Legend of Bloody Mary, The (2008)

So there's nothing I can say?
I guess tomorrow
it'll all begin.
I'm sure everything
will be okay.
Nikki, please.
This game is real.
You don't know that.
Check your mirror.
See if it's cracked.
You don't get it.
Once Mary takes the dare
we're all dead.
So what are you going to do?
You'll be mine too.
Ryan, please!
- Amy!
- What?
What happened?
Sorry, it was just a bad dream.
They're called
nightmares, babe.
Thank you for clarifying.
Maybe you should talk
to someone about this.
I'm fine.
That's like almost
every night this week.
Well, I have good months
and this just isn't one of them.
I don't remember a good one.
What about your
professor friend O'Neal?
You know what?
I don't need help from O'Neal
or my folks or even you.
You know what? You just can't keep
blaming yourself forever.
# I've been crying out loud
for a fantasy #
# You're lying in my mind
like a water drain #
# You feel so soft
underneath the swell #
# Gonna bring it to me now #
# We just can't tell #
# I can't wait #
# To be with you this time #
# Gonna run to that place #
# Where you take me inside #
# Your heart #
# Inside of you #
# My heart beats faster
when I think of you #
# My blood pumps harder
when it's time to go #
# All the things
that make you feel so good #
# Between the sheets
like lovers should #
# I can't wait #
# To be with you this time #
# Want to run to that place #
# Where we can't be denied #
# I can't wait #
# To be with you this time #
# Get you down
on your knees #
# So you'll take me
deep inside #
# Your heart #
# Inside of you. #
You can tell Terry
this is gonna take awhile.
Well, how long?
A lot more time
than he wants.
Unless it be thy contention
that immaculate conception
hath been visited
upon thee,
Mary Worth,
thou wilt name
thy unborn child's
natal father.
If there be but one among us
wishing to claim paternity
to save this child
of but 16 year
from the gallows,
speaketh now.
If it be thy seed
that hath spawned
this unborn child
speaketh now
and the Lord
shall forgive thee.
The sin of adultery
doth pale
in the blinding light
of heresy.
Thou wilt not then name the fornicator
with whom thou hast lain?
Citizens of Idlewood,
hear ye in this silence
a blasphemous testimony.
There hath been but one
Immaculate Conception
known to man.
To claim otherwise
doth constitute
but sheer heresy.
It is clearly
the devil's child.
Mary Worth,
thou knowest how the court
doth proceed in such matters.
Wilt thou confess then
to lying with the devil?
Wilt thou repent
for thy sins
and save thy soul?
I'm sorry.
It's a little loud on my end.
Who is this?
You don't know me but you know
my boyfriend Ryan Cumane.
Oh yeah, Ryan.
This may sound
a little weird.
Um, he's been having
He... see, he rarely talks
to anyone
and he's been...
he's mentioned
how easy it is
to talk to you.
Look, I'm not
a psychiatrist.
And besides, I know nothing
on sleep disorders.
- He doesn't need a shrink.
- Then what are you looking for?
I thought you
were a priest.
- He needs a priest?
- He needs help.
Look, Rachel, I'm not sure
what I can do.
if he needs a confession,
I'm not that type of priest.
Well, what kind
of priest are you?
Look, can you at least
just talk to him
and maybe convince him
to see a professional?
Nightmares, huh?
I'll meet him at the school's
coffee shop at 3:00.
He'll be there.
No wonder he's having
I thought she was
going to tell you.
One would think that
would be appropriate
rather than showing up
to a mini intervention.
It's not that at all.
She's just concerned,
wanted us to chat
a little bit.
So who do you have
for American Lit?
Like I said,
I'm not interested.
You still thinking about
Creative Writing?
Really, I appreciate
your concern,
but I've always had
bad dreams.
You believe
in the devil, right?
It's complicated
in today's age, isn't it?
What do you mean?
Faith has had its issues
throughout the history
of the faithful.
What about your faith, Ryan?
What about witches, Father?
Do they have a place
in reality anymore?
I believe that humans have
made deals with the devil.
Different cultures
have different names...
warlocks, wizards,
magicians, witches.
Just different names
for the same thing...
people who use the dark arts
to conjure evil.
Maybe it's easier
to get the devil
to listen than it is God.
God's always listening.
It's the devil that needs
to be invited.
What if you don't
believe in the devil?
The devil still
believes in you.
In the spring of 2001
I had a sister
who was just getting ready to graduate
high school and I was just going in.
You remember that horrible
storm we had that year?
Yeah, well it was coming down
really hard.
We had those hurricane
warnings all day.
Ryan! Ryan!
Ryan, please open the door.
- Ryan!
- Amy.
Amy, stop screwing around.
You better not be fooling.
Oh my God.
Amy, are you in here?
Christ, I thought
you were dead.
What happened?
She went missing that night.
The next day
she wasn't in her room,
she never showed up
for class.
We never saw her again.
The nightmares started
after that?
Yeah, they started that night.
Ever since,
my eyes have turned blue.
Do you feel somewhat responsible
for your sister's disappearance?
Why, do you think I should?
Well, thanks
for the chat, Father.
I feel better.
But you'll have
to forgive me.
I'm going to end
my psych analysis.
I've got a class
I'll be late for.
Whatever came
of the investigation?
Called the police precinct
every night for a year
and got the same
shitty answer.
"Sorry, kid.
But don't give up hope."
No, you can't.
Well, I did.
So what do we got?
You were right.
Carbon dates the bones
back to late 1680s,
early 1690s.
What about the police?
archeological not criminal.
What about
the construction?
Since it's on church property
we've got as long as we need.
When can we begin digging?
Filed for the permits
this afternoon.
Should be able to begin
marking a grid by tomorrow.
You're amazing, Clair, I don't know
what I would do without you...
I don't know,
what would you do?
You know what this means,
don't you?
The diary.
You're not thinking this is
the missing mass grave, are you?
Yes. He wrote the church
was built upon a grave
to bless the land.
I just don't know
how far you can take
the diary of a man
who wasn't even there.
He wasn't just any person.
He was the governor.
He personally heard
Reverend Whittaker speak of the plague
ravaging the entire town.
Well, if more heads start
popping out of the ground
I'll believe you.
Clair, you truly are
one of a kind.
"Thursday, October 28th,
I arrived in Idlewood
early morning
to find the streets bare
and the town
all but soulless.
All but for one...
the Reverend Whittaker.
My concern
for the townspeople is grim.
But the Reverend Whittaker
was cleaning human bones
when we arrived
and had spoken of pox and plague
ravaging the entire community.
By a fortnight
word will have reached Salem
that the plague has wiped out
all of Idlewood.
My concern layeth
with the Reverend.
I fear the strain
of such a loss
has disturbed the poor man.
I feel a church...
a just monument
and a beacon of hope...
to be built upon the graves
of thy towns
founding fathers.
It is very honorable.
Very honorable.
Governor Holbrook,
may I present
the head of our reconstruction team,
Reverend Samuel Blake?
- How do you do, Reverend?
- Governor.
I have every confidence that word
of what hath transpired here
shall remain strictly
Of course, sir.
This site is to be cleansed
and built upon.
Indeed, Governor.
There, you see?
Jessie, how did you
get in here?
Jessie, how'd you
get in here?
Let's get you some food.
Look, I'm sorry I yelled
at you earlier.
I realize you just called him
'cause you care.
And I was wrong
to get angry at you.
But you have to realize something.
I've been through
a dozen different meds
and a dozen different shrinks.
And the only thing that I've found
is that it doesn't work.
Come on. You can't be mad
at me forever.
How about I ditch
my morning class
and we go to Clark's
for breakfast?
Don't call me.
I'm over this.
Oh, Jesus.
Oh my God.
So how long do you need
the gymnasium for?
a few more weeks.
I'll see you later.
Hey, how's Creative Writing
coming along?
Did you have
another nightmare?
Yeah, but this time it was...
it was different.
You know, it felt more real.
Why don't we step
into my office?
All right.
So how's your girlfriend?
It's Rachel, right?
- She left me.
- Oh.
Well, you know, you just got to give
these things some time.
I guess.
Everything all right?
It's deja vu.
Some cultures believe
that deja vu
is God's way of letting you know
you're on the right path.
Is that so?
It could also be a hiccup
in your brain chemistry
as you process new information
through a memory cell.
So which one is it?
- Why couldn't it be both?
- Both?
Sure. Why couldn't the chemical
hiccups have a purpose?
Everything does.
It's all part of the master plan.
So what about
my nightmares?
Are they also
part of the plan?
Sure. Why not?
There's so much we don't know.
It's called
the Butterfly Effect.
Yeah, a flap of the wings
on one side of the planet
can cause waves on the other.
Something like that.
Everything that ever happened
in history
happened from a chain reaction
from previous events,
which still continues
to this day.
Our lives
are governed by it.
You're a prime example.
Did you choose to have
these nightmares?
But I chose
not to have them.
So how's that
working for you?
It's all about cause
and effect.
We need to find out the cause that
effected you with these nightmares
and see what we can do
to effect it to stop.
You know, my sister wasn't the only one
that went missing that night.
There were more?
There was four.
There was Nicole and Jennifer,
her two girlfriends.
And, uh...
Greg and John,
two guys that they met
at the party.
Yeah, they were
planning this
big senior year blowout
and they needed
the ultimate game.
You ever heard of the game
Bloody Mary Worth?
Well, my sister did.
She told her friends.
- So, like, you almost done?
- Relax.
It's the server. Probably the storm.
Just give it some time.
Well, we need to go over
the music list with Amy.
- You did ask her, right?
- Ask her what?
I did.
I'm just playing with you.
She told me
to call back later.
It's 9:15.
Should we call?
If you want to call her so bad,
pick up the phone and call her yourself.
What is with her?
She probably fell asleep
or something.
Forget it.
Girl is probably dead
to the world.
So what's next?
Hey, this might be cool.
You could get one of the guys
to spit out pea soup.
No thanks.
No pea soup and no pissing
on my carpet.
Look, it's another
urban legend list.
We got the bright lights
buried alive,
goatman legend,
kidney theft
and harvesting.
Or how about
the killer in the back seat?
No, no, no...
and a special no
to the goatman.
We need something
scary and cool...
something that'll scare
the crap out of everyone
and will have everyone
talking about my party
for the next six months.
Amy emailed me.
That bitch.
She wouldn't answer my call
but is emailing you?
She emailed me two hours ago.
Well, it better be
a music list.
Come on, already.
What does she have?
Gangsta rap or polka?
Whoa, what is this?
Mary Worth.
- What is that?
- I have no clue.
"This website is devoted
to all those who dare to play
the legendary game Mary Worth."
Wow, look at the crazy icons.
"17th-century Salem court,
Mary Worth was sentenced
to death
for the crimes
of witchcraft.
On October 31st her sentence
was carried out.
Mary had to endure
brutal beatings for hours
as the townspeople tried
desperately to make her confess
who her unborn child's
father was."
Mary Worth,
thou hast been granted
bountiful occasion
to divulge the proper name
of thy bastard child.
It yet be the opinion
of this court
that one
who walketh among us
hath made thee a whore.
Thou wilt not confess
to heresy,
to having lain
with Satan himself.
If that be thy contention,
then it shall be done
that no man among us
shall yet covet thee again.
No man's loins
shall yet be stirred
by thy countenance.
Mary Worth,
when the last of us
hath made his mark,
if thou hast not confessed,
thou shalt be excommunicated
from the church
and left to die.
"The local magistrate felt
the mirror was a just punishment
to remind her that vanity
was the ultimate sin
for her unwillingness
to confess."
"Mary stared into the mirror
and begged whomever lies
within it to take her.
She then cursed the town
and all its people
and vowed to have
her revenge."
"One of the townspeople
that was present
during the execution
was quoted in saying,
'I believe in Mary Worth."'
Fellow citizens,
children of God,
it is a hypocritical legacy
we so-called
Puritans bear.
For there is not
one amongst us
without the stain of sin,
not one who is blameless.
Mankind be wretched
and culpable.
"Now she's trapped
in the mirror
and seeking vengeance,
waiting for someone
to believe in her
and someone to release her."
many have learned
there is a dark truth
to Mary's game.
Several poor souls
wrote their names
and those of their friends
onto a mirror
and then, believing
in Mary, in short,
marking themselves
for her vengeance."
We are just way
too jumpy tonight.
- Hello.
- Jen?
It's Amy.
- What the hell happened to you?
- Where do I start?
You sound pretty out of it.
I am.
Did Nicole get my email?
- About the website?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I think we found
our game.
No, you didn't.
What are you talking about?
It's perfect.
I just played it.
You did?
So how was it?
I really don't remember.
I think l...
I think I passed out
before I finished counting.
Amy, what happened?
I don't remember
if I finished.
She's gone.
She'll call back.
She played the game.
Sounded like
it freaked her out.
Well, maybe we should
play something else.
You have to be kidding.
Did she call them back?
Well, the police said
that she called Nicole
three more times that night.
But I never spoke
to her again
and I'm not sure
what they said.
Excuse me.
- Hello?
- You sitting down?
Sonic scans show
we hit the mother-lode.
You may just be right
about that mass grave.
I'm looking at the first scan
and it's huge.
Almost 30 feet wide.
I'm kind of in the middle of something.
Can I call you back?
Something more important
than this?
- Thanks.
- You know what?
I appreciate you
listening, Father.
Sometimes it's just a comfort
to share.
Did you just hang up on me?
You did, didn't you?
Well, if you need an ear,
I'll lend you mine.
Careful, you're the only one
I got now.
I might take you
up on that.
My name is Ashley,
and I'm here to play
the mirror game.
Just me and my trusty V-cam
waiting to see Mary.
Okay, first I have
to mark myself.
Remember, kiddies,
don't try this at home.
The color red
signifies blood.
I think I'll mark
my friends as well...
Kelly and Samantha.
Now the only thing that
is standing between me
becoming the only person
to survive
the Mary Worth legend
is Mary herself.
Bring it on, bitch.
I believe in Mary Worth.
I believe
in Mary Worth.
I believe in Mary Worth.
Come out, come out
wherever you are.
I survived this mirror,
- Oh well, so much for that.
- Shh.
What happened?
The site crashed.
Hit the refresh button.
It should bring it back up.
Not sure I want to.
You're out of your mind.
This game is perfect.
It will scare everyone.
And I already have
my first victim in mind.
Detective Romano.
- Yeah?
- Father O'Neal here to see you.
Oh Jesus.
Send him in.
- Detective Romano?
- Father O'Neal.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.
Thanks for seeing me
on such short notice.
Like I said,
any friend of Ryan's...
- especially a...
- A priest?
Well, I'm trying
to help out the boy.
He seems to be plagued
by some bad dreams.
Look, I told you on the phone,
I'm not homicide anymore.
I understand that.
But if there's anything about the case
that could help me understand
Ryan better...
Nice kid.
Called me every day
for just about over a year.
I felt bad for him
and his folks.
They deserve some closure.
- Was she kidnapped?
- It's a strange case.
No signs of a struggle.
Her bathroom mirror
was shattered, but that's it.
No prints, no blood,
She just vanished.
Then why did homicide
investigate it?
At first we didn't.
We were on a case where four kids
got ripped apart at a party.
Blood, guts,
shit over everything.
No bodies.
Witnesses gave us some names,
we did some digging,
found out two of girls
who planned the whole thing
had a friend go missing
the night before.
- Amy.
- Yeah.
Then we find out the whole
thing was a big fucking game
to get some girl back for dating
somebody's ex-boyfriend.
Needless to say,
at first we thought Amy split
because she was part
of the bloodbath.
And what
changed your mind?
It's not completely
made up just yet.
Why not?
Look, even though Mary
doesn't remember Amy
at the party that night,
it doesn't mean she wasn't there.
Yeah, Mary.
Mary's the girl
they set up.
She's the only one
to survive.
Or at least the only one
that didn't disappear.
It's mainly her testimony that gives us
some insight into that night.
But she was whacked out
on so much LSD
that her story's more comic-book lore
than testimony.
They put her in a psychiatric hospital
for a couple years.
- They never charged her.
- For what?
- Murder.
- You think she did it?
Only one with a motive.
- And what's that?
- Revenge for the game.
And she was the one dating
one of the girl's exes
that went MIA that night.
You mentioned some testimony
from someone else.
Yeah, Nicole's brother.
He overheard
a few conversations
the girls had about hazing
Mary at the party that night.
- Why Mary?
- Why not?
Her mom's been ragging on her
the past couple of months,
um, her father
split last year.
Her mom's
a complete nutcase.
Look, she's got a lot
of crap to deal with.
- So let's prank someone else.
- No!
This isn't about Matt,
is it?
I don't give a crap
about Matt.
If Mary wants to have
my leftovers,
- she can have it.
- Mary said...
I don't give a crap
about what Mary said.
I'll call you when I get home.
Meg should be back by 1:00.
Don't let Amy creep you out.
She's just in one of her moods.
Now learn your lines.
Use the mirror if you have to.
You need to come off
Your job is to make sure
Mary takes the dare.
Look, I have nothing
against Mary.
She's the new kid.
And the rules are:
all the new kids get screwed first.
- Fine.
- Call you later.
Have you ever heard of
the legend of Mary Worth?
Not many people have.
Well, not anymore anyway.
After so many
unexplained deaths
to those who played
"the game"
no one ever dared tell
anyone how to play.
Till now.
I dare you to stand alone
in the dark
with a candle
and say...
"I believe in Mary Worth."
I believe...
- in Mary Worth.
- What the hell is wrong with you?
- Idiot!
You almost gave me
a freaking heart attack.
but I've gots to go.
I should make you
piss on yourself.
What's with the mirror?
It's none of your
damn business.
So Nicole played
the game as well?
Apparently she's responsible
for starting this whole
fucking thing.
How so?
From what I remember,
you can actually mark others
when you play this thing.
- Like a curse?
- Yeah.
Nicole marked her friends.
All but one went missing.
There was another girl?
Um, Maggie.
I'm back.
Okay, you call Amy
and I'll call Maggie.
Hey, is everything
all right?
It's just...
forget it.
Okay, I'll call Maggie.
Jeez, what?
Maggie, damn it, don't you
hear me calling you?
Hey, it's us.
We need to talk.
The party is less
than 18 hours away.
I need my pills, damn it.
I said I'm coming.
God, why do I have to do
everything around here?
Reggae or hip-hop?
Have you been listening?
I'm still here.
- Did you hear that?
- I think we lost Meg.
No, it sounded like
Meg yelling.
Hold on, I've got Amy
on the other line.
- Hello?
- Nice of you to call back.
It's been a weird night.
Tell us about it.
We've been jumpy all night.
Look, I'll try
Meg's home number.
Jen, it's like
past midnight.
- Maggie, what is the matter?
- No no no no!
Maggie? Maggie, stop it.
Stop, please.
Maggie, stop it.
What is wrong?
Maggie, stay here
and don't move.
- Hello?
- Hey, is Maggie...
Maggie, stop it.
Maggie, stop it, baby.
Stop it.
No. No.
What is the matter?
Maggie. Maggie, stop.
Stop, please, Maggie.
Stop it.
What is wrong?
What happened
to the two girls?
Mary and Maggie?
I think they're still
in a psych ward upstate
plagued with visions
and nightmares of Mary Worth.
Last I heard they had
them isolated
in rooms without mirrors
or reflective surfaces.
Sounds like whatever
happened to them
is happening to Ryan
in a milder form.
Yeah, but from
what I remember
Ryan never actually
played the game.
Neither did Maggie.
Yeah, but apparently she
was marked by Nicole.
Well, thanks for taking
the time to meet with me.
I know you're busy.
If it was another day,
you know I could...
No need to explain.
I understand.
Seems this game has some type
of placebo effect on those that play it.
Or those that have been told they've
been marked by someone else.
But Maggie didn't know.
I know. It's puzzled me
all these years.
Maybe it's no placebo.
Fucking nut.
How long?
Okay. Can you arrange for me
to speak with her?
I'd hate to make
the two-hour trip for nothing.
I'm so sorry.
I can't believe
you hung up on me.
I'm so sorry, Clair. I had a pressing
issue I was dealing with.
How about a return call?
Well, I'm still sort of
dealing with it.
I'm not going to begin
to tell you how upset
and frustrated I am.
No, you know what?
Actually, I will.
One would think that
the head archeologist
of an important dig
that he is heading up
would have the decency
of showing up
to approve the plans
instead of some student aide.
But you know what?
It could be forgiven
if, say, the site were on
the other side of the planet
and the scientist
were needed
because he was giving up
a kidney for an orphan child.
I know how you feel.
But no, actually, this site
is within walking distance
of his office
and on school grounds.
This is just as important, Clair.
Trust me.
Need I remind you
that one of the reasons
the school brought you
in on this
was so that you could
organize and structure
- the church's history here?
- No, you don't.
Then I take it
you're on your way back here.
No, actually
I'm going upstate
to visit a patient
at a psychiatric hospital.
You are kidding.
Clair, I trust you.
I trained you.
I feel you have full control
of the situation
and I'm confident
you'll do just fine.
You cannot be...
you are serious.
I'll call you
when I'm on my way back.
# Baby, I got my feet
pointed right at you... #
What's going on, man?
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
If she's not gonna put up with the baggage,
she's not worth it.
Yeah, but I can't either.
He doesn't deserve you.
You've got something
called integrity.
And he needs to get
his shit together.
His problems are his own
and not yours.
Hey, a few of us are going
across the street.
You should come.
Did it ever occur to him
that he needs to just do it?
You know, maybe you should
just get it over with.
Play the fucking game.
Thank you, Mary, for taking
the time to meet with me.
Mary, I really don't want
to disturb you.
So where do we start?
It was Mary.
She did it.
She did it.
She made me watch.
What did she do?
She took them.
Where did she take them?
Into her world.
she keeps them there.
Tortures them.
What does she want?
Thank God. I thought the power was
going to be out all night.
Are you sure you won't
change your mind?
I'm not sure about
anything anymore.
You cannot be serious.
Even after all
that's happened tonight?
Look, Jen's not listening.
I don't care, Nikki.
Screw her party. I'm not going.
- I don't have a choice.
- Yes, you do.
Fine, I can't stop you.
But whatever you do,
just don't dare Mary.
Look, I tried it
a few minutes ago.
- We're fine.
- What?
I just played it.
Nothing happened
Don't tell me
you marked yourself.
For Christ's sake, tell me
you didn't mark yourself.
It's no big deal.
Nothing happened.
Oh really?
Wait, who else
did you mark?
You marked us?
You marked me, Meg
and even stupid-ass Jen?
Look what happened to Meg.
I didn't do
anything to Meg.
Yes, you did!
Why did you mark me?
- You played it too.
- I didn't mark you.
I didn't mark you!
# Let me know #
# How to let go #
# Life's dragging
me around #
# Face down #
# On a life that's long
past gone #
# Incomplete #
# Take a stab or retreat #
# Can't make up my mind #
# I rewind #
# The footsteps
that led me here #
# To mourn #
# What's dead and gone #
# Mourn #
# Mourn #
# Try moving on #
# Mourn #
# When you're incomplete #
# And you can't retreat #
# Just accept defeat #
# And mourn #
# Mourn #
# Mourn. #
# Anti-drug
and I stopped myself #
# Can you help me out? #
# Voices say #
# Get out of my way #
# Voices say #
# It's safe to say... #
- Hello?
- Did you just call?
Forget it.
Amy's not coming.
Wait, I'll get her on.
Hold on.
Amy? Hi.
Nicole just told me
you're not coming tomorrow.
- Why?
- I have a bad feeling about this.
Everything is already set.
You can't back down now.
All you have to do is make sure
no one goes into my parent's bedroom
Nicole will make sure Mary
goes into the bathroom
and John and Gary
will take it from there.
You can leave right after.
- No.
- Damn, Amy. What is with you?
I don't want
any part of this.
Nothing is going to happen.
It's a prank.
I don't want anyone to get hurt.
Especially me.
You're acting like a child.
Look, she doesn't want
any part of it.
Don't come to her rescue.
She's a big girl.
She found the site, for Christ's sake.
What if she doesn't
take the dare?
Oh, she will.
Nicole will make sure of it.
And if she doesn't, fine.
We'll pick someone else
at the party, okay?
I trust you have good news.
- Where the hell are you?
- I'm at the church.
No, you're not,
because I'm...
standing at the church.
I'm sorry, Clair. I had
something fall into my lap.
Well, I hope you
have strong knees
because I'm about
to throw some more on.
- What happened?
- We found something.
What did you find?
Have you ever heard of
the legend of Mary Worth?
It's come up.
We found
Reverend Whittaker's diary.
And you're never going
to believe what it says.
It was under the bones?
Peter uncovered
a leather flap
sticking out from under
a child's skull.
How much have you read?
Just the last entry. It was enough
to know it was Whittaker's
and that it was something
much worse than a plague
or a pox that killed
that town.
And they also
found this.
I awoke this morning
with the intention
that life in Idlewood
could now have peace
after such a wretched
and painfully long trial of Mary.
My heart
has been cut in two
and by none other
than my own hand.
I have purchased
the vanity mirror
that had been used
in Mary's torture.
That should be adequate.
This way.
I do not know why I do this.
My hope is
to somehow forgive myself
and settle thy soul
in some matter.
But truth be
the guilty cannot resist
torturing themselves.
I spend days just staring
at the mirror
hoping to see her face
just once more.
Mary had vowed revenge
upon the town
for wrongfully killing her.
What irony that she useth
my own hand
who haddeth condemned
her fate
as the instrument
of her wrath.
When Mary released
her hold of my mind
I was covered in the blood
of my townspeople.
I buried the mirror
and the bodies
in hope that I could prevent
Mary's wrath
upon future generations.
I can only pray
this be enough
to absolve my stain of sin.
Why do I always find myself
getting dragged into something
ridiculous when you
get that look?
I think I know
how to help Ryan.
- I'm gonna need your help.
- Who's Ryan?
- He's the boy with the nightmares.
- What are you talking about?
Nothing. I need you to get me
this document.
- Okay.
- It's gonna be easy.
And you'll need to permanently
borrow it and meet me here tonight with it.
I need you to acquire it from
the church's historic documents.
- Are you insane?
- 100%.
- Where are you going now?
- I think Ryan needs to be here.
It's Ryan. Leave your info,
I'll get back to you when I can.
Ryan, it's Father O'Neal.
Call me when you get this.
Yes, hello.
I'm Professor O'Neal.
I need to get ahold
of one of my students.
I need an address.
His phone isn't working.
Can I help you
with something?
I'm looking for Ryan.
Can you tell me where I can find him?
- He left.
- What do you mean?
He quit school
and he took off.
You're just gonna give up?
You're just gonna walk out like that?
It's not normal to wake up every morning
screaming my fucking head off.
No, you're right.
It's not.
I can't handle it
here anymore, man.
Um, that's it, man.
Cool, take care.
Did it ever occur to him
that he needs to just do it?
Maybe you should
just get it over with.
Play the fucking game.
I'm not the one to ask.
I need to find him.
Ask Rachel.
She might know.
Where can I find her?
She works over
at the soup kitchen.
- Okay, thanks.
- Yeah, you bet.
- Rachel?
- Yes?
I'm Father O'Neal.
Father O'Neal, hello.
What can I do for you?
I'm looking for Ryan.
He left.
I know, I know. I need to get
ahold of him. It's important.
I tried talking to him
but he just won't listen.
If somebody
doesn't listen,
then maybe you
need to listen to them.
His parents live about
two hours west from here.
If he's heading home
he might still be at the bus stop.
I know there's two busses
that run every day.
I think there's still one going
in about half an hour.
Okay, thanks.
If you see him,
will you tell him I'm sorry?
I'll tell him, but that's something
you need to tell him yourself.
I'm having
some difficulties.
What's wrong?
First it was morals
and ethics.
Now we've moved up
to grand larceny.
Did you find it?
Yes, and it's not as easy
to take as you thought.
I don't understand. It's probably
in the basement. What's the issue?
The issue is
the school is having a field day
with this archeological dig
you're supposed
to be supervising.
They've decided to take
anything that looks old
and dates back to the early
days and put it on display
- all around the school.
- And?
And it's currently behind glass
and under surveillance.
You know what?
I wish I could help you
but I'm not going
to prison over it.
Look, Clair, I'm not sure
how you can pull this off,
but I need you
to get that document.
I can't believe you.
I'm not risking my job.
This is more important
than your job.
What could be
more important?
Your soul.
What are you doing here?
I should be
asking you.
I'm done.
I can't take it any longer.
I'm sick of hurting all
the people that care about me.
I believe I found a way
to end the nightmares.
I just hope it's not too late.
It is.
I don't believe so.
Mary Worth was excommunicated
from the church falsely.
Okay, so?
So she's trapped in limbo.
If I destroy the papers
and reinduct her back
into the church,
she'll have a door
to leave through.
She was also killed
in front of a mirror...
a mirror she uses as a portal
between our two worlds.
Mary's mirror needs
to be destroyed
and I think you should be
the one to do it.
All right, people.
You have to clear this area, all right?
It may be a false alarm,
but don't stick around to find out.
Let's move it.
# I'm the beater #
# On the drum #
# Getting weaker #
# Getting numb #
# Never laughing #
# I never know #
# Heaven won't you help me #
# Save my soul? #
# The more I change #
# The more I stay the same #
# The more I change, yeah #
# The more I stay the same #
# I have nothing #
# Left to say... #
- You have it?
- Have I ever let you down?
- That's Ryan.
- Mmm.
Let's get this over with.
Wait, what?
What over with?
Clair, the mirror
must be broken.
- There is no other way.
- Fine.
Release her.
- What is he talking about?
- You know that's seven years bad luck.
It'll be all right.
And I can pretty much
guarantee that.
Oh, not the mirror.
What the...?
Ryan, what's the problem?
Something's got ahold
of my hand! Ahh!
Ryan, throw it!
Throw it!
- She's preventing us from breaking it.
- How can she do that?
I'm out of here.
Clair, get the rock.
Now throw it!
Throw it!
Oh, what the...?
Shit! God!
Get off me!
Get the fuck off me!
Get off!
That bitch
messed up my hair.
Clair, you truly are
one of a kind.
Thank you, Ryan.
Is that it?
One more thing.
No nightmare.
Mmm, so it worked?
It did.
You should call
Father O'Neal.
Yeah, I think I will.
I'm gonna go
take a shower.
Hey, so my roommates
don't attack.
How sweet.
- Hey, it's Ryan.
- Well?
Well, it worked.
No nightmare.
That's great. I was worried after
I talked to your roommate.
He told me how he pressured you
into playing the game.
Yeah, but I never played.
But I saw lipstick
on the mirror.
I never played.
Could anybody else have?
well, the only one that knows
how to play would be Rachel.
But she was never here.
Your roommate said she stopped by
looking for you after you left.
# There's a girl
that I met the other night #
# She's so beautiful
and perfect #
# Yeah, I think that she
is right for me #
# But there's another girl
that I like too #
# She's intelligent
and sweet #
# Best of all
she looks like you #
# And we went out #
# And then there's Jennifer
who I met at the dance #
# But I found out
she's into girls #
# So I don't think I stand
a chance with her #
# So tell me now
just where the hell I am #
# I wonder why things
never worked out #
# Just the way we planned #
# 'Cause every time
I'd think about a girl #
# When a good girl
comes along #
# Then another girl steps in #
# And the cycle,
it begins again #
# And everything comes
crashing to the ground #
# When I fool around #
# There's a girl, yeah,
she's really got me down #
# I used to think about her
always #
# Except when she
was out of town #
# I used to think that we
were meant to be #
# But now she says she never
really cared too much for me #
# 'Cause every time
I'd think about a girl #
# When a good girl
comes along #
# Then another girl steps in #
# And the cycle,
it begins again #
# And everything comes
crashing to the ground #
# When I fool around. #