my gosh.
Tiffany was completely tricking us.
She must've known I was me,
pretended I was you
to drive a wedge right between us.
What a cow!
But we might be bigger cows
for Ietting her come between us.
Annie, I can't fight Higgins without you.
You won't have to.
I'm with you.
You sort of owe Chris an apology, too.
Oh, I know. I feel so daft.
Make you a deal.
You get me off the hook, and I'll make sure
Chris finally asks you out.
Did you cheat?
Absolutely not.
Then I'm really sorry I thought you did.
For a girl who's right so often,
you sure have been wrong a Iot Iately.
But not anymore.
Thanks, everyone, for sticking by us.
Nobody at school is even talking to us.
We're not Iike that.
If you say you didn't cheat, we believe you.
Even I believed they were guilty
until they told me the rest of the story.
Okay. We have until Friday
to prove your innocence.
Everybody know what to do?
- Ready?
- Break!
Sony, G, are you ready
To kick out the jams?
We're gonna go rock steady
A purchase, a porcupine
A peanut pomegranate
Damn it, yes
'Cause that's how we send it
Down, down
Right through the hoop
Got the chief on the horn
I got a scoop here
Extra, extra
Read all about it
BTK's top billing
So shout it
We need to see how easy it is
to gain access to your backpack, Chris.
Seems quite secure.
There's only one other student
that I know of with that same backpack.
Tomorrow, then.
Bag, Charles.
Izzy, do you remember
our matching Claire Dejune
designer snappy purses?
They also came with a Iittle key.
And when you Iost yours...
We used yours to open mine.
One key opened both purses.
Snappy purse?
So, have you got anything, Vivek?
You'll be happy to know we found nothing.
But we did find a red smudge
and we think it could be blood.
Since we're not discussing a homicide...
I admit we're a bit Iight on evidence
if all we've got is a smudge mark.
But sometimes a great barrister
can make the best of what Iittle there is.
Barrister? How could a dude
from Starbucks be any help to us?
- A Iawyer.
- Oh!
Which we don't have.
I was talking about you, Izzy.
There isn't a better barrister
in the whole world,
especially once you've been prepped by me
and my crack Iegal team.
Oh, yeah. AII right.
Yeah. Yeah.
AII rise.
I now call the Student Jurors Council
hearing into session.
You may be seated.
This is the case of Pacific Prep
versus Woods and Lopez.
The crime, trespassing,
breaking and entering, cheating.
Are the accused present?
We are, Headmistress Higgins.
And who shall be
defending you, Miss Woods?
I, Isabelle Woods, will be representing
both Mr. Lopez and myself, ma'am,
with co-counsel and advice from my sister,
Miss Annabelle Woods.
And for the prosecution?
Tiffany Donohugh and Justin Whitley,
with the aid of our Iegal assistant
Ashley Meadows.
We will humbly represent
the student body of Pacific Prep.
Hey, don't get too comfortable.
This won't take Iong.
The prosecution calls Mr. Golden.
Yes, this is the key I found
broken off in the Iock.
Can you tell me if this half matches?
Why, yes.
As far as you know, Mr. Golden,
how many triple-zero keys
are in existence?
Just the one.
And who does this key belong to?
It belongs to Chris Lopez.
Mr. Golden, can you tell me what this is?
This is the cheat sheet
with the answers to my history test on it.
And where did you find it?
I found it taped underneath
the desk of Isabelle Woods.
Can you point her out, please?
Yes. She's the twin with the ponytail.
Mr. Golden, was there
anything else unusual
about your office on the day in question?
Well, the bracelet.
This bracelet?
And you found this where?
On the floor of my office.
Seems Iike I've seen
this bracelet somewhere before.
Annie Woods, you have one
just Iike this, don't you?
And Izzy Woods, you...
It's mine.
That's odd. Hmm.
No more questions.
Isabelle Woods,
you may present your case.
A Jansport Hampton X25 backpack.
A high-end model that Mr. Lopez
and one other Pac Prep student uses.
The counsel will note that the prosecution
has one such backpack under their table.
Miss Donohugh, may I see
the key to your backpack?
Obviously, I object.
This is ridiculous.
Just give her the key, and Iet's move on.
As I will show,
this brand of backpack
comes with a factory key.
Any of which can open any other version
of the same backpack.
Proving that anyone
with this style of backpack
could've used their key
to gain access to Chris'...
I mean, Mr. Lopez's backpack,
stealing his triple-zero key
and committing the crime.
That's my backpack key.
Are you so desperate that you're...
I'm simply stating a fact. Thank you.
Well, whoop-dee-doo!
What, did my Iittle backpack roll itself over
and put the cheat sheet beneath your desk?
Miss Woods, please continue.
The defense is calling Mr. Whitley.
You can call me Justin, babe.
And you can call me Miss Woods.
Mr. Whitley, where were you
right before the fire alarm
was mysteriously pulled?
I was in the back of the classroom,
sharpening my pencil.
You done with the sharpener?
Right next to you.
Oh, that's true.
I need to confirm with my co-counsel.
Now what? It's all we've got.
Fingerprint stuff?
Oh, it's so inconclusive. They'll Iaugh at us.
I'm finished.
We've got nothing convincing.
We might as well just give up.
Thanks for trying to help.
It's such a shame, isn't it?
Beaten by smarmy gits that flounce around
in $400 hand-painted trainers.
Oh, my gosh. Vivek's pictures.
Of course! It makes perfect sense.
Tick-tock, Iadies.
If you're ready to end this thing,
I think we are all ready to ask...
For a recess!
You can't!
Par section 4.4B,
we are allowed one, ma'am.
Tear this place apart.
We've got to find those photos.
The ones with the Iittle red marks
under Mr. Golden's desk.
I got 'em!
There on the floor.
Scuff marks.
Justin's one-of-a-kind,
red-sneaker scuff marks.
Look, this is Mr. Golden's paper.
It's his morning paper.
It's got the date right in the headline.
This evidence has its own time stamp.
It's the smoking gun.
For safekeeping.
Maybe they aren't as cool
as they are in court.
Let's go.
You're going to have
to get Justin to break on the stand, Izzy.
Oh, I'll make him break, all right, Iike a...
Oh, my pen.
Enjoy public school, Woodsy.
Where is she?
Recess is over.
I call this trial back
to session, Miss Woods.
Where's Izzy?
Annie, you gotta take this over.
Time's running out.
I can't.
Not in front of all these people.
Miss Woods, if you
have nothing more to say,
I presume the defense rests,
and the verdict can be rendered.
Come on, Annie, you have
the evidence, now nail 'em.
Go to your happy place.
Go to your happy place.
Miss Woods?
One moment, please, Headmistress.
I'll get Izzy.
Show you who I am
Show you who I am
For the record, Headmistress,
my co-counsel Annie has...
Taken it, I'm afraid.
She won't be assisting me at the moment.
So, if it pleases the court,
I, Isabelle Woods,
would Iike to recall Mr. Whitley.
Just one more time.
Forgive me, I'm blonde.
Where were you
when the fire alarm sounded?
Hello? Can anybody hear me? Hello?
Are you aware
of a fashion trend known as Mutz?
I don't follow fashion.
No need. I'm not that insecure.
Mutz are very expensive trainers.
Sneakers, if you will.
The counsel will note
that Mr. Whitley is wearing
a pair at this very moment.
May I see one?
Whatever floats your boat, blondie.
The Iatest must-have design
comes in a sensational scarlet.
One of the many colors
students have only recently begun to wear
since they Iearned
how to dress around the code.
Because they're hand-painted,
this style of shoe
Ieaves behind a very unique scuff mark.
Oh, please. A scuff mark?
That's what we overpay custodians
to mop up.
Mr. Whitley, have you ever been inside
Mr. Golden's private office?
Are you sure?
I'm positive.
Well then, can you explain
how the exact same scuff marks
came to be on Mr. Golden's floor?
I object!
What exact same scuff marks?
My briefcase. I have tools in my briefcase.
If it pleases the court,
the defense would Iike
to submit photographic evidence...
I've got Izzy's briefcase.
This is Annie's briefcase.
I seem to have misplaced...
Does defense have any more
questions for the witness?
He has Iacrosse practice.
Mr. Whitley, what position
do you play on the Iacrosse team?
What position...
Coming through! Excuse me!
Headmistress, I submit Miss Woods
is making a mockery of...
Okay. Okay, I'm back, people!
- What's goin' on?
- Hi.
Sorry. Okay, okay. I'm back.
I need a moment
to consult with my co-counsel.
Izzy, where've you been?
And you Iook flushed.
I was. Long story, Iong story.
What did you do to your hair?
I've been playing you
and really mucked it up.
I'm ready to give up
my ponytail and hand it all back to you.
Annie, you've got this far.
And you've obviously cured
your fear of public speaking.
So keep speaking.
I would Iike to recall Mr. Golden.
Do you recognize these photos?
Yes. This is my office,
and that's my newspaper.
Miss Woods, did you break
into Mr. Golden's office
yet again to obtain these photographs?
This is yet another very serious crime.
Yeah, baby
Headmistress, I gave them permission.
Fair access for the accused.
Continue, Miss Woods.
I would Iike to re-recall Mr. Whitley.
Have you ever heard of the Uber code?
No idea what you're talking about.
Urban Iegend perhaps.
There's talk
that the designer of Uber Electronics
has an Uber code.
This code would allow him to gain access
to any computer in the school.
What do I know about Uber Electronics?
Cell phones off, Mr. Whitley.
That's a nice Uber phone, Justin.
I just got it.
I didn't know it was a...
Get to the point, Miss Woods.
This is finally getting interesting.
That Uber phone is brilliant.
But how did you get one,
seeing as they haven't
even hit the market yet?
I've got my connections.
Connections Iike Tiffany Donohugh?
Mr. Whitley, I asked you a question.
Did you receive your Uber phone
from Tiffany Donohugh?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
She's your connection, but she made
you earn that phone, didn't she?
I submit to this court
that you never sharpen your own pencil.
Right before the exam,
you placed yourself at the pencil sharpener,
so that when Mr. Golden Iooked
for his stopwatch Iike he always does,
you snuck out!
It was you, Justin,
who pulled the fire alarm.
Earlier that day, Tiffany had
given you her backpack key,
the same key that would
open Chris'backpack.
You used Tiffany's key to unlock Chris'bag
and steal his triple-zero master key.
While we were all outside for the fire drill,
you headed back into Mr. Golden's office.
You used the Uber code
that you got from Tiffany
to steal the answers
to the history test from his computer,
which you then shrink-copied
down to a perfect crib sheet.
And you Ieft a scuff mark.
You broke off Chris'key
in the Iock to frame him.
While Tiffany whined
about the postponed exam,
you taped the cheat sheet beneath Izzy's...
I mean, my desk.
After returning the key to Chris'bag,
you had plenty of time to rejoin Tiffany
and revel in your misdeeds.
Since you had the answers to the test,
you figured you'd use them,
hence your first good grade
in a Iong time, right?
Stop with the clicking already!
Okay, I did it! I did it.
And Tiffany paid me with an Uber phone.
You're just gonna give it up Iike that?
Are you some kind of jellyfish?
You Iet a blonde make you crack?
You are pathetic.
Well, so what if I did?
Okay, I did it! But who cares?
'Cause my family owns the very seats
that your pathetic butts are sitting on!
And that goes for you, too, Iady.
You got a problem with me?
Well, you can take that up
with my daddy's Iawyers.
Tiffany Donohugh and Justin Whitley,
for violating the Pac Prep honor code,
you are both expelled!
You did it!
Are you kidding me? You can't expel me.
I own this school!
Take her away!
That's justice!
Get your meat hooks off me, sir!
And get your freaking hands...
You, Annabelle and Isabelle Woods,
I've got my eye on both of you.
Case dismissed.
Annie, that was fantastic!
Daddy! Thanks.
I'm jealous. It was awesome!
You should have seen the Iook on his face.
Thank you, Annie.
Oh, hi.
- Hi there.
- Look, I'm not much of a dancer,
- but you got a date for formal?
- I'd Iove to!
This is the best dance ever.
I almost wish Tiffany was here.
I wonder how she's doing.
Oh, I'm sure she's gone to a better place.
Wait a minute!
There must be some kind of mistake.
It reeks of bologna in here!
Somebody Iet me out!
Can I have this dance?
You think too much
Give it up
Let it flow through you
- Can you believe those blondes?
- Yeah.
Actually, they're the only ones I do believe.
Want to dance?
Are you sure you want to be seen
dancing with a scholarship kid?
Takes one to know one.
That was you who rang
Justin's phone, wasn't it?
I'd just figured it was time
for school to give blonde a chance.
It's not over, girls.
There's a new brunette in charge.
So, you think we should stay?
I think I can be persuaded.
Hold on, hold on
Hold on
This is my Iife
I'm on my own
Don't need anyone
To guide me down the road
I'm finding out who
Yeah, who I wanna be
This is me
This is my Iife
I'm in control
Movin' so fast
To where I wanna go
I'm shouting out who
Yeah, who do you see?
Yeah, this is me
This is me
Just don't tell me
How to Iive my Iife
I've got to have control
I Iive for the fight
And I win every time
This is my Iife
I'm on my own
Don't need anyone
To guide me down the road
I'm finding out who
Yeah, who I wanna be
This is me
This is my Iife
I'm in control
Movin' so fast
To where I wanna go
I'm shouting out who
Yeah, who do you see?
Yeah, this is me
Yeah, this is me
Yeah, this is me
Yeah, this is me
Yeah, this is me
Yeah, this is me
Mmm, yeah
Mmm, mmm, yeah
Mmm, mmm, yeah
Mmm, mmm, yeah
Mmm, mmm, yeah
Mmm, mmm, yeah
Lucky girl
You've been Iiving
in a Iucky world
You've been Iiving
Red balloons
On such a sunny afternoon
And rolling. And action.
This is Annie's briefcase.
There's got to be
something in here I can use.
Where every moment is Iike
Exactly how you feel
Someone who knows
your Iove is real
Yeah, you're a Iucky girl
L-L-L-Lucky girl
I know that all
your wishes can be true
- A mark.
- And action.
We're dressed Iike this in honor
of the Queen Mary!
Yes, of course. You see, the Queen Mary
was a first-class ocean Iiner
that Iater transported our troops
during World War II.
Sometimes up to...
How many men, Mr. Golden?
Fifteen thousand to a man. In one crossing.
World War II was a time of great sacrifice.
Women didn't wear stockings so nylon
could go towards making parachutes.
We've decided to honor
the memory of those
who went without by also going without.
God bless America.
God bless America!
God save the Queen?
God save the Queen!
Anything you need you'll get
It's a girl's world
Don't you know
Don't you know, baby
Anything is real if you believe it
Everything that you believe
Roll please.
- Marker.
- And here we go. And action.
It's probably back in the classroom.
Thanks. When it's all clear, I'll have a Iook.
Well, we don't want
Annie's heart to be broken.
Speaking of Annie, do you have a date
to the winter formal yet?
'Cause I know a certain someone
who Ioves to dress up,
and just so happens to share my DNA.
I'm working on it.
Oh, drill's over.
- Come on, I'll race you back to class.
- Let's hit those books!
That was great and cut.
Be there for whatever
Anywhere you want is where you're headed
Anything you need, you'll get
It's a girl's world
Okay, we're rolling.
Okay. And here we go, girls. And action.
Ms. Higgins, students, teachers,
distinguished alumni,
Chris Lopez and I are guilty.
Guilty of using poor judgment.
We did use the triple-zero key.
And we used it to get into Mr. Golden's
office the night before the test,
where I did Iose my bracelet.
Guilty, guilty, guilty.
Case closed.
But all we did was retrieve
my sister's notebook,
hardly a crime worthy of expulsion.
Annie Ieft it in the classroom.
And apparently, Mr. Golden moves
Ieft items,
and puts them into his inner office.
- For safekeeping.
- That's true.
I object.
Great, cut.
It's a girl's world
Don't you know?
It's a girl's world
Baby, oh, yeah
Girl's world
- Speed.
- D mark
AII right and action.
Mr. Golden, when and where do you
Iike to read your morning paper?
Well, in my private office
before class every morning.
And when you're finished reading
the paper, what do you do with it?
Oh, well, I'm afraid I usually
just throw it on the floor.
And then, after class, I remember,
I come back and pick it up,
and put it into the recycling bin.
I'm afraid I'm a Iittle bit sloppy.
That's the truth.
More yelling from the audience?
This isn't some ding, dang puppet show!
We can dance all night
Mr. Wellington, are you friends
with Mr. Justin Whitley?
Yeah. He's cool, I guess.
Is there something Mr. Whitley
finds unpleasant?
- Something he asks you to do.
- I don't know.
Sharpen his pencils, I guess.
He finds it distasteful. The noise, that is.
Justin seems a Iittle sensitive to noises.
No more questions.
Cut it! Nice.
- Speed.
- A mark.
We're rolling, rolling.
Speaking of humiliating afflictions,
you should see Rainbow dance.
I am the bee's knees.
- Let's see it.
- Show it.
- Show it.
- Okay, all right.
So dance all night tonight
AII night
Don't you feel it?
It's so right
We can dance all night tonight
So dance all night tonight
AII night
Don't you feel it?
It's so right
We can dance all night
Don't you feel it?
It's so right
Flip, flip and wave.
Flip, flip and wave.
And that's a wrap.