Legend of the Lone Ranger, The (1981)

You got him! You got him!
Sit down. Get down.
We ain't never going to find
that damn little redskin.
When I do, I'm going to scalp him.
The little Injun's somewhere.
Get down.
There's the Reid place.
Come on, we're missing it.
The ranch.
The ranch!
Ma! Dad!
Ma! Ma!
Ma! Ma!
Ma! Ma!
Oh, Ma. Why did you...
Why did you have to die?
Though we cannot see
those that are dear to us
does not mean that they
are no longer with us.
Keep your parents alive within you,
and their spirits will never die.
While you are here,
do not stand apart.
Follow the Indian way.
Be one of us.
Tonto will teach you.
The legend started simply,
just a boy without a home.
Taken in by Indians,
but still pretty much alone.
He had to struggle with strange customs
and his own fears from within.
He learned the wisdom of the forest.
He learned the ways of the wind.
I recognize my familiar voice
as a truth bearer that tells me what to do
and what is just
and which trail to follow...
the trail of justice.
Dan? Dan!
Hey, John. Johnny.
Oh, I knew you'd come.
Anyway, Johnny, it's all arranged.
You're gonna go stay
with Aunt Martha in Detroit.
Please, Dan, let me
stay with you, please.
I belong here.
From this moment,
wherever you go,
whatever you do,
you will always be kemo sabe.
Trusted friend.
Damn dust.
Where you want these at?
Wait for what?
That's worth waiting for, all right.
Are you going to Del Rio?
Sure going to try, ma'am.
Need help?
Thank you. I'll manage.
Get on up the road! Come on, boys!
You manage very well.
Would one of you gentlemen
please change places with me?
I can't read riding backwards.
I've been in this seat
for three days now, lady.
It's warm and lucky.
I beg your pardon.
Thank you.
John. John Reid.
Thank you, Mr. Reid.
She's a wonderful writer, isn't she?
Are you familiar with her?
Well, actually,
I prefer Century of Dishonor.
I haven't read it.
Well, you should.
You don't ever go blind. Never.
Dark eyeglasses.
Solar spectacles!
This is why I came out west.
To manufacture, you know?
You're a man of vision, sir.
Very good.
So how about you, young man?
I'm an attorney. I'm starting my practice.
A lawyer.
If we didn't have lawyers,
we wouldn't have crooks.
You know, I think you're
gonna sell a pair of these
to everybody in Texas.
Jal I will. I will.
American opportunity, Mr. Reid.
Take advantage.
What the hell was that?
Road agents!
Here's what we're getting paid for, kid!
Get the horse!
Get up in there!
- I can't!
- Get their goddamn horse!
Indians! Indiana!
Get on up the road!
What the hell is he doing?
- He can't outrun them.
- But he's gonna try.
He could get us killed.
Get up!
Get on, boy!
Do any of you gentlemen have a gun?
Yes, ma'am. I do.
Well, use it, then!
It's not my fight, lady.
But it's mine. Give it to me!
I'm not a coward.
So much for American opportunity.
Jump on it and stop it!
Get up in there!
Whoa! Whoa.
Let's have the pouch.
We ain't got no gold.
We ain't got no cash box.
The pouch!
Hell, all I got is letters and packages.
They ain't worth it.
Them's government papers.
- Let's go.
- What? Just leave them here?
- Them's our orders.
- Who's going to tell?
- Well, make it fast.
- All right.
- Come on!
- I'm hurrying.
What the hell are you doing in there?
Nothing, nothing! Nothing.
Nothing don't take that long.
But she might.
Kill him! Kill the bandit!
- No!
- Do it!
I would like to thank you.
Well, you can thank me
by telling me your name.
Amy. Amy Striker.
They held up the Overland!
They held up the Overland!
They held up the Overland!
Everybody's been killed! They're all dead!
Del Rio was a town in trouble,
a town with a gun in its back,
plagued by crimes
that just wouldn't stop
and cursed with a sheriff
who wore black.
So you'd think they'd be suspicious,
but simple folks rarely are.
They're willing to trust their law
to just about any man who wears a star.
Here's the sheriff.
They killed Shotgun
and one of the passengers.
Amy! Amy!
There was five of 'em.
This is what's left.
Oh, Amy. Thank God.
Two of them, huh?
Well, they'll each hang twice.
They wore the gray hoods, Sheriff.
Cavendish gang.
They's after these land grants.
Come on.
What's going to happen
to those two outlaws?
They're gonna take them
to San Anton'
Do you need a deposition?
I don't know.
You got one you want to get rid of?
Oh, Mr. Reid. I'm Lucas Striker.
My uncle.
Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir.
Amy told me what you did.
I just can't thank you enough.
Why, if anything happened to her...
Well, uh, you know,
your niece was very
courageous, sir.
She never compromised an inch.
Perhaps you might join us
for supper tonight?
Thank you. I'd like to, but I can't.
I have to be at the ranger
post before dark.
Oh, are you joining the rangers?
No, sir. My brother.
I see.
You shouldn't have come.
You've got an education.
You're a lawyer, for Christ's sakes!
You got a chance
to make something out of your life,
but this is not the place.
Dan, what's happened?
I mean, what's wrong?
You just don't understand.
These are tough times.
John, I got enough hurt in my life
without having to worry about you, too.
When I was 10 years old,
you sent me away to learn,
and I learned.
But the most important thing I learned
was that I belong here.
You don't understand.
It's still a frontier.
It forces you to make sacrifices,
to make choices.
Your heart can't tell you what to do.
Your gut tells you.
we're the last of the Reids.
You're my brother.
Can't you understand
that you don't belong here?
Dan, I've come home,
and my gut tells me that I'm going to stay.
One day she just packed up,
took Danny back to Richmond.
Well, maybe she'll change her mind.
Not till we make it safe out here.
Safe so a man can raise a family
and provide for them.
But I don't know.
This territory is endless.
That just may be impossible.
Bastards come out of nowhere, strike...
and just disappear.
I don't even know where they hole up.
Who's that?
The Cavendish gang.
They're the ones who robbed the stage.
Cavendish don't rob stages.
Cavendish robs ranches.
They've been grabbing land,
driving the owners off,
robbing, killing, burning.
Who is this Cavendish?
Butch Cavendish.
Butch for butcher.
Major in the Union Army,
dishonorably discharged.
Grant court-martialed him
right after the Battle of Chattanooga.
Now he's heading
an outlaw army in Texas.
you know you'll get him.
You going to see him
when he comes out here?
Grant's coming out here.
He's going to hunt buffalo,
make speeches.
Everybody in the whole town's
going to turn out there
and wave little flags at him.
I'd like to piss on him.
He's the President of the United States.
He's a liar and a drunk.
Piss on the President.
Piss on the Cabinet.
They ain't going to help
us out here, you know.
In Texas,
robbers are outlaws.
In Washington...
robbers are elected.
Ain't that right?
Huh, little brother?
Well, it is.
I don't want to talk about it anymore.
Butch Cavendish lived undisturbed,
waging his private war,
and men who made mistakes
were simply men he could not afford.
Some say he was a monster,
and others called him mad.
Let's just say Butch Cavendish
was everything that's bad.
Dale Wesley Stillwell
and Robert Edward Gattlin,
it is the finding of this military tribunal
that you are in violation
of the articles of war,
and your undisciplinary conduct
resulted in the failure
of a military objective.
it is the pronouncement
of this tribunal
that you be executed
by firing squad forthwith.
- Mr. Perlmutter.
- Sir?
Carry out the orders of the tribunal.
Yes, sir.
And load.
Major Cavendish, sir.
What is it?
Well, sir, it seems to me, sir,
that they just did
what most men would've done.
I have no room for
ordinary men, Mr. Wiatt.
We are on a course that will alter
the history of this country.
Men who do not obey orders
for the sake of their
own personal gains...
are a clear and present
danger to my plan.
Do I make myself understood?
Yes, sir, you do.
Proceed, Mr. Perlmutter.
Yes, sir.
Assume the firing position!
Mira, miral
It's really exciting, isn't it?
Dan, there's somebody
I'd like you to meet.
Come on.
- Lucas.
- Hello, Captain.
- Good to see you.
- Nice to see you.
Good evening, Mr. Reid.
Captain, this is my niece Amy.
She's on her way to San Francisco.
How do you do?
Well, John's told me a lot about you.
I read your article
in the paper this morning.
Oh, did you like it?
Well, it made me sound like a hero.
I enjoyed your editorial
about Cavendish, Mr. Striker.
Thank you.
If more folks laid it on the table like you,
we could put an end to him.
We'll stop him, Captain.
Which reminds me, I've got to get
tomorrow's edition out.
So if you'll excuse me?
Do you need me to help?
Oh, no, Amy. Stay here
and have a good time.
Gentlemen, good night.
Nice party.
Isn't it?
Uh, yeah... yes, ma'am.
All this talking makes me dry.
It was very nice
to have met you, Miss Amy.
Oh, it was my pleasure, Captain.
Nice party.
You said that already.
I did, didn't I?
I have a feeling
you're going to be a very important lawyer.
I just want to make sure
the West has an honest
system of justice.
Oh, you sound just like my uncle.
Oh, you remembered.
A Century of Dishonor.
Thank you.
I'd like you to keep it.
I will.
Will you write me and tell me
how you like San Francisco?
Yes, of course.
Maybe you could...
send some articles or stories
that you've written.
Of course.
So I guess this is good-bye.
For now.
Maybe we should go back.
Amy, l...
I think we should go back.
Captain Reid! Captain Reid!
Captain Reid!
What happened?
El periodico.
The Dispatch.
Get the horses.
Ai, carambal
Amy, wait here.
Uncle Lucas.
Uncle Lucas!
No. No.
- Please, no.
- Amy, Amy.
Uncle Lucas.
All he lived for was his newspaper.
- Collins!
- There's tracks, sir!
Six riders, heading north.
Mount up.
I wish I had an answer for you, Amy.
John, where the hell are you going?
With you.
Well, let's get 'em.
Please come back.
Well, this is about right.
I got my best party shirt on
for something like this?
Look at Lopez. Don't hear him griping.
He had every swirling
chiquita in the place
wanting to marry him.
Now he's out here riding with us
for glory and God and Texas.
Hey, Stephenson,
why don't you swallow
that damn stinking cigar?
Yeah, I could,
but it sure keeps my nose warm.
I'm beginning to strongly dislike
this Cavendish fellow.
Yeah. I wonder if he knows
the rangers are riding right up his ass.
A great place for a picnic.
Where the hell are we?
Bryant's Gap.
Captain, you want
I should ride up ahead,
take a look?
Yeah, okay, Collins,
but you watch yourself.
Always do, Captain.
Get over there, Tex.
Good boy.
Wait till you meet my kid.
You're going to love him.
Not if he's anything like you.
Well, he is.
Spitting damn image.
No, thanks.
You don't know what you're missing.
His mother's gonna let him
come out and visit for Christmas.
You really miss him, don't you?
Look, uh...
if anything was ever to happen to me...
I want you to check on him for me.
Nothing's going to happen to you.
If it was gonna happen, it would have
happened a long time ago.
Yeah, I suppose.
But just the same, you know,
would you? In case?
You know how a boy needs a father.
What's this for?
It's for you.
You can't be shooting
outlaws without it.
You should know that.
There's Collins.
Mount up.
Where is he now?
Let's get the hell out of here.
Ain't no pass here now!
Go back!
We got to get out the other way!
The other way!
Come on!
Hi, kid.
How do you like being a ranger?
More than anything.
Yeah, great life, ain't it?
I've been a ranger longer
than you've been alive.
Been in San Anton' with big Sam Houston.
Fought alongside McCullough
in the Mexican War.
Rode with Kit Carson and John Coffee Hays.
All those years, kid, I learned one thing.
What was that?
It ain't the bullet that gets you.
It's the fall.
John! John!
- Dan!
- Stay down, John!
Oh. Oh, Dan.
At least this time we were together.
Weren't we?
Weren't we, little brother?
No, Dan.
Pick up the hymn books, boys.
It's all over.
Yes, sir.
Go down and check the bodies.
Sir, couldn't you send
somebody else, sir?
You rode with them.
Well, yes, sir, I did, but...
One thing about that Cavendish,
he knew how to set a trap.
And he finished off the rangers
that day in Bryant's Gap.
And Collins had to check them all
till Butch was satisfied.
Dead men lying everywhere,
and bloody brothers side by side.
It'd seem too coincidental
if the only survivor wasn't wounded.
Yes, sir, Major.
Maybe they'll give you a medal.
Dan. Dan!
Kemo sabe.
Kemo sabe.
And Tonto recognized John Reid
by the amulet he wore.
But John had once saved Tonto's life,
so this evened up the score.
Tonto had to hide his friend
and keep him out of town
'cause if Butch had known
that one ranger lived,
he was sure to hunt him down.
The white man has made
many promises to us,
yet they keep only one.
They promised to take
our land from us,
and they took it.
You see the suffering and the misery
they bring to your people,
yet you bring one to us
to nurse back to health.
Tonto, why?
Nobody has reason to fill
their hearts with hatred
for the white man more than I.
He's taken from me
my wife and my child,
but the man I brought here
is my brother.
And I will protect his life
with my own if I have to.
And if I'm wrong
and he proves to be an enemy,
then I, Tonto, will decorate my lance
with his white man's hair.
But until that day comes,
let him not be judged by his color,
but by his heart
as a man and a friend.
What is it that brings
two friends together
or sends the waves to the sand?
And what is it that drives
a creature of nature
to reach out to the world of man?
Just such a creature was
this great white horse,
as wise and as wild as a runaway,
and the moment John
first laid eyes on him,
he swore he'd ride him someday.
Maybe you need a bigger target,
like a sleeping buffalo.
Try this.
A silver bullet.
It's more accurate.
Tribal chiefs first used
silver on their arrows.
It makes them fly longer and straighter.
Silver is pure.
It's been a symbol of justice and purity
since the year of the sun.
Well, good morning.
Look at him.
He shines like the moon.
Like silver.
Easy, boy.
Easy, boy.
That's a boy.
Easy, Silver.
Easy, boy.
Good boy.
When I found you,
I was searching for the men
that raided my village.
I seek right.
I will not be herded like soldier's sheep
from pen to pen
or issued my food and clothing
by government agents.
I am man and am free
to die for what I feel.
And the day might not be
many winter counts away
when all men will be brothers.
A new Indian nation
will come out of this time of change,
strong and proud and united.
Well, then, let brother
ride with brother.
If I am to find Cavendish,
I can no longer appear as John Reid.
Cavendish and his men must think
that all the rangers were
killed in the massacre,
and only then will I be free
to avenge my brother's death.
We will go back to Bryant's Gap
and dig one more grave.
John Reid will...
be buried with his brother
and the rangers forever.
I swear to you, Dan,
no matter how long it takes,
no matter where they are,
I will find them.
What Cavendish
and men like him owe you,
they will pay in full.
There will be justice in the West.
To this, my brother, I pledge my life.
Hi-yo, Silver!
Now John Reid was just a memory.
The masked man
had taken his place.
But that doesn't mean
his heart wasn't touched
when he saw Amy Striker's face.
Amy had stayed to do her uncle's work
and to keep his dreams alive,
but unless the masked man
could find Cavendish,
true justice would never survive.
You're too late, mister.
Some old bar dog got all of my money.
The brave survivor of Bryant's Gap.
That's right.
What was it like?
It was like hell.
I don't know who it was.
Why are you wearing a mask?
Because I'm in hiding...
like you are.
What are you getting at, mister?
I want you to take me to Cavendish.
How would I know Cavendish?
You led the rangers to him.
And now you're going
to lead me to him.
No, see, you got it all wrong.
I'm a big hero around here.
Isn't that right?
What did they promise you?
Was it money? Land?
What was worth having
your friends slaughtered?
You're crazy.
And I don't know what the hell
you're talking about.
You know what I'm talking about.
Where is he?
I don't know Cavendish.
Why did he set up the rangers?
I know what happened there.
For Christ's sake, mister.
L... I can't.
You can, and you will.
Collins, tell me.
The train.
What train?
The train. He wants the train.
The masked man.
Looks like you're going to hang alone.
Coal tender...
soldier's car,
club car,
presidential car.
Are we clear, gentlemen?
Yes, sir.
Whitloff and Richardson.
Yes, sir.
Eastman and Neeley.
Yes, sir.
the President.
- String him up!
- He was a hero!
That's no way for him to die
after what he went through!
Well, he's civilized for an Indian!
What kind of law do they understand?
Swift, short, and certain!
Let's string him up!
Wald's bringing them here.
Just like he said.
Hey, Crazy Horse, you're on your way
to the Happy Hunting Grounds.
They look like a herd of buffalo.
They're going to be tough to control.
Order! Order!
Don't get in the way, Wiatt.
We're taking the Indian.
- Now just step aside.
- Now, you listen to me.
Two or three of you want to go in there
and get him, that's all right.
I don't want the rest of you
dirtying up the place.
You, you, and you, go get him.
There's only one kind of good Indian.
I don't guess anyone stopped to ask
what Tonto was guilty of.
That didn't stop them
from wanting to see him
swinging high above.
But Tonto showed no sign of fear,
and he held onto a fervent hope
that the masked man
wouldn't let his blood brother hang
from the end of a rope.
This is for Eddie Collins.
Those Cavendish boys
had been working real hard
going over each step of their plan.
Meanwhile, old Butch
was mighty disturbed
by reports of a strange masked man.
But he wouldn't let rumors
mess up his scheme.
So he set out on his final campaign.
He and his boys
rode to the rendezvous
with President Grant's private train.
Miss Striker!
Miss Striker!
Yes, Manuel?
There's a padre wants to see you
in the church right away.
Father Monteleone?
No! Another padre.
He said it was very important,
and I promised that I would bring you.
in that case, I'd best
go see what he wants.
You must have done
something real bad, Miss Striker.
More coffee, sir?
Thank you. Thank you.
You're welcome.
Oh! General. Come in, come in!
Gentlemen, gentlemen,
I'd like you to meet
our new guest,
General Aurelio Rodriguez.
He's joining us for the hunt.
- Mr. President.
- General.
I'd like to introduce
the legendary Wild Bill Hickok!
Oh, Seor Hickok.
How do you do, sir?
Right there is the famous
Buffalo Bill Cody.
Howdy, General.
Seor Buffalo.
And you know, of course,
Brigadier George Armstrong Custer.
Sit down, General.
Armstrong, move over there.
Let the general sit,
or I'll send you up to Montana.
You sent for me, Father?
Yes, my child.
Your writings, they are very brave
but dangerous.
What do you mean, Father?
In my travels, I have met
a man who wears a mask
but is dedicated to law and order.
He wants you to know
that he will not stop
until he has brought Cavendish
and his men to justice.
Well, until he finds Cavendish,
I shall simply continue
with my writings.
No, you must not.
You will be hurt.
In here, quickly. Please.
You see, Father,
I cannot stop my writing.
It is my only weapon.
It is all I have.
I understand.
Thank you, Father.
I am most grateful for your concern.
Now, with respect,
you must excuse me.
I'm on my way to a meeting
for President Grant's arrival.
The President?
Yes. He's arriving here
on the afternoon train.
Although I suspect
the children are more eager
to see Buffalo Bill than
they are to see the President.
My God!
What is the matter, Father?
You should have gone
to San Francisco.
What did you say?
I must go.
The masked man?
Trust him.
The Del Rio is the
next stop, Mr. President.
I want to be there and gone
in three minutes, not a breath more.
Yes, Mr. President.
Where the hell is Del Rio?
look what I have to put up with.
Well, I'll leave you on your own.
I have to rewrite that speech
for whatever the name
of that town is.
Right turnabout.
Which way?
Through the gorge. We'll save hours.
Let's go, Silver.
Come on, Scout.
The next time we play
poker in Mexico, yes?
No, I don't think so.
Ah, gentlemen. Come in, come in.
Sit down, gentlemen. Sit down.
Now listen to this, see how you like it.
"And I, as your president,
"am ready to defend the lives
of American citizens at any cost."
How do you like it?
Sounds damn good, sir.
Look, when I was out here
three years ago,
these hills were black with buffalo.
I've been here three days,
I haven't seen a single one.
Cody, what happened to them?
I shot 'em.
Now, here, here, gentlemen.
The plight of the buffalo
and the American Indian,
in these times,
is no laughing matter.
Now, with that, you'll excuse me.
I think I'll take a short nap.
- Mr. President.
- Mr. President.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
The train.
Let's go, Silver.
Switch it.
I am Major Bartholomew Cavendish,
and you, Mr. President,
are my prisoner.
So Cavendish had pulled it off
and vanished without firing a shot.
The masked man and Tonto
had to move fast
and ride while his trail was still hot.
They didn't know what he intended to do,
but the life at stake
was President Grant's.
Perhaps Butch would hold him.
Perhaps Butch would kill him.
They just couldn't take that chance.
Tell me one thing.
Are you here to rescue Grant
or to get Cavendish?
I signed your court-martial?
I don't remember.
What happened wasn't my fault.
Never is.
I got that at Shiloh.
Cavalry Major's.
It was his last glorious charge.
Poor bastard.
Look around you, sir.
Do you see chaos, discontent?
Or do you see respect and order?
I hadn't really noticed.
You and the United States
will notice my country,
the Republic of New Texas.
The manifest destiny of the United States
will be impaired only slightly.
Major Cavendish,
you are a diseased son of a bitch.
I'd like your opinion.
No, thank you.
"To Mr. Hamilton Fish,
Secretary of State.
"Dear sir,
"Whereas the government
of the United States
"has failed to provide proper protection
"for American citizens,
"and whereas it has failed
to provide honest leadership
and moral courage..."
"let it be known that I,
Major Bartholomew Cavendish,
"firmly resolve to hold the President
"of the United States as my prisoner
"until I am deeded
sovereign right of ownership
"to the lands of Texas
specified in this document.
"Furthermore, I demand that
these lands be granted to me
"by an irrevocable act
of the Congress of the United States
"no later than 30 days
after the date set above,
or the life of Ulysses S. Grant
shall be forfeit."
Sign as witness, please.
Very good.
You think so?
Yes, marvelous.
But 30 days is too long to give 'em.
I'd change that.
They'll dicker and debate
and scratch their indecisive asses,
and by the time they sober up,
I'll be dead.
You may be right.
it'll be interesting to see.
Wake up, Sheriff.
Where's the President?
I don't know what the hell
you're talking about.
He's in the next room.
I don't know how in
the hell you got in here,
but you...
Mr. President.
- Yes?
- Excuse me, sir.
Eh, Christ! Now what?
We're here to help.
You don't look like
someone who could help me,
and neither does he.
Here's a gun.
Trust us, sir.
We're going to get you out of here.
Follow me, sir.
This way.
Light the fuses.
Damn me! The horses!
The horses are loose!
The horses!
Soak up lead, you sons of bitches!
The horses! The horses!
- Jesus, what was that?
- What's going on?
Let me get my pants on. We'll see.
Come on! Let's go see!
- How'd they get in here?
- Where's my horse?
Hey, where the hell
you going and leaving me?
You're safer here, Mr. President.
Yeah, but I can help ya!
I've been in a few battles myself, son!
Now you're President,
so keep your head down.
Come on, boys! Go get them!
Come on!
Get 'em all! Every one!
Let's get the hell out of here.
Come on, boys!
Do it!
Your sins will be paid for
in the fires of hell.
- Take him away.
- Yes, sir.
May I know, sir,
to whom am I so indebted?
Mr. President, please allow me
to remain anonymous.
I hope you'll understand.
Well, I respect your dedication,
and I will honor your request.
Tonto, I thank you and I salute you.
Thank me by honoring your treaties
with my people.
Yes. We will try. You have my word.
Mr. President.
May God ride with you.
Who is that masked man?
Hi-yo, Silver!
Hi-yo, Silver!
With his friend Tonto,
the daring and resourceful
masked rider of the plains
led the fight for law and order
in the early Western United States.
Nowhere in the pages of history
can one find a greater
champion of justice.
The Lone Ranger rides againl
Subtitled By J.R. Media Services, Inc.
Burbank, CA