Legend of Lucy Keyes, The (2006)

I yanked on the stem
as hard as I could and it broke,
so the magic pumpkin started
rolling down the hill.
I am so sick of Lucy's stories.
Don't interrupt, Molly.
I chased it but I couldn't catch it
because it was rolling too fast.
I have to go to the bathroom.
Are we far?
No. Just a little further
up the road.
The gas is cheaper here.
-Molly, where is your sister?
-Maybe she's in the bathroom.
By herself?
Molly, you know better than that.
And so the magic pumpkin
hit a rock and cracked open.
Inside there were
magic pumpkin seeds
that could bring
my baby sister back.
Well, little lady, how did you
conjure up a story like that?
You know,
nobody's around forever.
Lucy. There you are.
Wow, mom, this is cool!
-Can I go check out the barn?
-Me too.
No, I don't want you in there
until dad makes sure it's okay.
No, no, it's allright. Yeah,
go ahead girls, just be careful.
Stay out of the hayloft.
It may not be safe.
-I can't believe we did this.
-We did it.
Boy, oh boy, did we do it.
This is going to be good for us.
It is.
We better unpack.
The truck will be here soon.
I love you, Jeanne Cooley.
They used to have horses.
Mom said they had lots
of animals on this farm.
I want a horse.
You wouldn't even know
how to take care of one.
Yes, I would.
Mom says we can't go up there.
I'm going anyway.
It's pretty dark up there.
And there's probably ghosts.
Molly, I'm telling.
Okay, guys. There's one up front
and there's one in the back.
Can we decide which ones
we want without a battle?
I don't like this one.
That was easy.
-This one's okay.
-Luce, what do you think?
-Dad, you owe me a quarter.
I'm going to fix that for you later.
Alright. We got that sorted out.
You know what? I'll take that one.
Hello? Hello?
Hi. I'm Sheila Travers.
This is my husband Bud.
-We live just across the road.
-Hi, I'm Jeanne Cooley. How are you?
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
Guy! He's my husband.
This is our neighbors,
Sheila and Bud.
-Hi, Guy Cooley. How are you doing?
-Bud Travers.
-Nice to meet you. How are ya?
Great. Great.
Do you guys want to come inside?
We're still unpacking, it's a mess.
No, we just wanted to welcome you
to the neighborhood.
-And I made a casserole.
-Oh, thank you. That's so nice.
It's good to see some life around
this old farm. You city folks?
Oh, I hope it's not that obvious.
Guy got offered a job around here,
so we decided
to give country living a try.
Of course,
the windmill project, right?
-Yeah, that's right.
-How's that coming?
Great. We've got a great location
back on the mountain.
Hey, I want you to say hi
to Mr. and Mrs. Travers.
-You have children?
-Yeah, this is Molly
and Lucy's over there.
-You have a daughter named Lucy?
-Do you have any children?
-No. No kids, no.
God hasn't graced us with any.
I'm sorry.
You sure you won't come in?
No, no. That's okay.
We just came by to say hello.
Well thank you so much for
the casserole. That's very nice.
-It's nice meeting you, folks.
-Yeah, nice meeting you too.
-Welcome to town.
-Great, thank you.
-Take care.
-What is it?
-You'll like this, come here.
I have an 18th century farm house,
what else could I want?
Well, now you have
an 18th century dinner bell.
Go ahead, try it.
Molly! Lucy! Dinner!
Lucy! Molly! Dinner!
Molly! Lucy! Dinner!
I love you. I have to go.
Oh, where?
I have a meeting.
With Samantha Porter.
I thought we were going
to have dinner all together.
-The first night?
-I have to go up to the windmill.
Will you keep some warm for me?
-Thank you.
There it is...
the site of your future.
It's perfect.
How're you settling in?
Oh, it's an adjustment,
but we'll be fine.
-We love the house though.
-It's a classic.
-One of the first in town.
-So I understand.
Well look at that, a 15 mile an hour
reading. That's fantastic.
It's been a dream of this town
for a long time
to use this land
for something important.
Town meeting tomorrow.
What can we expect?
It's hard to muster up an argument
against green power these days.
I don't anticipate any problems.
These small towns, people can be
stubborn. They don't like change.
They're ready for change.
Trust me.
No. I can't talk right now.
What's going on?
What are you doing?
Come to bed.
You can't hear that?
I can't.
What I would give
for some freeway noise.
It's just going to take
a little while to get used to.
And it's actually almost
more of an obligation
to embrace a more progressive
forward-thinking energy alternative
like this one.
Wind power has been the way
of the past and ironically
will probably be the way
of the future, so...
And this is a revolutionary
new technology
that does a great job of harnessing
what is the oldest
and most renewable energy
resource available.
The wind.
Does anyone have any questions?
How many of these windmills
are we talking about here?
Typically we like
to build one windmill
or one turbine for every
eight to ten acres of land.
So I think we're talking
about eight windmills.
-Ms. Sawyer?
I'm all for green energy,
but I'm not sure I want
to look at eight big ugly towers.
I think what you need to ask yourself
is what is more important,
embracing a more environmentally
friendly technology
or sticking with the status quo.
Ms. Caswell.
Has anyone thought about
what disturbing this site
will do to this sensitive
historic place?
I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure
what you are referring to.
Many consider
that to be Martha's land.
I was under the impression
this was town owned land.
It is town owned Guy.
You know my concerns. Have you
expressed them to Mr. Cooley?
Gretchen, please,
we've spoken of this.
Don't waste any more
of Mr. Cooley's time.
I'm sure every effort
is going to be taken to insure
the historical sanctity
of this land, so...
-Consider yourselves warned.
-Gretchen, that's enough!
This is our land
and this is the eighty acres
that the town bought
for the windmills.
I wonder if it used
to be one big farm?
Oh, in fact it was.
It belonged
to the Eli Farnum family.
They owned the farm next to yours.
Samantha, this is my wife, Jeanne.
Jeanne, Samantha.
Samantha Porter,
welcome to town.
-That went very well.
-Yeah, yeah, it did.
That woman,
she talked about
the historical
significance of the land?
-It's just a silly old town legend.
-It's nothing we need to worry about.
Not in the least.
Gretchen Caswell is local color.
There's always someone who will
object no matter how good an idea
-you put on the table. Right?
-Nice to see you.
-Nice to see you.
-Good morning.
-Breakfast tea to go.
$1.59 please.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You just moved into the old farm
on Westminster Road, didn't you?
Yes, we did.
How do you do? Jeanne Cooley.
Gretchen Caswell. Do you have time
to join me or are you in a hurry?
Yeah... No.
So, you talked about...
At the town meeting you talked
about historic place and Martha?
Are you a church going woman?
No, I'm not, I'm afraid I'm not.
Not anymore.
Do you believe in the afterlife?
I don't know, I guess.
Tell me, dear,
what is your greatest fear?
Losing a child?
What are you saying?
Your little girl?
You'd never get over that.
-I better go.
you misunderstand me.
Sit down, please.
Just one second.
Hold on.
Is this ever going to work?
Just a minute.
So Gretchen Caswell
is not just local color.
What do you mean?
I think she threatened me
and the kids.
What are you talking about?
I don't know.
Did we do something to offend her?
Why? What did she say?
She was asking all these questions
about me
and the kids and fears and...
I don't know.
She was asking questions?
Do you want me to call the police?
I don't know.
Maybe I imagined it.
I'll talk to her about it.
- Voil.
-Oh, you're a genius.
See ya.
Hey! Hey, slow down.
Gotta find the stone marker.
Dad, I found it.
Let's see...
This is it.
Daddy, what are you doing?
I'm marking the boundaries
of our territory, honey.
The animals mark the boundaries
of their territory with their scent.
That's gross.
Come in.
-See that way up there?
That's where daddy's going
to build his windmills.
-Yeah, it is cool.
Come on, let's go.
Lucy, come on!
-What's that?
What are you doing?
Molly, Lucy, c'mon down.
-Did Lucy see it too?
-No, I don't think so.
-Why? Did she say anything to you?
-What was it doing there anyway?
-What are we having?
-Pork chops.
What have you been doing
all alone up there, sweetheart?
-Playing with my friend.
-What friend?
-This isn't Pork Chops.
-No it isn't, Daddy's a funny guy.
-Shut-up, Lucy.
-We do not say shut-up in this house.
Mom, did you know that animals
mark their territory with their pee?
They do? Who told you that?
-It's natural.
-No, it's not.
Your father is crazy.
Yes, completely crazy.
And Lucy is too.
-Hey, knock it off with the French.
It's fun!
I don't understand any one of you.
Stop speaking French!
-I'll not listen to you anymore.
-How's the food?
Who's there?
She's back.
Don't you hear her?
She's out there.
Wake up! Wake up!
I've heard something.
-What did you hear?
-A voice. Something in the woods.
-What voice?
-I don't know. I went to check.
The door was slamming
in the barn
and it was like...
like a woman's voice.
I think it was Gretchen Caswell.
It's so late, honey.
Go back to bed.
-She scared the shit out of me.
-I'm sure she did.
Oh, God!
Oh, my God!
Nice to see some new faces.
-I'm Gretchen Caswell.
-I'm Guy Cooley.
I hope I didn't upset your wife
at the coffee shop the other day.
Well, you did as a matter of fact.
I'm sorry,
but I was trying to make a point.
Samantha Porter doesn't take
this situation seriously,
but she should and so should you.
This land should be left alone.
What a beautiful child!
-Thank you.
Come on, Molly.
Come on!
-How's it going?
What stinks?
I'm not really sure, honey.
Bet it's Lucy.
Hey, knock it off.
Mommy, we saw a funny lady
at church today.
-She had white hair.
-Was it Caswell?
She's harmless.
She just against the project.
Wanna come to church next time?
You haven't been
since Anna's funeral.
No, I'm not really ready... yet.
It's just a community thing.
It would look better if you came.
Don't push me, Guy.
I'm going to get out of these
clothes. You want to help me?
Of course not.
-What are you doing here?
I'm Guy Cooley,
I'm your new neighbor.
Yeah, I know who you are.
Oh, well...
I'm trying to figure out
what that smell is.
Clam bellies.
Clam bellies?
I was wondering if you might maybe
move it inside... inside your barn.
Maybe put some lids on it
so it's not so strong.
I'm just trying to be civil here.
The stuff smells like shit.
I'm trying to be neighborly.
Well, maybe I don't feel
like being neighborly.
Now from where I see it
you're trespassing.
Well, alright.
Jesus Fucking Christ!
I heard you call me, mommy.
I must have called you
in my sleep.
Let's go back to bed. Come on.
Dad, let's go. We don't want
to be late for the bus.
Have you heard the stories of all the
wives that went on back in the 70's?
-You're kidding me!
This was a very colorful town.
-Key parties and everything.
-Anyone you know?
-I could tell you stories, yeah.
I remember my grandmother
talking about this mural.
-She was furious when it was covered.
-This one?
She used to live in this house.
My maiden name is Keyes.
My family's lived on this land
for over 250 years.
Who are the Farnums?
Next door. Dodd's a Farnum.
They've been there for generations.
Just like our family.
No wife swapping between the Keyes
and the Farnums, I'll tell you that.
Have you ever heard
of anything in the woods?
What do you mean?
I don't know. Like voices?
Voices in the woods?
I thought I heard
something last night.
It must have been the wind.
There was a lot of wind
last night.
Why am I hearing a lot more
opposition to these windmills
than you initially lead me
to believe there'd be?
At the end of the day, Guy, people
know it's the right thing to do.
You know, I don't mean
to sound paranoid, but
this town doesn't seem
too excited about the project.
This is just the process, Guy.
-Leave the PR to me.
Do you know that someone left
a pig head on my property?
Gretchen has been wandering around
in my woods scaring my wife.
Everybody who knows Caswell
thinks she's certifiable.
Once the town votes in favor
of the project, which it will,
things will settle down.
You know, my family
has to live in this town too.
Of course you do.
So do I.
Come on.
Dodd just had a whole bunch
of clam bellies delivered.
He's feeding them to everything
that walks. It smells awful.
How unpleasant.
-I'll get into this Guy.
I've spoken to him about it, but
it's like talking to a brick wall.
Let me make a few calls.
I'd appreciate it.
-Good to see you.
-Good seeing you.
Good morning, Samantha.
-What do you want?
-What is that smell?
Clam bellies.
-Why clam bellies?
-They're cheap.
Well they smell awful.
Doesn't bother me.
Well, it bothers your neighbor.
A lot.
They're very effective.
Oh, Jonas!
This doesn't have anything
to do with your ghosts, does it?
It does, doesn't it?
What if it does?
Are you trying
to look like a fool?
You don't understand.
I need Cooley.
I gotta feed my pigs.
get rid of the clam bellies.
I gotta feed my pigs.
-May I help you?
I'm interested in learning
about our farm on Westminster Road
and the Keyes family
who owned it many years ago.
There's a history that was published
at about the turn of the century
that goes into great detail
about Lucy.
Lucy Keyes and her disappearance,
of course.
What are you doing?
Listening to the wind,
the wind in the trees.
-It's peaceful.
250 years ago a little girl,
Lucy Keyes
went blueberry picking
with her sister.
I'll race you to the stone wall,
They wandered into
these very woods.
A little while later,
Lucy's sister returned without her.
Where's your sister?
Where's Lucy?
I don't know. We were racing back.
I thought she returned ahead of me.
Well, she didn't.
She's supposed to be with you.
You're supposed to look after her.
You're the older one.
You were supposed
to be responsible for her.
And Lucy was never seen
or heard from again.
So what happened to Lucy?
People say she was abducted
by Indians,
but it was never proven.
It's always the Indians.
Well, there was never
a better explanation,
so that's what people believed.
They say Martha Keyes
actually stalked
and killed Indians
she found roaming on their land
to get revenge
for Lucy's disappearance.
Even now, when the wind blows
on the mountain,
some people say they can hear
Martha calling for her lost child.
It's just the wind, I'm sure.
I don't know,
some people have heard her.
Lucy says she's heard her.
Or it could just be Gretchen Caswell
creeping around in the woods.
I don't know.
I've never seen
so many trees in my entire life.
What are we doing here?
When are you going to clean up
the goddamn stench?!
People from all the neighboring
towns gathered
and traversed the woods
day after day, week after week,
searching for Lucy.
But no sign of her was found.
Martha continued searching
for the rest of her life
and was brought
to the edge of insanity
over the loss of her little girl.
Night and day she would comb
the mountain side calling for Lucy.
The echo from the edge of
the forests was the only reply.
Legend has it that her soul
will not rest
until she finds her lost child.
Who's my little girl?
-I am.
-Yes, you are.
-Sweet dreams only. Okay?
-I'll try.
Alright, good.
Where's Mommy?
She's coming back later.
Where'd you get this?
You miss your little sister,
don't you?
You can't go into that box anymore
because this doesn't belong to you.
I know.
And we can't tell mommy
about this either. Okay?
-This'll be our little secret.
Alright, good.
-I love you.
-I love you too, daddy.
-Good night, daddy.
-Good night. Sleep tight.
Where have you been?
I'm on a deadline and I can't really
afford to be baby-sitting all night.
I've been at the library.
Missing girl again?
How are the girls?
They're sleeping.
Did you talk to the neighbor
about the smell?
Yes, I did.
Total asshole.
Clam bellies.
Clam bellies?
He feeds them to his pigs.
I spoke to Samantha
about Dodd and the smell.
She's going to make some calls.
Robert Keyes fought
with his neighbor too.
Over pig feed?
Over property lines.
Oh, my God! Anna!
Help me!
What is it?
I had a dream.
What are you doing?
-I am going to check on the girls.
-Honey, they're fine.
I want to.
I'm starved. When's dinner?
It's almost ready.
Where is your sister?
Outside in the barn.
I couldn't stand the smell.
Lucy, dinner!
No. No!
Oh, God!
Lucy, what happened?
?My arm hurts!
Let mommy see.
I told you
the hay loft wasn't safe.
My doll!
Are you okay?
Hey, you're doing great.
Look at you.
God! Look at that!
You're going to go
for a ride to the hospital.
-I love you.
I'm going to see you
in one second.
I'm going to see you in one second,
honey. One second.
Come on, let's go.
Your project may not pass.
It has to pass.
Fine, from what I'm hearing,
it's not going to be a sure thing.
Why don't you let me worry
about this? Go and talk to Dodd.
He's giving Cooley some trouble
with his pig feed or something.
-Why don't you talk to him?
-You're the law, Bill,
he'll listen to you.
Fine. Fine.
Mom, it stinks!
-Yeah, can't you fix that?
-Daddy's working on it, supposedly.
Guy, what is this all about?
This is a purchase and sale agreement
between Samantha Porter
and the town
for the windmill property.
Wait, so Samantha owns the land?
I don't understand.
-Did she sell the land to the town?
-For 1.8 million dollars.
Who is this woman
you're working with?
What is she up to?
Where did you get that?
The deal's contingent on the windmill
project being approved.
And guess who shares
in the profits?
-Let me see that.
-I gave up everything for this?
I guess the smell hasn't gotten
any better from next door.
No, it hasn't.
How is your daughter?
I heard she took quite a spill.
Yeah, she broke her wrist.
She's fine.
This mural looks original.
Have a seat.
Thank you.
My husband is going to pay Jonas
a visit tomorrow.
With the health inspector.
Why haven't you ever mentioned
that the land being purchased
by the town belongs to you?
This project is too important,
I didn't want you to think there was
some conflict of interest.
There is!
This is no secret to anyone in town.
It never has been.
The guy who's been making our lives
miserable is your business partner!
Jonas is not my business partner.
Jonas is my cousin.
Our family owned the land.
Jonas is mentally disabled
and I'm the only one left
to look after him.
I have been doing everything
I possibly can for you, Guy.
Have you?
Because this isn't the way
I wanted to do things.
I'm so close to walking
on this project.
When we finally have the support
to move this project forward?
I am thinking of the big picture.
Changing the way people
think about energy.
It might be a small step,
but it's a valuable step.
And you know it is.
Don't disappoint me, Guy.
Come here, dear.
Robert Keyes had a hand
in building this church,
dates back to the early 1760s.
Everything changed
when you moved to town.
Why did you send me
that agreement?
I wanted you to know
who you are dealing with.
Desecrating those woods,
destroys every hope of Martha
ever finding her daughter.
Surely you understand
the pain of that loss.
-What happened to Lucy?
-No one knows.
What do you think happened to her?
I wouldn't let any kid
go into those woods.
No one ever found
Lucy Keyes again.
When the hell
did I get so popular?
Hello to you too, Jonas.
This is Bob Greenwood
from the board of health.
Good afternoon, Mr. Dodd.
We've received complaints about
the smell coming from your property.
It's a farm!
Goddamn city folks, isn't it?
I'm allowed to feed my pigs.
Absolutely. I don't want
to prevent you from doing that.
We are just here to formally request
that you clean up the clam bellies
and reduce the smell
to the surrounding area.
Otherwise, I'll have to hit you
with a cease and desist,
and a violation.
And I don't want to have to do that.
-Alright then.
Thank you.
got a second?
Yeah. Give me a minute.
She sent you, didn't she?
What does that matter?
Why are you feeding clam bellies
to your pigs?
-I need them.
Keeps away the spooks.
You're serious, aren't you?
They don't like
the smell of death.
Okay, Jonas.
You are a crazy bastard.
But you gotta clean that up.
Like hell I will.
The Secretary
of Environmental Affairs
looked at a whole slew of reports
from the Audubon Society
and a bunch of other environmental
groups and they determined
that there is really no need for
an Environmental Impact Report.
Probably because of the positive,
proactive nature of the project.
Can we reconsider
this windmill proposal in light
of the recent ghost sightings?
The board has intention of stalling
this based on what a small...
I know I am not the only person
in this room who has heard her.
Alright! Alright!
Now, unless there
is any further rational discussion,
I'll entertain a motion
to vote.
So moved.
On the question of
whether the town approves
the construction of a wind farm
on the South West slope
of Wachusett Mountain.
All those in favor?
-All those opposed?
The results are too close
to count with a verbal vote,
so we will move to a counting
of hands. All those in favor?
Keep your hands up.
All those opposed.
Thank you.
The question passes
with 41 for,
37 opposed.
Thank you very much.
I told you it would pass.
Yeah, barely.
Like you said, change is hard,
but in the end they come around.
And it made you
a very wealthy woman.
-How's the smell from next door?
-Great. Thanks.
It was the least I could do.
What's up?
It smells so good.
This is the way
it's supposed to smell.
It's nice.
Yes, it is.
I'm sorry about the other day,
I didn't mean to snap at you.
-Where are the kids?
-Watching TV.
What are you doing?
I love you so much.
Me too.
-Lucy, honey, what is it?
-I can't sleep.
I keep thinking about
the lady in the woods.
There's no lady in the woods.
She just wants her Lucy back,
Of course she does, sweetheart.
Mommies always want
their children back.
C'mon, let's go back to bed.
It's you! It's because of you.
It's because of you.
It's because of you she's here.
Now just go.
Go before someone gets hurt.
-Get out!
-It's because of you.
Don't come any closer.
You go!
This time he's gone too far.
I mean, how can you go threatening
your neighbors with a shot gun?
I know, I know, don't worry,
I'll take care of everything.
Jonas, where are you?
Stay right there.
Jonas, what's going on?
They got to go.
They got to go!
Jonas, how can you ruin
everything right now?
Bill, wait!
I want to go with you.
-Mommy! Mommy!
-Go away!
Open the door! Jeanne!
-What's going on in there?
-What's going on?
-Go back to your room.
Go away!
Lucy, she's gone.
Jeanne! Lucy!
Are you okay?
-It's okay.
Are you awake?
How do you expect me to sleep?
That door would not open.
Do you believe me now?
It doesn't...
It doesn't make sense.
I know is what I saw.
-Molly, you're home?
-Yup. Soccer got canceled.
-Where's your sister?
-I dunno.
Your mommy's looking for you.
I know.
-You found my doll.
-No, she's my doll.
I found her in the barn.
-I have a trade for you.
-No, I don't want to trade her.
-But this is a secret.
-A secret?
Shut up!
Shut up!
Where are the papers?
I know I put them right there.
-Lucy, where were you?
Don't lie to me!
You were at Dodd's house,
weren't you?
I don't ever want you to go there.
Do you understand me!?
Now go to your room!
To the family of Robert Keyes.
I, Eli Farnum, am an old man.
I cannot die
till I tell the true story
of Lucy Keyes
and the sin I committed
against Robert and Martha
after their passing.
Keyes and I
quarreled about the line fence
between our farms,
and the referees decided
against me.
One day,
I was crossing the path
near Keyes' field,
when I saw the child,
She saw me
and appeared frightened,
as if I were a wild beast.
She began to run away.
My anger was aroused and
I gave chase.
I did not mean to kill her,
but mad with hate and fear,
I struck her three heavy blows
on the head with a stone.
Oh, my God!
I hid the body in a hollow log.
Where are the documents, Jonas?
They took them.
You took them.
I know you were in my house.
Where did you put
the deed and the letter?
-It doesn't matter.
-Of course it matters.
You don't want to lose this house,
do you?
Come on out, Jonas.
Give me the hammer.
The hammer.
It's alright.
Be ready.
Come on.
That's it.
It's alright.
Quiet! Quiet!
-It's okay.
-No, it's our Lucy! It's our Lucy!
-Lucy's gone.
-I know, sweetheart.
Lucy, come on out, honey.
if you're hiding, come out.
Hey, Cooley,
what the hell is going on here?
Is this some kind of joke? You got
my wife scared out of her gourd.
No, it's not a goddamn joke.
We can't find Lucy, she's missing.
-Did you find her?
-She's not in the house?
-I'll call the police.
-I already did.
I have another flashlight
in the barn, can you help me?
-I'll stay here for the police.
I'll wait with you.
Why don't you go in the house.
It's freezing out here.
Just go inside.
So you've heard her too,
haven't you?
Yeah, I've heard her.
-Why didn't you say anything?
-I've heard it in for years.
I didn't want anyone
to think I was crazy.
You're not crazy, Sheila.
I've heard her, you've heard her.
Dodd has heard her. Okay?
Lucy was at his house today.
She was there.
-I'll stay with Molly.
Chief Kemper!
-She's gone to Dodd's.
You check out this barn.
I'll look in the house.
You got it chief.
He killed...
He killed my baby!
Come with me. Come with me.
Come on. I'll take you home.
Oh my God! Holy shit!
After the search parties were gone
I retrieved her body
and hid it for good
in a makeshift crypt,
in the abandoned barn
on the Keyes property.
Setting fire to the barn,
I was certain
no one would ever find her.
My ugly hate persisted
and I found a way to take back
what was rightfully mine.
After Martha and Robert's passing
I was
able to switch
the deeds to our lands
with those of my own creation.
There's a barn... somewhere,
I can't...
It burned down years ago. There's
a foundation behind Dodd's property.
OK, that's where Lucy is.
Call Kemper. Okay?
Guy! I know where she is.
It's all about the land deal.
-I found her basket.
-Lucy went to find Lucy Keyes.
Come on. This way.
The site of the old barn
should be this way.
Farnum killed Lucy Keyes
over a land dispute. Listen.
Samantha and Dodd knew
the land wasn't theirs to sell.
And we can't let it happen again.
Did you hear that?
No, no, quiet. Quiet!
Be quiet!
Oh my God!
Over here.
The crypt. The crypt!
Where is it?
Come on!
Here. Here.
Go, go, go! Call someone.
Look at me, Lucy.
Lucy, open your eyes, baby.
# Can you hear her calling out?
# Can you wipe away her tears?
# Lay comfort to her screams
# that the banshees carry on?
# Yeah.
# There's a sadness in her eyes
# as she dances all alone.
# The shadow of her face
# shows the anguish in her soul.
# Calling out her name
# every night.
# Whispered by the wind
# through the trees.
# Echos of her cries
# never cease
# till she looks in the eyes
# of her lost child.
# Yeah.